Effective exercise for the press at home. Exercises for the press at home. Body lift with ball throw

Every girl dreams of a toned figure with a neat tummy and a spectacular silhouette. And any young lady can fulfill such a dream, regardless of age and weight.

The secret of gaining a wasp waist and expressive relief lies in the combination of two important principles - competent training and a balanced diet.

Alas, it is unrealistic to remove fat from the body only in certain areas, and, limiting yourself to only performing abdominal exercises, you will not be able to achieve the desired cubes on the tummy if you are overweight.

The same applies to diet - changing the diet will help you lose a few pounds, however, at the same time, the stomach will not acquire the desired relief.

Therefore, the issue of forming an ideal figure should be approached comprehensively. In this article, we will look at only part of the path to a slim body - popular abs exercises for women that can be done at home.

Main principles

At school physical education lessons, everyone rocked the press. Alas, the exercises shown by teachers often turned out to be not only not the most effective, but in some cases they could openly harm health.

Achieving a beautiful press at home is quite realistic, given a few basic nuances.

  • The division of the press into upper and lower is conditional. The muscle responsible for the appearance and shape of our tummy is actually one. It begins in the area under the breast, and below is attached to the pubic bone. Accordingly, any exercise for the press works out this particular muscle.
  • Pumping oblique abdominal muscles to remove fat from them is pointless. Such exercises only increase the volume of the waist, and the only way to remove fat from the sides is the general drying of the body.
  • You don't need to do abdominal exercises every day. After a quality study, the muscle will recover within 2 days, so training every other day is the most correct strategy.
  • The optimal duration of the entire complex for the press is about 20 minutes. It is not necessary to perform these exercises separately from the general workout if you are also working on the back, chest, legs.
  • It is imperative to do a warm-up before training in any case. Within 5-7 minutes before the start of classes, it is advisable to dance, do circular gymnastics, bends and lunges, etc.
  • The most important condition for success is the correct observance of the technique for performing each of the movements. During the entire workout, there should not be an increased load on the lumbar and cervical spine.

Complex for beginners

Leg raise

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. On inspiration, under control, we raise the bent legs as high as possible, tearing the buttocks off the floor. On exhalation, we return to the original position. The best result will allow you to get the same exercise with fully extended legs. Turning your head in this position is strictly prohibited: there is a high risk of injury to the neck.

Turning leg raise

Lying on your back, we take our hands in different directions to an angle of 90 °, we raise our straight legs up. From this position, alternately lay both legs in different directions, leaving the shoulders pressed to the floor. When inhaling, the legs should be as close to the surface as possible, while exhaling, return to their original position.

"A bike"

We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees, cross our fingers behind our heads. Lifting your shoulders off the floor, you need to stretch your left knee to your right elbow, while straightening your right leg. On the exhale, we return to the original position and do the same movement in a mirror image. The higher the shoulders are raised from the floor, the greater the effect of such a load.


Lying on your back, hands lie under the waist. The legs rise to a height of 10 cm from the floor, after which they perform a movement that imitates scissors - they move and move apart.

Mahi in a lying position

Pressing your lower back to the floor and straightening your arms, raise your legs above the floor. Alternately raise straight legs to an angle of 45 degrees, without lowering the heel of the lower leg to the floor.

Each exercise should be performed until a slight burning sensation is felt. There will be a quick result from classes only if each complex is performed 2-3 times.


Separately, I would like to mention the truly universal Plank exercise, which helps to strengthen not only the abdominal area, but also the muscles of the arms, legs, and back. To do this, it is enough to rely on the toes of the legs and palms (or forearms), and stretch the whole body into a string. The longer you manage to stay in this position, the better the firming and fat burning effect you can get.

Advanced training

If you have been doing fitness for a long time, then simple exercises even with a large number of repetitions, they may not give the desired result. The complex on the press should be complicated, giving preference to more complex exercises.

Leg raise from lying position

Athletes with experience should do it with straight legs, if possible, turning the feet behind the head. Ideally, if the movements are done at a slow pace, and the legs will constantly remain on weight, without touching the floor. It is important to fix the position of the lower back, to avoid any pain in its area.

"Letter V"

Complex movement with a large amplitude. Lying on your back, straighten your legs and stretch your arms behind your head. Due to the muscles of the press, we raise the upper and lower parts of the body so that the side of the body resembles the English letter V.

In the final position, it is advisable to linger for a few seconds, then lie down and repeat the exercise while inhaling.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar

Any horizontal bar will do, during the hang on which you do not touch the ground with your feet. In this position, you need to raise your legs above the pelvis. If it is too difficult to perform the exercise with straight legs, it is permissible to bend them at the knees. During the execution of the complex, it is important not to swing on the horizontal bar.

Exercise "Vacuum"

If your goal is not the notorious cubes, but a flat tummy and a neat feminine waist, the Vacuum exercise will give an excellent effect. To perform it, you need to stand straight, slightly tilt the body and rest your palms on your hips.

We take a deep and slow breath in through the nose, exhale through the mouth, after which we pull the stomach under the ribs to the maximum and hold our breath for a few seconds.

After that, repeat the exercise 9 or more times. While breathing, it is important to keep your back as straight as possible. If this position is uncomfortable, you can rest your hands on the wall in front of you.

How to pump up the press faster so that cubes appear?

If problems with overweight you don’t, it’s enough to perform a complex on the press 3-4 times a week, and the desired cubes on the tummy will be visible in a month.

However, if the abdomen and sides are covered with adipose tissue, then more effort will be required to obtain the desired result.

First of all, abdominal exercises will have to be supplemented with a complex of aerobic and strength exercises to help you shed excess weight faster. It can be any fitness class, Pilates, running, Nordic walking, stepper classes, etc. The ideal option is 4-5 well-chosen workouts per week for up to an hour and a half.

The diet will also have to be radically changed - pastries and sweets, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, semi-finished products, canned food - should become completely prohibited products.

Drying the body can be an effective solution. This is a complex procedure lasting up to 3 months, which provides for predominantly protein nutrition, a complete rejection of refined carbohydrates, sweet fruits and salt. The basis of nutrition should be protein foods with a minimum fat content:

  • chicken breast;
  • some varieties of fish;
  • seafood;
  • a small amount of eggs (preferably quail).

You can consume vegetables with a high fiber content, as well as some types of cereals. From cereals, foods with a low glycemic index are acceptable: buckwheat, millet and unpolished rice.

Drying is a rather serious procedure, which can be performed only after consulting a doctor and in the absence of contraindications. Too rapid weight loss is fraught with problems with the female genital area.

Worth remembering

In order to achieve a toned figure and spectacular press with cubes by independent training, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • correctly selected training complexes must be performed every other day, making at least 2 repetitions;
  • it is important to make dietary adjustments, refusing at least pastries, carbonated drinks, smoked meats and fried foods and limiting salt intake;
  • drying the body can provide a particularly quick result, but it is permissible to resort to it only in perfect health and for a period of no more than 3 months.

We bring to your attention the following video:

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Conducts general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. He also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

Shall we pump your abs?

Cubes, elastic press, thin waist, remove the sides - the goals may be different, but to achieve them there is only one task to work out the abdominal muscles! If you want cubes, then you need more intense workouts with weights. Slim waist and sides. But in any case, you need to strengthen the abdominal muscles!

And all this can easily be done at home! Are you with us?

Train regularly and!

You can achieve a seductive relief in the abdomen and, while spending only 15-20 minutes of your time. We present to your attention the top most effective exercises for the press that you can perform at home.

Pumping the press is not an easy task, it requires effort, aspirations and perseverance. Let's dispel the myth about the press right away, you will not be able to achieve the desired results with exercises alone, it should be a complex of physical effects on the abdominal muscles and a properly balanced diet. Excluding proper nutrition, of course, you can pump up the press, but it will be securely hidden under the previously accumulated layer of fat, which cannot be eliminated only through exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles. But if you exclude exercises and focus only on a balanced diet, you will get rid of excess body fat, but the stomach will lose elasticity, which completely eliminates the seductive. That is why you need to follow both proper nutrition and regular exercise.

It is worth noting that the abdominal muscles get used to the same type of loads very quickly, so you should not get hung up on the same exercises, repeating them from workout to workout. Also, for effective training, one should not forget about the basic rules for pumping the press, which will help eliminate the occurrence of injuries and muscle strains of both the abdominal press and the lumbar region and cervical spine. Next, we will not delve into the theory, but let's practice and analyze the most effective exercises for the press at home. Perform the exercise 15-20 times in three sets, between which pause for 30 seconds.

The most effective abdominal exercises you can do at home

Twisting in the prone position "Crunch"

For effective pumping of the press, crunch exercises must be included in the training program. To perform this exercise, you need to take a position lying on your back, bend your knees, put your palms behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides. Attention! Keep your lower back firmly on the floor, while doing the exercise do not arch your back or lift your lower back, this will help prevent sprains and more serious injuries. As you exhale, tear your shoulder blades off the floor forming an angle of 20 degrees. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. During the exercise, do not press your chin to your chest, try to keep your elbows apart, work only with the abdominal muscles.

Twisting in the prone position with a spring

This exercise is a more complicated version of the previous one, the recommendations for the correct implementation of it remain the same. Take a supine position, while exhaling, raise the shoulder blades, forming an angle of 20 degrees, pause and, with a small amplitude, do three swings in front, while leaving the lower back firmly pressed to the floor, then return to the starting position while inhaling

Twisting in the prone position with rotations to the sides

This exercise is performed on the basis of the previous ones, however, it adds the work of the internal oblique abdominal muscles. After you have torn off the shoulder blades from the floor, fix in this position, then stretch the elbow of your right hand to the heel of your right foot and return to the starting position. At the same time, do not lower the shoulder blades to the floor, they must be securely held by the muscles of the upper press and do not tear off the lower back from the floor, only the shoulder blades should hang above the floor. Perform 15-20 twists on each side alternately, between changing sides for twists, take a break of 10-15 seconds. If it is very difficult to stretch with your arms bent behind your head, the exercise can be facilitated and stretch your arms along the body.

Raising the body with twists

Starting position lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, put your right foot on your left, hands behind your head, elbows apart. As you exhale, tear your shoulder blades off the floor and fix this position, then reach your right knee with your left elbow, and then return to the starting position. During the exercise, do not lower the shoulder blades to the floor, do not fall to the side, for this, firmly press the pelvis to the floor. Perform the exercise 15-20 times in three sets on each side.

Leg raises from a prone position

Take a supine position, raise your legs perpendicular to the body, press your lower back firmly against the floor, if during the exercise the lower back still bends, place your hands under the buttocks in such a way as to push the pelvis slightly upward and allow the lower back to come into closer contact with the floor. Then alternately lower straight legs until parallel with the floor, but without touching it.

Alternate leg raises from a prone position

This is a complicated version of the previous exercise, however, the legs must be lowered and raised at the same time, as if doing vertical scissors, in order to further complicate the exercise and engage the muscles of the upper press, tear off the shoulder blades from the floor during execution and fix them in this position.

Raising the pelvis from the prone position "Birch"

Take the starting position, lying on your back, raise straight legs perpendicular to the body, forming an angle of 90 degrees, stretch your arms along the body. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your pelvis off the floor, then return to the starting position, try not to throw your legs forward, but stretch your heels to the ceiling. Try to do the exercise smoothly, excluding jerks up, make the basis for the abdominal muscles.


This is perhaps one of the most effective exercises not only for the abdominal muscles, but also for the muscular corset as a whole. There are a huge number of variations of the plank, but first, let's look at the classic version. We take a lying position, bend our arms and focus on our elbows, press our palms tightly to the floor or tightly close our fingers into the lock. We do not bend our legs at the knees, we try to keep them absolutely even at shoulder width, we lean on our socks. Attention! Do not arch your back in the lower back, this can lead to serious injuries, twist the pelvis forward, this will help keep your back straight. By straining all the muscles, fix the body and stay in this position for a minute, this exercise is performed in three sets.

During the pumping of the press, a burning sensation is felt in the muscles, if during training this sensation is absent, the exercise is not performed correctly, you should carefully read the instructions for its implementation again. Training at home is, first of all, an impact on willpower. Try to give all your best by following all the instructions for performing the exercises, without facilitating them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stock up on patience and additional motivation, this will help you stubbornly go towards your goal. Remember, your figure is in your hands.

If you think that it is impossible to pump up the perfect press right at home, then you should know that there are effective exercises for the press for girls at home!

Because it doesn't matter where, but how! And we'll tell you exactly how.

Gotta get up!

Before you start the process of creating a beautiful, embossed press, it will be useful to know what kind of muscle this is.

The press is one large muscle that protects the organs located in the abdominal cavity and forms posture.

A good training program is the key to success!

It consists of four segments:

  • rectus abdominis- responsible for the appearance of "cubes". Function: tilts the body forward, raises the pelvis with a fixed chest;
  • external oblique muscle- the most extensive abdominal muscle. Function: bends the torso and pulls the ribs down;
  • internal oblique muscle- makes up the second layer of the abdominal wall. Function: flexion and rotation of the body;
  • transversus abdominis- forms the third layer of the abdominal wall. Function: tightens the abdomen and tightens the ribs.

Here are a few rules for successful lateral and oblique abdominal exercises for girls:

  • Start eating right. It's not that you have to go on a strict diet. Proteins, carbohydrates and calories are essential when exercising.
    However, the diet should be reviewed: it should not contain flour and bakery products (if you cannot live without bread, replace it with bread), chocolate, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
    Drink plenty of water, as it "carries" extra pounds with it and improves metabolism.
  • Do not overdo it! No need to load the body with unnecessary training. To achieve relief, the abdominal muscles need to recover after each session, so leave time for rest.
    You need to do the press once every 2-3 days; constant pressure on the press will not bear any fruit.
  • Start running, dancing or swimming. Not in order to have fun, but in order to put an additional load on the body.
    This will bring your weight back to normal, since the exercises themselves are not able to do this - they only form a "corset".
  • Approach workouts gradually.. Start with a minimum load, gradually moving to a medium one.

We make a training program

An important role in pumping up the press is played by the technique of performing exercises.

You can do a hundred exercises, but you will not achieve any effect if you do them incorrectly.

In addition, if you do exercises for girls for the press on the horizontal bar incorrectly, you can injure your back! So please read carefully step by step plan any exercise.

The training program is also important aspect. If your workouts took place in a fitness club, it would be very simple: take your own personal instructor, and he will create a personal training program for you.

When training at home, you are your own instructor, so you must develop a training program for yourself with exercises for the press and buttocks for girls at home in advance.

First, determine the specific purpose of the classes, their frequency and intensity. The goal must be serious enough. As the writer Hemingway said, "Once you've started, win!"

Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in the “transformation” of your press, you will have to work hard, even if you have a lot to do or you are suddenly tired. Beauty you know what it requires.

The frequency of training is the time that you are able to devote to them. We have already said that for a “newbie” in this business, such an amount of time is quite suitable: once every 2-3 days, that is, 2 times a week. Over time, you will be able to practice 5 times a week.

The intensity of training is a value that includes the speed of exercise, the number of sets, repetitions, and so on. For beginners, the intensity should be small. If you want to achieve relief of the press, the intensity must be gradually increased.

Exercising too frequently will result in muscle loss!
You need to do 20-25 minutes.

Weight training

So, you have developed a training program for yourself and move on to the exercises for the press for girls, you can find them in the pictures. Before performing them, you should always warm up the muscles.

For this purpose, cardio training is suitable: running, jumping rope, cycling, etc. You need to warm up for 45 minutes; if training is the first, ten minutes will be enough.

Weight training is the most effective!

Training will be fruitful if you start it in the morning, after breakfast. Exercises should be performed on a flat surface. As a "props" we advise you to purchase a rug.

It is believed that weight-bearing exercises are one of the most effective, especially for girls whom nature “rewarded” with fat in the lower abdomen. A heavy object, which is used as a means of weighting, creates an additional load, as a result of which the muscles work more intensively.

Let's take a look at some weight training exercises:

  • Twisting for the press. You will need: a heavy object, weighing no more than 5 kilograms (ball, book).
    Technique: Lie on your back and bend your knees. Hold a heavy object between your knees, take a dumbbell in your hands. Pull your knees to your chest, thereby twisting the body.
  • Weighted leg raises. You will need: weights that can be attached to the ankles.
    Technique: fasten the weights on your legs and lie on your back. Raise your straight legs up one by one.
  • Incline with dumbbells. You will need: Dumbbells, suitable for weight.
    Technique: in the right hand - a dumbbell, put the left on the belt. Lower your right side of your body. Repeat the exercise, only on the other side.

Simple and perfect. Nutrition is 80% of a beautiful body.

Exercises without weights

These were the most effective exercises, thanks to which in one and a half to two months you will have the abs of your dreams.

Exercise "Vacuum":

  • stand up straight or take a supine position;
  • slowly take a deep breath through your nose;
  • with a powerful exhalation, get rid of the air, drawing in the stomach as much as possible;
  • stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, exhale.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Video "Home workouts for the press"

On the video, exercises on the lower and upper press for girls at home:

Gym at your home

If you can afford home exercise equipment, then the most popular and effective home exercise equipment below will help you pump up your abs.

  • Rowing machine- A compact device that fits anywhere. There are: hydraulic, magnetic and air simulators.
    The most democratic are hydraulic, their price is about 10 thousand. The most expensive are magnetic, they cost from 50 thousand rubles.
    Rowing machines develop back muscles and help to pump up the press well.
  • AB roller- is a frame that helps to perform twisting of the abdomen, while straining the muscles of the press.
    A compact, inexpensive simulator that is suitable for both professionals and beginners.
  • Hula Hup- hoop trainer.
  • gymnastic roller- has the form of a wheel with two handles on the sides.
  • Gymnastic ball- fitball.

Secrets of the Stars

Not all movie or show business stars can boast of a flat, inflated tummy. And those who can do it share their secrets.

  • Shakira:
    The beautiful tightened belly of the singer is the result of many years of oriental dancing. She is indifferent to strength training, and she does not follow her nutrition very carefully. But dancing is another matter!
  • Jennifer Lopez:
    The actress and singer is over 40, but her abs are in perfect condition - how?! The thing is that Lopez regularly runs and dances, and also does not eat junk, high-calorie foods.
  • Miranda Kerr:
    The model prefers cardio training and healthy food.
  • Anna Sedokova:
    The gym helps the singer keep her press in perfect condition.

Now you know how to pump up the abdominal muscles right at home: where to start, how to create a personal training program, what exercises to perform.

All representatives of both male and female dream of being happy owners of a beautiful and toned belly. To make this dream come true, it is not at all necessary to visit gyms - exercises for the press at home will also help to achieve the desired result. Further in the article, we will consider in detail the complex of the most effective exercises, give practical recommendations for their implementation.

Before you start sports activities, you should clearly define what result you will work for. For example, if your goal is only to get rid of excess body fat and give your stomach a fit, then the exercises should be done quickly, with multiple repetitions. If you want to pump up a truly solid and elastic press that will be visible to the naked eye, do them at a slow pace, doing several approaches.

Most simple rules, which is advised by professionals when directly performing exercises for the press at home, is training in the morning and on an empty stomach. In addition, when performing them, one must not forget to breathe correctly: exhalation is carried out during the culmination of the maximum stressed state of the muscles, inhalation is vice versa.

A set of exercises for the press and sides

  • Twisting

The purpose of twisting is to exert maximum load mainly on the upper press. Twisting is performed from a prone position. Hands are placed behind the head, elbows are spread apart to the sides, and the legs are bent at the knees. The upper body slowly rises to the level of the knees, after which it returns to its original position. When twisting, it is necessary to ensure that the lumbar region is firmly pressed against the floor. Twisting is done 50 times in three sets.

  • Twisting diagonal

This abdominal exercise helps to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your neck, and point your elbows to the sides. Slowly raise your torso, touching your right knee with your left elbow, and your left knee with your right. Diagonal twisting for the abdominal muscles is done 30 times for each side in three sets.

  • Abdominal vacuum

During this exercise, the main load falls mainly on the transverse abdominal muscles. To take the starting position, get on all fours. Keep your back straight. Exhale deeply, completely relaxing the abdominal muscles, and then pull the stomach in as much as possible. Freeze in this position for 20 seconds, do not hold your breath - breathe through your nose. After 20 seconds, relax your muscles. The number of repetitions of this exercise varies from 12 to 25 times, depending on what stage of training you are at.

  • Leg raise

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles of the lower press. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, straighten your legs, fix your arms along the body. During the exercise, you should raise your legs so that they form a right angle with the body. Often this exercise is transformed by changing the starting position. In this case, to perform it, you need to lie on your side, lean on the floor with the inside of your arm and raise your legs 45º. Raising the legs is performed alternately on each side 20-30 times.

  • A bike

Although this exercise is very simple, it is one of the most effective for strengthening the abdominals. To perform it, you should lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees at an angle of 45º. Then just simulate cycling without lifting your head off the floor. It must be remembered that the lower the legs are to the floor, the higher the load on the abdominal muscles and the better the final result.

Video tutorials: how to do exercises for the press

To find a beautiful and elastic press, to keep it in good shape, initially tune in to daily workouts and high dedication. To resist the temptation to spend the whole day on the couch, special video tutorials will help you. Thanks to them, you will be able to better control the quality of your own performance for the press.

For women

For men

First of all, think about nutrition. The most important thing is to exclude fried, fatty, sweet, flour. As well as salt and spices: sometimes you can have a little soy sauce with a minimum salt content and natural ketchup or tomato paste. Portions of food should not be too large, but you don’t need to starve either: if you are undernourished, your metabolism will be disturbed, swelling will appear and you will start, as they say, “swell with hunger.”

Many athletes set themselves the goal of building up abdominal muscles, increasing them in volume. In this case, complex exercises are needed - lowering the legs while lying down or raising the legs in the hang. But for most people, to achieve just beautiful relief press, it is enough to do easy with a lot of repetitions. Working on the press, we burn adipose tissue not only in the abdomen, but throughout the body. Exercises for the press are generally unique in that they involve many zones: the body, arms, and legs.

How to train the press

You don’t need to pay too much attention to the press: if you do, for example, an hour a day, then excessive massage of the internal organs will not lead to good. 15-20 minutes a day is enough, and exercises for the press can be performed before, during, and after training. And for beginners, I advise you to choose a couple of light exercises (for example, and do the minimum number of repetitions in two sets every other day. From the second week, you can increase the load, listening to your feelings.

There is another good exercise for the press - at home, on the street or in the office, you can perform it constantly and completely unnoticed. Although no, after all, someone will eventually notice that you have built up and began to keep your back straight. The fact is that when you straighten your posture, the stomach automatically retracts. The exercise is just to straighten the spine and keep the stomach slightly tucked up. If you do not forget about it, very soon the results will please you!

  • Also Read: Exercises to lose belly fat at home

Abs exercises and training principles for men and women are no different. But the goals are different. For men, it is desirable that there really are cubes, but for women it would be better not to have them. If two vertical stripes and even one horizontal stripe are drawn on the stomach, this is still normal. But if not only the top two cubes are visible, but also the rest, then you overdid it. When a woman strives for a dried male press, she can upset the fat balance, and this entails a threat to reproductive function and a failure in other metabolic processes. In addition, all six cubes in a woman are no longer aesthetically pleasing, and many will agree with me on this.

Exercises for the abs

I offer you simple and effective abdominal exercises at home. After each of them, I recommend stretching well to relieve tension from the abdominal muscles. The number of approaches is arbitrary.

1. Raise the body by 20 degrees

How to perform: lying on your back, lift the body, stretching forward and up with your hands. Contract your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Perform 20-40 repetitions.

3. Raising the body 45 degrees with stretching by the hand

How to perform: lying on your back, rounding your lower back as much as possible, raise your body until your chest touches your knees. If it's hard to keep your feet on the floor, place them on a heavy object. Perform 15-35 repetitions.

5. "Clamshell"

How to perform: repeat the previous exercise, raising opposite arms and legs. Perform 15-30 repetitions.

7. "Clamshell" with one leg lift

How to perform: lying on your back, lift your legs up and lower them down to a position in which you manage to keep your lower back on the floor. Perform 10-25 repetitions.

9. Lowering the legs one at a time

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