A fragment of a historical document telling about the events of the second half of the 17th century. The USSR. life under Stalin. (memoirs of professor, doctor of technical sciences valery antonovich torgashev) The industrial revolution in Russia has begun

What change in worship was made at the initiative of Patriarch Nikon and became one of the reasons for the split of the Orthodox Church?

1) be baptized not with two, but with three fingers

2) do not wear pectoral crosses

3) do not use Greek in worship

    What is one of the causes of the Troubles?

1) penetration into Russia of the ideas of the European Reformation

2) lack of landowners

3) dissatisfaction of the people with the monetary reform of Boris Godunov

4) suppression of the legitimate royal dynasty

    What provisions are contained in the "Council Code"?

A) indefinite search for runaway peasants

B) a fifteen-year investigation of runaway peasants

B) obligatory civil or military service for all nobles and boyars

D) prohibition of townspeople to leave their cities

D) the elimination of "white settlements" in cities

E) transfer of monastic lands to the state

    What are the results of the Crimean campaigns of V. Golitsyn?

1) Russian troops defeated the troops of the Crimean Khan and occupied Bakhchisarai

2) Russian troops in the battle on the river. Ingul were defeated by the troops of the Crimean Khan

3) Russian troops could not break into the Crimea and returned with losses

4) Russia captured Azov and made the Crimean Khan its tributary

    Match the names of the kings and the dates of their reign:


1) Boris Fyodorovich Godunov

A) 1606-1610

2) Alexey Mikhailovich

B) 1598-1605

3) Vasily IV Ivanovich Shuisky

C) 1605-1607

4) Mikhail Fedorovich

D) 1613-1645

D) 1645-1682

    In what year was Russia declared an empire?

    When did Russian troops take Azov?

    What dates are relevant to the Northern War?

1) 1707, 1710, 1723

2) 1700, 1709,1720 3)1712,1714,1719 4)1701,1705,1725

    What event happened in 1711?

1) the creation of the Synod

2) Persian campaign

3) Prut campaign

4) establishment of the Academy of Sciences

    In what years was the "Great Embassy" of Peter I carried out?

1) 1695-1696 2) 1697-1698

3) 1699-1700

4) 1722-1723

    What city was the most important Russian trading center in the south?

1) Arkhangelsk

4) Astrakhan

    What was the official name of Russia adopted under Peter the Great?

1) Russian State

2) Russian kingdom

3) Russian Empire

4) Russian Federation

    Read an extract from a historical document and determine the year of the event described in it:

“The same year, April, on the 27th day, the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Fedor Alekseevich, all the Great and Small and White Autocrats of Russia, reposed. At the same time, his brother, the sovereign Menshov Tsarevich and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich, was elected to the Muscovite state as Tsar ... past his greater brother, Tsarevich John Alekseevich. And the sovereign's cross was kissed by the boyars and the courtiers, and the duma, and the stewards, and the solicitors, etc.

On May 15 of the same year, there was confusion in the Muscovite state. The archers of all orders, and the elected regiment, and the soldiers came to the city of the Kremlin at 11 o'clock with banners and drums, with muskets, with spears, with a reed, and on the run to the city they shouted that Ivan and Afonasy Kirillovich Naryshkin strangled Tsarevich John Alekseevich . And there were no initial people with them. And having run to the Kremlin, archers and soldiers ran to the Red and Bed porches in the royal mansions and forcibly from the top, from the sovereign's mansions, from the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich, boyars and okolnichi, and duma, and stewards were thrown from the porch to the ground , and on the ground they chopped with reeds and stabbed with spears ... "

    What fortress was founded by Peter I on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov?

2) Taganrog

    What was the name of the first museum in Russia?

1) admiralty

2) wardroom

3) department

4) Kunstkamera

    What part of the armed forces were the former "amusing" regiments of Peter I?

1) land army

2) personal protection of the king

3) guard

    What functions did the Senate carry out under Peter I?

1) the highest judicial body

2) management of church affairs

3) the highest body for legislation and public administration

4) political and criminal investigation

    What was the main provision of the Decree of Peter I on single inheritance?

1) all the land of the landowners was transferred to only one heir, while the rest were ordered to serve

2) only the eldest son of a nobleman could receive an inheritance

3) the nobles did not have the right to transfer land by inheritance without the permission of the king

4) a nobleman could inherit land only if he was in military or civil service

    Peter I wrote about the capture of which fortress by the Russian troops:

“It is true that this nut was very cruel, but, thank God, it was happily gnawed. Our artillery has wonderfully corrected its work ”?

1) Narva 2) Noteburg

3) Kronstadt 4) Vyborg

    What events relate to the period of the reign of Peter I?

A) liquidation of orders

B) the division of the country into provinces

B) foundation of the Academy of Arts D) secularization of church lands

E) the appearance of the first court theater E) the introduction of civil type

1) ABE 2) ABE 3) BGD 4) IOP

    What reform of Peter I is associated with the term "recruit"?

1) administrative

2) military

3) church

4) state

    The center of development of what industry in the first quarter of the XVIII century. was the Ural region?

1) linen

2) leather

3) cloth

4) metallurgical

    Match the names and areas of activity:


1) F. Prokopovich

A) diplomacy

2) V. Bering

B) Church

3) F. Lefort

B) sea expeditions

4) P. Shafirov

D) military affairs

D) Education

    Match terms and definitions:


1) Assembly

A) The body of the central government of the state

2) College

B) Form of organization of industrial production

3) Province

C) Territorial-administrative unit

4) Guild

D) Assembly-ball of the nobility

D) Association of merchants

    What event happened in 1762?

1) the Seven Years' War began

2) issued a charter to the nobility

3) reform of the Senate

4) there was a coup that elevated Catherine II to the throne

    What are the dates of the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna?

1) 1725-1727 2) 1740-1762

3) 1741-1761

4) 1762-1796

    When did the meetings of the Legislative Commission begin?

    What event happened in 1755?

1) Moscow University was founded

2) the Academy of Sciences was founded

3) the campaign of Russian troops against the Crimean Khanate began

4) the city of Sevastopol was founded

    What is the name of F.I. Shubin?

1) sculpture

2) literature

3) painting

4) entrepreneurship

    Which of the Russian military leaders became famous during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774?

1) P.A. Rumyantsev

2) F.F. Ushakov

3) B.H. Minich

4) B.P. Sheremetiev

    With the name of which monarch is the abolition of internal duties associated?

1) Anna Ioannovna 2) Peter III

3) Elizaveta Petrovna 4) Pavel I

    Which class did not pay taxes?

1) state peasants 2) merchants

3) nobles 4) tradesmen

    What event dates back to the reign of Peter III?

1) decree on the freedom of the nobility

2) declaration of freedom of enterprise

3) creation of the Cabinet of Ministers

4) restoration of the powers of the Governing Senate and the activities of the collegiums

    What is barshchina?

1) cash or in-kind payments of peasants in favor of the master

2) the work of peasants on the master's field

3) industrial enterprises based in the lordly estates

4) the transfer by the state to private individuals of the right to collect taxes or sell any goods for a fee

    What were the consequences for Russia of the Seven Years' War?

1) Russia got access to the Baltic Sea

2) Russia concluded a favorable peace treaty with Austria and France

3) Russia received the Koenigsberg area

4) Russia returned all the conquered territories of Prussia and went over to the side of the former enemy

    What provisions characterize the crisis of the feudal system in the second half of the 18th century?

A) a sharp drop in industrial production B) an increase in corvée and dues

B) low purchasing power of peasants D) dispossession of peasants

D) the destruction of the natural character of the landlord and peasant

economy E) the defeat of Russia in the wars with Turkey

1) BVD 2) ABE

3) IOP 4) AGE

    Whose name are the events described by the foreign ambassador associated with:

“... The officers of the guard and others, who were in large numbers, and in the presence of the queen, began to shout that they did not want anyone to prescribe laws to their sovereign, who should be as autocratic as her predecessors. The noise reached such a point that the queen was forced to threaten them; but they all fell at her feet and said: “We are your Majesty’s faithful subjects, we have faithfully served your predecessors and will sacrifice our lives in the service of your Majesty, but we cannot tolerate tyranny over you. Command us, Your Majesty, and we will cast the heads of tyrants at your feet.” Then the tsarina ordered them to obey Lieutenant General and Lieutenant Colonel of the Guards Saltykov, who at their head proclaimed the tsarina an autocratic empress. The called nobility did the same. So the universal voice proclaimed the queen as autocratic as her predecessors were. This was a terrible blow for the Supreme Council, which wanted to govern according to its own fantasy, which is why it tried not to allow anyone to reach the queen, neither to speak with her, nor to make any suggestion.

1) Catherine I

2) Anna Ioannovna

3) Anna Leopoldovna

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

    What is the characteristic feature of the policy of Paul I?

1) expansion of liberties and rights of the nobility

2) wars with Turkey for access to the Black Sea

3) restriction of noble rights and liberties

4) expansion of the rights of the nobility, its release from civil and military service

    Which phenomenon does not belong to the policy of "enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II?

1) secularization of church lands

2) an attempt to create a unified code of laws

3) development of education

4) enslavement of peasants in Ukraine

    The transformation of the nobility into a privileged estate occurred in the reign

1) Peter I 2) Elizabeth Petrovna 3) Catherine II 4) Paul I

    With the culture of the XVIII century. related name:

1) Simon Ushakov 2) Simeon of Polotsk

3) Vasily Bazhenov 4) Ivan Kramskoy

    Ministries instead of Collegiums were established in Russia in

1) the end of the XVIII century. 2) the beginning of the XIX century.

3) the middle of the XIX century. 4) the middle of the XVIII century.

    Decree on "free (free) cultivators"; was accepted into

1) 1803 2) 1881 3) 1906 4) 1837

    In 1821-1822 an organization was formed:

1) "Northern Society" 2) "Union of Salvation"

3) "Land and freedom" 4) "Union of prosperity"

    The industrial revolution in Russia began:

1) before the abolition of serfdom, later than in England

2) during the abolition of serfdom, at the same time as in France

3) during the years of the abolition of the temporarily liable state of the peasants, earlier than in France

4) during the years of the Stolypin agrarian reform, at the same time as in Germany

    Which event happened first?

    entry of Russian troops into Paris

    siege of Plevna

    suppression by Russian troops of the revolution in Hungary

    battle of Austerlitz

    Russian-Turkish wars in the second half of the 18th century. ended

    Russia's conquest of access to the Black Sea

    loss of the Black Sea region by Russia

    loss of Crimea and Kuban by Russia

    entry into Russia of the Right-bank Ukraine and Belarus

    Who signed the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility?

1) Elizabeth Petrovna 2) Peter III

3) Catherine II 4) Paul I

    Catherine II called a rebel "worse than Pugachev":

1) M.V. Lomonosov; 2) M.Yu. Lermontov;

3) N.M. Karamzin; 4) A.N. Radishchev.

    ";Russian Truth"; Pestel contained a demand...

    restrictions on autocratic power by the constitution

    personal liberation of peasants for a large ransom

    support for the insurgent guards regiments from the urban lower classes and the peasantry

    transfer of power to the Provisional Revolutionary Government, which has dictatorial powers

    Choose the correct match...

a) Aksakov and Samarin 1) Petrashevsky Society

b) Pogodin and Shevyrev 2) Westerners

c) Granovsky and Herzen 3) Moscow Slavophiles

d) Dostoevsky and Belinsky 4) Venevitinov's circle

Answer options

    Where did the battle take place, which is mentioned in an excerpt from the essays by F.N. Glinka?

« Even more to the left are the divisions of Desex and Campana, the 1st Corps of Marshal Davout. These divisions clashed with the troops of Prince Bagration. They rely on Ney's 3rd Corps... What a picture! Redants Semenovskie for a minute captured by the French. Kutuzov immediately orders that a new side battery of 25 guns be put in.

    near Borodino

    near Leipzig

    near the Berezina

    near Maloyaroslavets

    Who was a member of the "Unspoken Committee"?

1) Andrey Zhelyabov 2) Mikhail Muravyov

3) Kondraty Ryleev 4) Pavel Stroganov

    Secularization is:

    economic assistance policy for entrepreneurs

    active state intervention in economic life

    state policy aimed at supporting domestic producers

    conversion of church property into state property by the state

    The document presented by Catherine II to the Legislative Commission was called:

1) "Order" 2) Charter

3) Code 4) Complaint letter

    Monastic peasants after the secularization of church lands in 1764 began to be called:

1) serfs 2) specific

3) state 4) black-mowed

    What were the names of the peasants, about whom the Minister of Finance wrote at the beginning of the 19th century:

"; They are engaged in all kinds of auctions throughout the state, act ... by proxy of the nobles in private and state contracts, deliveries and farming, maintain plants and factories, taverns and inns, have river boats and produce needlework and crafts by hired people"; …

1) temporarily liable 2) sessional

3) capitalist 4) ascribed

    One of the duties of serfs in relation to the landowner in the first half of the XIX century. appeared:

1) in the payment of dues 2) in working off

3) in the payment of poll tax 4) in recruitment duty

    Military settlements in the first quarter of the XIX century. called:

    Cossack villages, whose inhabitants guarded the borders

    garrisons of Russian troops in the Kingdom of Poland

    fortresses built by A.P. Yermolov in the Caucasus to protect against the highlanders

    villages whose inhabitants performed agricultural work and carried out military service

    Catherine II convened the Legislative Commission in order to:

    draw up a new set of laws

    abolish the Senate

    introduce serfdom in Ukraine

    to secularize church lands

    The reasons for the failure of the rationalization of the landlord economy according to European models are rooted in:


    landlords lack the necessary knowledge

    peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugachev

    government protectionist policy

    As a result of the spread of peasant otkhodnichestvo to the cities in the second half of the 18th century. became (o):

    strengthening of the oppression

    stratification of the village into rich and poor

    growth of capitalist manufactures

    reduction in the area of ​​cultivated land

    What was one of the reasons for the start of the Pugachev rebellion?

    introduction of recruitment

    prohibition to sell peasants without land

    liquidation of Cossack liberties

    granting foreign merchants the right to free trade on the Volga

  1. what such Competition enriches knowledge, contributes to stabilization...
  2. Regional Center for Technological Development Marketing Regional Center

    Dissertation abstract

    And they don't know whatsuch dream. Tired bee freezes ... . Bortnik practice convinced whatsuch close-to-story arrangement of dwellings not ... in the form of beekeeping to deck beekeeping, So say homemade beekeeping. By the way...

  3. William Vasilievich Pokhlebkin HISTORY OF VODKA


    Its production base, complementing the ancient beekeeping beekeeping, since the papal throne considered ... from production and trade. And that means whatsuch convenient for monopoly production and taxation ...

(Chronicles of the Streltsy rebellion)
On April 27, 1682, the great sovereign, the tsar and the grand prince of all Great Little and White Russia, autocrat Fyodor Alekseevich, died, and the next day, the young clerk of the Discharge Order, Savely Egoza, sharpened his pen, straightened the already fairly burnt candle, scratched his right ear and began to slowly fill out a notebook.
“Summer 7190 April on the 27th day they named the Russian state as the Tsar of the Tsarevich and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich of All Russia on the proposal of the brother of his great sovereign, the Tsar and the Grand Duke of All Great Lesser and White Russia, autocrat Fyodor Alekseevich of the day at 13 o'clock on Thursday Fomina weeks"
Then the clerk looked up at the smoky ceiling of his tiny cell, sneezed at the sudden tickling in his nose, and continued to write.
“On the same date, the boyars and devious and close people kissed the cross to the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich of all Great Little and White Russia, the autocrat in wooden mansions, where the great sovereign was gone.”
Savely finished the sentence and thought. There was something for him to think about. He saw this kissing of the cross. The chance presented itself to him. They sent him with a scroll to the royal chambers, and there ...
Fyodor Alekseevich was still snoring on his deathbed, and worried people were bustling around. But they did not care about the welfare of the sick person, they had other things on their minds.
- Departs, after all, departs, - the boyar Kirill Poluektovich Naryshkin ran from corner to corner. “Send for the Patriarch as soon as possible, for Jokim!”
Next to the dying man's bed, closer than anyone else, stood the Yazykovs, Pavel Petrovich, with Semyon Ivanovich, and the doctor Jan Gutman.
“Maybe he’ll get some more, sir?” whispered the cup-bearer Semyon Ivanovich in a barely audible voice, peering with great hope at the doctor's stooped back.
“Yes, where is it,” the roundabout Pavel Petrovich waved his hand dismissively, “it’s coming to an end. Oh, our grave sins ...
The tea-cup-maker rushed impetuously to the roundabout and hurriedly whispered in his ear:
- Maybe we didn’t believe Naryshkin in vain? Maybe Ivan - do you need sovereigns? He's the eldest.
- And who knows now, how is it better now?
- Maybe in vain we agreed to Peter? Oh, in vain ...
- What are you, Herod, - out of nowhere, the ruddy Ivan Kirillovich Naryshkin appeared next to whispering, - are you starting a turmoil? Yes, I am you now ...
And then someone groaned:
- It's over!
And an alarming whisper rustled through the royal mansions:
- Lord, Lord, Lord...
And suddenly a cry in the midst of this rustle, like a whip whistling:
- Natalia! Where is Natalya?! Petra, come on! Petra! Where are you all?!
It was Kirill Poluektovich Naryshkin who was worried. And the movement of people from these cries was more busy than before. Everyone fussed, ran ... and then on their knees at once - bang! Patriarch of Moscow Joachim granted. The patriarch approached the dead man and began to read a prayer in a whisper. The silence in the royal chambers hung dead. And what else should she be in this case? And, suddenly, in the midst of that silence, a deathly cough is polite, and then the words are asking.
“Everything is ready,” Kirill Poluektovich hoots. “Forgive me, my lord, but it’s time. Let Peter crown the kingdom. Wouldn't be late...
Again the people got excited. All eyes turned to the throne. And Savely, of course, like everyone else ... He wanted to see the new sovereign, but he saw a frightened boy, ruffled like sparrows after rain, and timidly looking around him. And the people in the wards kept coming and coming. And this was not a simple people, but one of the most prominent. The young clerk was pushed back to the door. It's a shame, of course, a little, but in this case, it's not a sin to stand at the door. Not every day a sovereign is crowned king. True, nothing is visible from the door. No matter how hard Savely tried, he did not reach on tiptoe, but apart from someone's back in a shaggy caftan, nothing could be seen. And Egoza decided to squeeze forward to try, and he seemed to have found some kind of crack, and then a woman’s cry behind his back:
- Yes, what are you doing, Herods?! How can that be? Why are you like crows ... Well, his soul is still here, and you ...
Savely turned around and saw Princess Sophia. He just wasn't used to seeing her like that. She was always majestic, and, as it were, solemn, but here ... Her hair was disheveled, her face was pale with red spots, her hands were trembling. An amazing sight. Only the deacon was not destined to marvel at his pleasure. Naryshkin's father and sons ran up to Princess Naryshka, and okolnichiy Yazykov, like watchdogs...
“You, Sofyushka, that one,” Kirill Poluektovich pushed the angry Sophia to the threshold, “we do everything according to the covenant. According to the behest of Fyodor Alekseevich. Don't be mad Sophia. His last words were for Peter to reign... Get out, ask Yazykov. He will tell you the whole truth. You tell her Languages, tell her. What happens, that cannot be avoided. Don't be angry. Which Ivan is the king? You know…
Sofya wanted to object to Naryshkin, but suddenly she howled like a woman, like a village, covered her face with her hands and ran out the door.
- Thank you Lord, - whispered, exhaling noisily, Kirill Poluektovich. I thought it would be worse...
Meanwhile, the patriarch brought the solemn rite to completion, and ordered everyone to kiss the new sovereign's cross. The triumph of the moment has come ... All those who were in the ward were driven to the throne ...
The clerk wiped his face with his sleeve and continued writing in the book:
“On the same date, the stolniks and solicitors, and Moscow nobles and residents kissed the cross to the great sovereign…”
When the pandemonium subsided a little in the chambers, noble boyars went to the people. And Savely, together with everyone else, fled from the steps of the royal porch. The people in the square in front of the porch were apparently invisible. Everyone was worried, only Kirill Pluektovich Naryshkin was businesslike, calm and strict, sending out boyars from his inner circle in order to quickly bring the people to the oath of the new tsar. The bigger, the better! He wanted to get it done as soon as possible. Strike while the iron is hot!
“and the boyar Yakov Nikitich Odoevskoy and the roundabout prince Kostentin Osipovich Shcherbaty Duma clerk Vasily Semenov led to faith. And in the cathedral apostolic church, the boyar Pyotr Mikhailovich Soltykov, the prince Grigory Afanasyevich Kozlovsky, and the duma clerk Emelyan Ukraintsev brought to the cross. In the Posolsky Prikaz, the duma deacon Larion Ivanov led clerks, translators, and interpreters to the cross. At Christmas on Christ, the steward Ivan Afonasiev son Likhachev and palace clerks led to the cross. In Opteka, the boyar and butler Prince Vasily Fedorovich Odoyesky and the deacon Andrey Vinius led to faith.
At first everything went well. No one slammed, and everyone regularly kissed the cross, but a petty rumor flew around the square.
- Archers refuse to swear allegiance to the new king.
Dyak Saveliy sighed, in his soul cursing the archers for their self-will, so, after all, what outrageous things, yes, he wrote down:
“On the same date, the strong ones were made and the archers of the Alexandrov order of Karandeev did not kiss the cross.”

“The same year, April, on the 27th day, the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Fedor Alekseevich of all Great and Small and White Russia, autocrat, reposed. At the same time, his brother Tsarevich Menshov and Grand Duke Pyotr Alekseevich were elected tsar to the Muscovite state ... past his greater brother, Tsarevich Ioann Alekseevich. And the sovereign's cross was kissed by the boyars and the courtiers, and the duma, and the stewards, and the solicitors, etc.

On the 15th day of the same year in May, there was confusion in the Muscovite state. The archers of all orders, and the elected regiment, and the soldiers came to the city of the Kremlin at 11 o'clock with banners and drums, with muskets, with spears, with a reed, and on the run to the city they shouted that Ivan and Afonasy Kirillovich Naryshkin had strangled the prince John Alekseevich. And there were no initial people with them. And having run to the Kremlin, archers and soldiers ran to the Red and Bed porches in the royal mansions and forcibly from the top, from the sovereign's mansions, from the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Peter Alekseevich, boyars and okolnichi, and duma, and stewards were thrown from the porch to the ground , and on the ground they chopped with reeds and stabbed with spears ... "

C1. In what year did the events described in the text take place? What city was the setting?

C2. Who was in the performance? What was the reason for the unrest? Who was the victim of the performance?

SZ. Representatives of what boyar family organized this performance? Who began to officially reign as a result of the events described? Who became the actual ruler?

C4. What tasks did Catherine II set before the state administration, implementing the policy of enlightened absolutism? List at least two tasks. Give at least three examples of the actions of the empress aimed at solving these problems.

C5. Below are two points of view on the significance of the reforms of Peter I.

1. Peter's reforms meant Russia's entry into a new period in its history. Modernization has affected almost all aspects of the life of Russian society, expanded the country's ties with Europe, and reduced its lag behind the advanced countries.

2. The reforms had more negative consequences than positive ones. They gave little to the bulk of the country's population.

Indicate which of the above points of view seems to be more preferable to you. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

Sat. Review the historical situation and answer the questions.

During the reign of Catherine II, the largest popular uprising in the history of Russia broke out under the leadership of E. I. Pugachev. It was long and covered a vast territory. List at least two reasons for the uprising. The struggle of the rebels against the government troops was extremely fierce. Name at least three facts related to the uprising.

C7. Compare the position of the Russian Orthodox Church at the end of the 17th century. and at the end of the XVIII century.

And already on April 16 of the same year, it began its activity
Irkutsk provincial military commissariat. In "Service
form" of the military registration and enlistment office only one break - from July
1918 to January 1920 - the time of a short "directory"
Kolchak and interventionists. Total - 85 years in the service of the Fatherland.

Vasily Filippovich Dygay - retired colonel, former
head of the third branch of the regional military registration and enlistment office, -
without exaggeration, a living page in the history of this institution.

And not only. For example, I rarely met veterans
Great Patriotic War, who began the front line in the western
borders of the country, and graduated in the Far East, having
24 military awards, the first of which is the famous
Medal of Honor"; surviving and continuing to serve
26 more "full calendars" in not the warmest places ...
By the way, this is also about military registration and enlistment offices.

- Those who think that they are sitting at this job are mistaken
only "clerks" and wipe their pants, - says
Vasily Filippovich. - The military registration and enlistment office is a mobilization
army reserve, spring actuating the trigger
mechanism. The spring will weaken, and the strikers and drummers are worthless.
Do you think it was accidentally said that personnel officers meet the war,
and finish the reservists?

Thanks to those military commissars who prepared us before the war.
Not a week went by that the schools did not
competitions for passing the TRP standards (“Ready for work and defense”),
hikes for 15-20 kilometers with full equipment, fees
in paramilitary camps, tests under the program "Voroshilovsky

But how useful ... Do you want a story? It's before
the beginning of the Iasi-Kishinev operation happened. I then
was assistant chief of staff of the battalion for intelligence and received
task to get a useful "language". Before this, everything was not lucky:
either we’ll lose our people, or we’ll lose some “wagon guard”
let's take the stupid one.

And then the guys noticed one machine-gun nest from the Germans
100-150 meters from our trenches and decided to take
we'll be a day. The main bet is on their pedantry. Fascists
even at the front, they fought according to the schedule. Breakfast lunch,
supper is sacred to them. We selected three strong
guys and in the morning, when all the German machine gunners were distracted
for coffee with biscuits, threw them "for a hundred meters" ... The sun
the Germans in the eye, plus the factor of surprise, and even speed.
In short, they threw grenades at the nest, grabbed the "tongue"
calm down and go back. Guess I guess then stopwatch
let it go, the record of "hundred meters" would long ago have been from another count
led ... Here you have the TRP, here you have work with conscripts.

- And you yourself thought that you would ever have to go to the military registration and enlistment office
serve? How did it even happen?

- In general, when our 110th Guards Rifle
Alexandrinsky-Khinganskaya twice Red Banner, orders
Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky, the division was transferred to
1945 from near Mukden to Irkutsk, there was no such thought.
But since 1948, I have, in principle, been engaged in almost
military commissariat work - served in the headquarters of the district as a senior
assistant to the head of the organizational and mobilization department
department. In 1953, a major reform was carried out in the army
and the East Siberian District was abolished with headquarters
in Irkutsk, and here I already got to serve in the regional military registration and enlistment office.
Then many front-line officers were sent to this system.
Firstly, in order not to lose the officers, and secondly,
to strengthen the military registration and enlistment offices themselves. During the war and
after it, they were often staffed with personnel who did not have
appropriate education, logistics specialists, which
in the conditions of "cooling" it was, to put it mildly, short-sighted.

- And what, now the front-line soldiers began to teach military registration and enlistment offices
run a hundred meters?

- And how ... Previously, because the working conditions are not like
the current ones were - no telexes, no mobile phones, no computers.
Transport was not enough. The regional military registration and enlistment office
housed in a one-story wooden building opposite the factory
named after Kuibyshev. And they worked in it ... 60 people - 36
officers and 24 employees, said to be from civilian
population. What about the scope of work? The current military commissars even imagine
difficult, what is it to call on a valid yearly
service of 10 thousand recruits and even provide mandatory
retraining of 500 officers and more than 2 thousand soldiers and
reserve sergeants ... Now about this form of work, almost
forgotten, but it would not hurt to remember - as well as about the "fried
rooster, "who pecks at the wrong time, and that" the people
who does not want to feed his own army, will feed someone else's ... "
However, this is different.

So about hundred meters. In order not to take the post-war
time - you yourself understand, even the law of inertia could work,
Let me give you an example from 1969. A quarter of a century after the war
superpower complex, and it seems to be the beginning of "shortness of breath".
And the order of the district commander - within 48 hours
deploy a division from among the reservists in the region,
staffed according to wartime states. For military registration and enlistment offices
this period is always halved ... So, after
24 hours military commissar of the Tulunsky district, Lieutenant Colonel Ivan
Artemenko gathered and sent 600 people to the assembly point
soldiers and sergeants, 100 officers and more than 200 vehicles.
Lieutenant Colonel Iosif Bochever from Nizhneudinsk - more
1000 people and 300 vehicles. And so on for everyone
district military offices. How else? Our practice was:
gave an introductory to this or that district to collect in the right
time for so many reservists, and if 10-15 percent did not
- marriage in the work of military enlistment offices. Yes ... front-line hardening was.

To the current practice of the work of military registration and enlistment offices Vasily Filippovich
treats with understanding - difficult time, other tasks,
and yet there is one "but" that does not approve: few
humanity towards people. What to say about
conscripts, reservists, even if their veterans
the recruiting office remembers less and less. Last congratulations
received from colleagues Vasily Filippovich ... for the 80th anniversary of the military registration and enlistment office.
Maybe now they will remember by the 85th anniversary? But from the institute
"Vostsibgiproshakht", where he worked for only five years as the head
civil defense, regularly receives congratulations,
and material assistance... Even the president of Russia and the minister
defense every year do not forget to congratulate on the Victory Day.

- This is the main thing I want to wish my colleagues on the day
Anniversary of the military registration and enlistment office: remember people. Remember results
work - "hundred meters" has not yet ended. It would be good for everyone
us to be in full shape ...

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