What can be a dream adjectives. Why does a person sleep and why do dreams arise. Journeys to parallel worlds

In a dream, a person is Jesus Christ, the mother of God, a saint, dead or alive, but far away, close, and possibly unclean. And it also happens that a person himself visits his dead in a dream. Such visions always reveal something important, and it is necessary to understand them first of all. For visions, the time, the day on which they dreamed is not relevant. You can tell them or not, they are still true, the main thing is to understand them correctly. If a vision reveals to a person what he does not like, then it is pointless to re-lay the linen or look at the fire - the vision always speaks of what is inevitable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Incoherent dreams

You see some events that cannot be called events, because they do not have a semantic core, a logical connection; perhaps this is a random set of pictures, a kaleidoscope of emotions - a dream indicates your chronic fatigue; in connection with the unpleasant events that have befallen you, you have experienced psychological overload for a long time; you need to rest, to escape from the environment that affects you negatively.

Interpretation of dreams from

Normally, about 8 hours a day, but this time may increase or decrease depending on the individual properties of the body. It turns out that each of us spends about a third of his life in a dream. At this moment, all vital processes slow down a little and, as it were, restore their strength. One of the most amazing properties of the body is the ability to see and feel some events while a person is sleeping. The ability to see dreams is individual for everyone. Someone sees them every night, some - very rarely. It depends on which differs in duration.

What is the dream like?

Central nervous system controls all body processes. Sleep is no exception, as there are special structures in the brain responsible for rest. These neurons are called hypnotic centers. There are 2 phases of sleep: slow and fast. For each of them, a special education is responsible for the quadrigemina, the blue spot, etc.). In addition, individual structures are responsible for the change of cycles, these include the cerebral cortex. Dreams are a collection of images, sensations, sounds that a person experiences while he is sleeping. Most often this happens before waking up, in the phase of REM sleep. The duration of dreams is about 10-20 minutes. If at this moment you observe a sleeping person, you can detect the activity of the eyeballs, which make movements behind the closed eyelids. The state of the brain during REM sleep is close to wakefulness, but muscle tone is significantly reduced, and most often no body movements are made.

Types of dreams

Depending on what exactly a person sees when he sleeps, there are different differences. Their differences are that they can bring positive and negative emotions, be conscious or not, associated with real events in life, prophetic. In some cases, you can see the memory of some event. What dreams are:

What are prophetic dreams

This group is separate and occupies a particularly important place, since some people associate them with changes in their destiny. What is a dream: prophetic images are divided into 2 types. The first is literal, it implies a situation that is completely, literally, repeated in real life person. The second type of prophetic dreams is symbolic: in this case, people can only see a hint of some event, and not everyone can correctly interpret it.

When exactly can you see prophetic dreams

They are not seen every night. Even those people who predict the future from them note that this happens quite rarely. When are prophetic dreams: there is a connection between their appearance and the day of the week. This usually happens on the night of Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday. Some sources point to the connection of prophetic dreams with the numbers on the night on which a person saw them (for example, 1, 3, 5, etc.). Moreover, some of them come true in the near future, others - in the distant future.

The connection of prophetic dreams with religion

If we talk about the time of the appearance of prophetic dreams, then it is different for Orthodox and Catholic Christians. The first argue that the most truthful prophecies can be seen during Baptism - that is, in the second half of January (week from 19 to 26). Catholics associate the appearance of prophetic visions with Christmas, which comes in their faith on December 25th. According to the sacred biblical Scripture, the Lord conveyed his will through dreams. This privilege was not granted to everyone, but only to the elect, who were obliged to interpret it to others. All other people have seen ordinary dreams that do not have a specific meaning.

Bishop Ignatius in his writings states the opposite. He says that dreams are the tricks of demons who are trying in this way to harm the peace of mind of people and sow evil thoughts there. The Lord, however, invented the night time so that a person could fully rest not only physically, but also morally. Therefore, he should not see dreams at this time that distract him from calmness.

The meaning of dreams

What kind of dream is and how dreams are divided according to semantic meaning, many people are interested. For this reason, there are many books that are able to interpret the essence of what they saw during the rest. Dream Interpretations were created by predictors who have the ability to recognize signs seen and not understood by a person. If you believe these books, then each plot has a connection with real life. In addition, any object or phenomenon seen at night carries its own semantic load. The question of what kind of dream happens can be answered thanks to its correct interpretation. Following this theory, any image is symbolic and prophetic. The meaning of dreams does not reflect the full picture of the upcoming event, but indirectly indicates it (for example, a joyful or sad event is expected in the future).

Dream classification

Every night we have a variety of dreams, although some people do not remember them. In a dream, we spend half of our lives and dreams for many of us are a second life or something very important, an integral part of our reality.

Interpretation of dreams Someone, after what he sees, looks into the dream book, someone himself interprets the vision that came to him in a dream. Everyone has their own way of knowing themselves through sleep.

Dreams are divided into two types of perception:

1. Visual images. In these dreams, a person sees images, pictures, various events occur to him, which can be completely far from reality. Visual images allow a person to perceive various pictures and symbols that can then be deciphered;

2. Mental images or communication in a dream. In this type of perception, a person can communicate not only with the living, but also with long-dead people. He can receive information from various sources, and often this information can give a person a lot for his spiritual development, as well as for understanding many aspects of his life.

Dreams are also divided into several main types, or in other words, the classification of dreams:

Sleep is a memory. In this dream, past memories come up in a person that happened to him even in early childhood, but the memory captured it so much and left a trace that until now, in a dream, these images can flicker and come to a person in a dream;

Sleep is desire. In this dream, a person has some event that he dreams of or once dreamed of. In a dream - desire, a person is in his illusion, which in fact has not been fulfilled in reality;

Sleep is fear. Sleep - fear is all human fears that haunt him in life. Someone is afraid of the dark, someone is afraid of spiders, another is afraid of heights. Everyone has their own fear. Very often, this frightens a person so much that it pops up in a dream in various images, for example, a person constantly begins to dream of darkness, snakes, and similar things.

Symbolic dream. This type sleep is a hint to a person about his future. Symbolic dreams often do not directly tell a person what awaits him or what to do, but with symbols, for example, a person in a dream rises from the mud up to a beautiful flat valley. This symbolic dream says that he must get rid of something not good in life, or he will really get rid of it very soon.

Dream about the space of options. In the space of options, as you know, there are all options for the possible future of each person, and often in a dream the soul is thrown into the space of options and a person can be in his possible future. Some time after this dream, a person can conclude that it really was a prophetic dream, since it came true.

Dream about past lives. If you believe in the existence of past lives, or in other words, reincarnation, then there are dreams about past incarnations of a person on Earth, or in other dimensions. Usually, these visions are so unreal, it cannot be memories, desires, or anything else, but the feeling that it really happened to him once, but not in this life. This is real deja vu in a dream.

Here, perhaps, the main classification of dreams. Dreams require careful analysis in order to understand them in more detail. For some, sleep is a normal state of the brain, for others it is a real spiritual experience and the flight of the soul. And everyone has their own choice of how to perceive a vision in a dream. But you must admit, since there is a dream, it means that it is not just given to us as a second life.

Finally, we can say that you should not worry about some bad visions, maybe it's just your fears or some subconscious negative attitudes. It is best to think positively and then dreams will become brighter.

Every person has had dreams in their life. Dreams are a riddle for a person that humanity has been trying to solve and explain for a long time. Only in a dream can we experience the most incredible bliss or chilling horror.

Dreams are different, funny, sad, prophetic, nightmarish, erotic. All of them dream at different times of the day, in different periods lunar phases and every dream for a person has its own purpose. The plots of our dreams directly depend on our subconscious, on what we experience, dream, fantasize, think. We can see a colorful and vivid dream, or we can see black and white pictures, we can look into the past or visit the future, see someone we didn’t expect to see at all or experience various human emotions that are felt stronger in a dream than on java.

Dreams can be divided into several types.

  1. Prophetic dream. This is a dream that still excites a person’s consciousness in that it helps to see this or that event that should happen. But this is such a fine line that it is not always easy to understand a prophetic dream or just an event forgotten in the subconscious.
  2. Dream continuation or recurring dream. They are somewhat similar to each other, and both can help solve the problem, find a way out of the situation, and if the dream is repeated more than once, then perhaps you need to carefully approach the situation and try to resolve it, and maybe the dreams will stop.
  3. actual dreams. These are dreams of memories from our past, they do not carry any special meaning and can arise spontaneously from anything, a smell, a sound, a certain situation.
  4. Erotic dreams. They can be seen by people who have not had sexual activity for a long time, but even sexually active people can see such dreams.
  5. physiological dreams. In such dreams, you can experience a feeling of cold, warmth, falling from a height, thirst, it all depends on what external factor has affected you and your subconscious.
  6. creative dream. They are inherent in people with a creative nature, i.e. a person plays, composes, sings, creates in life and can continue to do all this in a dream.
  7. Nightmares. Nightmares, especially recurring ones, may indicate some psychological problems, so they should not be completely ignored. Indeed, after such dreams, a person feels a sense of danger, anxiety, fear, fright, and this directly affects peace of mind.

Dreams reflect our life, so you should not ignore them, our life is a cycle of events, and dreams are an opportunity to see some of these events.

When I put my children to bed, I often say that they will have vivid and colorful dreams.

A whole field of beautiful flowers, around which butterflies flutter and drink gentle nectar, or good fairies with their magic wands. Or a bunch of new toys that talk to kids in their sleep. Children, of course, would be glad to see such carefree dreams, but they are far from always dreaming of them ...

Sometimes my daughter wakes up in the morning with tears in her eyes and says that she didn’t dream of fairies, but terrible sorceresses. My son sometimes cries out in his sleep and I understand that he is having a bad dream ... And if children have bad dreams, then what about adults?

In general, I never believed in the interpretation of dreams, although I used to look into the dream book in the hope that this dream promises me only good, or I searched the Internet, for example, the meaning of dreams or a dream book online. But it is not in vain that they say that there are prophetic dreams. And how to recognize such a dream? Well, who hasn't dreamed of something that has never happened before in real life, for example, a vacation at sea or buying a new car. Is it possible to call such a dream prophetic, if after a while this happens? Or is it just your dream, which was visualized in a dream, and then came true. What is a prophetic dream really and what are dreams?

Children's dreams.

Let's look at the interpretation of children's dreams. What we constantly wish our children at bedtime.
A butterfly fluttering from flower to flower is a sign of joy, wealth, prosperity.
Blooming flowers are good luck and joy.
Children playing with toys are a sign of happiness. family life, family joys.
To see a fairy in a dream - to amazing and pleasant events that may lie ahead.
If children have bad dreams, with horror stories, sorcerers, then they do not bode well.
This is just a small part of what I have covered. Hence it turns out that it is best for our children to wish Good night and talk about dreaming about fairies, rather than sending a child off saying, “Go to sleep! How many times do I have to tell you, the grandmother will come for you now.

adult dreams.

Everything is more complicated here. For example, I often dream good dreams, but the opposite also happens.

I would divide my dreams into five categories.

The fifth category is prophetic dreams. They can combine all the previous four categories, but I personally find it difficult to recognize them. Still, a prophetic dream is more of a dream-prediction of some event, although I may be wrong. I am not an expert in this matter.

Still, dreams are interesting, and I'm glad that I dream them.

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  1. Yulchatka 15 Dec 2012 23:08
  2. Irishka 17 Dec 2012 11:03
  3. Lisenka 17 Dec 2012 12:35
  4. Irishka 17 Dec 2012 16:31
  5. Irina 17 Dec 2012 20:27
  6. Elena Semidelukha 18 Dec 2012 11:17
  7. Nina 18 Dec 2012 16:38
  8. Irishka 18 Dec 2012 16:43
  9. Irina 19 Dec 2012 02:06
  10. Oksana 19 Dec 2012 16:42
  11. Irishka 20 Dec 2012 02:27
  12. Irina 20 Dec 2012 00:17
  13. Irishka 20 Dec 2012 02:25
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