Calculation of the foundation on piles from asbestos-cement pipes. Piles from asbestos-cement pipes. Well base expansion

You can build it yourself, but before starting work, you need to consider all the features of this type of base, as well as learn in detail about the process technology. This type of foundation acts as a good alternative to tape, monolithic or slab base. Such a foundation, as a rule, is used in the construction of structures that are insignificant in mass. In addition, the work will not be accompanied by too high costs. It should be noted that this type of foundation is almost indispensable when it comes to frame houses or outbuildings. But one cannot ignore the fact that it has certain disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the fact that the building cannot have a basement or basement.

Construction features

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes does not involve the use of heavy equipment. The foundation, which is based on supports, can be made in one of two ways. The first involves the use of finished piles. But in private housing construction, this method is of little use, due to the need to rent specialized equipment. The second method involves the manufacture of pillars directly in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to pour the solution into the formwork, which is formed in a previously dug hole in the ground. In the role of formwork, various structures are used, among which there may be wooden panels.

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes is quite easy to equip also for the reason that the pipes that are used as formwork are very light in weight. Using such products, you get a guarantee that the concrete will not be exposed to water. In addition, the supports are not afraid of external damage, because asbestos-cement pipes have a fairly impressive margin of safety. All these qualities make them ideal for arranging fixed formwork. You can choose pipes of the desired diameter for construction.

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes can be erected on a territory that is characterized by uneven terrain. Moreover, a high percentage of soil moisture is allowed. It is important to take into account the weight of the future structure before starting construction, since with an impressive mass, the number of supports should be increased.

Foundation technology

Initially, all calculations have to be made, the implementation of which is preferable to entrust professionals. When determining the number of pillars, it must be taken into account that the largest step between the supports should not be more than 2.5 m. The next step is to proceed to the preparation of the territory on which construction will be carried out. The soil must be free from debris and foreign objects. We have to get rid of the fertile soil layer. After that, the land, as a rule, is transferred to another part of the site so that it does not act as an obstacle during the work.

Before asbestos-cement pipes, it is necessary to mark the base. At the same time, it is important to check how correctly the corners are set, for which you have to pull a fishing line or a special marking cord. This must be done not only on the sides of the base, but also on the diagonals, while it is important to ensure that a perfect rectangle is obtained. Only after that it is possible to start work on which the supports will be installed.

In order to equip a columnar foundation of asbestos-cement pipes, it is necessary to prepare wells that are drilled through, however, the TISE tool can also be used. If it is planned to carry out work in areas with difficult soil, then it is worth using a drilling rig, which will have to be rented. It must be remembered that this approach will increase the cost of the work. It is necessary to deepen the supports below the soil freezing line.

Pillow arrangement

Before installing asbestos-cement pipes under the foundation, it is necessary to prepare the bottom of the well, for which a sand cushion is poured there. It is necessary to pour so much that after tamping a layer is obtained, the thickness of which is approximately 20 cm. In order to make the pillow easier to tamp, it is necessary to spill it with water. If the work is carried out on excessively weak soils, then a concrete support can be created at the bottom of the well, however, its diameter should be somewhat wider than that characteristic of an asbestos-cement pipe. In order to provide insulation, it is recommended to lay a layer of dense polyethylene at the bottom of the well, this will eliminate the possibility of moisture escaping into the soil from the concrete solution.

Pipe installation

When you mount the foundation on asbestos-cement pipes with your own hands, the next step is to proceed with the installation of asbestos-cement pipes. It is necessary to install the element strictly in a vertical position, for this you have to use spacers. It is imperative to analyze the evenness of the installation of pipes, using the building level for this.


The support must be strengthened; for this, a reinforcing frame made of bars must first be prepared. Horizontal and vertical belts are required. After the fittings can be lowered into the pipe. If it is supposed to build a horizontal strapping, then the reinforcing rods must be brought out to connect with the grillage reinforcement.

Pouring concrete

After that, you can start pouring, it must be done in layers so that it is possible to eliminate air. The space obtained between the pipe and the well must be covered with sand and carefully compacted. The upper part of the pipe must be cut to the level, after which you can proceed with the installation of the head and laying the waterproofing. If it is assumed that there is a grillage, then the next step is to deal with it.

Which met all the requirements of that time. A new technological solution for the construction of a building with a foundation of asbestos-cement pipes is confidently entering our lives. This columnar option is used in the construction frame houses and lightweight buildings in places with high humidity and periodic flooding.

Properties of asbestos pipes

This type of pipe piece products is produced in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. The material used is a mixture of magnesium hydrosilicate and cement.

Asbestos pipes have unusual properties:

  • low weight;
  • increased strength;
  • small coefficient of thermal expansion;
  • resistance to electrochemical corrosion caused by stray currents;
  • affordable cost.

In more detail, asbestos-cement pipes freely withstand compression pressure up to 265 thousand kilopascals. They can be machined, and mandatory waterproofing is not required for them. Tubular products have excellent resistance to low temperatures, aggressive environmental influences, high humidity and animal/insect pests.

Compared to steel counterparts, thermal expansion asbestos pipes less than 140 times. Due to the lightness of the pile (6-11 kg / 1 linear meter), all installation work can be done independently. The most common pipe options are with a standardized length of 3-5 m, a diameter of 20-25 cm, and a wall thickness of 1-1.6 cm.

Foundation varieties

They are of three types:

  • tape;
  • slab;
  • columnar.

Compared with other options for the foundations for buildings, the latter is recognized as the most budgetary. The foundation of asbestos pipes is a priority on swampy soils, loam, gravel, coarse sand, lands with a high degree of freezing, with slopes and relief areas.

When laying strip foundation reinforced concrete is poured around the entire perimeter of the building. This material is laid simultaneously under the outer and inner walls, while the cross sections remain unchanged everywhere. Compared with the columnar option, the process of erecting such a foundation is considered more time-consuming and material-intensive.

After the modernization of the strip base, a new type appeared - slab, more durable and reliable, with a high bearing capacity. This type of foundation is a reinforced solid concrete slab, which is laid shallow in the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages of a columnar foundation

It is quite possible to independently calculate the project for erecting a foundation from asbestos-cement pipes and complete all construction work quickly and without outside help. Due to the lack of special equipment and the low cost of materials, significant financial savings can be achieved.

Before deciding on the installation of a columnar base for a future home, you need to take into account the essential nuances:

  1. erection column foundation contraindicated in case of obvious elevation changes or soil mobility.
  2. The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes is unsuitable for the construction of buildings with more than three storeys and the use of heavy building materials, decorative stones for decoration.
  3. It is not recommended to erect a columnar base under the basement or basement.
  4. The service life of this type of foundation can exceed 30 years.

How to calculate a construction project with a columnar base

Only a competent miscalculation will allow you to make a high-quality base from pipes with your own hands. First of all, you need to determine from the reference literature the depth of freezing appropriate for your area, but taking into account the height of the aerial part of the pipes -30 cm or more.

It is necessary to pay attention to one nuance that when determining the depth of freezing, the amount of snow cover is not taken into account. If high snowdrifts are preferred for your region, then the numbers from the reference book can be slightly reduced.

When calculating the column base, the pressure of the building and the type of material are taken into account. If the construction is planned to be light, then it is necessary to use pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. If it is heavier, then products with a cross section of 250-300 mm are suitable. When calculating the total load on the base, one must not forget about the mass of walls, roofs, finishes, insulation, etc. The diameter of the well must necessarily be 80-120 mm larger in relation to the pipe.

How many pipes and material are needed

The pillars are installed at the corners of the building (building) at the intersection of the load-bearing walls and the entire perimeter, maintaining a distance between them of no more than a meter. In this case, the nominal load on each of them should not exceed 800 kg. If the calculation results in an excess, then an increase in the number of piles will be required.

A huge role in the preparation of the base is played by the uniform distribution of the load of the structure on the pillars.

When arranging the foundation, it is necessary to complete each asbestos pipe with two or three reinforcing bars. The amount of concrete is calculated taking into account the diameter of the pipes. So, to fill a 10 mm product with a diameter of 100 mm, you need to prepare 0.1 cubic meters of concrete, taking into account the base; with the same length, but with a diameter of 200 mm, 0.5 cu. meters; with a diameter of 300 mm - one cubic meter of concrete.

Installation of asbestos pipes

Many builders will need helpful information: how to make a foundation from asbestos pipes. At any stage of work, the contractor is required to be extremely scrupulous and strictly follow the chain of actions.

The process of installing tubular products includes:

  1. Application at the initial stage of marking lines. The construction site is cleared of various rubbish, leveled and the sod is removed. Stakes are installed along the contour of the future structure and the rope is pulled.
  2. Drilling wells for poles. For this purpose, you will have to use a drill or dig holes yourself, but remember that their diameter must exceed the pipe ones. As for the depth of the well, it should be 200 mm more than the calculated value of the part of the pile under the ground. This condition is necessary to create a sand cushion.
  3. Tamping and filling with water a sand cushion at the bottom of the well.
  4. Laying roofing material after absorbing the liquid.
  5. Installation and leveling of asbestos pipes, which must be fixed with temporary wooden bars. If necessary, perform waterproofing.
  6. Filed pipes in case of exceeding the length of the required size. In this case, in order to level the piles after the formation of the base, make a margin of about 100 mm.

How to form a foundation

  1. Now we need to prepare the concrete. To do this, a mixture of one part of cement and two parts of sand is made, into which the liquid is then poured. It will take so much that the finished solution looks like a rare dough in consistency. Then two parts of crushed gravel are added and the mixture is thoroughly kneaded, which is poured into pipes to a depth of 400 to 500 mm.
  2. As a result of successive actions, the pile should rise by 150-200 mm. It is left until the concrete has completely hardened. This is how a solid foundation of concrete pipes is obtained, which is further resistant to the force of expulsion during heaving of the soil.
  3. After the concrete has hardened, additional waterproofing of the well with roofing material and backfilling with river sand will be required from the outside. Then it is aligned in the horizontal direction.
  4. Reinforcement is mounted in the free space of the pipe - bars interlocked with wire, and then concrete mortar is poured. In order for the excess air in the pipe to be completely removed, the contents are repeatedly pierced with a steel bar. Further construction will be possible only in two or three weeks, when the concrete in the piles laid with their own hands from asbestos-cement pipes will finally dry out.

Such a columnar foundation is in demand when building summer cottages, small-sized baths, saunas, verandas, terraces and other lightweight buildings. The project using the above building materials is recognized as inexpensive and profitable from an economic point of view, not very laborious, therefore it is quite possible to do it yourself, without the intervention of specialized equipment and the help of a large number of people.

After decision about the beginning construction works you will have to think about laying the foundation. Right choice the type of future foundation plays a big role, because it depends on how reliable and strong the future house will be. This choice depends on what features the project of the house has and what materials and financial capabilities the person who builds this house has. A columnar foundation made of asbestos pipes is quite often used in the construction of foundations for a private house, a bathhouse, or various types of outbuildings (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Scheme of a buried columnar foundation.

Foundation design features

Formwork schemes for a columnar foundation.

Many of those who build a house with their own hands use a column foundation design, because this type of structure is relatively easy to mount. This is due to its affordability and high reliability. The main material of such a foundation is special asbestos pipes. Their use will make it possible to do construction on their own, without involving heavy equipment or hired workers.

Necessary tools for work:

  • hand drill;
  • concrete mixer;
  • standard set of hand tools.

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of foundation

The advantages include, again, financial accessibility (Fig. 2).

If you choose a foundation made of a monolithic structure, then in this case you will have to spend at least 2 times more money.

Rice. 2. Scheme of the design of the columnar foundation.

Practically no earthwork is required. No need to level the site or dig a hole for the foundation. And the speed of such work is quite high. You can start further work almost immediately after installing the foundation, because such a structure needs to stand for only 6-8 days, unlike, for example, a strip foundation, which requires almost a month of work break. In addition, an elevation above the ground at a level of 30 cm makes it possible to protect the house from floods and flooding (Fig. 3).

The disadvantages include the comparative fragility of this type of foundation. It will last approximately 70 years. For example, a foundation made of brick will last almost 2 times longer. This design is applicable only in the construction of small buildings with a relatively small weight. Most often they are small one-story houses. But such a foundation is well suited for log cabins made of wood and frame-panel houses. Another disadvantage is that the basement in such a foundation is definitely not to equip. We'll have to build a basement separate from the house building. Finally, a house with such a foundation cannot be built in areas with moving soils or height differences.

Preparatory activities

Rice. 3. Scheme of mounting a log on a columnar foundation.

Before starting work, it is worth preparing the surface of the site on which the work will be carried out (Fig. 4). The main stage of preparation is marking the soil. The optimal distance between the supports is 1.5-2 m. But it is natural that the more often, closer and denser the pillars were installed, the more durable and durable the future foundation will be. At the time of the beginning of the process of fixing the pillars, it is better to already have on hand future plan at home and concentrate more supports at key points where the greatest weight will be placed - walls that are load-bearing, stoves, corners, etc.

It is necessary to deepen the supports approximately 25-30 cm lower than the level of soil freezing in the area. This indicator for our climatic zone is about 1.5 m. The diameter of future holes for supports depends on what type of pipes you have chosen. Most often, the diameter is 15-25 cm. The supports should protrude no more than 0.5 m above the ground.

Technology for building a columnar foundation

There are 2 main reasons for the very common use of asbestos-cement pipes for columnar foundations (Fig. 5):

  1. Such pipes have high level resistance to corrosion processes. Metal pipes are much more vulnerable to this effect.
  2. Compared to pipes made of plastic, asbestos-cement specimens demonstrate good resistance to temperature extremes and low temperatures.

The work on the installation of a columnar foundation has the following main stages:

Rice. 4. Scheme of the drill.

  1. A pipe with a diameter of 20 cm is inserted into the well drilled earlier. The well should be about 1.5 m deep. The column itself, as mentioned earlier, should protrude 30-40 cm above the ground.
  2. Alignment and installation of pillars at 1 level. Accordingly, the pipes must have the same length. These pipes actually act as a kind of formwork, because most of the load falls on the metal bars that are inside each support. Before further work, it is worth treating the rods with a special composition that will protect the metal from premature wear and provide a certain amount of waterproofing.
  3. After completing the leveling of the supports, you can begin the process of pouring concrete mixture into them. The process is carried out simultaneously both outside and inside. The resulting protruding parts of the reinforcement will come in handy during the creation of the grillage. The grillage is part of the foundation structure, on the basis of which the building begins to be erected.
  4. A stud is placed in the pipe, protruding 20-30 cm upwards from the support with a thread. This is the future basis for mounting the grillage. The thread in this case greatly facilitates the process of creating a grillage.

Pillars can be installed in 2 ways:

Rice. 5. Scheme of installation of a columnar foundation.

  1. The pipe is being installed in the prepared pit. Then 2 reinforcement rods are driven into the pipe, the distance between which is 6-7 cm. The rods are driven into the ground by 20-30 cm. The rods should look up from the pipe for the same distance.
  2. The installed pipe is 1/3 filled with concrete mortar. After lifting 10-15 cm into the pipe, the reinforcement bars should be lowered, which should not protrude beyond its limits. After such actions, the concrete will expand, which will prevent the pile from being pushed out. After that, the raised pipe must be leveled with all other pipes already installed. At the end, the pipe is filled to the brim with concrete.

If you have to install a columnar foundation with your own hands on loose soil, then before starting the process of mounting the pillars, you need to create a substrate for the pipes:

  1. It is necessary to mix gravel with sand in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured into each well, thus creating a layer 10-15 cm thick.
  3. Next, cover the poured mixture with a moisture-resistant material. They may turn out to be both stroycellophane and roofing material.

Methods for strengthening this type of foundation

Scheme of filling the well with concrete.

With incorrect calculations of the weight load or with mistakes made in the very process of building the foundation, undesirable changes may occur that can cause a warp or uneven landing of the house. There may even be cracks in the main walls. To correct the situation, a trench can be created in the place of the skew or subsidence of the structure, formwork is made and a monolithic section of the foundation is poured in this place for general strengthening of the structure.

In addition, you can simply drill holes in the posts, fix screws in them and weld reinforced rods to them, thereby creating a single reinforced structure. The most expensive, but also the most effective solution in this case may be the call of special equipment and professional workers. With the technique, you can slightly raise the building, and the workers will help you quickly create a trench on the sagging side for pouring a strip or monolithic foundation.

In fact, creating a columnar foundation with your own hands is a real task. It is only important to have a certain set of basic building skills, to have on hand the results of geo-prospecting of the area on which you are going to build, to correctly make all the calculations and accurately do all the work. If you do everything wisely, then you can avoid mistakes and get a wonderful, strong and reliable foundation for your future private home.

Do-it-yourself columnar foundation made of asbestos pipes: advantages and disadvantages

Detailed instructions on how to build a columnar foundation from asbestos pipes with your own hands. Description of preparatory measures, construction technologies and methods for strengthening such a foundation.

The foundation of asbestos pipes is suitable for any unloaded structures, whether it be a private bathhouse or a garage, a terrace or a frame house. Such a columnar base is quite simply built with your own hands.

The base of asbestos pipes requires minimal effort and time. It is not suitable for heavy buildings and houses. But there is practically no alternative to him in the construction of light buildings in areas flooded during floods. A columnar foundation made of inexpensive products has the required resistance to destruction caused by wetting of the structure.

Column foundation made of pipes

The main advantages of such bases are as follows:

  • Low cost of materials and economic feasibility of construction. A pile foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes is always cheaper (and significantly) than block and buried tape structures.
  • Ease of base calculation. Its design is easy to do with your own hands, without spending money on contacting professional designers.
  • Pipes from asbestos are not subject to corrosion, without problems are processed mechanically. They also do not change their linear parameters when the ambient temperature fluctuates.
  • Short construction time without use special equipment and excerpts of the finished foundation from pipes.

The disadvantages of the structures under consideration include their relative fragility (the base of asbestos products has been in operation for 60–70 years) and the impossibility of arranging a cellar in a house built on a similar foundation. But this is not a problem, because the basement can also be built as a separate structure.

Visually, the foundation of asbestos products consists of pillars installed in several lines. These rows of pipes are a reliable basis for the construction of the planned building. The basic principle of constructing such a foundation is to pour concrete mixture only in certain areas, and not around the entire perimeter of the structure.

You need to decide on the number of supports that will make up the columnar foundation, as well as its depth. Knowledge in higher mathematics is not required to perform such calculations. The depth of the base of the pipes depends on:

  • the magnitude of the load on it of future construction;
  • the depth of freezing of the earth in a particular area.

The lighter the structure you build, the less load it will exert on it. In most cases, the depth of the base from asbestos-cement products is taken about 150 cm. In this case, pipes of different cross sections are used. If under construction frame house, it is recommended to use products 25-30 cm in diameter. But for the construction of a light summer veranda or gazebo with your own hands, pipes with a cross section of 10 cm are enough.

Creating a foundation from asbestos pipes

It is easy to find out about the depth of soil freezing in a particular region from reference tables (they are available in abundance on the Internet). Note! Such plates always indicate the amount of freezing of bare soil - without taking into account the snow cover. In areas where there is a lot of snow, the recommended depth values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be reduced by 5–10 cm.

Second moment. About 40 cm should be added to the depth indicated in the reference table. The resulting value will tell you the exact length of the underground part of the asbestos-cement products. And the pipes should protrude about 30 cm above the ground. If floods are serious enough in your area, you can “stick out” the piles higher above the ground.

Support pillars must be placed under the central part of the building, along its perimeter and at all angles. It is important to install so many piles so that the load from the structure is distributed evenly on them. In this case, the load on one support should be a maximum of 800 kg.

To do the work with your own hands, you will need asbestos cement pipes, a concrete mixer, a grab or a hand drill, building sand, gravel, cement, fittings, a shovel. It is with the help of this set of tools and materials that you will build a reliable columnar foundation.

House on the foundation of asbestos pipes

Prepare the site for the construction of the foundation:

  1. You clear the ground and remove the sod from the site where the foundation will be built, then cut off the fertile part of the soil.
  2. Carefully level the area.
  3. Take rope and pegs. With their help, mark the contours of the future structure, mark the intersections of the walls and the location of the corners of the building. Install the stakes on the points where the asbestos-cement supports will be located.

Now dig holes for piles with a shovel. The diameter of such mini-pits is taken slightly larger than the cross section of the pipes used. If a drill is available, wells are easier and faster to make with it.

Important! The depth of the pits is taken approximately 0.2 m more than the calculated length of the part of the supports located underground. This is done so that you can equip a sand cushion in each well.

Do-it-yourself columnar foundation - a guide to action

In prepared pits we make special pillows from. The thickness of the finished sand layer should be 0.2 m. Pour the sand, ram it, pour it with ordinary water, compact it again. Then place a piece of roofing material on the made layer and perform the following operations:

  1. Install pipes made of asbestos cement in the pits. Align them in level and fix. Temporary fastening of supports can be carried out using small wooden beams.
  2. If groundwater flows close to the surface at the site, waterproofing of asbestos pipes should be done with bituminous mastic. Fill it with tubular products to the level of the soil and wait until the composition dries.
  3. Drive reinforcing bars around the pipes. Their length is taken in relation to the length of tubular products by 20 percent more. Be sure to keep a distance of about 70 mm between adjacent rods.
  4. Prepare concrete solution. Mix 2 parts of sand with one part of M 400 cement, add water to this composition. Stir the resulting composition to the state of liquid dough. Top up with water as needed.
  5. Pour gravel (2 parts) into the mixture made, mix it vigorously.
  6. Pour concrete to a height of 0.4-0.5 m around the tubular and directly into its center.
  7. Raise the pipe 0.2 m and wait for the concrete mixture to harden. The support is raised in order to give the foundation additional resistance to piles being pushed out when the soil is heaving.

High-quality solidification of concrete occurs in 8-14 days. After that, you can safely mount support elements on your own made columnar foundation to install the planned structure on them.

Initially, asbestos-cement pipes were used to a limited extent in private housing construction. Firstly, asbestos pipes scared people away with myths about the carcinogenicity of the material, and secondly, there was little experience in using this type of material in arranging a foundation. Today, a columnar foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes can be called a good compromise between low cost and high resistance to moisture and stress. Another indisputable advantage is that a do-it-yourself columnar foundation is made from asbestos pipes much easier and faster than any other type of columnar foundation.

Foundation of asbestos-cement pipes

The general design and manufacturing principle of such a foundation is not much different from other options for the manufacture of pile supports with pouring concrete into a prepared form. In our case, the frame and concrete mortar are poured into the asbestos-cement casing of a pipe immersed in a drilled well in the ground. The pile foundation on asbestos-cement supports is valued, first of all, for such moments:

  • The speed of manufacturing such a foundation is much higher, and the labor intensity is much lower than any other bored supports, including TISE piles, frame poured piles, yielding in this indicator only to expensive screw and reinforced concrete options;
  • High resistance of the asbestos-cement base of pipes to any moisture, while there is no loss of strength of the pile support, material degradation, corrosion;
  • On piles of asbestos-cement pipes, it is possible to raise the basement of a building to a height of 30-40 and even 100 cm with the correct distribution of the load, which is not always possible in some cases for other types of pile structures.

Note! The cost of building a foundation on asbestos-cement pipes will cost you less than a monolith and even a tape version by about 30-40%.

Do-it-yourself foundation on asbestos-cement pipes

The foundation design with asbestos-cement pipe supports cannot be called ideal. It can be easily and quickly assembled and built within two days, with a concrete mixer, a hand drill for drilling holes, a grinder, a welding machine, concrete mortar and prepared steel reinforcement 8 mm thick. Before proceeding with the manufacture of such a foundation, it is necessary to pay attention to its shortcomings:

  • The strength of asbestos-cement foundation supports is relatively low. The rigidity and bearing capacity of pile elements is sufficient for the construction of a frame, log or aerated concrete building, provided that the construction is carried out on dense and heavy soils;
  • Drilling work must be carried out to a depth of at least 150-180 cm, due to the low strength of the piles, a large number of wells have to be drilled, and almost all work is done with a hand drill;
  • Unlike their competitors - TISE flood piles, asbestos-cement piles do not have an "anchor" property, therefore, in case of violations of the foundation manufacturing technology, cases of extrusion of supports by heaving soils are possible.

Note! As a rule, a building on a foundation with asbestos-cement supports is made with a “deaf” basement, without arranging basements.

We make piles from asbestos-cement pipes

Before starting work on preparing the site and marking places for drilling wells, it is necessary to determine the exact number of required asbestos-cement supports and their diameter. Most often, asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 100 or 150 mm are used for the manufacture of supports. A pipe of 200 mm is used much less frequently. It is mainly used in cases where it is necessary to repair the asbestos pipe of the columnar foundation. Accordingly, under the size of the asbestos-cement pipe, it is necessary to select the reach of the cutting edges of the hand drill. The hole diameter must be at least 10 mm larger than the outer diameter of the asbestos-cement support.

For example, for a "hundred" - an asbestos-cement pipe of 100 mm, the outer diameter for the "BNT" brand will be 118 mm, and for the more common "VT" - 122 mm. Accordingly, the diameter of the well should be 128 and 132 mm. For the 150th pipe, the diameter of the well should be 170 and 180 mm. This gap is indicated for a depth of 150 cm, if drilling is carried out for two or more meters, the gap must be increased by another 30%.

After a well of the required diameter and depth has been punched, a mixture of sand and screenings must be poured to the bottom to form a pillow with a thickness of at least 10 cm. This will compensate for the shrinkage of the concrete mixture inside the asbestos-cement pipe.

Before installing an asbestos-cement pipe, it is recommended to treat the outer surface with bituminous mastic, regardless of the level of groundwater. Next, we install the pipe into the well cavity and pour a small amount of solution inside, no more than 2-3 liters. After pouring, slightly lift the pipe and settle it several times in order to level the filled layer of mortar on the surface of the pillow, as in the video:

At the next stage, we align all asbestos-cement supports along a vertical plumb line so as to achieve the most even position horizontally and vertically, after which we fix the pipes with wooden slats. Inside each asbestos-cement pipe we lay a package of three ten-millimeter reinforcement bars. Each rod must be equidistant from the walls of the pipe and other rods.

Pouring of asbestos-cement supports with concrete

The most important stage in the construction of the foundation is the pouring of concrete into the inner space of the pipe. Concrete mortar is prepared from grade 300 cement, sand and fine gravel or screenings, previously washed with water. The consistency of the solution should be such that the mixture, poured into a funnel with a neck size of 50 mm, flows freely without the formation of plugs.

Depending on the diameter of the support and the depth, at least 40 liters of concrete mix will be required for each pile. After pouring the first part, the concrete inside the support is carefully sifted with a thin rod for 10-15 minutes, after which the rest of the mortar is poured.

The sinuses between the pipe and the walls of the well must be sealed with the remnants of the solution to prevent rainwater from leaking inside. This will significantly increase the service life of the supporting elements. The upper end of the support can change its position as the concrete hardens and shrinks. The final alignment of the ends of asbestos-cement columns can be performed no earlier than two weeks after pouring the piles. If the work is carried out in hot summertime, it is better to cover the piles with polyethylene film bags in order to reduce moisture loss through evaporation and avoid concrete cracking.

Grillage or frame, what to use

At the final stage, after leveling the height of the pile heads, it is necessary to install the supporting frame of the foundation or pour the grillage. The latter option is most often used for aerated concrete walls, wood concrete masonry, any cement-based building materials. If you are building your panel house or room from profiled timber, the frame can be made from oak timber with a section of 200 mm or channels, which makes it relatively easy to replace the pile or repair if necessary. In any of the above options, it is necessary to provide methods for tying the reinforcement of asbestos-cement piles with the load-bearing elements of the frame.


Asbestos-cement piles are practically not susceptible to corrosion, even with prolonged exposure to water. But the material has an alkaline reaction, so when installed in acidic soils, the smooth outer surface of the pipe can turn into corroded caverns, especially if the waterproofing is damaged. To avoid problems of this kind, in the area of ​​​​the transition of the outer part of the pile into the ground, sand is necessarily filled. Any other mixtures for these purposes are not recommended. Under such conditions, the pile foundation can freely stand for 30-40 years.

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No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC -...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...