International Accountant's Day holiday. Accountant's Day in Russia: history of the holiday, congratulations and gifts. Features of professional activity

Accountant Days in Russia

Today there are more than 3.5 million accountants in Russia. Moscow and the Moscow region alone provide jobs for up to half a million accounting workers. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, but in Russia the month of November can safely be declared the month of corporate events for financial workers. Judge for yourself:

  • On November 10, the world celebrates International Accounting Day, known throughout the world as “International Accounting Day”. The roots of the event stretch back six centuries, to November 10, 1494. It was then that Luca Pacioli’s work “All about Geometry, Arithmetic and Proportion” was published in Venice. In this work, a whole chapter was written on the classification of accounts, which later became the basis of accounting. Pacioli himself (Luca Pacioli) has since been recognized as the “father of accounting”;
  • November 12 is Russian Bank Worker's Day;
  • November 15 Days of St. Petersburg Accountant;
  • November 16 Days of Moscow Accountant;

November 21 - unofficial "Accountant's Day". In 1996, the then-current President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin signed the law “On Accounting”. Since this law contained many cardinal innovations, the processing and awareness of which fell on the shoulders of Russia’s far from small army of accountants, then, as if as compensation, the date of November 21 subsequently became the unofficial “Accountant’s Day”. And since the work of accountants is closely intertwined with the work of tax authorities, it is quite logical that since 2000, “Tax Authorities Day” has also been celebrated on this day;

Since 2002, in accordance with the decision of the Presidential Council of the Institute of Professional Accountants, November 25 has been designated as a corporate holiday for accountants in Russia;

Apparently, as a sign of solidarity with all-Russian accountants, “Accountant Day of Tatarstan” is celebrated on the last Friday of November.

Against the background of such consistency, “Accountant’s Day” somehow stands apart Yaroslavl region", which is celebrated on the first Sunday in April.

But in our neighbor - Ukraine, the holiday "Accountant's Day" has been declared quite officially. Ukrainian accountants celebrate it on July 16th.

According to established tradition, on this day congratulations are heard from the top officials of the state and the management staff of state financial institutions. Usually on this holiday, ceremonial events are held, holiday concerts, which are often broadcast on central channels. Heads of enterprises of all forms of ownership congratulate their accountants and economists. And work colleagues send their accountants friendly wishes and electronic congratulations on Accountant’s Day.

Congratulations on Accountant's Day

Among the usual accountants,
Severe, thick, pedantic,
You are the only white swan:
Beautiful, cheerful, slim.
The soul of any company,
And the temperament is groovy.
After all, you have no equal in balance sheets,
In boring reports... but also in dancing!
Just one twist of the hip
Sparkling eyes and a quiet sigh,
And with a fiery cry “Hurray!!!”
The entire male gender is at marvelous feet!

The profession of an accountant seems somehow uninteresting and inconspicuous. There is no courage or bright heroism in it, as, say, in the work of employees of the Air Force or astronautics and a number of other professions.

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Therefore, most of us do not even realize that accountants have their own professional holiday. But he is. And we work in organizations and get paid in accounting departments, constantly encountering these people.

Therefore, it is appropriate to congratulate them. The article talks about the accounting profession, the holiday, acceptable gifts and congratulations.

Features of professional activity

“Accountant, my dear accountant...” Very many people remember the words from this song from the 90s. It associates the profession with the boring activities of concentrated and distracted people. But this is not true.

Accountants maintain reporting documentation in accordance with the standards and norms adopted by law. They take into account all transactions of the organization. The style of action is determined by the type of economic activity of the enterprise.

The basics of the profession are mastered in universities or specialized institutions of secondary education, in appropriate courses. The actions of a professional are associated with high responsibility.

His mistakes lead to an incorrect understanding of the financial situation, the imposition of fines, criminal penalties and the liquidation of the company or institution.

A person performing such responsible functions, in the opinion of the representatives of the profession themselves, must have the following qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • perseverance;
  • professionalism;
  • analytical mind;
  • hard work.

Also valued are such qualities as decency, scrupulousness, punctuality and the ability to get along with superiors.

Thus, work can indeed be boring, but thanks to qualities 2, 5 and 6 from the list and the ability to build relationships with management, it will not let you get bored.

history of the holiday

The holiday has been celebrated for a long time; its history goes back to the era of the birth of capitalism.

On this day in 1494, Luca Pacioli’s work “All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportions” was published in Venice, containing general information about accounting accounts. The author has been called the “father of accounting.” The book described journals, orders and accounting registers.

In Russia it is celebrated. But they began to do this relatively recently and it is difficult to even name the facts of the first congratulations.

This holiday in our country is distinguished by the following key features:

Officially, this day is not considered a holiday, and its date has not been approved at the national level.

It is recognized in some regions where they have officially established their own days.

Most often in organizations it is celebrated on November 21, since on this important day for Russian accounting workers in 1996 The State Duma adopted the Law “On Accounting”.

When should accountant's day be celebrated in Russia in 2019?

Based on the above, let us recall that all employees of accounting departments, auditors, and university students throughout the country annually celebrate the holiday on November 21. It will be the same this year.

What time is celebrated in Moscow?

From time immemorial, Moscow has served as a center of attraction for talented or enterprising Russians from other regions. Accounting profession was no exception. The position of an accountant in the capital is considered prestigious. At the same time, city workers usually bear high responsibility.

Therefore, on the initiative of the Moscow Accountant magazine, Moscow celebrates its holiday on November 16th.

Which, by the way, is very successful, as it creates the mood 5 days before the All-Russian Day.

When is it celebrated in other regions?

In a number of cities and regions of the federation, local accountants have their own holiday.

For example, in the Yaroslavl region, according to the governor’s decree of March 18, 1996, it is celebrated on the first Sunday in April.

It is difficult to imagine a bizarre combination of two holidays if the first Sunday falls on the first day.

Accountants of the Volgograd region raise their spirits on November 1. And the day of the accountant of the Krasnodar region is considered to be November 12.

Their St. Petersburg colleagues have fun on the 15th of the same month. Tatarstan financial officials create a festive atmosphere on the last Friday of November.

In the Krasnodar region the holiday comes on the first Sunday of December.

Thus, despite the precision and boringness of the profession, there is confusion with Accountant Day in Russia, allowing financial professionals to take a break several times a year.

Is there a day for the chief accountant?

Chief accountants in Russia are lucky to have holidays and days of relaxation. They have their own holiday.

It was on this date in 1994 that the first issue of the mentioned publication was published.

How and when is it celebrated in other countries?

National Accountant Day is celebrated in the following countries:

  • in Australia;
  • in Bangladesh;
  • in Egypt;
  • in Germany;
  • in Hungary;
  • in India;
  • in Japan;
  • in Malaysia;
  • in Romania;
  • in Singapore;
  • in Ukraine.

In general, traditions depend on the characteristics of the development of the financial sector and business in the country.

Although everywhere people strive to create an atmosphere of goodwill. Thanks to globalization, the norms of behavior of Western society have penetrated into this holiday.

Colleagues congratulate each other, drink champagne, take selfies, etc. But national specificity remains.

In Ukraine it is celebrated on July 16 in traditions similar to Russian ones. In Bangladesh, it coincides with the mentioned international day.

And this is no coincidence, since many companies and banks entered the top hundred world leaders precisely thanks to the competent organization of financial reporting.

On the holiday, it is customary to hold seminars and briefings aimed at improving skills in interaction with leading specialists; sometimes experienced financial consultants are invited.

This is considered a rule of good manners, but ordinary celebrations are also allowed.

In India it is celebrated on July 1st. On this day in 1949, the Certified Accountants Act came into force. The initiator of the celebration is the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Various cultural and social programs are carried out as part of the festival. Professionals donate blood, participate in games and discuss current issues and the future of the accounting community.


In our country, it is customary to celebrate among colleagues, family or friends. The celebration is organized in the office, in a cafe or outdoors by the whole team.

What can you give?

Mostly women work in the relevant departments or positions. Therefore, you should give them cards, candies, sweets, flowers.

It is better to give beautiful original bouquets.

There is an opinion that it is best to give something useful:

  • interesting pen stands;
  • unusual paper bags;
  • chocolate bills;
  • calculators of non-standard shape or design: in particular, they come in the form of a piano or on a ruler;
  • fashionable piggy banks.

How else to congratulate?

The main thing is to create a good friendly holiday atmosphere. All imagination, organizational skills, speeches and actions should come from this.

Technologies modern world allow you to congratulate a colleague or friend in an easy, convenient and original way.

It is a good idea to read poetry or send SMS with it. Today there are many sites on the Internet containing poetic congratulations for various holidays.


Accountant's Day in Russia is celebrated recently. There is no single and officially recognized national holiday, so in a number of regions it is possible to celebrate it twice a year, and chief accountants can rejoice three times.

It is held in our country in an informal and friendly atmosphere; it is recommended to give flowers and unique gifts.


  • Due to frequent changes in legislation, information sometimes becomes outdated faster than we can update it on the website.

On November 10, many countries celebrate International Accountants Day. This is a professional holiday for all accountants and those whose field of work is related to calculations, debit and credit. Like other professional holidays, this November day is not a red date on the calendar, but is still celebrated with pomp every year.

Even before the decision was made to celebrate Accountant’s Day in Russia at the official level, this professional holiday was celebrated unofficially. It cannot be said that accountants have a lot of fun every day, but as part of their professional holiday they try not to miss this opportunity. However, the date of the holiday in Russia is different.

  • How to congratulate?

So what date is the accountant's day?

In Russia the holiday is celebrated on November 21. According to the approved legislation, the holiday has been celebrated since the distant 1996, that is, for more than 10 years.

Why does the date not coincide with the international day? The fact is that on November 21 of that year it was adopted new law"About accounting". The celebration of Accountant's Day coincides with the release of this legislative act. Moreover, this holiday is especially celebrated by many employees of tax authorities, because their field of activity is largely related to the accounting profession.

In different regions of our large country, the date of Accountant's Day may differ. For example, in Moscow, a professional holiday falls on November 16th. In some other areas the day is celebrated on November 28th. All this is due to the fact that in different regions of the country the above law was adopted at different times.

Accountant's Day in other countries

Many representatives of this profession have long been waiting for a single date for the holiday to be approved throughout the country, so that there is no turmoil and confusion in this matter. After all, for accountants, clarity of calculations and thoughtfulness and accuracy of actions are important. And then life, as if, had played its own joke and it was with the accountants’ holiday and its date that some confusion was connected.

By the way, in Ukraine Accountant's Day is celebrated on July 16; in the summer and in the neighboring country, the holiday has long been approved for official status and a single date. I would like to hope that in our country accounting activities will be duly noted by the country's leaders. Needless to say, how much it means for the country’s economy as a whole, for the correct payment of taxes and the implementation of the activities of each specific entity.

But it is the International Accountant's Day that is celebrated on November 10th. This is why many people confuse whether this holiday is November 10 or 21.

How to congratulate?

Professional holidays are important for representatives of different professions, and accountants are no exception. After all, it is on such days that you receive a lot of congratulations and words of gratitude in connection with the activities that you perform. As a rule, accountants lead a rather closed lifestyle. Moreover, on their professional holiday, we need to show that we always remember them and understand how complex and important their daily computing work is.

And although there is only one date when

No matter what they say, an accountant is one of the most important people in any enterprise. After all, who tirelessly ensures that the organization makes ends meet? Who ensures timely accrual wages employees? Who constantly, like a bee, works from morning until late evening for the benefit of the company? An accounting specialist, of course! That is why it is so important not to forget to congratulate your friends and colleagues on such a wonderful professional holiday as World Accountant Day.

How did this date appear on the calendar?

The history of the emergence of the holiday is connected with the name of Luca Pacioli, who back in 1494, on November 10, published the work that made him famous, “All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Relations of Proportions.” One of the chapters of his book was devoted to accounting, and the author himself later began to be called the founder of accounting. Today, November 10, is International (World) Accountant and Auditor Day. So, if you have friends and acquaintances who have linked their fate with debit and credit, then do not forget to congratulate them on professional holiday.

When is Accountant's Day celebrated?

Despite the huge number of citizens Russian Federation who have decided to devote themselves to accounting, there is no date for official celebration for people of this profession at the state level. Moreover, there was terrible confusion in the country about when to celebrate the holiday. Many people prefer November 10th and celebrate only World Accountant's Day. Most stick to the date November 21st. It was on this day in 1996 that the Accounting Law was signed.

Accountant Day in Russia: celebration in the regions

Due to the fact that the official date of the celebration in our country has never been established, this professional holiday is celebrated on different days in different regions. In addition to November 21, Accountant's Day is celebrated on the 25th and 28th of the same month. The confusion arose because the law, adopted on November 21, was published only on the 25th, and in some sources - only on the 28th.

At one of the meetings of the executive committee of the Congress of Accountants and Auditors of Russia in 2000, a decision was made on the need to establish a national Accountant Day annually on November 21. The corresponding petition was sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. However, the official date has not been determined.

And in 2002, the Presidential Council of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia decided to establish Corporate Accountant Day. From now on, only the heads of enterprises or the accounting specialists themselves decide on what date to celebrate this event. Certain regions of the country have established own dates for special events in honor of such workers.

Gifts for serious colleagues

Accountants are serious, purposeful and always busy people. You should take into account their temperament and work characteristics when choosing a gift for World Accountants Day. Great option will be the purchase of a necessary and useful thing that will definitely be used for its intended purpose. For example it could be:

  • a beautiful stationery set or an expensive fountain pen;
  • multifunctional calculator - not a single specialist in this profile can do without it;
  • high-quality diary;
  • an ergonomic chair that will protect against fatigue during prolonged sedentary work;
  • comfortable computer mouse with a new wireless keyboard;
  • special glasses for working on a computer to prevent your eyes from getting tired and your vision from deteriorating;
  • a beautiful flower in a pot so that a cozy atmosphere always reigns in the office;
  • various methodological manuals, for which the employee himself did not raise his hand;
  • flash drive for recording and storing a huge variety of reports and documentation;
  • table lamp for comfortable work in the evening.

Cool gifts for Accountant's Day

If your colleague, who likes to balance debit with credit, is very positive and soulful person, then you can choose some kind for him funny gift. Here are some ideas:

  • a wall calendar or poster with a funny drawing or inscription about the difficult life of accounting;
  • wall or table clock with a personal photograph of the hero of the occasion or a general group photo;
  • hourglass table clock with the inscription “Time is money”;
  • certificate/diploma/certificate for special merits in accounting;
  • an Oscar-style statuette for the best accountant of the year;
  • a medal with the inscription “The best accountant in the world”;
  • massage pillow (you can relax and take a nap for a couple of hours);
  • a tent (both useful on a hike, and can be pitched in the office - especially for those who like to work late).

And, of course, don’t forget about a postcard in which you can write heartfelt congratulations on Accountant’s Day. If you can’t congratulate the person in person, then be sure to send a congratulatory message to the phone (text or voice). After all, for each of us the most important thing is not a gift, but attention.

All over the world, it is customary to celebrate International Accounting Day every year. Since Accountant's Day exists in almost every country and the dates of its celebration do not coincide, the world community did not ignore the accounting business as a whole and marked the beginning of the celebration of Accounting Day. The team congratulates all accounting workers on their professional holiday. We wish you to be faithful to such a complex but interesting craft, continue to love your work, develop and master new professional horizons. Without your profession, the economy of any country would collapse in an instant, and it is your work that allows you to manage various economic processes in a balanced manner. I wish you success in your career and easy problem solving in your difficult task!

Happy Accounting Day, dear accountants!

The history of the International Accounting Day holiday

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance; on this day the book “All about Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion” was published in Venice, Italy, the author of which was the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli. In it, he summarized all the knowledge about mathematics accumulated over a long period of time. Why did a publication about mathematics suddenly start a celebration? International Day accounting? The answer is simple: one of the chapters of the book was called “On Accounts and Other Records” (Particularis de computis et scripturis), which contained a fairly detailed account of the accounting affairs of Venice. By the way, this book was the first published work on the double-entry bookkeeping method. Pacioli's works became the basis for the creation of some fairly widespread works on commercial accounting. The accounting chapter of the book describes most of the accounting cycle as it is known today. Also in the book, for the first time, a description of order journals and registers was given accounting. But the most important and true thing is that the author stated that not a single professional accountant will be able to sleep peacefully until his debits and credits are reconciled.

In Russia, this date is not officially marked on the calendar, but domestic accountants are happy to support the tradition of celebrating this holiday in honor of solidarity with colleagues from all over the world. Although Accountant's Day in the country is officially celebrated on November 21.

The holiday is celebrated by representatives of the accounting profession all over the world, and since the majority of accountants are representatives of the fair sex, they receive flowers, sweets and even themed souvenirs as gifts and congratulations. At some factories, enterprises and firms, management initiates small corporate parties and buffets in which the entire team, not just accountants, participates. This holiday is not celebrated on a grand scale, but they know about it and do not forget to celebrate it, even in their small team.

Accounting labor market: salaries, problems

In Russia, the profession of an accountant, like an engineer, has always been in demand and fairly well paid.

But it is not so easy to become an accounting specialist, not to mention obtaining the status professional accountant. Firstly, because specialized education is required, and secondly, invaluable experience, which can only be obtained after 5-7 years of hard work in the field.

The field of accounting, as it has been since the times of the Union, is mostly given to women. Approximately 80-85% of all accountants in the country are representatives of the fair sex. This is because such work requires scrupulousness, perseverance and is considered quite monotonous, and the same type of work is simply not suitable for most men.

The employer puts forward quite strict and specific requirements for a candidate for the position of accountant (except for the chief accountant).

So, 3 years of experience is required for more than 65% of vacancies, trainees and specialists for easy current tasks are also preferred with work experience of at least 6 months. Where can yesterday's accounting graduate gain experience? Usually, at universities, students undergo pre-graduation internship at a specific enterprise, where they undoubtedly gain basic experience. Also an equally important requirement is the availability of specialized education. It is specialized education that lays the foundations of the knowledge and skills of the future accountant, therefore even a specialist with economic education the employer will most likely not hire you for the position. In addition to experience and a diploma, one of the important competitive advantages today is knowledge and ability to work with accounting software, and at the level of an advanced user. Well, and finally, an impeccable orientation in regulatory framework, analytical mind and perseverance.

According to the portal russia.trud for Last year greatest number vacancies for the position of accountant were posted in Moscow and the region - more than 25%, immediately followed by the Leningrad region - 9.1%, third place is occupied by the Krasnodar region. The highest paid accountant position is in Moscow, here the average salary of an ordinary specialist is 40 thousand rubles, at the same time Chief Accountant in Moscow he receives from 80 thousand rubles, depending on the status and level of the company in which he works. Accountant with knowledge in English can count on a salary level of 60-90 thousand rubles on average, and the holder of international certificates in specialization is practically an invaluable employee, especially for large international companies. There, the monthly salary can be equal to 300 thousand rubles.

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