He helped me many times. “My friend was a bounty hunter. I helped him a couple of times. Your new requirements

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Pavel Petrovich (NOT) ONCE helped his brother when he was tormented, thinking of HOW (WOULD) dodge and find the missing amount.

(AT) THE BEGINNING of the young writer's novel it was difficult to judge the author's talent, but (IN) AFTER the readers appreciated his work.

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed that Kirill's words at the meeting did not make any impression, but (IN) SOON it turned out that the whole department was discussing his speech.

The forest sleeps silently, motionless, (AS) AS if it peers WHERE (THAT) with its tops.

(IN) AFTER he repented that, BECAUSE of (FOR) lack of time, he could not fulfill her request.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

Pavel Petrovich helped his brother more than once when he was tormented, thinking of HOW to dodge and find the missing amount.

AT THE BEGINNING of the young writer's novel it was difficult to judge the author's talent, but AFTER the readers appreciated his work.

AT THE FIRST TIME, it seemed that Kirill's words at the meeting did not make any impression, but it soon turned out that the entire department was discussing his speech.

The forest sleeps silently, motionless, AS if it peers SOMEWHERE with its tops.

SUBSEQUENTLY, he regretted that due to lack of time, he could not fulfill her request.


Answer: at first soon | soon at first

Rule: Task 14. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech.

According to the "Specification" in this task, knowledge of the most voluminous, most diverse and therefore the most complex material is checked. In this "Reference" section, the rules of school textbooks will be systematized, as well as supplemented with the information that is necessary for the successful completion of the USE assignment and mastering practical literacy. The set of rules that will be analyzed is not accidental: the creation of the list was preceded by work on the study of tasks from past years, the FIPI bank, as well as printed publications, the authors of which are the creators of KIMs (Tsybulko I.P., Egoraeva, Vasiliev I.P. and others ).

Table 1 contains words, a distinctive feature of many is the presence of homonyms, that is, words that sound the same, but have different spellings. To indicate parts of speech and explanations abbreviations used:

noun - noun

num. - numeral

nar. - adverb

places. - pronoun

dep. - gerund

n / n - derivative preposition

n / n - non-derivative preposition

a/c - introductory word

fe - phraseological unit

Bwould, bmerged only in union in order to. I went to bed earlier to don't miss the train. ( union = in order to would cannot be moved or removed) To not to be left without a certificate, you will have to study how the particle "by" is written. So that Don't forget, I'll write it down in my diary.
separately in all other cases: What would should I read? ( local + frequent, would can be moved or removed.) Said would before; as would do not be late; what would did I do without you? I will return that would neither happened.
ATafter allaccording to the rule of writing a particle - the same. Always with a hyphen.
at the end

unlike (difference)

in the dark


in general (not at all)


all the time

doesn't matter

through thick and thin

always separate

down below

double (triple...)

back home


always together

due tomissed due to disease (n / n, \u003d because of)

have in mind (FE)

decoration as butterflies

up, abovelook (where? adv.) up; located ( where? adverb) up

aim (into what?) to the top(what?) tree, target ( )

deep intoleave deep into (where? bunk.)

leave deep into (what?) forests ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

In the endto weaken In the end (as? adv., = final)

rearrange the phrase In the end (what?) suggestions ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

instead, together

to the place, to the place

spoke instead of me ( n / n, \u003d for), together(adverb) with me. Impossible: instead of me

get ( into what?) instead of fall, found ( where?) at the location ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

away, away

in the distance, in the distance

look ( where?, adverb) into the distance; seen away (where? adverb.)

into the distance ( what?, n/n + n. in Rod. case) seas; seen in the distance (what?) seas ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

at firstdifficult at first(when? nar.)

at first ( what?) books ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word

in timedo in time (when? bunk.)

hurts during (what?) sleep ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

down, downfell ( where? bunk.)down; located ( where? adverb)down below

take aim ( into what?) down (what?) tree, target ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), at the (very) bottom of the mountain

up tolearn up to am ( n / n, \u003d to)

clothe ( into what?) in the flesh and blood ( noun+n/a)


into dense

come up back to back (as? adv., = very close)

wrap up into dense paper ( what? adj.+n/a)

rightto turn right(where, adverb)

into what? to the right possession of an inheritance noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

entitledentitled discover ( f/s, = has the right)

share in(in what?) law apartment ownership ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), in criminal ( what?) right

in continuation

in continuation, in continuation

a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun continuation in different cases with the preposition in: in continuation ( into what?) novel will introduce new characters. In the continuation of the novel in what?) we learn about their fates.

for the first timesee for the first time (when? bunk.)

miss for the first time days ( which? number+n/a)

due to

in consequence, in consequence

flight delayed due to (n / n, \u003d due to) bad weather

Noun consequence in different cases: intervene ( into what?) as a consequence(noun+n/a) ; errors in (preliminary) investigation(noun+n/a)

afterlook ( where, what?) after(adv.) for the outgoing train to go after him, after another ( n / n, \u003d for)

to follow (to follow) noun+n/a)


during, during

a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun flow in the accusative or in the prepositional case with the preposition v: during ( into what?) rivers; ( about what) about the flow of the river.


always the same

FSameAlways separated by the particle rule. The particle contributes an amplifying value.

Necessary same, tell same, as same possible as same, This same wrong, one and the same same, then same most, at that same time, exactly same.

Not to be confused with unions ALSO and ALSO (see table)

Wwork and live abroad

for lack of time or money

at the expense (treat at the expense of the institution)

always the same

before dark

always the same

thenAdverbs and conjunctions:

then (when? adv., = later) we will leave;

What for asked? ( adv., = for what purpose?);

little, but (union = but) smart.

Pronouns with prepositions:

I came for topics (which one?) a kitten that I liked; I got in line for topics (which one?) by a man who went to the window.

Likewise: for how(namely) queue? ( local + n / a, = for which product?) For what (exactly) did you come back? For the keys.

Likewise: I thank you for then(for what exactly?) that you helped me; I'm not offended then (for what exactly?) that you did not come, but for that ( for what exactly?) that deceived me.


for often

often no result ( adv., =often) for frequent change of mood ( for what? adj.+n/a)
Andfrom afaralways together
soSo let's start the lesson! ( introductory word)

twisted so and so ( as? people + union); so (how so?) many times, so all the time

To-KAAlways hyphenated by the particle rule.

Bring -ka, tell -ka, see -ka

Toin a rowRepeatedly in a row (like, adverb = in a row) sneezed

To a row(why, noun name + n \ n.) numbers, to a row acquaintances

as if



always the same

LLi (particle)

Always the same and separate.




not far away

Always the same


always the same


to a meeting

go towards(where? bunk.); go towards(to whom?) friend (p / n)

go on the(long awaited) meeting with friend ( noun+n/a)

finallyfinally he fell asleep adv., = after everything)

postpone finally months ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


to the front (rarely!)

I know everything ahead(as? adv., = in advance)

fell on the front cars ( )



figure like ball ( n / n, = like)

task ( for what?) like triangles ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

For example

For example

Was, For example, (introductory word) is such a case.

note on the(this) example (noun+n/a)



destroyed half (adv., = partially)

claim ( for what?) half Houses ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

aboutdiscover about (n/n, =o) tickets

put money on the(bank) check(noun+n/a), don't take it personally (FE)


back (rare!)

turn around back (where? bunk.)

look on the(broken) ass car ( noun+n/a)

up, up

up, up*

climb up(where? bunk.), upstairs (where? bunk.) it was cold

climb to the top (what?) the mountains ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), on the ( how?) on top of a building, on top of bliss (figurative)

violentlyviolently kept (how? adv., = with great difficulty)

hope on the(my) force (for what? noun+n/a)

how much

how much

How much It's right? ( adv., = to what extent?)

How much raise your pension? (local + n / a)


so much

so tired to sleep to what extent? bunk.)

What number so much less? ( = for the same number, places + n / a)



Probably, it will be raining. ( introductory word = probably)

Probably business let's go! ( adj. + n / a, for what business? correct)

to death

to death

beat to death(as? adv., = to death)

They were sent on the(correct) death.(n.+n/a)


on the head

enemies are defeated utterly (as? adv., = final)

bandage on the head (for what? noun+n/a)

vying with each other

for interruptions

started talking vying with each other (as? adv., = interrupting each other)

to complain on (permanent) interruptions water supply ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


for cleanliness

talk frankly (as? adv., = frankly)

note for cleanliness in room ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

on the facefacts on the face (ext., = available)

apply cream on the(own) face (for what? noun+n/a)

for a long timeleave for a long time(nah, for how long?)

look for a long time dancing girl ( dancing how? long, adv. + n / a)

forever and ever

forever and ever

leave forever and ever(nah, for how long?)

look on the always neat girl ( neat when? always, adv.+n/a)

in spite of


fled, in spite of fatigue ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

fled, despite under your feet ( dep., = without looking)

regardless of


Regardless of fatigue, we went to explore the city ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

I tried to sit regardless of surrounding and hiding his eyes ( dep., = without looking)

Ofrom there

always the same

from this

always separate

becauseI didn't receive a notice because and didn't show up. ( adv., = for this reason)

From that who is not nice, and the gift is disgusting. ( from whom? local + n / a, \u003d from a person)

pushed off from that shores ( from what? local + n / a, \u003d from adj.)

from whatFrom what You did not sleep? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because it worked.

From what did you refuse? ( local + n / a) From work, from the task.

partlyPartly you are right. ( how much? adv., = partially)

He refused from(larger) parts income. ( from what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)



insofar as

little by little

one by one

always together


compared with)

with the flow

always separate

andThe thing is beautiful and inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

What does will you stay? ( local + n / a, \u003d with what?) At what ( local + n / a) Are the parents here, if he is to blame?

besidesThe thing is beautiful besides inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

At volume manual has an application. ( at what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.)

becauseHe stayed because, who wants to know the truth. ( why? adv., = for that reason)

go because shore ( on what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.) guessed because what I saw ( local + n / a, \u003d according to what he saw)

whyWhy are you silent? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because I don't want to talk.

Why are you doing? ( local + n / a, \u003d for which allowance?) According to Rosenthal's textbook. Why do you miss the most? In the summer, in the sun.

That's whyworked a lot, That's why tired ( nar., why? for what reason?)

study That's why textbook ( local + n / a, according to what? =adj.)



This is truly a rare thing. ( adv., = actually)

People are bored on(real) truth. (noun+n/a)

at first

at the beginning

miss at first (adv., = first time)

guess on(to myself) beginning novel ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

Withwith time

always separate

immediately, right away

always the same

at firstat first think ( when? bunk.)

Shouldn't the fairy tale start with(himself) start? (why? noun+n/a)

at allat all not enough sleep ( as? adv., = completely)

left at all property ( with which? local + n / a)

shoulderedswung shouldered(as? adv., = immediately)

take off with(own) shoulder parrot ( why? noun+n/a)

TTakiIt can be written either with a hyphen or separately.

broke still, again still, straight still after verbs, adverbs, particles through a hyphen

Me still hired, I still late - in all other cases separately

immediatelyappeared immediately (as? adv., = immediately)

has come that hour (local + noun, what time is it? that) when I saw you again

Homonyms: there are unions too, also

I too Like you, I study foreign languages. ( union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

I have a cat and you too..

I'm into music and also I love to read very much. ( union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

The cat loves to sleep also hide in new packages.

Homonyms: pronoun with a particle same. She amplifies the meaning, see SAME

Meet at Same time. ( local + frequent, what time exactly?) - at that time; same

Brother advised Same as you. ( local + frequent, advised what exactly?) - then; same you can omit it, replace it with a union and you can’t!

You same way as young as ten years ago. (nar., how young?) - so; same can be omitted, replaced by a union and cannot).


always separate

Xat least, at least

always separate

Table 1 is based on the materials of the Russian language teacher Kryukova M.A. (website "Deep in the OGE and the Unified State Examination!")

Adverbs are written through a hyphen, formed:

1) from full adjectives or pronouns using a prefix on- and ending in -mu, -him, -tski, -ski, -i

act in a friendly way sing in a Kazakh way live in a new way do it your own way in a hare cowardly

2) from ordinal numbers to -oh, -them using an attachment in- (in-)

secondly thirdly fifthly

3) by repeating the same word or root, complicated by prefixes, suffixes

barely, exactly the same day-to-day, more or less

4) by combining synonyms

unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I’ll pick up, I’ll say hello to

5) using a prefix something and suffixes something, something, something

somewhere, sometime, somewhere, anywhere

Semi- is always written together: crescent, half a year.

Also for his impeccable honesty. The ladies found him a charming melancholic, but he did not know the ladies...

“You see, Yevgeny,” said Arkady, finishing his story, “how unfairly you judge your uncle! I'm not talking about the fact that he more than once helped his father out of trouble, gave him all his money - the estate, you may not know, is not divided among them - but he is happy to help anyone and, by the way, always stands up for the peasants; True, when speaking with them, he frowns and sniffs the cologne ...

“It’s a well-known case: nerves,” Bazarov interrupted.

“Maybe he just has a good heart. And he's far from stupid. What did he give me helpful tips... especially ... especially about relationships with women.

– Aha! He burned himself in his own milk, he blows on someone else's water. We know it!

“Well, in a word,” continued Arkady, “he is profoundly unhappy, believe me; to despise him is a sin.

Who despises him? Bazarov objected. - But I still say that a man who put his whole life on the line female love and when this card was killed for him, he became limp and sank to the point that he was not capable of anything, such a person is not a man, not a male. You say that he is unhappy: you should know better; but not all the crap came out of it. I am sure that he is not jokingly imagining himself a practical person, because he reads Galinyashka and once a month he will save the peasant from execution.

“Yes, remember his upbringing, the time in which he lived,” Arkady remarked.

- Upbringing? Bazarov picked up. - Every person must educate himself - well, at least like me, for example ... And as for time - why will I depend on it? Let it better depend on me. No, brother, this is all licentiousness, emptiness! And what is the mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what these relationships are. You study the anatomy of the eye: where does the mysterious look come from, as you say? It's all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art. Let's go see the beetle.

And both friends went to Bazarov's room, in which some kind of medical-surgical smell, mixed with the smell of cheap tobacco, had already managed to establish itself.

Pavel Petrovich was not present for long at his brother's conversation with the steward, a tall and thin man with a sweet, consumptive voice and roguish eyes, who answered all of Nikolai Petrovich's remarks: "Forgive me, sir, a well-known case, sir" - and tried to present the peasants as drunkards and thieves. The farm, which had recently been put in a new way, creaked like an unoiled wheel, cracked like home-made furniture made of raw wood. Nikolai Petrovich did not lose heart, but often sighed and thought: he felt that things would not work without money, and almost all of his money was gone. Arkady told the truth: Pavel Petrovich helped his brother more than once; More than once, seeing how he fought and racked his brains, thinking of how to dodge, Pavel Petrovich slowly approached the window and, thrusting his hands into his pockets, muttered through his teeth: "Mais je puis vous donner de l" argent, - and gave him money, but on that day he himself had nothing, and he preferred to retire. as it should; although he would not have been able to point out what Nikolai Petrovich was actually mistaken in. “My brother is not quite practical,” he reasoned with himself, “he is being deceived.” Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, had a high opinion of Pavel Petrovich’s practicality and always

Pavel Petrovich was not present for long at his brother's conversation with the steward, a tall and thin man with a sweet, consumptive voice and roguish eyes, who answered all of Nikolai Petrovich's remarks: "Have mercy, sir, it's a well-known case," and tried to present the peasants as drunkards and thieves. The farm, recently put into a new way, creaked like an unoiled wheel, cracked like home-made furniture made of damp wood. Nikolai Petrovich did not lose heart, but he often sighed and thought: he felt that things would not go well without money, and almost all of his money was gone. Arkady told the truth: Pavel Petrovich helped his brother more than once; more than once, seeing how he fought and racked his brains, thinking of how to dodge, Pavel Petrovich slowly approached the window and, thrusting his hands into his pockets, muttered through his teeth: "Mais je puis vous donner de l" argent "- and gave money to him; but on that day he himself had nothing, and he preferred to retire. Household squabbles made him sad; besides, it always seemed to him that Nikolai Petrovich, in spite of all his zeal and industriousness, did not take up business as much as he should have; although he would not have been able to point out what exactly Nikolai Petrovich was wrong about. “My brother is not quite practical,” he reasoned to himself, “he is being deceived.” Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, had a high opinion of Pavel Petrovich’s practicality and always asked his advice. “I am a soft, weak man, I spent my life in the wilderness,” he used to say, “and it’s not for nothing that you lived so much with people, you know them well: you have an eagle eye. ” Pavel Petrovich in response to these words only turned away, but did not dissuade his brother. Leaving Nikolai Petrovich in his study, he went along the corridor separating the front of the house from the back, and, coming abreast of the low door, stopped in thought, tugged at his mustache, and knocked on it. — Who is there? Come in, - Fenechka's voice sounded. "It's me," Pavel Petrovich said, and opened the door. Fenechka jumped up from the chair on which she sat down with her child, and, passing him into the arms of the girl, who immediately carried him out of the room, hurriedly straightened her scarf. "Excuse me if I interrupted," began Pavel Petrovich, not looking at her, "I just wanted to ask you... today, it seems, they are sending to the city... tell me to buy some green tea for me." “Listen, sir,” answered Fenechka, “how much would you like me to buy?” “Yes, half a pound will suffice, I suppose. And you have a change here, I see,” he added, throwing a quick glance around, which also slid over Fenechka’s face. “Here are the curtains,” he said, seeing that she did not understand him. — Yes, curtains; Nikolai Petrovich granted them to us; yes, they have been hung for a long time. “Yeah, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Now you are doing very well here. “By the grace of Nikolai Petrovich,” Fenechka whispered. “Does it feel better here than in the old outhouse?” asked Pavel Petrovich politely, but without the slightest smile. - Of course, it's better, sir. Who has been put in your place now? “Now there are laundresses.— Ah! Pavel Petrovich fell silent. "Now he will leave," thought Fenechka, but he did not leave, and she stood in front of him as if rooted to the spot; weakly fingering. "Why did you have your little one carried out?" Pavel Petrovich spoke at last. - I love children: show it to me. Fenechka blushed all over with embarrassment and joy. She was afraid of Pavel Petrovich: he almost never spoke to her. “Dunyasha,” she called, “bring Mitya in (Fenechka told everyone in the house). Or wait; he needs to wear a dress. Fenichka went to the door. "It doesn't matter," observed Pavel Petrovich. "I'll be right there," Fenechka answered, and promptly left. Pavel Petrovich was left alone, and this time looked around with particular attention. The small, low room in which he was found was very clean and comfortable. It smelled of freshly painted floors, chamomile and lemon balm. Chairs with backs in the form of lyres stood along the walls; they were bought by a dead general in Poland, during a campaign; in one corner rose a bed under a muslin canopy, next to a wrought-iron chest with a round lid. In the opposite corner a lamp was burning in front of a large dark image of Nicholas the Wonderworker; a tiny porcelain testicle on a red ribbon hung on the saint's chest, attached to the radiance; on the windows, jars of last year's jam, carefully tied up, shone through with green light; on their paper lids, Fenechka herself wrote in large letters: "circle"; Nikolai Petrovich especially liked this jam. Under the ceiling, on a long cord, hung a cage with a short-tailed siskin; he was constantly chirping and jumping, and the cage was constantly rocking and trembling: hemp seeds fell to the floor with a slight thud. In the wall, above a small chest of drawers, hung rather poor photographic portraits of Nikolai Petrovich in various positions, made by a visiting artist; right there hung a photograph of Fenechka herself, which was completely unsuccessful: some kind of eyeless face was smiling tensely in a dark frame - nothing more could be made out; and above Fenechka, Yermolov, in a cloak, frowned menacingly at the distant Caucasus mountains, from under a silk slipper for pins that fell on his very forehead. Five minutes passed; rustling and whispering could be heard in the next room. Pavel Petrovich took a greasy book from the chest of drawers, a scattered volume Streltsov Masalsky, turned over several pages... The door opened and Fenechka came in with Mitya in her arms. She put on him a red shirt with a galloon at the collar, combed his hair and wiped his face: he breathed heavily, tossed all over and twitched his little hands, as all healthy children do; but the smart shirt apparently had an effect on him: an expression of pleasure was reflected in his whole plump figure. Fenechka put her hair in order, and put on a better kerchief, but she could have remained as she was. And really, is there anything in the world more captivating than a beautiful young mother with a healthy child in her arms? "What a booty," Pavel Petrovich said condescendingly and tickled double chin Mitya with the end of a long nail on the index finger; the child stared at the siskin and laughed. "It's Uncle," said Fenechka, bending her face towards him and shaking it slightly, while Dunyasha quietly placed a lighted smoking candle on the window, putting a penny under it. - How many months is he? asked Pavel Petrovich. — Six months; soon the seventh will go, the eleventh. - Isn't it the eighth, Fedosya Nikolaevna? Dunyasha intervened, not without timidity. - No, the seventh; as possible! The child laughed again, stared at the chest, and suddenly grabbed his mother with all five of her nose and lips. "A prankster," said Fenechka, without moving her face away from his fingers. "He looks like a brother," remarked Pavel Petrovich. "Whom does he look like?" Fenichka thought. “Yes,” continued Pavel Petrovich, as if speaking to himself, “an undeniable resemblance. He looked attentively, almost sadly at Fenechka. "It's Uncle," she repeated, now in a whisper. — Ah! Pavel! that's where you are! suddenly rang out the voice of Nikolai Petrovich. Pavel Petrovich hastily turned around and frowned; but his brother looked at him so joyfully, with such gratitude, that he could not help but answer him with a smile. “You have a nice little boy,” he said, and looked at his watch, “but I stopped in here about tea ... And, assuming an indifferent expression, Pavel Petrovich immediately went out of the room. - Did you go by yourself? Nikolai Petrovich asked Fenechka. - Sami-sir; knocked and entered. - Well, and Arkasha was no longer with you? - Was not. Shouldn't I go to the wing, Nikolai Petrovich?- Why is that? “I don’t think it would be better for the first time. "N... no," Nikolai Petrovich stammered and rubbed his forehead. “I should have done it first... Hello, bubble,” he said with sudden animation and, approaching the child, kissed him on the cheek; then he bent down a little and put his lips to Fenechka's hand, which was as white as milk on Mitya's red shirt. - Nikolai Petrovich! what are you? she murmured and lowered her eyes, then quietly raised them... The expression in her eyes was charming when she looked, as it were, from under her brows and laughed affectionately and a little stupidly. Nikolai Petrovich met Fenechka in the following way. Once, about three years ago, he had to spend the night at an inn in a remote county town. He was pleasantly struck by the cleanliness of the room allotted to him, the freshness of the bed linen. “Isn’t the German hostess here?” - came to his mind; but the hostess turned out to be a Russian, a woman of about fifty, neatly dressed, with a fine, intelligent face and a sedate speech. He talked to her over tea; he liked her very much. Nikolai Petrovich at that time had just moved to his new estate and, not wanting to keep serfs with him, was looking for hired people; the hostess, for her part, complained about the small number of people passing through the city, about the hard times; he invited her to enter his house as a housekeeper; she agreed. Her husband died long ago, leaving her only one daughter, Fenechka. Two weeks later, Arina Savishna (that was the name of the new housekeeper) arrived with her daughter in Maryino and settled in the wing. The choice of Nikolai Petrovich turned out to be successful, Arina brought order to the house. No one spoke of Fenechka, who was then past her seventeenth year, and few people saw her: she lived quietly, modestly, and only on Sundays did Nikolai Petrovich notice in the parish church, somewhere aside, the thin profile of her white face. So more than a year passed. One morning, Arina came to his office and, as usual, bowing low, asked him if he could help her daughter, who had a spark from the stove in her eye. Nikolai Petrovich, like all homebodies, was engaged in treatment and even wrote out a homeopathic first-aid kit. He immediately ordered Arina to bring the patient. Learning that the master was calling her, Fenechka was very scared, but she went after her mother. Nikolai Petrovich led her to the window and took her by the head with both hands. Having carefully examined her reddened and inflamed eye, he prescribed a lotion for her, which he immediately composed, and, tearing his handkerchief into pieces, showed her how to apply it. Fenechka listened to him and wanted to leave. “Kiss the master’s hand, silly,” Arina told her. Nikolai Petrovich did not give her his hand and, embarrassed, kissed her on the bowed head, in the parting. Fenechkin's eye soon recovered, but the impression she made on Nikolai Petrovich did not pass away quickly. He kept imagining that clean, tender, timidly raised face; he felt that soft hair under the palms of his hands, saw those innocent, slightly parted lips, behind which pearly teeth shone wetly in the sun. He began to look at her with great attention in church, tried to talk to her. At first she was shy of him, and one day, before evening, meeting him on a narrow path laid by pedestrians through a rye field, she went into a tall, dense rye, overgrown with wormwood and cornflowers, so as not to catch his eye. He saw her head through the golden net of ears of corn, from where she looked out like an animal, and affectionately called out to her: - Hello, Fenichka! I do not bite. “Hello,” she whispered, not leaving her ambush. Gradually she began to get used to him, but she was still shy in his presence, when suddenly her mother Arina died of cholera. Where was Fenechka to go? She inherited from her mother a love of order, prudence and gravity; but she was so young, so alone; Nikolai Petrovich himself was so kind and modest... There is nothing else to say... “So did your brother come in to see you?” Nikolai Petrovich asked her. Did you knock and come in?- Yes, sir. - Well, that's good. Let me shake Mitya. And Nikolai Petrovich began to toss him almost up to the very ceiling, to the great delight of the little one and to the considerable anxiety of his mother, who, at every take-off, held out her hands to his exposed legs. And Pavel Petrovich returned to his elegant office, pasted over the walls with beautiful wallpaper of a wild color, with weapons hanging on a motley Persian carpet, with walnut furniture upholstered in dark green tripe, with a renaissance library

Define-de-li-those proposition, in some way both of you-de-len-words are pi-joking SLIT-BUT. Un-cut those brackets and you-pi-shi-those these two words.

The thought of (FOR) GRA-NO-TSE, about not-about-ho-di-mo-sti in-ku-pat che-mo-da-na, bi-le-you, you-bi-rat march-rut ad-in-dit Ob-lo-mo-va, (B) FROM-LIFE from his friend Andrey Stol-ts, in a state of being, close to pa-no-che- sco-mu.

(PO) ON-CHA-LU ro-ma-na mo-lo-to-go pi-sa-te-la it was difficult to judge ta-lan-te av-to-ra, one-on- ko (B) AFTER-SEQUENCE chi-ta-te-whether appraisal of his pro-of-ve-de-tion by merit.

Pavel Pet-ro-vich (NOT) ONCE he could-gall his brother, when he was tormented, when-we-we-wai, HOW (WOULD) come back and find not-to-hundred-th sum.

(ON) ON-CHA-LU it seemed that the words of Kiril-la on the le-cloud-ke did not mean-due-to-we-have-no-one-for-chat-le-tion, but (B) SOON about-on-ru-zhi-moose that the whole department is talking about his stepping-out.

The branches of de-re-va were so-beautiful-si-you-mi, BUD (TO) WHO (TO) on-roch-but from-gi-bal them and did not let them grow straight.

Clarification (see also the Rule below).


The thought of FOR-GRA-NI-TSE, about not-about-ho-di-mo-sti in-ku-pat che-mo-da-na, bi-le-you, you-bi-rat the march-route at -in-dit Ob-lo-mo-va, DIFFERENT from his friend Andrey Stol-ts, in a state of being, close to pa-no-che-sko-mu .

BY NA-CHA-LU ro-ma-na mo-lo-to-go pi-sa-te-la it was difficult to judge ta-lan-te av-to-ra, one-on-to VPO -FOLLOW-THE chi-ta-te-whether appraisal-no-whether it is about-from-ve-de-tion by merit.

Pavel Petrovich MORE THAN TIME helped his brother, when he was tormented, when we came, HOW TO come back and find no-to -one hundredth sum.

PO-NA-CHA-LU it seemed that the words of Kiril-la on the le-cloud-ke were not about-due-to-no-one-to-im-chat-le-tion, but VSKO-RE about-on-ru-zhi-elk that the whole department is talking about his steps-le-tion.

The branches of de-re-va were so-so-beautiful-si-you-mi, AS IF SOMEONE on-roch-but from-gi-bal them and did not let them grow straight.


Answer: at first soon | soon at first

Rule: Task 14. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech.

According to the "Specification" in this task, knowledge of the most voluminous, most diverse and therefore the most complex material is checked. In this "Reference" section, the rules of school textbooks will be systematized, as well as supplemented with the information that is necessary for the successful completion of the USE assignment and mastering practical literacy. The set of rules that will be analyzed is not accidental: the creation of the list was preceded by work on the study of tasks from past years, the FIPI bank, as well as printed publications, the authors of which are the creators of KIMs (Tsybulko I.P., Egoraeva, Vasiliev I.P. and others ).

Table 1 contains words, a distinctive feature of many is the presence of homonyms, that is, words that sound the same, but have different spellings. To indicate parts of speech and explanations abbreviations used:

noun - noun

num. - numeral

nar. - adverb

places. - pronoun

dep. - gerund

n / n - derivative preposition

n / n - non-derivative preposition

v / s - introductory word

fe - phraseological unit

Bwould, bmerged only in union in order to. I went to bed earlier to don't miss the train. ( union = in order to would cannot be moved or removed) To not to be left without a certificate, you will have to study how the particle "by" is written. So that Don't forget, I'll write it down in my diary.
separately in all other cases: What would should I read? ( local + frequent, would can be moved or removed.) Said would before; as would do not be late; what would did I do without you? I will return that would neither happened.
ATafter allaccording to the rule of writing a particle - the same. Always with a hyphen.
at the end

unlike (difference)

in the dark


in general (not at all)


all the time

doesn't matter

through thick and thin

always separate

down below

double (triple...)

back home


always together

due tomissed due to disease (n / n, \u003d because of)

have in mind (FE)

decoration as butterflies

up, abovelook (where? adv.) up; located ( where? adverb) up

aim (into what?) to the top(what?) tree, target ( )

deep intoleave deep into (where? bunk.)

leave deep into (what?) forests ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

In the endto weaken In the end (as? adv., = final)

rearrange the phrase In the end (what?) suggestions ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

instead, together

to the place, to the place

spoke instead of me ( n / n, \u003d for), together(adverb) with me. Impossible: instead of me

get ( into what?) instead of fall, found ( where?) at the location ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

away, away

in the distance, in the distance

look ( where?, adverb) into the distance; seen away (where? adverb.)

into the distance ( what?, n/n + n. in Rod. case) seas; seen in the distance (what?) seas ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

at firstdifficult at first(when? nar.)

at first ( what?) books ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word

in timedo in time (when? bunk.)

hurts during (what?) sleep ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

down, downfell ( where? bunk.)down; located ( where? adverb)down below

take aim ( into what?) down (what?) tree, target ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), at the (very) bottom of the mountain

up tolearn up to am ( n / n, \u003d to)

clothe ( into what?) in the flesh and blood ( noun+n/a)


into dense

come up back to back (as? adv., = very close)

wrap up into dense paper ( what? adj.+n/a)

rightto turn right(where, adverb)

into what? to the right possession of an inheritance noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

entitledentitled discover ( f/s, = has the right)

share in(in what?) law apartment ownership ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), in criminal ( what?) right

in continuation

in continuation, in continuation

a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun continuation in different cases with the preposition in: in continuation ( into what?) novel will introduce new characters. In the continuation of the novel in what?) we learn about their fates.

for the first timesee for the first time (when? bunk.)

miss for the first time days ( which? number+n/a)

due to

in consequence, in consequence

flight delayed due to (n / n, \u003d due to) bad weather

Noun consequence in different cases: intervene ( into what?) as a consequence(noun+n/a) ; errors in (preliminary) investigation(noun+n/a)

afterlook ( where, what?) after(adv.) for the outgoing train to go after him, after another ( n / n, \u003d for)

to follow (to follow) noun+n/a)


during, during

a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun flow in the accusative or in the prepositional case with the preposition v: during ( into what?) rivers; ( about what) about the flow of the river.


always the same

FSameAlways separated by the particle rule. The particle contributes an amplifying value.

Necessary same, tell same, as same possible as same, This same wrong, one and the same same, then same most, at that same time, exactly same.

Not to be confused with unions ALSO and ALSO (see table)

Wwork and live abroad

for lack of time or money

at the expense (treat at the expense of the institution)

always the same

before dark

always the same

thenAdverbs and conjunctions:

then (when? adv., = later) we will leave;

What for asked? ( adv., = for what purpose?);

little, but (union = but) smart.

Pronouns with prepositions:

I came for topics (which one?) a kitten that I liked; I got in line for topics (which one?) by a man who went to the window.

Likewise: for how(namely) queue? ( local + n / a, = for which product?) For what (exactly) did you come back? For the keys.

Likewise: I thank you for then(for what exactly?) that you helped me; I'm not offended then (for what exactly?) that you did not come, but for that ( for what exactly?) that deceived me.


for often

often no result ( adv., =often) for frequent change of mood ( for what? adj.+n/a)
Andfrom afaralways together
soSo let's start the lesson! ( introductory word)

twisted so and so ( as? people + union); so (how so?) many times, so all the time

To-KAAlways hyphenated by the particle rule.

Bring -ka, tell -ka, see -ka

Toin a rowRepeatedly in a row (like, adverb = in a row) sneezed

To a row(why, noun name + n \ n.) numbers, to a row acquaintances

as if



always the same

LLi (particle)

Always the same and separate.




not far away

Always the same


always the same


to a meeting

go towards(where? bunk.); go towards(to whom?) friend (p / n)

go on the(long awaited) meeting with friend ( noun+n/a)

finallyfinally he fell asleep adv., = after everything)

postpone finally months ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


to the front (rarely!)

I know everything ahead(as? adv., = in advance)

fell on the front cars ( )



figure like ball ( n / n, = like)

task ( for what?) like triangles ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

For example

For example

Was, For example, (introductory word) is such a case.

note on the(this) example (noun+n/a)



destroyed half (adv., = partially)

claim ( for what?) half Houses ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

aboutdiscover about (n/n, =o) tickets

put money on the(bank) check(noun+n/a), don't take it personally (FE)


back (rare!)

turn around back (where? bunk.)

look on the(broken) ass car ( noun+n/a)

up, up

up, up*

climb up(where? bunk.), upstairs (where? bunk.) it was cold

climb to the top (what?) the mountains ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), on the ( how?) on top of a building, on top of bliss (figurative)

violentlyviolently kept (how? adv., = with great difficulty)

hope on the(my) force (for what? noun+n/a)

how much

how much

How much It's right? ( adv., = to what extent?)

How much raise your pension? (local + n / a)


so much

so tired to sleep to what extent? bunk.)

What number so much less? ( = for the same number, places + n / a)



Probably, it will be raining. ( introductory word = probably)

Probably business let's go! ( adj. + n / a, for what business? correct)

to death

to death

beat to death(as? adv., = to death)

They were sent on the(correct) death.(n.+n/a)


on the head

enemies are defeated utterly (as? adv., = final)

bandage on the head (for what? noun+n/a)

vying with each other

for interruptions

started talking vying with each other (as? adv., = interrupting each other)

to complain on (permanent) interruptions water supply ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


for cleanliness

talk frankly (as? adv., = frankly)

note for cleanliness in room ( for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

on the facefacts on the face (ext., = available)

apply cream on the(own) face (for what? noun+n/a)

for a long timeleave for a long time(nah, for how long?)

look for a long time dancing girl ( dancing how? long, adv. + n / a)

forever and ever

forever and ever

leave forever and ever(nah, for how long?)

look on the always neat girl ( neat when? always, adv.+n/a)

in spite of


fled, in spite of fatigue ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

fled, despite under your feet ( dep., = without looking)

regardless of


Regardless of fatigue, we went to explore the city ( n / n, \u003d contrary to)

I tried to sit regardless of surrounding and hiding his eyes ( dep., = without looking)

Ofrom there

always the same

from this

always separate

becauseI didn't receive a notice because and didn't show up. ( adv., = for this reason)

From that who is not nice, and the gift is disgusting. ( from whom? local + n / a, \u003d from a person)

pushed off from that shores ( from what? local + n / a, \u003d from adj.)

from whatFrom what You did not sleep? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because it worked.

From what did you refuse? ( local + n / a) From work, from the task.

partlyPartly you are right. ( how much? adv., = partially)

He refused from(larger) parts income. ( from what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)



insofar as

little by little

one by one

always together


compared with)

with the flow

always separate

andThe thing is beautiful and inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

What does will you stay? ( local + n / a, \u003d with what?) At what ( local + n / a) Are the parents here, if he is to blame?

besidesThe thing is beautiful besides inexpensive. ( union, = besides, in addition)

At volume manual has an application. ( at what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.)

becauseHe stayed because, who wants to know the truth. ( why? adv., = for that reason)

go because shore ( on what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.) guessed because what I saw ( local + n / a, \u003d according to what he saw)

whyWhy are you silent? ( adv., = for what reason?) Because I don't want to talk.

Why are you doing? ( local + n / a, \u003d for which allowance?) According to Rosenthal's textbook. Why do you miss the most? In the summer, in the sun.

That's whyworked a lot, That's why tired ( nar., why? for what reason?)

study That's why textbook ( local + n / a, according to what? =adj.)



This is truly a rare thing. ( adv., = actually)

People are bored on(real) truth. (noun+n/a)

at first

at the beginning

miss at first (adv., = first time)

guess on(to myself) beginning novel ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

Withwith time

always separate

immediately, right away

always the same

at firstat first think ( when? bunk.)

Shouldn't the fairy tale start with(himself) start? (why? noun+n/a)

at allat all not enough sleep ( as? adv., = completely)

left at all property ( with which? local + n / a)

shoulderedswung shouldered(as? adv., = immediately)

take off with(own) shoulder parrot ( why? noun+n/a)

TTakiIt can be written either with a hyphen or separately.

broke still, again still, straight still after verbs, adverbs, particles through a hyphen

Me still hired, I still late - in all other cases separately

immediatelyappeared immediately (as? adv., = immediately)

has come that hour (local + noun, what time is it? that) when I saw you again

Homonyms: there are unions too, also

I too Like you, I study foreign languages. ( union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

I have a cat and you too..

I'm into music and also I love to read very much. ( union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

The cat loves to sleep also hide in new packages.

Homonyms: pronoun with a particle same. She amplifies the meaning, see SAME

Meet at Same time. ( local + frequent, what time exactly?) - at that time; same

Brother advised Same as you. ( local + frequent, advised what exactly?) - then; same you can omit it, replace it with a union and you can’t!

You same way as young as ten years ago. (nar., how young?) - so; same can be omitted, replaced by a union and cannot).


always separate

Xat least, at least

always separate

Table 1 is based on the materials of the Russian language teacher Kryukova M.A. (website "Deep in the OGE and the Unified State Examination!")

Adverbs are written through a hyphen, formed:

1) from full adjectives or pronouns using a prefix on- and ending in -mu, -him, -tski, -ski, -i

act in a friendly way sing in a Kazakh way live in a new way do it your own way in a hare cowardly

2) from ordinal numbers to -oh, -them using an attachment in- (in-)

secondly thirdly fifthly

3) by repeating the same word or root, complicated by prefixes, suffixes

barely, exactly the same day-to-day, more or less

4) by combining synonyms

unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I’ll pick up, I’ll say hello to

5) using a prefix something and suffixes something, something, something

somewhere, sometime, somewhere, anywhere

Semi- is always written together: crescent, half a year.

The spelling of such sentences is difficult, so you need to do several exercises so that students learn to recognize the double negative in the text.

1. Rewrite the sentences with a double negative predicate: We rejoice in your success. We can't help but rejoice at your success.

1) I admired the opening landscape. 2) We talked about what worried us. 3) It is necessary to fulfill our obligations. 4) I had to get to work immediately. 5) He obeyed the order. 6) I told you about everything.

We draw the students' attention to the fact that in the first part of the compound predicate there can be not only the words could not, cannot, but also impossible, not good, did not dare, etc.

We propose to compare the sentences: He will not come here, he will not dare. He won't dare not come. In the first sentence, no is a negative. (Will he come? - No. Will he decide? - No.) Let's omit the negative particles, and the meaning of the sentence will become the opposite (He will come here, he will decide).

In the second sentence, we have a double negative, which has an affirmative meaning (if he doesn’t dare not to come, he will come).

2. Give the following sentences an affirmative meaning by introducing a double negative.

1) He does not dare and therefore will not tell anything. 2) He did not dare and did not go to the exam. 3) He was not with me yesterday and could not be. 4) She can't talk about it and doesn't. 5) She did not want and did not keep her word. 6) He won't come, won't thank you. 7) They did not know and could not know about it.

3. Write down from dictation.

1) I could not help but smile several times while reading the letter of the kind old man (P.). 2) It is impossible not to love the fatherland, whatever it may be (Bel.). 3) The breadth of his interests could not but amaze me (M. G.). 4) Going through event after event in her memory, she could not help but admit that there was a considerable amount of truth in her sister's words (Pol.). 5) She [Olga] seemed to be annoyed that she could not help laughing (Gonch.). 6) Since Kashtanka squealed and fell under his feet, he could not help but pay attention to her. 7) Wandering around the city for days on end, Gavrik could not help but feel the approach of events (V. Kat.).

It is also necessary to use sentences in which double negation is repeated; without training, students do not always recognize it in the text,

1) Vikentiev could not help but laugh and cry when others laughed and cried (Got.). 2) She couldn’t go to bed without first going to old Popkov’s and finding out if the last days some letter not yet sent to her (Sim.). 3) Dmitry could not help but go out into the street, walk from end to end asleep without a spark, without a rustle in the winter village (Sol.). 4) No matter how late in the middle of the night he came home from work, she never allowed herself not to stand up to meet him (G.N.).

Exclamatory and interrogative sentences with a turnover only not have an affirmative meaning: Where did he just not turn! (applied everywhere); Where I just did not fight! (fought everywhere); What thoughts come to mind! (any thoughts come to mind).

Such sentences usually make it difficult for students, especially when the particle is only not in the sentence, but it is only implied: Who has not admired the majestic beauty of the forest? Who has not read Pushkin's fairy tales?

It is useful to consider such proposals.

1) What countries he has not seen, in what seas he has not swum!

2) Something that the birch will not whisper to you, quietly leaning towards the headboard, which it will not rustle kind words, wonderful tales (Sol.).

3) Where he has not been, what roads he has not walked (T.).

4) What subjects and what courses did he not attend (G.).

Now you can already include sentences in the exercises that contain all cases of the statement.

2) Why don’t they tell! Where do they not dig up the old ones! What fears they will not inflict (G.).

3) Nothing stuck with him, no matter what he did (Fed.).

4) And in which direction I will not be, no matter what throne I pass, I will never forget a friend if I made friends with him in Moscow (V. G.).

5) What I don’t remember! What dreams will not visit me (T.).

6) No matter how you philosophize, loneliness is a terrible thing (Ch.).

7) In whatever distant land I am, whatever side I go, I see my native capital (Isak.).

Students make mistakes in writing combinations not one, not one; not once, not once. They need to be shown that not in these combinations is a complete negation, you can pick up an opposition to it: not one, but many; not once, but twice.

It can not even be replaced, and, released from the sentence: I went hunting more than once, but I never returned with prey.

I have not once (and many times) gone hunting, but never (even once, and once) have I returned with prey.

Examples can be used to reinforce.

Not one book was read during the summer. No other book has been read with such interest. Not one birch stood in the field. Not a single birch has yet spread its leaves. I have been to the Caucasus more than once. I have never been to Crimea. You never visited me. You have been to our places many times. I have helped him many times. He never refused to help me.

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