Treatment of the spine according to the method of V. Dikul: under what conditions is indicated, a set of exercises. Five Bragg Field Exercises for Spinal Recovery

Paul Bragg argues that spinal dysfunction is recoverable at almost any age. 5 Paul Bragg exercises have been developed that are easy and simple to perform.
The only condition that must be strictly observed is the implementation of a set of exercises in a complex.

These exercises will strengthen the muscles, thereby easing the load on the spine. Blood circulation will be restored. become strong and elastic.

The first exercise effectively affects the part of the nervous system that is responsible for the work of the head, the eye muscles and the nerves that are connected with the stomach and intestines. In the first exercise, we work on headache, eye strain, and indigestion. Significantly trains the muscle of the cervical spine.

Lie face down on the floor, then raise your pelvis and arch your back. In this case, the pelvis is above the level of the lowered head. The body should rest solely on the toes and palms. Legs shoulder width apart. The knees and elbows are straightened, creating the necessary tension in the spine. Lowering the pelvis almost to the floor, raise your head, then sharply tilt it back. Exercise should be done slowly. Lowering the pelvis, as low as possible, then slowly raise it as high as possible, while arching your back and repeating again. When the exercise is performed correctly, some relief is felt due to the relaxation of the spine.

The second exercise trains and strengthens the muscles of the thoracic spine. The nerves that go to the liver and kidneys are stimulated. When performing the exercise, there is relief from liver and kidney disease resulting from a nervous breakdown. The normal functioning of the kidneys is being established.
Lie face down on the floor with your pelvis raised and your back arched. The body rests only on the toes and palms. Arms and legs are straight. Rotate the pelvis as much as possible to the right, while lowering the side as low as possible. Repeat everything with a turn in the other direction. The exercise should be done slowly.

The next exercise trains the muscle of the lumbar spine, in the region of its transition from the thoracic region to the pelvis. During the exercise, the spinal column is in a state of complete relaxation, each nerve center is stimulated. There is relief in the condition of the pelvic region. The recovery process is stimulated.

Sit on the floor, rest on the spread straight arms, which are located slightly behind, legs bent. Raise the pelvis, the body should rest on the straight arms and bent legs. Movements should be done rhythmically. After lifting the body so that the spine is in a horizontal position, and lower.

The fourth exercise is designed to train the ligaments of the muscles in the lumbar region. The part of the spine, where the nerves responsible for the work of the stomach are located, is strengthened. The balance of the body is restored and the spine is stretched.

Lie on the floor, on your back. Legs should be extended, arms spread apart. Bending your knees, you need to pull them to your chest, clasping your hands. Then push your knees and hips away from your chest, while not letting go of your hands. Make a kind of "rocking chair". At the same time, while raising your head, try to touch your knees with your chin. Try to hold this position for five seconds.

The fifth, concluding exercise is the most important for stretching, strengthening and training the ligaments of the gluteal muscles.
You need to lie on the floor, face down. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, while arching the back. Support should be on straight legs and arms, head down. In this position, on all fours, you should walk for 5-7 minutes.

The number of exercises performed should be started with two or three times, gradually increasing to 10 times each. An alternative replacement, or an effective addition to the above set of exercises, you can add breaststroke swimming.

Exercise, eat right and !

I started thinking about this question “from a young age”, or rather, from the senior group of a kindergarten in Brest, having unsuccessfully fallen down a hill during one of the walks and received a fracture of the spine. I had plenty of time to think then: for several months in a row I had to lie on the shield without getting up.

After that, his legs refused to walk, he moved only on crutches. Hearing from doctors "Maybe he will walk, maybe he won't", with his childish mind, he came to the conclusion that you need to rely only on yourself. Began to be interested in traditional and alternative medicine, oriental gymnastics. And it helped.

Already by the first years of adulthood, I managed to gain physical fitness, get a medical education and an international certificate as a yoga instructor. Youthful interests grew into a desire to share the experience of healing and help others. He began his labor guard as a masseur in the Central City Polyclinic and an instructor in physical therapy at the Central City Hospital of Brest.

1. Acute pain - a doctor and rest. I'll start with a warning: do not engage in active self-medication in the acute period, this can only aggravate the situation. With severe pain, your back needs only rest and anti-inflammatory therapy, which will be prescribed by a specialist after an examination.
But there is one important nuance here: do not be satisfied with a written prescription for medicines, ask for a detailed explanation of the cause of the disorder. Doctors have a proverb: "A correct diagnosis is half the success in treatment." Having dealt with the root cause of your illness, you can choose the right direction for working on yourself.

2. The spinal column is a unique self-healing system. In technical terms: a springy support structure consisting of vertebral bricks and hydraulic springs - intervertebral discs - between them.
The disc is a capsule with an elastic shell and a gelatinous nucleus inside. It is somewhat reminiscent of a car tire, only pumped up not with air, but with a gel-like liquid. During the daytime “run”, our discs sag by a fraction of a millimeter, and during the nighttime sleep, they are “pumped up” with fluid from fresh blood and wedged the vertebrae, freeing the nerves between them.
If such a mechanism of "night maintenance" is violated, then over the years the vertebrae begin to dangerously approach each other, threatening to pinch their own nerves. Then our body itself begins to build up an osteo-cartilaginous “airbag” on the vertebrae. A kind of "internal gypsum". This is called osteochondrosis. And there are no "salts" here.
In profile, the spine has undulating curves - lordosis (neck and lower back) and kyphosis (chest and sacrum). This is an additional spring element, akin to a mechanical spring. If the amplitude of this wave is disturbed, then an increased load is placed on the disks, and they fail faster. And the harmony of these bends depends on balance of the muscular-tendon corset spine, which we will discuss below.

3. Before training your back, learn how to relax it. Most non-traumatic spinal problems are caused by chronic muscle tension. It is the spasm or prolonged under-relaxation of the back muscles that disrupts blood circulation and interferes with the restoration of intervertebral discs, triggering the mechanism of osteochondrosis. And a strong spasm of small muscles can turn your vertebrae into a “nut cracker”, squeezing the intervertebral disc and leading to a hernia.
From childhood we are taught to strain correctly, but they are not taught the art of relaxation. The most common misconception is that sleep is enough for rest. In fact, if we fall asleep with chronically tense muscles, then during sleep they retain a background tension that impedes blood circulation.
Thus, conscious relaxation before going to bed can be a panacea for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

4. Exercise to restore balance between opposing muscles. Most of the joints in our body are driven by antagonistic muscles: if one flexes, then the other extends, if one rotates to the right, then the other rotates in the opposite direction. In the case when one of these muscles is strained more than the opposite for a long time, an imbalance will begin in their working joint, which can lead to a serious disorder.
And the spine is no exception here, it is nothing but a chain of many joints, the movements in which are carried out due to the antagonist muscles.
Now imagine a schoolboy who is bent over a notebook for half a day, straining only the extensors of the spine. Despite the fact that sitting - the highest compression load on the spinal column. If he does not use the lagging muscles for the rest of the day, he is guaranteed to “earn” problems with his back. And if his landing is uneven, then these problems will be complicated by lateral curvature - scoliosis.
Therefore, when developing your individual program for improving the spine, you should first test the antagonist muscles that set it in motion, and direct the main efforts to the weaker ones. Such training is like tuning a piano or aligning a bicycle wheel with spokes.

5. Exercise your spine before bed. Doctors rarely talk about this nuance, but this is a very important conclusion from the previous provisions. When you give patients a set of exercise therapy exercises as homework, most of them try to do it in the morning. I call it "Soviet charge syndrome". Such efforts are also useful, they are analogous to warming up the engine of a car. But they do not affect the healing of the spine: the vertical load during the day reduces the entire effect to zero, and the spinal column, as we have already learned, is restored and regenerated during sleep. Therefore, the closer to sleep your exercises, the greater the effect on your back.

A healing scheme is being built: during the day I loaded the working muscles - in the evening I trained lagging antagonists - before going to bed I carried out conscious relaxation - at night I slept on a comfortable hard bed - and ... I woke up in the morning a healthy person!

On this, perhaps, it is worth completing the first part of my blog on this topic. We reviewed the general strategic principles of working with the spine and answered the question “Where to move?”. The second part, which will be released in a couple of weeks, will be devoted to specific exercises and techniques for working with this "tree of life", answering the question "How to move?".

Until we meet again on the Vecherny Brest portal!

Many exercises have been developed for the spine, but they all have the same basis - stretching and relaxation.

As a result, both the cat and the dog get a kind of wave-like movement that stretches the spine. Their spine remains mobile and healthy until old age.

During daily activities, under the influence of gravity, the spine shortens somewhat. This is easy to see by measuring your height immediately after getting out of bed and in the evening, after coming home from work. Despite the fact that the spine has a huge margin of safety and can withstand a wide variety of loads, during the day it is necessary to maintain its healthy condition by performing special stretching exercises. And in view of the fact that the state of the spinal column affects all life processes, these exercises can not only lengthen our spine, but also prolong life itself, making it full and joyful.

If we turn to pets, you can notice how a cat or dog occasionally stretches its back. The cat arches its back, and this stretches the vertebrae. The dog behaves differently. She lowers the front of her body, stretches her front legs far forward. The pelvic region remains slightly elevated. Having taken this position, she begins to stretch, gradually raising the front part and lowering the pelvis. As a result, both the cat and the dog get a kind of wave-like movement that stretches the spine. Their spine remains mobile and healthy until old age.

If a person begins to take care of his spine in this way, then at the age of 70-80 he will be healthy, energetic, will have a clear mind and a sober memory. To do this, you need to realize the importance of exercise for your health and perform them daily, at least in a minimal amount. Positive results appear in just a few weeks or even after a few days of regular exercise.

When starting to perform exercises for the spine, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Do not apply sudden efforts to the areas of the spine that have lost mobility;
  • Perform exercises, commensurate the load with your physical capabilities, starting with a small one and gradually increasing it;
  • Do not strive to perform exercises with a maximum range of motion, start with small movements swinging the vertebrae, carefully and gradually increasing their amplitude.

These rules must be observed for the reason that you do not know the true state of your spine, the degree of salt deposition, the state of the intervertebral discs and ligaments. Excessive load instead of benefit can cause harm.

Remember that by training and stretching the spinal column, we strengthen the muscles and ligaments that will keep the spine in a stretched state. This work will stimulate the circulation of energy and blood throughout the body. The metabolism will increase, and the internal organs will get stronger. In general, this will have a beneficial effect on the well-being of the whole organism.

The success of any business depends on motivation. The stronger it is, the more a person can achieve. Starting to perform a set of exercises for the spine, create this motivation - convince yourself that these exercises are vital for you. This will solve more than half of the problem. Now you need to get involved in the training mode and gradually increase the load. To do this, start small. During the first week, do the exercises quite slowly. If you feel uncomfortable or tired, stop exercising for a while. But gradually you will feel that from regular exercises the body becomes stronger, endurance increases, the spine becomes healthier.

As with any physical activity, muscle pain will occur after exercises on the spine. It's quite normal. Soon they will pass.

The following set of exercises for the spine was developed by the famous naturopath Paul Bragg. It includes five basic exercises. They have a different effect on a particular section of the spinal column. They must be completed in one training session. Rest is provided between exercises.

Exercise 1. This exercise affects the upper part of the spinal column, from which the nerves that control the work of the head, muscles of the eyes, stomach and intestines depart. Performing this exercise helps to eliminate such ailments as headache, eye strain, indigestion and poor digestion.

Starting position: Lie face down on the floor. In a prone position, place your palms under your chest, and your legs should be shoulder-width apart. After that, gradually take the following position: relying only on your palms and toes, lift your torso up and arch your back in an arc. The pelvis should be located above the head. The head is down and the arms and legs are fully extended.

After you have accepted this position, smoothly accept the following: lower your pelvis almost to the floor. In this case, the arms and legs should be straight. This position gives special tension to the spine. Now raise your head and tilt it back.

It is recommended to perform this exercise slowly and smoothly. Try to lower the pelvis as low as possible, and then raise it as high as possible, arching your back up. The exercise consists in the fact that you lower and raise the pelvis - arching and bending the spinal column. These movements contribute to its stretching and setting the vertebrae in their places.

The number of repetitions at the beginning is 2-4. As you train, it increases to 8-12. When the exercise is mastered and performed correctly, a feeling of relief arises and the spine relaxes.

Exercise 2. This exercise is intended mainly for the spinal region, which contains the nerves that control the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys. Performing this exercise brings relief in case of their disorders and diseases. As a result of this exercise, the weakened liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder will greatly improve their work.

Take the starting position as for exercise number 1. After you have raised the pelvis and arched your back, do the following: rotate the pelvis as much as possible to the left, lowering the left side as low as possible, and then to the right. Do not bend your arms and legs during the exercise. Do the movement slowly, smoothly, imagining that the spine is stretching better and better with each turn. The combination of stretching the spine with some twisting helps the vertebrae “sit” better in their places.

At first, the exercise will seem quite difficult and tiring. Limit yourself to 2-4 runs. Gradually, it will be easier to do it due to the strengthening of not only the muscles, but also the spinal nerves. As you train, increase the number of repetitions up to 8-12 times. This exercise is quite difficult and requires considerable skill and effort.

Exercise 3 The previous two exercises gave a fairly serious load on the muscles and ligaments of the spinal column. Exercise number 3 is designed to relieve residual tension and completely relax the spinal column. As a result of its implementation, each nerve center is stimulated. Additionally, the condition of the pelvic region is facilitated.

One of the important features of this exercise is the ability to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which support it in an extended state and thereby contribute to the restoration of the intervertebral discs.

Starting position: sit on the floor, rest on your straight arms, located slightly behind, bend your legs. Raise your pelvis so that your body rests only on spread bent legs and straight arms. Exercise is recommended to be performed at a fast pace, which helps to relax the spine. It is necessary to raise the body to the horizontal position of the spine, after which it is lowered to its original position. Repeat the exercise several times - b-8 at the beginning and 12–18 at the end.

Exercise 4 This exercise is designed to give special strength to that part of the spine from which the nerves that govern the stomach emerge. In general, it is effective for the entire spine, contributing to its stretching. It is the stretching of the spine, releasing the restrained nerve roots of the spinal cord, that brings the entire body into a normal, efficient, healthy state.

Starting position: lie on your back, legs extended, arms to the sides. Bend your knees, pull them to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Make a movement as if you want to push your knees and hips away from your chest, but at the same time continue to hold them with your hands. Simultaneously with this movement, raise your head and try to touch your chin to your knees. Hold this torso position for three to five seconds.

In this exercise, there is a sharp push that stretches the spine, thereby removing the blockage of small infringements, tightness between the vertebrae. Additionally, this exercise allows you to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the deep muscles located in the abdominal part of the spinal column. Repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercise 5 Walking on all fours. Paul Bragg considers this exercise to be one of the most important for stretching the spine. Among other things, it involves the part of the spine, from which the nerves that control the work of the large intestine depart.

Starting position as for exercise No. 1. Stand on all fours: arms and legs are straightened, the back is arched, the pelvis is raised high, the head is lowered down. In this position, it is recommended to go around the room, the room. Remember, while moving, do not bend your legs and arms, but walk on straight limbs. During such movement, the load on the spine is minimal and some twisting of the spine occurs. It is this position that contributes to a better stretching of the spine and setting its disks in place.

The described set of exercises Paul Bragg advises to perform taking into account individual characteristics. At first, it is recommended to perform each exercise no more than two or three times. After a day, the number of repetitions can be increased to five times or more.

Literally in a few days, the muscles of the body are filled with strength, and the spine and ligaments become more flexible. Normally developed people in a few days will be able to easily perform each exercise up to 10-12 times.

As for the frequency of classes, Bragg recommends exercising daily at first. After the necessary improvements have appeared in the spine, you can reduce the number of sessions to two times a week. This is enough to keep the spine flexible and stretched. As mentioned earlier, a week of classes is enough for favorable changes to begin to occur with the spine. After 2-3 weeks they become permanent.

You should know that pathological changes in the spine have been occurring for many years and it is impossible to make it healthy and young in just one day. Stock up on patience and perseverance. Constant training of the spinal column will stimulate the recovery and growth of the intervertebral discs, which will make the spine stretched, flexible and healthy.

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Restoration of the spine is a necessary measure for surgical intervention. The operation performed on the spinal column is classified as one of the complex and serious. Keep in mind that recovery can take months or even years. However, a responsible approach to medical recommendations and regular gymnastic practices will help shorten this unpleasant period. Often the success of the entire operation depends on a responsible approach to the recovery phase.

The possibilities are almost unlimited

A few decades ago, medicine could not even imagine that they would learn to carry out effectively, applying it in a wide range of cases. Previously, this kind of intervention was associated with a very high risk. But nowadays, operations have become practically safe, microsurgery is increasingly being used. Due to this, the period of direct intervention is reduced, preparation is simplified, and the restoration of the spine requires less time.

Statistics show that the majority of operations are completed with a positive result. But the patient must remember that not everything depends on the surgeon. It is equally important to undergo rehabilitation under the supervision of a specialist doctor, to strictly follow his recommendations.

Trauma is not a death sentence

Medicine has proven that recovery after a spinal fracture is absolutely real. The operation is performed not only in this case, but also with a number of other indications. Rehabilitation measures are worked out in each case individually.

The main tasks of the recovery period:

  • weakening of the pain syndrome;
  • increased healing rate;
  • prevention of complications;
  • return to mobility.

The key to success is an individual approach

It is impossible to formulate general recommendations or say which exercises for the restoration of the spine will suit everyone without exception. As a rule, therapy is formed individually. Specialists take into account the nature of the injury and its scale, the complexity of the situation and the individual characteristics of the organism.

Rehabilitation is a period when medicine does everything possible so that a person can live comfortably. Remember: immediately after the operation, even the simplest movements bring pain. To cope with the problem, you can practice special postures, as well as sets of exercises to get rid of tension. It doesn't have to be classical gymnastics. In recent years, yoga practices, exercises that came from Buddhism, have been increasingly used.

Time heals and cripples

When visiting a medical center, you must remember that only 1-2 sessions will not give any result. Practice shows that in spinal surgery, the rehabilitation period rarely lasts less than three months, often dragging on for a year or several years.

The sooner you start restoring the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, the less time it will take. If a lot of time has passed between the operation and the course of restoring mobility, you need to contact a high-class doctor with good recommendations so that he can find the set of exercises that will be effective in your case.


It is believed that such a set of measures is most effective when surgery has affected the spine. Treatment, recovery in this case allows you to return a person to mobility, which means eliminating circulatory problems. A set of classes is practiced, during which:

  • muscle tone returns;
  • blood flow increases;
  • the body returns to normal in the shortest possible time.


In the course of such therapy, the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine occurs under the influence of:

  • cold;
  • heat;
  • electric current;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic field;
  • laser.

In the process of impact on the spine, regenerative mechanisms are activated, wounds heal faster, pain goes around, blood circulation in organs and tissues improves. In recent years, in addition to traditional methods of physiotherapy, new developments are increasingly being used, showing increased efficiency.


The postoperative period for the patient is associated with long periods without movement, when the person is sitting or lying down. The human body is normally mobile, so such restrictions are unnatural.

To reduce the negative consequences of surgical intervention, it is recommended to use the simulators developed for this purpose. They help a person stay upright despite a recent injury. Recovery of the spine in such conditions is much faster.


Qigong exercises that came to us from the East have proved to be very good in different situations, and recovery after spinal surgery was no exception. It is recommended to resort to this technique under the supervision of a physician responsible for the recovery period of the patient.

It all starts with feeling your own body. Starting position: legs are shoulder-width apart so that the feet are parallel to each other. The knees are slightly bent, lifting the pelvis, but not pushing the buttocks back. The arms hang freely, the chin is lowered and the top of the head tends to rise. This pose is the starting position for all exercises. It symbolizes the connection between physiology and consciousness.

crane neck

With this exercise, the chin is pressed to the neck, pulling forward. Fix the body for a couple of seconds. Then they lower their head, moving as smoothly as possible, raise it up and again come to their original position.

Clean breath

If recovery is expected, then this practice can be especially useful. Inhale through the nose with a full chest, then exhale, releasing air through the mouth. The abdomen is tensed and pressed into itself. Make sure that the body as a whole is relaxed. They draw analogies with a puppet that no one else controls, and it is finally left to its own will.

turtle neck

With this exercise, the chin must be carefully pressed directly to the neck, then lower the head lower to the chest. In this position, the body is fixed. The head should be parallel to the ground, while the chin is gradually directed forward. Then the head is gently raised so that the eyes look at the sky. They return to their original position.

The dragon soared to the clouds

The exercise begins with the location of the hands on the sides, raising them to the shoulders. Then the hands are lowered, a lock is made, raised to the chest. The folded hands are fixed at the level of the forehead, turn, open closed palms and strive with the whole body to the sky.

The elbow is lowered, the other is raised, shifting the chest. The torso must be turned towards the elbow that is raised. When the body passes the point of greatest tension, the position of the elbows is changed by turning the torso.

Yoga and spinal hernia

The spine is formed by vertebrae, flexibly connected to each other. The mobility of such a system is guaranteed by intervertebral discs. Load every day, uncomfortable conditions, unhealthy environment become the causes of the development of various diseases. More than once, patients were diagnosed with "vertebral hernia".

Tissue degeneration, muscle weakness, bone destruction leads to pathology, the elimination of which in some cases is possible only by surgery. However, practice shows that doctors prefer to practice conservative therapy whenever possible, but this may not always be the case. In any treatment option, one of the most important stages in restoring the quality of life to a person is recovery after a spinal hernia.

As yogis are convinced, muscular effort is the best remedy for restoring health to a person. The correct practice of physical activity allows you to cure all parts of the spine even when the pathology has been launched. Yoga for the back affects each part of the body separately, allowing a person to re-learn the joy of free and painless movement. The exercises are called asanas. Recovery of the spine through yoga is possible, but to achieve a tangible result, they must be performed daily.

How it works?

The specificity of yoga is as follows: asanas must be held for a long time. When exercising, the pressure inside the discs decreases, which has a positive effect not only on the affected areas, but also on healthy ones. With a hernia of the spine, such an effect is rightly considered one of the most effective.

With the practice of exercises, the joints become softer, more mobile, the tissues become elastic, the muscles become stronger. With static stress, the motor neuron apparatus is activated, due to which the functionality of the spine is restored.

The practice of yoga allows you to influence only the spine in a complex way, but also on selected organs. This is corrected by the selection of certain asanas. It is recommended to exercise under the supervision of a doctor, to practice exercises at least once a day.

Where do we start?

Before starting asanas, they do preparatory exercises: they bend, turn, rotate their heads. Move calmly, rhythmically, slowly, repeating each movement 10 times. Having finished, proceed directly to yoga.

The very first pose is tadasana. It involves sipping. After that, you can proceed to other exercises. It is performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position.
  2. They raise their hands.
  3. Stretch the spine.
  4. The elbow joints are bent, bred, thereby setting the shoulders parallel to the floor surface.
  5. The brushes are directed upwards, forming a figure resembling a candlestick.
  6. They turn their heads to the right and left, then throw them back.
  7. Repeat this several times, day by day increasing the mobility of the vertebrae.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

If you have undergone spinal surgery, yoga recovery necessarily includes the Ardha Matsyendrasana exercise.

Simplified version: choose a place in the room at a distance of a step from the wall and stand up straight. Inhaling, they raise their right hand, turn their torso and head to the right, trying to reach the wall. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

A more complex option must be practiced daily, as soon as it has been mastered.

  1. They sit on the right thigh, bend the right knee, trying to touch the left buttock with their fingers.
  2. Bending the right knee, move the leg over the other.
  3. The whole body is turned to the left.
  4. The right hand is held under the knee on the left.
  5. The left hand is brought behind the back, trying to close the palms.
  6. The head is turned to the left.
  7. Raise the chin.

yoga triangles

If a person has suffered a fracture of the spine, recovery is delayed for a long time. Without the right set of rehabilitation measures, it is possible to permanently lose mobility and, consequently, the quality of life. An effective measure will be the practice of yoga exercises, begun as soon as health permits. When you can start, the doctor will tell you exactly, assessing the patient's condition. Remember: hurrying to do yoga, you can inflict additional injury on yourself. Therefore, be extremely careful.

So, yoga triangles. Two are common: inverted and lateral. The first is called Parivrita Trikonasana, the second is Parivatrikonasana.

Parivrita Trikonasana is done as follows:

  1. Starting stance - feet shoulder width apart.
  2. The right palm is placed on the floor at the foot on the left with fingers in the direction of the heel.
  3. The left hand is raised.
  4. The head is turned back.
  5. Look at your fingertips.

This exercise can be done both at the beginning, and in the middle or end of the complex.

Parivatrikonasana is done like this:

  1. The initial position is a wide lunge to the right with the leg bent at the knee to 90 °.
  2. On the left foot, the fingers point up, on the right - to the side.
  3. The body is tilted to the bent knee.
  4. The left hand is pulled up and to the right.
  5. The right arm is bent, placed on a bent leg (you can simply straighten it and hang down).
  6. The head is turned up, looking ahead.
  7. Strive to ensure that the chest was close to the thigh. Every day they try to reduce this distance.

And what to finish?

The technique is as follows: lie on your back, spreading your legs at an angle of 45 °. Muscles relax, breathe deeply, calm down and drive all thoughts out of the head.

This article is about exercises for the lumbar and sacral spine.

A set of exercises for the entire spine, including some original and little-known exercises, is given in the article Exercises for the spine.


There is a connection between the spine and the emotional state of a person. This is not about fleeting emotions, but about those in which a person "gets stuck" for a long time. The result of this "stuck" are constantly spasmodic muscles. which bend the spine, move the vertebrae from their places. Each vertebra is associated with certain emotions. Therefore, before starting the exercises, it makes sense to check which emotions are problematic for you and work with them (there are various techniques and exercises for working with emotions, I will write about this in a separate article).

Is it possible to do physical exercises for the lumbar and sacral spine without dealing with emotions? Of course you can. The connection between emotions and muscles is two-way. Therefore, by relaxing certain muscles, you can influence the emotions that caused them to spasm. And vice versa - sitting, for example, in the wrong position at the computer, you can cause constant tension in the muscles, which, in turn, will cause certain emotions. It turns out the classic question: what came first, the egg or the chicken? In fact, the answer to this question is unimportant, because, for maximum effect, it is best to follow the correct posture, do exercises and work with emotions. Especially if you are concerned about pain or some problems in the lumbar and sacral spine, as well as problems and diseases that are responsible for the lumbar and sacral spine.

The article consists of the following parts:

Diseases in which exercises for the lumbar spine will help.

This table shows which organs are affected and what consequences the displacement of the vertebrae and discs can lead to. lumbar spine. Accordingly, in the presence of these problems, it is worth paying special attention to the exercises for the lumbar spine, which are given below, and also pay attention to the emotions associated with problem vertebrae.

vertebra number
Communication with other parts and organs of the body
Consequences of displacement of the vertebra
1st vertebra Colon. Constipation, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, some types of perforations and hernias.
2nd vertebra Appendix, lower abdomen, upper legs (up to the knees). Convulsions, shortness of breath, acidosis (violation of the acid-base balance in the body).
3rd vertebra Sexual organs, uterus, bladder, knees. Bladder disease, menstrual disorders (eg, painful or irregular periods), urination in bed, impotence, changes in vital signs, severe knee pain. During pregnancy, a miscarriage is possible.
4th vertebra Prostate, lumbar muscles, sciatic nerve. Sciatica, lumbago. Difficult, painful or too frequent urination. Pain in the lower back.
5th vertebra Lower legs, ankles, feet. Poor circulation in the legs, swollen ankles, weak ankles and insteps, cold feet, weakness in the legs, cramps in the leg muscles.

Diseases in which exercises for the pelvic segment (sacral and coccygeal spine) will help.

Responsible for the pelvic bones and buttocks. Associated with diseases of the sacroiliac joint and curvature of the spine.

It may consist of three to five vertebrae. The more vertebrae (the coccygeal section is longer), the more often problems occur in this area. If your coccyx is bent as a result of a fall or accident, you should first of all contact a specialist who will correct this curvature. It is usually impossible to do this on your own. The coccygeal spine is responsible for the rectum and anus. It is associated with hemorrhoids, itching, pain in the coccyx in a sitting position.

A set of exercises for the lumbar and sacral spine.

This video offers a set of exercises aimed at preventing and restoring the functions of the spine in the lumbar and sacral spine. With the help of the exercises shown in the video, you can strengthen your back muscles and eliminate muscle spasms and pain in the lower back and sacrum. You can also restore the balance of metabolic processes in the tissues of the intervertebral discs, improve blood circulation and maintain or restore the flexibility of the spine.

Lumbar spine and emotions.

This table shows what emotions are associated with the displacement of the vertebrae in lumbar spine. In order to get the maximum effect from the exercises, it is recommended to recognize and work out the emotions that correspond to your problem.

The sacral and coccygeal spine and emotions.

The two lower sections of the spine are also associated with emotions. Emotional causes of problems in these departments:

sacral spine- old stubbornness.

Coccygeal spine- lack of peace with oneself (not in harmony with oneself), guilt, attachment to old pain, "clinging" to it.

You can:

  • restore joints (mobility and configuration);
  • become slimmer and improve posture;
  • improve the spine and intervertebral discs;
  • increase bone density and strength;
  • increase energy and strengthen the immune system.

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