Celery in baby food. Is it possible to have celery for a one-year-old child Is it possible to have celery for a one-year-old child photo

Celery consists of a root, stem and leaves and all its parts contain a huge amount of nutrients. The leaves contain carotene, which increases immunity and vitamins B (regulate metabolism) and C (powerful antioxidant). In addition, it improves blood clotting, reduces inflammation and soothes.

In addition, it improves appetite and enhances the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is recommended to give celery to children before dinner, then the baby will surely eat the main course with pleasure.

The root of this vegetable contains important trace elements.: iron, potassium, mineral salts and enzymes, which are simply necessary for children. After all, all these substances contribute to the normal growth and development of the crumbs, have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen bones and teeth, and improve digestion. And the magnesium and phosphorus contained in it improve brain function.

Celery is especially useful for children after winter. when they have a high need for vitamins. Until the rest of the vegetables appear, you can replace them with celery. Considering that all its parts are useful, you can come up with a lot of dishes with it. Various salads, stews, casseroles - the choice is simply huge. In addition, the leaves can be used as decoration. They add sophistication to dishes. You just have to experiment. And the kid will surely be delighted with such a variety.

Please note that for salads, celery is best used raw, and for main courses - fried and stewed. But it has a peculiar taste and not every child will like it. Therefore, if the baby did not appreciate it from the first try, do not be discouraged. Better show your imagination and cook something new. For example, celery root and apple salad or vegetable soup. Perhaps in this form they will fall to the baby.

Starting at 12 months, add some celery when making juices. Especially such cocktails will be useful for hypovitaminosis. But before that, be sure to consult a pediatrician so that the baby does not have allergies.

You can also combine grated celery with apple, dried apricots, nuts and raisins. And if you pour this mixture with yogurt, you will get a wonderful dessert.

Try combining it with various vegetables and meats.. Boil or steam. In general, experiment more. Then the dishes will not only be more varied, but also tastier. And the essential oils contained in it will make the dishes more fragrant and will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby.

Peculiarity: In the children's diet can be introduced from 1.5 years.

Celery is a common vegetable crop. A genus of herbaceous plants of the Umbelliferae family.

Read also: Useful product. Celery

In 100 grams celery contains 13 kcal

Celery is the closest relative of parsley. But they came to our garden in different ways: parsley - from the mountains, and celery - from the swamps. In ancient Greece, they said about a hopelessly ill person: "He lacks only celery." It appeared in Europe in the 18th century. The appearance of celery in Europe immediately shrouded him in mystery. It is now a fairly common culture.

Composition and nutritional properties of celery

AT 100 g celery contains:

  • Proteins - 0.9 g
  • Fats - 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 2.1 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.8 g
  • Organic acids - 0.1 g
  • Water - 94 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides - 2 g
  • Starch - 0.1 g
  • Ash - 1 g

Useful properties of celery

Everything is useful in celery: both the root and the stems. They contain the most valuable amino acids asparagine, tyrosine, carotene, nicotinic acid, trace elements, essential oils.

Useful properties are, first of all, raw celery. It is useful in diseases of the stomach, rheumatism, obesity, diseases of the bladder. Salads and celery juices are a great way to maintain good health (cleanse the body of toxins).

Celery has anti-allergic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. Light laxative properties of celery and its ability to improve the overall tone of the body and enhance physical and mental performance are known.

Aqueous infusions of celery roots are useful for gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, for rheumatism and neuralgia, as well as an emollient and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Celery root has a diuretic and tonic effect, it is widely used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

It has been noticed that in the body of a child whose diet includes celery, metabolism improves and appetite increases. In addition, the use of this vegetable helps to strengthen children's teeth, bones and improve brain function.

Read also: Useful product. Celery

Contraindications for use

In no case should you drink celery juice with obvious manifestations of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney problems.

Celery in children's diet

You need to start introducing celery into your baby’s diet from a year and a half. First, in order for the baby to get used to its smell and taste, you need to put a small piece in a vegetable soup.

Preparation and consistency

To begin with, the baby can be offered a pureed soup in which a piece of celery is mashed together with the rest of the vegetables, and all this is diluted with vegetable broth. When the child gets used to it, you can offer the baby a soup with not mashed, but finely chopped celery.

Celery Recipes for Kids

Celery puree (from 1.5 years old)


  • Celery root - 100 g
  • White bread crumb - 20 g
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • Egg - 1 pc
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash the celery root, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Then you need to boil it in a small amount of lightly salted water.
  3. Bread, pre-soaked in milk, add to the celery. Then you can put a piece of butter and beat everything with a blender.
  4. Hard boil the egg, peel and cut into slices.
  5. Serve with an egg!

Celery with potatoes - from 1.5 years


  • Celery root - 100 g
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Onion - ¼ pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash potatoes and celery, cut into cubes and put in a saucepan.
  2. Peel, wash, finely chop the onion and add to the vegetables.
  3. Pour everything with water (so that it barely covers the potatoes with celery).
  4. Then add vegetable oil there, simmer a little over low heat until tender.
  5. It can be served in slices or as a puree.

Soup with celery - from 3 years


  • Water - 2.5-3 liters.
  • White cabbage - 500 g
  • Celery stalks - 500 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.


  1. Place the celery pieces in boiling water and leave to simmer over medium heat.
  2. At this time, chop the onions and carrots (onions - cubes, carrots can be grated on a coarse grater).
  3. Vegetables slightly, until soft, in no case frying, simmer for 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  4. Shred the cabbage and toss with the celery.
  5. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, chop coarsely and put in the soup.
  6. Chop the bell pepper, put in the soup, cook for 10 minutes, then add the roast, salt to taste, let it boil and remove from heat.

Bon appetit!

Read more recipes in the Baby Food section.

About when to introduce new foods into the baby's diet, about the beneficial properties of these products and how to diversify the crumbs menu with new dishes, read the Encyclopedia of Baby Food

Celery is an unusual product, chewing which a person spends more calories than is produced during its digestion. Moreover, this vegetable is also special in that it grows almost everywhere - in any climatic conditions. An exception is perhaps the frosty Antarctica.

What types of celery are known, and can all be eaten?

Total Distinguish three varieties of celery, which, in turn, are divided into several more varieties. Let's try to consider each of them.

celery root

This variety characterized by tasty and juicy underground part of the plant rounded and large in size. The root is mostly white or slightly yellowish in color and has a specific aroma. You can use the root part of this type of celery both raw and after heat treatment. It's being used for preparing various vegetable salads and stews.

leaf celery

Most commonly used as a condiment like any other green. Leaf celery resembles parsley in appearance: it has practically no root, its petioles are thin, but the leaves are fluffy and fragrant. You can use this celery fresh or dried.

Popular varieties of leaf celery:

  • Cheerfulness.
  • Kartuli.
  • Zakhar.
  • Samurai and others.

petiole celery

This variety is characterized by the fact that only the petioles of the plant are eaten, which sometimes reach 4 cm in diameter. Such celery has practically no rhizome, and mostly used to prepare green salads and various stews.

The most popular varieties of petiole celery:

  • Malachite.
  • Gold.
  • Pascal.
  • Triumph.

Everyone will be interested to know how to recognize the quality of petiole celery. And to do this is quite simple by the sound that is made during the breaking of the petioles. If you hear a loud crunch, it means that the celery is fresh, healthy and of high quality, if there is no crunch, the celery has been cut off for a long time and is no longer juicy, which means it is not the first freshness.

As you can see, all three varieties of celery can be eaten, just each of them has its own special purpose. Russians prefer root celery.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content - what vitamins and minerals are found in celery?

Celery is very useful negative calorie food. This means that a person spends more calories on the absorption of the product than is produced in the body during its digestion. So, 100 g of celery root contains only 32 calories.

Nutritional value of 100 g of celery root:

  • 82 g - Water.
  • 1.3 g - Proteins.
  • 0.3 g - Fats.
  • 7.1 g - Carbohydrates.
  • 1 g - Fiber.
  • 0.1 g - Organic acids.
  • 1.1 g - Ash.

Vitamins contained in celery:

  • 0.01 mg - Vitamin A.
  • 0.03 mg - Vitamin B1.
  • 0.05 mg - Vitamin B2.
  • 1 mg - Vitamin B3.
  • 7 mcg - Vitamin B9.
  • 8 mg - Vitamin C.

Macro- and microelements contained in celery:

  • 390 mg - Potassium.
  • 60 mg - Calcium.
  • 30 mg - Magnesium.
  • 75 mg - Sodium.
  • 27 mg - Phosphorus.
  • 0.5 mg - Iron.
  • 150 mcg - Manganese.
  • 0.3 mg - Zinc.

Celery is popular in dietary nutrition: fiber helps to easily fight hunger, and low calorie content with high water content contributes to a rapid metabolism.

Celery for your youth and strong nerves - useful properties and contraindications

Even in the distant past, the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians considered celery primarily a medicinal plant, and only then recognized it as a product. Until now, many doctors focus on the healing properties of celery for arthritis, rheumatism, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Regular consumption of celery in food will not make you wait long for the result. Due to the fact that the composition of the vegetable includes unique polysaccharides that have anti-inflammatory effects, the number of colds and infectious diseases is noticeably reduced. In addition, celery is a powerful antioxidant that gives beauty to the skin, prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors and takes care of the health of the nervous system.

On a note. Celery is considered a very powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women. Nevertheless, it has a slightly greater effect on the representatives of the stronger sex, as it helps to increase potency. It is curious that the long-known Italian lover of Casanova always tried to eat as much celery as possible. In this way he maintained his sexual strength and energy.

Another feature of celery is that it has hypotensive properties, and normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is an amazing find for people suffering from hypertension.

Despite the many useful properties, like all other products, celery also has contraindications for use.

Celery is contraindicated:

  • People suffering from ulcers or gastritis, as well as those with increased acidity of the stomach (celery stimulates the gastrointestinal tract).
  • People with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Celery in the diet of pregnant and lactating women - nutritionists give recommendations

Although celery is such a useful and rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements product, expectant mothers are advised to use it with caution. The fact is that celery can provoke uterine hypertonicity or cause it to contract- and this, in turn, can lead to miscarriage in the early stages or to premature birth in late pregnancy.

Well, if you do not have complications when carrying a child, nutritionists and gynecologists unanimously recommend that you gradually include celery in your diet. Only this should be done with all caution, in small doses and under the supervision of a doctor.

During lactation, a woman is recommended to consume celery after the child reaches 6 months., since the plant contributes to increased gas formation, and the baby, respectively, may be disturbed by colic. In addition, celery contains allergens and fiber. Allergens are present here in small quantities, but for crumbs this dose may be quite enough to provoke the appearance of an allergic rash, itching or redness. Fiber is not yet strengthened children's body is not able to fully digest, so the use of celery can cause dysbacteriosis or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract in an infant.

When the baby is 6 months old, a nursing mother can safely introduce celery into her diet. It will improve digestion, increase the protective abilities of the immune system, and will favorably affect the state of vision and physical fitness of a young mother.

Children's menu - at what age should I give my child celery?

Celery must be present in the children's menu. You can start introducing it into your baby's diet from 9 months. Moreover, it is allowed to add both juice and boiled celery root to the diet.

Like other products, celery should be given from a minimum amount - half a teaspoon is enough for the first time, then gradually increase the portion.

Since the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved in celery root after heat treatment, we strongly recommend introducing celery soup or vegetable stew into the child's diet.

Soup with chicken and celery for a child

The recipe is quite simple, and the dish is very tasty. Both children and adults love it, especially since a baby can eat such a soup from 10 months.

Chicken fillet boiled in water goes well with onions, grated carrots, eggs and celery root. This soup will be very useful for the baby.

Vegetable stew with celery for the little ones

This dish can be introduced into the diet of children over the age of 1 year. Ragout is not only tasty and healthy, but also easy to prepare.

By the way, if the child still does not know how to chew, then the mixture can be knocked down with a blender to a state of homogeneous puree.

Doctors recommend eating celery in the spring, because after winter the child's body is depleted and needs the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. With hypovitaminosis, you can use celery juice in its pure form - a teaspoon of juice per day can normalize the vitamin balance of the child's body.

Celery dishes - what can you cook?

All varieties of celery are widely used in cooking today.

Celery Dishes:

  • celery soup
  • Celery vegetable stew
  • Seasoning of celery
  • celery sauce
  • Pasta with celery
  • Meat with celery
  • Broth with celery
  • celery salad

Light summer salad with celery and apple

Grated on a medium grater root celery and sweet and sour apple with a ratio of 1: 1 will serve as a good snack in the hot season. And if you want to diversify the dish a little, add a boiled egg or canned pineapple if desired. In the first case, the taste will be softer, in the second - more exotic and sweetish. Also take note that when adding an egg to lubricate the salad, it is better to use mayonnaise, and when adding pineapple, only sour cream.

celery soup for weight loss

Since celery is a negative calorie food, it is just perfect for people who want to lose weight. Moreover, there is even a soup diet of celery, on which you can lose about 2 kilograms per week without much effort, and this is a very good result.

Eat this celery soup at least once a day, exclude fried, starchy and sweet foods from your diet - and you are guaranteed to see the result in a week. 100 g of the finished dish contains only 11 calories, so people who are accustomed to fatty and high-calorie foods will immediately feel the difference in diets - they will be accompanied by a slight feeling of hunger.

Include celery in your diet not only for the purpose of losing weight, and you will immediately notice how your well-being improves!

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In early spring, when immunity is especially in need of support, include celery in the child's menu. This plant contains a unique set of vitamins and increases appetite.

A storehouse of vitamins

Celery is rich in vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2. It contains salts of calcium, potassium, magnesium. It also has a unique aroma.

No wonder this herb has been considered healing for centuries. Celery increases appetite, reduces gas formation, treats constipation, is recommended for overexcitation and sleep disturbance. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, and has a good effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

Root vegetables, petioles and celery leaves are also eaten. They are eaten raw in a salad, boiled in soup, stewed and fried in second courses.

With the taste of celery crumbs can be introduced from 1.5 years. To get started, add some finely chopped greens or grated celery root to the meat soup and vegetable puree. A salad of cucumber and leaf celery or apple and celery root with sugar will be good. Having fed such a salad to a child before the main course, you will be surprised how willingly he will eat the whole dinner.

The child will not immediately fall in love with vitamin greens. Do not force-feed celery. After one unsuccessful attempt, repeat it again in a week. Celery is combined not only with vegetables, but also with shrimp, squid, eggs, cheese, nuts.

Recipes with celery

Celery juice, from 8 months

Let's start with fresh celery juice, starting with half a teaspoon. If the drink seems tart, dilute it with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

For hypovitaminosis, make mixed juice from celery, vegetables and fruits. A wonderful drink is obtained from celery and apple juice (20 ml: 80 ml) or with the addition of carrot and beetroot celery juice (20 ml: 40 ml: 40 ml). This cocktail energizes, improves appetite and sleep.

Talk to your doctor before making celery juices with fruits and vegetables. Juices, like other vitamin products, should not be consumed thoughtlessly.

Salad of leaf celery and cucumbers, from 3 years

You will need: sprig of leaf celery, 1 cucumber, salt, 1/2 bunch of dill, 1 dess. spoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking: Peel the cucumber and cut into half circles. Celery - the same pieces. Add finely chopped dill, olive oil and lemon juice to the salad, salt.

Vegetable soup with celery, from 10 months

An amazing plant, one of the few in which everything is useful - both the root and the stems and leaves. But the main thing is that it has practically no contraindications.

The vitamin composition of the root and the aerial parts of the plant are somewhat different, so the best option is to use both of them. In addition, the root, as a rule, undergoes heat treatment - it is boiled, fried, added to soups, and the stems and leaves are great for salads, where they can be added raw, while retaining all the vitamins.

Composition of celery

This vegetable does not break records for the content of nutrients, but a big plus is a balanced composition. The celery has vitamin C), necessary to strengthen the child's immunity, thiamine ( IN 1) is a water-soluble vitamin that does not accumulate in the body and must be supplied regularly. Participates in the processes of growth and breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. Riboflavin ( IN 2) participates in metabolic processes and activates the work of vitamin B6 (found in animal products)

There is niacin in the root and greens of celery ( IN 3) and some ( AT 9), which is important for hematopoiesis.

Celery root (Photo: Fotolia)

The mineral composition of celery:

Celery is rich enough potassium, its content in 100 g of the root is 400 mg, greens - 430, which is more than in such popular foods as bananas, broccoli and green beans. Due to this amount of potassium and rather coarse vegetable fiber, regular use of celery in any form contributes to normal intestinal motility and the full functioning of the bacteria of the children's gastrointestinal tract, and simply put, it helps to avoid constipation.

Is in this vegetable calcium(about 60 mg per 100 g), magnesium- an extremely important mineral, which, in addition to all its important properties, also contributes to the absorption of ascorbic acid, phosphorus, sodium, which is also found in celery, activates many enzymes and energy metabolism.

Celery greens (Photo: Fotolia)

Why does a child need celery

The balanced composition of celery, both its underground and above-ground parts, makes this vegetable extremely useful.

  • Thanks to vitamins, celery is able to maintain the resistance of the child's body to all kinds of infections. This property is especially important during the autumn colds.
  • Like any other vegetable, celery perfectly diversifies the diet of a child who is also assigned a casein-free diet.
  • The normal functioning of the children's intestines is extremely important for the health of the whole organism. Thanks to fiber, which is the main food of the intestinal microflora, celery will help to avoid hardening of feces, and potassium will ensure normal intestinal motility.
  • Due to its composition and the presence of essential oils, raw celery, usually stems and leaves, perfectly stimulates the production of gastric juice and thereby increases the child's appetite.
  • Nutritionists recommend giving children celery in combination with meat dishes, as this improves the metabolism of important amino acids from meat.

Celery and apple salad

celery stalk
1 apple
1 teaspoon lemon juice
100 g soft cheese
Yogurt or sour cream

Peel the apples and cut into thin strips (can be grated on a coarse grater). Wash the celery stalks, cut into small cubes, add to the apples and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut soft cheese (brynza, suluguni) into cubes, according to the size of celery pieces. Mix everything, salt a little and add sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. For decoration, you can use any fresh herbs - parsley, dill, basil, thyme.

Bon appetit!

Celery is an unusual product, chewing which a person spends more calories than is produced during its digestion. Moreover, this vegetable is also special in that it grows almost everywhere - in any climatic conditions. An exception is perhaps the frosty Antarctica.

What types of celery are known, and can all be eaten?

Total Distinguish three varieties of celery, which, in turn, are divided into several more varieties. Let's try to consider each of them.

celery root

This variety characterized by tasty and juicy underground part of the plant rounded and large in size. The root is mostly white or slightly yellowish in color and has a specific aroma. You can use the root part of this type of celery both raw and after heat treatment. It's being used for preparing various vegetable salads and stews.

leaf celery

Most commonly used as a condiment like any other green. Leaf celery resembles parsley in appearance: it has practically no root, its petioles are thin, but the leaves are fluffy and fragrant. You can use this celery fresh or dried.

Popular varieties of leaf celery:

  • Cheerfulness.
  • Kartuli.
  • Zakhar.
  • Samurai and others.

petiole celery

This variety is characterized by the fact that only the petioles of the plant are eaten, which sometimes reach 4 cm in diameter. Such celery has practically no rhizome, and mostly used to prepare green salads and various stews.

The most popular varieties of petiole celery:

  • Malachite.
  • Gold.
  • Pascal.
  • Triumph.

Everyone will be interested to know how to recognize the quality of petiole celery. And to do this is quite simple by the sound that is made during the breaking of the petioles. If you hear a loud crunch, it means that the celery is fresh, healthy and of high quality, if there is no crunch, the celery has been cut off for a long time and is no longer juicy, which means it is not the first freshness.

As you can see, all three varieties of celery can be eaten, just each of them has its own special purpose. Russians prefer root celery.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content - what vitamins and minerals are found in celery?

Celery is very useful negative calorie food. This means that a person spends more calories on the absorption of the product than is produced in the body during its digestion. So, 100 g of celery root contains only 32 calories.

Nutritional value of 100 g of celery root:

  • 82 g - Water.
  • 1.3 g - Proteins.
  • 0.3 g - Fats.
  • 7.1 g - Carbohydrates.
  • 1 g - Fiber.
  • 0.1 g - Organic acids.
  • 1.1 g - Ash.

Vitamins contained in celery:

  • 0.01 mg - Vitamin A.
  • 0.03 mg - Vitamin B1.
  • 0.05 mg - Vitamin B2.
  • 1 mg - Vitamin B3.
  • 7 mcg - Vitamin B9.
  • 8 mg - Vitamin C.

Macro- and microelements contained in celery:

  • 390 mg - Potassium.
  • 60 mg - Calcium.
  • 30 mg - Magnesium.
  • 75 mg - Sodium.
  • 27 mg - Phosphorus.
  • 0.5 mg - Iron.
  • 150 mcg - Manganese.
  • 0.3 mg - Zinc.

Celery is popular in dietary nutrition: fiber helps to easily fight hunger, and low calorie content with high water content contributes to a rapid metabolism.

Celery for your youth and strong nerves - useful properties and contraindications

Even in the distant past, the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians considered celery primarily a medicinal plant, and only then recognized it as a product. Until now, many doctors focus on the healing properties of celery for arthritis, rheumatism, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

Regular consumption of celery in food will not make you wait long for the result. Due to the fact that the composition of the vegetable includes unique polysaccharides that have anti-inflammatory effects, the number of colds and infectious diseases is noticeably reduced. In addition, celery is a powerful antioxidant that gives beauty to the skin, prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors and takes care of the health of the nervous system.

On a note. Celery is considered a very powerful aphrodisiac for both men and women. Nevertheless, it has a slightly greater effect on the representatives of the stronger sex, as it helps to increase potency. It is curious that the long-known Italian lover of Casanova always tried to eat as much celery as possible. In this way he maintained his sexual strength and energy.

Another feature of celery is that it has hypotensive properties, and normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is an amazing find for people suffering from hypertension.

Despite the many useful properties, like all others, celery also has contraindications for use.

Celery is contraindicated:

  • People suffering from ulcers or gastritis, as well as those with increased acidity of the stomach (celery stimulates the gastrointestinal tract).
  • People with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Celery in the diet of pregnant and lactating women - nutritionists give recommendations

Although celery is such a useful and rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements product, expectant mothers are advised to use it with caution. The fact is that celery can provoke uterine hypertonicity or cause it to contract- and this, in turn, can lead to miscarriage in the early stages or to premature birth in late pregnancy.

Well, if you do not have complications when carrying a child, nutritionists and gynecologists unanimously recommend that you gradually include celery in your diet. Only this should be done with all caution, in small doses and under the supervision of a doctor.

During lactation, a woman is recommended to consume celery after the child reaches 6 months., since the plant contributes to increased gas formation, and the baby, respectively, may be disturbed by colic. In addition, celery contains allergens and fiber. Allergens are present here in small quantities, but for crumbs this dose may be quite enough to provoke the appearance of an allergic rash, itching or redness. Fiber is not yet strengthened children's body is not able to fully digest, so the use of celery can cause dysbacteriosis or other problems with the gastrointestinal tract in an infant.

When the baby is 6 months old, a nursing mother can safely introduce celery into her diet. It will improve digestion, increase the protective abilities of the immune system, and will favorably affect the state of vision and physical fitness of a young mother.

Children's menu - at what age should I give my child celery?

Celery must be present in. You can start introducing it into your baby's diet from 9 months. Moreover, it is allowed to add both juice and boiled celery root to the diet.

Like other products, celery should be given from a minimum amount - half a teaspoon is enough for the first time, then gradually increase the portion.

Since the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved in celery root after heat treatment, we strongly recommend introducing celery soup or vegetable stew into the child's diet.

Soup with chicken and celery for a child

The recipe is quite simple, and the dish is very tasty. Both children and adults love it, especially since a baby can eat such a soup from 10 months.

Chicken fillet boiled in water goes well with onions, grated carrots, eggs and celery root. This soup will be very useful for the baby.

Vegetable stew with celery for the little ones

This dish can be introduced into the diet of children over the age of 1 year. Ragout is not only tasty and healthy, but also easy to prepare.

By the way, if the child still does not know how to chew, then the mixture can be knocked down with a blender to a state of homogeneous puree.


Doctors recommend eating celery in the spring, because after winter the child's body is depleted and needs the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. With hypovitaminosis, you can use celery juice in its pure form - a teaspoon of juice per day can normalize the vitamin balance of the child's body.

Celery dishes - what can you cook?

All varieties of celery are widely used in cooking today.

Celery Dishes:

  • celery soup
  • Celery vegetable stew
  • Seasoning of celery
  • celery sauce
  • Pasta with celery
  • Meat with celery
  • Broth with celery
  • celery salad

Light summer salad with celery and apple

Grated on a medium grater root celery and sweet and sour apple with a ratio of 1: 1 will serve as a good snack in the hot season. And if you want to diversify the dish a little, add a boiled egg or canned pineapple if desired. In the first case, the taste will be softer, in the second - more exotic and sweetish. Also take note that when adding an egg to lubricate the salad, it is better to use mayonnaise, and when adding pineapple, only sour cream.

celery soup for weight loss

Since celery is a negative calorie food, it is just perfect for people who want to lose weight. Moreover, there is even a soup diet of celery, on which you can lose about 2 kilograms per week without much effort, and this is a very good result.

Eat this celery soup at least once a day, exclude fried, starchy and sweet foods from your diet - and you are guaranteed to see the result in a week. 100 g of the finished dish contains only 11 calories, so people who are accustomed to fatty and high-calorie foods will immediately feel the difference in diets - they will be accompanied by a slight feeling of hunger.

Include celery in your diet not only for the purpose of losing weight, and you will immediately notice how your well-being improves!

Celery is an amazing vegetable, one might say, waste-free. In fact, the plant has nothing to throw away, everything is used: stems, leaves, and roots. The rich aroma of this product is so pleasant that even the simplest meat dishes become much tastier if you add at least a little greens or celery root. The vegetable is extremely useful for children, as it has a unique composition.

According to the healing properties of celery equate to ginseng. In addition to vitamins with minerals, it contains a set of valuable amino acids, including asparagine, tyrosine and some others, it also contains essential oils and fiber. Find out why it is for babies, what dishes can be prepared from it for the smallest and how it can help in the treatment of certain diseases.

Useful properties of celery

Celery is valued for its ability to reduce the intensity of aging - this effect is achieved due to the unique composition of this vegetable. What minerals it does not contain: selenium and zinc - rather rare trace elements - are not found in every product, it also contains iron, magnesium, potassium and other substances. It is also rich in B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic and pantothenic acid. By the way, the latter has the ability to accelerate the healing of wounds and burns, and is part of almost all tanning products.

Celery greens are very good for overwork: if serious exams or competitions are coming, be sure to include them in your child's diet. It also helps to cope with mild nervous disorders - try a capricious baby to regularly add it to the first, second courses and salads, and your child will become a little calmer. Is the baby prone to puffiness? Then this vegetable must take pride of place in his diet.

Other useful properties:

  • reduces headache - coumarins provide analgesic effect;
  • has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties - it helps to cope with joint pain, of course, in terms of the strength of its effect, it cannot be compared with diclofenac, but celery has no side effects and it definitely will not have a negative effect on the digestive system;
  • promotes the excretion of uric acid salts;
  • helps to cope with overweight, is part of the most popular diets - if the baby is overweight, celery will help reduce weight;
  • increases the ability to concentrate.

Celery, due to its antiseptic effect, is very useful in diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria: at a very early stage of development, it will help to stop them if the infection has already “dispersed”, and will be a good addition to drug therapy. Due to the vitamin-mineral complex, it improves immunity and helps to get rid of toxins. If a healthy baby regularly consumes celery, it is highly likely that he will not have problems with appetite: the vegetable contributes to an increase in interest in food.

Medicinal recipes based on celery

Does your daughter or son often get acne? Is your skin dry and flaky? With regular use of celery juice, the condition of the skin will improve in a week. For a baby who is already accustomed to the product, the portion should not exceed 5-10 ml.

Other celery remedies:

Ointment for wound healing. Grind celery greens with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, mix with butter in equal parts. The product is intended for external use. Helps with abrasions, burns, inflammation.

Sleeping pills for babies. One teaspoon of celery juice - drink 3 times a day before meals (for 60 minutes). It also helps with nephritis.

For blood purification, constipation and pyelonephritis. Two tablespoons of chopped celery (both roots and leaves are suitable) pour 200 ml of water, put in a water bath, simmer for 2 hours. Eat 1 table before meals. spoon, kids - a teaspoon.

In case of allergies, it is advised to pour water (boiled chilled) 2 tables. tablespoons of grated root (can be rubbed with a blender). Drink the resulting infusion before meals, 30-40 ml, for adults - 50-60 ml.

At what age can children eat celery?

Celery not only does not cause allergies, but also helps to cope with it. In a small amount, it can be offered from 7-8 months, when the baby is already used to meat and vegetable purees. For the first time, cut off a tiny piece of the root and add it to the soup - the taste of the dish will not change much. See how the child reacted. Some children may refuse to eat - do not worry, postpone the tasting until next week.

Later, when the baby is already used to the first courses with celery mashed to a state of puree, try to accustom him to greens - you need to cut it finely. So that it retains its aroma better, and valuable substances do not lose their activity, put it in a pan before cooking is completed - then it will undergo minimal heat treatment.

Precautionary measures

If a child has diseases of the digestive system, celery can be offered to him only after consulting a pediatrician. The vegetable is contraindicated in gastric or duodenal ulcers, harmful in gastritis with high acidity. It should be used with caution in case of exacerbation of pyelonephritis and nephritis, as well as other problems with the genitourinary system. Refrain from this vegetable should be with hemorrhagic vasculitis and other problems with blood vessels. In the presence of chronic diseases, consultation with a doctor is required.

Celery dishes for children

Celery puree

The dish is designed for children from 1.5 years. Products: 50 g of celery root, 10 g of loaf pulp, 1 table. a spoonful of milk, a little butter (up to 5 g), 1 egg, salt and spices - to taste.


  • Prepared celery root (washed and peeled) cut into small cubes, put in a saucepan, pour cold water, boil.
  • Soak bread in milk to soften.
  • Drain the celery (do not pour out the broth), add the loaf crumb to it, season with butter, beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Boil the egg, cut into 4 parts.
  • Season the soup with herbs before serving, put an egg in a plate.

Soup with celery

Products: 1.0–1.5 liters of water, 200–250 g of white cabbage, celery petioles - 200–250 g, 1 each of bell pepper, carrot, onion and tomato (small vegetables), 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil .


  • Cook the prepared celery stalks over medium heat.
  • Grate the carrots, cut the onion into cubes.
  • Saute vegetables for 3-4 minutes in vegetable oil.
  • Add finely chopped cabbage to the soup pot.
  • Blanch the tomato, remove the skin, cut into cubes, add to the boiled foods, send chopped bell pepper there, then wait 10 minutes and season the soup with fried onions and carrots.
  • Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Celery and apple salad

Products: celery stalk, medium-sized sweet apple, a little lemon juice (to taste), 100 g of soft cheese. For dressing: sour cream or yogurt (whichever you prefer).


  • Wash the apple, peel it, grate it on a coarse grater.
  • Wash the stalk of celery, cut into cubes, add to the chopped apple, do the same with cheese.
  • Mix the ingredients, salt, season with yogurt or sour cream.

Tips: the salad turns out great with suluguni, it is better to take unsweetened yogurt, we recommend using dill or parsley as a seasoning.

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