Do-it-yourself foundation on asbestos-cement pipes. Foundation from asbestos pipes. What is the peculiarity of the foundation of asbestos pipes

The process of building a foundation is one of the main stages in the construction of a house and other objects. There are many effective and simple ways arranging the foundation for the future structure.

One of them is the columnar method using asbestos-cement pipes as a supporting structure.

Scope and features of the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes

The technology for erecting a columnar foundation is quite simple to implement and does not require large financial costs when acquiring building materials and performance of work.

However, before starting construction, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will help to avoid fatal mistakes:

  1. This type of foundation is used for the foundations of light buildings, the construction of which uses panel modules and lightweight material. For example, wood, plastic, aerated concrete blocks for asbestos-cement poles is not a problem. The foundation, made using columnar technology, is perfect for building frame country cottages, summer cottages, light outbuildings, gazebos, verandas and wooden baths.
  2. In most cases, the possibility of building the foundation of buildings by this method is excluded, on light and floating soils, as well as on wetlands. This is due to the high probability of deformation of the base as a result of soil movement.
  3. It is advisable to use this method in regions with cold climatic conditions, characterized by deep freezing of the soil. The main reason is the cost-effectiveness of this technique, in contrast to a strip or block foundation.
  4. When calculating the number, overall dimensions and depth of digging in piles, it is important to take into account the factors of the soil freezing depth and the weight parameters of the structure being erected. In the case of incorrect calculations, the columns may not withstand the excess load, which will lead to the destruction of the building.
  5. The specificity of this method involves the construction of structures at a certain height from the surface of the earth, which makes it reasonable, and in some cases, is the only possibility of building in areas subject to seasonal flooding.

Positive pillar technology of foundation construction

Summarizing the above, it is possible to clearly define the advantages of the method of using asbestos-cement pipes as a material for the basis of the structure:

  • High efficiency and ease of implementation of a project based on this technique. At the same time, the need to attract heavy and specialized construction equipment is limited.
  • Saving time on the direct execution of work and waiting for the foundation to harden.
  • The possibility of self-calculation of design characteristics in strict accordance with building codes.
  • Relatively low prices for the necessary materials and low labor costs.
  • Practicality in the application of this technique in regions prone to flooding.
  • The resistance of piles to aggressive environments and their frost resistance.

What are the limitations in using the technology?

However, the method has a number of disadvantages, which limits its practical application:

  • The technology is not recommended for use in the construction of buildings that create heavy loads on the foundation.
  • The location of the piles limits the possibility of constructing basements in buildings of this type.
  • The impossibility of arranging the foundation of pipes in places with weak soils, characterized by a high level of groundwater.
  • Internal and exterior finish building is limited by the design parameters of the foundation and limits the use of heavy building materials.

How to calculate base?

When calculating the number of pipes, their diameter and depth, a number of simple but mandatory rules are applied:

  1. Using the reference book, we determine the depth of soil freezing in your region, add 30-50 cm to this value. We get the value of the underground part of our foundation.
  2. We use the number of columns at the rate of approximately 0.8 tons of weight for each support pipe. In this case, the piles are located at the corners of the structure, at the intersections of the bearing walls, and along the perimeter at a distance of up to 1 m. We take the specific gravity of the material from the building directory, you can use sources from the Internet. When calculating, we take into account the weight of the floor, walls, roof, finishing materials.
  3. The diameter of the pipe is also selected in accordance with the weight of the structure. So for light verandas, a support with a diameter of 100 mm is quite suitable, for block houses or log tasks the best option will be a base with a diameter of 300 mm.
  4. The height of the above-ground part of the column should be approximately 300 mm, but if necessary, it can be changed in accordance with the terrain.

Short instructions for building a pillar foundation

The technology for making a pile foundation from asbestos-cement pipes involves the following operations:

  1. We mark out the site for future construction with the help of twine and pegs, the location of which will indicate the center of the well.
  2. We make wells with a drill or dig in another way, while the diameter of the well is best done as much as possible corresponding to the diameter of the column. The depth of the well corresponds to the previously calculated indicators.
  3. We make a broadening at the bottom of the pit with a shovel or a drill.
  4. At the bottom of the pit we pour a sand cushion 15-20 cm thick, we tamp it well.
  5. We cut the pipes to the required, previously calculated length, and lower the pile into the well. Previously, to increase the durability of the column and its waterproofing, it is recommended to treat the pipe with bitumen or a special primer liquid to the height of its underground part. For horizontal alignment of the pillars, we use a laser or liquid level. Having exposed the horizontal, we beat it off with twine.
  6. We prepare the reinforcement cage. To do this, we use 4 reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8-12 mm, interconnected by steel wire, so that the diagonal of the structure corresponds to the diameter of the pipe.
  7. We fill the well with concrete or cement-sand mortar, it is unforgettable to bayonet the solution. We raise the pipe, thereby giving the opportunity to spread the solution throughout the entire volume of the broadening. Carefully press the pile into the concrete, while maintaining the horizontal level of all pillars.
  8. We place the reinforcement inside the column 2-3 cm below the edge of the formwork, and fill the pipe with concrete to the top edge. At the same time, we monitor the thorough filling of all voids with a solution. Until the solution has hardened, we insert into the center of the pile, a previously prepared anchor stud, which will subsequently serve to fasten the strapping from a wooden beam. The verticality of the columns is checked at all stages of pouring using the usual building level.
  9. We cover the end of the pipe with a film and let the solution harden. The waiting process takes up to three weeks, after which you can proceed to the next stage of construction.

Light buildings require an equally light foundation. Garden houses, small cottages, summer kitchens, gazebos and verandas - all of them can be placed on the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes. But despite the name, the asbestos-cement pipe is not a load-bearing element - its role is much more modest. And although it has a certain margin of structural strength, it is just a fixed formwork.

Features of the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes

If a basement is not needed in a “heavy” brick house according to the project, then it is placed on a shallow strip foundation. It has been proven that the total weight of the load on the foundation compensates for the forces of frost heaving, which tend to "push out" the foundation. Small light buildings do not have such a balance of forces, and when the base of the tape is above the line of the soil freezing level, various kinds of deformations are possible. A buried strip foundation means unjustified expenses and excess load-bearing properties that are simply not needed.

Shallow prefabricated columnar foundation(made of bricks or building blocks) on heaving soils is not suitable for the same reasons as a shallow-buried tape. And the easiest way is to equip a monolithic columnar foundation made of asbestos pipes with a depth below the freezing level. Compared with other methods and materials, this option is better for several reasons:

  1. A square pole with the same support area has a larger lateral surface area than a round pipe, which means that the effect of soil heaving forces is stronger.
  2. When using pipes, the installation of formwork and subsequent stripping is not required.
  3. The asbestos-cement pipe is made of reinforced concrete in bulk, so it has its own high compressive strength and takes part of the load from the structure.
  4. Compared to building blocks or poured concrete, the pipe has a denser and more uniform structure, which determines a higher resistance to moisture in the ground.

And the main advantage is the speed of work.

How is an asbestos-cement pipe support arranged?

Asbestos-cement pipes were originally designed for completely different purposes. They are used in drainage systems, in the outer part of the sewer (including storm water), as a protective sheath of underground cable networks. This already "folk" ingenuity found another use for these pipes - they began to make pillars for the foundation from them.

Asbestos pipe foundation

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer the service of designing and repairing the foundation. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

The manufacturing technology of the foundation pillar is simple:

  1. A hole larger than the diameter of the pipe is drilled in the ground.
  2. The depth of the pit should be 20-30 cm more than the estimated depth of the foundation, which depends on the type of soil and the level of its freezing.
  3. The bottom of the pit is compacted, a "cushion" of sand (or gravel and sand) is covered.
  4. Insert a pipe into the hole.
  5. Align it in level and fix it in a vertical position with the help of spacers.
  6. Lay fittings in the pipe. For large diameter pipes, this can be a connected or welded three-dimensional frame. For the installation of a grillage made of reinforced concrete, the reinforcement must have an outlet beyond the edge of the pipe.
  7. Concrete is poured into the pipe. Seal it up.
  8. If a timber or a log is used to equip the grillage, then at the end of pouring the column in the center, an anchor is laid in the concrete in the form of a bolt or piece of reinforcement. For mounting a grillage from a metal profile, a mortgage plate is inserted into the concrete.
Note. There are small deviations from the standard technology. For example, during the pouring of a pipe with concrete, it is lifted up so that the solution spreads along the bottom of the pit and forms the heel of the support. Such a simple technique allows you to increase the bearing properties of the column.

Calculation of the column foundation

The principles for calculating this type of foundation are subject to general rules.

First, the total load is determined. This includes:

  1. Building weight.
  2. Foundation weight (supports plus grillage).
  3. Weight of finishes, equipment and furniture.
  4. Wind and snow loads.

The weight of building materials and equipment is calculated according to the project. Furniture and appliances - estimate approximately. The load on the soil from the foundation itself is first taken as an estimated value, which is then corrected according to the results of the calculation. And climatic loads are normalized for each region.

According to the results of calculations and based on the characteristics of the soil, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe supports is determined. And then, either by a given number of supports, the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bone pipe is determined. Or vice versa - according to the selected type and size of the pipe, the number of supports and the distance between them are calculated.

The calculation process itself is quite complicated and can take place in several stages using the “successive approximation” method. The design should be carried out by a professional - for the foundation, the principle of approximation is fundamentally wrong according to the type of such recommendations: "usually they choose pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm with a distance between them of 1.5-2.5 m."

Video description

Cutting asbestos-cement pipes is demonstrated in this video:

There are certain conditions when the use of an asbestos pipe foundation is not recommended even for low-rise construction. The first of them has already been described - these are houses with brick walls, buildings made of monolithic concrete or solid building blocks with a density of D1000 and above.

Horizontally moving soils are prone to "overturning" and do not hold a columnar foundation well. As well as peatlands, water-saturated sandy and clayey soils.

The high level of groundwater and the rise of seasonal perched water require waterproofing treatment of asbestos-cement pipes before their installation. No matter how dense the concrete structure of the pipe is, with prolonged exposure to water during the autumn rainy season, it gets wet. There is nowhere for moisture to erode underground, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, water in the soil and in concrete freezes as a whole, increasing the effect of heaving of the soil. Therefore, waterproofing is doubly important: both to protect concrete and reinforcement from corrosion, and to reduce the forces pushing out the foundation.

The waterproofing of the pillars is carried out in two ways: by coating with bituminous mastic or by wrapping two or three layers of sheets of rolled moisture-resistant materials. Sometimes both methods are combined.

In addition, in order to protect soils from getting wet and preserve their bearing properties, a blind area is required.

Method for improving load-bearing properties

It is possible to improve the bearing properties of a pile foundation made of asbestos pipes of short length due to broadening. In the foundation of TISE (this is one of the options for a pile-grillage foundation), the expansion of the pit at the base is obtained by using a special knife. As experts rightly assert, there is nothing new in the technology itself, except for a branded drill. A similar expansion (albeit of a smaller diameter) can be made when installing a pole from an asbestos-cement pipe. To do this, you first need to drill a hole with a diameter equal to the size of the widening, and fill a pillow of sand on the compacted bottom. There are two ways to expand:

  • Insert the pipe and fill it with 1/3 concrete. Then the pipe is raised to the height of the broadening, fixed in a vertical state, reinforcement is laid and the mixture is added to the design level.
  • Concrete is poured along the gutter to the bottom of the pit to the thickness of the widening. Insert a pipe. Fill it with a third of the height of the concrete mixture. They stick reinforcement, level it and fill it with concrete to the level of the grillage.
Important! When laying the reinforcing cage, care must be taken that the reinforcement does not pierce through the concrete. As in any reinforced concrete structure, ferrous metal reinforcement must be protected from contact with water and air by a layer of concrete. The recommended thickness is at least 2 cm.

The need and possibility of widening should be determined only by a specialist. Already at a freezing depth of about two meters, the tangential forces of heaving along the lateral surface can “tear” a column that has a massive broadening.

Ways to reduce shear forces

Although the waterproofing of the post reduces traction when the water freezes, there are other ways to reduce the effect of heaving forces:

  • Coating with plastic hydrocarbon non-freezing lubricants (technical solid oil or a similar composition), which reduce the "friction" force between the post and the ground. So that the concrete does not absorb the lubricant, it is pre-treated with organosilicon drying oil. And from absorption into the soil, the lubricant is protected by one or two layers of polyethylene film.
  • Backfilling the sinus around the post with non-fluffy soil. It can be either a mixture of excavated soil with coarse sand, or sand in a “pure” form. Looser backfill soil and a sand cushion at the base remove some of the moisture from the column, and this reduces the pressure on the column of tangential forces.
  • Insulation of the blind area and basement of the foundation (in this case pickups). In the event that the building is heated and designed for year-round use.
  • Laying an annular drainage around the base of the building, arranging an organized drain from the roof and storm sewers.

The pouring of each pipe with concrete should take place in parts, but without long breaks and within one working day. Each portion of the solution must be sealed with a bayonet. The curing time of concrete is at least four weeks, and this must be taken into account when calculating the time for construction.

The arrangement of the columnar foundation on heaving soils and the construction of the house under the "roof" must be completed within one season. Each pillar, not connected to another by means of a grillage and without the main load from the building itself (walls, ceilings, roofs), behaves like a separate foundation. As a result, after wintering, it may happen that, due to uneven precipitation, their heads will be at different levels. And this will greatly complicate the installation of the grillage and the construction of walls.

Video description

Read more about the installation of the foundation - in this video:


The construction of a columnar foundation, despite the simple algorithm and the availability of materials, is no less complicated than the construction of any other type of foundation. In each case, there are many factors that only a professional can take into account.

One of the most popular columnar foundation designs is the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes. This technology is used in the construction of light buildings and frame houses, and its implementation requires a minimum of funds and effort. In addition, the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes is used in regions prone to flooding - the foundation material has the necessary strength and resistance to wetting and destruction.

Advantages of the foundation of asbestos-cement pipes

  • Ease of implementation, eliminating the need to attract special construction equipment;
  • Short deadlines for work and endurance;
  • A simple calculation of the foundation, which you can do yourself, without contacting the design organization.
  • Possibility of construction and long-term operation of buildings in flooded areas;
  • Low price for materials.

Scope of columnar foundations

Pillar foundations made of asbestos-cement pipes are performed as a basis for the construction of light buildings: summer country houses, small baths and saunas, terraces and verandas, as well as lightweight frame houses. In regions with a cold climate, such a foundation allows significant savings, because the deepening of free-standing pipes is much cheaper in terms of materials and the cost of work than a buried strip or block foundation.

Calculation of the foundation of asbestos pipes

To calculate, you need to know the depth of soil freezing in your area, as well as the planned load on the foundation. The depth of freezing can be determined from reference data. The reference book indicates the depth of freezing of bare soil, without snow cover. If your area has high snow cover, the reference data can be slightly reduced.

Table - the depth of soil freezing in the regions of Russia

It is necessary to add 0.3-0.5 meters to the reference value - this will be the required depth of the underground part of the piles. Piles from pipes usually protrude 0.3 meters above the soil level, but if there is a possibility of flooding, they can be made even higher.

The diameter of the pipes depends on the weight of the building. For light gazebos, pipes with a diameter of 10 cm are sufficient; for log buildings, it is better to choose pipes with a diameter of 25-30 cm.

The load on the foundation depends on the design of the building, as well as on the material from which it is made. Below are approximate information about the specific gravity of various materials. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account not only the walls, but also the roof, insulation and decoration.

Table - foundation loads

Piles are located at the corners of the building, at the intersection of load-bearing walls, as well as along the perimeter at a distance of no more than 1 meter. The redistributed load on each pile should be no more than 800 kg. If, as a result of the calculation, the load value turned out to be greater, it is necessary to increase the number of piles.

Based on the results obtained, the required number of pipes is determined, as well as the required amount of reinforcement at the rate of 2-3 reinforcing bars in each pipe.

The amount of concrete depends on the diameter of the pipe. On average, to fill 10 meters of a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm, it is necessary, taking into account the base, 0.1 cubic meters of concrete, for a pipe with a diameter of 20 cm - 0.5 cubic meters, and for a pipe with a diameter of 30 cm - 1 cubic meter of concrete.

The technology of making a pile foundation from asbestos-cement pipes

  • Preparation must begin with markup. Remove debris and foreign objects from the construction site, level it if possible and remove the sod. Mark with the help of pegs and rope the contours of the future building, corners, intersections of walls. Mark the places of installation of piles with pegs. To check the perpendicularity of the corners and the correct marking, check the equality of the diagonals.
  • Wells are being drilled for support poles. This can be done with a drill, and in its absence, you can dig holes with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipes. The depth of the well is 20 cm more than the estimated size of the underground part of the piles, which is necessary for the installation of a sand cushion.

  • A sand cushion 20 cm thick is arranged at the bottom of each well, compacted and spilled with water. After soaking up the water, the bottom is lined with roofing material. After that, prepared pipes are installed in the well. If the pipes have to be cut to the required size, it is necessary to leave a margin of about 10 cm in height in order to even out the height of the supports after the foundation has been completed.

The process of installing supporting asbestos-cement pipes

  • The pipes are leveled, fixed with temporary supports made of wooden blocks. Once again check the equality of the diagonals. In areas with a close occurrence of groundwater, pipes are waterproofed with mastic based on bitumen to the ground level. Dry the mastic.

  • Concrete is prepared: 1 part of cement is mixed with 2 parts of sand, diluted with water to the consistency of batter, after which 2 parts of fine gravel are poured into the resulting solution. Mix well and fill the base of the pipe by 40-50 cm.
  • The pipe is raised by 15-20 cm and left until the concrete has completely solidified. This technique will help create a solid support base that is resistant to buoyancy forces during soil heaving.
  • After the concrete has hardened, the well from the outside of the pipe is additionally waterproofed with roofing material and covered with river sand, spilled and rammed, checking the installation for level. Stretch a string between them or install a bar and align them horizontally.

  • Reinforcement is installed inside the pipe: several bars interconnected by transverse wire jumpers. Concrete is mixed and the rest of the pipe is poured. To remove air from the solution, pierce it several times with a metal bar.
  • After the concrete has completely dried, after two to three weeks, the foundation is ready for further construction. In order to extend its service life, it is recommended to waterproof it with bituminous or polymeric materials.

The construction of a pile foundation made of asbestos-cement pipes makes it possible to reduce the cost of building a solid foundation for a building by several times. However, with too much load, such a foundation may not be strong enough. In this case, it is better to choose a different type of foundation, tape or monolithic.

Any capital construction begins with the construction of a foundation, on which walls and the structure as a whole are installed. One of the most popular foundation options today is the pile foundation. A support made of metal pipes is a fairly convenient variety for the construction of one-story buildings, outbuildings, garages and small houses.

The arrangement of a pile foundation is a fairly simple process that takes place even faster than the construction of a monolithic or strip base. In addition, the foundation of piles is universal, since it can be used on various types of soil, including floating and heaving soils. Depending on which piles are selected, such a foundation is able to withstand various loads.

Support characteristics

The main feature of the foundation of asbestos pipes is the process of its construction. Externally, such a base consists of pillars installed at the corners, as well as at the locations of load-bearing walls at a distance of one to three meters from each other. The main advantage of the foundation of asbestos pipes is the speed of its construction, as well as relatively low financial costs.

Moreover, in order to equip the foundation of the supports, a very small amount of concrete mortar is required. If for a strip or monolithic foundation it is necessary to first dig a pit or trench, then this is not required for a pile foundation, just make a few wells. Accordingly, it also saves time and money for the owner of the site.

If you follow all the necessary rules and construction technologies, pipe piles, like the foundation as a whole, will last a long time and will maintain the strength of the entire structure for many years. It is important to consider when arranging a pile foundation that it will not work to create a basement in this way. Most often, pile foundations are used in areas with uneven ground, for example, on slopes, or in areas with weak soil, where a monolith or strip foundation will collapse.

Supports for pile foundations are made from a variety of materials, for example, from asbestos cement, concrete, metal, wood or brick. The most durable are the foundations of concrete and asbestos-cement pipes and pillars. Such supports have several advantages:

  • Highly high level strength.
  • Great speed of construction work.
  • The resistance of the material to spreading.

Another important advantage of using supports for arranging the foundation is the absence of the need to use heavy and large construction equipment. As a rule, in fact, it turns out to be enough to use an ordinary drill, a concrete mixer, as well as standard improvised tools. The advantages of the base of the supports are:

  1. Simplified procedure for conducting communication systems.
  2. Compared to erecting a monolithic or strip foundation, lower labor intensity of construction work, as well as lower cost of materials and lower costs of physical strength.
  3. Protection of the building from flooding during periods of river flow and heavy rainfall. The fact is that the main part of the structure, when using a pile foundation, is located about 30 centimeters above the ground, and sometimes more.
  4. No need to carry out any excavation work, since there is no need to dig a pit or trench.
  5. High speed of all work, no need to spend extra time waiting for the concrete to dry.

Despite the considerable number of advantages of the foundation with piles, such a foundation also has a number of disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  1. The pile foundation cannot be used in areas where there are too large differences in height, as well as moving layers of soil that lie deep enough.
  2. The use of supports for piles allows you to install buildings with a small mass on such a foundation. This is especially true for foundations PVC pipes. For this reason, the foundation on pipes is used mainly only for the construction of one-story buildings.
  3. The inability to organize a basement or basement.
  4. The duration of use of the foundation of pipe structures, as a rule, does not exceed 85 years, which is much less than the service life of other types of foundations.

Varieties of columnar base

A pile for a columnar foundation can be made from various types of products. The following are actively used in construction:

  • asbestos-cement;
  • wooden;
  • concrete;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

The foundation, made on piles of asbestos-cement pipes, is considered the most durable. In addition, such a foundation has a number of other advantages:

  • Asbestos products have a low cost, which reduces the final cost of all work.
  • To equip a foundation of this type, it is not necessary to additionally construct a formwork for pouring concrete mortar.
  • No special equipment is needed to install asbestos products.
  • Before mounting the supports, it is not necessary to create a special cushion of sand and gravel.

In addition to asbestos products, other types of supports and technologies are used in the construction of the foundation. For example, the manufacture of supports and piles from steel pipes is quite common. In addition, for the construction of small light buildings, the use of piles made of plastic pipes is common.

Stages of construction: detailed instructions

Preparatory work

Before making the foundation, it is necessary to study the site on which the construction works. The first step is to determine the following factors:

  • Estimated total weight of the entire structure.
  • Depth of soil freezing.
  • Features of the soil in the selected area, as well as the characteristics of the soil layers.
  • Depth of aquifers.

We make markup

Then, taking into account all the features of the territory, it is necessary to mark the site and designate the places where the future piles will be located. In order for the pipes to become well and maintain a stable position, deep enough wells are made. They can be made independently with a gasoline-powered drill, or using a hand tool.

Drilling of the wells

Pipes must be installed at the corners of the future building, as well as in places where the walls of the building will intersect. As a rule, asbestos-cement pipes are installed along the perimeter of the structure at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. Holes must be drilled in such a way that their depth is about half a meter lower than the depth of soil freezing. On average, the depth of the well is about two meters. The diameter of the hole is selected depending on the width of the pipes. Installed supports should rise above the ground by 50 centimeters.


After preparing the wells and installing asbestos-cement pipes in them, additional steps must be taken to fix the support in the soil. You can do this in two ways:

  • Pour the inner surface of the pipe and some parts around it with concrete mortar.
  • Fasten the supports with metal rods.

In the first case, before pouring, reinforcement is placed in the pipe, which is selected about half a meter longer than the pipe itself. The fittings should be placed 25 centimeters into the soil, and protrude at the top, above the pipe, for such a distance. Then all the pipes inside are poured with concrete mortar. After the concrete dries, you can proceed to the production of further work.

In the second variant, the pipe is initially filled with only a third of it. Then immediately it is lifted a short distance from the bottom of the well so that part of the concrete solution pours out, forming some expansion at the bottom. After that, the entire pipe is filled with a solution to the very top. At the same time, the reinforcement does not protrude at the top; instead, a special metal hairpin is installed, which protrudes about 30 centimeters above the support surface. It is to this hairpin that the rest of the structure, in particular, the grillage, will be attached.

Particular attention in the construction of such a foundation should be given to reinforcement. It must first be treated with a special solution that protects against corrosion. This will allow for a long time to maintain the strength, stability and stability of the base of the building.

When building a foundation for a pipe structure, it is very important to strictly observe the construction technology. Otherwise, the base will be skewed, as a result of which the deformation of the entire building will begin.

Injection of concrete into the well

  • If loose layers of soil are observed at the site, then before installing the pipes, it is imperative to prepare a gravel pillow at the bottom of the well so that the support is more stable. When installing asbestos pipes on floating soils, you can additionally strengthen the piles with trenches filled with concrete.
  • In addition, an additional option for strengthening casing pipes for piles is to drill holes closer to the top of the pipe and install anchors in them. Then metal rods are attached to these anchors.

The foundation on piles of asbestos-cement pipes is convenient in that it is quickly installed. In addition, the pile foundation allows you to quickly and easily lay pipelines, as well as other types of communications. This does not require large financial or time costs, you can save on equipment and labor.

You can build it yourself, but before starting work, you need to consider all the features of this type of base, as well as learn in detail about the process technology. This type of foundation acts as a good alternative to a tape, monolithic or slab foundation. Such a foundation, as a rule, is used in the construction of structures that are insignificant in mass. In addition, the work will not be accompanied by too high costs. It must be noted that given type foundation is almost indispensable when it comes to frame houses or commercial buildings. But one cannot ignore the fact that it has certain disadvantages, one of which is expressed in the fact that the building cannot have a basement or basement.

Construction features

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes does not involve the use of heavy equipment. The foundation, which is based on supports, can be made in one of two ways. The first involves the use of finished piles. But in private housing construction, this method is of little use, due to the need to rent specialized equipment. The second method involves the manufacture of pillars directly in the soil. In this case, it is necessary to pour the solution into the formwork, which is formed in a previously dug hole in the ground. In the role of formwork, various structures are used, among which there may be wooden panels.

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes is quite easy to equip also for the reason that the pipes that are used as formwork are very light in weight. Using such products, you get a guarantee that the concrete will not be exposed to water. In addition, the supports are not afraid of external damage, because asbestos-cement pipes have a fairly impressive margin of safety. All these qualities make them ideal for arranging fixed formwork. You can choose pipes of the desired diameter for construction.

The foundation of asbestos-cement pipes can be erected on a territory that is characterized by uneven terrain. Moreover, a high percentage of soil moisture is allowed. It is important to take into account the weight of the future structure before starting construction, since with an impressive mass, the number of supports should be increased.

Foundation technology

Initially, all calculations have to be made, the implementation of which is preferable to entrust professionals. When determining the number of pillars, it must be taken into account that the largest step between the supports should not be more than 2.5 m. The next step is to proceed to the preparation of the territory on which construction will be carried out. The soil must be free from debris and foreign objects. We have to get rid of the fertile soil layer. After that, the land, as a rule, is transferred to another part of the site so that it does not act as an obstacle during the work.

Before asbestos-cement pipes, it is necessary to mark the base. At the same time, it is important to check how correctly the corners are set, for which you have to pull a fishing line or a special marking cord. This must be done not only along the sides of the base, but also along the diagonals, while it is important to ensure that a perfect rectangle is obtained. Only after that it is possible to start work on which the supports will be installed.

In order to equip a columnar foundation of asbestos-cement pipes, it is necessary to prepare wells that are drilled through, however, the TISE tool can also be used. If it is planned to carry out work in areas with difficult soil, then it is worth using a drilling rig, which will have to be rented. It must be remembered that this approach will increase the cost of the work. It is necessary to deepen the supports below the soil freezing line.

Pillow arrangement

Before installing asbestos-cement pipes under the foundation, it is necessary to prepare the bottom of the well, for which a sand cushion is poured there. It is necessary to pour so much that after tamping a layer is obtained, the thickness of which is approximately 20 cm. In order to make the pillow easier to tamp, it is necessary to spill it with water. If the work is carried out on excessively weak soils, then a concrete support can be created at the bottom of the well, however, its diameter should be somewhat wider than that characteristic of an asbestos-cement pipe. In order to provide insulation, it is recommended to lay a layer of dense polyethylene at the bottom of the well, this will eliminate the possibility of moisture escaping into the soil from the concrete solution.

Pipe installation

When you mount the foundation on asbestos-cement pipes with your own hands, the next step is to proceed with the installation of asbestos-cement pipes. It is necessary to install the element strictly in a vertical position, for this you have to use spacers. It is imperative to analyze the evenness of the installation of pipes, using the building level for this.


The support must be strengthened; for this, a reinforcing frame made of bars must first be prepared. Horizontal and vertical belts are required. After the fittings can be lowered into the pipe. If it is planned to build a horizontal strapping, then the reinforcing bars must be brought out to connect with the grillage reinforcement.

Pouring concrete

After that, you can start pouring, it must be done in layers so that it is possible to eliminate air. The space obtained between the pipe and the well must be covered with sand and carefully compacted. The upper part of the pipe must be cut to the level, after which you can proceed with the installation of the head and laying the waterproofing. If it is assumed that there is a grillage, then the next step is to deal with it.

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