Manual NPO stroypolimer for installation and design. Systems of the internal sewerage from polymeric pipes. Design, installation and operation manual

NPO "Stroypolimer" Pipeline drainage systems from corrugated two-layer polyethylene pipes of full factory readiness. NPO "Stroypolimer" manual for design, installation and operation First edition. Moscow 2004 Developers - O.V. Ustyugova, V.A. Ustyugov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.Ya. Dobromyslov, Yu.Ya. Kriksunov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.I. Zaitseva, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.E. Bukhin. This manual has been developed to assist organizations designing, installing and operating horizontal drainage piping systems. The manual contains recommendations convenient for design organizations on the selection of prefabricated corrugated polyethylene pipes manufactured by NPO Stroypolimer, namely: depending on the second flow rate of the inflow and the slope of the pipeline, its diameter and the number of slotted cuts are selected. For cases where the drainage slope is unknown and must be determined, the manual contains a handy nomogram for calculating the diameter of the pipeline, as well as formulas and tables for determining its slope. All recommendations for hydraulic calculations are based on the calculation formulas and regulations of the set of rules SP 40-102-2000 “Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements". The manual provides a range of pipes for the construction of drainage systems produced by NPO Stroypolimer. Table of contents 1. Purpose and scope 2. Technical characteristics of pipes and fittings 3. Design of horizontal drains from polyethylene corrugated pipes of complete factory readiness 4. Construction of drains and their acceptance into operation 5. Maintenance and repair of drains 6. Transportation and storage of corrugated polyethylene pipes 7. Requirements for safety and environmental protection Literature Applications Appendix 1 (reference) Tables for hydraulic calculation of drainage pipes produced by NPO Stroypolimer The widespread development of industrial and urban construction, the laying of pipeline communications for heat supply, water supply, sewerage, the formation of reservoirs, ponds and canals, the irrigation of agricultural land and other similar activities are inevitable. ut to additional technogenic watering of lands. In this regard, within the built-up cities and industrial hubs, serious changes in the hydrogeological situation have been observed in recent years, due to the development of the process of flooding territories with groundwater. Flooding of urban and industrial areas leads to the formation of new technogenic groundwater horizons and, as a result, to flooding of the basements of buildings and structures, swamping of low-lying areas of the terrain, to an aggressive impact on the foundations of structures, etc. To protect the buried parts of buildings, intra-quarter and city pipelines and other utilities from flooding with groundwater and other waters, drainage measures should be provided, which include the construction of closed underground drainage pipelines - drainages. Drainage of built-up or development areas is one of the main measures to protect buildings and structures from flooding by groundwater. The main tasks of drainage in protecting the territory from groundwater flooding are the interception of groundwater that floods the territory and ensuring the specified rate of its drainage. In accordance with the Guidelines for the Design of Drainages for Buildings and Structures, drainage is mandatory: in cases where the floors of basements, technical undergrounds, intra-quarter collectors, communication channels, etc. are located. below the calculated groundwater level, as well as in cases where the excess of floors above the calculated groundwater level is less than 50 cm; basement floors located in the zone of capillary moisture, when dampness is not allowed in the basement; floors of operated basements, intra-quarter collectors, communication channels in clay and loamy soils, regardless of the presence of groundwater; floors of technical undergrounds in clay and loamy soils when they are buried more than 1.3 m from the planning surface of the earth, regardless of the presence of groundwater; floors of technical undergrounds in clay and loamy soils when they are buried less than 1.3 m from the planning surface of the earth when the floor is located on the foundation slab, as well as in cases where sand lenses approach the building from the upland side or a thalweg is located. In recent years, drainage has been used more and more often and in many other cases not listed in. When designing drainages, the design organization faces two tasks: 1. Performing hydrogeological calculations, the ultimate goal of which is to determine the amount of discharge (inflow) of groundwater; 2. Performing hydraulic calculations, the ultimate goal of which is to determine the diameter and slope of the drainage pipe with the total area of ​​the slots that ensure the reception and transportation of groundwater in the amount determined as a result of hydrogeological calculations. A large number of works (for example, etc.) are devoted to the solution of these problems. As for the solution of the first task - determining the estimated costs of groundwater inflow - this issue has been studied in sufficient detail and the regulations for calculations are given in the "Recommendations ..." Gosstroy of the USSR. As for the second task - hydraulic calculations of plastic pipes - it should be recognized that, in relation to drainage calculations, it is not covered convincingly enough. Otherwise, how can one explain that recommendations for hydraulic calculations of drainage are made according to the formulas of Shezi - N.N. Pavlovsky, or Shezi-Manning, fundamentally unsuitable for the calculations of plastic pipes. In addition, the analysis shows that the method of selecting the diameters of drainage pipes, by analogy with the calculations of free-flow sewerage, can be significantly simplified and specified in relation to the hydrogeological conditions of construction and to the products of the manufacturer of these pipes. This manual contains the necessary information on this subject. 2. Technical characteristics of pipes and fittings NPO Stroypolimer produces corrugated two-layer pipes for the construction of drainages (Fig. 5) according to TU 2248-027-41989945-04 with diameters of 100, 150, 200 and 250 mm. The main physical and mechanical properties of drainage pipes made of polyethylene produced by NPO Stroypolimer are presented in Table. 1. The inner layer of the pipes is a round-cylindrical shell with a thickness (depending on the diameter) of 1.1-1.8 mm made of low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE), and the outer layer, securely fastened to the inner one, is made of HDPE hollow corrugations, wall thickness, height and spacing of which also depend on the diameter of the pipe (Fig. 1-4). Table 1. Basic physical and mechanical properties of drainage pipes made of polyethylene Parameter Ring stiffness, kPa, min. °С) Thermal conductivity*, W/m °С Tensile yield strength*, MPa, min. Elongation at break, %, min. 1 Parameter value 4.0 10 0.93 0.2 (2-10-4) 0.42 16.7 250 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Two-layer polyethylene corrugated pipe Pic. 6 Possible perforation schemes It should be noted that low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are highly resistant to abrasive wear. Pipelines manufactured by NPO Stroypolimer for drainage systems are designed for a service life of at least 50 years, subject to all norms and rules. It is applied at settlements of structures up to 10cm. 7 Coupling connection of corrugated drainage pipes Consumption of materials per 1 linear meter. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 di mm 122+1.5 181 + 1.5 23а+1.5 29а+1.5 Crushed stone min 2.5 3.0 3.0 3.5 Y mm 30 30 40 40 L mm 193 260 326 340 le mm 90 122 155 165 Weight g/pc 196 454 928 1245 Order No. 1 2 3 4 D, mm 100 150 200 250 Min. distance between axes of slotted slots, mm 13.25 17.67 21.20 26.50 Area of ​​one slot, mm2 42 69 82 103 Number of slots on a length of 1 m, pcs. 225 168 141 111 Number of slots on a length of 6 m, pcs. 1317 975 804 642 Special technological equipment cuts between the corrugations of pipes, the size and number of which ensure the ingress of groundwater into the pipe and depend, other things being equal, on the calculated value of the second flow rate of the inflow and the slope of the pipeline (Fig. 6). Currently, pipes are supplied in lengths of 6 m with three slots between each row of corrugations (see Fig. 6, item 6) and are interconnected using a double-socket coupling (Fig. 7). The minimum distances between the axes of slotted slots, the area of ​​slots and their number on a pipe length of 1m and 6m are presented in Table. 2. For the construction of drainage in medium-sized sands with an average particle diameter of less than 0.3-0.4 mm, as well as in fine and silty sands, sandy loams and with a layered structure of the aquifer, NPO Stroypolimer produces drainage pipes in filter wraps. 3. Design of horizontal drainages from polyethylene corrugated pipes of full factory readiness When developing projects for engineering protection of territories and individual structures from groundwater flooding, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements of the following regulatory documents: SNiP 2.01.15-90 "Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from hazardous geological processes . Basic design provisions”, SNiP 2.06.15-85 “Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding”, SNiP 2.06.03-85 “Reclamation systems and structures” and SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and facilities” (as applicable). According to the degree of hydrodynamic imperfection (i.e., according to the nature of the opening of a drained aquifer), drainages of a perfect and imperfect type are distinguished. Horizontal drainages of the perfect type completely open the aquifers and reach the aquiclude with their base. Horizontal drainages of an imperfect type open the aquifer only partially and do not reach the aquiclude with their base. Tubular drains structurally consist of a perforated pipe and a filter cake. Sprinkling is made of stone materials. Materials intended for drainage sprinkling must meet the requirements of strength and frost resistance. Gravel and crushed stone of igneous rocks (granite, syenite, diorite, gabbro, porphyry, liparite, basalt, diabase, etc.) with a specific gravity of 2.32.7 t / m3 or especially strong varieties of sedimentary rocks (siliceous limestones and well-cemented, unweathered sandstones) with a specific gravity of 2.0-2.4 t/m3 with a compressive strength of at least 600 kg/cm2 are suitable for the inner layer of backfill. The filtering backfill, along with the water-capturing function, also has a water-protective function, preventing suffusion and siltation of drainage collectors with particles of aquifer. Structural forms of filter beddings and their dimensions depend on the method used to develop trenches in which drains are laid. Longitudinal drainage slopes are recommended to be taken at least 0.002 for clay and loamy soils and at least 0.003 for sandy soils. The largest drainage slopes are determined based on the maximum allowable water flow rate in the drainage pipes - up to 1.0 m / s. The horizontal distance (in the light) between various utilities and drainage is determined according to Table 10, SNiP II-89-80 "General plans for industrial enterprises". To operate the drainage system, manholes are arranged along the drainage route. Wells are installed at the places where the route turns, changes in slopes, on drops, as well as on straight sections at certain distances. On straight sections, the distance between wells is recommended to be taken for pipes up to 150 mm - 35 m, for pipes 200, 250 mm - 50 m. Manholes are usually made of precast concrete elements. For drainage pipes proposed in the album, the diameter of a round well should be taken as 1.0 m. If the drainage depth is more than 3.0 m, the diameter of the wells should be taken as at least 1.5 m. 3.1. Determining the amount of inflow. 3.1.1. The second estimated inflow of groundwater to the estimated section of the drainage pipeline is determined as the total inflow of water through all cuts in the pipeline along its entire estimated length: (3.1.1) where - estimated inflow of groundwater, l / s; Sn is the number of cuts along the entire estimated length of the pipeline; qnp - throughput of one slotted hole (second inflow of groundwater through one cut), l / s. 3.1.2. The capacity of one slotted hole is determined by the calculation based on the fact that when water flows out of the filter cake through the hole into the internal cavity of the pipeline, the pressure loss h0 should not exceed 0.5-1 cm. 3.1.3. The capacity of one horizontal slotted hole (ie, located along the generatrix of the drainage pipe) is equal to: (3.1.2) where mg, is the flow rate of the horizontal slotted hole; wsh - area of ​​one slot, m2; g - free fall acceleration, m2/s; h0 - head loss when flowing out of the hole, see 3.1.4. The flow coefficient mg ​​depends on the Reynolds number (Re) and the ratio d17/t0, where t0 is the width of the horizontal slot; d17 is the diameter of the particles of the layer of sprinkling adjacent to the water intake surface, corresponding to 17% of their content in the granulometric composition of the grains of the sprinkling. The calculated composition of the sprinkling includes fractions of the sprinkling larger than 0.4t0. 3.1.5. The Reynolds number is determined by the formula: (3.1.3) where n is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity of the filter water. It is taken equal to m2/s. 3.1.6. The values ​​of the flow coefficient mg ​​may be determined from Table 3. Table 3. Values ​​Reg 105 104 5-103 2-103 0.4 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.22 0.65 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 0 .27 0.25 0.24 0.2 0.21 0.2 0.19 0.17 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.29 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.36 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.45 0.51 0.51 0.5 0.48 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.53 3.1.7. The capacity of one vertical slotted hole (i.e., located perpendicular to the generatrix of the drainage pipe) is: (3.1.4) where, is the flooding coefficient, equal to: (3.1.5) pipes and on its outer contour, m. 3.1.8. The value of the flow coefficient in the vertical slot depends on the ratio and the Reynolds number (Re): (3.1.6) Parameter d25 is a characteristic indicator of the pore structure of the filter bedding material near the vertical slot and is determined from the calculated composition of the bedding, including fractions larger than 0.6t0. The values ​​of the vertical slot discharge coefficient may be determined according to Table 4. Table 4. ReВ values 11 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.12 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.24 0.34 0 .34 0.34 0.28 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.34 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.36 3.2. Hydraulic calculation of horizontal drainages. 3.2.1. Hydraulic calculation of horizontal drainages should be carried out according to the value of the second calculated inflow of groundwater. 3.2.2. The slope of the drainage pipeline i should be determined by the formula: (3. 2.1) where: L - hydraulic resistance coefficient of the pipeline; V is the average fluid flow rate, m/s; g - free fall acceleration, m/s2; R is the hydraulic radius of the flow, m; b - dimensionless exponent characterizing the regime of turbulent fluid flow - transitional (b<2) или квадратичный (b=2) При b> 2 should take b=2. (3.2.2) where a is an empirical exponent depending on Ke; (3.2.3) (3.2.4) The Reynolds number Rekv is determined by the formula: (3.2.5) The Reynolds number Ref is determined by the formula: (3.2.6) where n is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity of water. Usually taken equal to m2/s (viscosity of water at 10°C); Ke is the roughness coefficient of the pipe material. It is taken equal to 0.1 mm. 3.2.3. The distribution of average velocities of water movement over the cross section of the drainage round-cylindrical pipeline obeys the dependence: (3.2.7) or (3.2.8) where VН, VП, RН, RП are the flow velocities and hydraulic radii of the water flow with incomplete and complete filling of the pipeline. 3.2.4. The roughness coefficient of drainage polyethylene pipes, taking into account the modes of their operation, should be taken equal to Ke = 0.1 mm. Then the parameter according to the formula (3.2.3) is equal to: (3.2.9) The values ​​are presented in Table 5 and the graph in Fig. 8. Table 5. Pipeline filling 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Value (VН/VП)в 0.173 0.3933 0.614 0.82 .9 1 Value (VН/VП)v 1.143 1.242 1.285 1.252 1 8. Graph The graph (Fig. 8) is used to recalculate the water flow rate when the pipeline is completely filled (VП) to the velocity for any other pipeline filling (VН). To do this, the tabular or taken from the graph (Fig. 8) value should be raised to the power of 1/b, where the parameter "b" is determined by the formula (3.2.4). 3.2.5. With a known value of the second inflow of groundwater, the diameter of the drainage pipe is selected according to the nomogram (Fig. 9). Rice. 9. Nomogram for determining the diameter of a gravity pipeline from two-layer corrugated pipes. To this end, the ruler should connect the value of the diameter with the value of the flow rate and continue the straight line until it intersects with the silent scale A, where a notch is placed. Then you should connect with a straight line the values ​​​​of filling the pipeline (H / D) and the speed of the water flow, so that this straight line passes through the notch on the dumb scale. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the filling value (H / D) in drain dryers should be at least 0.1; in collecting pipes - not less than 0.3; in main collectors - at least 0.5, and the speed of water movement - 0.15-1 m / s (in clay soils, the minimum speed is taken equal to 0.15-0.2 m / s; in sandy 0.3-0, 35 m/s). In cases where the flow velocity (V, m/s), the filling of the pipeline (H/D) and the second flow rate of the inflow (q, l/s) are known, the value of the inner diameter is determined as follows: connect the values ​​​​of V and H / with a straight line D and at its intersection with a dumb scale A make a notch. Then this notch is connected by a straight line with the flow rate q and at the intersection of the continuation of this line with the diameter scale D, the answer is read. If this diameter value does not correspond to the assortment for drainage pipes, then the diameter is specified (up or down), its value is connected by a straight line with the flow rate, and at the intersection of the continuation of this new straight line with the silent scale A, a new notch is made. Then, using this notch, the values ​​of the flow velocity V or filling H/D are specified. 3.2.6. After the flow parameters and the value of the pipe diameter are specified, its slope is determined according to the formulas (3.2.1) - (3.2.6) or according to the tables of Appendix 1. 3.3. Geotextile filter materials. The use of geotextile materials makes it possible to reduce the amount of filtering drainage fillings and, in certain cases (for example, when laying drainage pipes of NPO Stroypolimer in medium- and coarse-grained sandy soils), completely replace the gravel-crushed stone filling material with a pipe wrapper with geotextile material. At present, the range of artificial filtering woven and non-woven materials used as shells for drainage structures is quite wide and the range of these materials is constantly expanding. The most preferred types of geotextiles as drainage wraps are fiberglass meshes and fiberglass. Pierced and felt-like materials made of polymer composites are often less resistant to mineralized waters, as well as waters containing organic solvents, surfactants, etc. In addition, synthetic textile filter materials based on thread fastening with phenol-formaldehyde binders are not sufficiently resistant to water with elevated temperature. At the same time, synthetic geotextiles of the Fibertex type can also be used for drainage devices that perform the functions of temporary drainage (for example, near-wall drainages, drainages of domestic waste landfills, etc.). As artificial filter materials, needle-punched polypropylene filter materials of the Moscow Production Enterprise of Nonwoven Materials VEROTEX, the Research Institute of Synthetic Fiber (VNIISV, Tver), the Suvorov Bulk Yarn Factory (Suvorov, Tula Region), the VIVR Institute (Mytishchi, Moscow region), VNIINTM (Serpukhov). In this case, synthetic geotextiles with the following parameters can be recommended: the thickness of the material at a pressure of 2 kPa is 0.95 mm; surface density - 140 g/m2; filtration coefficient @ 70 m/day; pore diameters - d50 = 0.06 mm, d90 = 0.06 mm; strength 7-8 kN/m. Table 6 Type of geosynthetic material Fiberglass scrims Fiberglass mesh Specifications 8481-75 SS-1 STU-27-120-64 Diameter of an elementary fiber (thread), micron Thickness, mm £15 0.4+0.1 £18 0.6±0.2 £18 0.5±0, 3 14 0.2 14 0.1-0.2 It seems necessary to note that polypropylene and polyamide materials with their high chemical resistance have poor resistance to sunlight, which should be taken into account when determining the timing of installation in drainage devices, as well storage conditions before laying and during laying. As filter wraps and interlayers in drainage structures, glass fleeces of the VV-G, VV-K, VV-T brands and fiberglass meshes of the SE and SS-1 types, which are stacked in several layers with a total thickness of 2-3 mm, have proven themselves well. Table 6 lists some of the characteristics of the materials allowed as filter wraps for tubular horizontal drains. The filtration coefficients of such materials are tens or more m/day. 3.4. Explanations for the development of drawings 3.4.1. Drainages in separate trenches Designs are given for cases of trenching in anchorages and in slopes. With combined trenches (top - in slopes, bottom - in fixtures), the drainage designs are the same as in trenches with fixtures. Drainages should be laid in drained soil, for which in sandy soils dewatering is applied using wellpoint installations, when laying in poorly permeable soils - drainage with construction drainage. When laying drains in separate trenches located near buildings and other structures, the stability of the foundations of these structures should be ensured from displacement towards the drainage trench. Rice. 10. Scheme for determining the safe distance of the drainage trench from the contour of the buried part (foundation) of the structure. The calculation of the minimum safe distance (Lmin) is carried out according to the formula where LF is the broadening of the foundation, Lg is the width of the drainage trench, j is the angle of internal friction of the soil. Drainage pipes of an imperfect type, i.e. located above the aquiclude, are placed on the filtering sanding. Drainage pipes of the perfect type, i.e. located on the aquiclude, they are laid on crushed stone rammed into the soil of the drainage base, on top of which a sandy layer is laid. Drainage sprinkling of a rectangular shape is arranged using inventory shields manufactured in accordance with the accepted organization of work. Drainage sprinkling of trapezoidal shape is poured without shields with slopes 1:1. With a layered structure of the drained soil stratum, part of the drainage trench is covered with sand 0.3-0.5 m above the unlowered groundwater level. In homogeneous soils with a filtration coefficient of less than 5 m / day, backfilling of the drainage trench is carried out to a height of 0.6-0.7H (where H is the height from the bottom of the drainage filling to the level of the unreduced groundwater level on the drain line). Sand for backfilling trenches should have a filtration coefficient of at least 5 m/day. 3.4.2. Drainages combined with workings for buried parts of structures and underground utilities (associated drainages) Combined drainage in one pit under a structure or in one trench with underground utilities (associated drainage) is used to reduce the amount of work, including reducing the amount of excavation, as well as in order to increase the effectiveness of the protective action of drainage while reducing the cost of its installation. The main types of drainages under consideration are near-wall, formation and associated drainages. Rice. 11. Principal structural diagrams of horizontal drainages using perforated corrugated pipes laid in a trench (single-line drainage). I - with a single-layer sprinkling of sand and gravel material; II - with a pipe wrap with geotextile material; a - in a trench with vertical walls; b - in a trench with slopes. 1 - trench contour; 2 - local soil; 3 - backfilling of the trench with uneven-grained sand; 4 single-layer sprinkling with small gravel; 5 - drainage pipe. Rice. 12. Structural schemes of wall drainages using perforated corrugated pipes 1 - hydraulically protected structure; 2 - waterproofing; 3 - local soil; 4 - sand filling; 5 drainage pipe; 6 - sprinkling with small gravel; 7 - sand preparation; 8 - sprinkling with coarse sand. Wall drainage is arranged along the outer contour of the underground part of the building if it is necessary to protect basements or foundations located on the aquiclude from flooding. Wall drains intercept and divert both groundwater from the lateral inflow and infiltration water accumulating in the backfill soils of the sinuses of pits, trenches, etc. Reservoir drainages are a kind of filter beds. They are used to protect against flooding the basements of individual buildings, underground tanks, as well as buried communications. The use of reservoir drainage is especially effective in poorly permeable soils. In some cases, it is advisable to combine near-wall and reservoir drainage. Reservoir drainages should be arranged to intercept and drain leaks from locally located storage facilities and tanks with technical solutions, technical liquids and wastewater storage tanks. Accompanying drains are arranged if it is necessary to protect underground collectors, galleries of transport tunnels and other linearly elongated structures from flooding. At the same time, accompanying drains can combine the design features of traditional single-line drains and reservoir drains. Drainage from reservoir, wall and associated drainages can be carried out to the storm sewer network or to open water bodies in agreement with environmental services. 3.4.3. Schematic diagrams Schematic diagrams of drainages using perforated corrugated polyethylene pipes do not differ from the schemes of tubular drainages using other types of pipes, which are the basis of the drainage structure. At the same time, it should be noted that in the case under consideration, the installation of drainage structures is based on a pre-established (technologically determined) size and shape of the drainage holes, and the design of the drainage structure is carried out with the parameters of the water intake holes in the pipe wall already set. At the same time, the constructive drainage scheme may include wrapping the drainage pipe with geotextile material with a single-layer sandy backfill or a single-layer backfill with fine crushed stone (cr. 5-12 mm) with crushed stone backfill coated with geotextile. 4. Construction of drainages and their acceptance into operation 4.1. Drainage pipes are laid in a trench, the bottom of which is aligned with the level to give the pipeline a design slope, in accordance with the regulations. 4.2. The width of the trench along the bottom is equal to the outer diameter of the pipeline plus 40 cm. 4.3. In cross section, the trench may have a rectangular or trapezoidal shape. In the first case, the walls of the trench are strengthened with the help of inventory shields, in the second - with 1: 1 slopes. 4.4. The bottom of the trench should not contain solid inclusions (solid lumps, brick, stone, etc.) that can push through the bottom wall of the pipe laid on them. 4.5. Before installation, drainage corrugated pipes are laid out on the edge of the trench. All pipes and components undergo incoming quality control. 4.6. The installation of the pipeline is carried out at the bottom of the trench, where each pipe, one by one, is sequentially inserted into the socket of the previous one, formed by a two-socket coupling, dressed on its smooth end (Fig. thirteen). If necessary, the pipes are cut between the corrugations with a hacksaw for wood or metal. 4.7. Connections are mounted using a lever resting against a crossbar arranged across the section of the smooth end of the inserted pipe. 4.8. Upon completion of the installation work, the drainage pipeline is sprinkled with so-called drainage sprinkles, which, in accordance with the composition of the drained soils, can be single-layer and multi-layer. When the drainage is located in gravelly, large and medium-sized sands with an average particle diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm and larger, single-layer gravel or crushed stone sprinkles are arranged; when located in medium-sized sands with an average particle diameter of less than 0.3-0.4 mm, as well as in fine and dusty sands, sandy loams and with a layered structure of the aquifer, two-layer sprinkling is arranged - the inner layer of crushed stone sprinkling, and the outer layer - from sand. In such soils, drain pipes in filter wraps can be used, and in these cases a single layer of gravel or crushed stone can be applied. Rice. 13. Installation of the pipeline The selection of the composition of drainage sprinkles is carried out according to special schedules, depending on the type of filter and the composition of the drained soils. 4.9. Drains should be laid in trenches. Drainage pipes of an imperfect type are laid on the lower layers of the draining backfill, which, in turn, are laid on the bottom of the trench. For drainages of a perfect type, the foundation (the bottom of the trench) is reinforced with crushed stone rammed into the ground, and the pipes are laid on a layer of sand 5 cm thick. 4.10. In weak soils with insufficient bearing capacity, drainage should be laid on an artificial base. 4.11. The thickness of one layer of drainage backfill must be at least 15 cm. 4.12. Hydraulic tests of drainage pipes are not performed. The quality of the installation is controlled during the assembly of the pipeline. At the same time, the compliance of the installed pipeline with the project is ensured: its straightness is achieved with the help of the backfill soil, which serves as a fixator for them, and the slope is controlled by a level. 4.13. Installation of pipelines is carried out at an outdoor temperature of up to minus 100C. 5. Maintenance and repair of drains 5.1. Maintenance and timely repair of drainage pipelines greatly contribute to their efficient operation for the entire estimated life. 5.2. The operation of drainages is carried out by control and supervision services, whose task is to. - periodic inspection of drainage devices; - elimination of minor faults; - certification; - systematic monitoring of the position of the groundwater level in the drained area in order to establish the effectiveness of the drainage action; - quality control of drainage waters; - Carrying out scheduled preventive and current repairs and liquidation of accidents. 5.3. In the process of periodic inspections (at least four times a year), inspection of the condition of manholes, drainage pipes, collectors, as well as control measurements of water consumption is carried out. 5.4. Control measurements of water consumption are carried out in manholes in a volumetric way. A decrease in flow (compared to the calculated one) indicates a decrease in the throughput of drainage pipes, which may be caused by: - ​​settling of pipes in certain sections; - damage to pipes; - overgrowing of the pipe section due to silting or clogging; - calmation of the openings of the filter cuts. 5.5. Manholes must be regularly cleaned of dirt and debris. Wells must be closed at all times during the life of the drain. 5.6. Drains are cleaned hydraulically. If this method does not work, the line is shifted. 5.7. Cleaning of drainage pipes from debris and sediment is carried out using high-pressure hydraulic equipment. The use of scrapers and ruffs for these purposes is not allowed. Rice. 14. Structures of wells 6. Transportation and storage of corrugated polyethylene pipes 6.1. Pipes are transported by all means of transport in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. 6.2. Loading and unloading operations during transportation and laying of pipes in a trench should be carried out according to a technology that excludes their mechanical damage. 6.3. Transportation of pipes is recommended to be carried out in the original packaging, which is either a wooden frame or a metal band. However, it is strictly forbidden to lift bundles of pipes by a wooden frame or a binding tape. 6.4. Timber-framed pipe bundles are handled by a forklift or crane using slings of sufficient width. 6.5. Transportation, loading and unloading of pipes is allowed at an outdoor temperature of up to minus 25°C. 6.6. Pipes are stacked on a flat base. The maximum height of a stack of pipes in wooden frames is 2.8 m. The maximum height of a stack of individual pipes is 1.0 m. 6.7. Pipes may be stored outdoors, provided that they are not exposed to direct sunlight, as well as indoors at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices. 6.8. When arranging stacks, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the stack, i.e. eliminate the possibility of rolling pipes. 6.9. Drainage corrugated pipes must not be thrown from vehicles, from the edge of the trench, etc. , as well as dragging. 7. Requirements for safety and environmental protection 7.1. During the construction of drainages, the general requirements of SNiP III-480 should be observed. 7.2. Installation work is allowed for persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, special training, introductory safety briefing and briefing at the workplace. 7.3. Polyethylene pipes do not emit toxic substances into the environment during transportation, storage and installation. With direct contact, the pipe material does not affect the human body. Working with polyethylene pipes does not require special precautions. 7.4. Pipes, when exposed to open fire, ignite without explosion and burn with a smoky flame. The pipes belong to the combustible group according to GOST 12.1.044, the ignition temperature is about 300°C, the self-ignition temperature is about 350°C. Water, foam and acid fire extinguishers should be used as fire extinguishers. Literature 1. Guidelines for the design of drainage of buildings and structures. - M., Moskomarchitectura, 2000. 2. Recommendations for engineering and hydrogeological substantiation of protective drainage of areas flooded by groundwater. - M., "Stroyizdat", 1985. 3. Recommendations for the choice of hydrogeological parameters to justify the method of drainage of flooded urban areas. - M., "Stroyizdat", 1986. 4. Forecasts of flooding and calculation of drainage systems in built-up and built-up areas. Reference manual to SNiP. - M., "Stroyizdat", 1986. 5. Abramov S.K. Underground drainage in industrial and urban construction. M., Stroyizdat, 1973. 6. Abramov S.K. etc. Drainage of industrial sites and urban areas. - M., Gosstroyizdat, 1954. 7. Degtyarev B.M. Protecting the foundations of buildings and structures from the impact of underground waters. - M., "Stroyizdat", 1985. 8. Album of CJSC "DAR / VODGEO" on the design of water receiving elements of horizontal tubular drainage from polymer pipes. - M., 2003. 9. SNiP 3.02.01-87. "Earth structures, foundations and foundations". 10. SNiP 3.02.01-87. "Foundations and foundations". 11. SNiP 3.07.03-85. Reclamation systems and structures. 12. SNiP 3.01.01-85. "Organization of construction industry". 13. SNiP 3.05.04-85. "External networks and structures of water supply and sewerage". 14. SNiP 3.01.04-87. “Acceptance for operation of completed construction facilities. Basic Provisions". 15. SNiP III-4-80. "Safety in Construction". Annexes Annex 1 (reference) Tables for hydraulic calculation of drainage pipes produced by NPO Stroypolimer Ke 0.1 mm. Pipe diameter 100 mm. h/d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 h/d 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0, 5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I = 0.01 Q, L / C V, m / s 0.121 0,296 0,519 0,464 1,176 0,593 2,039 0,695 3,043 0.775 4,103 0,834 5,125 0,873 5,990 0,889 6,525 0,876 6,085 0,775 i = 0,011 q, l / s v, m / s 0.128 0.313 0,549 0,491 1,242 0,627 2,153 0,734 3,211 0,818 4,329 0,880 5,407 0,921 6,319 0,938 0.884 0,925 q, l / s v, m / s 0.135 0.330 0,577 0,516 1,305 0,658 2,261 0,771 3,371 0,858 4,544 0,924 5,674 0,966 6,631 0,984 7,225 0,970 6,743 0,858 i = 0,013 q, l / c v, m / s 0,141 0,346 0,604 0,540 1,365 0,689 2,365 0,806 3,525 0,898 4,750 0,966 5,931 1,010 6,931 1,029 7,552 1,014 7,050 0,898 i = 0,014 q, l / s v, m / s 0.148 0.361 0,631 0,564 1,424 0,719 2,466 0,841 3,675 0,936 4,951 1,006 6,181 1,053 7,223 1,072 7,870 1,057 q, l / s v, m / s 0.154 0.376 0,656 0,587 1,481 0,747 2.563 0.874 3.818 0.972 5.143 1.045 6.421 1.093 7.502 1.114 8.175 1.098 7.636 0.972 i = 0.016 q, l/s v, m/s 0.160 0.391 0.680 0.608 , 534 0,774 2,655 0,905 3,955 1,007 5,326 1,083 6,648 1,132 7,769 1,153 8,465 1,137 7,909 1,007 i = 0,017 q, l / v, m / s 0.165 0.405 0.704 0.630 0.704 0.630 2.747 0.936 4.090 1.041 5.508 1.119 6.874 1.171 8.032 1.192 8.752 1.176 8.180 1.041 i = 0, L 18 Q, l / s v, m / s 0.171 0,218 0,727 0,650 0,727 0,650 2,834 0,966 4,219 1,074 5,681 1,155 7,090 1,207 8,437 1,074 i = 0.02 i = 0.025 q, l / s v m / s q, l / v, m / s 0.182 0.444 0.206 0.504 0.771 0.690 0.872 0.780 0.771 0.690 0.872 0.780 3.003 1.023 3.387 1.154 4.469 1.138 5.037 1.283 6.016 1.223 6.778 1.378 7.507 1.278 8.455 1.440 8.770 1.302 9.877 1.466 9.557 1.284 10.764 1.446 8,937 1,138 10,074 1,283 i = 0.03 q, l / s v, m / s 0,228 0,558 0,964 0,862 0,964 0,862 3,735 1,273 5,551 1,414 7,466 1,518 9,312 1,586 10,877 1,102 11,855 1,592 11,102 1,414 i = 0.035 q, l / s v, m / from 0.249 0,608 1,048 0,937 1,048 Ke 0.1 mm. Pipe diameter 150 mm. h/d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 h/d 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0, 5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 i = 0.005 q, l / s v, m / s 0.241 0,266 1,033 0,417 2,341 0,533 4,063 0,625 6,062 0,697 8,176 0,751 10,214 0,786 11,939 0,800 13.006 0,789 12,125 0,697 I = 0,006 q, l / c V, m / s 0.269 0,297 1,150 0,465 2,602 0,593 4,510 0,694 6,726 0,774 9.067 0,832 11,323 0,871 13,234 0,887 14,417 0,875 13,451 0,774 i = 0,007 q, l / c V, m / s 0.294 0.325 1,256 0,507 2,837 0,647 4,915 0,757 7,325 0,842 9,872 0,906 12,326 0,948 14,404 0,966 15,693 0,952 14,651 0,842 i = 0,008 q, l / c v, m / s 0,318 0,351 1,356 0,548 3,061 0,697 5,299 0,816 7,894 0,908 10,634 0,976 13,275 1,021 15,512 1,040 16,901 1,025 15,787 0,908 i = 0,009 q, L / s V, m / s 0.341 0.376 1,450 0,586 3,271 0,745 5,659 0,871 8,427 0,969 11,349 1,042 14,165 1,089 16,551 1,110 18,035 1.094 q, l / s v, m / s 0.362 0,400 1,539 0,622 3,468 0,790 5,997 0.923 8.927 1.027 12.020 1.103 15.001 1.154 17.526 1.175 19.098 1.159 17.854 1.027 0,382 0,422 1,623 0,656 3,655 0,833 6,317 0,972 9,401 1,081 12,656 1,162 15,792 1,215 18,450 1,237 20,105 1,220 18,802 1,081 i = 0,012 q, l / v, m / s 0.402 0.444 1.703 0.688 1.703 0.688 6.623 1.019 9.853 1.133 13.262 1.217 16.546 1.273 19.330 1.296 21.066 1,278 19,707 1,133 i = 0,013 q, l / c V, m / s 0.420 0,464 1,781 0,719 1,781 0,781 × 6,919 1,065 10,291 1,184 13,848 1,271,1,276,1,795 1,334 20,581 1,984 i = 0,014 q, l / s v, m / s 0,438 0,484 1,855 0,749 1,855 0,749 7,200 1,108 10,707 1,231 14,406 1,322 17,970 1,382 20,992 1,408 22,878 1,388 21,413 1,231 i = 0015 q, l / c v, m / s 0.456 0.503 1.927 0.778 1.927 0.778 7.474 1.150 11.112 1.278 14.949 1.372 18.646 1.434 21.780 1.460 23.738 1.440 22.223 1.278 i = 0,016 q, l / c V, m / s 0,473 0,522 1,997 0.807 1,997 0,807 7,739 1,191 11,504 1,323 15,474 1,421 19,300 1,484 22,544 1,512 24,571 1,491 q, l / c v, m / s 0,489 0,540 2,064 0,834 2,064 0,834 7.994 1.231 11.881 1.366 15.979 1.467 19.928 1.533 23.277 1.561 25 , 370 1,539 23.761 1,366 i = 0.018 q, l / s v, m / s 0.504 0,557 2,128 0,860 2,128 0,860 8,238 1,268 12,242 1,408 16,463 1,511 20,530 1,579,2979 1,608,25,137 1,586 24,483 1.408 Ke 0.1 mm. Pipe diameter 200 mm. i = 0.003 q, l / s v, m / s 0.382 0,242 1,642 0.381 3,723 0,488 6,464 0,572 9,648 0,638 13,014 0,686 16,260 0,719 19.006 0,732 20,704 0,722 19,296 0,638 H / D 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0, 5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 h/d 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 i = 0.004 q, l / s v, m / s 0.454 0,288 1,944 0,451 4,397 0,576 7,622 0,674 11,364 0.751 15.319 0.808 19,131 0,845 22,358 0,861 24,358 0,849 22,729 0,751 i = 0.01 q, l / s v, m / s 0,771 0,489 3,258 0,756 3,258 0,756 12,633 1,117 18,781 1,241 25,266 1,333 31,514 1,393 36,811 1,418 40,121 1,398 37,562 1,241 i = 0,005 q, l / v, m / s 0.518 0.329 2.211 0.513 4.991 0.654 8.642 0.764 12.876 0.851 17.348 0.915 21.657 0.957 25.307 0.975 27.574 0.961 25.752 0.851 i = 0.011 Q, l / s v, m / s 0,813 0,516 3,432 0,797 3,432 0,797 13,294 1,176 19,760 1,306 26,578 1,402 33,146 1,465 38,716 1,492 42,198 1,471 39,519 1,306 i = 0.006 q, l / s v, m / s 0.576 0.366 2,452 0,569 i = 0.012 q, 5.529 0.724 9.564 0.846 14.241 0.941 19.179 1.012 23.938 1.058 L / s v, m / s 0,853 0,541 3,599 0,835 3,599 0,835 13,928 1,232 20,696 1,368 27,832 1,468 34,707 1,534 40,538 1,562 44,185 1,540 41,391 1,368 i = 0,013 q, l / s v, m / s 0,892 0,566 3,759 0,873 3,759 0,873 14,536 1,286 21,595 1,427 29.037 1,532 36,206 1,600 42,287 1,629 46.093 1,607 43,189 1,427 i = 0,007 q, l / s v, m / s 0,630 0,400 2,674 0,621 6,023 0,789 10,412 0,921 15,497 1,024 20,863 1,100,630,3145 1,155 30,993 1,024 i = 0,014 q, l / C V, M / C 0.929 0,589 3,910 0.908 3,910 0.908 15,111 1,337,244,444 1,483 30,174 1,592 37,621 1,663 43,938 1,693 47,894 1,669 44,888 1,483 i = 0,008 q, l / s v, m / s 0,679 0,431 2,880 0,668 6,480 0,848 11,195 0,990 16,655 1,101 22,416 32,672 1,259 35,605 1,241 33,309 1,101 i = 0.009 q, l / c V, m / s 0.726 0,961 3,075 0,714 6,913 0.905 11,937 1,056 17,752 1,173 23,886 1,260 29,797 1,317 3422 35,534 1,173 i = 0.015 q, l / s v, m/s 0.965 0.612 4.059 0.942 4.059 0.942 15.673 1.386 23.275 1.538 31.288 1.650 39.006 1 , 724 45.555 m / s 1,244 0,506 5,253 0,781 11,794 0,990 20,346 1,153 30,239 1,281 40,671 1,375 50,722 1,437 59,245 1,463 64,574 1,443 60,477 1,281 i = 0,009 q, l / v, m / s 1.328 0.540 5.599 0.833 12.563 1.054 21.662 1.228 32.184 1.363 43.279 1.463 53.966 1.529 63.031 1.556 68.703 1.535 64.369 1.363 i = 0.015 i = 0.016 Ke 0.1 mm. Pipe diameter 250 mm. h/d 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 i = 0.003 q, l/s v, m/s 0.708 0.288 3.029 0.451 6,847 0,575 11,865 0,673 17,687 0,749 23,838 0,806 29,767 0,843 34,787 0,859 37,901 0,847 35,374 0,749 i = 0,004 q, l / v, m / s 0,839 0,341 3,571 0,531 8,056 0,676 13,939 0,790 20,760 0,879 27,962 0,945 34,903 0,989 40,783 1,007 44,438 0,993 41,521 0,879 i = 0.01 i = 0.011 h/d 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 q, l/s 1.408 5.929 5.929 22.911 34.030 45,751 57,042 66,6,621 72,005 q, l / s v, m / s 0.954 0.388 4,050 0,603 9,121 0,765 15,767 0,894 23,466 0,994 31,591 1.068 39,421 1,117 46.056 1,137 0,994 1,121 46,932 0,994 i = 0.006 q, l / s V, m / a 1,058 0,430 4,484 0,667 10,087 0,846 17,422 0,988 25,915 1,098 34,875 1,179 43,508 1,232 50,827 1,255 55,392 1,237 51,829 1,098 i = 0,012 i = 0,013 i = 0,007 q, l / v, m / s 1.155 0.470 4.882 0.726 10.971 0.921 18.937 1.073 28.155 1.192 i = 0.014 v, m/s q, l/s v, m/s q, l/s v, m /s q, l/s v, m/s q, l/s v, m/s q, l/s v, m/s q, l/s v, m/s 0.573 0.882 0.882 1.299 1.441 1.547 1.616 1.645 1.622 1.441 1.483 6.239 6.239 24.086 35.767 48.078 59.938 70.000 76.304 71.534 0.603 0.928 0.928 1.365 1.515 1.625 1.698 1.728 1.705 1.515 1.555 6.536 6.536 25.214 37.434 50.311 62.715 73.240 79.839 74.867 0.632 0.972 0.972 1.429 1.585 1.701 1.776 1.808 1.784 1.585 1.624 6.821 6.821 26.294 39.028 52.446 65.371 76.340 83.220 78.056 0.661 1.015 1.015 1.491 1.653 1.773 1.852 1.885 1.859 1.653 1.691 7.095 7.095 27.328 40.556 54.493 67.917 79.310 86.460 81.112 0.688 1.055 1.055 1.549 1.718 1.842 1.924 1.958 1.932 1.718 1.755 7.359 7.359 28.327 42.031 56.469 70.374 82.176 89.587 84.062 0.714 1.095 1.095 1.606 1.780 1.909 1.993 2.029 2,001 1,780 1,817 7,613 7,613 29,289 43,451 58,370 72,739 84,936 92,597 86.903 0.739 1,133 1,133 1,660 1,840 1,973 2,060 2,097 2,069 1,840 Appendix 2 Designs of drainage from polymer two-layer corrugated pipes Drainage of imperfect type in trench with to 1. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Filter material (geotextile) m2/lin. m 0.65 1.00 1.35 1.65 Drainage of imperfect type of rectangular shape in a trench with fastening Application area When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions in the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. The device of crushed stone sprinkling is carried out using inventory boards. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed gravel, m3 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.30 "h" cm 100 105 110 115 Imperfect trapezoid drainage in a trench with fastening drainage above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm m Crushed stone, m3 100 150 200 250 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 Dimensions (cm) a c d 17 97 67 19 109 79 21 121 91 23 133 103 Rectangular imperfect type drainage in a sloped trench Application area When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. The device of crushed stone sprinkling is carried out using inventory boards. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed gravel, m3 0.18 0.22 0.26 0.30 "in" cm 100 105 110 115 Drainage of imperfect type in a trench with slopes aquiclude 1. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 Dimensions (cm) a c d 17 97 67 19 109 79 21 121 91 23 133 103 type of hexagonal shape in a trench with slopes Area of ​​application When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions in the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed gravel, m3 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.27 Dimensions (cm) a t in B 17 20 57 117 19 23 64 124 21 25 71 131 23 25 78 138 Rectangular imperfect type drainage in a trench with fastening Application area When the drainage is located on the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. The device of crushed stone sprinkling is carried out using inventory boards. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m3 105 110 115 Drainage of an imperfect type with a single layer of trapezoid-shaped dressing in a trench with fastening Application area When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m3 a" "c" "d" 17 97 67 19 109 79 21 121 91 23 133 103 Drainage of imperfect type with a single-layer filling of a rectangular shape in a trench with fastening Scope of application When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. The device of crushed stone sprinkling is carried out using inventory boards. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 m3 105 110 115 Drainage of imperfect type with a single layer of trapezoid-shaped backfill in a trench with slopes Field of application When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 Polyethylene pipes NPO "Stroypolimer" m 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.12 Crushed stone of the working drainage of the base 0.14 Dimensions (cm) "a" "c" "d" 17 97 67 150 200 250 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.15 0.19 0.24 0.15 0.16 0.18 19 109 79 21 121 91 23 133 103 slopes Scope of application When the location of the drainage on the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 Polyethylene pipes NPO "Stroypolimer" m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.11 0.14 0.17 0.20 "c" cm 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.19 130 135 140 145 Imperfect type drainage with a single-layer trapezoid-shaped sprinkling in a trench with a slope All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. 2. In gravelly, coarse and medium-sized sands, filter material and sand with Kf> 5 m / day can not be used. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 250 Polyethylene pipes NPO "Stroypolimer" m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone m3 0.27 0.32 0.38 0.45 Dimensions (cm) a c d 17 97 67 19 109 79 21 121 91 23 133 103 Drainage of the collector of underground structures (along the axis), imperfect type, rectangular shape Application area When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.19 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 Drainage of the collector of underground structures (along the axis), imperfect type, trapezoidal shape centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.28 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 a, cm 17 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 Drainage of the collector of underground structures (along the axis), imperfect type, rectangular shape d , cm 97 109 121 109 121 109 121 109 121 109 121 Scope When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. Materials used for wall drainage: Dreniz casings, drainage material with a filtering membrane (DELTA GEODRAIN TP, etc.) Consumption of materials per 1 linear meter. m of drainage B, Pipe diameter D, cm mm 100 170 150 200 150 190 200 150 230 200 150 250 200 150 270 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed gravel, Seam sand m3 m3 0.19 0.49 0.22 0.48 0.26 0.47 0.22 0.51 0 ,26 0.50 0.22 0.59 0.26 0.58 0.22 0.62 0.26 0.61 0.22 0.66 0.26 0.65 imperfect type, trapezoidal shape Scope of application When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. Materials used for wall drainage: Dreniz casings, drainage material with a filtering membrane (DELTA GEODRAIN TP, etc.). ) Consumption of materials per 1 linear meter m of drainage B, Pipe diameter D, cm mm 170 190 230 250 270 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.17 0.21 0.26 0.21 0.26 0.21 0.26 0.21 0.26 0.21 0.26 Formation sand m3 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.56 0.52 0.63 0.62 0.67 0, 66 0.70 0.69 a, d, cm cm 17 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 67 79 91 79 91 79 91 79 91 79 91 Drainage of the collector of underground structures (along the axis), perfect type, rectangular shape Area applications When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions in the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. Materials used for wall drainage: Dreniz casings, drainage material with a filtering membrane (DELTA GEODRAIN TP, etc.) Consumption of materials per 1 linear meter. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 m3 0.56 0.59 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.71 0.72 Crushed stone of the working drainage of the base 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 250 270 150 200 150 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.75 0.77 0.78 0.80 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 Drainage of the collector of underground structures (along the axis), perfect type, trapezoidal shape Scope When the drainage is located above the aquiclude 1. All dimensions on the drawing are given in centimeters. 2. Materials used for wall drainage: Dreniz casings, drainage material with a filtering membrane (DELTA GEODRAIN TP, etc.) Consumption of materials per 1 linear meter. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.12 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 0.14 0.17 Formation sand m3 0.56 0.59 0.62 0.64 0.65 0.71 0.72 0.75 0, 77 0.78 0.80 Crushed stone of the working drainage of the base 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 Associated drainage of imperfect type in the trench with slopes 1. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.19 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 Associated drainage of imperfect type in trench with slopes 1. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 m 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.28 a, cm 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 Concomitant Imperfect Drainage in Sloped Trench 1. All dimensions in drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm m 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0 ,19 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 Quantity Formation sand, m3 2 layers of glassine, m3 0.67 2.62 0.70 2.84 0.78 3.26 0.81 3.47 0.85 3.68 Imperfect type associated drainage in sloped trench All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm m 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0 ,27 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 0.32 0.38 Quantity Formation sand, m3 2 layers of glassine, m3 a, cm 0.73 2.62 0.76 2.84 0.84 3.26 0.87 3.47 0.91 3.68 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 Accompanying drainage of imperfect type in sloped trench All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, Pipe diameter cm D, Polyethylene pipes NPO Stroypolimer Crushed stone Quantity Sand 2 layers 170 190 230 250 270 mm rm. m 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 gravel, m3 0, 19 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 0.22 0.26 seam, m3 glassine, m3 0.67 2.62 0.70 2.84 0.78 3.26 0.81 3.47 0.85 3.68 trench type with slopes All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage B, cm 170 190 230 250 270 Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.12 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.19 0.15 0.19 Formation sand, m3 1.17 1.22 1.29 1.26 1.33 1.33 1.40 1.37 1 .44 1.40 1.47 Crushed stone of working a, c, d, 11 12 base drainage cm cm cm cm cm 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.15 0 .16 0.15 . 0,16 17 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 19 21 97 109 121 109 121 109 121 109 121 109 121 67 79 91 79 91 79 91 79 91 79 91 69 75 81 75 81 75 81 75 81 75 81 94 105 116 105 116 105 116 105 116 105 116 Wall drainage and drainage section (type 1) Field of application For protection of basements in loam and in case of a layered structure of the aquifer, when laying foundations on loam and clay. Before laying the drainage, the sinus of the pit must be expanded and cleaned of debris and dirt. All dimensions in the drawing are in centimeters. Consumption of materials for 1 running. m of drainage Pipe diameter D, mm 100 150 200 m 1.0 1.0 1.0 Crushed stone, m3 0.15 0.15 0.12 Crushed stone is based. m3 0.17 0.17 0.16 a, c, d, cm cm cm 19 140 19 19 140 19 17 134 79 Drainage structure of a buried structure with a solid foundation slab see Buried structure drainage design with solid foundation slab Buried structure drainage design with solid foundation slab



Moscow 2003

Sewerage systems from polypropylene pipes. Design, installation and operation manual.

Second edition, revised and enlarged.

This guide has been developed to assist organizations designing, installing and operating non-pressure sewer systems. All recommendations for design and installation are based on the calculation formulas and regulations of the Code of Rules “Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements” SP 40-102-2000.

The guide contains a range of pipes and fittings made of polypropylene, produced and supplied by NPO Stroypolimer for sewerage systems of buildings.

Developers: A.Ya. Dobromyslov, N.V. Sankova, V.A. Ustyugov, L.D. Pavlov, V.S. Romeiko.

1. Preface

2. Technical characteristics of pipes and fittings

3. Design of internal sewerage systems from polypropylene pipes

4. Installation of pipeline systems of sewerage of buildings

5. Acceptance of sewerage systems for operation

6. Rules for the maintenance and repair of sewerage systems in buildings

7. Transportation and storage of sewer pipes and fittings

8. Requirements for safety and environmental protection

9. Assortment of sewer pipes and fittings made of polypropylene produced by NPO Stroypolimer. Components

Pipe (pipe) socket

Pipe (pipe) smooth

Pipe (pipe) two-pipe

Socket and shank fittings

Locking ring to the socket of fittings

Elbows 15°, 30°, 45

Elbow 87° 30"

Tees 45°, 87°30"

Two-plane cross 110´100´50´87°30"

Two-plane cross 110´100´50´50´87°30"

Two-plane cross 110´50´50´67°30"

Cross 87°30

Compensating branch pipe

Transition 50´40´87°30"

Repair sleeve


Steel clamp

Sliding support made of polypropylene

1. Preface

This "Guidelines for the design, installation and operation of internal sewerage systems made of polypropylene pipes" was developed to assist organizations designing, installing and operating non-pressure sewerage systems in buildings.

Drainage systems are not considered in this album.

It is obvious that the requirements for reliable operation for engineering equipment systems in general and for drainage systems, in particular, continue to become tougher in a market economy, and the need to reduce construction costs is becoming more and more urgent. With regard to non-pressure sewerage pipelines, this means the rejection of arbitrary decisions in the design, as well as a reasonable calculation of in-house sewage systems.

At the present stage, the optimal material for sewer pipelines is plastic, pipes from which - technically smooth, light, easy to install - already in themselves largely meet the requirements of the time.

When determining the diameter of the sewer riser, the possibility of failure of at least one of the hydraulic gates attached to this riser should be excluded. Therefore, it seems obvious that both a fairly accurate determination of the estimated flow rate of wastewater and the technical parameters of the sewerage system of buildings is necessary. When calculating horizontal outlet pipelines, one should take into account the length and capacity (capacity) of these pipelines and focus on devices with the maximum duration of drainage. An error in determining the estimated flow rate, diameter, slope in this case leads to the formation of pipeline blockages.

The method for determining the estimated flow rates of waste liquid for objects of various purposes is given in the recommendations "Design, installation and operation of sewerage systems made of plastic pipes for buildings and microdistricts" (Moscow, VNIIMP Publishing House LLP, 2002), hydraulic calculation of non-pressure plastic pipelines - in "Tables for hydraulic calculations of pressure and non-pressure pipelines made of polymeric materials" (Moscow, VNIIMP Publishing House LLP, 2002), which are recommended as an auxiliary material for this "Guide". The named "Recommendations ..." and "Tables ..." were published by the Training Center of NPO Stroypolimer according to the regulations and calculation formulas given in the Code of Rules "Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements” SP 40-102-2000.

Each of the listed issues (determination of the estimated flow rates, calculation and design of sewer risers, hydraulic calculation of plastic outlet pipelines) is a specific task, the solution of which affects the reliability and cost of the sewer pipeline system.

Of course, the reliability of sewerage systems to a high extent depends on the quality of construction, therefore, it is necessary to know and take into account the specifics of plastic (including polypropylene) pipes, in particular, which consists in the ability to significantly change its length under the influence of the temperature of the transported liquid or environment. The "Guide" provides the necessary information on compensating for linear changes in pipelines and recommendations for the installation of internal piping systems of free-flow sewage from polypropylene pipes.

The "Guide" also contains a range of pipes and fittings made of polypropylene produced by NPO Stroypolimer.

2. Technical characteristics of pipes and fittings

NPO Stroypolimer produces pipes for domestic sewage systems according to TU 4926-005-41989945-97 "Pipes and fittings made of polypropylene for sewage" and fittings according to TU 4926-010-41989945-98 "Shaped parts made of polypropylene for sewer pipes" with diameters 40, 50 and 110 mm.

The main physical and mechanical properties of sewer pipes made of PP produced by NPO Stroypolimer are presented in Table 1.

The installation of socket joints of pipes and fittings made of polypropylene (PP) is carried out using rubber sealing two-leaf rings of the lip type with a spacer insert (DIN 4060). The design and dimensions of the rings are given in TU 4926-005-41989945-97. The possibility of using for the installation of sewer pipelines pipe products made of PP and rubber seals for it, the dimensional characteristics and (or) design of which differ from those specified in TU 4926-005-41989945-97 and TU 4926-010-41989945-98, must be confirmed by the relevant regulatory - technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure.

It is allowed to transport effluents with a temperature through the pipeline sewage system made of polypropylene:

With a short duration of drainage (within 1 minute) - up to (+ 95) ° С;

Constantly - up to (+ 80) ° С.

Pipes and fittings are bell-shaped, each bell has a groove for a rubber sealing ring. The designs and main dimensions of pipes and fittings are presented in Section 9 of this Guide.

Pipes are designed for a service life of at least 50 years.

Table 1.

The main physical and mechanical properties of sewer pipes made of polypropylene produced by NPO Stroypolimer.


Parameter value

Density, g / cm 3

Coefficient of linear thermal expansion, mm/m°С, (1/°С)

0.15, (0.15 10 -3)

Thermal conductivity, W/m °C

Tensile yield strength, MPa, not less than

Elongation at break, %, not less than

Impact resistance, number of broken specimens, %, no more

Change in length after warming up, %, no more

Management of NPO "Stroypolimer" "Steel pipelines with factory thermal and waterproofing for outdoor heating networks";
Management of NPO "Stroypolimer" "Heat pipelines from polypropylene pipes with thermal and waterproofing";
Management of NPO "Stroypolimer" "External gravity sewerage from corrugated two-layer polyethylene pipes";
Guidelines of NPO "Stroypolimer" "Systems of cold and hot water supply from polypropylene pipes "Random copolymer" for buildings of various purposes.";
Management of NPO "Stroypolimer" "Systems of internal sewerage from polypropylene pipes";
Management of NPO "Stroypolimer" "Pipeline drainage systems from corrugated two-layer polyethylene pipes of full factory readiness";
Guide "NPO" Stroypolimer "for the design, installation and operation" Corrugated polyethylene two-layer pipes for laying communication cables ";
NPO "Stroypolimer" manual "Protective polyethylene pipes for laying communication cables. Features of the design of construction and operation.

Steel pipelines with factory thermal and waterproofing. Design and construction guide.

A.F. Anikin, Yu.I. Arzamastsev, A.Ya. Dobromyslov, A.G. Guzenev, M.G. Evdokimov, R.O. Kovalenko, D.V. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Perelygin, N.L. Saveliev, V.N. Stepanov, V.A. Ustyugov.

The manual contains recommendations for designing ductless pipelines in the factory thermal insulation of district heating systems with a heat carrier temperature of up to 130°C. Thermal insulation made of polyurethane foam is applied at the factory to steel pipes and then hermetically sealed with a polyethylene pipe (for channelless gaskets) or a galvanized steel sheath (for other types of gaskets). NPO "Stroypolimer" manufactures thermal insulation for steel pipes and fittings with a diameter of 32-456 mm. The Guide shows methods for sealing joints under construction conditions, describes systems for operational remote monitoring of thermal insulation dampening, takes into account the experience of installing and testing pipelines, provides regulations for their transportation and storage, as well as the range of pipes and pipeline parts manufactured by NPO Stroypolimer

Heat pipelines made of polymer pipes with thermal and waterproofing. Design and installation guide.

External gravity sewerage from corrugated two-layer polyethylene pipes. Design and construction guide. First edition.

O.V. Ustyugova, V.A. Ustyugov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. Ya. Dobromyslov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.I. Zaitseva, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.E. Bukhin.

This guide has been developed to assist organizations designing and building gravity sewer and stormwater piping systems using polyethylene corrugated pipes.

The manual contains the materials necessary for design organizations to determine the estimated second flow rates of the waste liquid, taking into account the storage capacity of the outlet pipelines, as well as convenient nomograms and tables designed for hydraulic calculations of gravity pipelines made of polyethylene corrugated pipes manufactured by NPO Stroypolimer.

The manual also contains basic information on the construction and testing of underground networks of gravity sewers and storm drains using polyethylene corrugated pipes.

The main recommendations of this manual are based on the regulations of federal regulatory documents: SP 40-102-2000 "Code of rules for the design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements" and SP 40-107-2003 "Code of rules for the design, installation and operation of internal sewerage systems from polypropylene pipes".

The guide provides a range of polyethylene corrugated pipes for the construction of external sewerage networks and storm drains produced by NPO Stroypolimer.

Systems of cold and hot water supply from polymer pipes "Random copolymer" (PP-R, type 3) for buildings of various purposes. Design and installation guide.

AND I. Dobromyslov, V.I. Nelyubin, V.A. Ustyugov.

This manual has been developed to assist organizations designing and installing cold and hot water systems. All recommendations for design and installation are based on the calculation formulas and regulations of the Code of Rules SP40-102-00 "Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements", SNiP 2.04.01-85 * "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings" , as well as the "Code of rules for the design and installation of pipelines made of polypropylene "Random copolymer" SP 40-101.

When developing the manual, the provisions of the "Departmental building codes for the design and installation of internal water supply systems from polypropylene pipes "Random copolymer" (PPRC)" VSN 47-96, reference materials and information from foreign companies were also used. The guide contains a range of polypropylene pipes and fittings manufactured and supplied by NPO Stroypolimer for cold and hot water supply systems in buildings.

Systems of the internal sewerage from polymeric pipes. Design, installation and operation manual.

Pipeline drainage systems from corrugated two-layer polyethylene pipes of full factory readiness. Design, installation and operation manual.

O.V. Ustyugova, V.A. Ustyugov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.Ya. Dobromyslov, Yu.Ya. Kriksunov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences E.I. Zaitseva, Ph.D. tech. Sciences V.E. Bukhin.

This manual has been developed to assist organizations designing, installing and operating horizontal drainage piping systems. The manual contains recommendations convenient for design organizations on the selection of prefabricated corrugated polyethylene pipes manufactured by NPO Stroypolimer, namely: depending on the second flow rate of the inflow and the slope of the pipeline, its diameter and the number of slotted cuts are selected. For cases where the drainage slope is unknown and must be determined, the manual contains a handy nomogram for calculating the diameter of the pipeline, as well as formulas and tables for determining its slope. All recommendations for hydraulic calculations are based on the calculation formulas and regulations of the set of rules (SP) 40-102-2000 "Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewage systems made of polymeric materials. General requirements."

The manual contains a range of pipes for the construction of drainage systems produced by NPO Stroypolimer.

Two-layer corrugated polyethylene pipes for laying communication cables. Design, installation and operation manual.

V.A. Ustyugov, O.V. Ustyugova, E.I. Zaitseva, V.E. Bukhin - NPO "Stroypolimer", S.P. Shashlov, Yu.I. Salnikov, V.N. Spiridonov - OAO "SSKTB-TOMASS" - a specialized design and technology bureau for construction communication equipment.

The guide mainly cites specific technical and technological features of the construction of communication channels based on corrugated polyethylene two-layer pipes and does not consider general issues of design, organization, regulations and technology for the construction of cable communication lines, which must be carried out in accordance with the current standards listed in Appendix 1.

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