Perpetual motion machine in action. Perpetual motion machine and prospects for its development. The paradoxical existence of a perpetual motion machine

According to historical records, the first person to propose building such a machine was a scientist who lived in the 12th century. It was at this time that the Crusades of Europeans began in the Holy Land. The development of crafts, economy and technology required the development of new sources of energy. The popularity of the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine began to grow rapidly. Scientists tried to build it, but their attempts were unsuccessful.

This idea became even more popular in the 15th and 16th centuries with the development of manufactory production. Perpetual motion projects were proposed by all and sundry: from simple artisans who dreamed of setting up their own small factory, to major scientists. Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei and other great researchers, after numerous attempts to create a perpetual motion machine, came to the general opinion that this is basically impossible.

Scientists who lived in the 19th century came to the same opinion. Among them were Hermann Helmholtz and James Joule. They independently formulated the law of conservation of energy, which characterizes the course of all processes in the Universe.

Perpetuum mobile of the first kind

From this fundamental law follows the impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine of the first kind. The law of conservation of energy states that energy does not appear from anywhere and does not disappear without a trace, but only takes on new forms for itself.

A perpetual motion machine of the first kind is an imaginary system capable of doing work (i.e. producing energy) for an unlimited time without access to energy from outside. A real similar system can do work only at the expense of its internal energy. But this work will be limited, since the internal energy reserves of the system are not infinite.

A heat engine for energy production must perform a certain cycle, which means that each time it must return to its initial state. The first law of thermodynamics states that an engine must receive energy from outside to do work. That is why it is impossible to build a perpetual motion machine of the first kind.

Perpetuum mobile of the second kind

The principle of operation of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind was as follows: to take energy from the ocean, while lowering its temperature. This does not contradict the law of conservation of energy, but the construction of such an engine is also impossible.

The thing is that this contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. It lies in the fact that energy from a colder body cannot be transferred to a hotter one in the general case. The probability of such an event tends to zero, since it is irrational.

perpetual motion machine, perp e tuum-m about bile (Latin perpetuum mobile translated perpetual motion) is an imaginary machine that, once set in motion, would do work for an indefinitely long time, without borrowing energy from outside. The ability of such a machine to work indefinitely would mean obtaining energy from nothing.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine originated in Europe, apparently in the 13th century (although there is evidence that the first draft of a perpetual motion machine was proposed by the Indian Bhaskara in the 12th century). Prior to this, projects of perpetual motion machines are unknown. They were not among the Greeks and Romans, who developed many effective mechanisms and laid the foundations scientific approaches to the study of nature. Scientists suggest that cheap and virtually unlimited labor in the form of slaves in antiquity hampered the development of cheap energy sources.

Why did people so stubbornly want to build a perpetual motion machine?

There is nothing surprising. In the XII-XIII century, the crusades began and European society set in motion. The craft began to develop faster and the machines that set the mechanisms in motion were improved. These were mainly water wheels and wheels driven by animals (horses, mules, bulls walking in circles). So the idea arose to come up with an efficient machine driven by cheaper energy. If energy is taken from nothing, then it costs nothing and this is an extreme special case of cheapness - for nothing.

The idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine became even more popular in the 16th-17th centuries, in the era of the transition to machine production. The number of known perpetual motion projects has exceeded a thousand. It was not only poorly educated artisans who dreamed of creating a perpetual motion machine, but also some prominent scientists of their time, since then there was no fundamental scientific prohibition on the creation of such a device.

Already in the 15th-17th centuries, far-sighted naturalists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Girolamo Cardano, Simon Stevin, Galileo Galilei formulated the principle: "It is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine." Simon Stevin was the first who, on the basis of this principle, derived the law of the balance of forces on an inclined plane, which eventually led him to the discovery of the law of the addition of forces according to the triangle rule (the addition of vectors).

By the middle of the 18th century, after centuries of attempts to create a perpetual motion machine, most scientists began to believe that it was impossible to do this. It was just an experimental fact.

Since 1775, the French Academy of Sciences refused to consider perpetual motion projects, although even at that time French academicians had no solid scientific grounds to fundamentally deny the possibility of drawing energy from nothing.

The impossibility of obtaining additional work from nothing was firmly justified only with the creation and approval of the "law of conservation of energy" as a universal and one of the most fundamental laws of nature.

First, Gottfried Leibniz in 1686 formulated the law of conservation of mechanical energy. And the law of conservation of energy as a universal law of nature was independently formulated by Julius Mayer (1845), James Joule (1843–50) and Hermann Helmholtz (1847).

Physician Mayer and physiologist Helmholtz took the last important step. They found that the law of conservation of energy is valid for animals and plants. Prior to this, there was the concept of "living force" and it was believed that for animals and plants the laws of physics may not be fulfilled. Thus, the law of conservation of energy was the first principle established for the entire known universe.

The final touch in the generalization of the law of conservation of energy was Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity (1905). He showed that the law of conservation of mass (there was such a law) is part of the law of conservation of energy. Energy and mass are equivalent according to the formula E \u003d mc 2, where with - the speed of light.

Call them free energy machines, perpetuum mobile or perpetual motion machines. A tiger is still a tiger no matter what color you paint its stripes. Since mankind needs electricity or another source of energy, inventive minds have been searching in vain for an ingenious solution: free energy for all time without any fuel. Sketches and drawings, "how to make a perpetual motion machine," historians have been finding since there were technical sketches. Projects of perpetual motion appear even now, even more often than before. Today we are going to review the most famous example perpetual motion machine and convey to the public understanding that such a miracle still exists.

The meaning that a perpetual motion machine cannot and will not work does not require proof. But since claims of such a possibility do not subside, the discussion deserves attention. Strictly speaking, it would be unscientific for the author to assert that such a possibility exists. A perpetual motion machine would violate the law of thermodynamics. But the fundamental laws of the universe are so inviolable that the author is going to get out from under their influence. The first law of thermodynamics states that the energy of a closed system remains constant. If part of the energy needs to be removed, for example, through the rotation of a shaft, at least the same amount of energy must be returned to the system. The second law of thermodynamics says that the entropy of an isolated system can only increase and cannot decrease. In general, systems tend to thermal equilibrium. Simply put, the second law forbids processes in which heat flows from an area of ​​lower temperature to an area of ​​higher temperature, or where heat is converted completely into work. Any perpetual motion machine is impossible because it violates one or both laws of thermodynamics.

The most common perpetual motion designs are based on a magnetic motor. The magnets are arranged continuously in a circle and must turn the rotor, push the balls around, or keep another structure moving forever. Now such designs are a hybrid of an electric motor. The inventors claim that the kinetic energy of such a motor exceeds the cost of electricity, once launched, it can rotate forever. Internet searches scream thousands of similar projects. Many show a video of a running machine. How can all this be understood? Does the author claim that all these guys are lying?

No, but the author says that anyone claiming a perpetual motion machine is wrong. In most cases, the inventor does not have a physical education, and did not study the principles of operation of electromechanical systems. Most perpetual motion inventors are amateurs and quite honestly (albeit deeply) mistaken. Most often they represent diagrams, notes and calculations performed independently. Some admit that they do not fully understand what is happening in their version of the perpetual motion machine. But, more often than not, they claim to have refuted the laws of nature by applying unique knowledge.

Early versions of the perpetual motion machine are described in the 12th century. The most famous of these is the Bhaskara wheel, whose spokes are half-filled with mercury and curved so that the heavy fluid tends to move away from the axis when moving down, and tends to the axis of rotation when moving up, providing a lever to maintain rotation. A similar design, called the wheel with unequal balance, was repeated for many centuries in many versions. The 13th century Willard's wheel uses mallets instead of a heavy liquid. The 15th century Taccola wheel uses suspended levers. Leonardo da Vinci drew a whole series of wheels with unequal balance, although he knew that eternal rotation was impossible.
In 1870, author Henry Dircks quoted Leonardo:

“...Fitting such a wheel with many balancing parts and making it spin will cause it to stop because you are fooling yourself with such a design… Although the heavier parts of the wheel are further from the axis of rotation and their torque increases, the driving force of the entire wheel remains unchanged.”

A special place in the history of perpetual motion machines is occupied by the German watchmaker Johann Bessler. He designed a huge number of wheels, which he demonstrated in the early 1700s. Its huge wheels, driven by a pendulum, had a closed mechanism. Bessler received support and widespread recognition, although he was considered by many to be an illusionist in addition to his fame as a skilled watchmaker. The most famous demonstration of the continuously spinning wheel lasted for 53 days in a sealed, closed room guarded by Bessler's patron, the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel. But since the room was windowless, and Bessler was always the first to enter and the last to leave, the skeptics weren't sure that the wheel would keep turning.

Physics is still physics, whether we talk about a simple or complex mechanism with funny terminology and connected to a battery. In 2006, Steorn announced a device called Orbo, which, as everyone knows, was a classic magnetic motor. All public demonstrations failed (except when the battery was connected), but they still claimed progress. For decades, a guy named John Searl claimed to have built a magnetic motor called the Searl Effect Generator and claimed to fly around the area in a flying saucer with his motor.

AT last years many claim that coils of wire generate electricity. The most famous are the “hanks of Rodin”, named after the author Marko Rodin. According to him, it is based on the principle of vortex mathematics, a new science invented and recognized by him. The perpetual motion machine of the Canadian inventor Thane Heins has the exotic name Perpettia bi-toridal transformer (Perepiteia bi-toroidal transformer). Observers came to the conclusion that this is an ordinary electric motor and only Haynes himself assures that more electricity is generated than consumed.

As you might imagine, many perpetual motion advocates look to Nikolo Tesla and his 1900 article in the Century Illustrated Magazine. Some have interpreted Tesla's article as a confirmation of the possibility of a perpetual motion machine. A quick glance at the article will tell you that Tesla didn't touch on the issue of perpetual motion at all. An article about the possibilities of heat pipeline and heat transfer from a warm region to a cold region. Tesla didn't discuss the possibility of breaking the law of thermodynamics, he discussed the possibility of using it.

A common misconception associated with perpetual motion models is that many of them are patented. A patent confirms only the originality of the design and cannot serve as a recognition of the performance of a particular device. In fact, a large number of incredible mechanisms have been successfully patented and failed in testing. Perpetual motion machines are not patentable in most countries. In the US, this is called the "applicability requirement". In order to obtain a patent, a device must have a minimum applicability. The law excludes the possibility of patenting perpetual motion machines, based on their impossibility. Simply put, you won't get a patent for an "intergalactic transformer" until you submit a valid design.

The most common case of patent refusal is described on the official website as (the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure) and has been in force since 1977. Joseph Newman was an eccentric who developed his own theory of gyroscopes and electromagnetism. The patent for the motor was denied because the principle violated the laws of nature. Newman filed appeals, which were also denied. His mood was very serious, and in 1989 a lawsuit was filed against the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. The judge appointed a specialist to review Newman's prototype. The specialist carefully studied the design and performance of this version of the perpetual motion machine. And, although he understood that Newman was wrong, he admitted that the outgoing energy exceeded the expended.

But the court did not recognize, and sent the invention to the National Bureau of Standards for testing. The conclusion of the Bureau did not coincide with the conclusions of the specialist. The device is a conventional DC-to-AC converter and is only slightly inferior in efficiency to known devices of this type. The court's decision was not in Newman's favor, but he appealed again. Claimed the Bureau's tests were wrong. Ultimately, a federal court upheld the local court's decision.

A discussion about perpetual motion machines would not be complete without a mention of the conspiracy theory cited by proponents of exotic inventions. The main argument in the government's refusal to register perpetual motion machines is the support of the oil magnates. Conspiracy theory sites such as InfoWars, and Natural News support the perpetual motion machine. And films like Thrive, too.

On the surface, the theory seems plausible, but on closer inspection it falls apart. First, said suppression does not seem to exist at all. Various perpetual motion machines are advertised all the time, YouTube is tearing up daily updates on perpetual motion machines that supposedly work. In whatever form suppression is expressed, it is completely ineffective. A lot of people have been crusading in defense of their perpetual motion machine for decades. Neither the agents in black from the government, nor the agents of the oil magnates are preventing this struggle for a bright future of free energy. Books stay on the shelves, videos stay on YouTube, patents stay on file and are publicly available. The suppression of the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine is difficult to confirm.

Why do decent inventors pursue the goal of creating a perpetual motion machine when the foundations of the theory speak of the impossibility? Patent attorney Gene Quinn offered an explanation:

“The pursuit of the impossible, at least the impossible based on the known laws of physics and nature, is a serious motivation for many. Young sci-fi enthusiasts become scientists who challenge conventional wisdom and try to create the devices of their dreams."

There is also the age-old desire for a magically quick solution to a difficult problem. Not many people have such persistent aspirations. It does not matter what is considered: super-health, psychological super-strength or perpetual motion machine. A fair number of people are obsessed with the idea of ​​achieving this. Inevitably, including positively minded amateurs, they deceive themselves and other non-specialists with alleged discoveries. The dream of a perpetual motion machine is inexhaustible.

Translation Vladimir Maksimenko 2013


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Comments on “”

  1. Andrei

    Are there people who know how to make a perpetual motion machine?

    Answering the question posed in the title of the article, I say a firm "Yes".
    And one of them, recently deceased, Richard Feynman, who claimed that in
    the vacuum enclosed in a bulb of an electric bulb contains so much
    enough energy to boil all the oceans. Of course, "vacuum energy"
    nothing to do with it. Everything is much simpler. We are talking about the possibility of translating reactive
    energy at the input to the active on a resistive load by connecting to the circuit
    link of pure delay (ZChZ) providing a lag of current from voltage on
    90 degrees. Such a device completely imitates an ideal inductance.
    Thus, the VD circuit is very simple and can be described as a chain of U-ZCHZ-R
    (the designations are standard). Apparently, the Nobel laureate meant
    under ZChZ two counter-parallel connected vacuum diodes.
    According to the author of this comment, due to the small inertial mass of the electron, the frequency
    applied voltage should be in the region of 30 terahertz.
    When using more inertial energy carriers of electromagnetic
    fields (e.g. domains of magnets), achievement of the required phase shift is available
    at audio frequencies.
    To the question of conspiracy theories: what made Feynman so "ciphered"?
    Will this comment be published?

  2. Andrei

    Perpetual motion machines of the 2nd kind
    (Electrohydrogen generators)
    The source of energy is the environment. Forms of energy - thermal energy + any types
    ionizing radiation. The working fluid undergoing transformation in the work-water cycle.
    Here we consider the semi-cycle WATER - HYDROGEN + OXYGEN

    The principles of operation of the devices are based on the utilization of ionization energy by separating
    charges and their subsequent neutralization on the electrodes. As a result, we have an electric
    current and gas. It differs from the electrolysis of water in that it is not supplied
    and no electrical energy is consumed from an external source.
    The author knows 2 principles for the implementation of such devices.
    This is the “Maxwell Demon” and the static electric field contact difference

    "Maxwell's demon" is the gravitational field. Experiments show that the negative electric potential
    acquires an electrode having a greater gravitational potential.
    It follows that negative ions have less mass than positive ones. The generation mechanism is that the charges
    having different masses but the same kinetic
    energy (in a statistical sense) rise to different heights in
    gravitational field (see also EVG Studennikov)
    These devices are monothermal, and moreover, anti-entropic,
    since during operation, heat is processed into more ordered forms of energy carriers (gas and electricity)

    Experimental data: experiment No. 1
    plastic hose diam.
    10mm, 2m long filled with 0.1% (v/v) sulfuric acid solution, with graphite electrodes
    at the ends of the hose, was vertically suspended on the wall
    apartments. A voltmeter with an internal resistance of 1 mΩ is connected to the electrodes. Observations were carried out during the year.
    Results: a day later, the generation mode was established
    voltage 60-70 millivolts. (-) on the top electrode and (+) on the bottom. Voltage fluctuations are caused
    variability of temperature and background radiation.
    experience number 2

    plastic watering hose 5 m long, D 15 mm, graphite electrodes D 10 mm
    hung from the balcony. Temperature 35.
    Pure water from a faucet 50mV (+) on the top electrode (-) on the bottom.
    the addition of total salt gave an increase of 5 mV
    Pure tap water with practically insoluble boric acid
    4 to 12 mV (-) on the top electrode (+) on the bottom.
    And here is the solution to the polarity reversal
    directory > chemical encyclopedia:
    Hydroxonium ion (hydronium cation) H? O? , the hydrated form of the proton. exists in aqueous solutions of acids, is part of some pseudohydrates.
    In the first experiments, probably due to the low temperature and the short EMF generation hose in
    pure water was not observed. This time there was no sulfuric acid on hand. But I think that
    and so everything is clear.

    Unlike electrogravitic devices, devices powered by
    contact potential difference, do not require heat supply to create
    potential differences. The only thing that matters is the presence of ions in the water.
    One of the promising water ionizers are weakly radioactive elements, such as ash from cigarettes.
    Non-destructive cathode (-) is N-doped silicon (substrate 2000a thyristor, anode (+) graphite rod. The source of ions is water. When the electrodes are closed with a microammeter (R = 10 ohm), a current of 0.4 mA is recorded. Water decomposes.

    The insolubility of the cathode is due to the band mechanism of electrical conductivity p/p.
    Explanations: only the electrons of the conduction band are involved in the N-p / p electrical conductivity.
    That. electrons bound to the crystal lattice do not allow the electrolyte to pull out positive ions from the lattice. This is true, at least for the energy range considered here.
    The contact potential difference creates an electrostatic field in the water, which causes the directed movement of ions. In this case, even the simplest HIT from aluminum, graphite and water is a superunit generator, if we take into account the additional energy generated due to the contact potential difference.
    And although superunity, against the background of the electrochemical reaction of dissolution of the cathode, will be a small fraction, but this is a fact.

    The released hydrogen and oxygen can be used in fuel

  3. Parfirych

    I didn't believe in perpetual motion. I often thought about the inertioid and once on a belt drive I drew weights with a uniform step. Did not believe. Calculated and wrote the article "On the existence of an inertioid, perpetual motion machine and asymmetry".

  4. Ukhar

    For example, I proposed a new concept of wind turbines. Everyone shied away from her like hell from incense. This is a perpetual motion machine, but this cannot be! All I hear. And why can't four (at least) wind turbines provide energy for one electric motor?

  5. Michael

    I made a self-rotator assembly, where 2 levers 0.5 kg + 0.5 kg = 1.0 kg, descending at an angle of 60 degrees, raise the lever 1.6 kg 95 degrees using gears. I continue to study the mechanism further. See information Yandex SELF-ROTATOR

  6. Sergey

    Look here:
    It is interesting that there is a substantiation of structures within the framework of the generally recognized theory of interactions, with the exception, in fact, of the law of conservation of energy.

  7. Valery

    Inertioid and perpetual motion machine, what is it for
    In the early 90s, at the exhibition of technical creativity of youth, there was a poster with the inscription " Gravity Engine", I stopped, looking at the drawing. The organizer of the exhibition came up, talked to him about the perpetual motion machine, after which he asked me to convince the author to remove the poster. “Otherwise, you will develop documentation,” he joked and followed the author. It was clear that reference to the law of conservation of energy could not be avoided, there was information about the construction of metaphysical laboratories, cracks for dispersing clouds and other innovations. There was no pencil, I had to prove it “on my fingers”, the author understood and removed the poster.
    And I thought, an interesting thing happens: the world around us is in perpetual motion, and we do not allow the idea of ​​modeling perpetual motion. Perhaps that is why Goethe's words do not lose their relevance: "My friend's theory is dry, but the tree of life is eternally green."
    The calculation of the devices shown in Figures 1 and 2 of the article "On the existence of an inertioid, perpetual motion machine and asymmetry" is made through 0.1 steps of installing weights. When calculating after 0.05 steps, the obtained indicators decrease by about a factor of two. That is, having shown a method for calculating simple circuits, I proposed to search for more efficient options. For example: run the tape on large pulleys along the chord, which will reduce the number of weights.
    The calculation of the rotor in Figure 3 is done with sufficient accuracy to make a decision. About 3,000 high-sensitivity bubble flasks will be required to make the rotor. And if by calculation it is possible to increase the release of the moment of force by ten times, one cannot do without flasks. The sensitivity of nature can be judged by the following fact: In sinks installed oppositely a few meters from the equator, the funnels rotate in different directions when draining water.
    About the possibility of using the rotor to generate energy: When the rotor rotates, there is no vertical speed at the points of 0 and 180 degrees. At the points of 90 and 270 degrees, the vertical speed is equal to the linear speed, that is, there will be an acceleration along the vertical, which will be superimposed on the acceleration of gravity, as a result of which the pressure of the bubble on the flask will change, in addition, during rotation, centrifugal force will arise and the bubble will shift. All this will not allow the rotor to gain momentum, and it will rotate very slowly, more precisely, self-unbalance or have asymmetry.
    Therefore, rely on practical use the rotor as a "perpetual motion machine" is not necessary, and the recognition of the existence of self-unbalance is a matter of curiosity and time. What cannot be said about the inertioid to which no alternative has yet been found.
    To recognize the existence of an inertioid, experimentation is necessary. The device schemes described in the note “On the release of centrifugal force to obtain thrust” of this article have a calculated thrust of up to 3 percent of the total centrifugal force on a semicircle, but are difficult to manufacture. The designs of more efficient devices may turn out to be no less complex, which calls into question the manufacture of a device in a handicraft way, and the development of documentation, the manufacture of experimental samples and laboratory equipment is beyond the power of amateurs.
    Retired engineer Pronota V.P.

  8. Vladik-ShokoVladik

    Scientific stereotypes, accepted in science as its "indestructible" scientific postulates, stopped the thinking of many scientists, and people in general, both of the past and the present, being in it a certain mental cunning brake that prevents them from easily understanding the absolutely simple, and which is a certain help, an engine-driver, for creating in the mind of many of them, the uttermost highly complex ugly nonsense!!!

  9. Zoom

    Nothing is eternal, the LAW of life. But let's look at a nuclear reaction, the energy costs to start it.
    much lower than what we get. The sun is a perpetual motion machine or not. From this position, I suppose you need to look.
    From the standpoint of an engine whose efficiency is more than one, but not about eternity, this cannot be theoretical in nature.

  10. Vitaly

    Well, why is VD considered only in relation to the laws of conservation of energy and thermodynamics, and the law of gravity is gravity, it is also energy. Find in the Google search engines articles on the topic: “Perpetuum Mobile” by Putev-M.D.G. or an essay on the topic: “Gravity controlled by mechanisms”

  11. Vladyokha

    Everything is simple!!! Decent inventors do not design perpetual motion machines for the sake of issuing a patent to them, but design it for the benefit of human society and the ecology of the planet Earth!!!

  12. Vladyokha

    Over-unit closed system energy recovery - battery-motor-generator: ((((((((A/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/ 100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B%+A)/100%*B% + A) \u003d ..., where: A - the energy of the primary source (let's say it is the electric current of the battery), constantly supplied to power the engine with it; 100% is 100% of the energy, and doing for these 100% in calculations is finding 1% of the energy, both once, from the very initial energy of the primary source, and constantly, from the value of any number new time recuperated energy by the system - battery-engine-generator; In% - this is a figure in%, the efficiency of a single cycle of energy recovery, by the system - battery-engine-generator, generated by its generator. And if the efficiency - V%, is equal to this system - the battery-motor-generator is 50%, then the system produces by its generator 1 (100%) of energy equal to that 1 (100%), which it constantly feeds from its battery. But if it, this system - a battery-motor-generator, has its efficiency - V%, equal to more than 50%, then it produces more than 1 (100%) - the energy that is constantly fed by its battery, generating it with its generator! And at the same time, this system does not even violate, so to speak, the law of conservation of energy, because every time at the entrance of recuperation, its energy is A, it spends this recuperated energy on itself and spends it in order to make its own new work, many times, which means that it does not produce its useful work each time more than it spends on its production of its own energy, although it is capable of this, it builds up in itself, many times more than all the energy that was charged at the very beginning her battery!


    From the theory of electrical circuits, the phenomenon of current resonance is known.
    With a parallel connection of capacitance C and inductance L and when performing
    conditions (2πf) ² = 1 / С L-current does not flow through the voltage supply circuit.
    Formally, this is described as follows: Ic=jU/Xc , IL=-jU/XL.
    when Xc and XL are equal. the sum of the currents in the supply circuit is 0
    The current IL lags the current Ic in phase by an angle π. If the inductance is replaced
    to active resistance R= XL. connected in series
    a link of pure delay (ZChZ) providing a lag of the current from
    voltage at the angle π / 2, then there is nothing in the operation of the resonant circuit
    not change except
    the fact that heat will be released on the resistance R Q \u003d RI²
    This is a meaningful description of the task, it is simple and
    If you use two counter-parallel
    included vacuum diodes, it would seem that the idea is easy
    is being implemented. With the light hand of R. Feynman,
    this idea circulates on the Internet, under the name "vacuum energy"
    Feynman is often cited as saying that in a vacuum contained in a balloon
    light bulbs contain so much energy that it can be boiled
    all oceans. According to available estimates, for the implementation
    the desired phase shift requires a frequency in the region of 3 terahertz (3 * 10¹5 Hz), in view of
    small inertial mass of the electron. For more massive charge carriers (mercury ions) 2 * 10¹² Hz, which will practically lead to the radiation of energy through the walls of the vessel, which is not
    reaches the consumer
    The following is one of the options
    implementation of the ZCHZ based on the inertia of the rotation of the magnetic
    domains where the desired phase shift can be achieved even at audio frequencies.
    The bottom line is that the secondary winding covers
    two cores. The first core is a conventional transformer in
    in which the magnetic flux remains constant at a constant
    input voltage u₁= jω Ф ₁ w₁
    there is no demagnetizing winding in the second core
    and therefore Ф₂ depends only on the load current. With increasing load current, the amplitude
    Ф₂ increases “With a certain increase in the amplitude of the remagnetizing field, a phase shift φ appears between the periodic functions H=Hm sinωt and B=Vt sin(ωt-φ).”
    Quote from Mishin D.D. Magnetic materials.M. 1981 page 29.
    The overwhelming majority work on this effect.
    resonant fuel-free generators differing from each other only
    ZCHZ design. This is the already mentioned “vacuum energy”, the Shoulders tube,
    Kapanadze generator, etc.
    To quantify the expected effects, it is necessary to formalize
    the above qualitative considerations.
    to the presentation of which we turn.

    Double circuit transformer



    mathematical model taking into account the delay by
    magnetization reversal

    magnetic flux Ф₁ is created by two magnetizing forces w₁ i₁ and w₂i₂
    F₁=ff₁(w₁ i₁- w₂i₂) F₁=L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂
    M coefficient of mutual inductance
    the magnetic flux Ф₂ is created by one magnetizing force
    F₂= ff₂ w₂i₂ F₂= L₂ i₂/w₂
    where ff is the form factor of the core
    ff=µS/P – here µ is the absolute magnetic permeability of the core material,
    S area cross section, P perimeter
    note that the inductance L=ffw²
    Ф \u003d iL / w i - current in the winding, w - number of turns of the winding
    EMF of self-induction U= jωLi , j=√-1 , ω=2∏f where f is frequency in Hz, ∏=3.14
    In the frequency description of the model chosen here, based on the transformation
    Fourier, the pure delay link is introduced as a multiplier e-j ωT
    T delay time or ωT=φ delay angle
    Ф₂e-jωT= ff₂ w₂i₂ or Ф₂= L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂

    Magnetic flux in the secondary winding

    The sum of magnetic fluxes Ф₀= Ф₂ + Ф₁= L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂

    Ф₀=L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂
    generates voltage U₂=jωw₂ Ф₀
    U₂= jωw₂ (L₂ i₂ ejωT/w₂ + L₁ i₁/ w₁-Mi₂/ w₂)

    U₂= jω L₂ i₂ ejωT + jω L₂ i₁ — jω Mi₂

    Magnetic flux in the primary winding

    Ф₁=L₁ i₁/ w₁ — M i₂/w₂

    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ — jω L₁ i₂
    Because Mw₁/w₂ = L₁

    we have 3 equations
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ — jω L₁ i₂ 1.

    jω L₁ i₁ w₂/ w₁= jω L₂ i₁
    U₂= jω L₂ i₂ ejωT + jω L₂ i₁ - jω Mi₂ 2.
    i₂z = U₂ 3.
    with 3 unknowns i₁, i₂ and U₂
    where z =jx+r complex load
    jointly solve 3 and 2
    i₂z = jω L₂ i₂ ejωT + jω L₂ i₁ — jω Mi₂

    i₂ = jω L₂ i₁ /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    let's substitute i₂ into 1.
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ - jω L₁(jω L₂ i₁) /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)
    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ + L₁ ω² L₂ i₁) /(z + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    U₁= jωL₁ i₁ +(M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ ejωT)

    for U₁ and i₁ to be orthogonal, it is necessary

    so that the expression

    did not contain a real part
    ej φ = cos φ +jsin φ
    (M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ ej φ)
    (M² ω² i₁) /(r+jx + jω M- jω L₂ (cos φ +jsin φ))
    those. r=- ω L₂sin φ
    because function sin φ is odd, then r= ω L₂sin(- φ)
    this is the orthogonality condition

    reactive component

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ................................................. .................... 3

1. Historical attempts to create a perpetual motion machine .............................................. ... 4

2. The design of the perpetual motion machine............................................... ................................................. ..... 6

3. The first projects of perpetual motion machines.................................................... ............................................. ten

4. The paradoxical existence of a perpetual motion machine.................................................................... 14

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ............. sixteen

List of references .............................................................................. ............................................... 17


About "perpetual motion", "perpetual motion" is often spoken of both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, but not everyone is aware of what, in fact, should be meant by this expression. A perpetual motion machine is such an imaginary mechanism that constantly moves itself and, in addition, performs some other useful work. No one could build such a mechanism, although attempts to invent it have been made for a long time. The futility of these attempts led to a firm conviction of the impossibility of a perpetual motion machine and to the establishment of the law of conservation of energy - the fundamental statement of modern science. As for perpetual motion, this expression refers to continuous motion without doing work.

From a psychological point of view, the idea of ​​perpetual motion has always been extremely tempting: after all, the practical implementation of an artificially created closed energy cycle would undoubtedly lead to an epochal revolution in science and technology with profound socio-economic consequences. In addition to denying the essence of modern physical theories, this would mean that the constructed perpetual motion machine would be the world's first machine with an ideal working cycle. Its perfection and maximum operational efficiency would have a huge impact on the development of the world economy. Humanity would forever get rid of the fear of lack of energy, which relentlessly pursues it today. Thus, the development of such a real perpetual motion machine would overshadow all the inventions and discoveries made so far.

1. Historical attempts to create a perpetual motion machine

If you believe historical documents, the ancient Greeks and Romans were indifferent to the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine. The Romans had enough slaves, and the Greeks were too good at mechanics.

European mechanics were infected with the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine from the Indians. In the 12th century, the Indian mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara "invented" the first perpetual motion machine known to history - a wheel, along the circumference of which containers partially filled with mercury were attached at a certain angle. As the wheel turned, the mercury flowed from one end of the container to the other, causing the wheel to make another revolution. It is obvious that Bhaskara borrowed the design of his perpetual motion machine from the famous circle of eternal return and never attempted to build the device he described. Perhaps he did not even think about how real his construction was - for Bhaskara it was just a convenient mathematical abstraction.

However, European mechanics, familiarized with the works of Bhaskara, accepted the successful design. One of them was Villard de Honnecourt (XIII century). During his life he did a lot of useful things, but he went down in history as another inventor of perpetuum mobile. Its design almost completely repeated the Bhaskara version, but along with the use of mercury, Onnecur proposed another method. In his opinion, the effect of perpetual motion could be achieved by placing an odd number of hammers around the circumference of the wheel. When the wheel rotates, the hammers will hit it, not letting it stop, Honnecourt believed.

Showed remarkable interest in this problem and Leonardo da Vinci. He was very skeptical about perpetual motion machines, but he spared no time both for a detailed criticism of variations on the theme of the Bhaskara wheel, and for a detailed analysis of the mistakes of his compatriot Francesco di Giorgio (Francisco di Georgio). Complex systems of pumps and mill wheels looked very plausible on paper and even worked, but, alas, they were not perpetual motion machines. The fundamental impossibility of building such a system became a commonplace two hundred years after Leonardo, but in the 1950s. The idea of ​​using water as a source of eternal energy was reborn in the works of Viktor Schauberger.

Robert Fludd (Robert Fludd, 1574-1637) - a famous philosopher, mystic and, possibly, a member of the semi-mythical brotherhood of the Rosicrucians - in the treatise "De Simila Naturae", referring to an unnamed Italian inventor, gives a sketch of a water engine, but doubts that this engine will work. Ironically, Fludd is usually considered a supporter of the idea of ​​perpetual motion, sometimes attributing to him the authorship of the drawings that he placed in his books.

2. Design of a perpetual motion machine

The interest of European science in magnets could not but be reflected in the design of perpetual motion machines. The famous scientist, the first secretary of the British Royal Society, Bishop John Wilkins (Bishop John Wilkins of Chester, 1614–72) for many years defended the possibility of building a perpetual motion machine based on magnets. As proof of the correctness of his ideas, Wilkins used a sketch of an engine consisting of a magnet, an iron ball and special tracks along which the ball first fell down under the influence of gravity, and then pulled up to the magnet. And although a successful prototype was never built, Wilkins believed until his death that it was still possible to build a perpetual motion machine based on his favorite design. Just need to work on it a little more.

Mechanical perpetual motion machines reached their highest point of development thanks to Johann Ernst Elias Bessler (Johann Bessler, 1680–1745), also known as Orffyreus (Latinized Bessler cryptogram). The life of Bessler, famous for his bad temper, is a good illustration of the usefulness of patent law. The inventor wanted to sell his perpetual motion machine for one hundred thousand thalers (about two and a half million dollars at today's exchange rate) and did not agree to reveal the secret of the invention to anyone before the sale. At the slightest suspicion, at the slightest hint that they want to steal the secret, Johann Bessler destroyed the blueprints and prototypes and moved to another city.

In 1719, Bessler, under the pseudonym Orffyreus, published the treatise "Perpetuum Mobile Triumphans", in which, in particular, he claims that he managed to create "dead matter, which not only moves itself, but can be used to lift weights and do work."

Two years earlier, the most impressive demonstration of Bessler's invention took place. A perpetual motion machine with a shaft diameter of more than 3.5 m was put into action on November 17, 1717. On the same day, the room in which he was kept was locked, and it was opened only on January 4, 1718. The engine was still running: the wheel was spinning at the same speed as a month and a half ago.

During seven years of active experiments (1712–19), Bessler built more than three hundred prototypes of two perpetual motion models. In the first prototypes, the wheel rotated only in one direction, and it took considerable effort to stop it, in the later ones, the shaft could rotate in any direction and stopped quite easily. Any of Bessler's designs was not just on energy self-sufficiency. There was also enough energy to do some work: for example, to lift weights.

But neither numerous certificates issued by independent commissions, nor public demonstrations brought Bessler the money with which he was going to build a school for engineers. The maximum that he could get from those in power was four thousand thalers at a time and a house as a gift from Landgrave Karl, the owner of Weissenstein Castle.

The operating principles of Bessler engines are not exactly known. Today we only know that he did not directly use the ideas of Bhaskara, as well as the "water principle". Bessler was an experienced watchmaker, and in terms of the number of parts his engines could easily be compared with mechanical watches. Perhaps he came up with a complex system of counterweights to keep the system unstable, coupled with spring mechanisms that occasionally catalyze the rotation of the wheel.

Before the law of conservation of energy was discovered, attempts were made for centuries to create a machine that would allow more work to be done than energy was expended. She had previously received the name "perpetuum mobele".

A perpetual motion machine is an imaginary but impracticable engine that, after starting it up, does work for an indefinitely long time.

Here is how the remarkable French engineer Sadi Carnot wrote about the significance of a perpetual motion machine for mankind: “The general and philosophical concept of “perpetuum mobile” contains not only the idea of ​​motion, which after the first push continues forever, but the action of an instrument or some collection of such, capable of developing an unlimited amount of driving force, capable of consistently bringing all the bodies of nature out of rest, if they were in it, violating the principle of inertia in them, capable, finally, of drawing from itself the necessary forces to set the entire Universe in motion, to support and continuously accelerate its movement. Such would indeed be the creation of a driving force. If this were possible, it would be useless to look for the driving force in the streams of water and air, in combustible material, we would have an endless source from which we could draw endlessly.

Perpetual motion machines are usually designed using the following techniques or their combinations:

Lifting water with an Archimedean screw;

The rise of water with the help of capillaries;

Using a wheel with unbalanced weights;

Human nature is such that from time immemorial people have tried to create something that works on its own, without any external influences. Subsequently, this device was given the definition Perpetuum Mobile or . Many famous scientists of different times unsuccessfully tried to create it, including the great Leonardo da Vinci. He spent several years creating a perpetual motion machine, both by improving existing models and trying to create something fundamentally new. In the end, having figured out why nothing works, he was the first to formulate the conclusion that it was impossible to create such a mechanism. However, the inventors were not convinced by his formulation, and they are still trying to create the impossible.

Bhaskara wheel and similar perpetual motion designs

It is not known for certain who and when was the first to try to create a perpetual motion machine, but the first mention of it in manuscripts dates back to the 12th century. The manuscripts belong to the Indian mathematician Bhaskara. In them, in poetic form, a certain wheel is described, with tubes attached to it around the perimeter, half filled with mercury. It was believed that due to the flow of fluid, the wheel itself would rotate indefinitely. Approximately on the same principle, several more attempts were made to create a perpetual motion machine. As usual, no luck.

Models built on the principle of the Bhaskara wheel

Perpetuum mobile from a chain of floats

Another prototype of a perpetual motion machine is based on the use of the law of Archimedes. In theory, it was believed that a chain consisting of hollow tanks would rotate due to the buoyancy force. Only one thing was not taken into account - the pressure of the water column on the lowest tank will compensate for the buoyancy force.

Perpetuum mobile, working according to the law of Archimedes

Another inventor of the perpetual motion machine is the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin. According to his theory, a chain of 14 balls thrown through a triangular prism should start moving, because there are twice as many balls on the left side as on the right, and the lower balls balance each other. But even here the insidious laws of physics interfered with the plans of the inventor. Although four balls are twice as heavy as two, they roll on a flatter surface, so the force of gravity acting on the balls on the right is balanced by the force on the balls on the left, and the system remains in equilibrium.

Stevin's perpetual motion model and its implementation with a chain

Perpetuum mobile with permanent magnets

With the advent of permanent (and especially neodymium) magnets, the inventors of perpetual motion machines became active again. There are many variations of magnet-based power generators, and one of their first inventors, Michael Brady, even patented this idea in the 90s of the last century.

Michael Brady working on a permanent magnet perpetual motion machine in 2002

And the video below shows a fairly simple design that anyone can make at home (if you collect enough magnets). It is not known how long this thing will spin, but even if you do not take into account energy losses from friction, this engine can only be considered conditionally eternal, because the power of the magnets weakens over time. But still, the spectacle is mesmerizing.

Of course, we have not talked about all the options for perpetual motion machines, because human imagination, if not endless, is very inventive. However, all existing models of perpetual motion machines have one thing in common - they are not eternal. That is why the Paris Academy of Sciences decided not to consider projects of perpetual motion machines since 1775, and the US Patent Office has not issued such patents for more than a hundred years. And yet in the International Patent Classification there are still sections for some varieties of perpetual motion machines. But this applies only to the novelty of design solutions.

Summing up, we can only say one thing: despite the fact that it is still believed that the creation of a truly perpetual motion machine is impossible, no one forbids trying, inventing and believing in the impossible.

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