Prophetic dreams and why is someone else's blood dreaming? Why dream of your own blood and wounds on the body? Dream interpretation blood on the body

Blood is one of the most magical symbols that can be seen in a dream. To understand why another person’s blood is dreaming, interpreters advise writing down all the details of the vision immediately after waking up.

According to the opinion of the most ancient magicians, if a lot of someone else's blood was dreamed, the dreamer wasting his energy and strength in vain. Heavy bleeding - warns of an impending disease.

Literal interpretation

I saw bloody marks on my hands left by another person - it's time to analyze your behavior, perhaps with rash actions you hurt someone.

A puddle of scarlet substance on the floor is a symbol that portends severe trials sent by fate. This may be a warning about an accident, catastrophe or illness of someone close.

Type and quality

To figure out which interpretation is more suitable, the quality, type and volume of blood will help:

  • A large amount of scarlet liquid - direct all efforts to achieve a specific goal. If you dream that she is running out of the auricle, you will soon acquire information that will prompt you to get down to business with great determination.
  • Dark, coagulated clots - symbolize the health problems of the sleeping person. But if such an image came to a sick person in a night vision, on the contrary, recovery awaits him. Blood flows from the body of another person - heavy unrest.

Spawn Location

Interpreters strongly recommend writing down all the details of night vision after waking up. In our case, it matters in which place you saw the yushka. If she was in her arms - the imminent arrival of relatives, in the oral cavity - an amazing idea would arise. But if it flowed out of the wound, then a woman who saw such an image would face loneliness, a man - difficulties.

When someone else dreamed of blood on the floor, the interpreters recommend not making sudden decisions. And if you get dirty in it, it is recommended to maintain your reputation.

special connection

For example, I dreamed of a face covered in blood - a negative sign. There is a high chance of conflict with loved ones. If you suddenly dreamed that the yushka was on your teeth, call your relatives immediately, something bad seems to have happened.

Unusual interpretations

Finding a lot of stains of someone else's blood on yourself, but feeling joyful emotions at the same time - all desires will come true. To see hands stained with a scarlet liquid is cash receipts. Drinking blood from a bowl - you will become happy, it spilled onto the ground - you will experience unearthly pleasure.

To watch how the bloody yushka flows without ceasing - the dreamer lives according to his possibilities and adheres to a healthy lifestyle.

Description of the vision

Dream Interpretation Enigma

This interpreter was compiled quite recently and is modern. The blood seen at night is an image of unresolved problems that will cause the dreamer a lot of trouble. More often they relate to relatives, parents. But do not forget the details of the dream, the meaning of the vision depends on it.

  • A lot of blood of another person is a thoughtless waste of energy on solving unimportant issues.
  • Someone has bloody tears - someone is unrequitedly in love with the dreamer, and will seek reciprocity with all his might, the use of magic is not excluded.
  • Seeing someone's menstrual blood promises men big trouble in personal relationships, especially if their hands are dirty. For a woman - someone will suddenly appear on the threshold, family troubles.
  • Pure scarlet substance - get together! Focus your efforts on solving important problems.
  • Viscous, black - deterioration of the state, and moral: depression, breakdowns, constant stress;
  • Dark cherry, thick - health will soon deteriorate.

It is important to remember not only the properties of the substance, but also the place where you saw it:

  • On the floor - do not rush to make hasty conclusions. Touch her, get smeared - your reputation is threatened by gossip of ill-wishers.
  • Someone else's yushka in your mouth - you "steal" someone's project, you can gain popularity, albeit not in a completely honest way.
  • On your hands - wait for the arrival of distant relatives.
  • It flows from a wound on someone else's body - for women it promises unrequited love, loneliness, for men - problems associated with professional activities.
  • Dripping from your own teeth - immediately contact your loved ones, perhaps one of them needs your help.
  • Seeing blood in a dream on another person, or rather on his face, portends a conflict with relatives, it will not be easy to forgive each other.
  • Someone does not stop bleeding, and you are calmly watching what is happening - your life is going on as it should, everything is fine on the personal front and with financial well-being.
  • Drinking someone else's blood from a bowl - you will soon find happiness, especially if the scarlet liquid flowed down your chin to the ground.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Miller interpreted the image depending on the details of the dream. Sleeping clothes stained with blood - the presence of insidious ill-wishers who are trying to inflict on the dreamer in the field of professional activity. Blood dripping from the wound - predicts an imminent deterioration in health, as well as worries and falls in business, due to dishonest partnerships.

I dreamed of a lot of someone else's scarlet liquid on my palms - a terrible failure is coming, bad luck that will follow on its heels. To those who see such a message, dream books recommend immediately starting to take care of their lives before it's too late.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

  • Dark, knitting blood is a harbinger of an impending disease;
  • Scarlet - symbolizes celebration, fun, alcohol;
  • Alien at the battlefield - expect sad consequences, the cause of which will be the dreamer's rash actions;
  • To drink - you have wonderful dreams and hopes, there is a chance for them to come true;
  • Oozing to the ground - fortunately;
  • Bathe in a red substance - mentally prepare for strong experiences;
  • The blood of an animal - the conceived deeds can really be carried out. It is important to rely only on your own strength and make every effort.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Watching yourself in a night vision, stained with someone else's blood - news from relatives;
  • Someone is wounded, and the dreamer sympathizes with him - he always passes through himself all the suffering of his comrades and relatives, this makes his existence sad, and loneliness is destined for the sleeper himself;
  • To shed the blood of another person - the sleeper does not give too much importance to problem-solving methods, which can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, Nostradamus is advised to carefully take care of his life;
  • Earth flooded with scarlet liquid - such a plot of night vision portends a difficult path that the sleeper must go through to overcome obstacles. It is also possible to participate in quarrels. Or the dreamer will witness a bloody brawl with the victims.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

He considered the dreaming red substance a negative prediction, especially someone else's. According to Loff, such dreams are harbingers of trouble, collapse, defeat, receiving injuries of varying severity, even a possible death. Moreover, the negative can affect not only the physical, but also the spiritual side of the life of the sleeping person.

But very rarely such a dream can be interpreted positively. For example, to see blood in a dream on another person whom you hate, on your ill-wisher - soon he will lose, and you will become a triumphant winner. Also, someone else's red liquid can sometimes associate the kinship of souls with someone, in the event that it belongs to the person with whom the sleeper wants to enter into a relationship.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

This American psychotherapist believed that dreams of such a plot had many interpretations. For example, it can be a symbol:

  • vitality and energy, the fate of the sleeping person;
  • meaningless living, in case they saw flowing blood;
  • trauma, wounds, pain, sometimes moral experiences;
  • for young girls - vivid experiences, hatred, love, puberty;
  • for adult girls - pleasant memories of intimacy.

According to Miss Lynn, the meaning of night vision depends on the emotions experienced by the dreamer, the general mood of the dream. Only by taking them into account, one can see the true meaning of the message.

bloodied baby

Had such an image? Rejoice - you will be able to overcome all difficulties, you may receive an offer to take a higher position. In personal life, everything will also go like clockwork - feelings will be strong and mutual, and the marriage will be happy.

dead person

Seeing a dead man in a scarlet substrate is a rather unusual dream; you need to decipher it, taking into account all the details of night dreams. But in all cases, this is an extremely negative symbol:

  • A dismembered corpse in the blood portends an imminent serious illness, for an already unhealthy one - a quick death.
  • Touching him is the death of a sleeping person, especially if he is of advanced age.
  • Hide - means that the dreamer will find himself in a difficult situation, succumbing to temptations. A particularly unpleasant prediction for young ladies is an impending pregnancy from a fleeting hobby, as a result - an abortion.
  • Find - soon in reality you will find out secret information that will not bring a drop of joy.

husband in blood

  • If a woman dreamed of her husband's blood, then such an image is a warning - her husband is now having difficult times.
  • To stop the blood running from the wound on the husband’s body - thanks to your care, he will overcome all problems, literally “stand on his feet”.
  • Seeing a beaten man - in reality, your chosen one has a lot of ill-wishers who can cause him a lot of trouble. In addition, most of them are false comrades who really have a grudge against him.
  • To experience animal fear at the sight of such an image means that your spouse should be vigilant. Advise him not to enter into dubious projects, to drive carefully.

Many people

What portends to see people in the blood in a dream? The dream is also recommended to be interpreted taking into account the one who dreamed of the night message:

  • For a married woman to see such a plot - try to erase from memory, forgive all offenders, reconcile with loved ones and relatives.
  • Unmarried - an early separation from the soulmate due to loose intrigues and rumors.
  • For a young man - conflicts with comrades. But do not be upset, there will be a quick reconciliation.

I dreamed of bloody relatives - in reality, trouble will happen to them, offer them your help, they really need it.

Unknown people stained the sleeper in blood - to wealth obtained with the help of influential patrons.

Important! When interpreting, do not rely only on the meaning from the dream books, consider what your intuition and subconscious say.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Modern problems, 1913.
  • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. Per. from English. - Angarsk: JSC "Format", 1994.
  • Exegesis of dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

In dreams, familiar things and phenomena always have a slightly different meaning than in real life.

But that’s what they are dreams for, to show not the direct essence of things, but only to hint, to speak with us in riddles, ciphers, to make clues.

Seeing blood in a dream, many are frightened, and immediately make a hasty conclusion that this is not a good sign. Do not rush without looking into the dream book - blood can have a variety of, and often very favorable, meanings for someone who saw it in their nightly dreams.

By itself, blood is the basis of life, a symbol of the inner primordial power, the energy of life. And if she dreams, her own or someone else's, then this dream carries some serious meaning. Why dream of blood?

What are dreams

First of all, there are a lot of options. Depending on the details of the dream, its meaning will be different, and it is important not to make a mistake so as not to make mistakes in life. So, the red liquid in dreams can have a different origin:

  • Dreaming of one's own blood or someone else's.
  • It comes from the nose.
  • Appears in the mouth, flows from the mouth.
  • In a dream, teeth fall out, gums bleed, or your teeth are torn.
  • In your dream, they take a blood test from your finger.
  • You find scarlet blood on your own hands, or even on your face.
  • Blood on clothes.
  • A girl or woman dreams of menstruation.
  • You hurt someone.
  • Dreaming of blood stains on the floor, on the walls, on the bed.

All of these options have their own special meaning. Remember the details and your feelings in a dream, and try to interpret what this dream was about?

Remember all the details

If in a dream you dreamed of your own blood - what it is for depends on its origin. After all, blood can appear for a variety of reasons.

1. Blood flowing from the nose does not scare anyone much - it is not associated with injuries and is not so scary. The meaning of such a dream is ambiguous - as the dream book says, blood from the nose is a symbol of something forbidden, some kind of temptation. You may be tempted to make or acquire something forbidden - be careful.

2. If in a dream blood appears from your mouth, but this has nothing to do with your teeth, this is not a very pleasant sign, a warning about a possible illness, and there is a risk that there will be complications. If you are sick, be prepared for the fact that recovery will not come in the very next few days.

Take care of yourself and be especially careful in the near future. However, if there is very little blood from the mouth in a dream, for example, you saw small impurities of it in saliva, then this rather promises fatigue, overwork, and not illness. Perhaps you should take a break.

3. Sometimes in a dream you can see a completely unpleasant and shocking sight when your teeth fall out, it even happens that they simply spill out of your mouth, accompanied by bleeding. If you had such a dream - do not be alarmed, this is an unpleasant, but not such a terrible dream.

Blood on falling teeth symbolizes false gossip and maybe even a shame, a shaken reputation. Such a dream in which teeth fall out is always a warning - you should behave very modestly for some time, communicate minimally with people and take more care of loved ones.

Some dream books associate fallen teeth with the loss of a loved one, and fallen rotten teeth with serious ailments.

4. If in a dream a girl or woman sees her menstruation, this is a good dream. Menstruation is dreamed of as a symbol of purification, getting rid of the old, recovery.

Too heavy periods in a dream can symbolize fatigue and loss of energy. But this is only a transitional stage to something very good, new and bright.

5. If in your dream you are in a hospital, and they take blood from your finger, this usually warns of a meeting with close, blood relatives. Perhaps the meeting will be unexpected - relatives may turn up without warning, so be prepared for surprises.

  • If you experienced very unpleasant emotions in this dream, the meeting, accordingly, will not bring you much joy.
  • But if you were not afraid, and woke up in a good mood - expect a good and sincere meeting with relatives.

6. But if blood is taken from your vein, this indicates that someone is taking your ideas, living or working at the expense of your strength. Try to be careful and prevent it.

bloody passions

We often associate blood with violence, trauma, something terrible. Dreams in which you were hurt, or even you hurt someone, or maybe you saw pools of blood on the floor, have a variety of meanings.

1. Blood flowing from your own wound portends illness, loss of strength and energy.. Take care of your health, rest more, you need a period of calm.

2. If you dream of your own hands stained with blood, you are in a dangerous situation. Blood on your hands is a symbol that you are on the edge and risk making some very serious mistake. Some step that can harm either you or someone else.

3. If you fight with someone with knives or swords, and in any way injure a person and see his blood, this is also a warning. You can harm someone close to you, and not intentionally.

Try to temporarily isolate yourself from conflicts or any advice. Do not interfere in the life of your relatives, it is risky.

4. Seeing blood on your face in night dreams from nowhere is an unpleasant sign. Miller's interpreter and other dream books claim that the person who has such dreams is dishonest with loved ones, he is hypocritical and deceiving, but will soon be exposed.

If you saw yourself, namely your face in blood, think about your own behavior with relatives, family members, and analyze it. If you do not change it soon, an unpleasant exposure awaits you, and this can destroy the family.

If the origin is not known

If you have dreams in which blood does not flow from wounds, is not the result of a battle, and so on - but simply appears from where it is not clear, what is it for?

1. Blood on clothes is often dreamed of. If you suddenly have similar dreams in which you see blood on your own clothes, Miller's dream book states: you have envious people, enemies, gossips.

They want to ruin your reputation by telling lies about you. According to other interpreters, this may mean false accusations of you for something that you actually did not do.

2. If you had a strange dream in which you drink blood, this means that most likely you will take possession of something illegally, perhaps by deceit or in a dishonest way.

3. Seeing spots or whole pools of blood on the ground or on the floor in a dream is a warning. Such a dream does not promise anything concrete, but recommends not to rush into actions and conclusions, not to make hasty movements.

If you decide to do something - be patient for a while. This can apply to absolutely any area - personal life, family, work. If you happen to see blood on the floor or on the ground, there is only one advice - take your time, maybe even you should rest for a few days and do nothing at all.

4. What does a dream mean in which you wipe blood from something, try to wash it - from clothes, furniture, floor?

This is a symbol of the fact that you wind yourself up too much, take too much on faith the words and opinions of the people around you.

Listening to other people's opinion is important, but learn to reflect, analyze, think. And try all the same to learn to make your own decisions, not being afraid to make a mistake.

5. But if you wash the blood off yourself, this is already a vivid symbol of attempts to clear your conscience. You have done something, and now you are ashamed and tormented. But you can always fix things.

There are a lot of meanings of "bloody" dreams - choose what suits your case. However, do not forget the important fact that your mood and sensations during sleep also play a big additional role.

If they are pleasant and good - do not be afraid of anything, even if the dream book warns of something unfavorable or even very dangerous.

And vice versa, if in your dream you felt very bad or scared, and you woke up in a broken state, and the dream book promises happiness, think about how to interpret the dream correctly, given your mood. Author: Vasilina Serova

According to the dream book, blood in a dream is a significant symbol that warns of fatal events and global changes. Interpretations of what the sign is dreaming of are life-affirming. It is advisable to mentally prepare for what is happening in order to avoid stress.

Native and blue blood in a dream

If you dreamed about your mother's wounds, Hasse's dream book says that now is not the time for selfishness. When in a dream a family squabble turns into a bloody battle, you have to show hospitality: distant relatives will suddenly appear.

Blue blood indicates a noble origin. A beautiful color is seen on the eve of honors, admiration. An unpleasant blue tint indicates arrogance, inadequately high self-esteem, the euphoria of permissiveness, which will not lead to good.

Miller's dream book

Interpreting what blood is dreaming of, Miller's dream book draws attention to a number of circumstances in a dream. Bloody clothes remind that ill-wishers are on the alert.

The wound calls to protect health, promises the appearance of friends. Dirty hands portend bad luck in cooperation with large organizations.

What Wang will tell

According to the prediction of the seer Vanga, exceeding self-defense in a dream warns against participating in conflicts: the consequences can be disastrous.

Spots on the suit of a loved one warn of his unpredictability: a certain trick threatens to disappoint and upset. Someone else's blood on you is dangerous for your reputation.

Muslim interpreter

A Muslim dream interpreter promises wealth to a person who has fallen into a pool of blood in a dream. Anyone who does not remember how they managed to get dirty runs the risk of becoming a victim of slander.

If a trickle flowed from the nose, I had to drink a red liquid, there will be a chance to get rich in an unworthy way. It is up to the sleeper to decide whether to accept such a gift of fate.

Dreamed of an outpatient clinic

If in a dream your blood flows over the operating table or into a medical test tube, the Wanderer's dream book calls you to think about whether you are wasting your vital energy.

The operation reflects a predicament, a search for a way out, confusion. In this state, close to an accident. The qualified actions of the surgeon are identified with the right decision.

An unfamiliar patient in a dream portends a meeting with distant relatives. Heavy bleeding indicates that anxiety is unfounded.

As a donor

The universal dream book will tell you why you dream about how your blood is transfused to someone in need of emergency medical care. The symbol expresses concern for the fate of one's neighbor.

If the contents of the dropper are intended for the sleeper, there may be problems with an influential person or law enforcement agencies.

seen the birth

The prediction of what dreams of seeing childbirth is, first of all, addressed to expectant mothers: blood appears in the nightly dreams of pregnant women.

The dream book of Catherine the Great assures that this is a favorable sign: the baby will be born strong. If you happen to see a miscarriage, a new life stage lies ahead.

If the blood stains were erased

If you washed things stained with blood, it will upset the inability to fulfill the request. When it happens to wipe clothes, do not rely on a trusted person, a white dress reflects doubts in the chosen one.

If a man had to wash his marks in a dream, the planned rest is postponed. A friend is in trouble. It turns out that no one except the dreamer can correct the situation - how can you refuse?

A stained sheet represents distrust between spouses. If dried traces are dreamed up, former hostility will make itself felt.

What does animal blood mean?

The life-giving moisture of animals and birds is used in ritual sacrifices. A symbol in a dream betrays an interest in the occult or suggests that someone is having a magical effect on the sleeping person.

Freud's dream book prosaically explains why the blood is dreamed not of a human, but of another creature: it testifies to hostility towards relatives and secret addictions of an intimate nature.

animal blood

Dream Interpretation Enigma offers interesting explanations of what blood means in the body of an animal:

  • Canine is seen on the eve of change;
  • Cat promises disappointment in a loved one;
  • Sheep, cow predicts losses;
  • The wounded horse symbolizes a friend in trouble;
  • A slaughtered pig predicts evil rumors.

What do birds mean

Bird blood often means clipped wings. Dream Interpretations clarify what this or that type means:

  1. Cutting a rooster happens in moments of doubt;
  2. Dove injury? Find a new relative;
  3. Predators symbolize deliverance from danger;
  4. A crow is wounded - the horizons will expand;
  5. Bloody from the inside, the egg appeals to the strength of the spirit.

Interior and environment

Interpreting what blood is dreaming of on the road, Tsvetkov’s dream book promises a find, a win, a gift. Nostradamus considers purple marks on the ground to be harbingers of trials and losses.

Drips on the fence portend the birth of a genius, the disclosure of talent. Drops from the ceiling promise a useful acquaintance.

If you had a chance to swim in a bath with reddish water, there will be rivalry. When a dirty toilet is dreaming, you will find out who harms on the sly. A lonely soiled bed predicts marriage.

Interpretation of the meanings of body parts

The interpretation of bleeding portends a meeting with relatives, suggests how to improve family relationships, reveals the most pressing psychological problems, reminds you that it's time to see a doctor. The sign corresponds to spiritual development, a leak may indicate moral degradation.

If old scars are opened in a dream, past grievances will again cause suffering. The symbol appears in a dream to remind you of the direct relationship between good family relationships and success in business and other areas of life.

Ear, throat, nose

If you managed to pull out your teeth, the situation in the house will improve. A trickle from the ear precedes important news. They blow their noses in anticipation of the disease, they also blow their noses when they are tired.

Saliva represents discontent. In a dream, they spit at a relative, to whom they hide hostility. The one who spit runs the risk of inadvertently "spitting out" a family secret.

Why is the body dreaming

Other parts of the body matter:

  • A cut on the neck - the enemy is too tough for you;
  • Wounded palm - underestimate family ties;
  • I dreamed of drops from under my nails - take care of the children;
  • Bleeding intimate places promise shame.
  • Sick of blood, feces were red - stomach problems;

Saw an accident

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation will help you figure out why you had a chance to see a dream catastrophe, a sea of ​​blood. The accident symbolizes forced interaction with an unpleasant person.

When thick blood flows, romantic relationships are in danger: the risk of separation is high. The financial situation and morale are unstable, unreasonable spending, annoyance, depression are likely.

If a bloody corpse is seen, there will be an opportunity to gather all relatives, spend a pleasant evening in the family circle.

Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

Likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author


    In a dream, she bathed in a bath of her own blood. There was a miscarriage and a fetal bladder, it also ended up in the bathroom. I picked it up and examined it, it was a child. Then she got into bed with the man she didn't love and told him about the miscarriage, and we cried. Why dream?

    My boyfriend dreamed that he was shot at and several bullets hit him, blood was flowing from under his clothes. His friend was nearby, but he did not notice the wounds and behaved as usual, and the guy said that he was ill and needed to go to the hospital, then they pulled the bullets out of his body. Please tell me what it all means, otherwise we are very worried.

    • Don't worry! Your boyfriend will get into a situation where it will be necessary to stand up for someone. As a result, he will resent the fact that he alone offered help to a person. 🤔

      • Strongly quarrel with relatives, to the point that you do not want to communicate with them. Trouble can be avoided. Try not to get into an argument if the mood is bad. Control yourself 🙏.

        7-Sep-2019 Yustina:

        Husband dreamed. Swims under water and is attacked by a snake. One dodges, and the other bites. Then he squeezes out the poison, and the blood is blue, then red again. What is it for?

        • Advise your spouse to be on the lookout. A seductive woman will want to seduce him, shower him with compliments and make him proud 👑. But this is a fleeting insanity, your husband will not cheat on you.

          Hello, I dreamed of a tattoo on my elbow - a diamond suit. A drop of blood flowed out of it, and my wife licked it off. What does this mean?

          I'm running from a maniac. Several doors on my way, all covered in blood, as if there had been a massacre. I cry with fear. A shot in the head someone kills the alleged maniac. But there is still a maniac, like a follower. In general, they ran all the way (I'm not the only one) from maniacs among the splashes of blood. What threat hangs over me?

          I dreamed of a raging bloody sea, at first it was just a sandy place along which I walked, and then water began to come and turned into a scarlet color, but so dirty. I barely got out. Like it was under a bridge. Then I watched it on the bridge. But the bloody water came and came. Why is this dreaming?!

          I see a lot of blood flowing from my hand, but I can’t stop it, there is a lot of blood on the floor, that is, on the ground, and I squeeze my hands towards me, but it falls again and blood flows to the floor again.

          Today I had a strange dream, as if I was removing a pad from my underwear, there is a little blood, but she is not alone under it, there is one more, where there is much more blood. I'm just at a decent pregnancy so I'm worried.

          I dreamed that I was on a honey table and I had a dropper through which my blood flows. I ask a doctor woman what she is doing and why. She replied that she was doing blood purification.

          I dreamed of a wide road covered in snow, I was driving a car along this road, and in front of me there was a wide lane across, covered with scarlet blood mixed with snow, from somewhere I know that someone was killed in this place, but I go further and again the same bloody streak. I continue to drive and ahead the road narrows and rises uphill, not big, the car is just passing across the width, and I get stuck on this rise, skidding and suddenly the policemen appear from the other side of the road towards me and try to help me. I even see their car and faces, but they are not familiar to me, the alarm clock rings and the dream is interrupted. I looked at different dream books, there is a description of the road, snow, blood separately, but how to add up the whole dream and understand? Help me please!

          I dreamed that my son was bleeding from his eyes. And they put me in the hospital, they saved my son. But I didn't see myself. The husband took care of his son.

          Hello! My husband and I had our first child a year ago! I never had terrible dreams where our baby is present! And here such horror! Sleep - I’m sitting on the couch next to our baby and then he crawled to the barrel and fell there, I ran to pick him up, picked him up, picked him up, and his neck was cut and he was choking on his blood! What is this dream? And will it harm our baby!???

          I just dreamed that they were shooting at me, I wanted to run away and it didn’t work out! I look at the floor and see a big pool of blood there. Please help explain what this is all about. It's three hours, I can't go back to sleep.

          Today I dreamed that I was wiping the blood on the board and there were scattered cherries on this board and these cherries fall all the time when I wipe the blood 🙂

          I was walking the other day with a friend and her brother. The guy doesn't allow it, and found out. They quarreled a lot. He left me. At night I had a dream that Zhenya, my friend's brother, was sitting next to me and then my boyfriend bursts into the room and they start fighting in another room. I go in and see a bright red pool of blood. And I see the two of them, but they outwardly became the same (Zhenya became like two drops of water similar to my boyfriend), then I see how my boyfriend leaves. Then I dream about how my boyfriend proposes to me. I go outside and meet my former classmate, but three years have passed since school, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but almost every night I dream about him, I don’t even think about him. And in a dream, he also makes me an offer, and I agree to his offer. What was the point of all this?

          I dream that I am in some kind of house. The house is beautiful, bright and there is sunshine everywhere. The garden is beautiful around it, a gazebo. I go into one of the rooms, and in this room there was a mirror ... It was large and oval. And so I began to look into it and put myself in order (wipe my face, examine it), when suddenly blood flowed from my eyes. Frightened, I began to wash my eyes with water ... Later, I began to wash my hands of blood ... I also remember that I tried to call an ambulance, but could not. Something was bothering me. I remember falling on the bed bleeding in my sleep (my eyes were covered in blood from my eyes).

          My boyfriend and I work together. Our team is small and only two guys. Dream: everyone came to work. I accidentally hear a conversation between my boyfriend and an employee. He sort of helped her fight off her ex and was now wondering if there were any new incidents. I was hurt that no one told me about it, I wanted to tell him. But then the boss announces a corporate party and we go to a restaurant. There I sat down between the girls, on the left was Natasha, who was helped by my boyfriend. And then I notice, my boyfriend is very drunk, and his eyes are red, well, like those of drunkards. Then he abruptly gets up and starts to move to me. I catch Natasha by the hand and ask him not to give up his seat. But she says that she will not participate in this, and lets him through. He starts screaming "Kiss me!". I dodge and slap him. He starts shouting the same thing to the girl sitting next to me on the other side. The boss yells at her: ‘Pay no attention’ and he is led out from behind the table. Here the boss gives the command to hold him and grabs the spoon. I understand that he is having an epileptic fit. They insert a spoon ... but everyone jumps sharply. And then I see - blood is gushing from his mouth, nose and top of his head, a lot, thick and dark. In a panic, I grab a napkin, throw my head back to him, the blood drips a little from my head, but it doesn’t seem to be anymore ... it was incomprehensible, he was already all dirty. I began to pinch the wound on my head with a napkin. Or rather, where the blood came from, there was no wound there ... And she woke up. In reality, he does not get drunk and does not stick to others ... and we submitted an application to the registry office ... now I think, maybe we were in a hurry?

Most often, blood in a dream indicates a family (blood) connection and reports that something future will be related directly to relatives. However, this image has other interpretations. What exactly is dreaming about, that there is blood, popular dream books will tell.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Had a dream about how blood poured from a wound on the body or head? This means that you will have to worry a lot about your own health or a broken deal. Have you ever seen your bloodied hands? In the near future, failures and total bad luck await you. The dream interpretation advises to quickly sort things out.

There is blood in Medea's dream book

Blood in a dream is a symbol of personal energy. For this reason, any bleeding indicates the loss of much-needed vitality and eloquently warns of the onset of illness, spiritual or physical exhaustion. In addition, blood loss can predict other hardships and problems, ranging from a sharp loss of money to the death of loved ones.

If you dreamed that another character was bleeding, then this conveys the dreamer's guilt in front of him in the real world. In fact, you run the risk of doing something that will cause trouble for a dreaming person. If it happened to get dirty in someone else's blood, then this literally means that you intermarried with him in another dream world.

Opinion of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If blood is flowing in a dream, it means that a person is losing energy. To see how a bloody stream of bright scarlet color suddenly gushed out means that you are able to do something that previously seemed impossible. But only if you manage to direct your forces in the right direction.

Did you dream that a clean jet without clots was pouring from a deep wound? You will worry when solving an important problem. If it flows from your mouth, then you will be able to captivate others with your enthusiasm. Bleeding from the ears warns that you will hear news that will push you to take decisive action. Bleeding from the nose marks excitement and reflection. Most likely, you are wasting your life forces in vain.

Did you dream that black blood was pouring? The vision promises a speedy recovery to the sick, and deliverance from spiritual wounds to the healthy. If there were clots in pure blood, then health problems will arise. A clotted bloody crust marks a period of sadness and suffering.

Bleeding according to the modern combined dream book

To dream that blood is flowing onto clothes means that the enemies are looking for a suitable opportunity to harm. After such a vision, caution should be exercised in dealing with strangers and strange people.

Did you dream that blood was coming from a wound? There is a possibility of illness and the failure of a commercial deal with foreign partners. If the blood is pouring on your hands, then you will definitely not be lucky. It is also an omen of an accident and a major failure.

I dreamed of blood - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If there was blood in a dream, then there will be news from relatives. Bleeding - to temporary loneliness and great sadness. Happened to hurt another character to a bloody yushka? Carelessness and short-sightedness make it difficult to understand the current situation.

Did you dream that a loved one was bleeding? Your own selfishness will lead to a quarrel and even parting with him. If the current blood literally flooded the earth, then all the people will have to experience hardships, disasters and other troubles.

Interpretation of the image according to the collection of dream books

Own blood loss is a very bad sign, especially if it was not possible to stop it in dreams. Most likely, a severe and prolonged illness will deprive you of strength and means.

At the same time, bleeding warns that you will commit an act due to which friends and loved ones will turn away from you.

Why dream - blood is coming from the head

However, if blood flows exclusively from the head, then this is a sign of imminent enrichment and an increase in property. After the vision, expect good luck and a favorable set of circumstances.

Did you dream that you had a fight with someone and inflicted a serious wound on your opponent, from which a bloody fountain spattered? Try not to interfere in the upcoming quarrel, otherwise you will get unpleasant consequences. If in a dream blood flowed from the head, then some news will become the starting point for decisive action.

In a dream, blood is coming from a tooth

As you know, teeth represent relatives and closest people. If blood flowed from them in dreams, then some kind of misfortune or trouble will happen to relatives. Worst of all, if the tooth falls out with ichor. This is a sign that someone in the family will die.

Did you happen to see that blood is coming from a tooth? This is a reflection of passivity, impotence or unwillingness to change anything. In rare cases, vision is interpreted as a fear of old age and one's own death. If in a dream your tooth was pulled out, and the bleeding did not stop for a long time, then in reality you will quarrel with your loved one up to a complete rupture.

What is the dream of bleeding from the mouth

If in a dream blood comes out of your mouth, then in reality you have all the prerequisites to lead people or captivate them with some kind of business, idea. The blood coming from the mouths of other characters hints at the rumors and gossip spread by evil tongues. Did you dream that a bloody yushka was flowing profusely from your mouth? You will gain a lot, but you will lose just as quickly.

Why dream of nosebleeds

Seeing nosebleeds in a dream - to the acquisition of a prohibited product. For people with great power, this is a warning against rash decisions and dishonest actions. Is there dark blood coming from the nose? There will be loss, poverty and humiliation. If it is bright and clean, then you have to worry and worry a lot, but without serious consequences.

What does bleeding from wounds mean?

Bloodshed due to injury symbolizes the loss of energy, time and material resources. A dream promises a breakdown in transactions, a deterioration in the financial situation and other troubles associated with money. Seeing blood flowing from a wound is a situation that seems insignificant, but will bring a lot of trouble and difficulty.

If in a dream you tried to stop the blood that comes from the wound, then in real life you cannot forget the deceased person. To bleed after being wounded literally means to live beyond one's means.

If the sight of blood from a wound fascinates you and even likes it, then you are hiding some secret that bothers you very much.

Why dream of blood from the uterus

In magical practices, the female uterus is considered an inexhaustible source of energy. Therefore, bleeding from it calls for the accumulation of vital energy and strength before some important event.

It is also a symbol of mental trauma received as a result of external influences. Sometimes uterine bleeding dreams before pregnancy. But most often reflects the need for protection and security. In any case, you should consult a doctor and check the condition of the genital area.

Dreamed of menstruation? Vision is considered a reflection of imminent change. In reality, get rid of what prevents you from living and get new habits, relationships, ideas in return.

I dreamed of bleeding during pregnancy

If a pregnant lady dreamed of bleeding in real life, then this is a reflection of her suspiciousness and fears. Usually, a dream on the contrary promises the birth of an absolutely healthy and strong baby. Although caution does not hurt, because in such an interesting position it is necessary to take care of yourself.

Did you dream that you had a miscarriage during pregnancy? Soon there will be changes for which you are not yet ready. It is also a signal of unexpected changes in long-planned plans.

Sometimes a miscarriage and uterine bleeding reflect an injustice or a truly shocking situation.

Why dream that blood is flowing at home

Seeing in a dream blood loss that cannot be stopped is a longing for a person who has gone to another world. If blood flows and stains clothes, then new friends or fans are up to something unkind.

Did you dream that blood gushed out in a fountain or jet? You are capable of incredible deeds and will easily overcome any obstacles if you realize your own destiny and direct all your energy to its fulfillment.

Why dream of bleeding from another person

Seeing in a dream how blood is flowing from a friend literally means that communication with him can completely stop due to your selfishness or excessive talkativeness.

If black blood flows from the body of a patient in real life, then he will soon recover. If healthy, then he will get rid of difficult thoughts or relationships.

I dreamed that another person started bleeding through your fault (for example, you pushed him, beat him or injured him), then you urgently need to take the initiative and not wait for help from others.

There is blood in a dream - interpretation

To make a more accurate interpretation, you should take into account any details of what happened in a dream. After all, the interpretation largely depends on the quality of the blood in a dream, the place of bleeding, etc.

  • red blood - for fun
  • its own bright scarlet - to health
  • someone else's - the death of a blood relative
  • diluted with saliva - the death of a cousin
  • warm - to receive energy
  • cold - love fades
  • with clots - to the disease
  • black - to recovery / deliverance
  • blue - surprise
  • caked with a crust - a relative will get sick
  • animal - to the fulfillment of desires
  • human - to the loss of energy
  • own - to headache, migraine
  • someone else's - to insignificant profit
  • a lot of clean - to the benefit, enrichment
  • dark, with clots - for testing
  • blood puddle - fulfillment of desires, dangerous feelings
  • drops - satisfaction
  • bloody footprints - wealth
  • tears - you will find yourself in a strange situation
  • combat wound - haste will lead to trouble
  • from a small cut - to a party with friends
  • from a deep wound - to experiences
  • from the nose - to an accident, a car accident
  • from ears - news
  • from the eyes - to shock, fear
  • from the throat - to shame for one's own shortcomings
  • from a severed head - to grief, a serious loss
  • out of hand - things will fall apart
  • from the leg - the position will be shaken
  • from the heart - a "heart" wound
  • from the abscess - to the base
  • spitting blood - to shame, illness
  • vomiting with blood - to difficult disposal
  • drink blood - to a new hope
  • lick - to mental anxieties
  • let yourself go - to weakness, loss
  • bathe in it - to shocks
  • get dirty - circumstances will turn out unfavorably
  • pours on the ground - fortunately, the prospect
  • floods everything around - to disaster

If in a dream you suddenly discovered that another character was pouring clean water from a wound instead of blood, then in the real world he literally lives a fictional life and prefers to wear a mask, hiding his true essence under it. Even worse, to see such bleeding in yourself.

Any "bloody" dreams terrify the sleepers. But they do not always turn out to be negative harbingers and promise something bad to a person. More about what blood is dreaming of is discussed further.

If you dreamed of a lot of blood on the floor in your own house, then such an eerie plot of night visions can be considered a favorable harbinger. He promises a man a rich find. In addition, the sleeper has a chance to win the lottery or hit an impressive jackpot in the casino in the very near future. It is worth trying your luck in each of these areas.

A large amount of blood on the snow-white snow on the street warns the sleeper of the impending danger. If the dreamer is used to substituting other people for his own benefit, then now all his bad deeds will be exposed. You will have to publicly answer for your mistakes.

Meat covered in blood is a warning for a man or woman. If you succumb to the persuasion of a friend / relative and get involved in the scam offered by him, then problems in real life cannot be avoided. You may even have to serve a well-deserved sentence in places not so remote.

Seeing menstrual blood in a dream

Quite often, menstrual blood also appears in the dreams of people of both sexes. The exact meaning of such a plot depends on exactly where and under what conditions it appeared.

If the bed was stained with monthly blood, you need to be wary of a traitor in real life. They may be a close friend or even the other half of the dreamer. Change is also possible.

Menstrual stains on the clothes of a stranger suggest that in reality the dreamer will have a rival / rival. A new character can arise in any area of ​​life - in a personal (fight for the heart of a loved one), in work (another contender for a "tasty" position). In any case, it will not be easy to fight a competitor.

Did a man see his girlfriend's blood on him? He ceased to be sure of his own feelings for his partner. It is worth taking a break in the relationship for a while and carefully analyze your own thoughts and emotions.

Nosebleed, wound

If you dream of blood from the nose, then such a plot, according to most dream books, symbolizes the sleeping person’s desire to retire, as well as his efforts to achieve his goals. A very strong flow of scarlet discharge from the nose is a hint that a person’s vitality is running out. He neglects his health and devotes all his free time to work. It's time to stop, exhale and allow yourself to relax. Otherwise, serious health problems cannot be avoided.

It happens that blood from the nose is released in small, insignificant drops, but at the same time it gets on clothes. So, you need to carefully consider every step you take and avoid spontaneous decisions. Otherwise, you can make a fatal mistake.

If there is blood from the wound, you need to remember exactly where the damage was located:

  • On the chest - the sleeping person expects strong emotional experiences. Dealing with them alone will not be easy.
  • In the throat - the dreamer's harsh words and judgments can adversely affect his reputation. It must be remembered that sometimes it is better to remain silent than to try to prove to others your truth.
  • On the head - the sleeping person is under strong pressure by an authoritarian despotic person. Perhaps this is the boss or even the second half.
  • Before our eyes - a man or woman will be disappointed in a loved one.

Interpretation of a dream about a miscarriage with blood

A dream in which the sleeping person himself has a miscarriage with blood is a negative harbinger. He suggests that one of the close relatives of a person will have a serious misfortune. There is no way to prevent it.

If the plot under discussion is seen by a man whose wife is currently pregnant, then do not be afraid of repeating the plot in reality. In fact, in this way, the dreamer's fears of the future manifest themselves. A man is afraid of becoming a bad father, as well as the hassle associated with caring for a baby and losing his own freedom.

If such a plot of night dreams is seen by a person who is already a parent in reality, then his problems in the near future will be connected precisely with children. You need to become more attentive to the heirs and start devoting more time to them.

It happens that in a dream, in front of the sleeping person, a miscarriage happens to someone else. Perhaps even an animal. After such a dream, a man or woman will have to face injustice. A close person will stick a knife in his back.

Bleeding in another person

If you dream of someone else's blood in large quantities, it means that in reality the sleeper is wasting his own strength on people he does not need. In this situation, he will soon face nervous exhaustion and all sorts of health problems.

Vanga's dream book notes that the blood of another person on the hands of a sleeping person is an important clue. He needs to seriously think about his behavior. With his words and deeds, the dreamer literally kills relatives and friends.

A pool of blood that has flowed from a stranger promises a man or woman serious trouble in real life. It could be an accident, a robbery, or even a close friend's illness.

It happens that a seriously ill person in reality, like a stranger, dark blood flows in large quantities. Such a dream under these conditions is a favorable harbinger. He promises the dreamer a speedy recovery. Bright scarlet bleeding from a relative or acquaintance is a clue that this character is waking up from a serious illness.

The dreamer should give him advice to undergo a preventive examination by a doctor.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of blood

Any dreams with blood are usually very frightening for pregnant women. But worries about this are in vain. The dream of heavy bleeding, on the contrary, tells the girl that her birth will go well.

If the discharge was accompanied by severe pain for the sleeping woman, the baby may be born ahead of time. The main thing is not to miss an important moment and is constantly close to medical specialists. For example, to refuse a long trip to nature, on vacation, to my grandmother in the village.

Own blood on the hands, from the mouth

Blood in a dream on the hands, as a rule, appears in a difficult life period for a person. The enemies of the sleeper turned out to be very strong, influential people who can boast of all the necessary connections. To save your own strength and nerves, you should not fight with such ill-wishers, but simply move away from them. Any attempts by the enemy to attack are best ignored.

Blood stains were not only on the hands, but also on the legs? The dreamer's plans will constantly be hindered by something. There is a high probability that envious people will completely rip them off. In this case, you do not need to stop the fight, you should do everything possible to achieve your goals.

In the dream books of Miller and Vanga, it is noted that the coloring of water red from the hands of a sleeping person is a clear clue about the presence of damage on it. An experienced psychic will help him deal with this issue.

Tooth fell out with blood

If a tooth falls out with blood in a dream, the problems are likely to affect not the sleeping person, but one of his blood relatives. It is necessary to take a closer look at the condition of family members and pay attention to the possible symptoms of various ailments in them. If there was a lot of blood, even the death of a loved one is possible.

A very rotten and foul-smelling tooth that fell out with a drop of blood is a hint for the sleeper that he himself needs to take care of his health. Pay special attention to the oral cavity, nervous system, throat.

What does the dream portend for a woman, a man

If the whole body of a man is covered with his own blood, he will probably soon learn about any secrets of his own kind. For example, about the presence of a blood brother, sister. The same story tells a woman that the act of a loved one will destroy her reputation.

The second half of the girl spitting blood? In the near future, the lovers will meet each other's relatives. For a man, a dream in which his soulmate spits blood suggests that the young lady is very likely to cheat. It will take place with the dreamer's brother or close friend.

If blood comes from the lips, then the man regrets some words he said. For a woman, such a dream plot is a hint that she is too worried about the health of a member of her family. Often her worries are unfounded.

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