Phone call in a dream. Why dream of a call: from a friend, former, deceased. Interpretation of sleep call. The story of one of our readers Alina R

A call from the former in a dream is a kind of signal: you will still have to talk with him in order to resolve unresolved issues and affairs. The dream book also suggests: he or you want to resume this romance, or vice versa - you cannot forgive betrayal. You can understand why he is dreaming by remembering the details.

You do not seek to return the relationship

The dream plot, when the former lover called you, promises: memories of the past will come to life. There may even be some regrets.

Did you see a call from your ex on your mobile phone in a dream, but deliberately ignored it? This means, according to the dream book: the sleeping woman does not want to return the past or try "what if ..." Often this is the right approach.

Did you not respond to his attempt to contact you? In reality, strive to quickly forget the person who disappointed or caused pain.

Miller's dream book: he can call

Why dream of a call from an ex-boyfriend? The vision may turn out to be prophetic, and the boyfriend who has already broken up will call, but not necessarily to renew the relationship. Perhaps there are still unresolved business issues between you.

Want to get the young man back

The guy with whom he used to have an affair calls on the phone and asks to return in a dream? You probably dream of such a development of events, even if secretly from yourself.

Had a phone conversation on many topics with a guy who left you? The dream interpretation explains: while you want to keep this connection, consider young man and would like to return everything. Then think about how to tell him about it.

How did the conversation go?

For a correct interpretation of sleep, you need to remember the details:

  • cursed - re-scroll the old grievances;
  • asked to return - yearn for his care, communication;
  • pleasantly talked in a dream - you have already ceased to be acutely worried about parting;
  • proudly refused to return - a person from the past will appear (not necessarily him).

You can't forgive, but you need to solve the remaining problems

Why dream of a phone call from the former, during which they quarreled with him very much? The dream book tells you: you can’t forgive his act in any way. But stop constantly reopening this wound - switch to something else, get rid of negative emotions and move on.

In a dream, did an insignificant telephone conversation with your ex-husband greatly upset you? Previously, there were some unresolved problems or cases that now need to be resolved.

Let go of the past, forget the grudges

Had a phone call from the former and communication with him? The dream book says: he still has a dreamer big influence. It's time to stop worrying about what he thinks about this or that.

Many people believe in the predictive power of dreams. They often think about how to interpret a dream in which they clearly dreamed of some object or phenomenon.

Sometimes in a dream we can also hear sounds, for example, a bell (a doorbell, a phone call, a bell ringing). Why dream of a call?

Why dream of a doorbell

If you dreamed of a doorbell, it means that in the near future you will receive some unexpected news that will play an important role in your life. This news will force you to suspend the implementation of your plans and concentrate on solving new problems. Moreover, the news can be both pleasant (for example, winning the lottery or promotion), and a message about serious problems that suddenly arise for you or your loved ones.

Why dream of a phone call

If you dreamed of a phone call from a husband or girlfriend with whom you talk every day, then this is not surprising. Here, most likely, information pops up in your brain during sleep that it constantly encounters. Such a dream portends nothing. The exception is when your husband is very cold on the phone with you. This dream is a harbinger of a worsening relationship.

If you dreamed of a call from a person with whom you have not communicated for a long time, for example, from your ex-husband or boyfriend, then this may mean that the dreamed person will try to appear in your life again.

A separate group of dreams are dream calls from already dead people. Such dreams must be treated very carefully. It is possible that a person from the other world called you to warn you against trouble. Try to remember exactly what you were told and give this dream the correct interpretation.

Why dream of ringing a bell

If you dream of a bell ringing, then this means the approach of an important and joyful event for you that will change your whole life. It can be a wedding, a wedding, the birth of a child, etc.

Dream Interpretation A man called on the phone dreamed of why in a dream a man called on the phone? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream A man called by phone by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation phone call

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A phone call is a dream, which means that in real life someone wants to tell you important information or wants you to pay attention to him.

Dream interpretation phone call to the former, from the ex-boyfriend, to the mobile, the guy who likes

A dream in which you make a phone call to an ex-boyfriend or he calls you (a conversation with an ex, girlfriend, friend) indicates that in real life you would not want to completely break off your relationship. It is possible that you will forget the grievances and start dating again.

If you had a dream that someone is calling you on mobile phone- in reality, an important message is to be received. Why dream of a phone call and a conversation with a loved one, with a guy who likes, mom, a man? In this case, it is said that it is worth paying attention to a loved one, and not answering a phone call, this is a break in relations or misunderstanding.

A dream in which a guy you like called you means that you have a connection with him on a telepathic level in real life.

Dream interpretation phone call from a beloved man, from a deceased (deceased), from a rival, from a deceased, from an ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, from a friend, from the other world

If you had a dream in which your beloved man calls you, then he has something to tell you in reality. In some dream books, this same dream means a desire to break off relations.

A dreamed call “from the next world” from a person who has passed away means that you have not let him go from you. This is bad, both for you and for the deceased. In this dream, it is very important to remember what the caller wanted to say and fulfill his will.

A dreamed call from a rival indicates that she is experiencing pangs of conscience.

A call from an ex-girlfriend or ex-husband is a dream, meaning their desire to reconcile.

Phone call Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, a phone call is a dream, which means that in real life someone wants to manipulate your thoughts and actions.

For women, a dream in which she is talking on the phone means that in real life, acquaintances are not averse to gossip behind her back.

Juno's dream book phone call

In Juno's dream book, a dreamed phone call portends the appearance of strangers who will try to steer you down the wrong path and confuse your plans.

Why dream of a phone call and silence on the phone, a call from a bank, from a stranger

If you dream of a phone call and silence "at the other end of the wire", then this is eloquent evidence that in real life you have become the object of gossip.

Sometimes the same dream symbolizes separation or the loss of a loved one.

A call from the bank is a dream that predicts a failed transaction or loss of money.

A phone call from a stranger is a lack of communication in reality.

Perhaps in real life you will meet a new fan.

comments 2

In a dream, the late brother called, said to wait a minute. I realized that he was no longer there, but I was very happy with the call, his voice was fresh and good. After that, in a dream, an SMS came from a guy, he writes that “in short, goodbye” .. I answered him so far ..

Hello! I dreamed that I was going to go for a walk with my boyfriend, I had to go out already, but I called him and said that I would wash my hair and then let's go and invited me to wait, he started to say something to me and then some kind of phone picked up from him the girl and told me not to call and not going anywhere, I asked who she was, to which she replied it didn’t matter

What was the call for?

at the Women's Club!

In dreams, a person can dream of anything. Dreams are like a movie and reality at the same time, because in them not only various events- familiar or unusual, but they also cause a lot of emotions, as in real life.

This is why they are unusual, because you never know what you will experience and survive in a dream! And besides, every dream, without exception, has its own meaning, and it's worth knowing!

Suppose you had a call. At the door or telephone, joyful or anxious, long-awaited or frightening, the call of a beloved guy, former man or a mysterious stranger, or maybe even a deceased person ... What did you feel in a dream - fear or joy? Remember all the details of sleep, they are very important for decoding.

Dream Interpretations offer many options for such dreams, choose yours:

  • Phone call in the middle of the night.
  • A long-awaited phone call, for example - from a loved one.
  • The boyfriend is calling.
  • Called in a dream ex-boyfriend.
  • calling ex-husband in dreams.
  • I had a call from a dead person.
  • Hear the doorbell ring.
  • Be afraid of trills.
  • Persistently, they ring at the door for a long time.
  • Rejoice at the call.
  • The doorbell rang in a dream, but no one was there.
  • The postman was at the door.

These dreams can scare or, on the contrary, cause incomprehensible joy, moreover, regardless of the details of the content. Remember that emotional coloring should also be taken into account in the interpretation of dreams, and do not forget the details, they are especially important. So what does the dream promise?

My phone rang...

So, you had such a dream, and you want to know the meaning. It's simple, the dream book is ready to help! The main thing is to remember who exactly called you, and other details of the dream.

1. I wonder why the bell that sounded at night is dreaming. This symbolizes surprise - someone new will literally “break in” into your life, entail changes, bring a new rhythm and new colors to your everyday life.

Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised, or maybe your life will completely change for the better beyond recognition. Expect the best and do not be afraid of change - they will lead to happiness!

2. As the dream book says, the long-awaited and pleasant ringing of the phone is a wonderful sign. Expect great joy in reality! Something will happen very soon, and you have no idea how much joy it will bring you. The stronger the faith, the more joy will be in reality, and the sooner it will happen!

3. But what is the dream of a call from a loved one, boyfriend or husband? This is a good symbol, a beloved boyfriend or spouse loves you, remembers before going to bed and thinks only of you. Joy awaits you and good relationship with the second half, and if you are in a quarrel, then this will soon pass, and you will be happy together!

4. News from the former in dreams is a serious sign. If your ex-boyfriend or man called you, then higher powers give advice: take a step into a new life, let go of your past that is holding you, preventing you from living to the fullest and enjoying life. Remember only the best moments of the past, but do not hold on to what is already gone. Open up for a new life, new acquaintances, and you will be happy!

5. If you had a conversation with your ex-spouse, then you still miss him. You miss his support, and that's not a bad thing. Maybe we should talk, make ourselves felt - in a friendly, warm and open way? This can benefit both your state of mind and him too.

6. As the dream book says, a phone call from a deceased person is a hint that you should not forget about your loved ones. Do you devote too much time to business and work? Remember your family, loved ones, they need you!

They rang the doorbell...

Consider what the doorbell is dreaming of, what portends and promises. This is a completely different symbol that has a special meaning. The main thing is to remember who was behind the door, what you felt, and other details that took place in your dreams.

1. Hearing a doorbell in a dream - to the news. The dream interpretation does not bother to clarify whether they will be good or disturbing, but it all depends on your attitude to life. One way or another, you will learn something, receive news from a distant friend, or be surprised by unusual events around you. Expect the best, believe that only joy awaits you, and it will be so!

2. If you are scared, then in reality expect a surprise from friends or relatives. They are preparing something amazing for you! It could be a gift, an unexpected event, or something else. Do not try to find out what your friends are preparing for you, because then there will be no surprise!

3. If they rang the doorbell for a long time and persistently, this is a hint that in reality it would be time for you to tackle your old affairs. You, perhaps, put off “tomorrow” for too long, and now there are so many things that have accumulated that it is simply impossible to live in peace.

Get rid of the old "trash": solve cases that have been lying and waiting for a long time, make the necessary calls, finish projects. You will be surprised how pleasant and easy it will become for you, and how many new things will open before you!

4. Were you glad to hear the doorbell in your dream? Be sure that even greater joy awaits you in reality, and there will be a significant reason for it!

Your cherished dream will come true, it will entail amazing changes, life will be fabulous and happy. The dream interpretation does not exaggerate, and remember - the scale of your happiness and joy directly depends on how strongly and sincerely you believe in it!

5. If there was no one behind the door, in reality you should be a realist, this advice is given to you by higher powers. Give up ghostly illusions, be here and now, do not endow people with those qualities that they even do not have.

This does not mean that you should not trust anyone and not believe in miracles, not at all! Just look at things soberly, it will make you stronger. But the postman, who was on the threshold, portends unexpected news. You will be surprised!

Your actions?

Perhaps you called? Such "active" dreams have special interpretations, which we will consider in detail.

Before making any decision, think carefully about the information that you received from the dream book. Believe in the best and know that it will definitely come true!

And the most important advice

  • Why dream of a call: from a friend, former, deceased. Interpretation of sleep call.

    Almost no one can do without a phone nowadays. Communication has firmly taken its place in people's lives. It is convenient, mobile and functional. With the advent of mobile communications, it has become easy not to miss an important call, to always remain available. But what is the dream of the call for? How to interpret this dream? You will find answers to these and other questions in our most complete collection of dream books.

    • A call in a dream predicts success in business.
    • Sleep “phone call” predicts a change for the worse.
    • Doorbell in a dream - wait for the guests. (see dream Door)
    • A phone call in a dream - to success and glory.
    • Hearing a call in a dream is a disease.
    • The dream “a call from the deceased” does not bode well.
    • The dream “a call from a friend” speaks of your kindness to people.
    • A call from the former in a dream - to money.
    • Sleep “missed call” dreams to tears.
    • A call from a dead person in a dream - to death.
    • The dream “a call from a guy” is a dream for the wedding.
    • Dream Interpretation: a call from the deceased - to a serious illness.
    • Dream Interpretation: a call from an ex-boyfriend - to great losses.
    • Dream Interpretation: the last call is for fun.
    • Dream Interpretation: not answering the call - to the blows of fate.
    • Dream Interpretation: a phone call and the name of a man - expect a change for the better.
    • Dream Interpretation: missed phone call - you are on your way to victory.
    • Sonny: to a missed call from an ex - to numerous chores around the house.
    • A call in a dream is a dream book - you are expecting a baby.
    • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a loved one - for the wedding.
    • Dream Interpretation: a call from the other world - luck has turned away from you.
    • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from a guy is an easy flirtation.
    • Dream Interpretation: a missed phone call is good news.
    • Dream Interpretation: a phone call from the former - to a scandal.
    • I dreamed of a missed phone call - expect trouble.
    • I dreamed of missed calls from an ex-boyfriend - he will return to you.
    • Why dream of a call - to love.
    • Why dream of a phone call - to treason.
    • Why dream of a call from the former - to a new love.
    • Why dream of a call from a guy - you will find new friends.
    • Why dream of a phone call - to a new car.
    • Why dream of a doorbell - fortunately.
    • Why dream of a call from an ex-boyfriend - expect bad news.
    • Dreaming of a missed call - a guy will leave you.
    • Why dream of a call from a loved one - to joy.
    • Why dream of a phone call from a guy - to new hobbies.
    • Why dream of a call to a cell phone - to a promotion.
    • Why dream of a call from an ex-husband - to problems at work.
    • Why dream of the last bell at school - for adventure.
    • Why dream of a call from a friend's boyfriend - to treason.
    • Why dream of a phone call from a loved one - to deceit.
    • If you dream of a friend's call - wait for the sad news.
    • Seeing a bell in a dream is fun.

    The interpretation of a dream about a call can be interpreted in different ways - the details play a decisive role. So, for example, a call from an ex-husband dreams of trouble at work. A call from a loved one promises a good profit. If a friend calls, you will defeat your enemies. Remember only good dreams that will surely come true!

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    Dream Interpretation called the former on the phone

    Dream interpretation phone call

    A sudden ringing bell in a dream, a priori, causes a feeling of anxiety. Although in reality this is the most common thing, but in a dream, we wonder why this could be? If you dreamed of a phone call, the seers claim that the dreamer is experiencing an acute shortage of communication, his communication skills are at a minimum.

    Why dream of a phone call

    In a dream, as in life, they can call us, we can, and the interpretation also depends on your subscriber on the other end of the wire and many related factors.

    Dream book opinions about phone calls

    It happens that when we wake up in the morning, we clearly remember a certain symbol. Fortunately, now we do not have to rack our brains or go to a fortuneteller. All that is needed is to open the dream book. And although there are a huge number of them, we highlight a dozen of the main ones.

    If you dream of a phone call

    Women's dream book

    • What a phone can dream of - you will meet people on your way, communication with which will be slightly puzzling.
    • A dream, for the female half, in which she was talking on the phone, means that many people in this period are very jealous of her.
    • If, when you pick up the phone, you cannot recognize what they are saying on the other end of the wire, you risk your relationship with your loved one.

    Dream interpretation of the 21st century

    • In a dream, hearing a phone ring is unexpected news, news.
    • She dreams that you are dialing a number and calling - a meeting with an old friend.
    • I dreamed that I didn’t get through - everything is fine, it’s worth looking at life more optimistically.
    • For a woman, talking on the phone in a dream means a lot of spiteful critics who envy her. But it is not in their power to harm the dreamer.
    • To receive a message on the phone in a dream - to complete the work you have begun, you will have to make a lot of effort.
    • The dream in which you sent a message, by phone or fax - you quickly navigate in any situation, quickly make a decision that comes out the most correct.

    Miller's dream book

    • Miller wrote in his dream book, almost the same as the women's dream book. A dream where the opponent was not heard speaks of the possible loss of a loved one.
    • For a woman, the call indicates that she is full of envious people who, nevertheless, cannot harm her.
    • If you just dreamed of a telephone, then people with inadequate behavior will come across.

    Loff's dream book

    It is believed that the person with whom you communicate on the phone in a dream has a huge influence on you.

    Dream Interpretation Longo

    did you call or did you get a call

    I dreamed that you were trying to get through to someone, which means that in the near future you will be trusted with valuable and confidential information. Don't hold your tongue, you'll be sorry.

    It is a dream that they are calling you - you devote too much time to other people's gossip, perhaps this brightens up your leisure time, but think about what it is like for the person you are gossiping about.

    Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

    Seeing a telephone in a dream is very important sign. Listen to the words on the other end of the wire. This can beat vital information.

    When such a dream occurs, you should be extremely careful.

    If they can’t get through to you in a dream, you are afraid to pick up the phone, which means that in the depths of the subconscious there is information that you don’t want to remember. Perhaps now is the time to face your fears. To tell myself, I can handle any fear, I can overcome difficulties. Believe me, everything is in our hands.

    Why dream of a ringing phone from the point of view of psychology

    Psychologists believe that this subject is twofold. On the one hand, it connects you with a dear person, you can dial the number of your beloved guy at any time and find out how he is doing, hear his voice. On the other hand, calling a cell phone does not mean being there. Your man or woman is away for some reason, and you suffer from separation.

    Why call your loved one

    I dreamed that you received a call from your beloved guy, but he spoke to you coldly, like a stranger, in reality, such a dream threatens to cool your relationship.

    Heard badly, then you will have to make every effort so that you and your boyfriend keep love.

    I dreamed that a guy was calling - a romantic date awaits you, your relationship will be long and fiery.

    If you were talking to your loved one

    A woman dreams of a call from her ex-boyfriend, he personifies her insecurity in her sexuality, according to Sigmund Freud's dream book. If a woman calls herself, then in this regard, everything is harmonious with her.

    For an ex-boyfriend, a girl calling in a dream means that he tirelessly thinks about her, comparing with her current passion, realizing that the past relationship was better.

    For a woman, a call from her ex-husband suggests that she was unable to fully let go of that relationship. Perhaps it is worth returning the ex, as if by chance, call in real life.

    Why dream that a dead person is calling

    • The dream in which you dream that a dead person is calling is simply considered by many interpreters. It is worth going to church and light a candle for the repose. Perhaps the deceased cannot find peace, or holds a grudge against you, and you can also keep him in this world with your thoughts.
    • The deceased person told you something, try to remember his words, they may turn out to be prophetic.
    • The telephone is considered to be a means of communication with other world if you dream that a deceased, deceased person is calling you, such a dream cannot be ignored in any case.
    • Sometimes you can hear from dreamers: I can’t talk on the phone when a dead boyfriend, husband, father calls me. This is a serious dream. You can’t get in touch, a buzz, a crackle is heard in the receiver, and the phone keeps ringing and ringing, which means you need to honor the memory of the departed person.
    • Why is the deceased dreaming at all? Interpreters of dreams often say that it means a change in the weather. But not one excludes your trip to the cemetery, because the deceased may thus ask to visit him.
    • It also happens that the deceased calls you before some important event in your life. Again, listen to what the deceased person teaches you. This, as they say, "dream in hand", it can help you determine what is worth striving for and what to do.

    What other interpretations does the dream about calls have?

    Why, for example, do you dream that in a dream you pick up the phone, and in response you hear silence? It means that in real life someone is very interested in you, this person experiences true feelings, but cannot dare to take the first step.

    There is a dream that you are waiting for a call, but the phone is stubbornly silent - disappointments in life await you. In the near future, not everything will turn out the way you planned for yourself.

    Can't make a call because the device is broken, or the cable is tangled, and you can't unravel it? You have to unravel a whole heap of troubles that have accumulated through your fault. Until you figure it out, nothing in real life will get better.

    Make a conversation from a device located in a crowded place, and do not talk for a long time. Get to know interesting person, but the connection promises to be short-lived.

    If in a dream you throw the phone, trample it with your feet, then your relationship with a certain person resembles a powder keg. They are ready to explode at any moment, and then a huge scandal will break out.

  • Why is he dreaming? After all, life has changed, love has appeared, plans for the future, etc. There is no trace of the past, but...

    According to legend, to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream

    If you believe folk omens, ex-boyfriend dreams that he still thinks about you. This is probably the most pleasant interpretation. Who will not be pleased when not so long ago a close man has not forgotten about you, maybe you are still not indifferent to him.

    It is also commonly believed that if you see a guy in a dream, it means that you are not indifferent to him. At least he means something to you. Moreover, if you saw this person, or learned some news about him, then it is not surprising when he dreams. It simply means that what we think about during the day is what we dream about at night. It is not necessary to think about him all day, maybe they just told you that, for example, this person bought a new car, and returning home, at the entrance, they saw the same car and remembered him. In this case, there is a possibility: you will dream about it, even without this car.

    Some of his gifts can also remind you of him, and you just remember the most wonderful moments spent with your ex-lover.

    In the interpretation of what the call from the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of, the words he said are of great importance. Everything he said, the girl can hear in reality. At the same time, with a call, he seems to warn her against frivolity. Ex-boyfriend asks in a dream to call him? According to Freud's dream book, this indicates his lack of confidence in his sexual power.

    If an ex-husband calls in a dream, it comes from the depths of the subconscious, reflects longing, pushes for a meeting. Maybe in reality it makes sense for a woman to make a call herself, unobtrusively, as if random.

    In a similar way, it is explained why a guy dreams of a call from an ex-girlfriend. He constantly compares his current girlfriend with her, and realizes that he needs the help of his former beloved.

    Call from a friend or loved one

    Why dream former- on dream book Miller. Again indream meet withformer loved ones, to have a close relationship with him, to experience former feelings for him - to the onset of indirect consequences of what happened a long time ago. If you had a kiss with him, you will soon be surprised at something; sexual intercourse - the old conflict will aggravate; quarrel - favorable changes in personal life; parting - a new meeting that will end in failure; fight.

    Why is the phone dreaming dream book. Phone - Phone indream portends a meeting with people whose behavior will confuse you. If a woman dreams that she talking on the phone - she is probably the envy of so many people. If indream you make a phone call and call the subscriber - it means that you will meet a friend whom you haven’t seen for a long time, you don’t call - a sign that you exaggerate your failures and you have everything will in order.

    Speak by phone indream means that news awaits you in reality. talk in a dream it can bring news from a person whose opinion means a lot to you. It may be an important person, meeting with whom in reality will help to put an end to a serious issue. If by phone indream you talkingwith loved one, this vision promises you a quick meeting.

    dream interpretation Miller. If you dream telephone means you will meet people who will confuse you. If a woman dreams talkontelephone ontelephoneindream. she does not hear well what they say to her, which means that she is in danger of losing her lover. It is possible that she will become object of malicious gossip.

    I dreamed that I talkingontelephonewithformer girl. she told me something, but I vaguely remember something about clothes and how she dresses neatly. I still love the girl. Reply. Julia dream interpretation. Valera maybe. dream in which you see talk with his former Hello! My sister had a dream dream, as if she hears me and my mother talking about my pregnancy and the fact that I got pregnant from my guy although weddings are not It was well we talking calm about it. and my sister is very surprised indream .

    If a woman dreams talkontelephone- so she has a lot of envious people; however, she will be able to resist the surrounding evil. If, speaking ontelephoneindream. she does not hear well what they say to her, which means that she is threatened with the loss of her lover. Why dream Telephone Thu July 07, 2011, 02:33:39 PM. I indream sat at the table at my house with my girlfriend and her formerguy. girl suddenly lost telephone I tried to find him for a long time and woke up. What does it mean?

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    If the dream is very intrusive, in which a call is expected, and the phone does not work or disappears, this speaks not so much of some kind of message from above, but of the prerequisites for a mental disorder. Do not leave such dreams unattended.

    If you dreamed of a conflict with a long-forgotten guy, this promises a new period in your personal life, a lot of pleasant surprises from fate, and sheer joy. If you have close relationships in reality, everything will be very successful in them.

    6. Did you dream that you were walking down the aisle with your ex-boyfriend? It happens, and often. “He loves me,” a girl might think after such a dream, but in vain. Unfortunately, such a dream means big trouble for you.

    If his family was present at the wedding he saw - mom, dad, relatives - expect big, serious difficulties on the way. Please note that these difficulties are in no way connected with the participants in the dream themselves.

    7. When you break up with your boyfriend in your dreams, this promises something very good. Such a dream marks for you the collapse of old ideals, the transition to a new level of consciousness and life, a new, surprisingly good period.

    Thus, if a girl in a dream clearly saw a guy with whom she was once associated serious relationship, this, most likely, does not mean at all a meeting with the former, but only their own emotional experiences. During a breakup, a girl may feel

    Undoubtedly, being a couple, the girl completely trusted her chosen one and completely relied on him in everything. After the break, she continues to count on his help and support in a difficult situation, as well as help in solving difficult life issues. This dream, most likely, once again proves the fact that the girl has not learned to live in a new way and make decisions on her own without the participation of her partner. The opinion of a partner is still vitally important for her, albeit on a subconscious level, as well as his presence in difficult moments. The girl wants him, and not anyone else, to listen to her and give her useful advice. Despite the fact that the couple's relationship has ended, the girl does not let go of her partner until the end, as she needs his reliable shoulder, help and protection in life. Psychologists say that as soon as a girl lets go of the past and starts a new relationship, such dreams will not bother her.

    In order to ultimately analyze what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming of and come to the right conclusion, one should do introspection. First of all, the girl must honestly answer herself whether she has let go of her ex-lover and past relationships. If the answer is yes, then dreams with the former in the lead role are bright moments of memories from the past.

    If in a dream you yourself rang someone's door, then you will ask your old friends for help and they will definitely help you.

    If in a dream the postman rang at the door, then unexpected guests will come to you.

    If in a dream you heard a phone ring, then unexpected problems await you.

    If in a dream you heard an alarm clock, then one of your relatives will soon fall ill and you will take care of him.

    Such a common communication device today as a telephone, without which modern man cannot imagine life, can serve in a dream as a symbol of a lack of communication and a kind of barrier to full-fledged, close communication.

    What if you dream of a phone call?

    Why dream of a phone call is news. No wonder they say "this was the first bell", that is, the first warning, news about something.

    The interpretation of a telephone call is akin to dreams in which the dreamer clearly hears a knock on the door. And in this case, the sound of the phone. You can not even see the action itself, the handset, but suddenly wake up from the fact that the call was clearly audible.

    Fortunately, waking up from what he heard, in reality does not carry anything terrible. Most likely, unexpected events are foreseen that will bring joy or surprise.

    It is believed that a dream in which you have to call yourself is much more favorable than receiving a call from someone. This has nothing to do with the above, since we are already talking about the vision of a telephone, about his call and subsequent conversation.

    Calling someone means solving problems without anyone's participation, and when outsiders call, this portends troubles associated with intimate side life. If a dream is accompanied by worries that, in response to a phone signal, all attempts to hear something from the other side of the wire are futile, then joyless events will occur due to unwillingness to take good advice.

    To languish in a dream waiting for a call - to the expectation of change. Realize that a long-distance phone call corresponds to larger troubles.

    What portends?

    There are other interpretations of the dream in which the bell is heard - to be drawn into very dubious events, and for positive-minded individuals - to wait for a very talkative person to visit.

    It happens that by picking up the phone, a person understands in a dream with whom the conversation is to be. This circumstance indicates that the relationship is not as close as we would like and is unlikely to be closer, since the conversation takes place via telephone. After all, it is not for nothing that the telephone is considered one of the the best options replacing personal presence.

    However, the participation of the phone in a dream and the image of a certain person with whom a conversation will take place or is supposed to, means that it has an impact on the dreamer's life. Unsuccessfully calling someone, on the contrary, is a sign that there are many superfluous, insignificant people in the immediate environment, from whom there is nothing but trouble.

    Although, quickly getting through to someone also does not carry anything positive. It is believed that in reality, requests will not be heard by the surrounding people, whether they are business or domestic. Therefore, after such a dream, you still have to reconsider your environment. Or choose the most liked, positive interpretation of this.

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