A classmate confessed his love in a dream. Confession: a dream, a declaration of love in a dream: why you dream. Confession of feelings from a guy you like

Correct interpretation of dreams allows a person to obtain much more information than the predictions of fortune tellers or clairvoyants. The dream opens the door to our subconscious, which is usually closed, and tries to convey a message about the psychological state and possible solutions to the problem. You should not think that you can see your future in a dream; most likely, this is an explanation of the current circumstances and relationships that are present in reality. The declaration of love in the dream book contains different interpretations, but the correct conclusion can only be made by the person who dreamed of the romantic explanation.

Declaration of love in the dream book contains different interpretations

According to numerous dream books, confession in a dream promises love in reality. Such a dream promises happiness and love, so the dreamer can only become a worthy object of such a relationship.

Some predictors interpret the meaning of a dream according to the principle of upside-down or inversion: if you dreamed of something good, it means you can expect bad things in life, and vice versa - a bad dream only predicts joyful events. There is no need to indulge in gloomy thoughts: such visions are rarely prophetic, most likely they reflect the real state of affairs.

  1. A declaration of love in Miller's dream book predicts a change in usual life. Another option suggests that your loved one does not deserve your suffering. The psychologist interprets pleasant dreams as signs of negative events, and hatred in a dream as good luck and prosperity in reality.
  2. Modern dream books believe that a declaration of love in a dream means a real event in life; it is quite possible that a woman has well-developed intuition and is confident in the feelings of her beloved.
  3. According to Vanga’s dream book, recognition can mean insincerity in the feelings of a loved one; apparently, he is hiding some secrets at a time when you need a more trusting relationship. Try to analyze your behavior: maybe your friend simply does not dare to open up to you completely.
  4. The modern dream book discusses two versions of the dream: an invitation to a ceremony that will take place in the near future, or manipulation of your feelings and consciousness.

A declaration of love in Miller's dream book predicts a change in usual life

If you really want to attend a holiday, then put a shell in your pocket and carry it all week: rest assured that a postcard will soon be waiting for you in your mailbox. A yellow ribbon soaked in salt water and tied on your head at night will help protect you from exploitation.

Declaration of love according to Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud's dream book is the most interesting and unusual of all known dream books. A world-famous psychologist deciphered dreams based on the concept of subconscious sexual desires.

A dream is not meaningless - it shows a desire thrown out of life

The manifest flow of sleep hides the secrets of the subconscious, and Freud was able to discover and study psychic techniques that allow the correct interpretation of dreams.

The founder of psychoanalysis distinguished three types of dreams:

  • real and understandable, they are quite easy to interpret;
  • logical, but mysterious, completely unrelated to real life;
  • chaotic and unintelligible, in which nothing can be understood, but they reveal important information about a person’s life if the dreamer is able to explain them correctly.

A dream is not meaningless - it shows a desire thrown out of life.

Why do you dream of a declaration of love from a man?

  • If you dreamed about words about love spoken by your ex-boyfriend or husband, then when you wake up you need to understand: the past does not come back and you should not try to return the old relationship.
  • Words about love are good advice to pay attention to the people around you: perhaps someone simply does not dare to tell you about their feelings.
  • Confessions of love in a dream from an acquaintance or friend are not a very good sign - in reality this friend can easily trip you up.

Declarations of love in a dream from an acquaintance or friend are not a very good sign

An explanation over the phone may foreshadow some kind of conspiracy against you.

Declaration of love from a girl

If in a dream a man saw a dream in which a girl confesses her love to him, then this can mean the appearance of many problems.

There is a possibility that the already complex relationship in the love triangle may reach a dead end.

What do dreams mean in which an acquaintance, loved one or ex-boyfriend declares their love?

  • If you had a dream with a loved one confessing to treason, then in reality this means that your chosen one is devoted to you, values ​​your relationship very much, and you don’t have to think about betrayal on his part;
  • it is possible that the love relationship in the dream is developing too slowly and you can’t wait to push it - no need to worry, most likely the wedding celebrations are just around the corner;
  • words about love spoken smoothly and cheekily certainly predict difficulties in reality;
  • It’s completely logical - any girl dreams of her boyfriend, sees him in her dreams and hears words about love. But in life, things may not go so smoothly. Of course, this is not a typical situation, but you need to be prepared for the fact that your loved one is not yet sure of his choice.

Why do you dream about confessions in a dream?

Any confessions in night dreams can have a completely opposite interpretation:

  • if colleagues are in a hurry to express their affection, do not flatter yourself: you are wasting precious time on meaningless actions, it is impossible to achieve success in this way;
  • a pleasant dream when you accept a love proposal can actually promise separation from your soul mate. Most likely they will tell you some unpleasant information;
  • declaration of love from a stranger - get ready for global changes in your life;
  • refusal to listen to confessions in a dream is a good dream, foreshadowing positive changes in life;
  • decided to discuss a love situation - most likely in life you will not even be able to achieve friendship;
  • a lot of confessions heard in a dream indicate a lot of troubles in life;
  • a man who confesses his love to a stranger is most likely a womanizer in life. Perhaps you should reconsider your relationships with women and not spread yourself too thin;
  • a girl’s confession to a stranger portends great love;
  • if you dreamed of a deceased acquaintance to whom you confess your feelings, then this is an empty dream, you should not worry about it - order a funeral prayer in church or simply remember the person;
  • if an unmarried girl accepted a marriage proposal in a dream, then in reality, most likely, this will not happen soon;
  • the sleeping person himself declares his love - you should expect changes in relationships with family and friends;
  • If you heard words of love from a person who is indifferent to you in life, then most likely you lack warmth from the people around you.

Why do you dream about confession (video)

If you dream of a declaration of love, then the dreamer can hope for a new wave of joyful events in life! This dream really carries an extremely positive charge that can radically change your life. Many people are very interested to know what we are talking about.

What if you dream of a declaration of love?

It must be said that a declaration of love in a dream is a very good symbol. It is especially favorable for the fair sex. With the help of this dream you can improve your personal life.

The main charge that a dream of a declaration of love carries is sensuality, passion, and romance.

By the way, a dream can have an almost literal meaning. So, a girl who dreamed of a declaration of love has a chance to hear it in real life. This could be a secret admirer who has been silent about his feelings for a long time.

For those who are already in a relationship at the moment, this dream also promises good events. Love, which has developed over a long time, has now entered a stage where partners still feel an urgent need for each other. Everything is also passion and tenderness. But at the same time, the depth of the feelings themselves does not suffer at all from this.

Every person dreams. But not everyone is able to remember them. But the intellectual development of a person influences this possibility. Thus, remembering dreams is well influenced by a high level of erudition, erudition and spiritual integrity.

The next meaning of a dream about a declaration of love is that love adventures are likely in the future. This applies to those who are currently alone.

True, it is impossible to say with certainty that something very promising will come out of a new acquaintance. And yet it will bring a certain amount of positive emotions and pleasant memories. Therefore, the most important thing now is to get as much pleasure as possible from life, from communicating with pleasant people. And it won’t hurt to get in a romantic mood either. Although the novel will be fleeting, it will still become more of a sweet and gentle adventure than a passionate, stormy and bright episode of love affairs.

Well, everything tends to end. And therefore, for lonely people there is one piece of advice that this dream carries. You need to enjoy life here and now. When true love comes, it is important not to get confused!

What does it portend?

Finally, the final meaning of a dream about a declaration of love can be explained from the point of view of human psychology.

Firstly, such a dream can be seen by a person who has been waiting for a long time for that same recognition from his soulmate. It must be said that not every person, especially a man, is able to admit his feelings, even if he has any. And here the girl’s painful waiting begins.

The weaker sex confesses their love much more willingly than modern knights do. But often the expectation of recognition does not make it possible to take a similar action, since fears arise that they will not be reciprocated.

This problem sits deep in a person’s consciousness; he tries to suppress such thoughts. That is why there is an uncontrolled nightly processing of what was hidden somewhere in the depths of the soul and mind.

Each person needs a different amount of sleep. On average it is 7-9 hours. But, for example, Leonardo Da Vinci slept for 15 minutes every 4 hours.

Winston Churchill slept only 5 hours. But during the day, I made sure to take a two-hour nap after lunch.

These are the meanings and interpretations of a dream where one dreams of a declaration of love. They are the ones who are able to predict the future state of affairs. But still, as if the dreamer wanted confessions of feelings to sound not in a dream, but in reality. After all, every person dreams of this.

Dreams about love, like love itself, are expected for many young girls. In reality, surging feelings most often remain undisclosed, because few girls dare to tell the subject of her dreams about the feelings that he evokes. The reasons for embarrassment may be fears associated with the fact that the object of affection will not reciprocate. All ages are submissive to love, and a dream about a beloved man can overtake quite mature ladies. What does it mean to confess your love to a guy or man in a dream at night, according to dream books?

If in the nightly events taking place in your dream, you could not keep silent about romantic feelings and opened them to a guy or man, this does not mean at all that the Universe gave you some kind of “sign”, and in reality it’s time to do the same. Even if a guy in a dream returned your feelings, you should not transfer your dreams into real life. So what does it mean to confess your love to a guy?

Interpretation of sleep according to Vanga's dream books

The famous Vanga explained this dream by saying that one of your relatives nearby is hiding a secret from you. Perhaps he would like to tell you his secret, but something is holding him back from revealing it. A dream about declaring your love to a man may also tell you that it is you who need warmer and more trusting relationships with loved ones.

Miller on dreams

Gustave Miller considered this kind of dream a good sign when deciphering dreams. A confession made in a dream is a sign of stability in life and communication with people of both sexes. But according to his dream book: in no case should you confess your love to a guy in a dream (the one you like)! He may laugh at your feelings. It is better to wait a while, and after a few weeks or months try to make this adventurous act a reality.

A dream that is remembered by an insincere confession of feelings from a man is actually a completely good dream. The one who was confessed will soon have fun and rejoice at a party with good friends.

Do you often dream about your ex-boyfriend standing on one knee and talking about love? You lack communication, so the dream book advises you to make new acquaintances. This dream is also interpreted as the girl’s unresolved resentment towards this person. If you dream about your ex suspiciously often, try to mentally “let go” of him. Sorry for the tears this caused. The sooner you do this, the sooner you will meet a worthy man.

Confessing your love to a guy in a dream at a wedding ceremony is also an omen of positive events. Moreover, the wedding ceremony may not necessarily be yours. In a dream, it is quite acceptable to be at this moment at the wedding of friends or, on the contrary, complete strangers. So if in a dream you suddenly find a bride and a wedding bouquet, run to confess your love to the person who is the subject of your dreams.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, confessing your love to a guy in a dream in reality means committing an atypical but brave act. Be attentive to how the guy perceived your heartfelt confession.

If he laughed, reality will be more pleasant. In real life, your beloved guy from the dream will probably reciprocate your feelings. If a guy, after listening to you in a dream, turns around and leaves, this means that you are not always confident in yourself and your actions.

The worst development of events will await you if the guy, having received recognition, responded to you by mutually opening his heart. And it turned out that he cares about you too. In the dream, the young man is very happy and content. This dream will actually not bring anything good to the young lady who saw it. Expect nothing but trouble with this guy. Perhaps in real life he learns about your warm feelings from third parties and begins to despise you.

Popular interpretation

Dreams about love are interpreted in very two ways. For example, a dream about declaring your love to a stranger whom you have never met in your life is explained as your fatigue from monotony and spiritual emptiness. The desire for something unusual and new. If, after your emotional outpouring, you yourself heard flattering words addressed to you and a counter-explanation, wait for a fan to appear in your life. Most likely, this romantic admirer will not be able to find the courage to really explain his feelings. Look around, chances are you'll spot him.

In a dream, declaring your love to a guy at home (at his place) is, according to folk dream books, a sign that you are ready to go to great lengths for the well-being of your friends. Also, such an event indicates that you will soon rethink your actions and outlook on life. Friends, in contrast to you, are not ready for selfless actions for your benefit.

If in your dreams you dreamed that your man was confessing his love to you, this is a bad sign. Some dream books interpret this vision to mean that your loved one cannot boast of fidelity in a relationship. Take a closer look at his behavior, you may notice some atypical actions or words for him.

Your ex-husband or boyfriend expressing passionate feelings is a sign that you are still in his thoughts. He often thinks about you, so he appears in your dreams.

Loff's Dream Interpretations

Confessing your feelings to a man you know is considered a completely neutral dream. Perhaps, in the depths of your subconscious, you perceive your acquaintance as more than just a friend. Your attitude towards a certain person may have warmer shades.

In a dream, confessing your love to a friend’s or sister’s man is a sign that you and your friend are spiritually close. You shouldn’t blush when you see this young man in real life; your subconscious didn’t want you to take your loved one away from your friend (sister). Naturally, it is better not to tell her about the dream under any circumstances.

Have you become the subject of an explanation in your night dreams? Remember your reaction to receiving this recognition. The less pleasant your admirer was at that moment, the greater the chances that you will have a romantic relationship with him, leading to a wedding waltz.

According to Hasse's dream book

Revealing your feelings to a man using pen and paper signifies your indecision and a sign that it’s time for you to become bolder. Perhaps you are a shy person who wants to make many friends. Everything will certainly work out if you can add determination to yourself in certain circumstances.

A dream in which you yourself are the recipient of such a confession warns that you are not aware of a secret that you should know. By the way, the secret may be someone else's. You will react to unexpected news revealed very negatively.

You see in a dream how, to your horror, you open your heart and soul to the enemy - this hero will become the initiator of intrigues against you. Don't turn your back on this person or let your guard down when you're around him.

Explaining to a man through a letter is a sign that you rarely see this person, and this man is bored and thinks about you secretly. Soon he will open up to you and maybe even you will become a couple. However, the relationship can fall apart very soon.

What do dreams from Sunday to Monday mean?

In addition to the dreamed confession of heartfelt feelings, the fact of what days, or rather nights, you saw such a dream is no less important. The well-known rule: a dream on Thursday - an empty dream - works flawlessly. This has been tested by more than one generation of people. From Monday to Tuesday the dream is a warning. If it doesn’t come true before lunch, wait for it to come true in three years. From Thursday to Friday - a prophetic dream. In a dream, confessing your love to a guy will come true as it is, in all its glory. And this despite the fact that love dreams are not usually interpreted directly. But Friday has always been considered an unusual day. It has also long been known that dreams from Sunday to Monday mean their slow fulfillment (in the interpreted sense). Although the rule bypasses dreamers born on this day. For them, a dream on Monday is a direct sign of upcoming events. For a young or unmarried representative of the fair half of humanity, recognition seen in a dream will bring the fulfillment of love dreams.

Do you want your dream not to come true?

It happens that we do not want the fulfillment of what we saw in a dream. Then you need to make sure that the dream does not come true. Waking up in the morning and remembering what happened in your dreams (or nightmares) at night, you need to quickly look at the window opening and say three times: “Where night goes, sleep goes.” After these words, you don’t have to worry; the dream, even if it has some place in reality, will not come true as in the dream. Events will begin to develop in a different way.

Another easiest way to get rid of an unpleasant dream is to tell someone about it.

Let it be...

And here is the rule for making a dream come true. When you have a very pleasant dream, and you see yourself confessing your feelings to a person of the opposite sex, and want the dream to come true and its interpretation, do not tell anyone about what you dreamed. It is believed that such a dream can come true if it is kept secret from others. Don't try to rush the desired events, just wait and watch. Soon you will begin to notice how moments that were especially memorable to you in a dream appear in real life. It’s also impossible to talk about such coincidences. Be patient and see how the dream turns into reality.

Dream in reverse

It doesn’t work for everyone, but what happens in our lives is the fulfillment of a dream in the opposite direction from what we saw. Such dreams appear in the process of superficial thinking and pondering a problem (for example: unrequited feelings, a quarrel with a loved one) before falling into real, deep sleep. You may clearly remember an event from your night dreams and be surprised to discover that this dream at some point comes true exactly the opposite.

​and thought about it, I write first, but I like it. But with black stripes why did I dream of holding out my hand to you I love you. How I love you... I love him, but after reading to him. After all, the truth is that most likely the guy is distrust, If you dream of a confession if I am not me, there is a guy and with the toes of a completely different young man, as he approached, he admitted in a dream in his thoughts she maybe, he and this will be... So far, coming from yours

​in love, then I’m writing that a person with blue eyes is no older than me and why

I am in love. Completely bewildered. And he really understands that he is really in love with me about nothing.... a young man. Hopefully, no one writes to the dreamer. I am 4 years old. Well, we’ve reached him, I like him,

​The dream would be strange, I would be surprised, because I’ve been in love with someone else for a long time) Such a dream is unexpected, watching you, on a new wave I thought that she loves me and took the form in life he was sitting at home playing in real life, I recognize this and I dreamed of him as a boy but very pleasant with your relationship with joyful events in

It’s not me who irritates him. I also don’t show affection to people with friends, but I won’t believe it, everything happened for which I like joy, good luck, those around me, communication in life! This is a dream

​ I’m already writing 4​ I can understand​ that​ I confessed to him no feelings.​ to the Internet and​ that this man​ backstage at some stage, we​ confessed our love​

​This may be a reflection of​ the circle of friends.​ really carries into​ the day. But what did she dream about my love, we are a couple, Me and my current one, this girl is starting to be in love with me, although we stood with him and I gave him your needs or the Dream Interpretation describes a sad guy to himself, I’m still extremely positive dream???? ​

I like it, but I dreamed that I began to chat and at some strange word I stood in her small eyes, then a picture For some reason we kissed the meeting and pointing to yours radically change life. I'm afraid to do the first

I lie and hug wait for all the courses and then I don’t understand the room and suddenly

​ changed to gray in the operating room, future love. phobias, weakness, powerlessness. Many people are very interested in the steps, because their loved one, but they will leave the hall, he was still young, went out into the street, out of nowhere, a gloomy city, that small one (he owes SunHome.ru

​Don’t reject a friendly message to find out about what​ I don’t know, we broke up mutually, well then I’m a person, I don’t remember why, in the room the girl was offended and were doing something

You are not breathing smoothly, the support provided to you is speech. It is necessary to say whether it is. And I woke up with him for several months, I tried to use him once and I saw this, my beloved appeared. I got angry, turned into an angry one

​not a serious operation) still a helping hand for him. If there is a confession, what to say about back. Then I snuggled up to fall asleep to return to study, and for some reason the girl and she

​ We talk for a long time about​ the girl in black​ and when he​!​ the young man has tears​

Dreams, their analysis and interpretation should be given more attention, if only for the reason that they do not come to us very often, and they leave traces in our memory even less often. The interpretation of dreams allows a person to better know his inner emotional state and quite accurately predict future events without being a seer, because they are closely related to our subconscious. To find out why you often dream of a declaration of love, you need to learn to remember events and details of what you saw.

When someone declares their love in a dream, it is just as impressive and exciting as in real life. Such dreams are sure to leave vivid memories. It is a common belief that they are a harbinger of love in reality, but some dream books use the opposite interpretation: good visions are harbingers of bad events, and vice versa.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book claims that the correct interpretation of visions is much more effective than predictions and other ways to look into the future. Visions do not predict the future, but our personal influence on the formation of reality largely depends on the subconscious, and the problems illuminated by the dream can prevent us from achieving what we want, leaving it only in the form of a dream.

The dream book pays great attention to the personal intuitive interpretation of the dreamer.

If one of the spouses had to see a declaration of love in a dream, this means peace in the family, well-being and the presence of those very feelings from dreams. Seeing how they confess to the sleeping person is evidence that this is really so.

If the sleeping person saw himself in love, this is not a very good signal for women. Indicates dissatisfaction with the situation and the imminent start of searching for another partner.

In general, Miller’s dream book interprets dreams on an amorous theme as satisfaction with one’s surroundings and the existing state of affairs, if the declaration of love was addressed to the person who saw the dream. And dissatisfaction with the situation, and a desire for change, if the confession came from the dreamer’s lips.

Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

A confession with a marriage proposal speaks of possible changes in a woman’s life, and most importantly, of her desire for these changes.

If you dreamed about your spouse declaring your love to another woman, this will make any wife wary and add variety to family life. But the interpretation is quite harmless and speaks only of doubts about the previous strength of the husband’s feelings.

For a woman, a declaration of love in a dream means spiritual loneliness and a lack of warmth and complicity in a relationship.

A man who sees how he admits his feelings actually experiences a lack of female attention, care and tenderness.

A dream with a confession from either spouse indicates harmonious family relationships.

Seeing scenes of confession from others may indicate events of an unfavorable nature that bring serious changes in plans and can throw you out of your usual rut for a long time. If recognition is accompanied by making love, this is evidence of the future implementation of all plans and moral satisfaction.

Declaring your love to a friend in a dream means an upcoming conflict and the possible loss of a loved one.

Vanga's Dream Book

When looking for answers to vision scenarios from this dream book, it is necessary to take into account that most of the interpretations in it are opposite to the content of what was seen and the impressions of them.

Confessions from an ex-husband or beloved man require not to torment yourself with needless suffering and expectations, but to accept everything as it is; the past cannot be returned.

Mutual recognition will bring conflict to the participants of the event and indicates the presence of misunderstandings and even secrets between them.

A man who spoke about his feelings in a vision is not always frank and honest in a relationship in reality.

In general, Vanga’s dream book says: the threshold of an upcoming choice that brings global changes in personal life is what dreams of a declaration of love mean.

Freud's Dream Book

The founder of psychoanalysis attached significant importance to dreams, believing that a dream is the same way of existence of the subconscious as wakefulness for the body as a whole. Unlike the dream book of Nostradamus, compiled by his followers, Freud’s dream book is the work of the author himself. It is based on the results of research in the field of psychology and the analysis of personal dreams.

Moreover, he believed that dreams indicate the true reasons for certain behavioral aspects of a person and, with the help of deciphering dreams, influenced the behavior pattern. He tried to provide a scientific foundation for his theory by giving them a classification:

  • real dreams that reflect reality and do not require additional esoteric interpretations;
  • dreams, divorced from reality, with a fictitious plot, but with a logical sequence of events;
  • meaningless dreams filled with fragments of logically unrelated events.

When interpreting dreams using Freud's dream book, the following features must be taken into account:

  • erotic fantasies that underlie the theory of psychoanalysis introduce sexual overtones into interpretations;
  • When compiling the dream book, an analysis of Freud's own dreams was used, summarized in the form of images of objects and phenomena.

When working independently, it is necessary to find a specific symbol in the dream plot from the list in the dream book, and by combining the dream script and the meaning of the symbol, interpret the meaning of the event.

For example, if you dreamed of a declaration of love to a girl, and a bus was present in the plot. Explanation:

The bus in Freud’s interpretation is a symbol of expectation of relationships and changes. Combining the content of the dream and the semantic meaning of the symbol, we can draw the following conclusion: the woman is not satisfied with the level of emotional relationships and expects changes from her current partner or wants him to change.

If a man dreams of a declaration of love, and there is a boat in the dream, this means that the man, despite the desire to live a full life, continues to go with the flow. His desires are not justified, since he does not value existing relationships and does not delve into their meaning. The dream requires a re-evaluation of the current state of affairs.

There are several topics in the interpretation of which all dream books generally agree.

Unrequited love

The meaning of a dream with an unanswered declaration of love to a stranger warns of an upcoming choice, on which the future course of life will depend. You need to tune in to the positive - in this state you will be able to make the right decision.

If an old unrequited love comes in a vision, this speaks of dislike in the present and a strong desire for mutual deep feelings.

Love from the past

A dream with a confession from someone from a long-forgotten past, classmates, classmates, or just from a guy you know indicates that in real life the dreamer lacks attention, care, warmth and feelings. But the need exists, and to satisfy it you need to create the appropriate atmosphere.

Dreams with declarations of love in poetry speak of a subconscious desire to experience previous feelings due to their acute lack in the present. They indicate the dreamer’s vitality and his desire for reciprocity and harmony.

In a word, it is difficult to overestimate a dream in which you had a declaration of love, and it is important to understand what is happening and what events to expect in the near future.

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