Smetannik cake is the simplest and most delicious. Sour cream cake

Smetannik is a classic homemade cake that has been popular for decades due to its simplicity and delicate taste. This cake is super quick to make and requires very simple ingredients, making it perfect for a homemade afternoon tea party.

At the same time, sour cream can be turned into a chic holiday dessert by adding new flavors with the help of berries, bananas, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, nuts, condensed milk or vanilla.

Information about sour cream

Traditionally, classic sour cream consists of a delicate, fluffy white sponge cake, the dough for which is prepared using fresh sour cream. The finished cakes are layered with white airy cream, also based on sour cream.

To vary the taste and texture, different fillings are added to the cream, however, sour cream is an indispensable attribute of this cake. The number of cakes in sour cream can be anything - from two, layered with cream, to several thin yeast cakes, baked separately.

The main requirement for the cake layers in this cake is fluffiness and softness, which is easily soaked in cream. The cake should come out juicy and soft.

Smetannik is a traditional homemade Russian cake, but the Tatars also have a similar recipe. The so-called Tatar or Kazan sour cream is an open pie filled with sour cream.

In the traditional version of Tatar cuisine, it was prepared not even with sour cream, but with kaymak. Kaymak is more like thick cream, which in consistency can even be close to butter, which is why in Tatar this dessert is called kaymak peremyach.

There is a similar dish in German cuisine, it is called Schmandkuchen and is made from shortcrust pastry.

Classic step-by-step sour cream recipe

Step-by-step instruction:

First, let's make the dough. For it, take 1 glass of sugar and beat with eggs. Mix 250 grams of sour cream into the egg mixture and beat with a mixer or blender until smooth.

Sift the flour with a sieve and stir into the sour cream-egg mixture in portions. Add soda and vanillin to them, knead the dough.

Fill a mold with sides, pre-greased, with dough and place it in the oven at 180 or 200 degrees. It will take about 40 minutes to bake.

While the dough is rising, let's make the cream, which is prepared very simply - the remaining sour cream, chilled in the refrigerator, is well beaten with sugar until its grains dissolve.

When the dough is baked and cooled, it needs to be cut into two layers and coated with half of the total amount of cream. The top of the cake should be coated with the remaining cream using a pastry spatula.

You can decorate the cake with chocolate icing or simply draw a mesh from a melted chocolate bar.

You can sprinkle the cake with chopped nuts, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, or decorate with berries or whipped cream.

You can simply sprinkle it with cocoa and serve, but first you need to let it stand in the cold for at least a couple of hours so that the dough is well soaked in the cream.

Simple sour cream in a slow cooker

A multicooker is great for preparing simple sour cream for tea, since its bowl is convenient and easy to bake the dough for this pie. Take for him:

  • A glass of sugar;
  • A glass of flour;
  • 3 eggs.

How to do:

  1. Beat the eggs with granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved and a fluffy white foam is obtained.
  2. Gently fold the flour into the dough using a spatula or wooden spoon. Mix it in gradually, carefully lifting the egg foam from bottom to top so that the air obtained during whipping does not leave the dough and the cake turns out airy.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl and pour the dough into it.
  4. Set the bake setting to a standard amount of time, usually about 45 minutes.
  5. Bake the cake with the lid closed.
  6. When the baking time has passed, check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick; if it is wet, then leave the dough on the heating mode, it will rise according to its temperature.
  7. When the dough is baked, let it cool slightly and remove from the bowl, cool completely and cut into two layers.

At this time, prepare the cream from sour cream and sugar:

Use full-fat sour cream, at least 25%. You will need 400 grams.

For this amount of sour cream, take three-quarters of a glass of sugar and beat them well together for at least 10 minutes, then the cream will be thick and homogeneous.

Grease the cakes with cream inside and out and decorate the cake with chocolate if desired.

Chocolate sour cream

This recipe will allow you to diversify the taste of your usual dessert by adding chocolate, coffee and condensed milk, but the base of this cake is the same as the classic sour cream cake - sour cream, flour, eggs. So, for the test take:

  • 100 grams of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • A teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 cups of flour.

Let's create a masterpiece:

  1. Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly, add condensed milk, cocoa powder, and sour cream. Add baking soda, quenched with vinegar.
  2. Mix everything well, then add the dry component, namely flour, to the liquid ingredients. We introduce it into the dough gradually, kneading each portion of flour well.
  3. There will be quite a lot of dough; it needs to be divided into two parts and baked for 40 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven.
  4. Cool each cake and cut it in half so that you end up with 4 chocolate and sour cream cakes.

While they are baking and cooling, you can make the cream. For it you will need:

  • 90-100 grams of condensed milk;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 10 grams of coffee.

Beat the melted butter until fluffy, add condensed milk and coffee. If the coffee is instant, you can add it to the cream directly dry, and if you take natural ground coffee, then brew espresso with a minimum amount of liquid and pour it into the whipping bowl with the butter and milk.

Whip these ingredients into a cream. Grease all the cakes with it and coat the finished cake on top. Decorate it with grated chocolate

  1. If the sour cream for the cream is well cooled beforehand, it will whip up better and the cream will be more tender and light.
  2. To obtain a thicker cream, 500 ml of sour cream should be placed in gauze, laid in several layers and hung. So, all the whey will drain and after whipping the cream will be denser with a pleasant texture.
  3. To ensure that the finished cake is moist and well-seasoned, never serve it immediately after cooking. Let it stand for several hours in the cold, then you will be surprised at the delicate taste of the cakes that melt in your mouth.
  4. To prepare sour cream, use only real high-quality sour cream, preferably high fat content (at least 25%).

Bon appetit!

Currently, confectionery departments simply offer a variety of delicious cakes in abundance. But how can they compare with what is baked with your own hands? Desserts prepared at home are undoubtedly always a priority compared to their store-bought counterparts.

No matter how hearty your guests eat, they always look forward to dessert. This has already become a tradition. And that’s why every housewife has her own recipes, proven over the years. And mostly these are simple and uncomplicated culinary products.

What are our favorite cakes? , "Honey cake", . But you still won’t cook them every time. And that’s why we always look with interest at the photos of new proposed desserts, read the descriptions, and figure out what holiday to prepare a new product for!

And somehow, in such a search, I came across an interesting recipe called “Ekaterina”. I read the description and looked at the photos. And I wanted to cook it. The recipe turned out to be very simple, and the cake was delicious. And I began to cook it, adding it to my collection of recipes.

But then I began to slightly modify the recipe. I wanted him to be taller and more curvy. Also, to avoid repetition, I began to change the design.

Therefore, today I bring to your attention two recipes. The first one is the one that I came across at one time in one of the magazines. And the second one, already somewhat modified, is mine!

Cake “Ekaterina” with sour cream

For the test we need:

  • flour - 300 g (2 half cups)
  • sugar - 250 g (1 and 1/4 cup)
  • sour cream - 300 gr
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons
  • poppy seed – 1-2 teaspoons

For cream:

  • thick sour cream - 600 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • dark chocolate – 100 g (bar)


1. Mix flour with baking powder.

2. Remove cold eggs from the refrigerator and beat with sugar using a mixer.

3. Continuing to beat, add cold sour cream. Mix until smooth.

4. Gradually add flour to the mixture of eggs, sugar and sour cream. Mix the two mixtures using a spoon. There is no need to beat with a mixer, otherwise the cakes will not rise.

The dough will turn out quite liquid, don’t let this scare you.

5. Divide the dough into approximately three equal parts, into three different containers.

6. Add poppy seeds to one of the parts. We all love dishes with poppy seeds, and so I add it not 1, as in the recipe, but 2 teaspoons. Stir the mixture until smooth.

7. Add 2 teaspoons of cocoa to the second part and mix thoroughly.

8. Grind the nuts using a rolling pin, but to such a state that the pieces are tangible. Pour the nuts into the third part, where we also add another 2 teaspoons of cocoa. Mix the contents until smooth.

9. Grease a silicone mold of not very large diameter with oil and pour the mixture with poppy seeds into it. Don't take a large form. Even in a small form, the cake will not be tall at all, about 1 - 1.5 cm in height.

10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the first cake for 15 minutes. We take it out and pierce it with a toothpick just in case. We see that there is no batter left on it. As a rule, 15 minutes of baking is quite enough! Remove the crust and place it on a plate to cool.

11. In the same way, bake two more cake layers. It is no longer necessary to oil the mold. Provided, of course, if you use silicone. Cool all cakes completely.

12. Prepare the cream. Beat cold, thick, preferably full-fat sour cream with sugar.

13. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Take bitter dark chocolate, it will make the finished dish tastier and more beautiful.

14. Place the first cake layer with cocoa and nuts on a dish. We pierce it in several places with a fork or toothpick so that it is saturated with cream and is not dry. Spread a layer of sour cream on it.

15. On a plate, prick the cake with poppy seeds with a fork or toothpick and lay it out in a second layer. Place a layer of cream on top.

16. Cut the cocoa cake into cubes with a side of 2-2.5 cm. Place all the cubes in the remaining cream. Mix carefully so as not to break everything. And we lay it on top in a chaotic order, as it lies, but so that it lays beautifully!

17. Pour the remaining cream over the entire surface, preferably so that it drips onto the side walls.

18. Pour melted chocolate on top. If desired, you can decorate with pieces of chocolate, nuts, fruits or berries.

19. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time it will cool, soak in the cream and become very tasty.

20. Take it out and cut it into pieces. We treat our guests and eat ourselves with great pleasure!

Well, now the next recipe.

Cake "Ekaterina" - a simple recipe at home

And now I’ll tell you why I started making changes to the recipe. I don’t really like that the cake layers are too low, so I added flour and, of course, everything else.

Of the ingredients given in the recipe, I always had a surplus of cream, and therefore I, on the contrary, slightly reduced its amount.

And also, so that it does not always have the same appearance, I began to change its design, one of which I will show in this recipe.

In all other respects the recipe is followed, and therefore it has the same name as in the first version.

For the test we need:

  • flour - 400 gr
  • sugar - 300 gr
  • sour cream - 400 gr
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • starch - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • baking powder - 1.5 teaspoon
  • cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons
  • poppy seed – 1-2 teaspoons
  • walnuts or hazelnuts - a handful (1/4 cup)

For cream:

  • sour cream - 450 gr
  • sugar - 100 gr

For decoration:

  • bitter chocolate -0.3 pcs
  • chocolate candies - 1-2 pcs
  • grapes - 100 gr
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 tsp


1. Beat eggs with sugar, continue beating and add sour cream.

2. Mix flour with baking powder and starch. In the first recipe we did not use starch. Here we introduce it into the recipe to make the cakes more fluffy.

3. Mix both mixtures. Then divide the dough into 3 parts.

4. Add poppy seeds to one of the parts, 2 teaspoons of cocoa to the other, and nuts and cocoa residue to the third.

5. Bake all the cakes one by one in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

6. Beat sour cream with sugar.

7. Prick the cakes with a fork. First place the cake layer with cocoa and nuts on the dish. Put cream on it.

8. The second is the cake with poppy seeds, on which we also spread the cream.

9. Cut the cake with cocoa into cubes, mix with cream and lay out the next layer in a chaotic order.

10. Place washed and dried grapes on top. Lightly sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

11. Break the chocolate candies and sprinkle crumbs on top. We cut the chocolate into small or large fragments, as your imagination dictates, and decorate our beautiful dessert with it.

12. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

13. Cut into pieces and serve to guests. And of course we don’t forget about ourselves. We eat with pleasure!

I did not describe the second recipe in as much detail as the first, since they are essentially completely the same. The changes affected only the composition of ingredients and design.

In principle, you can prepare this cake according to any of the recipes. Both options will certainly delight your guests. After all, it turns out very beautiful, looks very seductive and appetizing! Once soaked in the cream, it will turn out very tender, juicy and tasty!

Therefore, prepare the “Catherine” cake and delight yourself and your guests. And eat to your health!

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the flour.

In order for the dough to breathe and the cake to turn out tender and airy, the first thing you need to do is sift the flour. To do this, pour the flour ingredient into a sieve and sift it directly over a medium bowl. Thus, we will not only saturate the flour with oxygen from the air, but also get rid of possible flour lumps.

Step 2: prepare the egg-sugar mixture for the dough.

Using a knife, break the eggshells and pour the whites and yolks into a free bowl. Pour sugar into the container with the eggs and, using a mixer or whisk, beat the ingredients until smooth and until the sugar is completely dissolved and the mass increases in size. Attention: if you use a mixer, then beat the eggs with sugar at medium speed.

Step 3: prepare the dough.

As soon as the sugar-egg mass is ready, we immediately begin preparing the dough. Continuing to whisk everything, gradually add sifted flour into the bowl in small portions so that flour lumps do not form. The consistency of the dough is like thick sour cream. Attention: The better we mix the eggs with sugar, the fluffier and more beautiful the cake crust will be.

Step 4: prepare the cakes.

So, we divide the dough “by eye” into two parts. Now turn on the oven and preheat it to temperature 180°-200°С. Grease two baking dishes well with butter, not forgetting the inner sides of the containers. Pour the dough into baking dishes and then use a tablespoon to level the surface of our future cakes. We place either one by one, or immediately (if the oven allows) baking dishes in the oven and bake the cakes for 20-30 minutes until a golden brown crust appears on the surface of the dough. Attention: After the allotted time has passed, it is necessary to check the degree of readiness of the test. To do this, use oven mitts to take out the mold and pierce the cake layer with a toothpick in several places. If the toothpick remains dry and without pieces of raw dough, then the cake is ready and you can remove it from the oven. If not, then you should put the pan back and bake the cake for another 10 minutes. So, set the finished cakes aside to cool slightly for 5 minutes. After this, cover the baking dish with a cutting board and with a quick movement of your hands, holding both the board and the container, turn the cake upside down. Place the finished cake on a wire rack and do the same procedure with the other cake. After this, if desired, the cakes can be cut lengthwise into several more pieces. Usually from one large thick cake you get another 2-3 thin ones. I usually do this according to my mood and depending on the location of my free time. After this, set the cakes aside to cool further. for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the sour cream.

Step 5: prepare sour cream.

Pour sour cream into a medium bowl and add sugar using a tablespoon and vanilla sugar. Now, using a mixer or a hand whisk, beat the ingredients until smooth. That's it, the sour cream is ready! Both simple and delicious!

Step 6: prepare homemade cake with sour cream.

So, put the first cake on a serving dish and then, using a tablespoon, apply sour cream to the surface of the cake. We level the cream with the available equipment over the entire plane of the cake and then cover it with the second cake. We repeat the procedure from the beginning and so on until we run out of cakes and sour cream. Attention: we do not spare the cream, but generously lubricate the surface of all the cakes with it. The last cake layer can be coated with cream if desired. Attention: To taste, you can decorate the cake with pieces of fruit or berries, for example, strawberries or raspberries. And now we put the cake in the refrigerator to brew and soak in the cream for 20-30 minutes.

Step 7: Serve homemade cake with sour cream.

After the allotted time for soaking the cake has passed, we take the pastries out of the refrigerator and can serve. But you can treat your friends and family to a piece of this wonderful cake along with tea or hot coffee. If desired, the homemade cake can be decorated with pieces of fruit, sprinkled with cocoa powder or coconut flakes, but this is only if you decide to grease the surface of the last cake with cream. Enjoy your meal!

- – To make a homemade cake with sour cream even tastier, you can put pieces of fruit or berries between the cake layers directly into the cream. For example, strawberries, raspberries or pieces of peach, orange or kiwi would be an excellent addition.

- – You can use homemade sour cream to prepare the cream, then the cream will turn out richer and tastier.

- – The more sour cream, the more you can soak the cakes with cream. Then, if desired, the cake can be coated with cream on the sides. Only in this case it is necessary to add more sugar to the cream.

Sour cream cake (2) Grind the butter with sugar, add sour cream, mix and add flour mixed with soda. Quickly knead the dough, roll it into a loaf 5-6 cm thick and cut into 6 pieces. Roll out the pieces into round...You will need: berry syrup - to taste, sugar - 120 g, sour cream - 500 g, sour cream - 500 g, wheat flour - 600 g, baking soda - 1 teaspoon, butter - 120 g, sugar - 230 g

Cake "Sour cream" Grind the butter with sugar, add sour cream, stir well and add flour and soda (the amount of flour is determined by the consistency of the dough). Quickly knead the dough, roll it out into a loaf 5-6 cm thick and cut into 6 pieces. Pieces of dough are rolled out...You will need: wheat flour (the amount is determined by the consistency of the dough) - 240-320 g, sour cream for dough and cream (25% fat content) - 500 g and 500 g, sugar for dough and cream - 230 g and 120 g, butter - 120 g, soda - 1 teaspoon, berry syrup - to taste, berries -...

Bean cake with sour cream 1. Soak the beans for at least 5-6 hours. Change the water and cook the beans until tender. Drain the water and let the beans cool slightly. 2. Pass the finished beans through a meat grinder. 3. Separate the yolks from the whites (put the whites in the refrigerator for now) and...You will need: white beans - 1 cup, sugar - 1 cup, eggs - 5 pcs., ground white crackers - 1 cup, ground nuts - 2 tbsp. spoons, cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons, thick sour cream - 1 cup, powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. spoon, strawberry jam - 6 tbsp. spoons

Cake Count's Ruins. "Tefal Photo Contest" Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Then add everything you need for the dough: sour cream, flour, cookie powder. And beat again thoroughly so that there are no lumps. We get a beautiful, delicate dough mixture. Divide the dough into 2 parts: add 2 tablespoons to one - cocoa and bake...You will need: Dough: 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. sour cream, 1.5 tbsp. flour, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of soda, quench with vinegar or cookie powder, Sour cream: 1 tbsp. sour cream, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, Glaze: 2 tbsp. cocoa, 6 tbsp sugar, 5 tbsp milk, 1 tbsp sour cream, 2 tbsp butter

Coconut cake with bavarois cream (+ Bonus Cake with coffee and cardamom) Biscuit. This is the same sponge cake in boiling water (biscuit "Chocolate in boiling water" - But without cocoa, just with milk powder (instead of cocoa). But I don’t like the simple one as much as the chocolate one. Therefore, I add some kind of “private...You will need: 1 CAKE, BISCUIT: 2 tbsp. flour, 1.5 tbsp. sugar (I had powdered sugar), 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. milk, 0.5 tbsp. sunflower oil (WITHOUT TASTE AND ODOR), 2 tbsp milk powder, 1.5 tsp. baking powder, 1.5 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp boiling water, + coconut flakes - 50 g, BAVA CREAM...

Cake for friends We are preparing a biscuit. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with half the sugar until stiff peaks form. Beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until white. Mix and add flour with baking powder and cocoa. Divide the dough into two parts. Place one in a round mold, and the other...You will need: For the dough: 10 eggs, 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 6 tbsp cocoa, For bavarois cream: 300g milk, 3 yolks, 0.5 cup sugar, 300g cream 33%, 2 tbsp powdered sugar, 20 g gelatin, For sour cream: 500 g homemade sour cream, 1 tbsp sugar, 200 ...

Honey and sour cream cake Mix eggs, sugar, butter, soda and honey. Place the mixture in a steam bath and stir constantly (to prevent the eggs from curdling) until the mixture forms a bubble, then leave in the steam bath until it increases in volume, stirring occasionally...You will need: Cakes: 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. honey, 2 cups flour, Cream: 600 gr. sour cream (fat content 20% or more), sugar

Chocolate cake with sour cream 1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites gradually adding sugar, add the yolks and beat again. 2.Mnead (or melt) the margarine and combine with the whipped mixture. 3.Also, add flour, cocoa and soda and mix everything well. 4.Pour the finished dough into the mold (set...You will need: 200g margarine, 1 1/2 cup sugar, 5 eggs, 2 cup flour, 5 tsp cocoa, 1/2 tsp slaked soda with vinegar, 700-800 g sour cream (25% fat), 250 g sugar. powder, sour cream thickener

Cherry cake with sour cream Beat all the ingredients for the dough with a mixer, gradually adding flour - you should get a tender and soft dough, put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. I took the cherries frozen, already pitted. Let the cherries thaw a little, mix the sugar with flour, sprinkle the berries and acc...You will need: Dough: margarine - 125g, sugar - 1/2 cups, eggs - 2 pcs, sour cream - 200g, flour - approx. 3 cups, baking powder - 1 tsp + dissolve, Filling: cherries - 1 kg (fresh, frozen or canned), flour - 3 tbsp, sazar - 3 tbsp, Cream: sour cream - 800 g (preferably at home...

Sponge cake with sour cream Beat the eggs into a foam with sugar, add flour and baking powder and beat again. Bake until done at 200 degrees (do not open the oven for the first 20 minutes. Cut the cooled sponge cake into two layers. Spread with whipped sour cream and sugar, put strawberry halves on top of the cream, ...You will need: BISCUIT: 4 eggs, a glass of topped sugar, a glass of plain flour, 1 tsp baking powder, CREAM: 350 ml sour cream, a glass of sugar

Friends, today I want to offer you our old homemade recipe for sponge cake with sour cream, which in our family is called “Tenderness” cake. Once you try it, you will understand where this name comes from. The cake is truly tenderness itself - airy sponge cakes soaked in sour cream with a light vanilla aroma. As always, my recipe is very simple, accessible to any novice cook.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1.5-2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup sour cream 20% fat
  • 1 tsp. soda with a small slide
  • 2-3 tsp. with a heap of cocoa powder
  • 1 packet of vanillin 1.5 - 2 g
  • 1/3 tsp. salt

Glass capacity 250 ml.

Ingredients for sour cream:

  • 2.5 cups sour cream 20% fat (cup capacity 250 ml)
  • 1 half glass of sugar (about 150 g)
  • ​1 sachet of vanillin 1.5 - 2 g


Beat eggs with sugar until white.

Add sour cream and sifted flour mixed with vanillin, salt and soda. Quench the baking soda in this recipe with vinegar. No need .

Mix and get this batter:

If desired, you can add the zest of one lemon, grated on a fine grater, to the dough, then the biscuit will have a light lemon aroma.

To bake the cake, I use a regular form for aspic measuring 20*30 cm. It fits perfectly with the amount of ingredients and, in addition, in the same form I then fill the cake with cream and put it in the refrigerator for soaking. Maybe not too beautiful, but incredibly tasty. Well, I said at the very beginning that this is a recipe. home cake :) Although, I must say, the guests also gobble up this cake with great appetite.

So, cut out a piece of parchment, grease it with butter or margarine and cover the bottom of the mold. Shape sidesalso grease with oil.

Pour about half of the dough into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for 25-30 minutes until the cake is browned.

Add cocoa to the second half of the dough and mix. I put 2 tsp. with top, but you can do more if you like chocolate taste.

In a separate container, beat the sour cream.

At this point, the first cake is already ready. Let it cool a little, then carefully, using a spatula or knife, separate the edges of the cake from the sides and transfer it to a cutting board. The height of the finished cake around the edge is approximately 2 cm, in the middle it is slightly thicker.

Quickly wash the mold, dry it, cover it with new parchment and pour out the second half of the dough. Put it in the oven.

Cut the cooled cake in half. I do this with a long fish knife; it’s convenient to control the thickness of the halves. If your shape is round, it is convenient to do it differently. First, make a cut in a circle to a depth of 3-4 cm. Insert a thread twisted into 3-4 layers into it, cross the ends of the thread in front of you and pull them in different directions. The cake will be cut perfectly into two halves. There is one condition - the cake must be cooled or slightly warm.

We take the cocoa cake out of the oven, cool it and also cut it in half.

Now we will assemble our sponge cake with sour cream. Put a little cream (4-5 tbsp) into a clean mold and spread it along the bottom.

Then lay out the halves of the cakes, alternating light and dark, and generously greasing each half with cream, at least 5-6 tbsp. spoons on the cake. We lay out the cakes with the cut side up, so they are better soaked, and only lay out the last, most beautiful and even half, baked side up.

Spread all the remaining sour cream over the surface of the top cake and place the cake pan in the refrigerator overnight. The sides of the cake should also be covered with sour cream. By morning the cake will be soaked, the sour cream on top will become thick and you can start decorating.

You can decorate a sponge cake with sour cream with anything - chocolate, berries, fruits, nuts, confectionery sprinkles, in general, anything you like. I took one strip from a dark chocolate bar (1/5 of a whole bar), melted it with one tbsp. l. milk. Then I took a small plastic bag with a clip, placed melted chocolate in it, cut off a corner and randomly applied a mesh. I added lingonberries, and this is what happened:

Serve directly in the form; it is so soft and tender that it can be easily cut with a regular salad blade. I wish you a pleasant tea party!

Try it also with a delicate airy cream or with toasted walnuts and boiled condensed milk. Both are very tasty!

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