How does a microwave oven work and how to properly handle it? How to choose a microwave oven? How to choose the right microwave for your apartment

14.08.2013 29.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

To understand how a microwave oven works, you will have to remember the basic course of school physics. But even those who do not remember this course very well, after a detailed explanation, they will know exactly the principle of the microwave oven and will be able to answer themselves and others about the dangers of the device itself or the food that is cooked in it.

The device is called a microwave oven not by chance. In it (and not only in it, for example, in cell phones, satellite television, and there are also natural waves that the Sun creates), microwave radiation is used or, as it is also called, microwave radiation, consisting of electromagnetic waves, the length of which is 1 millimeter - 1 meter.

In addition to length, waves are characterized by frequency. For microwaves, according to an international agreement, a frequency of 2450 MHz has been adopted (this frequency will not interfere with the operation of other devices with microwaves).

Electromagnetic speeds, if anyone did not know or forgot, I remind you, they propagate at a speed of 300,000 km per second. That's right, it's the speed of light. Knowing the microwave frequency of the oven, you can get the length. For this, the speed must be divided by the frequency, we get 12.25 cm. These are the waves that live in your microwave.

Another characteristic of the waves, so that the principle of operation of the microwave oven is clearly understood. A wave is a combination of two alternating fields (magnetic and electric). There are no magnetic properties in the products, so this field is not considered. But the electric field that the wave creates is the basis.

The principle of operation of the microwave oven

In order for microwaves to heat food, it must contain dipole (different charges at different ends, that is, one is positive, the other is negative) molecules. And, as it turns out, they are. These are molecules of sugar, fat, but most importantly, water, which is found in almost all products.

In each, even the smallest piece of the product, there is a huge amount of dipole molecules, which are arranged as they please, that is, randomly. But as soon as they fall under the influence of an electric field, the molecules are immediately built in even rows on the field lines of force, and in a strict order: plus - in one direction, minus - in the other. Lined up. But as soon as the field changes polarity, the molecules follow it, turning one hundred and eighty degrees. Now imagine that such a change in the field occurs very often. Or rather, with a frequency of 2450 MHz. Let me remind you that 1 hertz is 1 oscillation in 1 second, so it is easy to calculate that 1 MHz is 1 million oscillations in 1 second. For 1 oscillation, the field changes twice. You can calculate how many times our molecules have changed their position in a second. For those who believe in the word - 4900000000 times.

Have you imagined this frantic movement of molecules? And during this movement, the molecules come into contact with each other, releasing heat, which “warms” the product.

Knowing the principle of operation of the microwave oven will not be able to cook a lot of dishes in a hurry,

A little about the rules of use that will help you master the process of cooking in the microwave:

How to "teach" your recipes to the microwave. This is

Delicious potatoes with meat in a pot,

For those to whom physics is sooooo far away, I suggest rubbing your palms together. Feel how warm they are. Here is the same principle. And by the way, this example shows that, in this way, that is, rubbing our hands intensively, we will not be able to heat the tissues too deeply. Similarly, microwaves cannot penetrate deeper than three centimeters. Therefore, thermal conductivity is connected to the action of microwaves, due to which the generated heat penetrates deeper than three centimeters.

What does this mean practically and how does it relate to cooking in the microwave? This means that you do not need to cook a large piece at maximum power. It is better to set the middle one and let the heat quietly penetrate deep into it, preparing the piece well and not charring the outer part.

And liquid foods need to be periodically mixed, helping heat penetrate into the middle of the dish.

Recently, there have been rumors that heating food in the microwave starts from the inside of the product, which leads to the loss of valuable trace elements in food. But this is an erroneous opinion, as you already understood. Do a practical experiment: heat a boiled, unpeeled potato, and then look at its dried-out, fried crust and tender core.

How a microwave oven works

The required products are placed inside the microwave oven on a rotating stand, thanks to which the heating occurs evenly. Microwaves are produced by a powerful electronic lamp - a magnetron. If your household appliance fails, do not rush to repair it yourself, keep in mind that a very high voltage is applied to the magnetron - do not risk yourself and your family.

Protects from radiation mesh on the door of the device.

The device package includes:

  • power cord,
  • energy converter;
  • magnetron;
  • guiding and distributing wave devices;
  • capacitor;
  • rectifier;
  • door equipped with seals;
  • oven chamber with a plate;
  • fan.

The microwave oven has long been an indispensable kitchen appliance. The process of heating the dish was simplified due to it.

Each microwave oven model is unique and has its own technical characteristics and design. Thanks to this, every housewife can choose a product based on needs, kitchen space and interior.

Built-in microwave ovens

This is a functional and aesthetic option that is installed in kitchen furniture, creating a single composition. It's nice that such a technique can also replace the oven, if it has the necessary functions.

Control options for built-in microwaves:

  • Button- control is carried out by buttons;
  • Mechanical- can combine buttons and mode switches;
  • Sensory- is a touch panel with symbols.

Button and touch models are additionally equipped with automatic cooking programs: there are already built-in “recipes” that can be selected for a specific dish, and the microwave oven will cook it at the right temperature and the right time.

Complete set and assortment

Built-in microwave ovens, like other models, differ in size and configuration.

Accessories that may be included:

  • Lattice for plates;
  • Tray for fat;
  • Plastic cover to protect the camera from splashes while reheating food.

Built-in microwaves are installed in the kitchen set and size plays an important role here. So, for small kitchens, an oven volume of up to 10 liters is suitable, for spacious ones - you can choose an individual option, up to replacing the oven.

If there are small children in the family, then it is better to choose models with an antibacterial coating of the inner chamber. On such surfaces, grease does not accumulate, an unpleasant odor does not appear and bacteria do not multiply.

Freestanding microwave ovens

Pros of freestanding microwaves:

  1. The main thing is that you do not need to adjust the kitchen set, special openings are not made. It is installed in the kitchen, on the surface.
  2. It is easy to transfer - if you make a rearrangement in the kitchen or buy other household appliances, and swap furniture and appliances - then this option is easy to do.
  3. Convenience during cleaning - it is enough to wipe it from all sides with a cloth.

Designers say that it is not necessary that a free-standing microwave oven, like any other kitchen appliances, be in tune with the interior. It is much more beautiful if an original design is created.


The difference between such models and other types of microwave ovens concerns functions: such equipment can be equipped with a grill and / or convection.

Grill microwave ovens

A microwave oven with this function is almost as good as a standard oven. At the same time, the speed of cooking dishes here is higher than in the oven.

When choosing a microwave oven with a grill, pay attention to the capacity of the chamber. This indicator directly indicates what sizes of products can be cooked in it. So, some models allow you to cook a large chicken. To do this, the volume of the furnace must be at least 25 liters.

The most profitable grill option is quartz. It differs in that it heats food well, while it takes up less usable area in the chamber, unlike other types of grill.

When buying, pay attention to the power of the grill. It directly affects the speed of cooking. For a grill, 1000 watts is standard.

Microwave ovens with convection

Such models make it possible to cook dishes with a crispy crust. Built-in fan - distributes the air flow evenly, so food is evenly cooked from all sides. If the convection function is combined with a grill, this gives additional opportunities for cooking.

Convection, on the other hand, allows you to cook dishes without a rough crust or with burnt one side of the dish, which occurs when cooking in a standard oven. Such a device facilitates cooking, makes the process much faster.

Among the additional functions of microwave ovens with a convention are:

  1. Maintenance of the set temperature;
  2. defrosting;
  3. Automatic heating;
  4. Fast cooking.

Among models with convection, there is such a function as steam cleaning - it makes it easier to keep the device clean, as well as to remove odors.

Large volume microwave ovens

Microwave ovens of large volume are a set of functions and possibilities for preparing a wide range of dishes. This model is best suited for a large family and for those who often invite guests.

Like other types of microwave ovens, these models may differ in features, design, control and installation options.

Microwave ovens up to 17 liters

Microwave ovens up to 17 liters in most cases are small and suitable for one person or a small family. If you only need to heat up food, especially for one or two people, then there is no better option than a microwave oven up to 17 liters.

Their main advantages include:

  • Compactness;
  • Optimal internal volume;
  • Ease of installation - in the kitchen, such devices will not take up much space, which is important for rooms with a small area;
  • Low price - due to the small size of the devices and low power.

The power of such microwaves is about 700 watts.

They differ, like other models:

  • Type of management;
  • Coated chamber;
  • color;
  • display;
  • Size.

Microwaves solo

A solo microwave oven is nothing more than the simplest technique for one person. We are not talking about any cooking, built-in programs and so on. The only thing you can do in most of these models is to heat up food.


  1. Low cost - due to the simplest device;
  2. Only for heating food - no need to understand additional settings.

Their difference from other types of microwave ovens is that they have different microwave power and design. The power of solo microwave ovens varies from 100W to 1450W. Their size is usually small, which is extremely convenient for a small kitchen.

As standard for solo models, an internal acrylic or enamel coating is used. Both are easy to keep clean. Some solo models also involve defrosting frozen semi-finished products.

Simple microwave ovens

Simple ones do not have any additional functions in their device. The main functions here are heating food, defrosting and simple heat treatment. This option is perfect for customers who do not need the functions of steam cleaning, grilling, convection, etc.

Rostislav Kuzmin

Greetings to you, subscribers to my blog, and readers who have just come in! Surprising someone today with a microwave is very difficult, it is in every home and in every kitchen. This is logical, because in it you can heat up food or a drink in a couple of minutes, as well as cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today we will figure out how to choose a microwave oven, the advice of professionals will help with this.

A microwave or microwave oven operates using microwave frequencies, a special structural element called a magnetron emits microwaves. They permeate the space, including food or drinks. These waves act on the water molecules and set them in motion, which provides heating. The action of the frequencies begins very quickly, so the food is heated almost instantly. Due to the fact that the heating temperature does not exceed 100 degrees in the microwave, healthy dietary food is obtained. The second positive point is that the faster the food heats up, the more beneficial vitamins it retains.


There are people who are distrustful of various kinds of radiation. Some are even afraid to purchase a microwave oven, as they are afraid of its harmful effects. These fears are completely unfounded.

  1. Microwaves are not radioactive.
  2. Microwaves cannot leave the chamber, as the doors fit very tightly, and they are also protected by a special mesh.

According to international standards, the maximum distance at which microwave radiation from an oven can be recorded cannot exceed 5 cm, however, the vast majority of manufacturers make this parameter even smaller.

Basic selection options

Much has been said about how to choose the right microwave oven, but in fact the question is not how to do it right, but how to choose a good oven for specific purposes. Quite often it happens that the buyer wants to buy a device only for heating and defrosting food, in which case you can stop at the simplest and most inexpensive option. In other situations, a stove is required for the home, which will be actively used for cooking. Then you need a better thing with an extended set of functions.

So, when buying a furnace, you need to navigate the choice according to the parameters listed below:

  • Design. In this case, the question is quite important, since the stove will be in the kitchen and in the open, which means it should at least not violate the overall design. There is an option to purchase a built-in microwave, then it will not be visible at all. For those who are very worried about the interior, this choice will be the most suitable.
  • Volume and size. This is also an important point, since a device for heating food for 2-3 people does not have to be large, 20 liters is enough. If there are often guests, then this figure can increase to 23-25 ​​liters. There are even more capacious ovens, but they should be chosen by those who cook a lot and such models are closer to ovens than microwave ovens.
  • Power. For cooking different types of food, the power may change, and in addition, it must be changed. First of all, this will ensure more proper cooking with maximum preservation of nutrients, the second point is saving money. The main parameter that is affected by power is the heating rate. However, when buying, you should pay attention to the state of the electrical network of the house. Often, in the private sectors of the city, during the period of active energy consumption of the microwave oven, there is simply not enough voltage to provide enough power for heating.
  • Functions. All microwaves can be divided into three types - conventional, grilled and confectionery. The first option is optimal for warming up or defrosting, the remaining types are suitable for those who will cook. If you want to do baking, then the presence of convection is a mandatory parameter.
  • Control. Often the buyer is lost among the variety of microwaves and one of the elements that may differ in models is control. It happens mechanical, touch and push-button. There is also a combination between the last two options. Professionals advise paying attention to the fact that mechanics are the most reliable and not sensitive to power failures. It makes no sense to buy an expensive model with touch controls if you just need to heat food. Another difference between the types of control is that the sensor and buttons, as a rule, offer program modes that are set by the manufacturer for certain cooking models. In mechanics, the owner himself sets the power and operating time.
  • Cover type. This is the last thing you need to pay attention to. It happens antibacterial, stainless steel and enameled. The first option is the most expensive, but reliable and easy to clean. Moreover, it is resistant to high temperatures. Steel is reliable, withstands high temperatures, requires careful maintenance, and it is very difficult to scrub food from it. Enamel is the cheapest type of coating, short-lived. Another disadvantage is constant care. In general, you can opt for two cheaper options, since a quality microwave from a good brand does not always have antibacterial ceramics. In this case, it is best to use a lid that will protect the surface from contamination and simplify the maintenance process.

In order for the microwave to serve for a long time, and users do not have problems as they use it, simple tips should be followed.

  1. Microwave dishes should be selected special. There are many plastic and glass containers on the market today that are specifically designed to work with microwaves. All of them have a special symbol that shows that the use in the microwave oven is allowed. It is strictly forbidden to use metal utensils or objects in the microwave oven. This may cause an explosion. Also, you can not take dishes that have a gold edging. This paint contains metallic impurities.
  2. It was said above that the easiest way not to smear the microwave is to use the lid. This tip also applies to ceramic-coated models, even though they are easy to clean. It is enough to put a cup of water and heat it to the maximum temperature, and then simply wipe it with a soft cloth.
  3. During cleaning, do not rub the surface with a sponge or other hard objects. This may damage the coating. Which will lead to a quick failure of the device.
  4. When it comes to which firm is better to choose, there is no clear answer. The most important element of the furnace is the magnetron and control. As practice shows, little-known brands break down more often than famous manufacturers. For my part, I advise you to take a simple branded model than an unknown device with many features.
  5. When choosing a model with a grill, the advice for use is as follows - pay attention to the type of grill. There are models with a quartz grill or heating element. The latter, as a rule, is open, quartz is closed. That is, from the point of view of care, it is more convenient when the grill is closed. Less food remains fall on it, but the heating element is always better in terms of the quality of its functions.

Model Rating

When compiling the rating of the best models, the reviews and ratings of users and culinary professionals were taken as the basis, and only after that I looked at what brand of microwave oven. Sometimes it happens that even not the most famous brands make quite high-quality equipment. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you should carefully study the reviews and compare whether it makes sense to save on an inexpensive model or is it better to pay extra. I repeat - inexpensive and unknown does not mean bad, but you should study the issue in more detail.

Daewoo Electronics KOR-5A37W

Inexpensive and compact model with mechanical control. Small dimensions, and the volume is 15 liters. This is enough to heat food for one person. Due to its small size it will fit in a small space. Sleek design in white. Weight - 9 kg. Maximum power - 500 watts. There is a function of a sound signal about the end of the program, as well as a defrost mode. The finish is enamel. Price - from 3,500 rubles.

Daewoo Electronics KOR-6LBRWM

Inexpensive Pin-An style model for those buyers who want to furnish their kitchen in the American style of the 60s. Rounded shapes, chrome-plated rotary controls and buttons. Available in a combination of several colors - white and red, black and red, turquoise and white. Coating - enamel, capacity - 20 liters. Weight - 10.6 kg, maximum power - 800 watts. Control - buttons and rotary mechanisms. There are 5 power settings. Timer for 60 minutes. The model has 4 automatic cooking modes. The cost is from 4,100 rubles.


Model in gray color, push-button control. Gray enamel finish. Weight - 10.5 kg. The volume of the chamber is 20 liters. Power - 700 W, setting modes - 5. Automatic cooking programs - 8. There is a timer for 60 minutes, automatic heating and defrosting. It has a backlight of the internal compartment, a sound notification of the end of work. There is a display on which you can set the time and control the rest until the end of the program. Price from 5 800 rubles. ( 2 shop- worldwide).

Weissgauff HMT-202

Built-in model, color white, concise design, suitable for any interior. Button control. Volume - 20 liters. Weight - 13.7 kg. The inner coating is enamel. Power - 700 W, 5 settings. There is a child lock, backlight, notification of the end of work. Auto cooking programs are not provided. Price - from 11 thousand rubles.

Hotpoint-Ariston MWHA 2031 MS2

20 liter model. Touch control. Classic design, white. Weight - 10 kg. Power - 700 watts. Child lock, program end notification, internal pot light. The finish is enamel. The price is 5,500 rubles.


Made in a classic design, color - matte white. Weight - 9.4 kg. Volume - 23 liters. Power - 1000 watts. Touch control, bioceramic coating. Inverter magnetron technology is used for quieter operation and energy saving. 8 auto-heating modes, 4 auto-defrost programs. There is a child lock, display, notification of the end of the cooking program, backlight. Price - 8,500 rubles.

Manufacturers of microwave ovens provide the buyer with a wide choice, but the selection criteria are different for everyone. If you are thinking about buying a microwave oven, first of all, pay attention to a few basic parameters:

  • chamber volume;
  • device power;
  • method of processing products;
  • availability of additional functions.

Built-in and freestanding microwaves

Microwave power

The more powerful your microwave assistant, the faster you can cook or defrost food.

Depending on the task, different power of the microwave oven is required. For example:

  • keep food hot: 80-150 W;
  • quick defrosting of a small amount of food: 400-500 W;
  • slow cook or reheat: 550-700W;
  • fast cooking or reheating: 800-900 W;
  • reheating, defrosting or cooking a semi-finished product: 400-900 W;
  • preparation of a full meal: up to 1400 watts.

The greater the power of the microwave oven, the larger the chamber and the higher the power consumption. In different modes - grill, convection, combined - energy consumption is also different. When choosing one or another microwave oven model, it is important to take into account the condition of the electrical wiring in the house. For example, an oven with a convection and microwave mode has a power of up to 3500 W, and this will create an additional load on the network.

Can power be controlled? Yes, if it is an inverter microwave oven. Unlike conventional microwave ovens, inverters automatically adjust the power level. This gives fast and even heating. As a result, the structure of the products does not change, they do not dry out. In dishes cooked in such an oven, more vitamins and nutrients are retained.

Microwave interior lining

The main types of internal coating of the working chamber of the microwave oven: enamel, stainless steel and ceramics (bioceramics).

- the cheapest;
- easy to care for;
- strong enough.

- over time, the inner walls under the influence of steam and fat change color, microcracks and chips appear in the coating;
- Not for long term use.

- resistant to high temperatures;
- abrasive products can be used for cleaning;
- cheaper than bioceramic.

- it is more difficult to care for - traces of drops, fingers remain on the metal, over time the steel tarnishes;
- an order of magnitude more expensive than with enamel.

- economical, durable;
- cooking time is reduced;
- reduced energy costs;
- easy to clean;
- resistant to heat and scratching;
- fat does not linger, thanks to the smooth surface.

- fragile and most expensive.

There are microwave ovens with additional properties - antibacterial, non-stick, etc. They are distinguished by improved thermal insulation and increased strength.

Microwave control

There are two types of microwave oven control: manual (mechanical) and electronic. When making a choice, first of all think about what is more convenient for you to use.

Microwave ovens can have both a regular and a "movable" heating element (TEH) - its position can be changed, providing heating not from above, but from the side.


  • retains heat for a long time;
  • dishes are perfectly baked (intensive roasting);
  • the spiral is placed vertically, but its location can be changed - at an angle or from the side (both convenient and easier to care for the camera);
  • reliable;
  • low cost.


  • food cooks more slowly;
  • difficult to clean;
  • high power consumption (heats up for a long time).

The quartz grill is located at the top of the microwave oven, it is a tubular quartz element behind a metal grill.


  • dishes have a special taste, as if they were cooked on an open fire;
  • heats up quickly - cooks quickly;
  • the quartz lamp does not take up space in the chamber;
  • very economical energy consumption.


  • much more expensive than a heating element;
  • a crispy crust is obtained only in the upper part of the product;
  • the quartz lamp quickly becomes dirty (it is problematic to wash).

infrared grill


  • combined with a quartz grill, which is responsible for the "crisp";
  • can be used separately;
  • easily and quickly prepares gourmet dishes;
  • allows you to select different cooking modes;
  • the food is tasty, juicy, fragrant.

Disadvantages: not detected.

Convection in the microwave

Dishes from a microwave oven with convection are in no way inferior in quality to those cooked in a traditional oven. Products are processed with hot air. Its circulation helps to evenly distribute the temperature in the working chamber. Thanks to convection, the cooking process is almost doubled, while the natural appearance and taste of the products are preserved. Such ovens are for lovers of fresh pastries and baked meat.

In the latest models with convection, metal grills on legs are installed instead of a skewer. We put, for example, chicken on the grate, turn on the convection / grill mode - and the carcass is evenly fried on all sides.

Automatic defrosting and heating: much needed functions!

Defrosting and reheating dishes are the two most popular modes of operation of microwave ovens. Most often, this is why we buy them. In most microwaves, the list of these modes includes frequently used products - "Poultry", "Meat", "Fish". You only need to select the type of product and specify the weight of the portion - the rest of the settings will be made by the program.

Additional features and modes in the microwave

Double boiler. The oven is equipped with a built-in steam generator. You can prepare diet meals. Products not only retain their natural appearance, texture, but also cook quickly.

Autocook."Chicken", "Frozen vegetables", "Porridge" modes and other most popular dishes.

Automatic weighing. Electronic scales will indicate the weight of the product in the oven chamber.

Program of built-in recipes. For example, "Russian chef" (over 10 recipes). There are ovens with recipe memory - this is useful if you like to invent your own dishes.

Fast start. Food is heated at maximum power in half a minute.

Double emission oven. Provides uniform heating of food.

Odor removal mode. The smell after cooking disappears in a few minutes.

Self cleaning. Water is poured into a special container, placed in a chamber and the “Steam Cleaning” mode is set. After finishing work, the walls are wiped with a napkin.

Step by step program. Food is cooked step by step. For example, the product is defrosted for 30 minutes, then a break for 20 minutes, then the grill starts working (35-40 minutes) - and at the end the food is processed by microwaves.

"Child Protection" Lock/disable all keys. Equally important is the ability to turn off the sound timer during the baby’s sleep, signaling the end of the furnace.

Microwave utensils

The main requirements for such dishes are heat resistance and fire resistance.

Heat-resistant dishes (for simple microwaves) - most types of porcelain and ceramics, thermoplastics and table glass. Refractory dishes - made of ceramics, glass or porcelain - for ovens with convection (grill).

Important to remember! Heat-resistant and refractory dishes are afraid of sudden temperature changes.

It is not necessary to buy special dishes for the microwave. You can use ordinary (most importantly, non-porous) dishes made of ceramics, clay, porcelain, glass. At the same time, it should not have any metallic impurities, patterns, gold rims, as this will cause sparks in the chamber. It is easy to check the dishes: place a plate and a glass of water on the oven tray, turn on for 1 minute. The operating mode should be maximum. If the water becomes warm, but the plate remains cold, feel free to use such dishes in the microwave oven. Special plastic utensils are also suitable. Below is a small hint that will help you understand which dishes are suitable for the microwave.

In addition, the microwave kit can include high and low grills, containers, a skewer, bowls, etc. Separately, you can purchase caps to protect the walls of the chamber from splashing, a multi-level plate for heating several dishes at once, etc.

Advantages of microwave ovens

Without a doubt, the microwave oven has become an almost indispensable assistant to modern man. It makes our lives easier by freeing up time for other enjoyable activities. Judge for yourself, with its help we can quickly warm up dinner and defrost meat, bake a cake or pie, cook soup or bake meat, vegetables and fish. At the same time, vitamins are preserved in the products, the meat is tasty and juicy. When we cook on the stove, we have to use the hood or open the window. With a microwave, everything is different: there are no heat, smells and soot when cooking. And you can also cook without fat or with a minimum amount of it - the food will not burn. And most importantly, electricity is consumed with maximum efficiency. Isn't that a miracle!

Benefit or harm. Safe operation of microwaves

When using ovens with microwave radiation, products retain their nutritional value and taste. At the same time, the question of whether a microwave oven is harmful to health is asked by many. Let's figure it out.

Microwave radiation is not radioactive. It penetrates the products, affecting only the molecules of the liquid. The vibrations of these molecules help to quickly heat up or cook food, preserving both taste and a maximum of vitamins.

Microwave- these are non-ionizing radiation, they do not harm either food, or substances, or biological tissues, therefore, it is not at all necessary to leave the kitchen with the microwave oven running, as some of us think. During operation, the chamber of the microwave oven does not transmit microwaves, since it has a metal case.

According to the official conclusion of the WHO (2008), the radiation used in microwave ovens does not adversely affect either food or humans. Restrictions apply to people with pacemakers. The only way to "catch" the radiation is to use a microwave that has been dropped and damaged, for example, the door or casing. If this happens, it is necessary to hand over the furnace for repair, and not try to repair it yourself.

Additional security system - tight-closing doors with a protective screen, on which a special mesh is applied from the inside, as well as auto-locking the oven on.

Keep simple rules for operating microwave ovens and you don't have to worry about your health:

  • keep an eye on the condition of the door seals, they are a trap for microwaves;
  • do not use dishes not intended for them in microwave ovens;
  • check the tightness of the door closing;
  • keep the working chamber clean;
  • do not turn on the oven if it is empty inside - it may fail;
  • pay attention to the integrity of the microwave housing;
  • do not place tightly closed jars and other containers, as well as eggs in any form, as they may burst when heated and damage the oven.

Choosing a good microwave oven is not an easy task, but it is easily solved. It is important to take into account a dozen parameters, evaluate the everyday tasks that the microwave oven will “solve”, and also deal with the functions that are relevant for you.

Types of microwave ovens

Modern microwave ovens are divided into three types, but their cost within each group may differ several times:

1. Microwave ovens, otherwise referred to as solo ovens. The cheapest segment - you can buy a device for 1.5-2 thousand rubles, but there are expensive models with great design and quality of internal parts from advanced brands like Bork and Gorenje, the cost of which can reach 10 thousand rubles.

Solo ovens are used for reheating food, defrosting food and cooking some dishes in automatic programs (eg pizza, vegetables, fish, soups and cereals).

The cheapest options for such ovens are suitable for completing an office or workplace where there is a need to heat food. Models are more expensive, with a set of additional functions and programs - a great option for the home if a high-quality oven is used for the main cooking.

2. Grill ovens. They combine the possibility of standard heating and cooking rather complex dishes from vegetables, meat, fish. The cost of such a device starts from 3-4 thousand rubles. A microwave oven with a grill can replace the oven if you love to cook dishes with “that very crispy crust”.

3.Ovens with grill, microwaves and convection. If you want to choose a microwave that will become a complete replacement for the oven, then this is the perfect choice. The convection function provides endless possibilities for culinary creativity, ensuring the highest quality of cooked dishes. The cost of such furnaces starts from 7-8 thousand rubles. In ovens with convection, 10 or even 20 automatic cooking programs are implemented, as well as the possibility of combining modes:

  • microwaves + convection,
  • microwave,
  • grill,
  • grill + convection,
  • grill + microwaves.

Convection is a function implemented by the fan installed in the microwave oven. With its help, streams of hot air are created, which heat food better and faster than a grill or simple microwaves.

4. Another type is inverter ovens. More often, this technology is used in appliances with a grill and convection in order to reduce the space occupied in the kitchen. In these furnaces, the hardware is reduced as much as possible, and the volume of the chamber is increased. Inverter ovens use energy "intelligently" by automatically adjusting the temperature during the cooking process. Panasonic pays great attention to inverter ovens; models with this technology are rare among other manufacturers.

Microwave oven selection options

Much in this matter depends on the available budget, but even if you have 20 thousand to spend on a stove, the most expensive model with a set of many functions will not always be relevant. For example, ovens with a volume of 30-40 liters will occupy a significant part of the kitchen space, but only the warm-up mode will be used. In this case, a reasonable and correct choice is a solo oven.

Internal chamber volume

Microwave ovens are equipped with chambers from 12 to 40 liters. The largest volume is more common in convection microwave ovens, as this allows you to fit a large amount of food and whole carcasses of birds into the device, as in a conventional oven. The oven for heating is equipped with a chamber of 12-17 liters, this is quite enough for defrosting and preparing simple dishes.

Choosing a microwave in accordance with the number of people in the family is not the right decision, as some people like to cook a lot at once, so that it lasts for 3-4 days. But if you prefer fresh dishes and opt for a grill or convection oven, then 20-30 liters will be enough.

Secret: to reduce the space occupied by the oven, pay attention to the back wall of the appliance. If it is convex, then this will slightly increase its volume.

Appliance power

The power of microwave ovens depends on their type:

  • for solo devices, the maximum allowable power is 800-900 watts. This is enough for heating, defrosting and cooking simple dishes, a more powerful oven is an extra waste of electricity;
  • for microwaves with a grill, the optimal power is in the range of 1200-1500 watts. But 800-1000 W may not be enough;
  • for devices with convection, the power should be at least 1350 W, but it is better to give preference to devices with a power of 1800-2000 W.

If electricity is very expensive in your area, and you cook often, then it is quite appropriate to purchase a microwave with less power.

Camera inner lining

  1. Enamel painting. The inner coating is used in the cheapest models of microwave ovens. Short-lived, crumbles after six months of active use of the device. Well-known stove manufacturers do not use such a coating, but with market novelties and unknown brands, you need to be on the lookout.
  2. Heat resistant enamel. Refers to an inexpensive type of coating. Of the advantages, relatively simple care for the coating can be noted - just wipe it with a damp cloth after each use and wash thoroughly 1-2 times a month. But such a coating is unsuitable for high temperatures, so convection ovens must have a different coating. Enamel is sensitive to mechanical damage, it must be handled with care.
  3. Stainless steel. Reliable and durable material that is not afraid of scratches or temperature. Requires thorough maintenance, as grease easily sticks to steel, but special acid-free products must be used. Do not use hard sponges or brushes.
  4. Bioceramic and antibacterial coating. Expensive and high-quality coverage. Contaminants are removed as quickly and easily as possible, the coating is not afraid of scratches, but with a strong impact it can crack.

There are two types of grill used in microwave ovens:

  • TEN - the grill is located on top or on the side, there are models with a double grill (top + bottom or on the sides). Electric grill appliances are cheap and provide good quality cooked food, including a great crispy crust. The disadvantage of such a grill is a large occupied area;
  • a quartz grill is installed in the upper part of the chamber, it is more expensive, but takes up very little work space.

Quartz grills are equipped with expensive models of microwave ovens for the home.

Control type

Microwaves are equipped with three types of push-button mechanisms. The first is mechanical control. It has round handles, usually 2 or 3. They regulate the time and temperature. The advantages of such a mechanism: rarely breaks, clear control. Cons: Difficult to clean, impossible to set seconds. The cheapest models are usually equipped with mechanical control, but you can find a combination of electronics and mechanics in the middle segment.

Button control. Microwaves with such a system have an attractive appearance, make it easy to set programs and seconds. But dirt accumulates between the buttons, which is difficult to clean.

Touch control. An expensive version of electronics that looks flawless, but often breaks due to power surges. The most important plus is ease of care. It is easy to wipe the touch panel, dirt does not accumulate on it, unlike buttons and mechanics.

Microwave safety for the home

Modern equipment reliably protects you from outgoing radiation. For this, a special coating is provided for both the chamber and the appliance door (a special mesh on the glass). To make sure that the necessary protection is available, check the device certificate: it should say that the device has been tested according to 4 levels of security.

Advice: when choosing a microwave according to its parameters, test it for protection against outgoing waves. To do this, put the phone in the oven, close it and call from another mobile. If the signal passes without problems, the protection of the furnace is not the best. If there is no signal, then the device does not pass microwaves at all.

How to choose a microwave for heating?

If we analyze the parameters above, we can conclude that a microwave oven for heating:

  • should not be more powerful than 900 W;
  • the coating of the working chamber must be made of heat-resistant enamel or stainless steel;
  • enough volume of 15-17 liters;
  • grill and convection are not needed.

If there are children in the family, then it is better to give preference to a microwave oven with push-button or touch controls, since the second-by-second heating of children's products is in high demand.

Review of the best models of microwave ovens

Every self-respecting brand, except perhaps the high segment, offers a wide selection of microwave ovens. The selection is based on customer reviews and analysis of the technical characteristics of the devices.

One of the cheapest models of the Russian assembly. Designed for heating and defrosting. Also, the pluses include Russified mechanical control and heat-resistant enamel coating. The minus of the model is that there are no additional functions, a small area of ​​the rotating plate.

Inexpensive model designed for heating food. Pros: heat-resistant enamel, 5 power modes, mechanical control. Of the minuses, one can single out only the lack of an automatic mode for defrosting products.

A more expensive microwave option for heating. It combines the best parameters: 800 W power, bioceramic coating with antibacterial effect, 30 automatic programs for cooking popular Russian recipes. The oven has push-button control, there is an automatic defrosting function. The volume of the oven is 20 liters. A minor minus is the dark glass of the door.

Inverter oven with grill. It has a stylish design, perfectly warms food. Microwave power - 1000 watts. Inside, the device is covered with heat-resistant enamel, and the volume of the chamber is 27 liters. The best option for a small family. Of the minuses - touch control.

Great microwave oven for the home with a 900W grill. Inside is made of stainless steel, externally - impeccable German elegance. The volume of the microwave is 25 liters. It has a child lock. Of the minuses - an unpleasant loud squeak and a small number of automatic programs.

Incredibly stylish black microwave with 900W quartz grill. The stainless steel interior and child lock are the undoubted pluses of the model. Equipped with a large number of automatic programs and modes, only touch control can be distinguished from the minuses.

The standard of German quality is a microwave with a quartz grill. The power of the waves is 700 watts, and the grill is 1000 watts. Stylish silver design and comfortable handle. The device provides push-button control, many automatic programs. There are no downsides to this technique.

Elegant built-in oven with grill and convection. Push-button control and high-quality interior coating that is easy to clean. Several automatic programs will help you prepare impeccably delicious dishes as quickly as possible. Of the shortcomings of the equipment, only its cost, close to 20 thousand rubles, can be noted.

Stylish microwave oven with grill and convection. Pros: quartz grill, a set of optimal functions and automatic programs, grill power 1100 W, child lock. Of the minuses - the price and a small volume of 25 liters.

Watch a helpful video on how to choose a microwave oven:

A properly selected microwave oven is a reliable assistant in the kitchen, which will ensure quick heating and defrosting of food. When choosing a multifunctional model with a grill and convection mode, you will get very tasty dishes and, most importantly, healthy. After all, a good microwave oven, subject to the correct temperature regime, retains 2-3 times more vitamins in foods!

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