Do-it-yourself creation of a perpetual motion machine, video. Gravitational inertial engine or who needs antigravity Is a gravitational inertial engine possible

Is it possible to create a perpetual motion machine? What force will work in this case? Is it even possible to create an energy source that would not use conventional energy carriers? These questions have been relevant at all times.

What is a perpetual motion machine?

Before we move on to discussing how to make a perpetual motion machine with your own hands, we must first define what this term means. So, what is a perpetual motion machine, and why has no one been able to make this miracle of technology so far?

For thousands of years man has tried to invent a perpetual motion machine. It should be a mechanism that would use energy without using conventional energy carriers. At the same time, they must produce more energy than they consume. In other words, these should be such energy devices that have an efficiency greater than 100%.

Types of perpetual motion machines

All perpetual motion machines are conditionally divided into two groups: physical and natural. The first are mechanical devices, the second are devices that are designed on the basis of celestial mechanics.

Requirements for perpetual motion machines

Since such devices must work constantly, special requirements must be imposed on them:

  • full preservation of movement;
  • perfect strength of parts;
  • having exceptional wear resistance.

Perpetuum mobile from a scientific point of view

What does science say about this? She does not deny the possibility of creating such an engine that will work on the principle of using the energy of the total gravitational field. It is also the energy of vacuum or ether. What should be the principle of operation of such an engine? That it should be a machine in which a force is continuously acting, causing movement without the participation of external influence.

Gravitational perpetual motion machine

Our entire universe is evenly filled with star clusters called galaxies. At the same time, they are in a mutual balance of power, which tends to rest. If you lower the density of any part of the stellar space, reducing the amount of matter that it contains, then the entire Universe will certainly begin to move, trying to equalize the average density to the level of the rest. Masses will rush into the rarefied cavity, leveling the density of the system.

With an increase in the amount of matter, there will be a scattering of masses from the area under consideration. But someday the total density will still be the same. And it doesn't matter whether the density of this region will decrease or increase, it is important that the bodies begin to move, equalizing the average density to the level of the density of the rest of the Universe.

If the dynamics of the expansion of the observed part of the Universe slows down by a micro fraction, and the energy from this process is used, we will get the desired effect of a free eternal source of energy. And the engine, powered by it, will become eternal, since it will be impossible to fix the consumption of the energy itself, using physical concepts. An intrasystem observer will not be able to grasp the logical connection between the expansion of a part of the Universe and the energy consumption of a particular engine.

The picture for an observer from the outside will be more obvious: the presence of an energy source, the region changed by the dynamics, and the very energy consumption of a specific device. But this is all illusory and immaterial. Let's try to build a perpetual motion machine with our own hands.

Magnetic-gravitational perpetual motion machine

Do-it-yourself magnetic perpetual motion machine can be made on the basis of a modern permanent magnet. The principle of operation is to alternately move around the main stator magnet auxiliary, as well as loads. In this case, the magnets interact with force fields, and the loads either approach the axis of rotation of the motor in the area of ​​​​action of one pole, then they are repelled in the area of ​​​​action of the other pole from the center of rotation.

Engines of the second kind are machines that reduce the thermal energy of the reservoir and completely convert it into work without changes in the environment. Their use would violate the second law of thermodynamics.

Although over the past centuries thousands of various variants of the device in question have been invented, the question remains of how to make a perpetual motion machine. And yet one must understand that such a mechanism must be completely isolated from external energy. And further. Any eternal work of any construction is carried out when this work is directed in one direction.

This avoids the cost of returning to the starting position. And the last. Nothing is eternal in this world. And all these so-called perpetual motion machines, operating on the energy of gravity, and on the energies of water and air, and on the energy of permanent magnets, will not function constantly. Everything comes to an end.

Dudyshev Valery Dmitrievich, Russia, Samara
Samara Technical University
Dudyshev Valery Dmitrievich

Magneto - gravitational engines

The global and increasingly growing energy and environmental crisis of the planet encourages scientists and engineers to actively look for new alternative environmentally friendly efficient energy sources, including those based on permanent magnets and electrets.

The well-known magnetic motors (MA) of Searl, Minato, Floyd are still very imperfect, unfortunately, however, the beginning of the story with the emergence and development of MA has already been laid. The article presents new original designs of new, completely currentless MD. Despite the fact that the nature of magnetism has not yet been fully unraveled, permanent magnets are already really bringing us closer to a revolution in energy and mechanics. Powerful progress in the field of permanent magnets allows us to hope for the creation of magnetic motors - generators and other useful devices based on them - with a power of up to 100-200 kW already in the near future.

Let's start considering ways to create purely magnetic motors with the simplest magneto-gravitational motors (MHD) - magnetic pendulums and rotational MHD.

On the rice. one shows the simplest pendulum magneto - gravitational engine with two magnets - a fixed permanent magnet 6 and moving magnet 1 , placed by the same magnetic pole for repulsion with a minimum gap in a hollow non-magnetic tube 3 with return spring 2 and emphasis 5 . Under the action of repulsive forces of the same magnetic poles, a moving magnet 1 begins to oscillate in the vertical plane. The left side of the figure shows the position of the elements of this simplest magnetomechanical system. "magnetic pendulum" at the top of the pendulum 3 due to the energy of magnetic fields by the repulsive forces of two magnets 1 and 6 . First, the left side rises along with the hollow pipe 2 up and away from the magnet 6 - he simultaneously cocks the spring inside it (the extreme position of the magnet 1-1 and compressed spring 2-1 after the pendulum returns to its lowest point to the base 5 ). Further, under the action of gravity, the pipe rushes down again and when the spring is straightened, the repulsive force of the magnets again increases and the process is repeated cyclically. Thus, this magneto-gravitational device performs a combined oscillatory and reciprocating movement of the magnet 1 relative to the magnet 6 , i.e. performs direct conversion of magnetic energy into mechanical energy.

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Rice. 1. Magneto - gravitational engine with rotation of magnets-balls on the rod

A more advanced design of a magneto-gravitational rotation engine (MHD) is shown in pic 2. It consists of a non-magnetic cylinder-rim 1 , mounted on a horizontal axis on a vertical support 6 . Outside this axle and inside the rim 1 placed cylindrical magnet 2 with radial magnetization and the axis of the magnetic equator coinciding with the vertical axis of the support 5 . Inside the rotor rim 1 there is also an arc permanent magnet 3 with an inner radius equal to the outer radius of the magnet 2 , on a movable radial axis 4 , at the end of which a metal ball is fixed 5 .To increase the energy efficiency of such a motor, you can also introduce a spring storage of mechanical energy - placed on the axis 4 between the rim 1 and magnet 3 . spring on rice. 2 not shown. The number of such spring-magnetic rods can be more 1 . In this case, they are placed on the rim 1 symmetrical. This design will only increase the power of the motor with unchanged dimensions. To start this MHD into operation, it is necessary to make several initial revolutions of the rim 1 starting device. Further the motor works already autonomously. Rotor rotation 1 due to the fact that the moment of rotation of the disk rotor 1 on the total gravitational force and the magnetic repulsion force of the magnets on the accelerating left section of the rotor-rim trajectory 1 more than the braking torque when lifting the load 5 . Because different radii of rotation of the load 5 due to the magnetic repulsion force of the magnets 1 and 3 on the left side of the rim 1 (stock 4 pulls out). And on the return half-cycle-half-turn of the rim 1 -right- magnets 2,3 tend to be attracted and therefore the radius and moment of rotation of the load 5 decreases over this interval.

Regulation of power and speed of the rotor-rim 1 achieved by turning the central cylindrical magnet 2 around the axis or in other ways, for example, by changing the working gaps between the magnets, the length of the rod 4 . With the right choice of magnets 2,3 and load-ball 5 the device is stable. It can be performed at various capacities. The greater the magnetic induction of permanent magnets and the higher their mass, the higher the mechanical power of such a motor.


1. Commercialization of the Searle effect in the energy sector and in the field of new propulsion systems - an overview - "New Energy" 2/2004
2. V. D. Dudyshev New Fuelles Spage Pover Engineering - New Energy Technologies - Decemder 2002
3. V. D. Dudyshev Latent Potential Energy of Electrical Field - New Energy Technologies - Juli2003
4. Dudyshev V. D. Method for extracting internal energy from substances - "New Energy" 3/2004 (in press)

Vlasov V.N.

A simple gravity engine.

I propose to everyone for further refinement the project of a gravitational engine. It's not a perpetual motion machine. This is a normal engine, a power amplifier, in which energy is supplied not from gasoline or diesel fuel, but from the Earth's gravitational field due to a special shape S -shaped elements of the engine itself. During rotation, friction forces, air resistance, and so on will act on this engine. But at the same time, at each cycle, each hermetic S -shaped element, filled with water and air approximately in the ratio of 50:50, will "produce" a portion of energy from the Earth's gravitational field. And if this sum of energy portions for all elements per cycle is higher than the cost of the engine for friction, air resistance, etc., then the engine will begin to gain momentum until centrifugal forces begin to interfere with gravitational effects. That is, first this engine must be properly untwisted. How any engine, including internal combustion engines, spins up on any car. Previously, special rotaries (handles) were used for this, and now they use a starter that takes a portion of energy from the battery. The more S -shaped elements, the more powerful the engine will be.


Let's see how such an engine should work. Let's spin it well clockwise and see what happens when it rotates. As soon as the section of the pipe filled with water takes a horizontal position, water from the left (in the figure) knee will begin to flow into the right. Area freed from water S -shaped pipe, will begin to rotate faster, like a figure skater with his arms pressed to his body. Water, having made a “horizontal” movement across the lines of force of the gravitational field, and therefore without doing work, filling the right section of the pipe, will force it to “fall” down under the action of gravity, simultaneously entraining the pipe section free from water. Those. pouring water from left to right causes two effects at once, which increase the speed and rotation of the entire engine. This is the same effect that children use to enjoy the swing, but now the inertia control mechanism is incorporated into S -shaped pipe, which simultaneously acts as a spoke and a holder for a flywheel and a channel for a pulsating waterfall, an analogue of the water cycle in Nature.

As a result, having reached a certain speed, the engine will give the received portions of energy to the load, for example, an electric generator and spend it on overcoming friction and air resistance. And at a certain speed of rotation, the engine will enter the self-oscillation mode. Decreasing rotation speed will be prevented by gravity, and the increase in engine rotation speed will be limited by the fact that at high rotation speeds the water will be pressed harder against the outer end S -shaped pipe, and this will lead to a decrease in the gravitational effect. To improve the dynamic characteristics of the engine, it is necessary to return S -shaped element, place a small amount of air in elastic hermetic containers so that when the engine rotates, they play the role of a spring for water.

Circus performers have been riding on such engines for a long time. And it is a pity that such a wonderful fuelless engine remains, in fact, a toy for adults who only do what they scream that they do not have enough energy, food, knowledge, etc. Give them fire, war, sex, bloody action movies, etc. And they themselves did not lift a finger to adapt this source of energy for heating and lighting houses and apartments, to provide them with all vehicles where there are wheels. They do not want to give birth to children, but they want to live in abundance. They are looking for some kind of thermonuclear energy, but they see nothing under their noses. There will be no price for a bicycle with such wheels, since it will ride itself, and the Earth itself will work for a person. People did not appreciate Vanka-Vstanka.

This basic element can be grouped with similar ones for more even rotation and more power. To do this, for example, 2 (4) element(s) (or more) must be placed on a common axis of rotation, and each next element in the “stack” must be rotated by an angle of 90 (45) degrees relative to the previous one. Mercury can be used instead of water. Such an engine can be directly built into the wheels of cars, wagons, etc., which will allow cars or wagons to carry themselves without energy consumption from a standard motor or electric locomotive (diesel locomotive). Real scooter! Already now it makes sense to install such an engine in each wheel, which will allow, when the wheels of, for example, a car, to either increase traction or reduce fuel consumption. The main thing is that for each type of wheels there should be an optimal design of the gravitational engine. And there are an unmeasured number of wheels running around Russia. There is no price for such an engine in any mine - it is fireproof, does not consume oxygen. Such an engine is ideal for submarines, since it does not need oxygen, no danger of getting dose of radiation. Merchant and passenger ships, warships could use such engines. Even on an airplane, you can install such an engine, preferably two, rotating in different directions. And it will be possible to fly due to the gravitational field of the Earth, and use kerosene only during takeoff and landing. But, I repeat, this engine, like any other, must first be spun up (started) so that it can realize its capabilities. Again, the principle of "divide and rule" is realized in all its glory.

But it is quite possible that such an engine will not be efficient enough.Perhaps I am wrong in my reasoning. Then you need to go a slightly different way and take the pendulum as a basisGravio. Here is what he writes Gravio : “All known pendulums stop. This pendulum - works until it is completely worn out ... The current sample was made at the Energia-Gravio Design Bureau. With a full understanding of the processes, even a children's swing can be made to swing. True - you need a flask of water and accessories of modern plumbing ... ". I’ll add on my own that it remains to select the values ​​​​of the parameters: containers with liquid, density of liquid and float, mass of cargo, heights h and H 1 so that the pendulum can become suitable for its role in walkers or in a gravitational power generator.


Let's change the design a little, keeping the idea of ​​the design (Fig. 3). And let's see how he behaves during hesitation.


The weight of such a pendulum is a cylinder, in which the compartment with liquid (liquid metal) has a float filled with air, and the compartment with air has a weight filled with liquid (liquid metal). The float and the load are connected by a rod, so the movements of the float and the load are interconnected. The weight of the liquid displaced by the float must be greater than the weight of the cargo in the air compartment. The figure gives only an idea, although structurally the cylinder with compartments, float and weight can be implemented with some variations. It is advisable to choose the dimensions of the float so that the float does not “dangle” in the liquid compartment in order to avoid stem breakage and excessive resistance. Let's call such a cylinder Vlasov's cylinder, that is, me.

Let us assume that the pendulum oscillates strictly in one plane. With a sufficient amplitude of oscillations, the center of gravity of the pendulum relative to the attachment point (axis of rotation) will begin to depend significantly on the angle of deflection. At the point of maximum lift, the load in the compartment with air will approach the bottom of the cylinder, and at the lowest point it will rise up due to the Archimedes force, which, performing the work itself, will give the pendulum a portion of energy equal to the work done. With a successful selection of components, the pendulum will enter the self-oscillation mode, drawing energy from the gravitational field, more precisely, receiving it due to the nonlinearity of its reaction to the force of gravity and the Archimedes force during oscillations. When selecting components, such a pendulum will turn any clock into a perpetual clock.

And in a more powerful version, such a pendulum could already generate energy, for example, electricity. It is enough to put it on the axis and connect the electric generator to the axis. The current will be variable and inharmonious, which is easy to fix by introducing a bridge rectifier and a battery of sufficient power into the circuit. But first, it will be necessary to solve the engineering problem of the tightness of the compartments in the hole where the rod passes, since the water is located in the upper compartment, it is affected by gravity and centrifugal force. Instead of water, you can, for example, take mercury, oil, any liquid with a high density. After that, you can put the pendulum in the basement and switch part of your electrical economy to it, for example, lighting. Light bulbs can burn all day. And no wind turbines or hydro turbines are needed. Goodbye Chubais! But I think that the state will quickly introduce a tax on such installations, as it once imposed a tax on fruit trees and berry bushes, chickens, geese, small and large cattle. It will find a way to take energy from people in order to have its own interest in this process.

And now consider a more interesting option (Fig. 4). This will already be a wheel - a wheel or Vlasov's engine. Thanks Gravio for the idea.

Fig.4. Vlasov's gravitational engine.

The engine shown in Fig. 4 has only 4 spokes, but more can be done. And it is not necessary that their number be even, the main thing is that they be evenly distributed along the wheel rim. When rotating in each cylinder, the Archimedes force will perform work approximately equal to the expression (we conditionally assume that the volume of cargo with water is half the volume of the float with air)

A \u003d 5 * m * h (j), where m is the mass of water in the piston with water, and h - stroke of the piston.

This value of the work of the Archimedes force is only in the lower semicircle. To take into account the work of the Archimedes force in the upper semicircle, the obtained value of the work, most likely, must be multiplied by 2. But this will be true for a small angular velocity of rotation. With rapid rotation, the work of the Archimedes forces will be interfered with by centrifugal force. So the optimal speed is clearly visible, and auto-stabilization for power generation is extremely important. To get the energy released per revolution of the wheel, multiply the energy value for one cylinder by the number of cylinders on the wheel. Now it's getting more interesting, since the wheel can already be directly connected to a standard power generator.

Surprisingly, for some reason, such an engine was not thought of in the past. Although even in ancient Sumer it could be realized. I could suggest Archimedes himself. Such an engine is environmentally friendly. It can be installed on the ground, underground, in a building, in a basement - anywhere in the world. It cannot destroy the gravitational field of the Earth in any way, since the engine receives energy due to the potential difference for each element when it completes one cycle (circle) around the axis of rotation. The mass of the Earth and the engine does not change, which means that the force of attraction between the Earth and this engine does not change either. It remains to put a standard electric generator on the shaft. And you can not expect weather from the sea, from the air of the wind, from the river of water, but from Chubais electricity. And there is no need for some oil through I can not extract, and for others - by deceiving, to buy it for their own benefit, and in which case, to calm down with an atomic bomb those who do not want to give oil almost for free.

The technical solution belongs to all mankind. Everyone is free to use this invention at their own discretion. No one has the right to patent it and thereby appropriate the right to deprive other people of the energy received from our beautiful Earth. So we will soon drive exclusively on wheels without the use of any fuel, including precious oxygen.

An era is coming in which value, as the amount of energy expended, ceases to play the role of an equivalent in the exchange of goods, and oil as an energy carrier and money (Satan's toilet paper) lose their value!

The gravitational drive has long been considered by scientists as something that looks beautiful in theory, but is not feasible in practical terms. However, in recent years, in connection with the development of certain areas of physical science, this type has gradually begun to acquire quite real outlines.

We should start with the fact that the gravitational engine, albeit in a theoretical form so far, is a special device that will facilitate the movement of individual bodies and objects without discarding mass. In general, we are talking about using this energy, which has a huge supply, to do a certain job. The latter should be carried out due to the fact that the body will move directly under the influence

For a long time, the impossibility of creating such a device as a gravitational engine was associated with the fact that, but the work done by this field in relation to a closed circuit will be equal to zero, since this space itself is characterized by potentiality. Much has changed in connection with the emergence and development of provisions according to which this process is possible, but it must be carried out in completely different ways than we are used to in the conditions of the Earth.

In particular, one of the most promising options should be recognized as the one based on the designs of Minato, Searl, Floyd, which, despite the fact that they have very significant technical shortcomings, represent a very decisive step towards the practical use of energy. gravity. Their undoubted advantages include cost-effectiveness and duration of activity.

Another confirmation that the gravitational engine, despite all its fantasticness, is not at all some pipe dream, is the use of similar schemes in modern astronautics. So, to correct the orbit of satellites and even space stations special gyroscopes have been successfully used for a long time, which allow the movement of objects without throwing off masses.

In fact, today the main barrier that stands in the way of turning a gravitational engine from fantasy into reality is the lack of the necessary mechanisms to combine the efforts of magnetic, chemical and thermal forces with mechanical interaction. At the same time, such a system must be closed, and the fuel supply must be sufficient for continuous operation.

If the research concerning this device is crowned with success, then humanity will receive not only modern aircraft engines with an economical and environmentally friendly mode of operation, but will also overcome a number of restrictions on the further improvement of various technical devices.

The gravity engine has long been a pipe dream. Scientists created theoretical formulas that demonstrated the possibility of creating and using such devices. However, in practice this was not feasible. The effect of gravity, which was planned to be used, did not work for long, even if it was given a certain force. Inventors designed and manufactured various devices that would achieve success. However, no one managed to achieve a logical conclusion.

Only recently, thanks to the development of science, opportunities have appeared and the gravitational engine began to take on a practical shape. For a long time, the lack of the possibility of building such a product was due to the fact that, according to Newton's law, the work performed by the field in relation to a closed circuit is equal to zero. Today, the theory of relativity is used as the basis for the possibility of creating such a device. One of the options in this direction is the use of a magnetic-gravity engine and a device based on new physical principles.


Gravity engine, depending on the type of construction and the energy used, can be:

  • Mechanical. These are all kinds of engine designs that scientists have been creating since ancient times. One of the typical representatives of such engines is a wheel on which weights are hung with threads. When pushed, the wheel starts spinning. Initially, it seems that the wheel will spin constantly, but after a while it stops. This is due to the fact that the loads from different sides are balanced.

  • Hydromechanical. It is used to convert the force of pushing water and gravity into mechanical energy. A typical representative of such devices are float motors. The floats are connected into a chain with the help of thread and wire. In water, they float under the action of the buoyancy force, and in air, they are affected by the force of gravity. As a result, they can spin the wheel attached to them, but also for a limited time. The problem here is that the floats have to overcome the resistance of the water in order to sink. The result is the same closed loop.

  • Capillary. Such engines work by capillary effect, lifting water to the top. The water then falls down, causing the wheel to spin. However, there is also a minus here - the capillary effect will hold the water, raising it initially.

  • Magnetic gravity . Such devices work thanks to permanent magnets. The operation of such a unit is based on the variable movement of the magnets relative to the main magnet or any load.

  • Gravity Engine , working on new physical principles for creating thrust.


A gravitational engine operating on a hydromechanical principle has the following device. The main element of the design is a plunger pair, consisting of a cylinder and a piston, which creates a compression chamber. The piston at the same time is able to move inside the cylinder under the influence of its own weight. If there is an inclination with respect to the horizon, the piston moves along the inclined, gradually sucking in or pushing water out of the compression chamber.

Plunger pairs are interconnected by means of a pipe, from where water is able to flow from one chamber to another. Such a system rotates about the suspension point, which is in a stationary state.

Magnetic motors use permanent magnets, weights and a disc permanent magnet. The appearance of magnetic forces formed between permanent magnets. Including with the help of gravity, it allows you to create a constant rotation of the rotor relative to the stator magnet in the form of a ring.

Operating principle

The hydromechanical engine works due to the movement of fluid in the chamber and gravity. Plunger pairs in a vertical position have water in the lower compression chamber. When the system deviates from the specified position, the pistons are directed to the sides. At this moment, a vacuum is formed in the upper piston, and a certain pressure appears in the lower one. As a result, the liquid is directed from the lower chamber to the upper one. Gradually, the upper chamber, with the accumulation of fluid, begins to outweigh the lower one. As a result, the system gets accelerated and begins to rotate.

The gravitational engine on the magnetic principle works as follows. When the loads approach the axis of rotation of one magnet, they begin to repel towards the opposite pole. Due to the constant displacement of the center of mass, as well as changes in the forces of gravity and the action of magnetic fields, the engine can run almost forever. With the correct assembly of the engine, a small push is enough to get it to work. As a result, he will be able to spin up to maximum speed.

A high-voltage discharge is created in a gravitational engine operating on new physical principles for creating thrust. It leads to the evaporation of the working fluid, for example, fluoroplastic. The result is traction.

How to choose

Most of the gravity devices on the market cannot last forever. They need a push of a certain strength to make it work. Yes, such a device will be able to rotate for a certain time, but after a while it will stop. In particular, this applies to models operating on mechanical and hydraulic and physical principles. They won't work for long.

Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at magnetic engines. They will work much longer. It is advisable to choose not homemade, but factory options that will work and can last an order of magnitude longer.


The gravity engine rarely finds practical application. Mostly such products are used to demonstrate their capabilities. They are also used in everyday life and business to entertain partners, household members and visiting guests. In industry or other areas, such devices are practically not used.

However, today tests are being carried out and gravity engines are being developed, which will soon be able to find a worthy application. For example, this applies to Russian scientists who have begun testing a fundamentally new engine operating on new physical principles related to gravity. This engine has already worked on the Yubileiny spacecraft. This unit should subsequently be used on a spacecraft, which is part of the system being created by Russia and Belarus.

A device that works without consuming the body has already been tested on Earth. This engine was called "gravitap". In the future, these gravitational engines could be used for spacecraft, especially for nanosatellites. Such an engine will be miniature and will be able to work indefinitely. Gravitational engines based on new physical principles are planned to be tested in space conditions.

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