Self-treatment of stuttering in adults. Where to treat logoneurosis? Which doctor treats stuttering in adults?

Stuttering is considered one of the most persistent. This pathology can appear at any age, but in most cases it can be diagnosed in children who are beginning to speak.

The sooner the disease is treated, the greater the chance of getting rid of the disease forever. Treatment is carried out comprehensively and includes several types of techniques. We will talk about the causes and treatment of stuttering in children in this article.

Concept and characteristics

Stuttering is speech impediment caused by certain disorders of the central nervous system.

This pathology manifests itself against the background of convulsions of the articulatory organs and manifests itself in the form of repetition of individual sounds during the formulation of a thought.

The child has difficulty pronouncing words. Some sounds may not only be repeated, but also be accompanied by specific and forced stops in speech. In medical terminology, stuttering is "logoneurosis".

What could be causing it?

Stuttering may be congenital or acquired. In the first case, the key role is played by the period of pregnancy, the state of health of the parents, labor and diseases suffered during the newborn period.

Stuttering can develop not only at the initial stages of speech development, but also during school or adolescence. For example, such a pathology often becomes a consequence of retraining a left-handed person.

Why does a child stutter? Causes of stuttering in children the following factors may be involved:

Forms and degrees

In medical practice, stuttering is divided into several types depending on the stage of development of the pathology, its etiology, as well as certain types of symptoms. According to the degree of progression, the disease can be light, medium and heavy.

The first stage is accompanied by a weak manifestation of signs of stuttering, which arise under the influence of external factors. The average degree of pathology manifests itself in the form of stuttering during speech. A severe form of stuttering is characterized by pronounced symptoms.

Other stuttering classifications:

  • by the nature of convulsive states of the speech apparatus (mixed, articulatory, vocal, tonic, respiratory, clonic and clonic-tonic form);
  • by the nature of occurrence (constant, recurrent and wave-like form);
  • by etiology (neurotic and neurosis-like stuttering).

How does it manifest?

The first symptoms of stuttering usually appear in children aged 3-5 years.

The child has difficulty pronouncing words. It is possible to recognize the signs of stuttering without conducting a special examination.

Symptoms of the disease can be permanent or temporary. For example, stuttering may be caused by a child's anxiety or embarrassment. Such conditions are also needs to be treated.

Symptoms Childhood stuttering manifests itself in the following conditions:

  1. When trying to start speech, the child experiences convulsions of the speech apparatus.
  2. The child’s speech is accompanied by increased facial expressions (increased blinking, flaring of the wings of the nose, etc.).
  3. While pronouncing words, the child pauses and repeats individual sounds.
  4. Breathing problems when pronouncing certain sounds (for example, deep breaths).
  5. At an older age, children can use specific tricks to disguise their stuttering (at the moment of a pause, the child may begin to smile, cough or yawn).


In the process of diagnosing stuttering in children Several specialists are involved. The child must be examined by a speech therapist, neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and pediatrician.

When identifying the causes of a speech defect, family history must be taken into account.

If stuttering is passed on to a child at the genetic level, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

Diagnosis of childhood stuttering carried out using the following methods:

  • general assessment of the child’s speech;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • MRI of the brain;

Basic methods of treatment and correction

What to do? How to treat the disease? Stuttering goes away without special treatment measures only in isolated cases.

Such a speech defect must be eliminated, and therapy should begin at the first signs of disruption in the child’s process of sound reproduction.

Speech therapy classes, breathing exercises, some types of special massage and computer programs will help correct the situation. In most cases, therapy involves mandatory medication intake to normalize the functioning of damaged parts of the brain.

Speech therapy classes

A set of speech therapy exercises is developed for each child individually. First, a comprehensive examination of the baby is carried out, the causes of the disease are determined, and the degree of pathology is determined.

Only after studying the clinical picture of the disease, the speech therapist chooses classes, the regular implementation of which will speed up the process of normalizing the child’s speech.

Examples of speech therapy exercises:

  1. "Funny carousels"(the child slowly walks in a circle, saying with the speech therapist the phrase “we are funny carousels, opa-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tata-tata”).
  2. "Chicks"(the child jumps on one leg, repeating the phrases “clap-top-clap”, “oof-iv-av”, “tap-tip-rap-rop-tsip-tsip”).
  3. "Conductor"(the speech therapist portrays a conductor; when raising his hands, the child chants vowel sounds, and when bringing his hands together, consonants).

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are carried out with the child based on the methodology developed A.N. Strelnikova. You can stand or sit while performing the complex. Inhalations are always made sharply, and exhalations are smooth and slow.

Exercises can be combined with games to make it more interesting for the child to reproduce them.

Examples of exercises:


Acupressure for stuttering in children is aimed at influencing certain areas of the speech apparatus.

Smooth massaging movements should be applied to the corners of the lips, the area near the sinuses, earlobes, the bridge of the nose, the middle of the chin and the tip of the nose. During the massage, you can turn on relaxing music or recite calm poems.

Computer programs

For the treatment of stuttering in children, they are especially popular. special computer programs. They are approved and used by many specialists.

The programs can also be used for home treatment of speech defects in children.

Their main goal is reproducing correct speech intonation and impact on the child’s speech apparatus by playing with a simulator.

Examples of computer programs:

  • Demosthenes;
  • Speak gentle;
  • Dr. Fluence.


The use of medications is an auxiliary treatment method for stuttering. Taking certain types of drugs is prescribed to normalize brain function and eliminate pathologies of the central nervous system.

If you take medications and do not treat with basic methods, the therapy will have no effect.

If a child stutters, the following types may be prescribed: drugs:

  • anticonvulsants (Epileptal, Phenibut);
  • remedies from the homeopathic range (Tenoten);
  • drugs with a sedative effect (Motherwort, Valerian);
  • nootropic products (Piracetam, Actovegin);
  • tranquilizers (selected individually).

What can you do at home?

Is it possible to treat a baby at home? Home exercises to eliminate stuttering must be carried out without fail.

You can sing songs with your child so that he learns to stretch out sounds, play games that involve playing certain sounds in combination with specific movements.

The set of such exercises can be specified from a doctor or specialized teacher.

The following measures can be taken to treat stuttering at home:

  1. Introduce into the child's diet sedatives based on medicinal herbs (decoctions of lemon balm, chamomile or St. John's wort).
  2. Repetition speech therapy classes, breathing exercises and acupressure (you must first ask specialists about simple exercises that can be easily reproduced at home).
  3. When talking with a child, special attention is paid eye contact.
  4. Parents should read to a child books and discuss their contents with your child.
  5. If the child will talk slower, then it will be easier for him to reproduce individual sounds; this method must be demonstrated by your own example.

Advanced forms of stuttering can radically change a child’s quality of life and cause violations of his social adaptation.

The consequences of the disease are decreased self-esteem, fear of communication, difficulties with writing words and learning to read.

To prevent such factors, Dr. Komarovsky advises parents approach education with a high degree of responsibility children with stuttering and their cure for this disease. The forecast will directly depend on the usefulness of the measures taken and their timeliness.

A special approach to education

When raising a child with a stutter, standard rules are used, but with some adjustments. Don't focus on your baby's illness, but classes to eliminate speech defects should be carried out even during games.

Children with stuttering must be punished loyally. Stressful situations are unacceptable. A favorable atmosphere in the family and raising the child with love and respect can speed up the treatment process.

When raising a child who stutters, the following must be observed: rules:

  • You cannot interrupt the child’s speech, make aggressive comments or focus on his illness;
  • the atmosphere in the family should be favorable and calm (quarrels in front of the child should be excluded);
  • the child should be praised more often, but not spoiled (the child’s whims can aggravate the process of stuttering treatment);
  • authoritarian methods of education should be excluded;
  • the child must be accustomed to a daily routine and sequence of actions;
  • Do not overload your child with educational material (reading aloud, retelling).

Prognosis for stuttering in children directly depends on the timeliness of treatment. In some cases, it is not possible to get rid of the disease, but you can make it less pronounced.

Regardless of the stage and form of the pathology, parents need to prepare for long and labor-intensive treatment baby. Children with speech impediments require special attention.

Doctor Komarovsky about stuttering in children in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

(logo) - a type of speech defect due to which the patient stumbles during a conversation, repeating one syllable two or more times. This creates significant difficulties in communication. It is noted that the manifestations of the disorder can significantly increase with emotional arousal. There are several methods for treating stuttering in adults. First of all, classes are scheduled with a speech therapist. The specialist teaches the patient to speak with the least manifestations of pathology. Also needed:

  • breathing exercises;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional background;
  • correct rest and nutrition regimen;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • physical exercise;
  • sedative medications as prescribed by the attending physician.


Stuttering in adults has several forms. They differ in the characteristics of the manifestation of pathology. Patients are diagnosed with:

  • Tonic logoneurosis. Stuttering occurs with typical pauses. It is difficult for the speaker to pronounce the next syllable. There is also stretching of some sounds.
  • Clonic logoneurosis. The patient repeatedly repeats individual syllables.
  • Mixed. In the conversation, manifestations of tonic and clonic forms are noted.

The disease has its own developmental characteristics. Based on these factors, experts distinguish neurotic and neurosis-like forms of stuttering. In the first case, a stable pronounced pronunciation defect is observed. The neurosis-like form is characterized by elements of speechopathy that occur during nervous breakdowns and stress. How can adults get rid of stuttering? The therapy is long-term and carried out under the supervision of several specialists.

In some cases, it is not always possible to identify the specific cause of stuttering in adults. The most common factors are:

The cause of stuttering in adults, which is temporary, is often an attack of rage or severe fear.

Which doctor treats stuttering in adults?

How to treat stuttering in adults is usually decided by a psychologist, neurologist and speech therapist. Therapy is prescribed after clarifying the type of disorder, provoking factors, and concomitant pathologies.

If the violations are obvious and interfere with a normal lifestyle, the help of a specialist is necessary. At your doctor’s appointment, it is important to find out:

  1. What is the psycho-emotional situation at work and in the patient’s family?
  2. Is stuttering observed regularly, or is it provoked by some factors?
  3. How long has the patient been complaining of logoneurosis?
  4. Was there any situation that preceded the speech disorder?

If the defect is not treated, it can persist for a long period of time. Stammering and repetition often intensify and become more intense. The adaptation of a person with confused speech to society is also disrupted. Sometimes you have to change your job or lifestyle. There are cases when a person under stress or shock, after a sip of warm tea or an alcoholic drink, restored his natural speech rate.

As a child, I was extremely scared and this may have caused my stuttering. Nothing in treatment could help. And only many, many years later (I was already a teenager), one lady suggested how to get rid of stuttering. If you are not yet ready to contact a specialist and want to get rid of stuttering on your own, then follow the described scenario, but if suddenly you don’t these solutions will help, read the article “”, which offers other options for solving this problem.

In order to treat stuttering, the lady I met recommended the following:

  • Don't go to school for a month.
  • In the first three days, do not talk, but write, scribble.
  • On other days of the month, sing exclusively (if you speak out, then as little as possible).

To prevent me from disrupting the treatment, my mother locked me alone in the apartment. And on the recommendation of good friends, she bought me a puppy. My speech improved, but sometimes, when, for example, at school they called me to the blackboard, I began to stutter again. And after that, one of the teachers suggested that I answer in writing. Eventually, the stuttering only started to show up when I was in a hurry to speak or was extremely anxious.

Treatment of stuttering.

I’m not a doctor either, but I’ve read as much literature as possible on the pretext of this disease. It turns out that there is a gene that is responsible for human speech and it is inherited. It’s just that it’s extremely weak and a child’s stuttering is detected at the slightest stress. After my 3-year-old son began to stutter, I remembered how I recovered from stuttering on my own, and therefore I took him out of kindergarten and sat with him at home myself. After treatment, the stuttering disappeared within a few months. And one more minor recommendation: during the treatment of stuttering in children, try not to scold the child. And completely prohibit access to the TV and computer.

The work of a psychologist in adapting to existence in adolescence and treating stuttering in children can be combined. Thus, the relevance of the perception of stuttering in children may decrease, and in a more serene and relaxed state, the problem will disappear much more quickly. It is necessary to show the patient that he can not worry about anything and continue treatment calmly and relaxed. That this disease can be cured, there is no need to worry and be afraid that it will remain forever. It is recommended to go to work with a psychologist in parallel with treatment. Although a powerful desire, the work of the patient himself and the support of loved ones, relatives and friends from time to time work special miracles in the treatment of stuttering!

Speech is the main way of communication among people. And some problems with it can significantly ruin your life. Thus, a person who stutters faces discomfort when communicating with others. This can affect the quality of life, make it difficult to move up the career ladder, and interfere with establishing connections with others, both friendly, personal, and at work. However, with the right approach, even as an adult it is quite possible to cope with this problem on your own. There are techniques that can help eliminate stuttering in a fairly short time. So let's talk about how to get rid of stuttering as an adult and quickly. However, the speed of the process will depend on the person himself, his abilities and efforts.


The first thing a person who stutters should do is take care of their breathing. So, if you have problems with speech, then working with a breathing apparatus will help eliminate them in a short time. Regularly perform several exercises that have a positive effect on the condition of the vocal cords, and also force the diaphragm to fully cooperate in activities with the voice and teach the body to breathe deeply and correctly.

Exercise one. Align yourself and lower your arms down, then lean forward slightly, rounding your back. In this case, you need to ensure that the back muscles remain relaxed, and the head and arms are lowered. Take a quick breath, as if you were leaning over to smell a flower, then straighten out, but not completely, and exhale weakly through your nose. Next, bend down again and inhale quickly. Perform a total of twelve approaches, eight breaths each.

Second exercise. Align yourself with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your head to one side and take a short and rather noisy breath, then turn to the other side and inhale again. It is worth exhaling while the head turns from one side to the opposite. The neck should remain as relaxed as possible.


If you really want to quickly get rid of stuttering, it may well be that a qualified specialist with hypnosis skills will help you. As is known, the incorrect functioning of the speech apparatus depends on the activity of the nerve centers located in the left as well as in the right temporal region. During a hypnosis session, experts found that speech functions significantly improved in people who stutter. However, it is worth considering that this correction method does not help every person.

Folk remedies

There are treatment methods for stuttering that involve the use of various herbs with medicinal properties. Their effectiveness has not been proven by scientific research, however, such therapy often leads to positive results.

So you can make a collection of equal parts of herbs such as nettle, mint, valerian root, and chamomile. Half a tablespoon of this composition should be brewed with one glass of just boiled water. Leave the product covered for a quarter of an hour, then strain. The resulting composition should be consumed twice a day in the amount of half a glass at a time. The duration of such therapy is one month. This medicinal composition will help eliminate anxiety and increase confidence, and this is often enough to completely cure stuttering.

Combine equal parts of licorice root, as well as lemon balm and sweet clover herbs, calendula flowers and birch leaves. A teaspoon of this composition should be brewed with hot but not boiling water. Leave for two hours, after which the medicine should be strained and it will be ready for consumption. Take the resulting remedy throughout the day, dividing it into five equal shares. This composition has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, helping to optimize speech functions.

Combine equal parts of honey and mumiyo. This composition should be kept in the oral cavity as much as possible without swallowing. The duration of such therapy can be up to six months, but the positive effect is achieved quite quickly.

Individual approach

If you stutter, learn a few techniques that will help you deal with your problem as quickly as possible at the right time. If you think that now you will start stuttering again, it will definitely happen. Stop being afraid of your stuttering, allow yourself to live with this peculiarity inside. As soon as you accept yourself as you are, the problem will disappear or will bother you extremely rarely.

Learn to relax. Think about what helps you distance yourself from unpleasant feelings. Perhaps praying a rosary, or folding a piece of paper, or doing a certain amount of fiddling with your fingers will soothe you. Feel free to resort to such methods when you need to speak. You will very soon notice that inner calm greatly affects the quality of speech and can help completely eliminate the problem of stuttering.

Please note that when you communicate with really close people, speech disorders practically do not bother you and occur extremely rarely. Therefore, if you have to give a speech, rehearse it in front of your spouse, brother or sister. Remember the feeling of relaxation and confidence in this moment and try to return to it during an important speech.

With the right approach, you can easily cope with the problem of stuttering on your own.

Stuttering is a disease that manifests itself in the form of speech impairment. People who stutter may have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds and words, and their speech may lose rhythm and fluency. All this creates difficulties when communicating with others. People who stutter develop complexes and psychological disorders. Fortunately, experts have already developed several effective methods that can cure stuttering in people of any age.

What is stuttering and where does it come from?

Most often, stuttering occurs in children, less often in adults. It causes a lot of inconvenience and seriously undermines self-esteem. It's not even a speech impediment, but a lack of self-confidence. Everything happens in a vicious circle: the more a person stutters, the more complex he becomes, which causes him to stutter even more.


  • Impressionable children with an unstable nervous system are very susceptible to stuttering. They take everything that happens to heart. Even a slight change in the behavior of parents, possible scandals, quarrels, mood swings and reproach of parents lead to speech failure.
  • In 90% of cases, stuttering occurs due to severe stress or fear. This defect may “go away” on its own, but these are exceptions to the rule. It is widely believed that treatment requires re-scaring the child. Yes, sometimes this method helps, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.
  • Children begin to stutter during a “lexical explosion.” This applies to children who are silent for a long time. Having learned to talk, such children are in no hurry to use this gift of nature. As their vocabulary develops, they seem to break through and begin to talk without stopping. The child experiences an incredible thirst for knowledge of the world and communication. At this time, the speech apparatus of a small person cannot keep up with the needs of the owner.

Treatment for stuttering

Speech center specialists create their own methods, taking into account that stuttering is a stable pathological condition. Speech cramps must be considered in conjunction with other symptoms - the desire to hide the defect from others and the state of anxiety associated with oral speech.

Learn to relax

Each person has their own way of relaxation. Some people are helped by a rosary that can be rubbed in their hands, a sheet of paper whose edges can be folded, or maybe it will be the crossing of fingers, leading to a peaceful state. Get ready and start talking. You will see that the quality of speech is greatly influenced by the internal state.

Play a home performance

Most stutterers, when talking with loved ones, completely forget about the problem. The disease can manifest itself in stressful moments. Practice the speech you will give tomorrow (to your parents, your man or your sister). Try to remember the feeling of self-confidence and relaxation. Remember them at the “X” moments.

Correct breathing

Yoga breathing exercises help control breathing when stuttering. Feel your strength of inhalation and exhalation, pay attention to the rhythm of air intake and removal from the lungs. Repeat the exercises daily, and soon you will notice how your stuttering will occur less frequently.

Don't think about your speech

Often people begin to stutter from the understanding of the fact that they stutter. This causes them to miss the point of the conversation and lose the thread of the conversation. Try to shift your attention from your voice to the idea you are trying to convey. Focus not on the form (words), but on the content (the essence of the conversation).

Take breaks

When you feel a stutter coming on, give yourself some time to regulate your breathing. Pause your conversation and take a deep breath. Listen to your breathing. This way you will control your speech. Light pauses will add mystery to your interlocutor.

If you cannot cope with stuttering at home, be sure to contact a specialized center or clinic where stuttering is treated. A good psychologist can help. He will study the person's personality and identify weaknesses, helping the patient improve them.

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