Moscow region famine pyramid. About the miraculous properties of the pyramids of the hunger engineer. Future plans

is a modern pyramidal structure of an elongated shape, built according to the project of Alexander Golod in 1999 and destroyed by a gust of hurricane wind in the late spring of 2017. It refers to the so-called "energy pyramids" that harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and correct its defects caused by the unreasonable activity of people and nature. To understand how it works, we went to look at the unusual Moscow pyramid of Alexander Golod on Novorizhskoye Highway, while it was still standing in its place.

As you know, in ancient times, the people of the Earth had the habit of building pyramids. Then, for some reason, people forgot how to do it, but the pyramids remained as memories of past achievements. And more, they continue to excite our restless vanity. So at the end of the 20th century, humanity decided: it was not, but we must learn to build pyramids again. And learned, of course. Pyramids adorn Paris, Moscow and other Russian cities.

It is with regret that we have to state that the Hunger Pyramid was demolished by the strongest hurricane on May 29, 2017. So now our story about a visit to the sights on Novorizhskoye Highway can become a kind of postcard from the past.

To get to the pyramid of Alexander Golod, you need to go to Novorizhskoe highway and drive along it up to the 38th kilometer. It can be seen from afar, it is unlikely to be missed. We drive a little before the turn, return, and here we have a local landmark in front of us - a real pyramid stands 44 meters high. She, of course, is not as ideally shaped as on the Giza plateau, but she looks pretty. The creator and project manager Alexander Golod worked on his brainchild for a long time. But why actually need this pyramid, if we have already left the age of civilization of the Egyptians?

Novorizhskoe highway was always in traffic jams, but in recent times got better

View of the Pyramid of Famine from the road

In this house next to the Pyramid of Famine, they can measure your aura and tell you about your strengths and weaknesses.

Wealthy fans of the pyramids fly here in helicopters, there is also a helicopter school

The proportions of the pyramid of Alexander Golod differ in that in it the diameters of two balls placed on top of each other and inscribed in the pyramid correspond to the proportions of the golden section (62 to 38). So characteristic feature This design of the pyramid is its visual elongation in height (the height of the pyramid is 2.058 times the side of the square lying at its base). One of the faces of the Hunger pyramid is directed to the polar star, and the pyramid itself is oriented along the Earth meridian.

The Pyramid of Hunger was built according to the rule of the golden section

According to the assurances of the author and his scientific research, the shape of the pyramid is a conductor of energy. And it is this form that contributes to the fact that objects (especially water) placed inside the structure begin to show their best qualities approach the ideal. As a result of the evil that is happening on the planet, we all have deteriorated to one degree or another and need to be harmonized. And so the pyramid is just a means that allows each living being or substance to return to its original state.

If you think about it, it's a pretty positive drive to improve and get better. And it is even quite possible to assume that the construction of the pyramid really has the ability to return water to an ideal state, to harmonize it. And perhaps even the space around can give in to such an impact. We may not yet be competent enough in this matter to categorically deny these properties. They cannot be measured. And you can’t say for sure that they are, but you can’t say “no” categorically either. Here we are all subjective: water can actually be more enjoyable after the pyramid has worked with it. And the disease may disappear.

Good to know:

A little about psychosomatics and the influence of the Hunger pyramid on a person

One can believe that it was precisely the pyramid of Hunger that brought a person's thoughts in order, and this state became incompatible with the disease. And then you have to admit that the pyramid cured the person. But will this healing be temporary? After all, this is a kind of “magic” construction of the pyramid that simply did its job, harmonized the human condition. But the disease he earned as a result of his negative thoughts. More and more scientists are coming to this conclusion: it is thoughts and emotional condition humans are responsible for most diseases. This science is called psychosomatics.

The top of the Hunger Pyramid of an unusual design

And now, by a wave of the hand, a person is healthy. But as soon as he begins to think negatively again, the disease will begin to creep up again. After all, man did not realize his transformation. He does not know step by step instructions, he did not experience the miraculous forgiveness of those who offended, the letting go of the past, or he did not know the “magic” of self-love. And only these seemingly simple things actually relieve diseases forever.

The action of the Hunger Pyramid can be compared to drugs. According to many who take certain types of drugs, their state at the moment of intoxication is similar to approaching something beautiful, to the Absolute, with the moment of unity with the Universe. All black thoughts disappear, the feeling of guilt that torments people. It usually does not last long, but the memories haunt. And that is why most drug addicts cannot stop, dreaming of reliving this wonderful moment of relaxation and lightness again. However, the drug no longer provides such an opportunity. He opens the door, showing: yes, it is possible, there is a way to God.

Photo inside the Hunger Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway

But to find this state accurately and for sure, you need to go all the way consciously. Not with the help of a guide, who will leave not even halfway, but at the very gates. Why is the guide so harmful? Because we are distracted along the way by extra tinsel and do not see the road, do not look under our feet and do not notice the signs. We are relaxed in the bad sense of the word, irresponsible. We put the responsibility on the guide and do not worry about anything. And the guide quits. And there is no way to get out of the forest where he led. And the point here is not at all in the pyramid of Famine or its proportions.

However, if we walk into the forest every day and notice its features, in time each bush will become familiar, we will recognize the signs and feel at home. Then you can start even in the thicket on your own. And if the traveler is ready, the road is always at his feet.

Roads are plentiful!

Heal yourself! Achieving a harmonious state with the help of the Hunger Pyramid

Independent and conscious getting rid of the disease, working on your problems and injuries will always give a greater effect than a “quick and magical” healing. We need the symbol of the pyramid, as the knowledge that harmony exists, peace in the soul is possible. But only in the world you need to cherish in your own heart with everyday work. Then you yourself will become the best pyramid and favorably influence not only your life, but also those close to you.

For the sake of this, of course, it is worth a trip and see what an unusual pyramid of Alexander Golod grew near Moscow on Novorizhskoye Highway.

Views around the pyramid of Alexander Golod

Engineer Alexander Golod is known as the creator of special energy pyramids, which are considered to be "bioenergy" converters (although this causes some skepticism on the part of official science). Starting from the end of the 80s of the last century, about 20 pyramids were erected by the Famine: in Ostashkov, Zaporozhye, Astrakhan, Sverdlovsk region, Togliatti and other places.

For many years, the Hunger Pyramid has been a kind of symbol of the Novorizhskoye Highway, as well as a place of pilgrimage. Erected in 1999, it stood on the 38th kilometer of the route, until the fateful day on May 29 last year, when a 44-meter pyramid weighing 55 tons was destroyed by a hurricane. But already on August 4, a new temporary pyramid of a modest 14-meter height was installed at the same place.

The creator of the pyramids, Alexander Golod, told our correspondent about the fate of the old and temporary Pyramids, as well as about the grandiose future plans for the construction of a new Pyramid, which, if everything goes according to plan, will outshine its predecessors.

Alexander Efimovich, how did it happen that during the hurricane the pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway took shape like a house of cards?

In fact, the hurricane became the trigger, and the pyramid over these 18 years, in principle, wore out, exhausted its resource and rotted. And I already had plans to change it to another, but nature got ahead.

Were there any difficulties with the installation of the temporary pyramid?

No. But no one gave me a dime for repairs. In general, it can be considered that I do this as a hobby.

In the 14-meter pyramid, the 7-meter top from the same previous pyramid was used. But in general, does this temporary pyramid have the same energy effect as the previous one?

Yes, of course, everything that was developed by the old pyramid over 18 years has been fully preserved. The Temporal Pyramid can maintain this energy effect for as long as it likes.

I heard that the new pyramid should surpass its predecessors in height?

Undoubtedly. But what height it will be - 70 or 100 meters, has not yet been decided. By the way, today's temporary pyramid will be placed on top of the newly built one.

Which of your pyramids is the tallest?

The highest was just this one, 44 meters high, on Novorizhskoye Highway. And with the successful implementation of the project, a kind of record will be set.

It looked like a pyramid on the Novorizhskoe highway

Can we say that the level of energy in such structures depends on their size?

Yes, of course, energy can grow many times over.

Will fundamentally new materials be used now compared to previous designs?

Yes, those pyramids are completely made of fiberglass, now it is supposed to use concrete with fiberglass reinforcement, metal is not allowed here. This design will be more durable. In addition, it will differ from its predecessors in ideally even edges and "stability" of shape.

When is the plan to build a new pyramid?

Design is in full swing. Most likely, the Pyramid will be built by 2018-2019.

Do you get any support for this?

In other words, as much as you want. In fact, we are slowly working on it. The main thing is not so much financial as organizational support. Moscow region. In fact, this object can become a grand attraction and make this place one of the most beautiful in the Moscow region.

Do you design your pyramids alone?

Perhaps you have some statistics, how many people, in particular, the Pyramid on New Riga helped?

This question is not for me, I do not have such statistics. But, let's just say, I've met and talked with people on numerous occasions who have experienced positive effects.

Where and when did your very first Pyramid appear?

In Zaporozhye, in 1989.

In general, are all your pyramids the same, or are there some differences between them?

They differ only in height.

Temporary pyramid on New Riga

Is the main impact of the Pyramids on a person still energy?

Energy is balanced in the pyramid. There are impacts on energy, and cellular tissue, and on the general state of health and the quality and duration of a person's life. More than a dozen studies have already been carried out. Recently, studies have been carried out to study the influence of the pyramid fields on the consciousness of an individual, on the consciousness of a group of people in a country.

I heard that in the pyramids you can even charge some items?

Any object that has fallen into the field of the pyramid tries to remember this information, and then broadcast it in other places.

I read that in the area where the Astrakhan Pyramid was located, positive changes in the atmosphere and ecology were noted. Could something like this happen in the area of ​​the Novorizhskaya Pyramid?

It is not the pyramid that influences, but the person. He, getting into the Pyramid, acts as an amplifier. Thought, as you know, is material. And if a person wants to improve the environment and the atmosphere around, this can be broadcast through the pyramid to environment. In fact, the Pyramids as a tool can be used both locally - around individual objects, and globally - in cities, regions and states, to influence the climate, natural disasters, natural disasters, political events, and so on.

Perhaps you have recently made some other fundamentally new conclusions?

They were made, but so far I am not ready to voice them publicly.

Pyramids from time immemorial attracted with their scope during construction and the secrets that accompany structures for many centuries.

Famous pyramids of the world

Egypt and Mexico, Spain and Greece, Serbia and Bosnia, China and France - all these are countries where there are pyramids that have been studied to a greater or lesser extent.

Myths and mysteries accompany these structures, endowing them with a wide variety of properties. Unusual buildings around the world attract great attention. Russia is no exception in this matter. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway has become the main attraction of this area, attracting tourists at various times of the year. Every year the flow of those wishing to see the building, which has become famous throughout the world, is increasing.

Where is the pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway? How to get there?

One of the 17 pyramids of the famous Russian engineer Alexander Golod was erected in the Moscow region, at a distance of 38 km along the Novorizhskoye highway from the capital.

Moving to the west, it is impossible to pass by it. It gracefully rises above the ground in an open field, attracting well-deserved attention to itself, because you don’t expect to meet such a miracle in the vastness of Russia. Located near the village of Chesnokovo, this building is considered the highest pyramid in the CIS, its height is 44 m. powdered with concrete chips.
You can get here by car or a comfortable sightseeing bus, where an experienced guide will tell you everything about this pyramid, starting with the features of its construction and ending with facts about the miraculous effect on individuals and the country as a whole.

Using the shape effect

The form for the structure is of decisive importance.

The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway was originally conceived as an experiment designed to confirm or refute theories, myths about the miraculous effect of the structure on living organisms and the environment. Since ancient times, the shape of the pyramid has been endowed with an extraordinary effect on objects inside it. The effect of form, which formed the basis of the Famine structure, was studied for a long time, and the proportions used in the calculations should have given a fantastic result. A bet was made on the interaction of form and space, which were supposed to remove negative impact phenomena common in modern reality. Swinging at global problems, such as conflicts and wars, epidemics and rampant crime, natural disasters and social tensions, the engineer wanted to positively influence space and events by erecting a pyramid, bringing peace and harmony to the surrounding reality.

What unusual properties are endowed with the pyramid of Alexander Golod?

According to the guide and pilgrims who regularly visit the building, one gets the impression of the unique impact that the pyramid has on Novorizhskoye Highway. The list of advantages includes the following:

The protective properties of a living organism increase. People with weakened immune systems noted that after being inside the facility, their well-being improved significantly. And some of the visitors brought here weakened pets who were recovering.
. The negative impact of destructive phenomena that aggressively affect the body is blocked. A strong anti-stress effect has been observed.
. Internal reserves are mobilized human body, aging processes are suspended.
. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway contributes to the harmonization of the surrounding space and brings peace and harmony to those who are inside it.
. It differs in that even in severe frosts, the liquid does not freeze in it. undergoes changes at the molecular level.
. It was even said about stopping the development of malignant cells and enhancing the effect of drugs.

Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway: Address, Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway Reviews: 4.5/5

The Hunger construction, known all over the world, attracts many tourists. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, whose photo is known to the whole world, has been causing a wide variety of controversies for 16 years. Pilgrims vied with each other about her healing properties, citing hundreds of examples of healing, finding harmony and opening new life horizons as evidence. Skeptics defend a diametrically opposite point of view, arguing that there can be no miracles in this structure, and if there were healings, then this is just a coincidence. Those who doubt the unique properties of the space inside the pyramid argue that self-deception is leading in any explanation of these properties.

To believe or not to believe?

Whatever both sides say about the construction, it is important that no one is indifferent to the pyramid: it causes controversy and genuine interest of a wide variety of people. And to believe or not in miracles and the healing effect is the business of an individual person. The pyramid on Novorizhskoe highway, the address of which is available in any directory, is popular with tourists. Here everyone finds something for themselves: some - peace, others - inspiration, others - the path to oneself through meditation, fourth - new impressions from another attraction.

The opportunity to leave a souvenir or a talisman as a souvenir, buy charged water and take a photo of your own aura - all this will allow you to evaluate this trip in the future.

The pyramid of Alexander Golod, conceived as a mega-harmonizer of space, stood on the side of the Novorizhskoye Highway (38th kilometer) for seventeen and a half years, causing sacred awe in some, and caustic mockery in others. For most Muscovites and guests of the capital, the 44-meter structure was just a landmark - a sign that 19 kilometers were left to the Moscow Ring Road. But no matter what we, as well as its creator, may think about the pyramid, the hurricane that blew up on Monday left from it only a paved area and a pile of torn panels. People got out on time. Even the ostrich that was walking in the corral in the neighborhood was not injured. Hunger himself was not offended by the elements: for him, the collapse is not the end, but the beginning of a new, even larger project.

Oil, gas, weapons, drugs...

You see, yesterday the pyramid was gone, and today the head of the district is already calling and inviting him to his place, - says a 68-year-old, thin man, slightly harassed by many years of trying to convey the truth to the people. - For four years I could not get through, and now I need it. Apparently, he wants me to restore the pyramid. No, I don't need money. The land is also not needed, I own it. I need the right attitude, I need the project to continue. Biophysical technologies of the future have been developed and are waiting for their implementation. The pyramid clearly demonstrated what it was capable of. You have no idea how much money this project costs. Oil, gas, weapons, drugs - all aside.

Recall: Alexander Golod graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mathematics of DSU. Until 1990, he taught in Dnepropetrovsk, rose to leadership positions, was engaged in calculations of mathematical models, organized a company that produces guitar strings, and coached the university football team. In 1988, he met a group of enthusiasts studying the effect of the shape of the pyramids, and fell ill with this forever. In 1990 he moved to Moscow and opened the NPO Hydrometpribor. The money he earned was spent on further research.

Women get pregnant, criminals reform

As a result of an 11-year study of the phenomenon in 1999 on his own land and with his own money, with the help of one partner and one crane, Golod built a pyramid with a height of 44 meters and a base side of 22 meters on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye Highway. Before that, an 11-meter pyramid was built in Ramenskoye.

According to the Hunger theory, the special proportions and ratio of the ribs to the cardinal points allow the pyramid to collect energy flows and harmonize space. Once in the egregor of the pyramid, cereal seeds double their yields, immunity increases in humans and animals, cancer and other chronic diseases, including AIDS and hepatitis, disappear, women become pregnant, and pathological criminals begin to knit and embroider. The longer the pyramid stays in its place, the more powerful its effects become, and special matrices, charged in energy flows inside the pyramid, allow you to take its magical properties with you. True, such a pleasure was not very cheap until last Monday: charged stone pyramids, depending on size, were sold at prices ranging from 4 to 15 thousand rubles. But is it really about money when it comes to a miracle?

I worked, for example, with prisons, - says Alexander Efimovich. - Loaded salt for them. Salt lay for a day in the pyramid, then it was given to prison catering units. Three months later, regime officers from all the prisons participating in the experiment told me the same phrase: "The impression is that we have replaced the entire contingent." That is, the prisoners have become different - they have become more humane!

The astronauts will tell you

Did the fall of the pyramid upset him? Alexander Golod assures that he did not upset at all. Since 2010, he has prepared a project for a new pyramid - a hundred-meter one, which now is the time to implement. And the old pyramid, they say, is very worn out, and some time ago he warned the guards that as soon as a strong wind blows, people should be immediately taken out of it.

By the way, that's what happened. Security led both sellers and buyers out of the pavilion inside the pyramid 20 minutes before the hurricane. Only an ostrich walking in a nearby paddock had a chance to suffer, but even the bird remained unharmed.

I did not expect at all, it was something! - Hunger speaks about the elements with respect. - Because according to all the laws of sopromatism, the pyramid should, if it has already completely rotted - and it is seriously rotten - fold inward, but it was blown away right away. Wow where did you go. I didn’t reach 20 centimeters to the corral with an ostrich.

Everything that I have been observing around my pyramids for 27 years is only balance, only harmony, and everything is in superlatives. I don't have any other words. Especially when we tried to use our matrices on newborns, on pathologies of newborns, on resuscitation of newborns, it was clear how these one-two-day-old babies came to life. Don't take my word for it? You ask Semenov (general designer of NPO Energia): he sent a matrix from my pyramid to the Mir station - one of those small ones. Or ask astronauts who have been to the ISS. When the Frenchwoman Claudie Haignere flew there, new-type matrices were already installed there. Ask - the astronauts will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Not all is well with science

The Famine Pyramid actually had fans. Inside, in the pavilion, there were almost always people who were charging in energy flows. Buddhists came in and sang mantras. Comrades of dubious faiths came in - muttered conspiracies. Women stocked up with charged water, especially since a five-liter bottle cost as much as in a store.

I personally did not know any of the regular visitors, - recalls Golod. But I understand them perfectly. For me there is the Creator, the Supreme. For some reason, it is called the "singularity point" by great scientists. Someone calls the Artist. Someone - Higher consciousness. The fact that He is, for me is unconditional. And if this is unconditional, then it doesn’t matter what language you speak with him. It is important to speak in the right place - this is quite enough.

Among the adherents of the harmonization of space by the Pramids there are quite respectable organizations. So, the construction of the pyramid was ordered by large medical centers, individual cities and even countries (Georgia). For 17 years, Hunger built more than 15 pyramids above 11 meters and several smaller ones, acting, for example, on a single country cottage with a plot.

But with classical science things didn't go so smoothly. At the beginning of the 2000s, information passed that several institutions confirmed the miraculous properties of the Famine pyramids. Colleagues-journalists then were not too lazy to get through to the leadership of these institutions. The Hematological Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums, and a number of other organizations denied participation in Golod's experiments, and the chairman of the commission to combat pseudoscience, Academician E. Kruglyakov, wrote: "Tales about the magical properties of the pyramids have no scientific basis."

And what do you think?

Around the site of Alexander Golod, where a 44-meter pyramid fell on Monday and a 100-meter pyramid is planned for 2018, now almost entirely elite cottage villages. People driving into the gates of these settlements in Gelendvagens and Kuizers were reluctant to answer my questions. But in general, none of them believed in the miraculous power of the pyramid, and the majority stopped noticing it at all, like a lantern at the entrance.

I don't know... If he made money on this project, then well done, the flag is in his hands, - a stout man smoking next to a black Volkswagen Touareg sullenly stated. - And if not ... Then I don’t know, everyone goes crazy in their own way.

Personally, when I looked at Alexander Golod and listened to what he said, it did not seem to me that the pyramid project was commercial. He is not dressed smartly, and his car is not new. But I liked his eyes - good. In my opinion, Hunger looks more like a fanatical scientist than a rogue miracle worker from the 1990s. And how much science, faith and delusion is in his project - let everyone decide for himself.

As I was driving away, I saw three well-trained hard workers wandering along the road. "Hey guys, what do you think about the pyramid that fell?" I called out to them. “Thinking where we will charge vodka now!” - answered the men.

Pyramid of Famine (Russia) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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As a result of the hurricane that hit Moscow on May 29, 2017, the pyramid of Alexander Golod on Novorizhskoye Highway was destroyed. At present, its reduced copy has been restored.

If at least once in the last fifteen years you have traveled along the Novorizhskoye highway, you could not help but see a monumental structure - the Famine Pyramid. This building has nothing to do with the desire to eat, Hunger is the name of a hydrogeological engineer from Moscow, who decided to fight "the curvature of the energy space, which in Russia is taking on catastrophic proportions."

This pyramid is the largest of all the structures built by Famine (and there are, for a moment, more than twenty). Its height is 44 meters, it is made of plastic and weighs more than 55 tons. The construction cost is said to have exceeded one million dollars.

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