The woman doesn't know what. What does a girl want and why is it difficult with her. A man can be spoiled

Watched Sleepless in Seattle again. I watched this film for a long time, so I didn’t remember the nuances of the plot at all - only what was clear from the first minutes of the picture: Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks will meet and be together, this is a movie.

And revising the film, it turned out that she had a fiancé. It was not just the groom, but the wedding date was already set, “everything is fine”, a ring was presented and gifts were chosen. And she knows they are doing well and she says she loves Walter (her future husband) but for some WHY she is attracted to the man's voice on the radio, for some reason he excites her and for some reason she doesn't can get it out of my head. More precisely, she can throw it away, but she only thinks: is he not the right man, will she regret all her life later that she did not find him.

And the most interesting thing is that this is not a fictional story. I don’t know how many people have had this in their lives, I don’t mean cine trifles, but the basis of the plot. It happened to me, but I realized too late what was going on.

Just the other day, for some reason, I suddenly wanted love again. And it's funny: now I don't even know what kind of chosen one I want. That is, at some point she changed her mind so much about it, it is clear that now she simply does not think in this direction. Well, I don't think that's all. After trying to make a portrait of “that man,” I couldn’t even get past the color of my hair. Before, I always liked dark-haired men, and after the last novel, somehow I began to notice men with blond hair. This may seem like nonsense to some, but a lot can be said about a person by the color of their hair!) It’s clear with eye color - brown, any shades. No "one blue, one green".)
So, with grief in half, I somehow made an external portrait, but this is far from all that is important.

But it turns out that in the portrait of the desired man, you willy-nilly start from those men with whom you have already had a relationship. According to the principle: what you like - leave, what you don't like - remove.

But it's all complicated, long and lazy. There is a short cut. He is simple. There he is. Trust your body: if, when meeting a man, you are neither cold nor hot, this is not your man. If you are a little tense when meeting a man, take a closer look at him, perhaps there is something in him. If, when meeting a man, it is as easy and natural for you to be with him as it has never been or usually does not happen from the first or second time, then this is your man, it is worth considering his candidacy.

So, my body and reaction never let me down, another thing is that I did not always listen to them. Sometimes I thought that nothing special was happening, but we went to eat, and the cutlery fell out of my hands, my appetite disappeared, then and only then did I understand that I was not telling myself something. Or when another man entered the room, my whole being seemed to sharpen, my perception became more refined, all my locators were directed at him. And it's nice when there are such men around, because when they are not there, it's boring. Perhaps this is the reason that some or many women idealize men, especially NOT THAT (not “their”) men - because they need this natural tension, but they don’t have it, and women invent it themselves. Poor things...

And, of course, what can I say, it is especially pleasant when this slight tension is mutual (or lightness and naturalness). When both a woman and a man feel it. That's when it's flight. I used to think that a beautiful body can attract other people only due to the fact that it is a body. Then a handsome man or a beautiful woman cannot be sure that it was not their body or appearance that attracted a partner to them. But now I understand that it's not quite like that. If only the body is interesting, then in a look or in communication one feels emptiness, how to say it, everything is very external. But if a person is attracted to you, even if you have a stunning body five times, it's not just about the body. If you feel this slight tension-collection, and he feels it. Then it is not only the body.

What impresses me the most is compliments from men when I'm out of shape. Not dressed, not combed, not made up. I’m just walking down the street in slippers (= without heels), in jeans (to blend in with the crowd), so carefree, and then I hear: “Pretty woman” or beauty or something else about the same. And it really surprises me! This speaks in favor of men and that they, it turns out, evaluate women not only by their dress. Eureka!)) And the man with whom I had a past affair, even when asked how he noticed me, said that he drew attention to me when I did qigong exercises - how I did them. Yes, my God! how did I make them?

So it turns out that we fall in love and fall in love with us when we least expect it. Yes, that's why I stopped thinking about the dream man. I do not seek, I do not strive, I do not represent. No, I remember good past relationships) There were beautiful moments, there were, but it's all for fun. Man is just for fun.

Or the woman herself does not know what she wants.

There are many answers to the question “What does a woman want”, but all of them can be divided into very beautiful and very truthful.

Very beautiful answers, it seems, were invented by the women themselves: "What a woman wants, God wants." Someone very rightly remarked on this subject: “Does God really want a Louis Vuitton handbag and a mink coat?”

And here are the truthful answers to the question “What does a woman want?”:

1. The situation when the girl herself does not know what she wants (Motives are far in the subconscious)

Girls living with emotions and feelings often behave strangely. They constantly change decisions and opinions, are not prone to introspection. Such a woman is guided by emotions and feelings instead of at least sometimes having dialogues with her “common sense”

"Clinical" picture: I sleep with Kolya, I meet with Vadim, I will marry Sergey.

2. The situation when a girl knows what she wants, but won't tell you

This game is called “Try it, guess it”: the girl knows what she wants, but she will never say it out loud, unless she has a good trick on your head:

"Clinical" picture:

Man: - Well, what are you offended by?
Woman: Nothing
Half an hour passes.
M: - Lena, but I see something wrong.
J: You don't even know?
Two more hours pass
M: Bunny, baby doll, musik ... Well, tell me, what's wrong? Is it because I came late yesterday?
J: Do you think it's okay?
And rushed ....

3. The situation when a girl knows what she wants and tells about it

Such a situation seems to be desirable for a man, but for a woman this method is less effective. The fact is that direct requests are regarded by men very wary. And getting the desired ring or even attention with the help of insults, seduction, reproaches and other manipulations turns out to be much easier.
The psychology of a woman has two sides and is something that is not talked about.

A woman wants to receive signs of attention, to feel the only, magnificent, secure, in demand, desired .... Harmonious relations between a man and a woman depend on what a woman wants and what and how much she will receive, and how she will receive it. How to allocate resources for a woman? How to manage it and your needs? How not to overdo it? Not "spoil"? Do not get bogged down in obligations? How to get a return?

Answers to these questions, on which much (without exaggeration) depends in personal life, can be obtained in, which will tell you what the true psychology of a woman is.

  • We will tell you what to do with a man with a woman.
    There is a very popular plot for all kinds of anecdotes, stories, novels and very real life stories - about how a woman marries a very "Complicated", obstinate, or simply unsuitable man for her personally, then gradually "corrects" him, makes him more social adequate, caring, homely and faithful - and then leaves, because "the feelings are no longer the same." And he goes back to the "Complicated" man, with whom he will have to suffer again


    It is very strange for men to observe such situations from the outside (and it is very painful to feel all this for themselves), because it turns out that women are sadists and masochists rolled into one. But this is a very superficial view. In fact, most women do not seek suffering as such. They just don't know what they really want.

    The bottom line is that a woman has two levels of desire for men, which are born from two types of relationships with men. And the roots of these relationships are in our deep monkey past.

    From an animal point of view, the most beneficial strategy for the female is to mate with an alpha male and give birth to children from an alpha male. And this desire is still preserved in human women. But one difficulty appeared: for a person, a male (man) is not only a source of sperm, but also a source of resources: money, protection, care, help in difficult times.

    At the same time, the alpha male is far from always the best source of all these resources. That is, he has them, and usually in abundance (more than the average man. But he also has many women in his environment, and if he could still (purely theoretically) disperse money among them in abundance, then care and personal participation is enough for a maximum of two or three women (and usually only one. In the light of all this, it is quite logical that not a single woman wants to share the resources of "Her" man, and therefore requires fidelity from him.

    In total, it turns out that the ideal option for a woman is to find herself an alpha male, and then make him a faithful family man, dispersing all women from him. But everything is not so simple. The fact is that the presence of many women in the environment is one of the most important qualities of a strong and classy man. The subconscious of a woman evaluates men in the first place just by their popularity among other women. And since a woman's desire to be with an alpha male is deeply instinctive, when a man becomes family and homely, the wife often ceases to perceive him as an alpha, and the subconscious mind begins to look for a new, stronger and dominant male.

    That is, the female consciousness wants family values: care, help, protection, money - and all this against the background of fidelity, fidelity and once again fidelity. But the female subconscious wants to see an alpha male next to her, that is, a man who is popular among other women.

    And most importantly, most women end up relying on their subconscious. That is, when a woman feels that there is no more love (that is, instincts no longer recognize a man as a suitable male), she leaves. And no family values ​​will stop her. And this is the most difficult test for a man - a family man.

    What is a man to do in light of all this? Do not listen to a woman, but do everything your own way!

    A woman wants you to be around more often - but in fact, when you are around, she gets bored with you. It is necessary to leave her alone more often, but when you still see each other, let it be a holiday for her. Maximum positive and passion in feelings.

    She wants to be the only one, but if you have other women, she will appreciate you more. She will be angry, jealous, but will definitely appreciate more. (It doesn’t have to be mistresses. It’s enough just to be popular. And even if they are mistresses, it’s better for the wife not to know about specific cases. It’s enough for her to feel your demand.

    Well, the main thing that a man should have is personal comfort. That is, if the desires of a woman at least minimally contradict yours, you must follow your desires.

    Thus, if you are relatively recently together, then it is quite possible to switch to such an updated relationship format. But what to do if a woman has already completely “Fixed” you and you see that she will leave soon? I saw such situations live, moreover, I even went into the shoes of the "Corrected and Abandoned Husband" myself.

    Experience shows that without a divorce - at least a temporary one - the situation does not resolve itself. And I have never seen a problem solved on the initiative of a man. The woman always takes the first step. Namely: she either leaves altogether, or finds herself an impudent and popular lover among women.

    Only then does a man get a chance to improve his own life. He can find a mistress (or better than several), and live for his own pleasure.

    You say: some kind of unexpected ending. The marriage broke up, nothing new is said. But no! Experience shows that as a result, the ex-wife very often (I would even say: almost always) returns to her old husband. It's simple: after a while, she discovers that her ex is also a real and quite demanded male, but at the same time also a close, familiar, and generally a good person (it’s not for nothing that she once got along with him.

    In general, the conclusions for men are very simple. First, you should never follow the desires of your woman, because the woman herself does not know what she really needs. Secondly, if you want to have a mistress, get her. In the event that you and your wife are destined to part, you will still part, but for you this divorce will be much less painful. Only in the event that you are already a "Corrected" man - get ready for serious trials. Cyril Hun.

    It is difficult to imagine a man who says the phrase: "Let's meet with me." Pairs are formed somehow spontaneously. People begin to go on dates, call up more often, spend time together at home and after a certain period come together or decide to get married.

    So is there any point in trying to find out if a girl wants a relationship or not, when you can just deploy so-called hostilities around her? If she willingly makes contact, agrees to go to the cinema or restaurants with you, answers calls and even starts writing herself, then this means that she is not against this novel.

    If you encounter various obstacles, for example, she responds in monosyllables and reluctantly in correspondence, finds excuses to once again refuse to walk together, and avoids meetings in every possible way, this means that relations with you are not included in her plans.

    There is nothing wrong with starting to show sympathy for a girl without even being sure that she likes you. I can recommend Marina Komissarova's book Love. Defrosting Secrets". In it you will find a lot of advice on creating a harmonious relationship with a woman whose feelings you are not sure.

    Everything in life is scary to do only the first time. It does not matter whether this novel ends in a happy marriage or you spend several months of your life on them. After that, it will be much easier for you to communicate with the opposite sex, and the process of conquest will not cause horror. This experience will be very helpful.

    Sometimes girls refuse guys in relationships. However, this does not mean that they can change their mind. This does not mean that girls do not know what they want. Here it is understood that girls have their own reasons why they refuse guys in relationships, although they may actually want them.

    If a girl does not want a relationship, do not give up. Better understand the reasons for her refusal. Well, if the girl herself will tell you the reason for her unwillingness to have a relationship with you. If it turns out to be not so frank, then you will have to find out the reasons yourself. It could be:

    1. A recent breakup in a relationship, after which the girl suffers greatly or even misses her ex.
    2. Negative attitude towards love in principle (perhaps due to a bad relationship with an ex-boyfriend).
    3. Lack of interest in a new guy.

    While the girl does not want to have a relationship with you, you can just become her good friend for a while. You do not need to be her friend, otherwise she will write you down in the friend zone, from which you will not get out later. You just need to periodically communicate with the girl, walk, show your interest, but clearly make it clear that this will not last long. You intend to have a serious relationship. If a girl does not want to be with you, then you will turn your attention to other beauties.

    Why does a girl not want a relationship with you? Here sometimes it is not even necessary to find out specific reasons. It is important to understand one thing: if a girl refuses, then she does not like you. Accordingly, the most effective way to win her heart will be to transform into the guy of her dreams.

    If a girl refuses to have a relationship with you, then she doesn’t like you (appearance, character, habits, attitudes, etc.). For a girl to want to become “yours”, you just need to become her ideal. If you can guess what kind of guys your girlfriend likes, then you just have to become like them.

    There are many answers to the question “What does a woman want”, but all of them can be divided into very beautiful and very truthful.

    Very beautiful answers, it seems, were invented by the women themselves: "What a woman wants, God wants." Someone very rightly remarked on this subject: “Does God really want a Louis Vuitton handbag and a mink coat?”

    And here are the truthful answers to the question “What does a woman want?”:

    1. The situation when the girl herself does not know what she wants (Motives are far in the subconscious)

    Girls living with emotions and feelings often behave strangely. They constantly change decisions and opinions, are not prone to introspection. Such a woman is guided by emotions and feelings instead of at least sometimes having dialogues with her “common sense”

    "Clinical" picture: I sleep with Kolya, I meet with Vadim, I will marry Sergey.

    2. The situation when a girl knows what she wants, but won't tell you

    This game is called “Try it, guess it”: the girl knows what she wants, but she will never say it out loud, unless she has a good trick on your head:

    "Clinical" picture:

    Man: - Well, what are you offended by?
    Woman: Nothing
    Half an hour passes.
    M: - Lena, but I see something wrong.
    J: You don't even know?
    Two more hours pass
    M: Bunny, baby doll, musik ... Well, tell me, what's wrong? Is it because I came late yesterday?
    J: Do you think it's okay?
    And rushed ....

    3. The situation when a girl knows what she wants and tells about it

    Such a situation seems to be desirable for a man, but for a woman this method is less effective. The fact is that direct requests are regarded by men very wary. And getting the desired ring or even attention with the help of insults, seduction, reproaches and other manipulations turns out to be much easier.
    The psychology of a woman has two sides and the book "What Women Hide" is something that is not talked about.

    A woman wants to receive signs of attention, to feel the only, magnificent, secure, in demand, desired .... Harmonious relations between a man and a woman depend on what a woman wants and what and how much she will receive, and how she will receive it. How to allocate resources for a woman? How to manage it and your needs? How not to overdo it? Not "spoil"? Do not get bogged down in obligations? How to get a return?

    Answers to these questions, on which much (without exaggeration) depends in personal life, can be obtained in a book that will tell you what the true psychology of a woman is.

    Despite the fact that a woman is a mystery, scientific facts about the female body can clarify a lot in trying to solve it.

    1. The diameter of women's hair is half that of men's.

    2. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

    3 Women blink twice as often as men.

    4. A woman's attachment to a man is stronger than a man's to a woman. Therefore, women, as a rule, are more eager to start a family. This is due to increased levels of oxytocin, as well as the fact that women have better developed parts of the brain (ventral putamen, pale nucleus and frontal part of the brain) where long-term attachment is concentrated.

    5. Women burn fat more slowly than men - about 50 calories per day.

    6. Women have stronger immunity.

    7. The corpus callosum in the female brain is thicker than that of men and has 30% more connections. This is why women are better at multitasking.

    8. A woman's tongue has more taste buds.

    9. Women have more pain receptors, but due to estrogen blocking inflammation, women generally have better pain tolerance.

    10. Women better than men distinguish colors, since color discrimination is directly related to the X chromosome.

    11. Women's skin is 10 times more sensitive than men's.

    12. Women's breasts do not contain muscle tissue.

    13. In the muscles and ligaments of women, there is more elastin than collagen, so women are more flexible.

    14. Women are much better than men at distinguishing high-pitched sounds.

    15. The electrical activity of the female brain during sleep is reduced by only 10%, so women's sleep is more sensitive.

    16. Women are better than men at distinguishing shades of sweet taste.

    17. Women are worse than men in space. Parallel parking succeeds in 82% of men, in 71% - on the first try. For women, the result is deplorable. Only 22% can do it, 2/3 of them will not do it on the first try.

    18. Two brain centers are responsible for speech in women, so a woman can easily pronounce up to 8,000 words a day, use up to 3,000 sounds and up to 10,000 non-verbal signals. The same figures for men are two times lower.

    19. From birth, women have a better sense of smell than men.

    20. In 80% of women, one breast (usually the left one) is larger than the other.

    21. Women have well-developed peripheral vision. In men - tunnel.

    22. Women's breasts react to temperature. From heat, it becomes softer, and the nipples increase.

    23. The time of onset of female orgasm - from 10 to 20 minutes. For men, an average of four minutes is enough.

    24. The female neck is more mobile, therefore, when she is called out, she, as a rule, turns her head. A man usually turns his whole body.

    25. Baldness is an X-linked recessive trait that men inherit from their mother.

    26. Due to the presence of two X chromosomes, complications and chronic diseases are less common in women.

    27. Women cry on average 30 to 64 times a year, men - only 6-17 times.

    28. 30% of women experience a craving for inedible things during pregnancy.

    29. Elevated levels of the hormones progesterone, cortisol and estradiol, especially during ovulation, increase women's feelings of anxiety and insecurity. Therefore, a woman is intuitively better than a man feels threatened.

    30. Each kilogram gained by a woman increases the weight of her breasts by 20 grams. There is also an inverse relationship.

    A woman does not know the limits in alcohol. How to learn to drink in moderation?

    1. It is not recommended to drink all alone, even if it's just beer. Wrong opinion about its harmlessness. Beer alcoholism is more difficult to treat.
    2. It is better to drink with friends or relatives, they will help you stop in time.
    3. You should avoid unfamiliar companies or those where they drink excessively. High risk of succumbing to their influence.
    4. It’s good when a person is present at the celebration who is able to control the rest and prevent anyone from getting drunk.
    5. It is important to know your alcohol measure and learn to comply with it.
    6. Before visiting guests, you need to plan your departure home in advance. It is better if it is a taxi or public transport. Drunk driving is strictly prohibited.
    7. In no case should you drink low-quality alcohol, this can lead to severe poisoning.
    8. Another well-known rule is not to drink on an empty stomach. In such a situation, alcohol acts faster and stronger. Therefore, an hour before drinking alcohol, you need to eat.
    9. Attention should be paid to the parallel intake of drugs, not all of them are compatible with alcohol.
    10. And most importantly, never force yourself to drink. It is better to be sober than to poison your body through force.

    - ... The gloomy second month is walking, I just don’t recognize her! Although she should be sad! Married to the man she loves, expecting a child. They have a good apartment, they made a new renovation for themselves, they are wealthy, the husband wears it in his arms ... And then she asks me the other day: Aunt Masha, but can you do a DNA test so that the husband does not find out? Cut off a hair from him and from a child, and bring it for analysis. I, he says, read it in a book, where the heroine did this. What do you think, is this all true or fiction? Do you need your father's consent for an examination?

    On a long-distance train, two middle-aged women were talking quietly - apparently, random fellow travelers.

    Wow, questions. Some strange, to be honest, from a happy pregnant woman. Well, a book and a book, you think, I read it and forgot it. What does it matter if it's true or not? Why would she?

    So I say - Katya, do not be dark. Let's tell everything in order! So she gave me everything...

    So, it turns out, she doubts that her husband is the father of the child, or what?

    Yeah. That's it, our quiet one. It turns out that they quarreled with Cyril, with the groom, a week before the wedding. Vryzg, to snot. Although neither for her, nor for him, this is not typical at all. But... You know that pre-wedding jitters? Both are tired, nervous, every little thing seems like a disaster ... In general, Katerina packed her bag for the night and went to the subway, confident that there would be no wedding, all in tears. And rightly so, nose to nose ran into a former classmate. You could say first love...

    Yeah. Like in the movies…

    That's for sure. Well, this bloke instantly saw that the girl was in disheveled feelings. He took pity, stroked his head, wiped his snot, took him by the hand, and led him to the nearest bar. In general, word by word, glass by glass ... and the next morning my Katyukha woke up in a strange bed with her first love ...

    She was horrified, got ready, dressed and ran away from there without saying goodbye. The man was still sleeping. I caught a taxi on the street and went to my apartment - my parents bought her a studio, it is still empty. After some time, Kirill called, then he came to put up with the flowers ... In general, a week later, as it was on schedule, they celebrated the wedding, went on a trip, and then she had a delay. And from whom, it is not clear ... These are the cases.

    And what, she really does not assume who the father of the child is? Wow ... My grandmother, a model of wisdom, told me a lot of smart things, and so she, I remember, claimed - a woman, they say, always knows from whom she gave birth. It turns out, not always? Granny was wrong ... And what is the time limit?

    The term is not very long yet, the tenth week. She tells me, Aunt Masha, maybe have an abortion then? I'm still making it. And tell Cyril that he has a miscarriage? I say - Katya, don't be a fool. Do not take a sin on the soul, what an abortion. Just put it all out of your head, all this ill-fated night, and don't even think about it. And you don't need DNA. Don't be smart! Kirill is delighted to the point of insanity with the child. Yes, he is the father! Ninety-nine chances out of a hundred! Bear, give birth as if nothing had happened ...

    And what do you think would be a great sin in this situation - an abortion or the birth of a child who is probably a stranger to her husband?

    Tell your husband the truth, and the sooner the better?

    Or maybe it’s better to give birth first, try to find out who the real father is, and confess to her husband only if the dad is not him? DNA examination must be done - you need to know the truth, right?

    Or is it not worth even thinking about any DNA? Just put the situation out of your head and live as if nothing had happened. All the same, now nothing can be corrected, but everything can be made worse easily?

    Video What a woman wants, even she herself does not know))))

    - Girl, did you dance yesterday in your underwear on the table? - Am I on the table? In underwear? You just left early!

    When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem like ladybugs to him. Only our guys, like real gentlemen, can open the door in front of a woman and say: "Come on more often!"

    Many women think that they know everything about their partners, while men insist that women, on the contrary, are impossible to understand. Many of these misunderstandings lead to unnecessary fights and strained relationships. So before you become suspicious of your partner's behavior, try to understand why he does it! Here are 9 things women really don't know about men or don't want to take into account.

    1. He doesn't want to change

    Although many women think differently, unfortunately men cannot be forced to change. Therefore, do not flatter yourself, thinking that a bully can become a gentleman only at your whim. The more a woman puts pressure on a partner, the worse - so it's better to accept him with all his shortcomings. Otherwise, your relationship is meaningless.

    2. Ultimatums don't work.

    There always comes a moment when a woman puts forward an ultimatum to her partner. This situation negatively affects relationships due to a lack of trust and interest. Most men think that their lady is bluffing and do not really believe in the seriousness of her intentions. Remember that an ultimatum is a very powerful tool and you must be prepared for its consequences.

    3. He is not your father

    There is a fundamental difference between a man who wants to share his life with you and a fatherly attitude. Women, on the other hand, want their partner to take care of them, but not limit and allow a lot. The problem is that in a couple, mutual respect and a joint approach to solving problems are important. If one of the parties does not understand this, there is no chance for a successful relationship.

    4. Intermittent neglect

    Most women go crazy if their partner doesn't respond to messages right away. By the way, men do not always immediately pay attention to your messages. If they have a job or a meeting, don't expect a quick response. Rather than despair that your partner is ignoring you, it's best to be patient.

    5. Don't cry

    This, unfortunately, is an absolutely confirmed fact: human tears contain a substance that reduces testosterone levels in men. That is, the more a woman cries and sobs, the less she attracts her partner. Of course, this does not mean that you do not need to express emotions at all. Just try to control them and don't use tears as a fail-safe tactical weapon.

    6. Don't judge

    Partners must be honest with each other, because any relationship is trust and respect. Men (even despite their turbulent past) want to be accepted for who they are. Therefore, when your chosen one begins to tell stories of the past, hold back and do not lose your temper. We all have, have had and will have our mistakes. Do not judge strictly.

    7. A man can be spoiled

    If you think that only a woman can be spoiled, you are mistaken. Men also love signs of attention and a warm attitude - for them, this is a sign that a woman cares about them and knows about all their needs. They love gifts and are happy to listen to kind words or compliments. Give them pleasant surprises from time to time.

    8. Men can be overly direct.

    Men also have their own feelings, opinions and priorities. And they can be honest and frank, although sometimes even too straightforward. Therefore, you should not react sharply to any comments that you may hear from a partner - it is better to think about what his reasons were for voicing this to you.

    9. Men can't stand being alone

    Despite the fact that men need their own space, they cannot be alone for long. They need someone to take care of them and give meaning to their lives. Men in relationships feel much better and happier than inveterate bachelors.

    Ecology of life. Do you know the feeling that you are living two parallel lives? What makes you lock inside yourself that Woman that you would so like to be?

    Are you familiar with such a state when you live two lives in parallel?

    One goes deep within you. Somewhere inside you lives that Woman who really knows, what does she want.

    She is knows what she is ... In each specific situation, she feels WHAT to say or do ... She knows what she wants to do... what kind of family...

    What kind of man does she need to be happy ....

    She is knows that brings her pleasure and enjoyment….

    She knows the truth... she is deep, real, self-confident.

    Get out of the boxes

    And there is another woman. One that interacts with everything around. She is worried and afraid. For some reason, every time she does exactly the opposite of what she wants, and knows the one that is deep inside ...

    She lives up to the expectations of everyone around, and she is comfortable with her. She does what she SHOULD and SHOULD, and this makes her soul feel disgusting over time. After all, you understand that life is passing by ... What is good for everyone around you, but not for you ...

    This is bitter, resentment corrodes your heart, a lump in your throat does not allow you to breathe deeply, fatigue binds you, and inside you want only one thing: that everyone will leave you alone!

    It is possible that you even understand that it is impossible to go on like this. That there is no more strength to live like this. Perhaps at some point in your life you even tell yourself that if something is not changed, then everything will become very bad and this smells of hopelessness ....

    Perhaps you are a successful, beautiful, accomplished woman in this life for everyone. And if you allow yourself to talk about your dissatisfaction, people immediately begin to say that you are "mad with fat." Sometimes you think: “Maybe it’s true? What am I missing?!"

    But you can't deceive yourself and you can't run away from yourself!

    And today I want to shout to you




    You were born to love and be loved, and not depend on the mood of your mother, husband, boss, neighbors, society!

    You were born to show the world your uniqueness, to show yourself, to show yourself with your best qualities, your inner beauty!

    You were born to...

    Continue this list. Write down why you came into this world. The one who lives inside you knows it! Give her your word, set her free!

    It's scary... I know... I was there too... Once upon a time.... When every word of another person in your address hurts ... When you are waiting for evaluation, approval, in order to take the next step. And if there is no reaction, then you, like a tightrope walker, freeze in the air and feel that you don’t know where the rope is to take the next step ... I know how it is ... To live not your own life.

    And today, thank God, I already know how cool it is to BE YOURSELF!!!

    What brings us to this division?

    It's simple: in childhood, we are 100% dependent on those who raise and educate us. Our mothers and fathers, grandparents, who were forbidden under pain of death to be themselves, have done everything to teach us to "fit in" with what is expected.

    And if our great-grandparents did this, adapting and saving their own lives, then grandparents, and even more so dads and moms, received such a model, imbibing with mother’s milk, as they say, without even having a conscious choice.

    And here we are, blinkered, surrounded by red flags of unconscious fears, often transmitted by the tribal system, where be yourself = death, for several generations we do not dare to go beyond these flags. Although, to be honest, no one behind these flags is hunting you ...

    Sad and scary. It's scary to be yourself. Sometimes it’s really at the level of feeling that being yourself means dying ... But, in fact,

    that's where life begins

    And, going beyond your fear, you will only begin to understand what LIFE really is! And one has only to slightly touch the freedom and the opportunity to be oneself, - no one else will ever drive you back into the dead zone of servility and fear that no one needs you, the real one!

    Let's change our lives together! It's not so scary when you're not alone. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

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