The left and right hemispheres of the brain respond. What are the left and right hemispheres of the brain responsible for and how to develop them? Video: Brain Fitness

As scientists have long proven, the hemisphere on the left side is responsible for the verbal. Everything related to our speech, perception of letters, writing and much more. Without this opportunity, we would not be able to remember anything, not a single date would be able to be fixed in memory.

Asking yourself the question of what the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for, you can easily answer - all the information given to the human brain is processed, analyzed, and put in order with the help of it. The brain is the most complex part of the human body that people study to this day. And most importantly, almost always, its new possibilities are revealed. For centuries, scientists in various fields have studied what the human left brain is responsible for, and there are always some new discoveries.

Is it true that the left hemisphere is responsible for logic?

The left hemisphere is actually responsible for logical thinking. Many famous people who have a slightly more developed left side are very erudite and achieve great success in life. Although, in fact, statistics indicate that in most people this side of the brain is developed in more. But each person has an individual level of brain development.

Speech skill also depends on it, because the left hemisphere is also responsible for. People with a poorly developed left hemisphere are considered underdeveloped, they have practically zero memory and sometimes they are assigned some mentally retarded diseases. The most important advantage of the human brain is that it can be constantly developed.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability for logical thinking, systematization and critical thinking. In a harmoniously developed person, both hemispheres work harmoniously and balance each other. We train and achieve excellence.

3. We load the right side of the body

All actions are performed with the right hand. Left-handers will have a hard time, and right-handers, for whom it will not be difficult, can be advised to do gymnastics, where more attention is paid to the right side of the body: jumping on the right leg, tilting to the right.

4. We do massage

On our body there are points corresponding to different organs. The points located on the feet at the bases of the big toes are responsible for the cerebellum. A little lower - the points of both hemispheres. By massaging such a point on the right foot, we activate the left hemisphere.

5. We develop fine motor skills of hands

With the tip of the little finger of the left hand, touch the tip of the thumb of the right, and with the tip of the little finger of the right - the thumb of the left. The thumb of the left hand will be at the bottom, and the right - at the top. Then quickly change the fingers in places: the thumb of the left hand will be at the top, and the right - at the bottom. We do the same with the index and ring fingers.


Positively affect the activation of the left hemisphere and exercises that improve the relationship between both hemispheres.

  1. At the same time, with the left hand, we stroke ourselves on the stomach, and with the right hand we tap on the head. Then we change hands.
  2. With one hand we draw a star in the air, and with the other - a triangle (or other geometric figures, the main thing is that they are different for different hands). When we get one exercise easily and quickly enough, we change the figures.
  3. We draw the same drawing with the right and left hands at the same time, observing mirror symmetry.
  4. With the left hand, take the right ear, and with the right hand, the tip of the nose. Let's clap our hands and change hands: with the right we will touch the left ear, and with the left - the tip of the nose.
  5. Improve coordination of movements and develop both hemispheres of dancing, in particular tango.

As you know, our brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right, to each of which there are nerve pathways from the sense organs and from all organs that have sensitivity (for example, pain or tactile - tactile). At the same time, the right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands to the left arm, leg, respectively, and the left hemisphere serves the right side.

The main difference between the left hemisphere and the right one is that only speech centers are located in it and the processing of all information entering the left hemisphere occurs with the help of verbal-sign systems. The left, as it were, splits the picture of the world into parts, into details and analyzes them, building chains of cause and effect, classifying all objects, building schemes, sequentially sorting through everything that falls into the sphere of its perception or is retrieved from memory. This takes time, the left hemisphere acts relatively slowly. The right hemisphere, in which there are no centers of speech, grasps the picture of the world as a whole, simultaneously including the entire concrete reality into consideration, not breaking it into parts, but synthesizing a holistic image in the totality of its concrete manifestations. It specializes in the processing of information that is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images. The right hemisphere is fast.

Thus, the left hemisphere can be called analytical, classificatory, abstract, algorithmic, sequential, inductive. We can say that the left hemisphere is characterized by rational-logical, sign thinking.

The right hemisphere corresponds to such characteristics as holistic, synthetic, concrete, heuristic (from the word "eureka!"), parallel (simultaneous, not sequential), deductive. It is also called emotional. He is characterized by visual-figurative, intuitive, creative thinking.

The left hemisphere is responsible for our ability to read and write. The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can make up different stories. The right hemisphere is also responsible for the ability to music and visual arts.

Usually, one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-brained people are more drawn to science. Right hemispheric people are more inclined to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right-brained" people.

All modern civilization is predominantly left-brained. All learning in our culture is left-brain dominant. Alas, most people ignore the innumerable possibilities lurking in the right side of the brain. There is still an underestimation of the importance of intuition and intuitive knowledge.

At first, a child is a pronounced right-hemispheric creature, but gradually the left hemisphere of the brain also begins to connect, and from about the age of two years, the most important functions (primarily speech) pass to it.

In this regard, a few words about early childhood education, which is becoming more and more fashionable. Is it always justified? Perhaps in this case such an important principle of education as timeliness is violated. Tatyana Vezel in her article "Lefty - is it good or bad?" (magazine "Motherhood") writes: "In recent times the fashion for early learning is gaining momentum. Parents compete, demonstrating the ability of kids to read, write and count. By violently encouraging the early activity of the left hemisphere, they literally rape children, stimulating its activity, even if this activity is not there.

If the right hemisphere manages to accumulate the necessary baggage before the victory of the left, then everything is in order. If not, then the left hemispheric roll can "block" the right brain, leaving the psyche forever. this person depleted. It will be more difficult for him to become himself, and therefore a unique, inimitable creature, which all people were originally conceived of."

So the early development of children has not only pluses, but also minuses. But these "minuses" can be avoided if you strive to ensure that both hemispheres of the child's brain work harmoniously. And for this, harmonious development is needed, without a narrow specialized focus, which means that it is necessary to deal not only with the development of the child's intellect, but also with his emotional and physical development.

The benefits of harmonious work of the hemispheres of the brain are enormous. This is a kind of key that allows you to open the door, behind which the huge potential of a person is hidden.

There are also special exercises aimed at developing the right hemisphere. Let's describe some of them here.

1. Visualization exercises.

When you have a free moment, sit the child next to you and offer a little fantasy.

Let's close our eyes and imagine a white sheet of paper on which it is written in large letters your name. Imagine that the letters have become blue... And now they are red, and now they are green. Let them be green, but the sheet of paper suddenly turned pink, and now it is yellow.

Now listen, someone is calling your name. Guess whose voice it is, but don't tell anyone, sit quietly. Imagine that someone is humming your name, and music is playing around. Let's listen!

And now we'll touch your name. What does it feel like? Soft? Rough? Warm? Fluffy? All have different names.

Now we will taste your name. Is it sweet? Or maybe sour? Cold like ice cream or warm?

We learned that our name can have a color, a taste, a smell, and even be something to the touch.

Now let's open our eyes. But the game isn't over yet.

Ask the child to tell about his name, about what he saw, heard and felt. Help him a little, remind him of the task and be sure to encourage: “How interesting!”, “Wow!”, “I would never have thought that you have such a wonderful name!”.

The story is over. We take pencils and ask to draw a name. The child can draw whatever he wants, the main thing is that the drawing reflects the image of the name. Let the child decorate the drawing, use as many colors as possible. But don't drag this out. It is important to finish drawing at a strictly defined time. At this point, you yourself think about how much to allocate for drawing - a slow kid needs twenty minutes, and a hasty one will draw everything in five minutes.

The drawing is ready. Let the kid explain what these or those details mean, what he tried to draw. If it is difficult for him to do this, help: "What is this drawn? And this? Why did you draw this particular one?"

Now the game is over, you can rest.

You probably guessed what its essence is. We led the child through all the senses: vision, taste, smell, forced him to engage in activity and imagination, and speech. Thus, all areas of the brain had to take part in the game.

Now you can come up with other games built on the same principle. For example: "Name-flower" - draw a flower that we could call our own name; "I am an adult" - we try to imagine and draw ourselves as adults (how I will be dressed, how I say what I do, how I walk, and so on); "Imaginary gift" - let the kid give imaginary gifts to his friends, and tell you how they look, smell, what they feel like.

You are stuck in a traffic jam, you are on a train for a long time, you are bored at home or waiting in line for a doctor - play the suggested games. The kid is delighted and does not whine: "I'm bored, well, when will it finally ...", and the parent's heart rejoices - the child is developing!

We offer you another visualization exercise called "Erasing Stressful Information from Memory".

Have your child sit down, relax, and close their eyes. Let him imagine a blank album sheet, pencils, an eraser in front of him. Now invite the child to mentally draw on the sheet a negative situation that needs to be forgotten. Next, ask, again mentally, to take an eraser and begin to consistently erase the situation. You need to erase until the picture disappears from the sheet. After that, you should open your eyes and check: close your eyes and imagine the same sheet of paper - if the picture has not disappeared, you need to mentally take the eraser again and erase the picture until it disappears completely. Exercise is recommended to be repeated periodically.

2. "Ear-nose".
With the left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with the right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands and change the position of your hands so that the right hand is already holding the tip of the nose, and the left hand is holding the opposite, i.e. right ear.

3. "Ring". Alternately and very quickly we sort through the fingers, connecting the index, middle, ring, little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can use each hand separately, then simultaneously with both hands.

4. "Mirror drawing". Put a blank sheet of paper on the table, take a pencil. Draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. When doing this exercise, you should feel the relaxation of the eyes and hands, because the simultaneous work of both hemispheres improves the efficiency of the whole brain.

By the way, when you do something with both hands at the same time, such as playing a musical instrument or even typing on a keyboard, both hemispheres work. So this is also a kind of training. It is also useful to perform habitual actions not with the leading hand, but with the other. Those. right-handers can live the life of left-handers, and left-handers, respectively, on the contrary, become right-handers. For example, if you usually brush your teeth holding the brush in your left hand, then periodically shift it to your right. If you write with your right hand, shift your pen to your left. This is not only useful, but also fun. And the results of such training will not be long in coming.

5. And finally, one more fun exercise for children who already know how to read well.

Hello dear friends!

The brain is the heart of our nervous system. This is a kind of computer capable of processing many incoming signals.

It is thanks to his precise work that we can perform actions that are closely related to the thought process, the correct assessment of what is happening and, of course, self-awareness.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres. Their symbiosis must be harmonious, coordinated and synchronous. Only in this way will a person be able to carry out important activities in a healthy and adequate way. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The brain is a mysterious organ and scientists are still trying to solve the puzzle of the work of the hemispheres. So the world is dominated by the theory of interhemispheric asymmetry. What does this mean in simple terms?

The theory is based on the assertion that the left side of the gray matter is responsible for, and the right side for the flight of creativity and feelings. The truth is that, thanks to numerous experiments, the fate of two parts of the brain at the same time has been proven.

That is, both the left and right sides are responsible for both components of the thought process. It is worth noting that the theory has existed for a long time and at the same time, it is a leader.

Logical thinking is the area of ​​responsibility of the left hemisphere. So the personality has a tendency to analysis and mathematical miscalculations.

The left hemisphere is responsible for the sequence of processing processes, our speech, writing and. It also helps to remember and, which is not unimportant, to perceive numbers and figures.

The aforementioned hemisphere of the brain controls the right side of the body. For example, if an individual is right-handed, then, accordingly, the development of the left hemisphere is more noticeable.

The development of logic, as a type of thinking, helps to more effectively find ways out of life situations. It develops the flexibility of the mind and makes it possible to think about the incoming information more consciously and clearly.

That is why people strive to develop the work of the left hemisphere to super speed. The brain is a muscle that certainly needs to be developed and pumped. Only in this way can a person take what is rightfully his.

What features have gone unnoticed?

The left hemisphere of the brain takes control over the following areas of the body:

  • musculoskeletal function of the right side of the body and, accordingly, coordination;
  • memorization of mathematical symbols, dates of birthdays and names of people;
  • comparison of logical facts and arguments that could be analyzed from the outside;
  • literal perception. There is no place for feelings or emotions in the left hemisphere;
  • a sense of temporary space and oneself;
  • awareness of the concept of "I" and the ability to distinguish it among a crowd of individuals;
  • introvertism in the nature of humanity is also the merit of the left side of the brain.

How to understand which of the hemispheres is better developed in you?

I suggest using the following methods definitions that allow you to recognize the dominant part of the brain in both a child and an adult:

  • interlace the fingers of both hands together. If you observe from above the thumb of the left hand, then the left side of the brain dominates and vice versa;
  • start clapping your hands. Notice the hand that is in control of the clap. Often, it is on top and obeys the instructions of the opposite hemisphere;
  • with a more developed left hemisphere and in the case of crossing the arms at the level of the solar plexus, then the right hand is always on top.

Basic exercises for every day

Of course, when children develop and grow, parents must necessarily note the activity and synchronism of the work of the two sides of the gray matter. In educational institutions, the child will be able to acquire sequence skills, as well as learn the basics of the figurative and logical thought process. But how can you help if you still notice malfunctions?

Exercises for the development of the left hemisphere

1. "Ear-nose"

You need to grab the edge of your nose with your left hand. Use your right to find the opposite ear and grab it as well. Then quickly release your hands and clap your hands. The main task is to change hands in places so as not to get confused.

This exercise should be performed as often as possible for maximum results.

2. "Mirror writing"

For this study, you will need a pair of pencils or pens with a blank sheet of paper. Now equip both hands with stationery for writing at once and start drawing mirror-symmetrical letters.

I will tell you right away that a masterpiece will not come out. It will take time for the brain to understand the technique and adapt. But such a "training" is very useful for the gray matter in general, and especially for the left hemisphere.

3. "Rings"

Relax the fingers of both hands and shake them. Then begin to touch them so that the thumb, index, middle, ring and little fingers take the form of a ring when connected.

Such a procedure perfectly stimulates the work of nerve endings in the bundles of fingers and makes the brain work actively.

Definitely, the implementation of such tasks is useful. And at the same time, reinforcing them with other methods, reading, analysis and your own habit of thinking, you will achieve.

4. And finally, a good video

The more developed the personal "computer" of a person, the greater the heights he can achieve. Are we striving for success, friends?

Well, that's where I'll end my thought.

Subscribe to blog updates and recommend it for reading to friends in social networks. In the comments, tell us about what exercises you practice and have you ever met an ambidexter - a person who is equally good with both hands?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Effective gymnastics for brain development will help improve the body and develop the left and right hemispheres.

  • Man is a rational being. He perceives the world around him differently than, for example, animals, and has special thinking and logic. To understand how to develop your brain, you need to know its functions.
  • The brain can be called a computer, because its possibilities are endless. Throughout the entire span of life, a person learns something new, a lot of information can be stored in his head. He remembers only what he needs, and what is never useful is "removed" forever
  • The brain consists of two hemispheres - right and left. Each side has its own functional features - everything is analyzed in a strict order, remembered or deleted

How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain?

The left side is responsible for logic. Language skills, solving logic circuits, mathematical operations, calculating whole numbers and fractions, keeping track of time - all this is the work of the left side of the brain.

Therefore, in order to improve children's performance in school or to improve overall development, we must develop the left side of our "computer".

So, how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? You need to do the following:

  • Work on the development of logic - study mathematical algorithms, practice logical thinking
  • Solve complex geometric problems. The study of such a science as mathematics is impossible without a well-developed left half of our brain
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords - analyzing actions and making up words, the left hemisphere works better than the right
  • A left-handed person needs to do everything with his right hand: write, draw, eat. It is necessary to use the right side of the body
  • Take to Improve Brain Function

Important: Try not to get hung up on the development of one of the halves of the brain. It is the work of both halves of our brain "computer" that is valuable. Develop the left and right hemispheres of the brain at the same time.

How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain?

Above, we figured out what the left half of the brain is responsible for, now we need to work on the development of intuitive abilities and creative thinking.

The right side of the brain processes the data that comes from the senses. It allows you to synthesize the available data in your head, so a person can solve puzzles and act according to his plans, and not according to the patterns.

Developing the right half, we bring up in ourselves a holistic view of the world and reality. How to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? Do the following:

  • Listen to music - it should be classical music, not rock or pop
  • Dream, meditate alone. It is better to do meditation on the seashore or in the forest, where there is a connection with nature.
  • Draw, write poetry, compose music. Any creativity helps the development of the right half of the brain

Tip: Tune in to creativity, believe in your abilities, and the result will not be long in coming.

The brain of a baby from birth is set to learn something new. Therefore, even such ordinary activities as feeding, walking and changing diapers are educational.

Tip: Do not invent anything new in order to develop the brain of your crumbs. Don't get hung up on doing any particular activity.

In order to properly develop the brain of a child, it is necessary to provide him with only proper care.

Important: Talk to your baby even when you are picking up mail from the mailbox or making tea. Such comments help to interest the child, which means that he begins to think and develop.

Joint reading of books, games, mother's songs, dancing with a baby in her arms helps well in development. Even the usual massage and swaying before going to bed will be developing for the child's brain.

Psychophysiologists are working hard on creating methods for harmonizing and developing the brain.

Each hemisphere is responsible for its own hand, so musicians and pianists will improve both hemispheres of the brain. After all, they play musical instruments with both hands, which helps to develop the two halves of the brain well.

Brain exercises for adults and preschoolers that involve two hands are very effective:

AN EXERCISE: Grab the tip of your nose with your left hand and the left earlobe with your right hand. Then lower your hands and clap your hands. Change hands and repeat the exercise

AN EXERCISE: Sit at the table and put a piece of paper in front of you. Take a pencil in both hands, and begin to draw symmetrical mirror drawings. Let them be simple at first, like letters or numbers. If it is difficult to do this with both hands, you will first have to perform the exercise with each hand separately.

AN EXERCISE: Take a sheet of paper with both hands and wave it, using not only the hands, but also the elbows and shoulders

AN EXERCISE: Put your left hand on your right shoulder, turn your head in this direction, focusing your eyes on some object. Slowly turn your head towards your left shoulder and look over it. Repeat the exercise with your right hand on your left shoulder.

AN EXERCISE: Place your hands on the back of a chair for support. Step one foot back. Move the body forward by bending the other leg. Shift your body weight onto it. Slightly lift the heel behind the standing leg. Now smoothly shift all your weight onto the leg that is behind you. Lower her heel and lift the toe of the other leg. Repeat 5 times, then switch legs.

AN EXERCISE: Write words on paper in different colors. Repeat them as quickly as possible, and without hesitation

Chess, checkers, puzzles, Rubik's Cube, puzzles and crossword puzzles help in the development of the brain.

Gymnastics for the brain - Olga Troitskaya

The exercise systems program was developed back in the 70s. Scientists of that time conducted research with their students, each of whom performed gymnastics every day. Since then, the system has been spreading all over the world with excellent results.

Olga Troitskaya is a successful psychologist. She is great importance pays to the development of the brain, because thanks to a clear mind, a person can be happy and successful.

Important: Exercises increase the tone of the cerebral cortex, and massage of biologically active points allows you to make both halves of the brain work.


  • Crawl on the floor like a child. You can just march when you're lethargic and don't feel like doing anything. The feeling of cheerfulness will come instantly


  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart
  • Bend over, carrying shoulder to hip, not elbow to knee
  • The head turns slightly as the action progresses.
  • The mouth is not clamped, the lips are free. Only all muscles and the lower part of the face are clamped


  • Place two fingers under the collarbone (there are 2 holes in that place). The second hand is located on the navel
  • Gently massage the pits
  • Change hands
  • You also need to massage the dimples located between the 1st and 2nd ribs under the collarbones. This is a powerful neuro-lymphatic zone with large vessels coming from the heart.


  • Grasp the top of the ear, and gently massage, as if stretching back and twisting each point of the ear
  • Turn your head all the way to the left. Massage your ears, letting your head look back, go further and further away. Massage from top to bottom. When the head turns to the limit - stop doing the exercise
  • Turn your head to the right and repeat all the steps again, as with turning your head to the left


  • Grab your left shoulder in the middle with your right hand
  • Turn your head slightly to the left
  • Start kneading - as you exhale, squeeze your fingers and say "UH". Open your eyes and look like an owl
  • Turn your head slightly from side to side
  • Then grab your right shoulder with your left hand and repeat the exercise.

EXERCISE №6 "LAzy Eights":

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, knees straight and slightly bent. The body is relaxed
  • Bend one arm at the elbow and point forward. The thumb is pointing up. Fix your eyes on it. The thumb is in the midline of the body.
  • Imagine a circle in front of you in which draw a lying eight
  • Change hands and repeat the exercise
  • Then do it with both hands together - to the left and up


1 part exercise:

  • Legs intertwine
  • Extend your arms forward with your palms out
  • Put your palms together, interlacing your fingers and twisting your arms to your chest
  • Raise your tongue and press it to the sky
  • Raise your eyes up. You need to do the exercise for as long as you feel comfortable

2 part exercise:

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart
  • Lower your hands down and clasp the boat at the level of the lower abdomen
  • Lower your eyes, press your tongue to the sky

Below is a video with gymnastics for the brain of Olga Troitskaya. It contains only the exercises themselves.

Video: Brain gymnastics - become successful at any age! Olga Troitskaya. Only exercises

The brain fitness system is a specially designed exercise that helps develop and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain and develop hand motor skills.

Finger gymnastics for the brain brings many benefits. It must be done daily.

Video: What is Brain Fitness and Finger Gymnastics?

Video: Brain Fitness

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #2 Money Cards Two Barrels

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #3 Crazy Crocodiles

Video: Fitness for the brain. Exercise #4 Tie your fingers in a knot

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain - Nishi

Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi created a system of exercises to improve the body. This is done through capillary training.

Gymnastics for the vessels of the brain Nishi:

  • The simplest exercise to improve the condition of capillaries and blood circulation is called "Vibration". In the morning, without getting out of bed, lift your legs and arms up and shake them for 2 minutes. This kind of capillary massage also helps to redistribute the lymphatic fluid, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins.
  • An exercise « Gold fish» . Lying on a flat surface, place your hands under your neck, at the level of the fourth cervical vertebra. Pull your toes towards you. Tighten up strongly and reproduce vibrating movements with your whole body, like a fish

Such exercises help to reduce the tone of the nervous system, and raise the tone of blood vessels. Active blood circulation begins in the whole body, the vessels actively work and become stronger.

Here's another effective exercises to strengthen blood vessels and improve brain function:

Video: Exercises to strengthen blood vessels

  • Older people also need a lot of their body if they want to live a healthy life.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to start doing gymnastics for the brain and exercises for the elderly today. The exercises from Olga Troitskaya, which are presented above, work very well on the work of the brain.
  • Elderly people are suitable for all exercises that younger people and children. Just do them slowly and do as many reps as you can.
  • Thanks to constant exercises, lethargy, laziness will disappear, the vestibular apparatus is activated. Old man achieve full brain function

Brain Synchronization - 25 Exercises

To start developing your brain, follow these tips:

Advice: Get rid of hypodynamia - this is a problem of sedentary people. Move more - do not spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. If you do not move, the vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques, which leads to problems. brain activity.

Advice: Refrain from drinking alcohol. Alcohol kills neurons. But, if you choose between vodka, wine and beer, then beer does much less harm to our brain.

Advice: Drink 2 liters of water per day. People who are overweight should drink up to 4 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. It helps to remove waste and toxins.

Advice: When doing any homework, do it with fun and irony! The brain loves good emotions.

We have fun cleaning - both hemispheres of the brain work

As a person works on the development of muscles, so he must develop his brain. If the brain is not given daily work, it will become decrepit.

Important: If daily loads are present, then the number of gray cells increases, new capillaries appear and new synapses form between neurons.

By following these tips, you will help your brain: it will not get bored and will constantly develop:

  1. Walk around the house with your eyes closed - this helps develop coordination of movements
  2. By touch, determine the denomination of the coins that are in your pocket
  3. Learn Braille - Reading and Writing for the Blind
  4. Write with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right hand if you are left-handed.
  5. Buy unusual clothes for yourself and wear them
  6. Change your hair color or do short haircut if you had long hair before
  7. Travel, discover new cities and countries
  8. Change the interior of your home and office more often
  9. Come up with new phrases to answer questions: how are you, what's new?

Important: Why do this? Habits bother the brain, and it gets tired of the routine. Everything new is interesting to him: emotions, words, actions and places.

WARM-UP FOR THE BRAIN: Do exercises with your eyes closed:

  • Calmly and deeply inhale 10 times
  • Slowly count out loud from 1 to 100, and vice versa, from 100 to 1
  • Imagine a pink circle in your head, then, with the help of a turn, mentally remake it into a square, triangle, trapezoid and rhombus
  • Speak the alphabet, coming up with a word for each letter, for example, "A - watermelon"
  • Mentally look at yourself from the outside. Look at all the details of clothing and accessories. Think about the way you smile
  • Read any text backwards

Brain Sync Warm Up

EXERCISE "AMBULANCE": Write the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper, and under them L, P or V. Letters from the upper lines are spoken aloud, and from the lower lines they are performed by hands (L - the left hand rises up, P - the right hand rises up, B - both hands rise up). It is difficult to do all this at the same time, although it seems simple at first glance.











Now let's remember physical education exercises, which, as it turned out, help develop the brain and make it work synchronously:


  • Reach out with your elbow right hand to the knee of the right leg, and with the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the left leg - repeat 12 times


  • Reach with the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the left leg, and with the elbow of the left hand to the knee of the right leg

It will take only 2 minutes to complete these exercises, and the effect will be felt immediately - the head will become “fresh” and “brightened”.

Specialists and experts in the field of brain development give very valuable advice to those people who are working to synchronize their brains. If you do them at least once a week, progress will definitely appear.

Brain Sync - Clock on the other hand
  • Advice: Finger gymnastics helps to develop the neural work of the brain. Unclench and connect your fingers, complicating the task and doing the exercise through one finger
  • Advice: Swap items on your desktop. This will force the brain to look for new solutions. But don't do it too often so your brain doesn't get used to it.
  • Advice: Say aloud twenty female or male names. Mentally imagine these people and how they smile at you. Wish them all a good day
  • Advice: Once a week, go to bed with your head to the other end of the bed. This is unusual for the brain and it will not be able to fall asleep quickly, but we must try.
  • Advice: Change the hand on which you wear the watch. At first you will experience inconvenience, but then you will no longer notice it. Change hands again after 7 days
  • Advice: When cleaning the house, fold things nicely, but out of place. After that, the brain will have to work and remember where things and objects lie after cleaning.
  • Advice: Solve various logical tasks. They can be found in collections, children's magazines or online.
  • Advice: Once a week, think about what you have achieved in a week. Make plans for the next week, highlighting the main events
  • Advice: Sometimes write letters to yourself, which will talk about the mistakes made during the week. Do not feel sorry for yourself, write down even small troubles so that next week you will be even better.


  • Sit on a chair and cross your legs
  • With the foot that is on top, draw circles in the air in a clockwise direction
  • After that, draw a circle counterclockwise with the finger of your right hand - the leg continues to move clockwise


  • Take a blank sheet of paper and paint it with a felt-tip pen or pencil to decorate it completely in one color.
  • List all the associations that you have with this color. For example, red - cherry, watermelon, flag and so on


  • Count to 20 and back, but skipping a number that contains, for example, 3 or that is divisible by 3


  • Pick up a newspaper and read any first word that comes across
  • Make ten with this word different offers quickly and without hesitation
  • Place both palms on your stomach - left hand on right
  • Exhale as if blowing out a candle
  • You need to perform this exercise for one minute.


  • Sit on the floor and spread your legs wide
  • Now get up sharply without using your hands
  • During this exercise, both hemispheres of the brain begin to work in concert. A sense of balance is important. CAUTION: You may fall during this exercise.


  • Close your eyes and imagine any letter in your head
  • Name up to twenty objects out loud with this letter, for example: one is a tank, two is a tractor, three is a throne, four is oatmeal, and so on. The faster you name the words, the better.


  • Stretch one hand forward, straighten your thumb and draw in the air 8
  • Do 4 of these repetitions. Change your hand
  • At the end, do gymnastics with both hands


  • Raise both hands up
  • Draw in the air - a square with one hand and a star with the other
  • As soon as the exercise starts to work out, change hands. To complicate it, come up with drawings of other shapes.

Now let's learn how to do physical exercise for brain synchronization. After performing such gymnastics, both hemispheres of the brain will learn to work simultaneously.


  • Sit on a high table with your legs swinging freely
  • Spread your fingers apart and place your fingertips together, keeping your hands in front of you.
  • Perform swinging movements with your hands. Fingertips should meet each other

Important: If you want to complicate this exercise, connect your toes. Make swings with your hands and bringing your fingertips together, spread your legs. With your arms apart, bring your legs together.

Brain Sync - Crossing Arms and Legs


  • First, swing your arms in front of your torso at shoulder level. Palms should be facing the floor
  • After a while, start swinging and crossing behind the body - at the level of the buttocks
  • Keep doing the exercise, joining the movement of the legs
  • When moving to the right, bring the left foot in front of the right, and the right foot in front of the left when moving to the left

Another similar exercise:

  • Do a cross leg as you move
  • Step to the side - cross your left foot over your right
  • One more step with the right and put the left foot
  • Repeat the movement in the opposite direction


  • Stand up straight with your feet together. Place your hands over your head. Jump and swing your arms back to the sides, spreading your legs. Jump back to starting position
  • Follow the previous movements with your legs, and stretch your arms in front of the body, moving them up and down
  • Move your arms to the sides, legs - jumping back and forth from foot to foot, as while walking


  • Turn on any classical music
  • Position yourself as a conductor stands in front of the orchestra
  • Raise your arms at shoulder height with one arm higher than the other
  • Draw eights lying in the air: the left hand writes to the left, the right hand to the right
  • After that, draw an inner arc and repeat all the exercises in the opposite direction.


  • Right hand on head, left hand on stomach. Pat your head and stroke your belly in circles at the same time
  • Stroke your stomach with your left hand clockwise, and with your right hand do strokes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left collarbone in the other direction


  • Imagine a pencil on the tip of your nose
  • Draw figure eights in the air
  • When this exercise succeeds, write names and surnames in the air


  • Prepare a lemon and a chair
  • Lie on your back, place a chair behind your head. squeeze a lemon between your feet
  • Raise your legs so that you can put a lemon on a chair
  • Lower your legs, then lift them up, and take the lemon from the chair, returning to the starting position.

Tip: Young people in good physical shape can put a lemon on the floor behind their heads instead of on a chair.

Important: It is good to perform a “birch tree” and a headstand along with this exercise. Such gymnastics will help stimulate cerebral circulation.


  • Sit in a chair and relax with your back straight. Place the index and middle fingers of the right hand on the bridge of the nose
  • Lightly close the left nostril with the ring finger and inhale slowly through the right nostril to the count of 8.
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds. Then press down with your thumb and close the right nostril, exhaling slowly through the left nostril, counting to 8
  • Hold your breath for 4 seconds, and inhale again, counting to 8, but now through the left nostril


  • Sit on the floor in Turkish style and close your eyes
  • Take a few breaths, directing the air flow deep down the abdomen. Aperture should work
  • Concentrate on your breathing. Say “OM” as you inhale, and “AH” as you exhale.

We strengthen memory - we yawn widely


  • Close your eyes and yawn wide
  • Massage tense areas in the lower and upper jaw at the same time
  • The yawn should be long and loud. Repeat exercise 3-6 times


  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Put your hands under your head and interlace your fingers. Without unclenching your arms, rise and at the same time turn around, resting your elbow on the floor
  • Left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. Repeat this exercise 5 times on each side.

EXERCISE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MENTAL POWER(helps to increase the accuracy of movements):

  • Find depressions on the forehead, above the eyebrows
  • Apply light pressure with your fingertips for one minute. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times

Stay healthy and don't forget to share useful information with your friends and relatives. After all, perhaps this will help them prolong their life, and live it happily and successfully!

Video: 3 minutes lesson for life! Harmonization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain

Video: How to develop the brain?! How to become much smarter than others?!

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