How much does it cost to open a studio. How to open an atelier: step-by-step instructions for your business! Niche in the market

Clothing designer, fashion designer, cutter, tailor - all these professions, whose names sound in the masculine gender, can be combined with one female concept "modiste". This word may be a bit old-fashioned, but it very accurately reflects the essence of the profession.

This is not an easy craft - to make women beautiful, to anticipate their desires, to give advice on choosing the style of outfits. A spectacularly dressed woman is never left without attention. Let's talk about the secrets of creating beautiful, stylish, exclusive women's clothing with a virtuoso of his profession, the owner of a small home atelier, a modern fashionista Svetlana Skopova.She is very popular among Caucasian fashionistas. Mineralnye Vody who want to have in their wardrobe outfits sewn for them by the hands of the Master.

The main theses of the interview with Svetlana Sokolova, the owner of her own atelier

  • Type of activity: atelier at home
  • Occupation before starting business: seamstress, merchandiser
  • Starting date of business activity: 2000
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • The amount of initial investment: 100,000 rubles.
  • Source of initial capital: loan funds
  • Return on investment: about 6-8 months
  • Initial income: 10-12,000 rubles. per month.
  • Success formula: "My business is my life"

Svetlana, answer as a professional and practicing milliner: “What does a beautifully dressed woman mean?”

Is it not easy to convince a woman to accept your version of the future outfit?

It happens differently. There are women who immediately and unconditionally agree with my proposal, trust the choice of style, fabric, accessories. And there are ladies who stubbornly defend their point of view. But I don’t want the client to be disappointed as a result, even with her decision. Then I try to demonstrate her choice as clearly as possible, often the reaction is similar to shock. Most often, eloquence and reality win, the lady capitulates, and I sew her outfit according to my vision, based on experience and intuition.

A beautifully dressed woman is always on top

Spectacular blue dress with an open back

Was it difficult for you to choose your craft? How did you start your business?

Perhaps my choice was born and grew with me. As long as I can remember, probably from the age of 5, I constantly sewed something, invented, dressed up my dolls. Then she began to sew for herself, for her mother. But it was an amateur stage, I came to the profession later. Despite my passion for sewing, I considered it only as a pleasant pastime, a hobby. And she dreamed of becoming a lawyer, getting the profession of a lawyer.

But mothers know us better. It was she who at one time took me by the hand and took me to an educational institution related to the sewing business. Now it is not known whether the lawyer corps has lost a great professional in my person. But it is clear that my mother was right.

What kind of education did you receive?

I have a secondary technical education. She graduated from the Voronezh Industrial Pedagogical College in 1997. By profession, I am a sewing production technician, a master of industrial training.

What was the most difficult thing about starting a business? What barriers had to be overcome?

The first barrier is to buy a good sewing machine. 10-12 years ago it was quite problematic. I wanted good equipment, but there is nowhere to buy it. A big deficit was high-quality sewing accessories, special fabrics. The choice of good matter was also limited. I had to work with what I had and what I had.

Sewing machine - the main tool

But even on a simple sewing machine, from unpretentious fabrics, without special devices, it was possible to sew good outfits. I have always had clients, the lack of orders has never become a barrier in business.

Overlock machine

Do you want to learn how to open a tailoring workshop? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with.

Any business starts with start-up capital. How much did you start with and, if not a secret, where did you manage to find it?

There is no secret. When I decided to seriously engage in business, I took a loan from a bank. It was an amount of 100 thousand rubles. I used it to buy equipment. But if you open such a business today, you will need b about more amount. You can calculate:

  • The purchase of a good, multifunctional sewing machine - 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Overlock purchase - 15-20 thousand.
  • You definitely need a steam generator - 18-20 thousand.
  • Large mirror - 2-5 thousand.
  • Mannequin - at least 1 piece, this is 6-7 thousand.
  • Hangers-silhouettes - 2 pcs. 3 thousand rubles each.

Mannequin and hangers-silhouettes

Various little things (threads, scissors, centimeters, pins, crayons, etc.) - 5-10 thousand.

It turns out the amount of about 100-120 thousand rubles. To it you need to add the costs of paperwork for starting a business and a financial reserve in order to pay bills for electricity and other utilities for the first time. Let's add the payment for the rent of the premises, but this is in the event that it is rented. If you work at home, then you can meet the amount of 150 thousand to start working.

If clients appear and there are financial inflows, then this money will quickly return (in about 6-8 months), and you will begin to make a profit and satisfaction.

The machine is always at work

Working on an order

How much has your income grown since you started? Did the forecasts and expectations come true?

In the first months independent work my income did not exceed 10-12 thousand per month. It was 10 years ago. I planned to receive 5 times more. After 2-2.5 years, I was already easily earning this amount. But time goes by, desires and needs grow. New frontiers and projected revenues are emerging. Now I set myself the goal of reaching the 100,000 mark. But so far this is not a close prospect. The crisis had a painful effect on my business.

Today, not every woman will allow herself such a luxury as individual tailoring of outfits. Pleasure is not cheap, and the competition is great. Now there are almost as many women's clothing stores as grocery stores. In them, things are cheap and affordable, you don’t need to go to try on. And the exclusive takes time and imagination.

If we talk about forecasts, they came true. And expectations are very ephemeral. Something comes true, is carried out, but a fresh idea, a dream comes. And you are waiting for new realizations, incarnations. The main thing is to have the desire to make dreams

Workplace. Everything is at hand.

How is the price of your work formed today?

The price for the work consists of several components. For example:

  • order lead time,
  • model complexity;
  • electricity costs (a lot of it is required: this is the work of sewing machines, a steam generator, good lighting is required for sewing);
  • rent and taxes.

Each region of the country has its own price list for sewing services. I use average statistics for the CMS region. They can be viewed on the Internet. There are a lot of points, all types of work performed on tailoring the model are taken into account.

If you name a specific price for tailoring products, then I can name the following amounts:

  • tailoring a skirt will cost the customer in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • dresses - from 3 to 5 thousand;
  • trousers - from 2 thousand;
  • evening dress - from 7 thousand rubles, this category is the highest paid, the cost of tailoring a product can reach large double-digit numbers (for example, sewing a wedding dress that is not the most complicated will result in 20 thousand rubles).

Evening Dress

What form of business and taxation have you chosen?

I . Taxation system - UTII. All their financial questions I decide myself.

The best way to maintain tax records for small companies is the Internet accounting "My business". With the help of this service, any entrepreneur can independently and at the same time without any problems keep accounting records for his company.

Do you consider it a plus that you are a sole trader? Has this moment affected the payback period of investments in the business?
Of course it did. Since I work alone, I do not need to pay salaries to employees, make deductions to Pension Fund and the Social Security Fund. I only pay tax to the FIU as an individual entrepreneur and tax to the IFTS.

Plus, I see that I myself am responsible for my work. As the saying goes, if you want a job done well, do it yourself. The whole process of creating an outfit: from the selection and purchase of accessories, and, if necessary, fabrics, to the finished product - I prefer to conduct it myself. Only in this way can I fully vouch for the quality of the product.

Completed order on a mannequin

Do you have to deal with regulatory authorities? With firefighters, SES?

Since I work at home, the inspection bodies do not bother me. I myself have a vested interest in keeping my home clean and safe. Well, if suddenly they want to visit me - please. We will solve all questions!

Of course, it is more difficult to please a woman than the inspectors! Have you ever tried to change your occupation, to do something less troublesome? After all, your work is not easy, and sometimes very ungrateful.

Yes, there was such a fact in my working biography. I wanted to work "like everyone else" - in the morning to work, in the evening from work, 2 days off and annual leave. For a year she worked as a merchandiser in a huge supermarket. But still, it's not for me. Again I returned to sleepless nights over the implementation of urgent orders, communication with customers, finding the right materials, choosing styles, joys, disappointments, the throes of creativity and happiness from success.

Of course, this is not easy and requires a certain type of character. I am an unshakable optimist, and there is also such a word: vocation. Someone is called upon to defend the Motherland, someone to teach, someone to heal. And I'm sewing!

One very famous couturier calls himself a tailor. He is proud of this and emphasizes that not a single idea of ​​the most ingenious fashion designer, not a single perfectly tailored model will come true if it is sewn incorrectly. It is the tailor who ultimately creates those products that we admire when we see them in a picture or on a catwalk. The tailor sews suits and dresses in which women look amazing. I also call myself a “tailor” and am also proud of this title.

What is your business for you? What part of life does he occupy?

My business is my life. It is so filled with it that, even while doing other things, I constantly think about my work. Fortunately, my family understands and supports me. We are happy to discuss prospects, plans for the future, styles of outfits with our daughter. She especially likes to choose models for herself. She is almost a bride, she is 14 years old.

You have many regular customers. Who are they?

There are many customers. And it's not just individuals. I take orders for the so-called extras. This is tailoring of costumes for groups. Among my customers are the Helios dance group, the Kazachok children's choir, and the theater studio. I sew costumes for city events, for example, for the 2013 meeting, she designed and sewed a snake costume. It turned out to be a real masterpiece. And how many Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens are sheathed - do not count.

But I love custom tailoring. Here you can really create, create outfits that you can then be proud of. It's really great to see how a woman has changed in a dress sewn by your hands. How stylish and harmonious she looks.

Suit for Santa Claus

Snake Costume

Children's choir in costumes from Svetlana

Dance ensemble costumes

Dance Ensemble Helios

In such suits only to win!

What do you mean by "style"? What should a stylish woman look like?

Style is a broad concept. I have a VKontakte group, which is called

Despite the variety of goods in stores, it is often difficult for a customer to choose the right clothes. The client may not be satisfied with the size, quality of tailoring or material, style and design. Most of the products on offer today are not very good quality from cheap blended or synthetic fabrics. It is these clients that make up the target audience of the studio. In the article, we will consider the business plan of an atelier for the repair and tailoring of clothes.

Atelier for tailoring clothes from natural fabrics is a good alternative to clothing stores. The final cost of clothing is comparable to the store, since the cost of work in the atelier does not exceed the trade margin.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening an atelier

In the table below, we consider the advantages and disadvantages of the business of opening an atelier. It can be noted that the main the target audience– people who need tailor-made clothing (they can be obese people or want to look more fashionable and elegant).

Here are some Gomkomstat statistics on clothing turnover. Central is the leader federal district(~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). The retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

Regions leaders and outsiders in buying clothes (Gomkomstat data)

From the diagram, we can conclude that it is most effective to open an atelier in the Central Federal District in Moscow, since it is there that the greatest demand for buying clothes is. The tailoring business in the Far East and North Caucasus districts will bring the least profitability.

How to open an atelier from scratch: registering a business in the tax

For registration in the tax atelier, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main benefits, as well as the required list of documents for each of the forms of business. When registering for OKVED, choose the main activity: 52.42 "Retail trade in clothes", 52.42.1 - "Retail trade in men's, women's and children's clothing", 52.42.8 - "Retail trade in clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders and etc.)”.

Form of business organization Benefits of using Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small studio (50-80m²). Number of staff 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • certified application by a notary in the form No. P21001;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used to open a large studio (>80m²), take loans, and scale.
  • application in the form No. Р11001;
  • charter of LLC;
  • a decision to open an LLC or a protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to UTII or USN.

By law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

If you provide services to the public, you can use the BSO (Strict Accountability Form) rather than the cash register.

OKVED codes for registration of an atelier:

  • 18.10 - production of leather clothing
  • 18.2 - tailoring of accessories and clothes from textiles;
  • 18.21 - production of overalls;
  • 18.22 - making outerwear;
  • 18.24 - tailoring of accessories and other clothes(for the main studio, select this code) ;
  • 52.41 – retail textile and haberdashery
  • 52.74 - repair of clothing and household items that are intended only for personal use and are not available in other groups.

How to open a fashion studio (case study by Masha Umanskaya)

In an interview, Masha Umanskaya will talk about the intricacies of running a fashion studio.

Atelier business plan: project presentation

We choose large cities (as shown above, Moscow is better) with a large number of solvent customers interested in individual design and preferring high-quality fabrics. We focus mainly on the female audience.

We repair textile products in parallel. The business plan includes the presence of a store of European high-quality goods. Price categories in the store - from everyday to evening.

To ensure the constant workload of equipment and staff, it is possible to make clothes that will be sold outside the atelier (in our opinion, it is better to focus on individual tailoring, rather than sewing everything in a row).

We exhibit product samples in the reception hall on mannequins. Opening hours - from 10 to 20 hours seven days a week, on Saturday and Sunday we work 1 hour less.

Room selection

We choose high-traffic areas for the atelier, the first floors of residential buildings, shopping centers or consumer service complexes.

It is better to start with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room - up to 50 m². As the business expands, we move to a larger premises, but located nearby so as not to lose customers.

The studio business plan provides for at least 3 types of premises:

  1. Reception room with fitting rooms containing samples of fittings and fabrics.
  2. Cutting and sewing workshop, where ironing and processing of fabrics are performed before cutting.
  3. Sanitary technical rooms - pantries for washing supplies, a toilet, a room for eating.

We provide lighting for seamstresses' workplaces according to special standards, which are five times higher than the requirements for living quarters. Professional sewing equipment requires a voltage of 380 volts.

Other conditions for the premises are minimal: good ventilation, light walls that can withstand frequent wet cleaning, the absence of surfaces that trap small sewing waste.

If the business is planned to expand and manufacture wholesale batches of products, we will entrust some of the operations to seamstresses at home to save rent.

Initial Costs

First, we buy a minimum of sewing equipment, then we buy more as needed. Equipment list:

  • sewing machines, overlockers - 150,000 rubles;
  • mannequins - 10,000 rubles;
  • ironing equipment - 40,000 rubles;
  • furniture for the reception and sewing room - 40,000 rubles;
  • repair - 200,000 rubles;
  • accessories - 20,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods for sale - 100,000 rubles.

Total - 460,000 rubles.

To save money, you can buy used equipment, only you will have to pay a mechanic who will check and install it.

Atelier advertising

After the preparatory events, we launch advertising, making it in the form of an announcement. We start the advertising campaign a few weeks before the opening.

  • information on bulletin boards in the area of ​​the workshop;
  • ads on the Internet, print media, local television;
  • distribution of invitations to mailboxes;
  • mutual advertising in partner stores.

First, we cover the residents of the nearest microdistrict. We offer discounts on tailoring and repairs. Gradually we form a circle of regular customers from other territories, using advertising in the media.


Initially, we hire two seamstresses, one cutter and two clerks, who also perform the duties of shop assistants. Requirements: work experience, references from previous employers.

We transfer accounting services and work on cleaning the premises to third parties under an agreement. For one-time orders, if necessary, we involve a designer.

Sellers are given a fixed salary of 12,000 rubles (average for Russia), shop employees - a permanent minimum payment and 1/4 of the value of completed orders.

Costs in the first year of operation

Consumables are included in the price of the order. They will cost about 20,000 rubles / month.

  • Rent of premises, utilities - 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising - 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of accessories and fabrics for the store - 40,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions, including payments under contracts - 60,000 rubles.

Atelier profitability

  • The cost of an average order is about 350 rubles. We predict 9 orders per day.
  • The annual total revenue is planned to be about 1,100,000 rubles, after deducting salaries and deductions - 850,000 rubles.
  • The average order for tailoring is 3,000 rubles, the amount per year is 1,350,000 rubles.
  • Sale of fabrics without tailoring - per year up to 800,000 rubles. Total revenue - 2600000 rubles.
  • Income from the sale of finished products - up to 200,000 rubles with a subsequent increase.

With an increase in the number of orders, we attract additional employees and purchase equipment. Advertising costs are gradually decreasing. Taking into account taxes, investments will pay off in 1-1.2 years.

Read related articles on selling clothes for adults and children: and.

Evaluation of the attractiveness of a business by a magazine site

Business Profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business Attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
The atelier is a promising business in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, since it is there that there is a high demand for the purchase of new clothes. The payback period for initial costs is ~1 year. It is important to have tailoring experience, as only through high-quality work it will be possible to ensure repeat sales.

Each person allocates a separate expense item to the purchase of clothing - this is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Some people prefer to buy in the markets and thrift stores, while others devote a lot of time, as well as spending a lot of money to create an individual style, acquiring branded brands.

The advantage of the direction of the business is the absence of large investments, since one person who knows sewing skills is enough to open a workshop.

Opening an atelier is a business idea that allows you to realize the skills of a seamstress and earn income due to the endless demand for the service.

There are a number of advantages that indicate the feasibility of opening a mini-studio:

  • there is always a need for repair and tailoring;
  • the likelihood of receiving expensive orders from customers;
  • carrying out restoration work with clothing;
  • to open an atelier, you can limit yourself to an amount of 200 thousand rubles;
  • quick payback of the enterprise.

Before you open your atelier from scratch, consider the range of services provided. It is not necessary to be limited to repair or sewing for individual orders. Design designer outfits and sell at the sewing workshop. If you wish, focus on one direction. Offer tailoring services for wedding dresses or suits, workwear, and seasonal clothing.

Work out a detailed business plan for a sewing studio, make calculations to understand how much investment will be required at the initial stage.

To organize a clothing repair business, there is enough space for an atelier with no more than 2 jobs.

A business plan for an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes on the scale of a wide-profile enterprise will require large areas, the purchase of expensive equipment and the hiring of specialized specialists.

At the stage of planning an atelier for a small business with calculations, decide in what form the created business from scratch will work.

There are several studio options available:

  • clothing repair;
  • tailoring narrow profile;
  • on tailoring on the basis of individual orders;
  • designer clothes;
  • franchised.

It is not difficult to develop a business plan for a clothing repair studio. It is much more difficult to create a broad-profile enterprise that provides a wide range of services.

Atelier shop

A universal opportunity to open an atelier that combines the production and sale of clothes at the same time.

The entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell:

  • goods of own production;
  • fabrics for fulfilling orders according to individual projects and sketches of the client and related accessories;
  • clothing purchased from another manufacturer.

The combination of all types of activities within one store will increase the average number of customers and profit, but it requires additional material costs for organizing a business.

wide profile

An option that implies a large initial investment for the purchase of the necessary equipment. Pay attention to the selection of personnel with experience in the sewing business.

The advantage of organizing a wide-profile workshop is a quick payback, the terms of which do not exceed 1-2 years.

Clothing repair

The provision of clothing repair services does not allow you to earn a lot of income, but the organization of the workshop requires a minimum investment. The main thing is the experience and skill in the work.

The primary task of a novice entrepreneur is to develop a client base, and then think about developing a business. To organize a clothing repair studio, a room not exceeding 20-25 square meters in area is sufficient. m. It is allowed to re-equip the apartment and open an atelier.

Tailoring narrow profile

A narrow-profile atelier will bring profit only if the location is chosen well. The demand for workwear will be constant if the chosen premises are in proximity to an industrial or manufacturing enterprise, factory, civil registration offices, salons providing wedding services.

With this option, save money on technical equipment, since equipment with a limited set of functions will be required.

Home-based business

Before you open a clothing repair shop, consider whether you should start by organizing a workshop at home. To do this, allocate a room for the installation of the necessary equipment and start working with small volumes of orders.

The benefits of this activity include:

  1. Minimum investment.
  2. They don't pay rent.
  3. No LLC or sole proprietorship required.

Opening a franchise studio

Working under the supervision of a promoted brand will allow you to quickly gain customers, however, the initial investment amounts to millions of rubles.

The task of the entrepreneur is to achieve a level of quality of the manufactured goods, which allows obtaining approval from the owner of the chosen trademark. You will save on advertising, but spend money on acquiring a franchise and purchasing the necessary equipment.

The payback period for a franchise-based business is 4-6 months. Of all the options, this method is the fastest payback, but requires millions of dollars of capital investment in the initial stages.

Again, you will have to periodically pay for the right to use the brand, and these are additional costs.

The first thing that is required to implement the idea is the initial capital. Opening a workshop for the repair and tailoring of clothes is one of the costly areas of business, and it will not work to open a business from scratch without investments.

To organize the work of a small studio, an amount equal to 300-500 thousand rubles will be required.

The figure is conditional, since the final amount of costs depends on:

  • the cost of renting the premises chosen for the studio;
  • the price and quantity of equipment required for the purchase;
  • the staff of hired employees and the level of wages in the region of entrepreneurship;
  • advertising costs for the services provided.

The minimum amount for the organization of a separate workshop for tailoring and repairing clothes is 200 thousand rubles.

In the first months, the income received will hardly cover the expenses, therefore, the ready-made business plan of the atelier is calculated taking into account the monthly costs, without taking into account the potential income.

The second thing to pay attention to is hiring qualified personnel who can immediately start working without the need for training or adaptation to working conditions.

The best option is to hire one professional and several interns who are trained by practice. In the future, you will independently “nurture” specialists of a decent level, which will ensure an increase in the quality of the services provided.


Traditionally, the choice of an entrepreneur is offered 2 forms of registration of activities: IP and LLC.

If you create a mini-workshop where you plan to work alone, then registering an entrepreneurship is enough in the form of an individual entrepreneur, but if a staff is hired or a business is opened jointly with a partner, then it is better to legalize the activity in the form of an LLC.

Familiarize yourself with the OKVED codes and select the appropriate ones for the planned type of activity.

In addition to registration with the registration and tax authorities, you will receive permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

Unlike a business in the field of food production, it is easier for an organizer of a clothing business to obtain the necessary permits.

Equipment and inventory

The most expensive part of organizing a sewing business from scratch without a franchise is the purchase of equipment.

The minimum set of equipment includes:

  • sewing machine - the number of units is calculated based on the staff;
  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • tables for cutting work;
  • irons and ironing boards;
  • expendable materials;
  • mannequins;
  • fitting rooms and equipment in them;
  • lighting.

The specified list is approximate and takes into account the equipment necessary for the organization of the production workshop. If you plan to sell ready-made clothing and accessories, then add the cost of equipping the sales floor.

Transport is indispensable, since the production of clothing will require the purchase of material and related consumables. Immediately work out the supply channels for fabric, thread, and other “consumables” for sewing equipment.

Tailoring and repairing clothes is a delicate task that requires concentration and proper working conditions. Therefore, pay special attention to the choice of premises.

The first thing that matters is location. The services provided must be in demand. Rent a space near densely populated residential areas if the range of services includes only clothing repair.

If you plan a full-fledged tailoring of overalls, then, based on the specifics of the activity, rent an area near an enterprise or organization that can provide customers.

The second requirement is power supply. Sewing equipment is powered by the mains, therefore, the wiring in the room must withstand peak loads during the operation of the production workshop without the threat of failure or fire.

The third is lighting. Provide the right level of light in the shop, which will reduce the risk of manufacturing defects, as well as increase the level of productivity and worker comfort.

The area of ​​the premises is calculated based on the volume of production. For example, to organize a clothing repair workshop, a room of 10 square meters is enough. meters. Some individual entrepreneurs work in small containers located in the markets or rent rooms in the mall.

To provide a range of services, including tailoring, repair and production of your own clothing line, you will need a room of at least 50-60 square meters. m.

The presence of a bathroom and a recreation area is a must. The norms of labor legislation oblige the employer to ensure proper working conditions and standardization of the work schedule.


The sewing business is predominantly manual labor. Modern equipment facilitates the work of a seamstress, but it is impossible to achieve results without experience and skills. As already noted, at the initial stage, repairs and tailoring are carried out on their own, but subject to the availability of specialized education or work experience.

At the same time, train employees, thereby saving money on wages. With an increase in the qualifications of workers and the number of orders, the production process will improve to automatism with minimal risk of defective production.

At the interview stage, focus on the analysis of practical skills, rather than oral acquaintance with work experience and existing skills.

In addition to the "backbone" of workers responsible for tailoring and repairing clothes, you will need to hire:

  • cleaner responsible for the cleanliness of the premises;
  • accountant - the duties of the employee include maintaining the financial affairs of the atelier;
  • lawyer - a specialist whose duties include supporting the legal part of the activity.

When developing a business plan, consider payroll costs. In the first months of work, salaries are paid to employees out of their “pocket” until the studio reaches profitability indicators. In the future, transfer the employees of the sewing workshop to piecework pay, which will additionally stimulate high-quality and fast work.

Service Advertising

Consumers should find out about the opened atelier, otherwise they will have to stand idle waiting for the client for a long time. Moreover, every day of downtime will result in a large amount for the business owner. Wages, rent, utilities - these are the items of expenses that the entrepreneur pays, regardless of the presence of orders. In order to manage to cover the costs, you will need to invest money in advertising the services provided.

Start with social networks. Creation of a specialized thematic group. Buy advertising in "publics" with at least 10 thousand subscribers. The key task is to find a group in social network, focused on residents of the region in which the atelier is open.

Run promotions and discounts. For example, offer the client to use the repair services twice and on the third visit, the consumer is exempt from payment.

Focus on seasonality. With the onset of the warm period, people hide winter and spring shoes, after putting them in order.

Risks and payback

Entrepreneurship involves risks. It is impossible to say for sure that an open atelier will generate income.

Success depends on the following factors:

  • the amount of initial investments - insignificant investments in the business will not allow you to receive sufficient income for business development. A clothing repair shop will cover the minimum material needs, but the level of income will not exceed the average wage;
  • the range of services provided - from repair to the production of clothing, requires investment, but does not guarantee a return on payback indicators;
  • qualifications of workers - inexperienced seamstresses will “provide” marriage and loss of reputation at the development stage, which will lead to additional costs and a decrease in consumer demand;
  • location - the number of clients directly depends on the choice of the location for opening the atelier. High traffic guarantees constant small orders with the prospect of further growth in a full-fledged atelier.

Remember that a client who once used the services of an atelier will evaluate the work according to the result. If you allow negligence or an unprofessional approach, you will lose a consumer of services.

If we talk about payback, then, as with the issues of prospects and riskiness of opening an atelier, it is impossible to predict the period for reaching profitability indicators.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 150 000 ₽

Starting investments

155 000 ₽

50 000 ₽

Net profit

6-8 months

Payback period

Atelier is a women's business that is quite simple to organize with minimal investment. As in many other areas of activity, the basis for success is the skill of the staff and location.

Atelier is a business that is quite simple to organize and is considered a female occupation. You can open your own atelier at minimal cost and in a short time. If you know how to sew and dream of opening a mini-business, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe atelier will suit you.

Market Review. The relevance of the studio as a business

In the field of consumer services, which includes atelier services, for recent times there is an increase in demand. According to statistics, each year the atelier opens twice as many as it closes. Annual growth in this area is about 10%. Even in times of crisis, atelier services are in demand, because people start saving on clothes and more often turn to ateliers for repair services.

The two main services of the atelier are tailoring and repairing clothes. In the past few years, the demand for tailoring has declined - the market is overflowing with ready-made products, which, moreover, are often cheaper than tailor-made products. Everyone knows the situation with modern light industry: the overproduction of inexpensive and low-quality Chinese clothing has "corrupted" the taste and culture of the consumer. He has lost the habit of repairing his dress, generally loving him, respecting and treating him with care. The consumer has long been accustomed to throwing tons of everything at the nearest trash can, immediately buying a ton of new, "from the latest collection." Therefore, today the services of a seamstress are more often used by people who need to refine their clothes - shorten their trousers, fit them, etc. That is why in shopping malls clothing repair shops began to open.

Atelier can be conditionally divided into two categories. The former rely on wealthy clients, the latter, on the contrary, on people with below-average incomes. Accordingly, the range of services is slightly different. The first category of workshops is focused on the creation of individual clothing - for example, business suits. Profit is made up of the execution of several, but expensive orders. Such a business, as a rule, rests on wealthy and regular customers who go to the atelier year after year. The second category of workshops fulfills small orders and makes money on their quantity.

Benefits of an atelier as a business:

    studio services are in demand in any locality;

    high demand for this type of service, even in times of economic instability;

    opening an atelier requires minimal investment, which can be recouped in a few months;

    a small studio needs a minimum of equipment and tools. The main thing is a good master.

Many people think that opening an atelier is very simple: you find a room, buy a sewing machine, and you can expect profit. However, in practice, things are not so rosy. Many studios burn out and close, never reaching a payback. In order for the business to develop successfully, one should take into account many nuances, research the sales market in advance and draw up a business plan for the atelier. Therefore, we will consider in detail each stage of opening an atelier and the features that need to be taken into account.

Who can open a studio

A seamstress, a tailor, a cutter can open their own business. Usually the owners of the atelier are good craftsmen who understand the intricacies of sewing and know the market. This would be the preferred option. However, even if you are far from the sewing business, you can realize yourself in this business as a manager, and entrust all production work to hired employees. And yet, many note that the atelier - especially with the service of individual tailoring - is, first of all, creativity. Therefore, without a soul here is impossible. Knowledge of the specifics of work and an individual approach to each client will help to achieve success in this business.

Market analysis

Before opening an atelier, you need to study the sewing services market in your city. It is important to understand if there is a free niche: you can determine the approximate number of ateliers using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. Find out the cost of your competitors' services, the service they offer. In addition, you will need data on the composition of the population in the area and income levels to identify your potential clients. The collected information will allow you to assess the prospects of the business and decide what competitive advantages you will have.

List of studio services

At the next stage, you need to determine what exactly the studio will do and what contingent its services will be oriented to. In addition to custom tailoring, you can also repair, restore or remake. Depending on the list of services, equipment and staff are determined. For example, if you plan to provide an individual tailoring service, then you need to impose certain requirements on the seamstress.

What services can the studio provide to clients:

    hemming, shortening clothes;

    design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom are very often in demand);

    repair of old things (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

    replacing zippers, steaming, repairing and making pockets, altering buttons, replacing a collar or cuff, etc.;

    sewing carnival costumes for children (in demand before New Year's parties);

    tailoring of school suits;

    tailoring copies of famous designers (also in demand, as it is still cheaper than the original);

    sewing curtains;

    urgency of order fulfillment (20-50% of the cost of work is added).

It is recommended to start with a clothing repair studio, and then, having built up a client base and gaining a foothold in the business, move on to individual tailoring. The cost of opening a clothing repair shop is much lower than that of tailoring.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what your competitors are offering and lower yours a little. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But be careful with price dumping - do not work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs. To understand the calculations, draw up a business plan with cost and income calculations and analysis of strengths and weaknesses business. In addition, you will definitely need a business plan if you decide to take a loan to start a business.

Studio registration

How to register a company for tailoring and repairing clothes? In order to conduct commercial activities, you need to register your business. You can choose the form of sole proprietorship or LLC. The difference is that if you are the sole owner of a business, it should be registered as an individual entrepreneur. This will greatly facilitate the management accounting and simplify the terms of taxation.

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  • What documents are needed
  • What equipment is required
  • How to attract customers

Multi-colored dresses and sundresses, light windbreakers and jackets with fur, children's suits and pajamas with appliqués - which is just not available in modern stores and shopping centers. But even with such an abundance, there will always be those who want to sew a dress or suit to order, especially since the price / quality ratio today leaves much to be desired, since either inexpensive goods from China are sold on the market, or clothing prices are unreasonably high. Finding a really high-quality and stylish thing is not so easy. It is even more difficult to choose clothes for a person with a non-standard figure. Therefore, the sewing studio remains relevant in small towns and cities. Another thing is that only real professionals can run this business, who not only have an idea about the sewing business, but know all the secrets and nuances of the sewing business.

Sewing business: where to start

You need to start by studying the market and determining the services that the studio can provide. If there is an establishment nearby that specializes in sewing clothes for women, it may be worth opening an atelier for men. Or include in the list of services that competitors do not provide. The more services - the more customers you can attract in a short period of time.

Here is a sample list of services for clients;

  • tailoring by individual order;
  • copying models of famous designers;
  • design and tailoring of evening dresses;
  • repair of old things.

The list can be shortened or expanded, depending on the capabilities and desires of the entrepreneur, but it is worth thinking over it well before starting to draw up a business plan for a sewing studio

How to choose and decorate a room

A small studio, in your apartment, but it is preferable to immediately rent a room. For this, areas in shopping centers or the first floors of houses in residential areas are suitable. Consider the pros and cons of such a lease.

In shopping centers

  • high traffic, hence easier to attract customers
  • buyers who need to take in or shorten a newly purchased item can contact.
  • there is security.

In living quarters

  • difficulty in attracting customers;
  • additional costs for security or signaling;
  • the difficulty of finding an atelier, despite signs and signs.

For the premises of the studio, an area of ​​at least 25 square meters is suitable. m., and it should house a room for receiving visitors, a fitting room and a room for work at the rate of 7 sq. m. per person.

What documents are needed

To conduct legal activities, you need to complete all the documents. First of all, you should register as an individual entrepreneur and indicate OKVED 93.5 “Provision of other. personal services to the population"

Depending on the services provided, you need to choose, for example, OKVED code 18.22 for the production of outerwear or OKVED code 52.74 "Repair of household and personal items not included in other groups."

After that, you need to get permits from the SES and the State Fire Supervision.

What equipment is required

For a small studio you need a minimum set of equipment
  • sewing machines - 3
  • cutting table - 1
  • overlock - 1
  • mannequin -1
  • iron - 2
  • ironing board -1
  • rack -1

Everything will require from 75 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to turn on lamps, patterns, scissors, needles, threads, zippers, buttons. That is, another 30 thousand rubles will be required. Furniture for the visitor's room - 25 thousand rubles.

How to find qualified personnel

Many owners of prestigious studios hire only employees with at least 3 years of experience. Although in some cases they accept graduates of vocational schools, who are trained specifically to work in their institution. The main thing you need to pay attention to when taking seamstresses is the accuracy of seams, cutters - so that the fabric does not “ride” in the first minutes.

To begin with, 1 cutter and 2-3 seamstresses will be enough, who can receive from 30 to 40% of the order and 1 cleaner. It is likely that other employees will agree to perform the functions of a cleaner.

How to attract customers

The key to a service business is customer acquisition. Advertising campaign is, of course, needed. But for a small studio, it makes no sense to spend money on serious advertising. Enough posts on social networks, bright signs and signs. It is possible to get good customers through paid advertising on the Internet.

The promotion of the atelier is also possible thanks to special “chips”, for example: a cutter's visit to the house, the purchase of fabrics, sewing on credit, etc.

You can also talk to the sellers of the nearest stores, who are interested in selling as many things as possible. They can reassure and direct customers to you who need to sew or hem a thing.

How much does it cost to open an atelier in 2019: the profitability of the enterprise

Depending on the city, the location of the atelier, the cost of materials and equipment, the cost of opening an atelier may be different. If you include the repair of the premises, the purchase of equipment, paperwork, advertising, you should count on the amount of 180 thousand rubles. Every month you will have to spend money on taxes, salaries to employees, rent, purchase of consumables, depreciation.

Earnings will depend largely on the number of services provided. Sometimes it is possible to earn no less or even more on the repair and “fitting” of things than on orders.

With the work schedule of the atelier from 10 to 20, you can take 15 orders per day from 200 to 500 rubles, as well as 5 orders for 1500 rubles and more. But to put a patch, for example, it will take 3 hours, and to sew a dress - at least 3 days. A good atelier can receive an average of 20-25 orders for tailoring and 200-250 for repairs. Earnings per month can be from 70 thousand rubles, while net income will be 30-35%.

The costs, as a rule, pay off in a period of 3 months to a year, and if desired, it will be possible to think about expanding the business or include new "chips".

It's good to open a franchise studio. We can offer several options.

  • "IMPERO exclusivemanufacture" - atelier-shop of men's clothing - 350 thousand rubles.
  • "Agile weaver" - a network of ateliers for urgent clothing repair - 100 thousand rubles
  • "Calabrio" - a network of shops for individual tailoring of business suits - 274 thousand rubles.

Although there will be more costs, the promotion of the enterprise will not be required. You can choose any option. The main thing is that sewing studios are in demand and their services are in demand.

Download business plan for a sewing studio

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