How to send a report to Rosstat, the form of which is not in the "Regulated Reporting" directory? Preparing and sending statistics forms in electronic form from 1C:Enterprise How to download a statistics report in 1s

Every accountant at least once in his professional activity was faced with the need to fill out statistical reports, hitting the so-called "sample" of the statistics agency. Many organizations are charged with the constant obligation to provide various forms of statistical observation. In the article, 1C methodologists talk about the possibilities of automatically filling in statistical forms implemented in the 1C: Accounting 8 program (rev. 3.0).

Universal mechanism for setting up filling in statistics forms

At the moment, there are about 200 types of statistical reporting forms, and each form contains an average of 30 or more of the most diverse indicators. Until now, 1C:Enterprise programs have not provided for automatic completion of statistical reporting, although information for most indicators is available in the accounting system. The difficulty lies in the significant difference between the presentation of accounting system data and the data required to fill in statistical forms.

Users of "1C:Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) got the opportunity to automatically fill in some of the most common forms of statistical reporting.

As of the date of signing the issue for printing, auto-completion of indicators is implemented in the following forms:

  • Form No. P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services", approved. by order of Rosstat dated October 14, 2009 No. 226;
  • Appendix No. 3 to Form No. P-1 "Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type", approved. Rosstat Order No. 422 dated July 27, 2012 (to be submitted together with Form No. P-1);
  • Form No. P-3 "Information on the financial condition of the organization" ( new form, approved Rosstat Order No. 291 dated July 23, 2013, introduced starting from the report for January 2014).

Why exactly the solution "1C: Accounting 8" turned out to be the most suitable for this task? It's just that a significant amount of economic statistical information is based on data. accounting, only the data is summarized differently.

The indicators required to fill in statistical forms are called “objects of observation”. In order for the user to "bind" the information present in the accounting system to the objects of observation, the program has developed a universal mechanism for setting up the filling of statistical reports.

For the preparation of statistical reporting in "1C: Accounting 8" a group of reports is intended Statistics. You can read about the concept of reporting groups in the reference book “Tools for automated reporting in 1C programs” in the “Reporting” section in IS ITS.

Consider, using the example of filling out Form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services”, how it is possible, using accounting data, to set up and fill in statistical reporting indicators.

Filling out Form No. P-1

Form No. P-1 is compiled monthly by commercial and non-profit organizations engaged in production and services (except for small businesses, banks, insurance and other financial and credit organizations), the average number of employees of which for the previous year exceeds 15 people, including part-time employees and contracts civil nature.

The form consists of five sections in which you need to specify the following indicators:

  • are common economic indicators, reflecting the production and shipment of goods of own and non-own production, industrial and agricultural products, products of an innovative nature and related to nanotechnology, as well as the cost and balances of raw materials, materials and products (Section 1);
  • special detailing of proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services of own production in the context of OKVED elements (Section 2);
  • wholesale and retail sale of goods, catering turnover and paid services to the population (Section 3);
  • cargo transportation and cargo turnover road transport(Section 4);
  • production and shipment by types of products and services in the context of the elements of OKPD and OKEI (Section 5).

As you can see, there are many indicators, they are very diverse and fragmented. Let's see how they get into Form No. P-1 using the new autocomplete service.

Example 1

Completion of line 27 "Turnover of public catering" of Section 3 "Wholesale and retail sale of goods, turnover of public catering, paid services to the population (including VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)".

If we undertook to fill in this line manually, we would have to allocate the catering turnover for the corresponding period from the entire revenue. We account for catering revenue in a separate Nomenclature group, which is called Dining room. Then, having generated a balance sheet for account 90.01 “Revenue” and setting the selection by subconto in the settings panel Nomenclature group with meaning Dining room, we get the numbers that we need to insert into line 27.

Let's try to automatically fill this line.

In Form No. P-1, press the button filling and select submenu Fill- no miracle happens, line 27 is empty, because first it was necessary to configure the filling of this line. To do this, select the line with the cursor Turnover of public catering, click right click mouse and select Customize padding.

Entering the directory Objects of observation new element - Catering. Adding a selection element Nomenclature group revenue with value Dining room(see fig. Setting up the observation object "Public catering"). Now, after the automatic completion of Form No. P-1, the proceeds from catering services will fall into line 27.

Example 2

Completion of line 12 "Shipment of goods of own production using nanotechnologies" of Section 1 "General economic indicators (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)".

To fill in this line, you will need a complex breakdown of revenue:

  • firstly, it is necessary to determine which names of nomenclature positions will correspond to the criterion of products, works, services related to nanotechnologies;
  • secondly, it is necessary to separate products of own production from purchased goods.

With regard to products of own production, such a selection can be organized using the correspondence of accounting accounts:

Debit 43 Credit 20

But there may be several names of nomenclature items related to nanotechnologies, so it is advisable to place such nomenclature items in a separate group of the Nomenclature directory or keep them in a separate list.

Let's say that at present we produce only one type of product that can be attributed to nanotechnology - this LED bulbs. It is possible that the list of such products will be constantly updated, and this must be remembered.

Using the mechanism for setting up filling in statistics forms, in Form No. P-1, press the button filling and select submenu Tune, find the string , open it.

To the directory Objects of observation we introduce a new element - Products and services of nanotechnology.

We set a complex selection for products of our own production using nanotechnology (see Fig. Setting up the object of observation "Products and services of nanotechnology"):

  • the nomenclature position must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​LED lamp;
  • item accounting accounts must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​- 43; 20.02.

We press the button filling, submenu Fill, and line 12 of Form No. P-1 will reflect the proceeds from the sale of only LED lamps.

Example 3

Filling in the group of lines 21 "Name" according to the elements of OKVED Section 2 "Shipment of goods of own production, work and services performed on their own for actual activities (excluding VAT, excises and similar obligatory payments)".

Suppose an organization is engaged in logging and forestry, as well as breeding tree seedlings. In Form No. P-1, press the button filling and select submenu Tune, find the string Products and services for individual OKVED, open it.

With button Add we set the selection for each code from the opening OKVED classifier.

We select "Logging" - OKVED 02.01.1 and set Customization.

The simplest option is when the revenue from logging is taken into account in a separate nomenclature group. In this case, it is enough to indicate the name of the nomenclature group in the selection Logging.

However, a situation may well arise when the proceeds from harvesting different parts trees are taken into account in different nomenclature groups. For example, in such as:

  • Harvesting branches;
  • log harvesting;
  • Preparation of stumps.

In this case, you can use the context search and set the following condition: the item name of the revenue must contain the value blank(rice.).

Setting up the object of observation according to the OKVED code

By the same principle, you can organize the revenue setting for forestry and nursery activities. Then in Section 2 of Form No. P-1, the proceeds from the sale will be distributed according to specified codes OKVED (Fig. Automatic completion of Section 2 according to OKVED codes).

It should be kept in mind that once the setup is done, it will be suitable for autocompletion in other forms of statistical reporting. For example, the completed setting of the object of observation Catering, which we made for Form No. P-1, will automatically fill in line 27 “Turnover of public catering” of Form No. P-1, as well as line 08 “Turnover of public catering” of Form No. 1-accounting “Accounting for volume retail alcoholic beverages”, approved by the order of Rosstat dated 05.12.2012 No. 628.

New service for autofilling statistical forms

You can configure statistics forms both directly when filling out a specific statistics form, and using the service built into 1C: Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) Accountant's calendar.

To do this, open the list of taxes and reports by clicking the settings button Calendar, select the desired section forms Statistical reporting, press the button burn and close to save settings Calendar.

After that in Accountant's calendar an independent task will appear: Customize filling in statistics forms(see fig. The task of setting up filling in statistics forms in the "Accountant's Calendar").

It will be possible to do Setting up filling in statistics forms both for a separately selected form, and for all available forms at once (Fig.).

Setting up filling in statistics forms

The described mechanism for setting up filling in statistical observation forms provides the user of "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) with a universal tool that will allow organizing statistical accounting at the enterprise, taking into account its specifics. However, you need to understand that a responsible and thoughtful approach should be applied to the settings of the objects of observation, then in the future you will not have to return to them, and statistical reporting will be easy to fill out.

With the release of the December releases of "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), autocompletion will be supported in the following statistical forms:

  • Form No. P-2 “Information on investments in non-financial assets and funds for share building"(Approved by orders of Rosstat dated September 12, 2012 No. 492, dated July 18, 2013 No. 288);
  • Forms No. P-2 (short) “Information on investments in fixed capital” (approved by orders of Rosstat No. 343 dated 03.08.2011, No. 288 dated 18.07.2013);
  • Form No. P-5 (m) "Basic information about the activities of the organization" (approved by orders of Rosstat

To send in the direction of Rosstat a reporting form that is not in the module Regulated reporting do the following.

Go to ReportsRegulated reportsCreate. In chapter Statistics select item Statistics: Other Forms.

In the window Statistics: Other Forms click on hyperlink EPI Statistics Report Templates.

In the opened window Templates electronic versions statistics report forms automatically loaded templates present in the configuration will be displayed. If the required template is not in the list of downloaded templates, download the required template from the FSGS website by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink.

After saving the downloaded template, click the button Download and select a template on your PC.

Go back to the window Statistics: Other Forms and press the button Choose form.

In the window Choose a report form select the line with the required report and press the button Choose.

Select an organization and click the button Create.

A report form will open in front of you. After filling out the reporting form, click the button Send.

The sent report will be displayed in the same way as other reports - in regulated reports and in the exchange log.

Form C-1 Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures is submitted to the territorial body of Rosstat by all legal entities (except for small enterprises, including micro-enterprises). The statistical report must be submitted monthly.

Information is provided by the respondents (developers) of all types of economic activity, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal form of economic entities that carry out the construction and commissioning of facilities.

A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location.

If a legal entity has separate subdivisions, this form is filled out both for each separate subdivision and for a legal entity without these separate subdivisions.

Completed forms are submitted by a legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the relevant separate subdivision (for a separate subdivision) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate subdivisions). In the case when a legal entity (its separate subdivision) does not carry out activities at its location, the form shall be submitted at the place where they actually carry out their activities.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity (including in separate divisions).

In the address part, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. On the blank of the form containing information on a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the name of the separate subdivision and the legal entity to which it refers is indicated.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; If actual address does not match the legal one, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate subdivisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

A legal entity affixes the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.
Geographically separate divisions legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established territorial body Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate subdivision.

Respondents (developer organizations) engaged in the construction and commissioning of buildings and structures on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, allocate, among other things, data on the territory of each of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation on separate forms of form N C-1.

For linear construction (oil pipelines, communication lines, iron and highways etc.), located in several territories (republics, territories, regions, etc.), the commissioning of objects for each of them is determined based on the commissioning volumes related to individual sections and objects of this construction located in the corresponding territory.

In addition to one mandatory copy of the annual accounting (financial) statements, which, in accordance with federal law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” is submitted to the state statistics authority at the place of registration, all companies must also submit statistical reports, but at different times and according to a different list of forms. The article describes a new mechanism implemented in 1C:Enterprise 8 programs, thanks to which you can fill in any required form of statistics, upload it to a file and send it to in electronic format to Rosstat via communication channels.

Statistics, as they say, knows everything. More precisely, she seeks to know everything. And for that to be possible, it needs a variety of data from every “business unit,” every organization. There are many statistical forms, the indicators that need to be provided are very diverse and, at times, they are not explicitly contained in the accounting data.

The Statistics section of the programs "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 2.0), "1C: Integrated Automation 8" already contains several dozen statistical forms, and the list continues to grow. At the same time, the "trouble" of generating statistical reporting is currently offset by the convenience of submitting it to Rosstat - in electronic form. In order to expand the list of reports transmitted in this way, a universal statistical report has been developed. It allows you to prepare, upload to a file and / or send via 1C-Reporting those forms of statistical reporting that are not yet implemented in the program, but for which there is an electronic submission template.

Regulated and financial statements , In chapter Statistics select line . If you have already worked with regulated reporting in 1C programs, in general, the sequence of actions will be familiar to you, but it has one significant difference: before clicking the OK button to create a report, you must select the required statistical form from the list that can be opened by clicking button Choose form. In the list, you must select the required form from the downloaded ones, the organization and the required period for compiling the report.

OK a form will be opened for filling (Fig. 1).

There may be such a situation that the specified list does not contain the form of statistical reporting you need. Then the selection list should be closed and the list of templates opened by clicking on the link (see fig. 1). In this form, you can upload one or more templates of the necessary reports to the program, having previously downloaded them from the Rosstat resource:,,,,. As noted above, not all the values ​​​​required to fill in the reports are clearly present in information base(there are about 90% of them), so the forms are intended to be filled in manually - the fields to be filled in are marked in yellow (see Fig. 2). When a report is saved in the infobase, its template is also saved, which allows you to restore the screen form and display data when opening a saved report. And after filling in and saving the report, you can either upload it to a file (button Unloading) for transmission over the appropriate communication channels, or if you are subscribers of the service 1C-Reporting, send to Rosstat directly from the program (button Send).

Since this report is designed to work with many statistical forms and specifically for transmission in electronic form, it does not provide for printing the form in the form approved by Rosstat (you can only print the screen form).

After statistical reports are implemented in the programs in the "normal" form, the universal report will be excluded from the list of reports.

Preparation and sending of statistics forms in electronic form from "1C: Enterprise 8"

Statistics, as they say, knows everything. More precisely, she seeks to know everything. And for that to be possible, it needs a variety of data from every “business unit,” every organization. There are many statistical forms, the indicators that need to be provided are very diverse and, at times, they are not explicitly contained in the accounting data.

The Statistics section of the programs "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 2.0), "1C: Integrated Automation 8" already contains several dozen statistical forms, and the list continues to grow. At the same time, the "trouble" of generating statistical reporting is currently offset by the convenience of submitting it to Rosstat - in electronic form. In order to expand the list of reports transmitted in this way, a universal statistical report has been developed. It allows you to prepare, upload to a file and / or send via 1C-Reporting those forms of statistical reporting that are not yet implemented in the program, but for which there is an electronic submission template.

To use this report, you must Regulated and financial reporting, In chapter Statistics select line Other forms of statistical reporting. If you have already worked with regulated reporting in 1C programs, in general, the sequence of actions will be familiar to you, but it has one significant difference: before clicking the OK button to create a report, you must select the required statistical form from the list that can be opened by clicking button Choose form. In the list, you must select the required form from the downloaded ones, the organization and the required period for compiling the report.

After that, by pressing the button OK a form will be opened for filling (Fig. 1).

There may be such a situation that the specified list does not contain the form of statistical reporting you need. Then the selection list should be closed and the list of templates opened by clicking on the link EWF statistics report templates(see fig. 1). In this form, one or several templates of the required reports can be loaded into the program after downloading them from the Rosstat resource ( As noted above, far from all the values ​​required to fill in the reports are clearly present in the infobase (there are about 90% of them), so the forms are intended to be filled in manually - the fields to be filled in are marked in yellow (see Fig. 2). When a report is saved in the infobase, its template is also saved, which allows you to restore the screen form and display data when opening a saved report. And after filling in and saving the report, you can either upload it to a file (button Unloading) for transmission over the appropriate communication channels, or if you are subscribers of the service 1C-Reporting, send to Rosstat directly from the program (button Send).

Since this report is designed to work with many statistical forms and specifically for transmission in electronic form, it does not provide for printing the form in the form approved by Rosstat (you can only print the screen form).

After statistical reports are implemented in the programs in the "normal" form, the universal report will be excluded from the list of reports.

In this article I will tell you how to automatically fill out the statistical form P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services" in the 1C program: Enterprise Accounting 8 edition 3.0. The form is represented by large and medium-sized organizations with more than 15 people.

Consider an example in which the company Servicelog LLC provides services to legal and individuals. In order for the form to be filled out correctly, you need to correctly configure the settings. But before talking about settings in this case, it is very important to understand how the "Nomenclature" and "Nomenclature groups" directories differ, as well as figure out how to use them correctly in 1C programs (our article "Nomenclature and item groups in 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 - how to use it correctly" will help you with this ? ").

In our example, the item group will be called "Services", and there will also be two names of the item: "Maintenance of a computer network" (which reflects the services legal entities) and "Maintenance of computers" (services to individuals).

Open the tab "Reports", "Regulated reports"

We select the organization and click on the "Create" button, mark the type of report and click "Select".

We select the period for which we will fill out the form, and click the "Create" button.
A blank sheet opens. In order for the form to be filled in automatically, we perform the settings for the lines of interest to us. Click on the "Fill" button and select "Customize"

A window with fill settings opens.

In our example, lines 1.21 and 28 will be filled in. We start from line 01: this line reflects all the revenue received from both legal entities and individuals.
We select the object of observation "Products and services" and add a new selection element - by the Nomenclature group of revenue with the value "Services". Now the revenue for all services will fall into line 01.

Then we set up the filling on page 21, in which we must describe our services by type of activity (according to OKVED). In the window that opens, select our type of activity (there may be several) and, just as on page 01, set the setting “Nomenclature group of revenue is equal to services”

If your organization provides services not only to legal entities, but also to individuals, then you must fill out page 28 “Paid services to the population”, which reflects only services provided to the population. When performing this setting, we already set the selection not by the item group, but select a separate item - "Computer Maintenance", since for this item we only reflect the revenue received from individuals.

Now click "Fill" and get the finished report

Our organization does not use a truck in its work, is not engaged in trade and production, therefore we do not fill out sections 4.5. But since we provide paid services to the public (page 28 is completed), we must send Appendix No. 3 to the P-1 form along with the P-1 form.

Appendix No. 3 is filled in the same way. Open the tab "Reports", "Regulated reports", select the desired form and open the filling setting

Just as we set up the filling of line 28 in the P-1 form, we set up the filling in of Appendix 3, the main thing is to choose the “Types of services” correctly so that the form lines are filled in correctly.

Click "OK", click the "Fill" button on title page and get the finished report.

In the example we have considered, the organization provides one type of paid services, therefore, page 28 of the P-1 form must be strictly equal to one of the lines of Appendix No. 3. If your organization provides several types of services, then line 28 will be equal to the sum of the types of services, that is, line 28 of the P-1 form is signed by type of service in the form Appendix No. 3.

To check the completion of sections 1 and 2, we will generate a SALT on account 90 and look at the total revenue data for September and October.
According to the instructions on the form, lines 1 and 21 of the P-1 report are filled out without VAT, line 28 including VAT.
In OSV we see that the revenue for September with VAT amounted to 241,900 rubles, VAT for September: 36,900, that is, revenue without VAT is 205 thousand rubles.
Revenue for October: 125,080 rubles, VAT for October: 19,080 rubles, revenue without VAT: 106 thousand rubles.

Turnovers in OSV coincide with the indicators on pages 01, 21, which means that these lines are filled out correctly.

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