Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: how to do cardio workouts for the heart? Training of the heart and blood vessels. A set of exercises and recommendations of professionals

Strengthening the cardiovascular system is the main advantage of cardio training (CT).

Thanks to the classes blood pressure normalizes reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Small daily activities, and then a gradual increase in the amount and intensity of exercise, will help improve the condition of the heart.

The goals of cardio training to strengthen blood vessels in the framework of exercise therapy

For normal heart function, you need to regularly perform special exercises. Life expectancy sometimes depends on heart training. If you train daily from youth, then in old age a person will be energetic and mobile.

The main goal of the exercises is increasing the endurance of the body and also they:

  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • burn fat and help to lose weight;
  • prepare the body for various stresses;
  • increase immunity.

The main problem is that people misunderstand the goals of cardio training. Their task is increase left atrial volume, i.e., stretch the walls of the heart, and not increase them. This is an important point that almost everyone overlooks. Constant training strengthens the vessels of the heart, improves blood microcirculation in medium and small vessels, which is important in heart failure.

Performing the right exercises for cardiovascular diseases should be a daily activity sick person.

Important! Do not prescribe exercises on your own. Exercise therapy complexes have their own characteristics, so before classes consult with a cardiologist.

Mandatory health monitoring: what to do?

How to monitor your heart rate so that there is no overload

The heart rate during these workouts is the first indicator of activity person. As a rule, inexperienced athletes do not take into account the state of the body and begin to work out intensively expecting immediate good results.

In fact, this is a wrong and unreasonable approach, which can negatively affect health. Both experienced athletes and beginners during cardio training need to constantly monitor their heart rate. When performing exercises, a person should periodically look at the heart rate and, based on it, select loads for himself.

A person who does not strive for Olympic records, has not been involved in professional sports and trains for himself, should give preference to medium-intensity classes. Too intense and long classes capable of doing harm. The heart muscle itself is also experiencing tremendous overload and oxygen starvation. During training an important factor is a good mood.

If you feel that it has become very difficult, slow down the pace of classes. When the organ beats evenly and there is enough breath, but the mood drops, pause. In this situation, you should not finish the workout or reduce the load - just get some rest. It is very important. But if it gets really bad, then you should stop the lesson. You need to sit on a chair, sit, drink water, if necessary, call a doctor.

Cardio rules for the cardiovascular system

Exists several advantages of such exercises: they make the heart and lungs stronger, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, energize, reduce stress and improve sleep.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is important to know how to exercise correctly.

Basic rules for cardio training:

  • Good sleep is important before training. Muscles must recover.
  • 30-45 minutes before class, you need to take a light meal, as well as drink water.
  • Be sure to warm up and stretch. Trained muscles are less likely to be injured.
  • When exercising, breathe normally because the body needs oxygen.
  • It is necessary to drink water in small sips constantly, because a lot of fluid leaves with sweat.
  • Exercises are performed with a gradual increase in intensity and duration, to avoid overload.
  • Heart rate should not exceed 70% of the limit value.
  • Choose comfortable clothes for work.
  • Exercises preferably done outdoors.
  • You don't have to force your body. If you feel unwell, you should stop and rest.
  • After training, you can not immediately rest. You can stretch, which will allow the muscles to recover, relax, increase blood circulation in the tissues and joints.
  • Within 2 hours after class, drink 2-3 glasses of clean water. It will replenish fluid loss after exercise.
  • To restore muscles It is recommended to eat within an hour after training. Preference is given to foods high in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Photo 1. The girl drinks water after cardio workouts to make up for the loss of fluid in the body.

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Warm up

To warm up the muscles before the start of the workout, a warm-up is carried out. This is a necessary introductory part any workout.

This includes the following exercises:

  • tilting the head to the side;
  • circular motions of the hands first in one direction, then in the other;
  • rotation of the arms in the elbow joints to yourself, then from yourself;
  • circular motion with straight arms forward and then back;
  • straight leg bends: hands trying to reach the ground;
  • bend your knee in front of you stand in this position, maintaining balance;

Photo 2. The girl does a warm-up exercise, bending her knee in front of her and remaining in this position for a while.

  • both hands rest on the right (left) thigh and do side lunges.

The warm-up takes up to 7 minutes. The number of repetitions of exercises - 2-4 times.

A set of CT exercises without a simulator

When choosing exercises, they rely on their feelings.

  • Run in place. For maximum effect, you need to run with the removal of the hip forward. When raising the right knee as high as possible, the right hand moves forward. Likewise with the left side. Fulfill within a minute.
  • Exercise rock climber. A rather difficult but effective exercise. The athlete takes an emphasis while lying down, pushes up and at the same time alternately raises his knees to his chest. If the exercise does not work out, you can exclude push-ups.
  • Plie jumping. The exercise is performed while standing, heels together, socks apart, hands on the hips. Then they squat, spreading their knees. When climbing, they jump up. Quantity - 20 times.

Photo 3. The girl does plie jumps with squats, which help strengthen the muscles of the thighs.

  • Burpee exercise. The person gets on all fours, knees pressed to the chest, hands rest on the floor. With a sharp jump, they go to the lying position, then again to the starting position, from which they jump up to the maximum height. Quantity jumps 20.
  • Sumo squats. The performer stands up straight with a straight back, maintaining a natural deflection in the lower back. Spread your legs to the sides as much as possible, turn your feet outward. They are completely flush with the floor. Keep your hands in front of you in the castle or at the waist. It is necessary to squat not due to the knees, but due to the retraction of the pelvis back, while the knees should not go beyond the socks. Quantity - 15 times.

CT exercises on simulators

The most effective cardio machines:

  • Treadmill. All parts of the body are involved, the intensity can be chosen independently.
  • Exercise bike. Trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  • Elliptical trainer (orbitrek). All the muscles of the body are involved, the muscles of the back, arms, legs, buttocks are strengthened.

Photo 4. Cardio classes on an elliptical trainer with imitation of walking, with them all the muscles of the body work.

  • Stepper. It simulates walking with upward movement, simple sports equipment, suitable for people with any level of physical fitness.
  • Rowing machines. Allows you to perform simple but effective cardio exercises. The muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, hips, buttocks are pumped.

Reference! For best results, use several trainers. It is important to systematize classes, involve different muscle groups.

Training for problems with the heart and blood vessels

For people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, training is carried out low intensity. The main rules of training for cores:

With arrhythmias

To benefit from classes in the presence of an arrhythmia, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and undergo diagnostic tests: ECG in monitoring mode, stress test on a treadmill, as well as ultrasound and echocardiography of the heart. With the help of them, it is easy to determine the possible level of loads and their tolerance, the maximum heart rate at which you can train, the risk of complications.

Core fitness can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and increase fat loss. People with heart problems are not prohibited from leading an active lifestyle. The main thing is not to overdo it.

We asked Julia Skrimskaya, the champion of Europe and Ukraine in the Model Fitness category, about which exercises are good for the core and how to perform them correctly.

What exercises can be performed by people with cardiovascular diseases to maintain the health and tone of the whole body?

For any cardiovascular diseases in the acute stage, physiotherapy exercises are carried out in a hospital; in a subacute state - in a sanatorium and clinic. In the chronic course of the disease, you can practice at home, under the supervision of your doctor. Individually dosed physical exercises for diseases of the heart and blood vessels not only improve blood circulation in the heart muscle and blood vessels of the whole body, but also stimulate the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, regulate metabolism.

People with disorders in the cardiovascular system should do daily morning hygienic exercises (individually selected complex), perform special exercises, be sure to walk every day before going to bed in any weather (from 30 minutes to 2 hours), actively relax on weekends, and if possible and after work (walk in the forest, ride a bike at a slow pace, etc.), eat rationally (fractionally, 4-5 times a day).

Cores should avoid doing isometric exercises such as push-ups and squats.

However, there are a number of issues that need to be discussed with the doctor: - Medications. New medications can make a big difference in your exercise routine. Only a doctor can tell if it is still safe to exercise. - Weightlifting. If you recently had an operation, you should not do hard housework, wield a shovel and carry weights - both in the gym and in everyday life. - Safe exercise. Get your doctor's approval before lifting weights, using machines, running or swimming.

What should be the exercises for the cores in terms of severity?

Gymnastic exercises should be simple, they should not impose increased demands on the nervous and cardiovascular system, especially in the first half of treatment.

How to do core exercises correctly?

1. Exercises should be done slowly, rhythmically, at a calm pace, without effort and tension.

2. It is necessary to widely use breathing exercises, combining and alternating them with gymnastic ones.

3. Do not use physical exercises that require significant effort, tilt! For good health, it is enough to devote 20-30 minutes to charging. a day 5 times a week. The intervals between exercises should be from 1-1.5 minutes. Classes should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or instructor.

4. Heart rate monitors for patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for athletes, allow you to set the maximum and minimum heart rate values. In the process of training or walking, the device not only constantly measures your heart rate, but also ensures that it does not go beyond the designated zone. If this happens, the device will let you know with an audible signal.

In addition, heart rate monitors make it possible to control the number of steps that you take during a walk. They also know how to calculate the speed of your movement and the distance traveled.

Modern models measure atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, as well as the height of the area above sea level. These indicators are important for all people. But for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, they are vital. Because in this case, if measures are not taken in advance, a sharp change in the meteorological situation can lead to fatal consequences.

Use the advice of Yulia Skrimskaya and be always healthy!

When you push yourself hard, like carrying a bag up the stairs, your heart pumps extra oxygen-rich blood to the working parts because your muscles need oxygen to contract. Initially, the heart rate increases and the heart pushes blood (and thus more oxygen) faster to the muscles in the arms that carry the bag. However, if you carry weights every day, your heart and muscles will become more toned. The heart will begin to pump more blood per contraction, and the muscles will use oxygen more efficiently. Thus, gradually the heart gets used to work and does not need to increase the frequency of contractions in order to perform the same physical activity.

If you are involved in any type of fitness that requires a high level of fitness, then exercise increases the size of the chambers of the heart. Larger chambers are able to expel more blood with each contraction, and thus the heart contracts more slowly and the pulse becomes slower - both during exercise and at rest.

It is known that the heart of a well-trained athlete, as a rule, is much larger in size than the heart of a person who leads a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. At first, doctors were confused by these enlarged sizes, they mistook them for heart disease, but today any doctor familiar with sports medicine knows that strenuous exercise increases the size of the heart. In weightlifters and representatives of other speed-strength sports where explosive efforts are needed, the muscular walls of the heart become thicker. In long-distance runners and other endurance sports, the heart chambers stretch to hold more blood. In one form or another, the heart responds to stress by strengthening itself to withstand any stress.

Strenuous exercise also helps control high blood pressure. Instead of a sharp increase in upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) pressure, which is observed in untrained individuals, only systolic pressure increases in trained individuals. This is because the aorta and large arteries are stretched to take in more blood; diastolic pressure in highly trained athletes may even drop during exercise to levels below those at rest. Thus, the blood vessels remain elastic and the heart is not overstressed.

A study conducted at the Department of Sports Medicine at Tufts University found that endurance athletes have less dense blood plasma than people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. (Plasma is the liquid component of blood.) This again makes it easier for the heart to pump blood through small vessels in the muscles and under the skin.

Fitness classes also train the regulatory processes, which allows you to send additional portions of blood quickly and efficiently only to those muscle groups that perform the load, and not immediately to all parts of the body.

Even relatively light exercise, such as walking and climbing stairs, can help dissolve potentially dangerous blood clots. A study led by R. Sanders Williams, M.D., found that regular, light exercise performed by men and women in a certain way stimulated blood vessels and released greater amounts of plasminogen activators in them than in people who were predominantly sedentary. life. (Plasminogen activators stimulate the production of plasminogen, which dissolves fibrin, a fibrous thickening protein in the blood.) A clot in the largest blood arteries leads to heart attacks. Exercise also lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood by increasing the level of "good" cholesterol and reducing the amount of plaque already built up in the arteries.

The sudden death of people - in most cases men - while jogging or any other strenuous physical exercise is cited as evidence that exercise is dangerous to the heart. However, Dr. Jeffrey Coplan emphasized in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1980: “Since millions of people are now jogging in America, it is likely that someone, by coincidence, will die while running. - just like some people die while eating, reading, sleeping.

Fitness classes improve cardiovascular performance

Research conducted by Dr. D. Hollotzi and colleagues at the St. Louis University School of Medicine showed that middle-aged runners have better cardiovascular performance than their predominantly sedentary peers; their cardiovascular fitness levels were only 14 percent lower than younger (twenty-year-old) runners, representing a four percent decline over the decade instead of the eight percent decline that the researchers had expected. Dr. R. Puffenbarger, after examining 17,000 students at Stanford University, made sure that the age advantage is maintained only if you regularly engage in fitness and keep yourself in good physical shape. People who were in great physical shape while studying at the university, but then led a sedentary lifestyle, aged at the same rate as people who constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The heart is nothing but a muscle, which means it can be trained. Starting with small daily loads, and then gradually increasing them, you will improve the overall condition of the body and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. However, exercise alone is not a panacea; it must be combined with proper nutrition, monitoring blood cholesterol readings, and a healthy lifestyle.

Why train your heart?

Cardio training is most often resorted to by those who have an increased risk of heart disease. Also, exercise therapy is a mandatory part of rehabilitation after a heart attack or stroke. Why, then, a healthy person must necessarily perform cardio training?

  • The heart with powerful impulses pushes blood through every vessel in our body, thereby ensuring vital activity. To make it work as long as possible, you need to regularly repeat special exercises.
  • The quality of your life directly depends on the fitness of the heart. If from your youth you are accustomed to daily cardio loads, then in old age you will surprise your peers with energy and mobility.
  • One of the benefits of cardio is that it helps you burn fat. If you are overweight, then you need this gymnastics.

Most patients with problems in the cardiovascular system are sedentary.

The reasons to train the heart are quite weighty, but you do not need to drive yourself into many hours of training. Exercises will help only if you perform them systematically, gradually increasing the pace. Proper cardio training includes other positions.

How to train the heart muscle

Endurance training rules

Type of load. Cardio training can be a set of special exercises both with and without a simulator, as well as: running, Nordic walking, swimming, yoga, cycling. It's great if you do these activities outdoors.

Time. The main indicator of heart training is the pulse. The point is to maintain a certain indicator for approximately 20 minutes. It is best to spend 30-60 minutes exercising.

Systematic. A one-time load on the heart will not help him, but only hurt him. Exercises should be repeated, forming a cycle. It is preferable to train the heart 4 times a week.

Pulse. Each person has his own maximum heart rate, the value of which is set depending on his age. Now many sites provide the ability to calculate the maximum value of the pulse, you just need to specify your age. If you do not trust such methods, then it is better to consult a doctor.

During cardio, your heart rate should be between 60-70% of your maximum value. In order to measure it, purchase a wrist heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can track the effectiveness of training.

Warm up. Before starting the exercises, the muscles are “warmed up”. The same must be done with the heart. Perform 2-3 simple exercises, such as breathing exercises, so as not to overload the organ.

Preliminary Exercises

Remember that the warm-up should be carried out regardless of whether you are going to exercise on the simulator or without it.

  1. Sit on a chair. Spread your arms to the sides, and then lift up as you inhale. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do the exercise three times.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides with your palms up, then inhale to turn the body to the right, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
  3. Stand up, straighten your back and connect your legs. Raise your arms in front of you, straighten your shoulders. Make 15 vigorous swings with your hands, then clench your fists the same number of times. This simple exercise will help improve blood circulation in your hands and fingers.

The main set of exercises

Exercises without a simulator

If you prefer yoga, then these asanas can be included in your cardio workout:

Exercises on the simulator

Do not forget to control your heart rate while exercising on the simulator. Now many sports simulators have a built-in heart rate monitor, then the data will be displayed directly on it. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a wrist heart rate monitor or at least count heart beats by placing a finger on your wrist. Focus on a pulse of 110-140 beats per minute.

  • Treadmill. You have two load options. The first is running in slow mode for 20 minutes. Try to find the running speed at which your heart rate will show the desired frequency. At the beginning of training, it is better to start with 10 minutes, and then increase the running time. The second option is interval running. Alternate 1 minute of fast running with 3 minutes of slow running. It is better to carry out such a training in courses of 2-3 weeks, and then stop doing this exercise for a week. How to choose a treadmill for your home
  • Exercise bike. It is best to pedal slowly for 25 minutes. You can combine an exercise bike and a treadmill: 10 minutes on each machine. You should start with a small load of 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. See the choice of exercise bike for home in our .
  • Stepper. A kind of imitation of climbing stairs. Here it is worth paying attention to which foot you lower to the platform first. Take 10 minutes to lift on your right leg and the same amount of time on your left leg. It is good to combine these exercises with an exercise bike: 10 minutes on one, and then 5 minutes on each leg already on a stepper.
  • Rowing machine. Do 3 sets of 10 minutes of active rowing. At the same time, after each approach, arrange a 10-minute rest. It is better to start with a shorter time period, increasing it each time.
  • Orbitrek. The combination of running and cycling is called orbitrek. This is a serious physical activity even for a healthy person. Do 3 sets of 5-6 minutes. This is enough to get started. Make sure your heart rate is in the correct range. Over time, it will be possible to increase 5 minutes to 10.

After you have trained the heart and other muscles, they need to be relaxed. To avoid pain, you can do a few calming exercises at the end of your workout:

  1. Sit on a bench, raise your arms up as you exhale, and lower them as you inhale. Do the exercise several times.
  2. Walk in a circle, inhaling on every second step and exhaling on the third. Duration: at least 2 minutes.
  3. While sitting, slowly rotate your hands and feet. Do the exercise for several minutes.

Every 10 minutes it is necessary to check the pulse readings or use a special one. Remember that overloading will negatively affect the condition of the heart muscle.

Cardio training should become a habit not only for people with heart disease, but also for those who care about their health. To achieve the best effect from training, do not forget to take care of your diet. Include apples, nuts, dried fruits and young parsley. All these foods are rich in substances that fight the onset of cardiovascular disease. See articles about proper nutrition for weight loss in the corresponding section of the site -.

Not all physical activity is suitable for heart training, especially if your health is not very good and the years are no longer young. But there are universal exercises that combine safety, efficiency and ease of execution.

Moderation and prudence

To strengthen the heart and blood vessels, dynamic loads are very useful, especially in the fresh air - jogging, skating, skiing, cycling, swimming, water aerobics. But it is better for the cores to forget about static, strength exercises, since they not only overload the spine and joints, but also contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which is dangerous for cardiovascular problems. So the gym is not for everyone. If the heart muscle, unprepared for high loads, is overworked, then it will not be able to pump the necessary amount of blood. As a result, many problems can arise, the most dangerous of which are hypoxia (lack of oxygen), as well as compensatory expansion of the heart vessels and hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

But even when doing heart-healthy sports, the load should be moderate, at least at first. They should be built up gradually, but at the same time regularly, and each workout should begin and end with pulse control.

To each his own

Even after suffering a heart attack, you should not put an end to the movement. After all, a correctly chosen motor load is one of the important conditions for recovery. Not without reason, even in a hospital bed, patients, under the guidance of a doctor, begin to perform various exercises, then walk around the ward. And after discharge, they are sent to exercise therapy rooms at polyclinics or in sanatoriums. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the cardiovascular system strengthens the heart muscle, increases its contractility, increases blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of thrombosis. Good blood flow massages the walls of blood vessels, which makes them more elastic. All this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis of blood vessels - the main cause of heart disease.

By the way, it has been proven: if you perform therapeutic exercises for a year after suffering a heart attack, then mortality in the first year is reduced by 25%!

As for sports for those who have had a heart attack, a strictly individual approach is needed here, otherwise a new attack can be provoked. The statistics are relentless: 70% of repeated heart attacks occur within 3 years after the first. Therefore, there is no need to argue with doctors: what kind of motor regimen they recommend - this should be observed. Depending on the degree of heart damage to some patients, the doctor may allow moderate exercise soon after discharge from the hospital, while others will strictly forbid even walking at a fast pace.

You should not rely on your own well-being in the matter of choosing a training regimen, because this is a biased indicator. So, according to a study by scientists from the Kiev Institute of Medical Problems of Physical Education, 14% of joggers who never complained about their heart had serious myocardial problems that were revealed only during a medical examination.

Pumping the main muscle

When performing gymnastics for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

even with good health, you can not sharply increase the load. And if suddenly somewhere something hurts, stings, shortness of breath appears - you must immediately stop doing the exercises. It will not go away on its own in half an hour - take nitroglycerin and urgently see a doctor;

gymnastics can be started only one and a half to two hours after eating.

Before, during and after exercise, you need to control the pulse. Even by the end of the workout, it should not exceed 120 beats per minute. And after 5 minutes of rest, it should return to its original value.

Get on the charger!

There are several options for gymnastics that are useful for heart problems. Here is one of them.

1. Starting position - sitting. Feet together, arms down. Alternately raise your hands up as you inhale, lower them as you exhale.

Raise each hand 5 times.

2. Bend your arms as much as possible at the elbows and raise them parallel to the floor at shoulder width, legs together. Elbows make circular movements 5 times clockwise, and the same number - counterclockwise.

3. Feet together, arms outstretched to the sides. As you inhale, bend your left leg at the knee and press it to your stomach and chest, helping with your hands. As you exhale, lower your leg, and spread your arms to the sides.

Repeat 3-5 times. The same with the right foot.

4. Hands on the waist, feet on the floor shoulder width apart. On an inhale, lean to the side. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Do 3-5 times in each direction.

5. Feet on the floor shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. Inhale - raise your hands up and bend down to your knees. The head should remain in line with the body. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

Run 3-5 times.

6. Starting position - standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On inspiration, take the right leg and arm to the side, hold for 2 seconds and, on exhalation, return to the starting position.

Do in each direction in turn 3-5 times.

7. Hands down, feet together. At the same time, make wide circular movements with your hands clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Run in each direction 3-5 times.

8. Hands on the waist, feet shoulder width apart. Make circular movements with the body in different directions 5-10 times.

9. Hands down, feet together. Walking in place for 15-30 minutes.

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