How the wrong balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is killing you. A balanced diet is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a balanced diet

Everyone knows that in order to lose weight effectively, you need to eat right, be energetic and expend more calories than you get from food. However, success in reducing body weight depends not only on this.

In addition to the daily calorie content, it is necessary to calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU).

A balanced diet is the ideal ratio of the main elements of a healthy diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the daily menu, taking into account individual needs. Each of them is necessary for the body for normal functioning, but, which is very important, in different dosages.

● Proteins (proteins) are necessary for the human body to maintain life and are especially important during weight loss and intense sports. All tissues and cells of the human body, including muscles, are made up of proteins. Normally, the human diet should consist of 30-40% of proteins.

It is important to note that there are two types of protein:

1. Complete

It is rich in essential amino acids (arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine) and is found in meat, poultry, cottage cheese, fish, chicken eggs.

2. Defective

Usually contains no more than 1 amino acid and is present in legumes, cereals, nuts. It is recommended to consume up to 80% of vegetable proteins. Herbalife Nutrition's Formula 1 Protein Shake will help replenish your body's nutrient reserves. One serving of the cocktail contains 17 gr. protein, including valuable soy protein and a complex of 23 essential vitamins and minerals.

● Fats are responsible for the regeneration of skin cells, the absorption of certain vitamins, the synthesis of hormones and are an essential component of the diet. Fats are divided into saturated (animal origin), unsaturated (vegetable origin) and the most dangerous for the body - trans fats (margarine). Trans fats lead to obesity, metabolic disorders and diseases. The ratio of fats in the diet should be as follows: 1/3 - saturated, 2/3 - unsaturated. Of particular importance for losing weight and exercising are Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol levels, speed up the body's metabolic processes and contribute to effective weight loss. One capsule of Herbalife Max by Herbalife* provides the body with 31.5% of the recommended daily intake of omega-3 acids.

● Carbohydrates - a source of muscle nutrition during physical activity. Carbohydrates are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, are found to a greater extent in plant products and are divided into simple (all sugar-containing foods and some berries, fruits) and complex (legumes, cereals, vegetables). Processing complex carbohydrates, the body spends more energy, so 80% of the daily intake should fall on them. Plant foods are also high in fiber. For those who lose weight, it plays a special role: it provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The average daily requirement for dietary fiber is 30 grams. The recommended level of daily intake of carbohydrates - 365g

Properly selected nutrition will help the body to be in good shape during the period of weight loss, not to experience a constant feeling of hunger, weakness, lethargy. Compliance with the balance of BJU in the diet contributes not only to effective weight loss, but also to maintaining weight at the achieved level, as well as building muscle or "" body. The basic scheme for the ratio of macronutrients for different purposes is as follows:

● Weight loss: 40/35/25 (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);

● Muscle strengthening and moderate fat loss: 35/30/35;

● Set of muscle mass: 30/30/40;

● Balanced ratio to maintain current weight: 30/20/50.

The basis of proper nutrition is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (abbreviated as BJU). This proportion largely depends on the goals that a person sets for himself. A balanced diet for weight loss will be somewhat different from the diet that an athlete needs to gain weight. According to experts, the correct ratio of BJU, which will bring the maximum benefit to the body, should be as follows:

  • fats 20%
  • proteins 30%
  • carbohydrates 50%

It is especially important to observe the correct proportion of BJU for those who seek to lose extra pounds. The right diet, in which there is a sufficient amount of all elements, will not bring a feeling of hunger. Special tables and calorie calculators will help you calculate the ratio of substances in food.

Squirrels are responsible for the creation of muscle fibers, metabolic and regulatory processes, digestion and energy metabolism. Experts recommend consuming 1g of quality protein per 1kg of human weight. A lack of protein can lead to disruption of the functioning of the liver, pancreas and endocrine system. At the same time, too much protein in the body leads to calcium leaching.

Fats many people consider the main "enemy" in the fight against excess weight. However, the use of fats for the normal functioning of the body is also necessary, like other nutrients. Fats are saturated and unsaturated: it is better to completely refuse the use of the former or reduce their consumption to a minimum. But unsaturated fats are necessary for a person to maintain body temperature, protect internal organs from damage, and normal functioning of the reproductive organs and joints. Doctors recommend eating at least 0.5 g of fat per 1 kg of normal human weight.

Carbohydrates in products are the most important source of energy for our body and brain, improve metabolism and contribute to the production of endorphins. The lack of this element leads to fatigue and a decrease in mental activity. The daily norm of carbohydrates for an ordinary person is about 500 grams. Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily absorbed by the body, they are suitable for quick "recharging" during vigorous exercise. However, such an energy charge does not saturate the body. Complex carbohydrates are more useful for a person - they saturate the body with elements and it is thanks to complex carbohydrates that a person gets a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

For the normal functioning of the body, each person must strive to maintain a balance of BJU. However, this is especially important for those who experience the constant influence of a harmful environment and high mental stress. This “risk group” includes ordinary urban residents and students, that is, those young and active residents of megacities who have absolutely no time for long-term meal planning. The LATTA-BIO company has developed a complex "", which will help not only maintain a normal balance of BJU, but also strengthen the immune system and help to cope with high mental stress.

You already know that for those who want to lose weight, complete hunger is unacceptable, as well as various kinds of diets. Another thing is important: in order for our body to feel good and function well, it is necessary that it receives enough nutrients and nutrients, that is, there is a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

After all, as you all already know well, starving or not receiving any substances, our body not only experiences stress and gets sick, but also begins to store fat in reserve.

Eating a balanced diet at every meal has a big impact on properties that are important to our body, such as our body's energy level, memory, mood stability, concentration ability, ability to focus, good sleep, as well as an obvious effect on body weight and fat balance in the body. .

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are called macronutrients because they are required by our body in large quantities for daily energy production, growth and recuperation.

When reading about macronutrients, remember that glucose is the main molecule that plays the role of the main fuel in the body. Glucose, obtained from carbohydrates, and from proteins, and from fats, is combined with oxygen in the cells and “burned” to produce the energy necessary for the vital activity of the cells of our body.

Glucose is to the body what gasoline is to a car. Neither the car nor our body can function without the corresponding fuel being “burned” with oxygen and producing energy. That is, if there is food, there is energy; if there is no food, there is no energy.


Carbohydrates are the primary fuel that starts our body to work, and can be quickly converted into glucose. For example, when you eat a cookie, the starch is converted into sugar in your mouth as you chew.

In terms of the rate of conversion to glucose, carbohydrates are simple (rapid conversion to glucose, accompanied by a corresponding increase in insulin production) or complex (slower conversion to glucose, little stimulation of insulin release). As you already understood, complex carbohydrates are preferable for us, which keep the feeling of satiety longer and do not contribute to the rapid and large release of glucose into the blood ...

Complex carbohydrates are found in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits; they also provide the body with dietary fiber: soluble fiber (eg pectin) and insoluble fiber (eg cellulose, celery "fibers").

Simple carbohydrates are found in starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, pastries, simple cereals, fruit juices, candy, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and some high-sugar fruits such as bananas.

Our brain requires a constant level of glucose, so food intake must be balanced and distributed throughout the day so that the brain receives the same amount of this nutrient.

If you eat too little, or if too much time goes by between two meals, you feel a bit of "clouding" because your brain isn't getting the right amount of this highly efficient fuel it needs to function properly.

Also, if you are on various diets or starve, thus not getting enough carbohydrates, your brain will send a signal to the thyroid gland, as a result of which it will slow down its metabolic processes in order to retain fuel reserves (fats) in the body.

Long-term consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates, is also harmful, which leads to increased production of insulin, a hormone that also contributes to the retention of fats in the body.

So how much carbs should you eat? If you are a middle-aged woman and want to lose weight, or maintain your current weight, then daily carbohydrate intake should be only 35-40% of the total food content, but carbohydrates should be consumed - complex!

Eating complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates slows the rise in blood sugar levels, prevents "insulin surge", leads to a low maximum blood sugar level, slows down the drop in blood sugar levels, promotes a more gradual absorption of other nutrients, provides higher fiber levels and a healthy a feeling of satiety, so that you will not have the urge to overeat.

Complex carbs don't produce more insulin, which helps as we get older and fatter, and our cells don't respond as well to insulin, resulting in more calories for weight gain.

In order to prevent “blood sugar spikes” as a result of consuming carbohydrates and to get a feeling of fullness (fullness) for a longer amount of time and maintain energy levels for a longer time, it is necessary to provide a properly balanced combination of proteins and fats at each meal.


Dietary proteins are broken down into 28 types of amino acids, which serve as our body's primary building blocks and produce our own proteins needed for growth, tissue repair, and disease control.

In addition, as a result of metabolic processes, proteins are converted into glucose, which supplies our body with daily fuel for the production of energy necessary for growth and recovery of the body. Some amino acids also serve as building blocks for neurotransmitters and painkillers such as endorphins and enkephalins.

In addition, the processing of proteins into glucose is slower than the production of glucose from carbohydrates, so the presence of proteins in our body helps to maintain a constant level of blood sugar (glucose) for 3-4 hours, compared to 1-2 hours in the case of obtaining glucose. from carbohydrates. That is why the observance of the optimal amount of proteins - about 35% of the total composition of the food taken - is necessary at every meal.

Both proteins and carbohydrates are important elements of your nutritional plan to maintain energy levels, focus, mood, and normal metabolic rates throughout the day.

Amino acids are divided into two categories: those that the body produces itself and therefore does not need to be supplied with food (about 80%), called non-essential amino acids, and those that are not produced by the body, and therefore must be brought in with food (20%) and called essential amino acids.

Complete (complete) proteins are animal foods that contain all nine essential amino acids, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and cheese. This protein food is also high in fat, with the exception of lean meats, low fat cheeses, skinless poultry, egg whites, etc.

If you do not eat animal proteins, you need to combine plant proteins in such a way that your body receives complete (complete) proteins, since plant foods are usually deficient in one or another amino acid. For example, beans combined with rice provide a complete (full) intake of proteins, but we must remember that at the same time this combination contains a large amount of starch, which leads to an increased release of insulin in the body.


Fats exist in the body in the form of numerous rings of fatty acids linked in chains. During the process of digestion, the links between the links are broken, and individual fatty acids enter the bloodstream. Ultimately, they are processed into glucose, but this takes a very long time for the body.

Due to the fact that fats and fatty acids go through such a complex path in the body, the level of glucose immediately after eating rises very slowly and falls just as slowly an hour later. In this way, fats help keep you feeling full (full) for several hours after eating. We do not feel hungry immediately after eating, if the necessary amount of fat enters our body along with food to maintain a constant level of glucose.

Fats are divided into saturated (animal), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (vegetable). The optimal combination of fats helps the absorption of fat-dissolving vitamins and supplies the body with essential fatty acids necessary for the production of a variety of hormones.

1 g of fat contains nine calories, the most powerful source of energy for our body, so we need very little fat every day. Few people realize that all fats (whether they are found in vegetable or animal oil, margarine or lard) in 1 g contain twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins (cf. 9 cal / g and 4 cal / g ).

Although fat contains the most calories, fat-containing foods do not take up as much space in the stomach as fiber-rich foods, and therefore we often do not notice how much fat (and calories) we have consumed.

For those who have embarked on the path of losing weight, I would recommend taking no more than 30% fat with food. I urge you to use unsaturated oils and vegetable fats to supply the body with only the most necessary amount of additional fat, then the remaining amount of fat required by the body will come from protein foods. Thus, you can limit your consumption of 25-30% fat.

Also, don't forget the hidden fats found in processed foods (cereals, soft margarine, ready-made soups, donuts, cookies, etc.). These hidden calories will negate all your weight loss efforts.

If you know how to eat right, you will keep your health and beauty for years to come. Healthy nutrition is, first of all, a balance of proteins and fats, it is a guarantee of a slim figure, youth and flexibility of the body.
A healthy lifestyle is a category that includes a whole set of concepts that allow you to maintain health, youth and beauty.

One of the main concepts is a healthy diet. All food (food of plant and animal origin) has a certain nutritional value - it contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Proteins are the main building material that every cell needs, carbohydrates and fats provide energy reserves, lipids are also involved in the dissolution of some vitamins and are part of cell membranes.

The exclusion of one of the components already leads to an imbalance, and such a nutrition system cannot be called healthy. It is the observance of a certain ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods that will ensure optimal metabolism and a healthy state of the body.

What should be the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

Depending on the type of human activity (his profession) and physique, a daily diet is formed. On average, 65-70% of the diet should belong to carbohydrates, 17-20% proteins and 13-15% fats.

For 1 kg of body weight, a person should consume 1 - 1.5 g of protein daily, while two thirds of the proteins should be of animal origin and one third of vegetable proteins.

Fats should also be of animal origin and vegetable, only the ratio should be in favor of vegetable oils (preferably cold pressed).

A healthy diet will not be skewed in one direction or another, an excess of protein foods in the diet causes diseases of the liver and kidneys, the body is overloaded with protein decay products. With an excess of fat, obesity can develop, the risk of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis increases.

How to eat right to keep the body healthy?

Mode. Eating should be 3-4 times a day, these should be solid meals, not snacks. Between meals it is good to drink water (rather than absorb cookies, sweets, chocolate, seeds, chips, etc.). The main amount of carbohydrate food.

Balanced menu. An adult should eat about 500 g of vegetables and fruits per day, cereals, dairy products, meat, fish should be included in the diet. Drinking plain purified water is also an essential element of a healthy diet. Approximately 30-50 ml per 1 kg of weight should be consumed per day.

The right combination of products. Try not to combine protein and carbohydrate foods - this is the basic law. Meat and fish are best consumed with a vegetable side dish (remember that potatoes are a carbohydrate food, not a vegetable). It is also important to maintain a balance of proteins and fats. Too fatty meat is not good for the body, although it is a source of protein. The benefit of the protein component will be minimized by the fat component. Porridge goes well with fat (butter) and dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits.

Correct replacement. Replace part of the products from your usual diet with healthy foods. For example, sweet rolls and cream cakes can be replaced with dried fruits, berry desserts, and honey. Replace meat products (sausage, sausages) with a whole piece of lean meat, and it is best to give preference to low-fat varieties: lamb, turkey, chicken, veal and lean beef.

Healthy eating is not only about properly selected foods and a balanced diet, it is also about proper cooking. Steamed food is considered the most useful, followed by baked and boiled foods, the most harmful foods include fried foods and dishes cooked on fire.

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