Nisin preservative instructions for use. E234 - lowlands food additive, preservative. Products in cans


Nisin (refers to natural preservatives)- can inhibit the overgrowth of all bacterial spores that cause spoilage in cooked foods. This is especially the case for the most heat-resistant bacterial spores, which can cause spoilage in foods cooked at high temperatures and subsequently stored in rooms with elevated temperatures. Bacterial spores exposed to heat are more sensitive to Nisin, so the effectiveness of the preservative is increased in combination with moderate heat treatment by pasteurization.

The use of Nisin in canning makes it possible to reduce the temperature and / or time of heat treatment, thereby preserving vitamins, biologically active substances and the nutritional value of the product, namely, it reduces the loss of vitamin C by 30-35% and completely preserves beta-carotene. The stability of nisin in an acidic environment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment of products without significant loss of activity.
Moreover, from the point of view of consumer qualities, the preservation of the natural appearance and taste of the product makes the use of nisin indispensable for canning.

Nisin's antimicrobial activity extends to a wide variety of Gram-positive organisms, including many spore-forming bacteria. Nisin prevents the growth of spores and causes lysis of vegetative cells.

The most important spore formers inhibited by Nisin are Clostridium botulinum which causes botulism and very heat tolerant spoilage organisms such as Bacillus stearothermophilus, Clostridium sporogenes and Clostridium thermossancharolyticum. This ability of Nisin to reduce the resistance of heat-resistant bacteria is extremely important.

Nisin also inhibits the growth of certain non-spore-forming bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Micrococcus and lactic acid bacteria. In addition, Nisin limits the growth of pathogenic organisms Listeria monocytogenes.

In 2012, University of Michigan researchers discovered the anticancer potential of nisin (E-234) in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. As it turned out, Nisin, acting on cancer cells, reduces tissue growth, causing cell death, thereby slowing down and stopping tumor growth.

Lowlands effective: in cheese making; in canning (meat, fish, vegetables, juices); in the production of butter, condensed and dry dairy products, semi-finished products, salads, jellies; transportation of milk and meat; introduction into the shells of cheeses and sausages, bakery production (the fight against potato disease), confectionery (creams, fillings), melange, sauces and pastes.

The use of Nisin is effective in the production of the following products:

  • processed cheese
  • milk, milk drinks with flavoring additives.
  • condensed milk (no sugar)
  • dairy desserts that include cereals, sugar, cream or whole milk
  • sauces and pastes
  • ready-made cereals
  • various confectionery fillings
  • canned peas, beans, potatoes
  • canned mushrooms
  • meat products and semi-finished products, minced meat, chilled and frozen products.
  • salads, jellies
  • vegetable and fruit juices and concentrates
  • fish products and semi-finished products
  • used to prevent potato bread disease
And also in many other foods.

Nisin retains its activity for 2 years when stored in a dry room, at a temperature of 4°C to 25°C, in conditions that exclude direct sunlight. Packaged in a convenient plastic container of 500g.

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Index: E234

Appearance: white to yellowish powder.
Raw materials: natural source - lactic acid products (produced by cultures of the species Streptococcus lactis).
The company "Avers plus" offers you nisin, which is a polypeptide synthesized by strains of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus Laktis. It is mainly used to prevent bacterial spoilage of cooked foods.

Basic antimicrobial properties of nisin.
Nisin has an inhibitory effect on certain types and genera of gram-positive bacteria. In particular, nisin inhibits the development of such microorganisms: pneumococci, a group of streptococci, various types of Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycobacterum tuberculosis, Laktobacillus, Corynebacterium, some types of Streptomyces, Micrococcus pyogenes. It does not affect true gram-negative bacteria and has no effect on yeast cells and fungi. Vegetative cells of some Gram-positive bacteria are known to have variable sensitivity to nisin. These include Bacilli, Clostridia, Propionibakteria, Micrococci, Streptococci. Some types of bacteria have a pronounced sensitivity to nisin. These include Laktobacilli, Streptococci, Micrococci. This also includes the spore-forming species Bacilli and Clostridia, which play a decisive role in determining the shelf life of cooked foods.

Preservative properties of nisin
Nisin can inhibit the overgrowth of all bacterial spores that cause spoilage in cooked foods. This is especially the case for the most heat-resistant bacterial spores, which can cause spoilage in foods cooked at high temperatures and subsequently stored in rooms with elevated temperatures. Bacterial spores exposed to heat are more sensitive to nisin, so the effectiveness of the preservative is increased when combined with moderate heat treatment by pasteurization.
The use of nisin in canning makes it possible to reduce the temperature and/or time of heat treatment, thereby preserving vitamins, biologically active substances and the nutritional value of the product, namely, it reduces the loss of vitamin C by 30-35% and completely preserves beta-carotene. The stability of nisin in an acidic environment allows the heat treatment of products without a significant loss of preservative activity.
Moreover, from the point of view of consumer qualities, the preservation of the natural appearance and taste of the product makes the use of nisin indispensable for canning.

Nisin is effective: in cheese making; in canning (meat, fish, vegetables); in the production of butter, condensed and dry dairy products; transportation of milk and meat; introduction into casings of cheeses and sausages.

  • canning industry;
  • Brewing;
  • Production of dairy products;
  • Cheese production;
  • Bakery production;
  • Production of sauces, creams, etc.

The use of nisin is effective in preserving the following products:

  • processed cheese and processed cheese products. Adding the drug in the amount of 100-250g/t increases the shelf life of cheese up to 6 months;
  • milk, flavored milk drinks. Adding the drug in the amount of 50 -150 g/t before pasteurization increases the shelf life at room temperature from 2 to 6 days;
  • condensed milk(sugarless). The addition of the drug in the amount of 80-100 g/t of condensed milk completely prevents the growth of typical spore-forming bacteria and reduces the processing time by approximately 10 minutes;
  • dairy desserts, including cereals, sugar, cream or whole milk. The addition of Nisin in the amount of 50-100 g/t allows to reduce the level of heat treatment and improve the quality of the finished product;
  • vegetable and fruit preserves. The addition of nisin in an amount of 100-150 g/t increases the shelf life to at least two years in hot climates and allows mild heat treatment, while maintaining the taste and integrity of the product;
  • canned mushrooms. Addition of 100 to 200 mg Nisin per 1 kg of product prevents spore germination after heat treatment during long-term storage in countries with a hot climate;
  • fish products. The addition of nisin in the amount of 0.2 g/kg in the production of granular sturgeon caviar makes it possible to reduce the duration of the pasteurization process by 2 times.
  • in bakery production- 25...40 g per 100 kg of flour;
  • in brewing- 10...40 mg per liter of finished product.
  • canned meat and fish- 50-200 g per ton of finished products

preservative stage in the product is determined by the technology of its production. The optimal moment is considered to be the moment of application immediately after pasteurization or sterilization, when, as a result of heat treatment, the level of contamination by microorganisms decreases, and the addition of a preservative allows it to be stored for a long time.

Nisin retains its activity for 2 years when stored in a dry room, at a temperature of 4 0C to 25 0C, in conditions that exclude direct rays.

Applications of nisin in tomato products

An important object for the use of nisin is tomato products. Nisin can be successfully used as an aid in the thermal sterilization of tomato products, as it suppresses both aerobic and anaerobic microflora. It is also possible to use nisin for canned food such as lecho, i.e., consisting of tomato puree and capsicum.
There are even more reasons, according to researchers, for the industrial use of nisin in such canned foods as whole-canned tomatoes and tomato paste, as well as canned pears and pineapples (to combat the common type of spoilage caused by butyric microflora).
Research work has been carried out on the combined use of antibiotics and chemical preservatives for the preservation of semi-finished vegetables. For the study, tomato pulp was taken, which is usually obtained at the points of primary processing of tomatoes at canning factories. The basis for such work is that, as already noted, it is possible to obtain a mutually complementary effect of the antibiotic on the bacterial microflora, and of sorbic acid on yeast and mold. The most effective was the addition of 200 mg/l sorbic acid and 20 mg/l tetracycline. With this dosage, unheated tomato pulp withstood storage at 21-24 degrees without signs of spoilage for 5-6 days. If the pulp is first heated to 55 degrees, and then an antibiotic and sorbic acid are added, then deterioration under the same storage conditions occurs only on the 9th day (the pulp without the addition of preservatives began to ferment after 2 days).

The food additive, listed in the classification table under the code number E 234, is a peptide antibacterial substance (antibiotic), the preservative properties of which are widely used in food production.

In nature, this substance "nisin" can be found in fermented milk products. It is formed in them as a result of exposure to microorganisms such as lacto-streptococci (Streptococcus lactis)

Origin: 2-synthetic;

Danger: extremely low level;

Synonymous names: E 234, valizin, nisin, E-234, valizin, Nisin.

general information

The preservative properties of this substance were first described by scientists in the middle of the last century (1944), however, it was noted earlier that the genus of streptococcal microorganisms produce substances that suppress other lactic bacteria.

Already in the 50s of the last century, they began to produce nisin on an industrial scale with the aim of using it in food production.

To obtain nisin, a fermentation method is used, in which bacteria of the Lactococcus Lactis type take an active part. Substrates of natural origin act as raw materials for the cultivation of bacteria. Basically, it is milk or glucose.

If we decompose nisin into chemical elements, it will be seen that it is similar in structure to peptide antibacterial substances: subtilin, duramycin and cinnamycin. One of the important properties of the substance is its excellent solubility in any aqueous medium.

In the form of a chemical formula, the substance under the code number E-234 will look like this: C 143 H 230 N 42 O 37 S 7.

Effect on the body


The danger of Nisin for human health lies in the fact that in addition to inhibiting harmful microorganisms and bacteria, it is able to kill beneficial bacteria, thereby violating (like many other antibacterial agents) the beneficial intestinal microflora.

In this regard, volumetric intake of this substance is not recommended for humans.


As a useful substance, E 234 inhibits the activity and growth of gram-positive bacteria, such as streptococci, staphylococci and others. He (nisin) also shows activity against acid-resistant bacteria and many types of spore-forming microorganisms.

The preservative abilities of this substance are manifested through the inhibition of the overgrowth of all types of bacterial spores, which are the cause of spoilage of the product during its heat treatment. It is lowlands that help to reduce the time period or temperature of exposure and at the same time preserve useful substances in food.


What products use this additive? First of all, it is cheese making, preservation of meat and dairy products and some vegetables, such as green peas, beans, mushrooms.

E 234 is also added to condensed milk, butter and some types of confectionery.

Not without E-234 and winemaking, in which lowlands can improve the process of wine maturation.

In medicine, or rather in pharmacology, this substance is used directly as an antibacterial drug.


In almost all countries of the world, including Ukraine and Russia, this type of additive is allowed for use not only in pharmacology, but also in food production.

Lowlands (E-234) is a food supplement, being a natural antibiotic. Usually in the form of a white powder, soluble in water. It is used as a preservative in the food industry to increase the shelf life of products.
Nisin inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

In the dietary supplement, the active substance is a natural harmless antibiotic, which is produced by lactic acid bacteria of the species Streptococcus lactis. Nisin - resistant to heating and acidic environments.
We offer an original preparation, a natural preservative, in which the content of nisin itself is from 2 to 3%, milk whey in powder 5-7%, sodium chloride that controls activity. This drug does not include milk and other fats, milk sugars, starch. Without ethyl alcohol.
Nisin prevents the growth of spore-forming heat-resistant gram-positive bacteria of the genus Clostridium and bacillus. It inhibits the formation of the botulinum toxin substance synthesized by bacteria, but is ineffective against yeasts and molds.

Buy Nisin. (price from 1 kg to 10 - 3000 r / kg, from 10 - 100 kg - 2600 r / kg)
In a box of 10 kg. Production China.

Instructions for use

  • Pour boiled water (temperature + 30 ... 40 ° C) into a previously prepared container.
    Thoroughly stirring, add the required amount of the drug to the water, at the rate of 20 mass parts of water / 1 mass part.
  • Make sure that the drug is completely dissolved in water, and the liquid does not contain sediment.
  • Pour the resulting liquid mixture into the prepared container.
  1. It should be added to fermented milk products immediately before packaging in commercial containers in order to prevent the destruction of beneficial microflora during the manufacturing process.
  2. In the production of other products, milk should be pasteurized, with the drug already added, firstly, since it is heat-resistant, and secondly, the Nisin (E234) contained in it fully realizes antibacterial properties.
  3. The recommended pH value for dissolution varies from 3.0 to 3.5/
    As the pH rises, it decreases, but the best recommended limits for the range of solutions of the drug are pH 3.0 - 8.0

general characteristics

E234 - white or light beige powder, highly soluble in water. Refers to peptide antibiotics. It has antibacterial properties, contains amino acid residues that are absent in other proteins. Nisin is produced by the bacteria Lactococcus Lactis. Industrial production of the substance began in the 1950s.

The preservative is obtained by fermentation using the bacteria Lactococcus Lactis. Natural substrates for the production of E234 are milk and glucose. Nisin fights microbes, staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens. Does not work against gram-negative bacteria, mold and yeast.


Nisin does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to grow and multiply. This property is used in the food industry. E234 is added to foods as a preservative. In medicine, the substance acts as an antibiotic.

Impact on the health of the human body: benefits and harms

Nisin is considered a safe preservative that does not have a toxic effect on the body. It is not addictive, completely broken down and absorbed in the body.

The substance destroys microbes and harmful microorganisms. Research has been conducted at the University of Michigan that has demonstrated the ability of nisin to eliminate cancer cells. Professor Yvonne Kapila conducted experiments on mice, giving them milk with a lot of nisin for 9 weeks. As a result, cancer cells have decreased by 70-80%. The potential of the nisin remains at the research stage.

Excessive consumption of the substance is dangerous and can harm the intestinal microflora. E234 inhibits the activity of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria. The maximum allowable dose of nisin is set at 33,000 units per kilogram of body weight per day.


The food industry often includes lowlands in products to protect against microbes and increase shelf life.

E234 can be found in the following products:

  • butter;
  • desserts;
  • canned vegetables;
  • dairy and meat products;
  • sauces, creams.

The preservative is used in the manufacture of cheese and sausage casings. It helps to preserve dairy products during transportation over long distances. The substance reduces the loss of nutrients during the heat treatment of products.

E234 is often added to wine. This prevents the drink from fermenting and promotes rapid maturation. Nisin is included in the composition of food shells. It is also used in medicine as an antibiotic.

Table. The content of nisin food additive E234 in products according to SanPiN dated 05/26/2008


Due to the absence of toxic effects on the body, the E234 preservative is freely used in at least 50 countries. The list includes Russia, Ukraine, most European countries.

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