How to edit the right click menu. What is the Windows context menu and how to customize it

You will need a small Right Click Enhancer utility. It offers an impressive list of commands that can be added to the context menu of any version of Windows since Vista.

After launching the Right Click Enhancer (if you are confused by the English interface, click Language → Russian to switch to Russian), you will see a set of tools, each of which makes its own changes to the context menu. Let's consider the most interesting of them.

Right Click Tweaker

With the help of the Right Click Tweaker tool, you can add almost two dozen useful commands to the context menu. Here are some of the most notable.

  • "Copy to" opens a window for selecting a folder to which the current object can be copied.
  • "Move to" acts like the previous command, only it does not copy, but moves the object.
  • "Copy to Path" saves the path to the current object to the clipboard. This option can save time if you need, for example, to upload an image to a website or to a graphics editor. You just paste the path to the file instead of manually specifying it.
  • "New folder" creates a folder right from the context menu, while the standard Windows method requires you to first go to the "Create" submenu, and then select "Folder".
  • "Control Panel" opens the corresponding section with system settings.

To add a command to the context menu, just tick it.

Unfortunately, some Right Click Tweaker options do not yet work correctly with Cyrillic characters. Therefore, commands like "Copy Content", which saves the contents of text files to the clipboard, are best used only with English texts.

New Menu Editor

In the context menu there is an item "Create". By default, it can be used to quickly create objects of several types: text document, folder, shortcut, and others.

You can significantly expand this list with objects of other formats thanks to the New Menu Editor. It is enough to launch this tool and mark the necessary file types with a checkbox. To exclude objects that you do not plan to create from the list, mark them with a cross - they will disappear from the "Create" submenu.

Send To Manager

If you right-click on a folder or file, the "Submit" item will be displayed in the context menu. It contains a small list of folders and programs where you can export the selected item for storage or playback.

The Send To Manager tool will allow you to expand this list. To add a new directory to which you will send objects to the context menu, launch Send To Manager and click Add Folder. If you want to add a program, click "Add File" and select its icon.

All folders and programs added this way will appear in the Send to submenu.

Right Click Enhancer Professional

This tool is only available in the paid version of the program. For $10, you can add shortcuts to the context menu for quick access to programs, files, and folders, as well as create and customize submenus. All other features listed in the article are available for free.

Every Windows user knows that, regardless of the program, right-clicking can call up an additional, so-called context menu, which contains a set of special commands and links. Let's try to figure out what it is for and how to work with it correctly.

What is the Windows context menu

Speaking about the context menu of "OSes" of the Windows family, I immediately want to note the fact that it is not some kind of exclusive development of Microsoft Corporation. Mac OS X or Linux also has this element.

In general, if you understand what a context menu is, it can be described as an additional set of commands for quick access to any functions, say, without calling a specific application or control.

So, for example, everyone knows that the context menu always contains the "Open with ..." command, after which a list of the most suitable applications for working with the file is displayed. You yourself understand how much more convenient it is to open a file here than to call the program, and then go to the "File" menu and use the "Open" line or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O.

In addition, in addition to commands, there is also a set of special tools with which you can learn many things. But more on that later.

View and organization of the context menu

Let us now consider how the Windows 7 context menu is organized. Probably, everyone paid attention to the fact that the menu itself contains special separators in the form of thin horizontal lines. The meaning of their use is to distinguish between actions of the same type or commands belonging to one program.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the context menu in a “clean” system, so to speak, immediately after installation, can be very different from what the user sees after installing additional programs and utilities. This is due to the fact that many installation packages integrate commands for quick access to some of their main functions directly into this menu during the installation process.

Most of all, this applies to anti-virus software, media players, programs for working with disk images, archivers, etc. In principle, the user can add his own items to ensure the convenience of work.

Additional menu on the desktop and in program windows

Surely, each user noticed that the context menu in different programs or on the same desktop differs in the list of items and commands. It `s naturally. For example, if you call up the menu on the desktop, it becomes clear that the “Open” line used for folders and files is not needed there. Another thing is when the mouse button is clicked on a shortcut or a saved file located on the desktop.

As it is already clear, in different programs the context menu can also contain dissimilar items. In this case, it all depends on the specifics of the application. Compare at least the usual Explorer and the text editor Word. But for now, we will focus on the "native" commands of the Windows OS.

Basic context menu items

Dropdown menus are present almost everywhere, even in the main Start menu. In any of them you can see some items marked with arrows. This is done to show that the clause itself contains additional subclauses.

As usual, for files and folders at the very top, there is always an “Open” command in bold. When you click on this line in relation to files, they will be opened in any program. You need to know that selection occurs only if the application itself sets the association of the file with this particular program. Otherwise, using this command will only result in the system prompting you to browse and select the most appropriate application. If several programs are associated with the file, you can use the "Open with ..." line, which will contain a list of programs that work with the extension of the file you are looking for.

It goes without saying that in the context menu of the same Explorer there are commands like "Copy", "Delete", "Cut", "Paste", "Send", "Rename", "Create Shortcut", etc. Even a child knows this. On the other hand, there is also a "Properties" line, the use of which provides the user with complete information about the object being used.

So, for example, when calling such a command by clicking on the computer icon on the desktop, you can get general information about the main parameters of the computer system and the installed operating system. For the desktop, the context menu provides basically only the use of settings and options for synchronizing folders with sharing attributes.

Some menus also provide administration or inspection tools for selected items.

Using Additional Context Menu Commands

Now let's talk about some additional commands. If you give an example of an installed antivirus, you will notice that the context menu will always contain lines like "Scan" or "Check with ...". Agree, very convenient.

The same applies to archivers, because you can add a file (folder) to an archive or extract it from there with one click.

Many media players behave in a similar way, integrating their own commands into the system's context menu. Most often, for multimedia files, the items for adding to a playlist or playing (video and audio) appear here, and for graphics, this is a view command. In general, it all depends on what kind of program integrates its own command lines into the menu, and what objects are associated with it.

Adding and removing commands in the system registry

So we got to solving the problem - how to add your own items to the context menu. This can be done in several ways. In this case, at least three options can be proposed. Two of them concern editing the system registry, and one concerns the use of specialized utilities.

In the system registry, you can use the addition of keys, but if you don’t know which keys and their values ​​​​are responsible for a particular process, you can spend a lot of time, achieve nothing in the end, and bring the system to a state of complete inoperability.

Therefore, consider the simplest way to work with the registry. First, the command to access the regedit editor is used in the Run menu. Here you need to go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT section, find AllFilesystemObjects, then shellex and finally ContextMenuHandlers.

In the last section, an additional menu is selected by clicking the right mouse button and the command to create a new object and the key "New" and "Key" is executed, respectively. Now you need to enter a name for the newly created key, which will be displayed in the context menu, after which we select the "Change" command and in the overview indicate the location of the program or application that will be responsible for the new action. Confirm the selection and reboot the system.

Deleting the keys in this section will cause the corresponding command from the menu to disappear. But if you do not know which key is responsible for what, it is better not to change the standard configuration.

Using the Context Menu Tuner

However, as practice shows, no one really wants to rummage through the registry (you never know what can happen). Therefore, we can recommend special utilities for adding and removing items to the OS context menu.

One of the simplest, but very functional, is a utility called Context Menu Tuner. It will help you quickly change the menu beyond recognition. Everything is simple here. The main window includes two panels. Commands are located on the left, folders and main parameters are on the right. As it is already clear, there is nothing easier than choosing the desired command and using the button to add it, say, to the desktop menu. Removal is done in reverse.

Separately, it is worth noting some additional options. First, you can select some file extension, and only then associate the appropriate command and program with it.

Changing the context menu access button

By default, the context menu button is the right mouse button. It is very easy to swap buttons and call the context menu with a left click. To do this, you need to go to the mouse settings in the Control Panel and perform the necessary manipulations. Only and everything.

We are already familiar with the concept of a context menu. It's time to deepen our knowledge about it and consider the topic - How to remove or add commands to the Windows context menu.

The functionality of Windows makes it possible for the user to edit the context menu to his taste.

Editing the context menu (a set of "explorer" or "actions" menu commands) is possible in one of two ways:

  • Through the program settings;
  • Through the Windows registry;
  • With the help of additional installed applications.

Let's see how it's done:

Installed programs often have (by default) the ability to integrate into the context menu (CM) command set. Then such a parameter is present in their settings on the main tabs, and maybe on such as "Integration", "Download" or "Adding", etc. For example, for the WinRAR archiver, it is enough to uncheck the settings:

It is clear that in this way you can both add (installing) and remove (removing) a command (s) from the list. Do the same with other applications.

Working with the registry

When working with the Windows Registry, you need to be very careful. To be in the registry, you need to search the Start menu by typing "regedit" and run the found executable file "regedit.exe":

Making a copy

Before editing the Registry of any version of Windows (including Windows 7), do not forget to back it up to be safe. To do this, in the editor, on the "File" tab, select the "Export" command. Select "Entire Registry" at the bottom of the dialog that opens. By assigning a name and specifying a location - "Save":

If something irreparable happens (especially for an inexperienced person), you can return the registry to its previous state by using the “File” / “Restore” command, specifying the previously created backup file.

Cleaning up a set for directories

The registry itself looks like a tree-like block diagram (on the left side), each of the branches of which has its own parameters (on the right). The "shell", "Shellex ContextMenuHandlers" and "Folder\shell" branches of the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ Directory" are responsible for the folder context menu. Having examined these branches in more detail, you can make sure that the "shell" folder includes the upper part of the context set, and the "Shellex ContextMenuHandlers" folder - the lower one. The folder "Folder\shell" repeats the previous one.

Program elements are removed from the set in each of the branches. By right mouse click, the delete element is selected, the “Delete” command is called:

Now for files

The same procedure is used here, but in other branches. Since the “*/shellexContextMenuHandlers” and “*/shell” branches in the “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” registry key are responsible for the set of Context Menu commands for files:

The removal procedure is exactly the same. Do not forget to only delete unnecessary in both branches.

We use third party applications

Removing or adding an item to the context menu of any version of Windows (including Windows 7) is much easier (and safer for a beginner) using additional utilities.

After installation and launch, in the program window (by the “Type” column) you can see all programs from the Windows context menu (type = Context Menu).

Unnecessary is removed by highlighting and pressing the red circle:

An interesting and useful utility with a telling name (there is a free version) Ccleaner. It has many useful properties. Website - In our case, it clears the registry of unused entries, paths to programs, shortcuts, etc.:

To clear the Context Menu, you need to go to the "Service", in the "Startup" tabs, find the "Context Menu". This will display the list of applications added to the set and their status (enabled: yes/no):

To delete - while on the line, the right mouse button calls the "Delete" command. Since a second return (inclusion in the list) is possible only when reinstalling or reconfiguring the application, it is recommended that you select the "Disable" option. - Then it will be easy to return ("Enable").

Adding with FileMenu Tools

It is very easy to add a new item to the context menu using the FileMenu Tools program.

It offers the user three tabs:

  • Left - management of the proposed elements;
  • Medium - to configure the "Send" function;
  • Right - disables the commands introduced by third-party programs from the list:

You need to add a new element with the "Add Command" command. To specify its parameters, the lower right part of the window - “Properties” is intended. For example, to list the menu string "Open in Firefox" (opening HTM and HTML files):

In "Menu Text" you need to enter the name, and in "Extensions" - options for extensions:

In "Program Properties" the route to the executable file of the Firefox.exe application is written:

Saving the added item is done by pressing the green element at the top of the window (on the left):

This article helped you understand the various ways to edit the context menu. Now you know how to add and remove elements from it not only using Windows, but also using other programs.

Very often, after installing various programs, unnecessary items are added to the context menu. For example, after installing any player, a new item for the right mouse button will definitely appear. That is, when we click on any file with the right mouse button to open it in the specified program, an item will be displayed to launch using this program.

For example, here is my context menu:

Pretty much not small anymore.

With time items in the context menu becomes very much, in short clogged with unnecessary rubbish. In this lesson, we will look at how they can be removed using the standard system tools. Although many programs have already been created for these purposes.

The system registry stores all data about the operation of Windows programs and components. In this regard, careless handling of the registry and the slightest change can affect the system very much, so be careful when making changes to it.

How to remove unnecessary items from the context menu?

We go to Start, click the Run button.

In the window that opens, enter the Regedit command and click OK.

Open the following folders:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shellexe ContextMenuHandlers

Having reached this path, we need to do the following steps. We right-click on the folder the menu item we want to delete. Let's say I want to remove shortcuts from the context menu - Notepad, 7-Zip archiver. In the list that opens, select the Delete item.

Then we confirm the deletion.

We restart the computer and look at the result - these items are no longer there. This is how to remove the extra items from the context menu.

Useful video:

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How to remove "CUT"?

That's it, thanks)) I found a solution in the face of CCleaner (my version is 5.06). If anyone needs it: in the program, open the Service / startup / top tab "context menu". In the list, you can delete unnecessary ones, or temporarily disable them. There is no better place!)))

In particular, Tru Image (from acronis) and Ultra ISO are on the menu, but they are not in this registry key. For example, how are you with Unlocker.

And if more programs are displayed in the menu, but they are not in the ContextMenuHandlers. Where then to look for them?

Finally, thanks to your article, I saw where the items are stored in the context menu. Many thanks to the author for teaching.

Thanks to!

Thank you! Worked for Win 8.1 too.

Huge gratitude! I have no words. Everything is clear and understandable.

Cleaning up the context menu can be done manually through the registry, but this task is not trivial, since the entries are scattered in different places. In addition, it is not always easy to identify the appropriate registry key. For example, drivers are registered through the abbreviation "igfx". Registry entries are scattered under the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" branch in the "shell" or "shellex" folders, which contains a folder called "ContextMenuHandlers" that also includes some options.

Reducing the context menu through the utility for working with the registry

It will take a lot of time to manually process the lines of the context menu. It is much easier to use the ShellExView program. Through regedit it is worth changing only system options.

To detect items from third-party programs in ShellExView, sort the results by the "Company" parameter and in the "Type" column, find "Context Menu".

The free ShellExView utility will compile a single list of all these registry lines. Even on a relatively fresh system, their number can exceed 250. In order not to get lost in them, after starting the program, the records should first be sorted. Things will go smoothly if you click on the line “type” at the top of the window. Thus, you will immediately see all possible entries in the registry, related, for example, to the "Context Menu". But be careful: along with them, the utility will display lines from Shell, which are better not to touch.

Sorting can also be done by the "Company" parameter. In this case, the results will be arranged in alphabetical order - the records created by the system and marked as "Microsoft" are easy to distinguish from the rest. You can here, for example, highlight the corresponding "igfxDTCM Module" and disable it by clicking on the red dot at the top of the menu bar. After that, the entry for the (practically useless) Intel driver graphics options will disappear from the context menu. However, for the system to apply these settings, you must first log out and then log back in. Alternatively, you can disable "explorer.exe" through the Task Manager, and then call this service again.

Changing system context menu items

Most of the lines in the context menu are created by the system itself. Among them are also options that no one uses, which, however, I would not want to accidentally activate by mistakenly pressing. You cannot simply get rid of them through the ShellExView program - you will have to manually modify the registry.

A good example is the "Submit" option that Windows shows every time the user clicks on a file or folder. Keep in mind that some of the sending options are not up to date with today's needs: the default is "Fax Destination" in general.

To remove this item from the menu, in Regedit navigate to "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | AllFilesystemObjects | shellex | ContextMenuHandlers | SendTo. In the right window, double-click to open the "Default" option and precede the long string of characters in curly brackets with a modest minus sign "-" to turn it off. As always, you must log out of Windows and log back in.

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