Amazing phenomena in nature. Secrets of the most unusual natural phenomena. The lights of the Hessdalen valley

In nature, there are a huge number of interesting and beautiful natural phenomena, some of them can be dangerous for humans, but this does not prevent them from being beautiful.

Perhaps one of the most unusual and spectacular phenomena on our planet is the aurora borealis. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the Earth has a magnetosphere. When the solar wind hits the planet's upper atmosphere, the north and south poles can be seen as bright, dancing lights of different colors.

  • Auroras are also found on other planets that have a magnetosphere, planets such as Saturn and Jupiter can also boast of this phenomenon.

Volcanic lightning

This phenomenon occurs during the strongest volcanic eruptions. Until today, the origin of volcanic lightning remains a mystery to scientists. There are only two types of volcanic lightning. In the first case, these are small lightnings that occur near the crater, in the second, huge and powerful lightnings that can be observed high in the ash cloud. Scientists believe that the two types of lightning have different origins.

It is believed that the nature of small lightning is electrical processes in magma. When it comes to large lightning high in the sky, it is generally accepted that their nature is similar to ordinary lightning during a thunderstorm.

  • There are two terms that characterize rocks and pieces of lava flying from a volcano during an eruption.

1. Lapilli(from lat. lapillus - pebble)- this is the name of small pebbles and pieces of lava thrown out during the eruption and then frozen in the air.

2. Volcanic bomb- in fact, the same as lapilli, only much larger.

unusual clouds

In nature, there are clouds that are very reminiscent of sea waves, they are called “Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds”.

It is impossible not to talk about the beautiful clouds of Glory.

These clouds are formed in several pieces one after another and have many kilometers in length. Until now, scientists have not been able to explain the origin of this type of clouds.

In addition to undulating and roll-shaped clouds, there are Jacques Cousteau's lenticular or lenticular clouds.

Perhaps the most unusual and interesting clouds are those of Asperatus.

  • Asperatus clouds are so rare that they were only classified in 2009.

Red crab migrations in Australia

This phenomenon can be observed on Christmas Island - 120 million crabs migrate to the Indian Ocean to breed.

The whole process has its own specific cycle. At the very beginning, the males dig special holes for mating, after mating, the males leave the females and start their way back. Two weeks later, the females begin spawning, after which they also begin to move in the opposite direction.

In order not to have a bad effect on the red crab population, Australia has adopted a special program to block roads during the necessary period.

natural geysers

By themselves, geysers are a rather rare phenomenon, there are about 1000 of them in total. The eruption of hot water with hot steam is difficult to describe, as it is a very exciting natural phenomenon.

This is how a geyser erupts

Monarch butterfly migration

No need to argue to say that the monarch butterfly migration is one of the most beautiful phenomena on the planet.

To achieve the goal, the butterfly needs to overcome 3200 km, but none of these butterflies can do this, therefore, butterflies overcome this distance in several generations.

This is how a person is arranged, that he is always trying to find a logical explanation for any unusual phenomena. In ancient times, every manifestation of nature was often attributed a divine origin, and thus people found an explanation for everything that science could not explain. Sometimes it even reached the point of absurdity - sacrifices were made to fictional gods to make it rain, and those who tried to explain the phenomenon from a scientific point of view risked being burned at the stake.

It would seem that today science has stepped beyond the horizon of the possible, giving answers to the questions of many millennia, but this is not entirely true. The more answers there are, the more questions there are. Moreover, even some long-studied phenomena still cause surprise and inspire fear of the power and unexplored nature.

The fantastic term, coined by the king of horror Stephen King, has become the definition of a phenomenon inexplicable by science - spontaneous combustion of a person. Evidence of such cases, when a person suddenly caught fire and turned into a handful of ashes in a matter of minutes, was mentioned in ancient times. In the old days, the paranormal was called the devil's fire. It was believed that this happens with a person who has entered into an agreement with the prince of darkness and violated it. Later, in the 16th century, another version appeared explaining what was happening, according to which the reason was assigned to alcohol, allegedly accumulating in the body.

Most scientists rejected the phenomenon itself and considered it a falsification until in the 18th century the incidents began to be officially recorded in police protocols. The most surprising thing is that the ignition occurred without an external source of fire, and when the body, clothes and flammable surrounding objects were burned, they remained without much damage by the flame.

In Russia, only one recorded case of pyrokinesis occurred in 1990 on the border of the Saratov and Volgograd regions. The shepherd, sitting down to rest on a pile of hay, suddenly burned to death, and his clothes and even dry grass remained intact.

So far, science cannot explain the unusual phenomenon, but the version with alcohol has been refuted. The most plausible assumption is the hypothesis of the accumulation of acetone in the body as a result of ketosis. The main reason for the breakdown of fat cells into ketones, one of which is acetone, is a lack of glucose, which often occurs with diets and depressive states. However, even this version requires an external ignition source. According to scientists, a discharge of static voltage can become such a source.

There are many more versions related to other little-studied phenomena, but they have no scientific justification and are subject to harsh criticism. For example, the impact on a person of geomagnetic waves, fictitious subatomic particles - pyrotons, or still inexplicable ball lightning.

A rare phenomenon in the form of a luminous formation floating in the air has not found a scientific explanation recognized by the scientific community. The study of ball lightning is hampered by its spontaneity and is based only on eyewitness accounts. There are also photographs and videos that were taken by bystanders at a great distance using low-quality photographic equipment (mobile phone cameras), which does not give scientists an accurate idea of ​​​​the nature of the phenomenon.

The glowing ball has floating borders and can be of different sizes. In some cases, the ball has a tail, and in others it does not. The appearance and disappearance of the ball also has a different character. Sometimes it descends from the sky, flies into the open window of the room, and sometimes it suddenly appears from nowhere and disappears into nowhere. The trajectory of movement also raises many questions that have not yet been answered. It is not clear what caused a sharp change in the direction and speed of the ball, what does it react to? It is only known that computer equipment and communication devices in close proximity freeze or fail.

Usually, witnesses who had a chance to observe ball lightning at close range experienced great fear, so they could not adequately assess the situation and pay attention to details. As a result, all the evidence does not give researchers a complete picture of the unusual phenomenon, and some of the evidence generally raises doubts about their reliability.

At the same time in two places

It seems impossible, but it's a fact. In addition to what we see and what we know, there is a microcosm, and the science that studies it is called quantum mechanics. Surely many have heard of Jung's famous experiment, which was even demonstrated in physics classes. Light from one source was passed through two diffraction slits. As a result, a diffraction grating appeared on the screen. Nothing unusual, because the phenomenon of diffraction and interference has long been studied. But how surprised the scientists were when they repeated this experiment with electrons.

Presumably, the flow of electrons, having passed through two slits, should have left two stripes on the screen, but no - interference occurred. So the discovery was made that electrons can behave like waves. Further it was even more interesting, the electrons began to shoot one by one. It would seem that one particle should pass through only one slit and leave one point on the photosensitive screen. Here the researchers were in for a real shock, as if the electron split in two and passed through two slits at the same time, and then colliding with itself led to interference. How is that even possible? And scientists, having decided to find out the nature of what was happening, installed devices that fixed the particle before and after the slits.

An attempt to "spy" on the behavior of the electron has become the main secret, which still has no answer. When the devices were turned on, the electron began to behave like a particle, passing through one slit, as it was originally supposed. When they stopped “peeping”, interference occurred. It seemed that the electron knew that he was being followed, and simply did not want to reveal his secret to humanity.

The first assumption was the theory of the impact on the particle by the devices that fixed it, and in order to refute this version, the experiment was repeated, but with some additions. The experiment was repeated many times with "peeping". At the same time, the results of devices and screens wrapped in paper were not considered immediately, but were sealed in envelopes. After that, the envelopes were mixed and divided into two equal piles. At one of the stacks, the envelopes were opened and the instrument readings were destroyed without looking, the other stack was left as it is.

After studying the results, scientists were once again stunned. In the first stack, where instrument data was destroyed, there was interference on all screens, but not in the second. How did the electron, being in two places at the same time, "know" that it was these results of the devices that a person would destroy and not see? Until now, science is silent, and the experiment remains a mystery.

It may not sound very scientific, but the most unusual, albeit quite logical, version was put forward by bloggers. In their theory, they were based on the principle of computer games, where, in order to reduce the load on the hardware, the machine reproduces only that part of the location that the gamer is looking at. They admitted that everything in this world does not happen as we suppose and see, and everything we observe is just a created interpretation intended for human perception. We create virtual worlds, but where is the guarantee that our world is not virtual, not created by someone or by ourselves.

Glow of Saint Elmo

For the first time, sailors began to notice an unusual phenomenon when flickering lights in the form of beams or tassels appeared on the tops of the masts. In those days, the coronal glow was explained by a good sign sent by St. Elmo, the patron saint of sailors in Catholicism. Hence the name of the phenomenon. In fact, the phenomenon, most likely, foreshadowed a thunderstorm, and its appearance on the sharp ends of objects arose due to the high electric field strength in the atmosphere.

In the modern world, Elmo lights have often been observed on the wings of aircraft approaching a thunderstorm front. The phenomenon also occurred high in the mountains, when the climbers' hair stood on end and began to flicker with lights. The glow itself is not dangerous. In addition, it can be observed at home. To do this, you need to take a synthetic, just taken off sweater in one hand, and a sewing needle in the other. Entering a dark room, the needle should be slowly brought to the sweater. As a result, at a certain distance, a short-term coronal flicker will begin to appear at the tip of the needle.

Behind this romantic name lies a mortal danger, in which a person does not try to escape, but, on the contrary, takes his own life. For the first time, employees of marine hydrometeorological stations drew attention to an unusual phenomenon. Many of them have noticed that in close proximity to an unmanned meteorological probe there is a severe headache. Academician Shuleikin took up the study of the phenomenon and, after conducting a series of experiments, published in 1935 a work devoted to the essence of the origin of this phenomenon.

The reason turned out to be not a probe at all, but the “voice of the sea”. This is the name given to infrasonic waves, inaudible to the human ear. Sound vibrations were characterized by a frequency of 0.1 to 7 Hz and a sound pressure of 75-85 dB. The absence of coherence testified to the significant extension of the source. As a result, it was found that the sound comes from the formation of vortices behind the wave crests when exposed to strong winds.

Later, academician A. Krylov joined the research, who noted that when the voice of the sea arises, all birds leave the sound propagation zone, and jellyfish abruptly go to the depths. US scientists came to grips with the study of the sea voice in 1939 and found that sound vibrations of this frequency cause a person to feel anxiety, fear and an unbearable headache.

After studying the unusual phenomenon, it was allegedly considered the cause of unexplained accidents that occasionally occurred on ships. For example, in 2003 in the Pacific Ocean near about. Norfolk was discovered drifting a freighter flying the Indonesian flag. When the Australian border guards boarded the ship, they did not find a single member of the crew, although the ship itself was fully operational, and there were plenty of water and food supplies. In 2007, the situation repeated itself with a sailing catamaran. There were also no people on the ship, all electronics, radio and on-board computer worked, but what struck the policemen the most was the plates of food on the table. Such cases are not uncommon, and according to statistics, hundreds of sailors voluntarily end their lives at sea every year, and sometimes suicides are collective in nature.

So far, the involvement in such cases of the "voice of the sea" is only an assumption. There are still many open questions, since in most incidents on board no traces of panic were found, as if the sailors, turning into "zombies", were simply thrown overboard on command.

Today, there are still many unexplored and illogical phenomena in the world - the Bermuda Triangle, connecting rod waves, the Dyatlov Pass and other phenomena. Perhaps in the future, science will be able to unravel some of them, and some will remain a secret forever. And maybe it's for the better, because it is worth opening Pandora's box and the consequences will become irreversible.

The rainbow is fiery, the sun is false, the rain is fishy, ​​the clouds are mother-of-pearl, and the desert is blooming. These amazing natural phenomena are seen by ordinary people in the stories of the Discovery Channel or in feature films. Only a few lucky ones manage to observe them with their own eyes.

The fiery rainbow is included in the TOP-15 amazing natural phenomena on earth. It appears when the sun is at high altitude and its rays illuminate the ice crystals. This happens in summer - where there are cirrus clouds, and latitudes located near the equator. Residents of Los Angeles are more fortunate - they can watch a fiery rainbow for almost half a year.

Amazing physical phenomena of nature also occur in areas far from the equator. Mother-of-pearl clouds appear in the polar latitudes in winter, when the temperature drops to abnormal values. It is difficult to see them, because they are located at an altitude of 15-30 km from the ground. Unusually, they shimmer with all colors after sunset and decorate the evening sky.

The blooming Atacama Desert in Chile is another natural phenomenon that happens every 7-10 years. Atacama bloomed for the first time after a heavy downpour that turned into a flood. Moisture turned out to be life-giving for plant seeds.

Rain happens:

  • storm;
  • blind;
  • drizzling;
  • summer;
  • mushroom;
  • thunderstorm;
  • fish.

Fish rain is a phenomenon for meteorologists, although cases of its fall are periodically recorded in different states. In Honduras, it falls every May-July. The small town of Yoro even hosts an annual themed festival.

Stormy skies, gusty winds, heavy rain - bad weather rages for several hours. When the rain subsides, thousands of live fish remain on the ground. Scientists explain this by the force of the wind, which lifts the fish from the depths of the sea and moves it for several kilometers.

Parhelion is the scientific name for this optical phenomenon. It is formed in the air at sunrise or sunset and is a reflection of multiple sun rays in ice crystals. The human eye perceives it as bright spots located on both sides of the sun, and moving along the horizon synchronously.

Scientists have been unable to explain the physics of the natural wonder for decades. Weighty stones move independently along the bottom of the lake in Death Valley.

The researchers failed to see the process of movement, but the fact is the fact. The stones move several meters along a complex trajectory, leaving deep traces, turn over on their side and somersault.

The Maldives is deservedly called a paradise resort. Here, even the beaches glow at night. The secret of the glow is phytoplankton, nailed to the shore and shimmering blue in the waves. The beaches in the Maldives are often lit up, so you need to choose moonless nights to be sure to see them. The picture is unforgettable.

Amazing in nature and the northern lights, coloring the dark sky in yellow, red, blue and other colors in 2-3 seconds. During the radiance, the street is as bright as day.

The northern lights are best observed in Lapland, in areas where wildlife rages, the air is clear, not polluted by urban buildings and not distorted by street lighting. When the solar wind (charged particles) is attracted to the Earth's magnetic pole, a multi-colored glow appears.

Fragile butterflies with black and orange plumage live in North America. Every year, the monarchs, fleeing the cold, migrate to California and Mexico. While walking through the Californian parks, you can observe a unique picture - bushes and trees covered with cute birds. Mexicans associate monarchs with the souls of the dead - this is due to the fact that butterflies arrive in the country on the day of commemoration of the dead.

The most amazing phenomena for some states are considered ordinary in other countries. One of them is sandstorms that occur in the deserts of Africa and Asia, and other areas suffering from moisture deficiency. Gusts of wind pick up the sand, raise it to a height and carry it away for tens of kilometers. There is something mystical about this, especially if you observe sandstorms in the area of ​​​​the Egyptian pyramids.

A blue moon is rare, Canadians observe it when the air is excessively humid or smoky. The last time the moon of an unusual color appeared in the sky during the forest fires and remained there for about a week. At times, its color changed to red or blue.

Every second day - a thunderstorm with discharges lasting up to 10 hours. For a year - more than a million lightning strikes, they can be seen from 400-500 km. This natural phenomenon can be observed in South America - at the place where the Catatumbo River flows into the lake. The terrain in the area is swampy, with a high content of methane. Scientists believe that gas accumulating in the atmosphere fuels lightning.

According to the outlines - the shadow of a huge bear, although bears are not found in the mountains of the American state of North Carolina. A unique phenomenon can be observed twice a year - in October-November and February-March. It is not surprising that tourists from different countries flock to America to see the unusual shadow. She only shows up for 30 minutes.

Why an eye? From a bird's eye view, this geological formation looks like a huge eye. Its dimensions are really huge - more than 50 km in diameter. Astronauts at one time navigated along it, because the eye of Africa stood out against the monotonous sandy background of the Sahara.

In Indonesia, at an altitude of 2.6 km is the volcano Kawa Ijen. It is unique with blue lava - the result of burning sulfur.

The blue flame can be seen from afar - it rises up to 5 meters. But to see this miracle of nature, tourists have to make a difficult transition along volcanic rocks, and then go down to the center of the crater. The road to the blue volcano will take about 3 hours.

20. Lunar rainbow.

We are almost used to the usual rainbow. A lunar rainbow is much rarer than a rainbow seen in daylight. A lunar rainbow can only appear in places with high humidity and only when the moon is almost full. Pictured is a moonlit rainbow at Cumberland Falls in Kentucky.

19. Mirages

Despite their prevalence, mirages always evoke an almost mystical sense of wonder. We all know the reason for the appearance of most mirages - superheated air changes its optical properties, causing light inhomogeneities called mirages.

Usually halos occur at high humidity or severe frost - before the halo was considered a phenomenon from above, and people expected something unusual.

17. Belt of Venus

An interesting optical phenomenon that occurs when the atmosphere is dusty is an unusual "belt" between the sky and the horizon.

16. Pearl clouds

Unusually high clouds (about 10-12 km), becoming visible at sunset.

15. Northern lights.

Appears when high-energy elementary particles collide with the Earth's ionosphere.

14. Colored Moon

When the atmosphere is dusty, high humidity, or for other reasons, the Moon sometimes looks colored. The red moon is especially unusual.

13. Biconvex clouds

An extremely rare phenomenon that appears mainly before a hurricane. Opened just 30 years ago. Also called Mammatus clouds.

12. The fires of St. Elmo.

A fairly common phenomenon caused by increased electric field strength before a thunderstorm, during a thunderstorm, and immediately after. The first witnesses of this phenomenon were sailors who observed the fires of St. Elmo on masts and other vertical pointed objects.

11. Fire whirlwinds.

Often formed during fires - they can also occur over burning haystacks.

10. Mushroom clouds.

They also form over places with elevated temperatures - over forest fires, for example.

9. Light pillars.

The nature of these phenomena is similar to the conditions that cause the appearance of a halo.

8. Diamond dust.

Frozen water droplets that scatter the light of the sun.

7. Fish, frog and other rains.

One of the hypotheses explaining the appearance of such rains is a tornado that sucks out nearby water bodies and carries their contents over long distances.

A phenomenon that occurs when ice crystals fall out of clouds that do not reach the surface of the earth, evaporating along the road.

Hurricane winds with many names. Occur when air masses move from the upper layers to the lower ones.

4. Fire rainbow.

Occurs when the sun's rays pass through high clouds.

3. Green beam.

An extremely rare phenomenon that occurs at sunset or sunrise.

2. Ball lightning.

There are many hypotheses explaining the origin of these phenomena, but none has yet been proven.

1. Optical flares and jets

Discovered only recently due to their short existence (less than a second). Occurs when hurricanes appear.

Our world is fraught with many unusual natural phenomena. There are those that are easily explained, but there are those that even modern science cannot understand. In this article, we will consider in more detail the second part of them.

Moroccan goats grazing in the trees

Interestingly, Morocco is the only country in the world in which goats, due to the small amount of grass, climb trees and graze whole herds there, while feasting on the fruits of argan. This amazing picture can only be found on the Middle and High Atlas, in addition, between Agadir and Es-Sueira in the Sousse valley. The shepherds walk their goats by walking between the trees. It is worth noting that such unusual places attract thousands of curious tourists every year. With such a global consumption of argans, less and less oil is collected from these nuts every year. And it is believed to contain various rejuvenating trace elements in its composition. Today, a campaign is underway to declare this place a nature reserve.

Black Sun of Denmark

Denmark also has unusual natural phenomena. So, in the spring, about a million European starlings flock to huge flocks from all around an hour before sunset. The Danes call this process the Black Sun. It can be observed in early spring near the swamps of western Denmark.

Starlings arrive from the south and spend the whole day in the meadows, and in the evening, after making collective pirouettes in the sky, they settle down in the reeds for the night to rest.

crawling stones

This amazing action that takes place in Death Valley has been disturbing the minds of scientists who are trying to write a description of natural phenomena for several decades. Huge boulders crawl by themselves along the bottom of Lake Racetrack Playa. At the same time, no one touches them, but they still crawl. No one has ever seen exactly how they move. At the same time, they stubbornly move, as if alive, sometimes turning over on their side, while leaving behind deep traces that stretch for several meters. Periodically, the stones write out such complex and unusual lines that they turn over, making somersaults in the process of movement.

moon rainbow

The night rainbow (or lunar) is the light that is reflected from the surface of the moon. It is much dimmer than the sun. A lunar rainbow is a very rare natural phenomenon. If observed with the naked eye, it may appear colorless, due to which it is often referred to as "white". There are several places in the world where the phenomenon of night rainbows is quite often repeated. Among them are Victoria Falls in Australia and Cumberland in Kentucky,

Fish rain in Honduras

When studying unusual natural phenomena, it is worth noting the rain of animals - this is a very rare meteorological phenomenon, but such cases have been recorded in different countries throughout the history of all mankind. Although for Honduras this phenomenon is regular. Every year in the period May-July, a dark cloud appears in the sky, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, a very strong wind blows, it rains heavily for 2-3 hours. After it ends, thousands of live fish remain on the ground.

People pick them up like mushrooms and take them home to cook. The Fish Rain Festival has been held here since 1998. It is celebrated in the city of Yoro, Honduras. One of the hypotheses for the appearance of this phenomenon is that very strong winds lift fish from the water into the air for several kilometers, since off the northern coast of Honduras the waters of the Caribbean Sea abound in fish and other seafood. But no one has ever witnessed this.

annular eclipse

In the world there are different unusual ones, they are given in this article. One of them is an annular eclipse. With it, the Moon is far from the Earth in order to cover the Sun completely. It looks like this: the Moon moves along the disk of the Sun, although it turns out to be smaller in diameter, and cannot completely hide it. Such eclipses are practically of no interest to scientists.

biconvex clouds

Considering unusual natural phenomena, it is necessary to say about this. It would seem that today it is impossible to surprise someone with clouds. But in nature there is their rare biconvex appearance. These are clouds of a round shape, reminiscent of more. It is not surprising that they are also called "crazy": a bizarre shape surprises with its originality.

star Rain

We continue the description of natural phenomena. Star shower, despite its name, has nothing to do with meteor showers. What the human eye perceives as many small stars is a huge stream of meteors that burn up when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the number of these celestial bodies can reach up to a thousand in one hour. Some of them, which did not have time to burn out completely, fall to Earth.

Fire whirlwinds

A beautiful, dangerous and rare natural phenomenon is fiery whirlwinds. They appear at a certain combination of air direction and temperature. In this case, the flame can rise up to tens of meters, thus forming a semblance of a fiery tornado.


We continue to consider amazing natural phenomena, examples of which are given in this article. A halo is defined scientifically as a visual phenomenon - a ring glowing around a source of light formation, emerging from cloud crystals. Simply put, we can say that this is a rainbow, it can be seen around the Moon or the Sun, and periodically around the lights, for example, in the center of a night metropolis.


This phenomenon is an atmospheric vortex that occurs in a thundercloud. It reaches the earth in the form of a cloudy arm. Tornadoes can be hundreds of meters in diameter. It looks impressive. Although, unfortunately, it can bring no less impressive catastrophes and destruction.

Brocken ghosts

Considering various natural phenomena, it is worth talking about this. appear in Germany on the mountain Brocken. Their occurrence is quite understandable. As it turned out, this is the most ordinary climber, who is above the clouds on top of the mountains. The sun shines on a person, and under the clouds, below, his huge shadow appears, which can scare or at least surprise anyone.

Northern lights

Now consider more positive various natural phenomena. We all saw the polar or northern lights once in the pictures, some were even lucky to see it with their own eyes. It is known that similar phenomena are observed near the poles of the Earth.

red waves

This name was given to the phenomenon that appears as a result of the flowering of various algae. Breeding freshwater or seaweed sometimes paints large areas of the beach or ocean in a rich red color. Basically, these plants are not dangerous, although there are those that kill birds with their toxicity, fish and people are also harmed, but so far no deaths have been recorded.

Lightning Catatumbo

Near Venezuela you can also see rare natural phenomena. These are Catatunbo lightning bolts. This natural phenomenon constantly occurs in one place for 160 nights a year. In one night, you can see about 20,000 lightning bolts here. It is also interesting that their glow is practically not accompanied by a thunderclap. At night, the sky in these places remains cloudless and clear, due to which they are also visible on the island of Aruba, located 500 km from here.


This is a truly mysterious natural phenomenon. A fiery dazzling ball, reaching several tens of centimeters in diameter, suddenly appears after a thunderstorm, after which it quietly floats in air currents above the ground. Ball lightning can be drop-shaped and pear-shaped, although it is more beneficial energetically for it to be in the form of a ball.

Such a freely roaming, light charge can fall on any surface and glide over it without expending energy. Many observers say that he seeks to get into closed rooms, seeping through the cracks and flying through the windows. In this case, lightning can temporarily take the form of a thin thread or cake, and then again turns into a ball. She, colliding with objects, periodically explodes. Until now, the causes of natural phenomena, such as ball lightning, have not been fully understood. It is likely formed from oxygen and nitrogen in a simple lightning channel and explodes when cooled to room temperature.


Such rare natural phenomena can be seen on various mountain glaciers. Penitentes got its name from its resemblance to a row of white-robed monks. It is formed due to the sun, which melts holes on the surface of the glacier. When a hole appears, the sunlight from it begins to be reflected, due to which the slots between the layers of snow increase. Soon large depressions form there, formed in the form of huge ice peaks, up to 5 meters high.


Despite their prevalence, mirages always cause an almost mystical feeling of surprise. We know the reason for their appearance - superheated air changes the optical properties, thereby causing light inhomogeneities, which are called mirages. This phenomenon has long been explained by science, while continuing to amaze the imagination of many people. It should be noted that the visual effect is based on an unusual vertical distribution of air density. This, under certain conditions, leads to the appearance of ghostly images near the horizon. But you instantly forget these boring explanations when you yourself become a witness of this miracle that occurs right before your eyes!

This article presented the most unusual natural phenomena, the photos of which are simply mesmerizing. Some phenomena can be scientifically explained, while others are inexplicable. Some are quite common, while others can be expected for years. But whatever one may say, they amaze and make you think once again about how unpredictable and wise nature is!

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