Sage preparation. Sage officinalis: fragrant spice and natural doctor. The use of sage preparations in official medicine

Sage (salvia) is used both for medicinal purposes and in cooking. The choice of drying method depends on what you need sage for.

Sage is harvested in early summer, when it is just beginning to bloom, and until autumn. It is during flowering that the concentration of essential oils in the plant reaches its peak.

Cut the stems completely, so it is more convenient to transport them, and sort them out at home. Try not to take contaminated plants. Of course, sage stalks can be washed, but this is not advisable.

This method of drying is suitable for medical purposes, where the whole plant and flowers and stems and leaves are involved. Tie sage stalks into small bunches and hang them down as flowers in a dry, ventilated area.

The essential oils of sage are very volatile, so after drying, put bunches of dried herbs into cardboard box and store in a dry place and at room temperature. Grind only the amount of grass that you need right now.

Drying sage for seasoning

For seasoning, you need the lower, largest leaves of sage.

Tear them off, rinse and dry on a cloth, or blot gently with a paper towel, but do not press down, otherwise you can damage the structure of the leaf, the essential oil will begin to stand out, and the leaf will lose its aroma very quickly. Spread a layer of leaves on the dryer tray, and control the drying process so that the leaves do not dry out.

Grind dry sage leaves in a blender or coffee grinder, and pour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Medicinal sage (pharmacy) is one of the 900 species of this plant. And they all differ in their properties. Ethiopian, Spanish, clary, medicinal sage have the best medicinal and beneficial properties. Other types of it also have useful properties, but they are much less pronounced.

Salvia officinalis is a shrub up to 70 cm high with wrinkled grayish-green leaves up to 8 cm long. Its flowers are light purple collected in a spikelet inflorescence. Medicinal sage blooms in June and July.

O magical properties sage have been heard by people in Ancient Russia. It was hung in a hut to protect it from dark forces, or a rag with sage was buried under the threshold. They carried it with them to protect themselves from the evil eye and accumulate wisdom. Sage was used to communicate with dead people. During the funeral, sage was placed in the grave to show the soul of the deceased that he was remembered, honored and loved.

The ancient Greeks folded legends and poems about sage. The ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates and Dioscorides highly valued sage, the healing properties of which were already noticed at that time in infertility and stomach diseases. It was used as a means to prolong youth, to give vitality to the body. In ancient legends, he was credited with the property of prolonging life and was called "Greek tea". The Gauls believed that if there is sage in the garden, then the doctor will not be needed. Salvia officinalis has been grown since ancient times at monasteries as a medicinal raw material. It was collected and carefully dried on warm summer days, constantly making sure that the plant did not dry out, otherwise its healing and taste properties were lost. It is very good that at present there is such a device as the Isidri dryer, with which you can dry sage in a few hours without problems.

The leaves of medicinal sage have a spicy, slightly bitter taste and a strong smell. Sage is harvested before it begins to bloom, during budding. It is during this period that it is especially distinguished by its spicy, slightly astringent taste and some bitterness. The leaves are thoroughly washed and then dried. Because of its too bright tart aroma and taste when fresh, it is quite difficult for many to tolerate, it is better to use it in dried form. The Ezidri dryer will preserve the entire bouquet of aroma and taste of this spice, which will save the time and effort of the person who is harvesting the plant.

Sage is an excellent spicy seasoning that improves the taste and aroma of meat, vegetable and mushroom dishes. Dried leaves are simply ground into powder and used in cooking.

Harvest the plant in dry and sunny weather after the dew has disappeared. Plants must be clean. If there is dust on them, then it is washed off and the leaves are allowed to dry thoroughly. If the plant has not yet bloomed even once, then you can collect the lower, well-formed leaves. Before drying, they are sorted out, removing browned leaves and stems. You need to dry the sage as quickly as possible, otherwise the leaves will acquire a musty unpleasant odor. Excellent if there is a dryer for fruits and vegetables Isidri.
Then the raw materials can be prepared quickly, efficiently and without loss.

The benefits of sage

Medicinal sage contains many useful substances:

1. Essential oils.
2. Resins.
3. Alkaloids and flavonoids.
4. Vitamins P and PP.
5. Tannins.
6. Organic acids (oleanolic, ursolic, nicotinic, chlorogenic).
7. Paradiphenol.
8. Phytoncides.
9. Uvaol.
10. Mineral salts.

Medical use

Sage helps with inflammatory diseases, coughs, helps lower blood sugar, it is used as an antipyretic, tonic. It improves potency and brain activity, effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis, makes blood vessels elastic, removes depression, calms nerves, strengthens the nervous system.

Sage has an estrogenic, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, analgesic, astringent effect. It is included in various medicinal fees: renal, hepatic. Sage is useful for tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive system, respiratory tract, gallbladder, stomatitis. It is used for infertility due to the presence of estrogen, as well as to stop lactation during the period when it is necessary to wean the baby from the breast.

The following dosage forms are prepared from medicinal sage:


It can be used in diseases of the digestive tract, to reduce sweating. A tablespoon of dry leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.


A decoction of sage should be used as a rinse for stomatitis, thrush, flux, tonsillitis. For douching with vaginitis and vulvitis.

If pestering hemorrhoids, then you can prepare a concentrated infusion of medicinal sage.
Three tablespoons of sage leaves pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and put enemas every day for a week, diluting a portion of the infusion in a liter of boiled water. During treatment, it is better to avoid alcohol, rough and heavy food.

A concentrated decoction is used as a compress for difficult-to-heal wounds, pustular skin lesions, and bruises.

  • Inhalations
They help with bronchitis, diseases of the tonsils and other diseases of the respiratory tract. To prepare an inhalation, a handful of dry leaves is thrown into an inhalation teapot in which water boils, boiled for several minutes and then inhaled through a tube. Or you can boil a handful of herbs in a saucepan for 4 minutes, closing the lid. And then breathe over the resulting infusion, covered with a towel.


Sage, like any drug, has contraindications. Do not use it for severe cough, acute nephritis, epilepsy. Also, do not use sage for more than three months, as it causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

Plant allergy, kidney failure, polycystic disease, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, neurological diseases, thyroid disease, pregnancy at any time, and lactation (sage reduces milk production in women) - this is a list of the main contraindications to sage treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking sage as a medicine.

The use of spicy sage in cooking

In addition to its excellent medicinal properties, sage has also been used in cooking, adding spice to a wide variety of dishes. Most often they are seasoned with poultry dishes, homemade sausages, vegetables, leguminous plants, fish sauces. If you add chopped dry sage to a fatty meat dish, it will acquire flavor and become tender. Sage is used to flavor wines and homemade beers, herbal sauces, marinade for pickles, to give them a special piquancy. You can add it to soups, scrambled eggs, boiled fish.

Sage goes well with onions, garlic and green peppers. However, it is better not to use it in dishes where there are herb spices that have a delicate and delicate aroma.

Its wonderful nutmeg aroma and spicy, bitter taste give dishes a piquant note and an unusual taste that other herbs do not give. It is excellent for poultry dishes, marinating, pickling, salting, sets off the taste of pies with meat, cheese. It is good to add it to the filling for ravioli or dumplings and when they are cooked.

If you add a spoonful of crushed dried sage leaves to vegetable oil, insist for a day, and then fry the fish in such oil, it will acquire a spicy taste.

Just a few sage leaves will add spice to mushroom and potato dishes, stewed eggplants. But it is worth remembering that an excessive dose of sage makes dishes bitter and musty. Sage is a fragrant meat seasoning for the winter that can outshine the taste of other herbs and spices.

The most delicious and interesting dishes with sage are obtained from Italians. Sage leaves warmed in butter are great for adding flavor to pasta. The Italians add it to fried potatoes. As a seasoning, grayish-green fluffy leaves are used, which perfectly retain their aroma and taste. Unlike other herbs, sage retains its flavor and aroma at high temperatures, so it can be added at the very beginning of cooking.

Sage lemonade.

Ingredients: 5 grams of dried sage, lime, pear juice - 100 ml, soda - 50 ml, ice.


25 grams of lime are cut into a large glass, sage is added. Ice is crushed into small pieces. Pour ice into a glass, pour in 100 ml of pear juice and mix with a spoon. Add carbonated water. The drink is ready, it can be decorated with a sage leaf and a slice of lime or lemon.

Pork with sage.

You will need a kilogram of pork meat, olive oil, dried sage, 2 juniper berries, bay leaf, garlic clove, salt, half a glass of dry wine (white), a glass of milk and black pepper to taste.


The meat is cut in half, rubbed with salt and pepper.
. In a frying pan or saucepan, heat oil with sage, juniper berries. After a minute add the garlic.
. Place the meat in a frying pan and fry until crispy.
. Pour in the wine and bring to a boil. When half of the wine has evaporated, then pour in the milk. Once it boils, turn off the stove.
. Next, the dish is placed in the oven at a temperature of 175 degrees. The meat should be turned over periodically until it becomes soft.
. Remove from the oven, cut into pieces and pour over the resulting sauce, which should be filtered.
Thus, sage is both a spice and an excellent natural healer. It is used for numerous diseases, gives piquancy and astringency to various dishes. It is simply a must have at home. You can buy dry sage in a pharmacy, but it is better if you have self-harvested raw materials. And the Ezidri fruit dryer will help to dry the sage with high quality and at the same time preserve all its useful properties.

Medicinal sage is a fragrant plant that can be found in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, Europe and America. It grows up to half a meter, blooms in July, the fruit ripens in September. Widely used for medicinal purposes, it is often planted as a fragrant ingredient in a fragrance garden.

Medicinal sage: harvesting rules

Medicinal raw materials - leaves that are harvested before flowering plants. The leaves are cut at least 10 centimeters from the ground, separated from the stems, spreading them in a thin layer, dried in a shady place, good ventilation is required. Raw materials can be stored in closed containers for up to a year.

Active ingredients of sage essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, vitamin PP, bitterness, phytoncides, alkaloids, tannins.

The use of sage in medicine

Preparations containing sage have anti-inflammatory, blood-restoring, expectorant, antimicrobial and soothing properties. From sage there is a decrease in sweating and excretion breast milk, the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract increases, the formation of gases decreases. Sage is used externally and as a remedy for infertility.

For the treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, rinses, inhalations and wet swabs are used. In this case, the infusion can be replaced with a tincture of 70% alcohol.

Medicinal sage effectively fights staphylococci and streptococci, it is used in the treatment of wounds with pus, ulcers, skin inflammations.

How to prepare a sage infusion

To prepare a sage infusion, pour two large spoons of sage into a glass of boiling water and simmer for ten minutes over low heat. Let cool, strain after 30 minutes.

Sage tea is useful for patients with gastrointestinal spasms, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, low acidity gastric juice, gastric ulcer, inflammation of the gallbladder or bladder, accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.

The recipe for making sage tea is simple: brew a spoonful of crushed sage with two cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, take a quarter cup of tea three times a day during a meal.

Salvia officinalis

The generic name comes from the Latin salvus - healthy, as the plant is medicinal. The species definition - "pharmacy" indicates the same.

Hippocrates, Dioscorides and other ancient Greek physicians called sage "sacred herb". To this day, sage leaves are official in many countries of the world.

AT traditional medicine the plant came through pharmacies and became quite popular.

Sage officinalis is a semi-shrub with woody roots. There are several stems, branched, 20-50 cm high. The lower ones are woody, the upper ones are herbaceous tetrahedral. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, young - white tomentose. The flowers are blue-violet, collected 6-10 in false whorls, forming apical racemose inflorescences. The fruit is fractional, consists of four nuts. The smell of the plant, especially when rubbed in the fingers, is strong, specific.

Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in September.

It does not occur in our country; it grows wild in the Mediterranean. In the villages, it is cultivated in gardens, vegetable gardens, flower beds, as a remedy primarily for rinsing the mouth and throat, especially for toothache.

On a note!

Old plants winter poorly, and crops gradually thin out. To slow down the "aging", in the spring the plants are cut to half the length of the stem, which enhances bushiness. Propagated by seeds. They are sown in early spring or late autumn wide-row method with row spacing 60 cm wide.

Collection and drying

Collect leaves and tops of stems during flowering. Dry sage in attics, under sheds, in dryers at a temperature of 30-40 °. When the plants lose 50-60% of moisture, the temperature is raised to 50-60°. After drying, the plants are crushed, discarding the stems. Seeds are collected from intact plants.

The smell of medicinal raw materials is fragrant, the taste is bitter-spicy, astringent. Shelf life on average 1 year 6 months.

Chemical composition

Sage leaf contains up to 2.5% essential oil, 4% condensed tannins, ursolic and oleanolic acids, phenolcarboxylic acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, diterpenes, bitter substances, 5-6% resinous substances, flavonoids, coumarin esculetin, etc. .

The composition of the essential oil includes up to 15% cineol, 30-50% thujone and thujol, pinene, salvene, borneol, camphor, sesquiterpene cedren and other terpenoids.

Action and application

Essential oil cineole has bactericidal properties, with which the phytoncidal properties of the plant are associated. Tannins have an astringent effect, and flavonoids have a choleretic effect.

Traditionally, sage is used for rinsing in acute angina, chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous lesions of the oral cavity.

In addition, an infusion of sage leaves is taken for gastric diseases, cholecystitis, hepatitis, mild forms diabetes, hypothyroidism, tremor paralysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, articular rheumatism, intervertebral osteochondrosis. Baths with sage are useful for eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes. Sage improves memory, cleanses blood vessels.

Sage is a repository of phytohormones. Their role is still not well understood. They are known to act as catalysts and are similar to human hormones similar to estrogens (female sex hormones). That is why it is useful for women after 35 years of age to take a course of rejuvenation - three times a year for a month, regularly drink a glass of infusion in the morning: 1 teaspoon of sage per glass of boiling water. Insist until cool. Drink slowly, 30-40 minutes before meals. You can add honey or lemon for taste. AT Ancient Egypt after devastating wars or epidemics, women were forced to drink boiled sage and season their food with it in order to increase the population. The priests distributed the herb for free. The fulfillment of these conditions by young women was especially carefully monitored.

There is nothing surprising or mystical in this. Infusion of sage seeds promotes conception, helps both men and women. Unlike other plants that help conception, sage increases the "suction" reflex of the cervix in women.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water. Do not strain. Keep in the refrigerator so as not to sour. Drink 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime for 11 days immediately after the cessation of menstruation. The course of treatment is 3 months. If the desired pregnancy does not occur, then take a break for two months and repeat the treatment. The result is sure to come. If not, then it is necessary to treat inflammation of the tubes and ovaries.


Sage should be excluded from therapeutic agents with reduced thyroid function. Sage is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. You can not take an infusion of sage with a strong cough, otherwise it will only intensify it. Poorly tolerated sage with hypotension. It is undesirable to use it from above three months in a row (breaks required). Sage is contraindicated in pregnancy. As a precaution, do not prescribe his drugs to nursing mothers, as he dramatically reduces the amount of milk. Sage is contraindicated in amenorrhea - a long delay in menstruation.

Life Extension Tincture

Especially useful in old age.

100 g of sage flowers, 800 ml of vodka and 400 ml of water. Insist 40 days in the sun in a closed glass vessel. Take 1 tablespoon half and half with water in the morning on an empty stomach. The shelf life of the tincture is 1 year. Tones and stimulates the nervous system, in addition, sage contains natural antioxidants.

Sage Powder for Bad Memory

Crush the leaves into powder. Take a pinch 3 times a day with water.


An infusion of 20 g of raw materials per 200 ml of water, 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day, is prescribed for night sweats, to reduce the formation of milk in nursing mothers, for bronchitis, gastric and intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, flatulence, inflammation of the liver and gallbladder. The same infusion is used for rinsing with inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat, tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Infusion for multiple sclerosis

Pour 2 teaspoons of sage with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer in heat for 2-3 hours. Strain twice. Daily dose: drink in fractional portions no more than half a glass at a time. Or take 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day - individually. In some cases, sage baths up to 5-7 procedures are useful.

tonic drink

Mix 3 tbsp. l. dry leaves of lavender and sage, pour a mixture of 1 liter of dry red wine, leave for 2 weeks in a cool place, shaking occasionally, then strain.

Drink 30 g in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. The drink slows down the aging process of the body.

A source of information

  1. "Medicinal plants" Popov V.I., Shapiro D.K., Danusevich I.K.;
  2. "Upland uterus and other herbs for women's health" Levchenko N.V.;
  3. "Plants are your friends and enemies" Akhmedov R.B.;
  4. "Medicinal plants and their use among the people" Nosal M., Nosal I.;

Sage is one of the most popular medicinal plants, used both as an independent medicine or as a decoction. So and as an additional component, along with other herbs (in medicinal collections).

Sage is rich in useful substances and microelements, it contains flavonoids, resinous and tannins, vitamins and organic acids. Sage is used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. With its help, inflammation of the gums, bronchitis and tonsillitis are treated, it has an astringent and antimicrobial effect, suppressing coccal infections.

It is also used as a tonic and helps to cope with excessive sweating. Sage is also used in the fight against infertility and for cosmetic purposes. But not only medicinal properties famous sage. He also earned himself fame as an excellent spicy herb, thanks to the rich bouquet of aromas contained in it. This property helps to improve the mood and general condition of a person, to indirectly combat pathogens, respiratory diseases. Dry grass is also used for natural aromatization of indoor air and linen.

In order to be able to use all the versatility of the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to know how to properly prepare sage officinalis. And then we can safely assume that a whole pharmacy is stored in your closet.

Collection of sage

The collection of the plant must be carried out during the period of the beginning of its flowering. At this time, it accumulates the largest amount of essential oil of special value. For harvesting, mainly the leaves of the plant are suitable. It is very important that they are clean, so before harvesting, make sure that the sage is not in the dust. After that, it should dry well. The collected leaves must be sorted, browned and spoiled, thrown out.

Important Rules

There are a number of rules that can be applied as classic for collecting and drying medicinal herbs. In general terms, they can be described as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to collect the plant in rainy weather, a few hours after the rains or early in the morning. In the latter case, dew on sage leaves will interfere. The fact is that the collection is carried out only in dry weather. This rule is the most important, since it depends on the time of collection of medicinal leaves how they are then dried, and whether they will really help in medicinal purposes.
  2. Leaves taken from a bush at high relative humidity may rot during the drying process or simply do not have enough essential oils - enzymes.
  3. The best time to collect is from morning (not early) to evening (not late). The midday heat is excluded.
  4. When you see a bush of the grass you are looking for, choose one that is younger and fresher. Do not tear branches and leaves from a plant that is damaged by diseases, pests or rodents.
  5. Pluck mainly young leaves with a uniform fresh green color and a pronounced bouquet of aroma. You can cut off the tops of the branches. This will not harm the sage bush itself in any way. On the contrary, many additional lateral shoots will appear on the branches, the bush will become stronger.
  6. Do not search and collect medicinal herb a few kilometers from highways, roads, railways, industrial plants or other factories. Surrounded by these objects, all herbs, plants, bushes and trees are most likely contaminated with dangerous toxic substances - pesticides. It is better to choose ecologically clean areas, forest plantations.

Those who constantly need dry sage preparations plant it near their home - on a backyard or suburban area. The plant also grows well in apartments. But here it is necessary to ensure the normal growth of the bush - constant watering underground (not on the leaves), light spot spraying, airing the room, an optimal capacious pot, fertile land, a lot of sunlight, a room without sudden temperature changes.


Drying is an important part of harvesting sage. It is necessary to carry it out correctly in order to preserve the maximum amount of enzymes and essential oils useful for the human body. To do this, do not overheat the leaves. Other requirements for drying:

  • the room should be well ventilated, without unnecessary pungent odors;
  • pests - insects, rodents should not have access to the plant;
  • do not dry too aggressively using a hot room or high temperature.


You should dry the grass in whatever conditions you can create, but follow the standard rules.

The grass is dried in bunches-brooms or individual leaves (permissible in slices, but better with whole leaves).

For the option with brooms, drying in the open warm air is more suitable. Immediately after collection, the twigs are collected in bunches of medium density. It is necessary to make sure that air penetrates well to each branch. Then hang the bundles on a rope or twine. The drying room can be chosen as follows:

  • outdoor canopy on the street with protection from the scorching sun;
  • warm garage, attic, barn;
  • veranda, balcony or loggia;
  • room in a house or apartment.

Brooms are hung on a thread and kept until a dry broom of medicinal herbs is obtained. Periodically, the branches of the beam must be moved apart to make sure that air gets inside.

If outdoor air is used outside, brooms must be brought home for the night. Otherwise, morning dew will ruin the workpiece.

In an electric dryer

Those housewives who have home electric dryers have an excellent opportunity to easily dry a lot of medicinal herbs. The fact is that the need for constant ventilation, long drying and checking the integrity of branches and leaves disappears. Most electric dryers have a built-in temperature control feature. It also helps to keep the drying temperature in the optimal set mode. Namely, it is recommended to dry sage at a temperature not exceeding 35˚С.

Why is mode so important? Because, the leaves should lose only part of the moisture during drying, but not the essential oils. With a quick drying option using high temperatures, or in the open scorching sun, essential oils disappear. And the benefits of grass just disappear.

In home dryers with electric heating coils, it is permissible to harvest both whole branches and leaves or their cutting. You should also use the following tips:

  • periodically turn off the dryer for natural cooling;
  • rearrange baking trays with grass for constant uniform drying;
  • do not exceed the specified temperature of 35˚С;
  • do not dry the leaves for too long, only until a slightly brittle, but still soft leaf structure appears.

use for room decor

Since sage has a pleasant bouquet of aromas, it is often used as a natural fragrance for residential premises, car interiors. To do this, small wreaths are formed from fresh twigs and decorate walls, windows, and furniture with them.

From the dried branches make "odorous" bouquets, and from the leaves they make bags for flavoring bed linen and towels in the closets.

According to taste, other types of dried medicinal plants, cereals can be included in such compositions.

dry herb storage

Storing dry sage in a house or apartment is not a difficult task. You need to store it in small bags made of natural fabrics. Sealed packages, jars or containers should not be chosen. If a certain percentage of moisture remains in the leaves, they can easily rot and lose all their benefits.

The leaves are laid out on burlap in a dry place, periodically the top dried ones need to be removed, and the remaining ones should be slightly agitated to prevent rotting and spoilage. Whether sage is stored correctly can be understood by its smell. If the spicy rich aroma is replaced by mustiness, then the leaves have deteriorated. Dried leaves should taste slightly bitter, gray-green in color.

Store sage officinalis at room temperature in a dry, shady place for no more than two years. At the same time, the room should be without stale air, well ventilated.

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