Name Olga according to the church calendar. When Olga's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar: exact dates. Origin of the name Olga

July 24 is the day of memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga. About her and about other saints who bore this name, read the material on the website of the magazine "Thomas".

Origin of the name Olga

There are various theories about the origin of the name Olga.

According to the first version - Old Russian Olga comes from a Middle Greek name Ελγα.

According to another, "Germanic" version - from the Old Norse Nelga(from other Scandinavian heilagr - “holy”, “sacred”).

Duchess Olga

Prince Igor's wife Olga was from the Pskov village of Vybuty. The chronicle says that she or her father kept a crossing there across the Velikaya River. She was still a very young girl when Rurik's son, Prince Igor of Kiev, wooed her.

Prince Igor died at the hands of the Drevlyans (an East Slavic tribe) after repeatedly trying to collect tribute from them. Igor's son Svyatoslav was then only three years old, and the rule of the young Kyiv state passed into the hands of the prince's widow, Olga. Only at the end of her life did Olga take off this heavy burden: her son Svyatoslav spent almost all his time on military campaigns, and his mother handled all internal affairs.

Olga severely punished the Drevlyans. But then came to grips with what led to the death of her husband. She established a fixed amount of tribute for all Slavic tribes, as well as for the lands of the Pskov and Novgorod regions; introduced a system of churchyards - administrative and shopping centers through which taxes were collected.

Olga was the first of the rulers of Rus' to accept Christianity. In baptism, she received the name Elena. An ancient Russian chronicle legend reports that she was baptized in Constantinople (Constantinople), and the godfather was Emperor Constantine himself. This legend does not find confirmation in the Byzantine chronicles, however, they reliably testify that the Kievan princess really came to Constantinople, and, among others, she was accompanied by a priest.

Olga tried to persuade her son, Prince Svyatoslav, to Christianity, but he did not listen to her words, fearing that he would not find understanding among the squad.

M. Nesterov. Saint Olga. 1892

The monk Jacob in the 11th century essay “Memory and Praise to the Russian Prince Volodimer” preserved for us the exact date of Olga’s death: July 11, 969. According to the new style - July 24. Olga was buried according to Christian custom in the ground. Her grandson, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, the baptizer of Rus', transferred her imperishable relics to the Church of the Tithes built by him in Kyiv.

M. Nesterov. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga. 1927

The veneration of Grand Duchess Olga as a Christian saint began under her grandchildren - Yaropolk, and then Vladimir. Church-wide glorification took place at the Makarievsky Cathedral in 1547: Olga was canonized as a saint in the rank of Equal-to-the-Apostles.

Other famous saints named Olga:

Holy Royal Passion-Bearer Grand Duchess Olga (Romanova)

Grand Duchess Olga is the first child of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Born in 1895 in Tsarskoe Selo. After the February Revolution, she was under house arrest. On the night of July 16-17, 1918, she was shot along with the entire royal family in the basement of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg. Buried in Ganina Yama. In 1998, Olga's ashes were reburied in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

She was canonized together with her parents, sisters and brother in 1981 by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, glorified in the host of New Martyrs of Russia by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.

In the calendar of the Russian Church there are 5 more saints with the name Olga. Four of them are New Martyrs who suffered during the persecution of the Church at the beginning of the 20th century.

Interesting facts about Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga

1. Pskov is first mentioned in the chronicle in connection with the name of Olga, in the Tale of Bygone Years for 903:“In the year 6411 (903), when Igor grew up, he accompanied Oleg and listened to him, and they brought him a wife from Pskov, named Olga.”

Sergei Kirillov. Fragment of the painting "Princess Olga (Baptism). The first part of the trilogy "Holy Rus'"

2. Prophetic Oleg - an associate of Rurik, Novgorod, and then the Kiev prince. Being the guardian of Rurik's son Igor, he married Olga for him. The name Olga in Scandinavian transcription sounds like Helga and is a female version of the Scandinavian name Helg - Oleg.

Oleg nails his shield to the gates of Constantinople. Engraving by F. A. Bruni, 1839

3. Emperor Konstantin Porphyrogenitus mentions the visit of Princess Olga to Constantinople in the essay "On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court". However, the legend about how the emperor himself became the godfather of the Russian princess does not find confirmation anywhere, except for the Russian chronicles themselves.

Radziwill Chronicle: Olga in Constantinople in 955

4. The Trinity Cathedral of Pskov, one of the oldest in Rus', was built, according to legend, at the behest of Grand Duchess Olga. When the princess stood on the banks of the Velikaya River, she had a vision: three rays from the sky converged on the opposite bank. Olga ordered to build a cathedral there in honor of the Holy Trinity. Until our time, however, the first building of the cathedral has not survived.

5. Holgin Krest - a former graveyard on the Narva River. Princess Olga put a cross on this place in honor of her deliverance from the shipwreck on Narva. In the Middle Ages, the churchyard of Holgin Krest was the administrative center of the Narva Bay, the Gdovsky district of the Pskov Republic. In 1944, the Nikolsky Church of the churchyard was blown up by the retreating German troops. Today, on the site of its ruins, a worship cross has been erected. On July 24, on the day of St. Olga, a solemn prayer service is served here.

6. In the rank of Equal-to-the-Apostles, in addition to Princess Olga, only 5 more women were glorified: Mary Magdalene, First Martyr Thekla, Martyr Apphia, Empress Elena and Enlightener of Georgia Nina.
Olga is one of the generic names of the ruling dynasties of Russia. Among the Romanovs, the name Olga as a generic name was introduced by Catherine II.

Self-portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna

7.Sign of St. equal to ap. book. Olga is an award of the Russian Empire for women for public and civil service. Established by Nicholas II in 1913. The only one awarded is Vera Panaeva, who lost three sons in the First World War.

8. Order of St. equal to ap. book. Olga is an award of the Russian Church. Established in 1988. They are awarded only to women - for merits in church, state and public service.

This name is of Old Norse origin. Hélga meant holiness, wisdom, lordship, clarity. There is an analogue of the name among the ancient Slavs - this is Volga, which meant sunshine, significance, majesty.

First Saint Olga in Rus'

The first Russian person to accept Christianity was the grandmother of Grand Duke Vladimir, Princess Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, who died in the battle with the Drevlyans. Olga is known for her wise and just rule; for several centuries the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga on July 24, according to the date of her death.

This is the first and most important day in the church calendar when Olga's name day is celebrated in 2019. She is considered the patroness of widows, newly converted Christians. Her name is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years, where the monk Nestor calls her a wise ruler.

According to ancient legends, Olga was the daughter of the Prophetic Oleg, who gave her as a wife to the Kyiv prince Igor. They had a son, Svyatoslav. When Igor did not return from the campaign, his body was sent to Olga. In revenge for the death of her beloved husband, the princess went with an army to the capital of the Drevlyans Iskorosten and burned it.

Returning to Kyiv with victory, Olga continued her reign until Svyatoslav came of age. She also ruled the state in subsequent years, since Svyatoslav went on military campaigns, and entrusted the rule of the state to his mother. In those years, she was known as a far-sighted, fair ruler.

Olga strengthened the first borders of Kievan Rus, built cities with stone buildings on them, and expanded trade relations with neighboring principalities. The princess erected Orthodox churches in Kyiv, large and small cities of her state. But only her grandson Vladimir brought Christianity to all Rus'.

How many days a year is St. Olga venerated

    Do you celebrate this church celebration?

On March 14, 1939, Olga Zhiltsova was shot by a court verdict. In 2003, the church canonized her as a holy new martyr.

Grand Duchess Olga Romanova, a member of the last royal family, is honored on July 17, the day when, in 1918, the entire family of Emperor Nicholas II was shot. Among those shot is Olga, the emperor's daughter, who was born in 1895.

The main day when Olga's name day according to the church calendar in 2019 is the day of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, the Grand Duchess, who left a glorious memory of herself in the history of Rus'. That day is July 24th. On the same day, all women bearing the name Olga celebrate Angel Day.

Olga Maslennikova is remembered on November 23. She devoted all the years of her conscious life to serving in the church of St. George the Victorious. She was accused of counter-revolutionary propaganda, put in prison, where she died with a prayer to God on her lips. In 2000, the Christian church canonized Olga Maslennikova as a saint.

What do Olga give for a birthday

The gifts primarily include church symbols - icons, amulets, chains with pendants, which depict the faces of holy women. You can give other things, one way or another connected with the name of Olga.

Gifts can be:

  1. The scarves are chiffon, silk, of modest colors, so that they can always be worn at a service, on a pilgrimage trip.
  2. For Olga with a creative streak, who embroiders, draws, knits, kits and accessories for such hobbies are suitable.
  3. Eco-bags from modern natural fabrics. They are always beautifully decorated, useful in the household.
  4. Aquariums with dry filling or with a pair of goldfish. They always easily fit into the interior of the birthday girl's room, they will delight her eyes.

On all gift items, the inscription "Olga" is excluded. In Ancient Rus', the name was always considered sacred, it was often hidden behind middle names so as not to bring the evil eye on the bearer. Many today follow this belief, it is not one of those that the church does not recognize.

Each Orthodox person at baptism receives not only a name, but also a patron saint, on the day of memory of which the name day or the day of the Guardian Angel will be celebrated.

The day of Olga's angel according to the church calendar is a name day for the beautiful half of humanity, who from childhood were called by the proud name Olga, gently sounding Olyushka or Olenka.

The meaning of the name Olga

According to historians, this name came to Rus' from Scandinavia, it is associated with Princess Olga, her maiden name was Helga. In translation, Helga means holy, bright, wise. According to another version, the common name Olga comes from the male name Oleg.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga

Some sources claim that the modern name is based on the ancient Slavic Volga, the wife or daughter of Volkh. The Volga is also associated with light, calling the girl by this name, they wished her to be sunny, significant, good and great.

patron saints

The Orthodox Church 6 times celebrates the day of veneration of saints with the name Olga according to the church calendar.

Those born at the end of winter celebrate the day of the Angel on February 10 in memory of the martyr Evdokimova, who, as a very young girl, endured torture by the NKVD, ended her life in exile, but remained faithful to the Orthodox faith.

Articles about the Holy Princess Olga:

March 6 birthdays honor the martyr Koshevoy, the mother of a large family, a faithful parishioner of the Assumption Church in the Ryazan region, who died in a prison hospital.

On March 14, since 2003, the martyr Zhiltsova, who was shot in 1938, has been venerated; she preferred death to renunciation of faith and salvation.

In the summer, Olga's name day is celebrated twice:

  • July 17 commemorates Princess Romanova, who was shot in Yekaterinburg as a member of the royal family in 1918, canonized in 2000.
  • On July 24, all Olga's name days are celebrated, regardless of the date of birth. On this day, the Orthodox Church commemorates Grand Duchess Olga, the founder of Christianity in Rus', who, long before her reign, was baptized with the name Elena and contributed to the construction of churches and the spread of the Christian faith among the pagans.

Autumn name days are timed to the day of veneration of the martyr Maslennikova, who served in St. George's Church, was shot for her fidelity to God in 1941 and was recognized as a saint in 2000.

Main character traits

A striking example of the manifestation of the main character traits of women with this name is Princess Olga, who has:

  • strong will;
  • intellect;
  • great working capacity;
  • purposefulness;
  • independence.

Do not stand in the way of Olga, who is striving to show her God-given talents. She, like a real fighter, knows how to overcome all obstacles on the way to her dream and goal. Not possessing special talents in studies, she is distinguished by thoughtfulness and stubbornness, which prevents Olya from pleading guilty and asking for forgiveness.

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As they grow older, pride begins to appear, it makes the girl want to take a dominant position in the environment. Serious and highly vulnerable Olga has self-esteem and at the same time approaches herself with strictness, engages in self-digging, sometimes envy covers her.

Holy Princess Olga Romanova

Realizing that the last feeling is not particularly beautiful, the girl hides it behind the good deeds that she does with a sincere heart. You should not give advice to Olya about her wardrobe or wrong actions, if in her eyes a person is below certain abilities, the girl can demonstrate her neglect.

Family Relations

Having discerned a faithful heart behind external coldness, a man will receive a real gift as his wife. Having a strong character, she is truly fanatically attached to her loved one, not allowing outsiders to interfere in her personal space.

As a rule, her first love ends in a wedding, otherwise the breakup leads to long suffering. In family life, Olga does not strive to take the place of the head of the family, she cooks well and becomes a wonderful mother.

Professional activity

Leadership traits are manifested in professional activities. An increased sense of responsibility makes her a wonderful leader or public figure who has authority among the people around her. Thanks to her strength and perseverance, Olga overcomes difficulties, but she never "goes over her head."

Memorial Day of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga

Many events are associated with the name of Olga, which, in addition to being very interesting, are quite significant for the Slavs. So, in her honor, to this day, one of the ancient monuments built in honor of Princess Olga, who stands together with the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and Saints Cyril and Methodius, rises in Kiev.

If you are wondering when St. Olga's Day is and what kind of fate a person bearing this name should expect, then this article will be interesting for you.

Angel Olga's Day according to the church calendar 2016

All numbers of Olya's name day in the year:

  • February 10 is the name day of the New Martyr Olga Evdokimova.
  • March 6 is the date when the name day of Olga Kosheleva, the new martyr, is celebrated.
  • On March 14, it is customary to celebrate the name day of the New Martyr Olga Zhiltsova.
  • July 17 is the name day of the Passion-bearer and Grand Duchess Olga Romanova.
  • July 24 is the name day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia.
  • November 23 is the name day of the New Martyr Olga Maslennikova.

Therefore, with a small calendar, you can always be aware of when Olga's name day is in 2016 and with which person a particular day is associated.

Olya: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Olga is a name that came from ancient Rus', which was widely used by the Scandinavians. Initially, this name sounded like "Helga", which meant "holy, bright, sacred."

By nature Olya is serious and determined, by nature she is a warrior and a leader. He never gives up and fights to the bitter end, does not suffer defeat. A girl with that name may cry out of resentment towards another person, but she will never ask for forgiveness and will not admit guilt. She is proud, quick-tempered, sometimes can be aggressive, rarely seeks help.

According to fate, people with this name are happy in life, and luck accompanies them in everything. In all areas of activity, Oli usually achieve success. Olga can also realize herself very well on the love front. A man will love one and for life.

In ancient times, among many peoples, the name was considered a talisman. His choice is always given great attention. Of particular interest is shown to the patron saints. Let's stick with the name.

There is a folk tale associated with this day. If you heard a dull thunder, then you should expect a quiet rain. Loud rumblings portend a downpour.

In addition to this date, in the Orthodox calendar there are:

  • February 10 - Martyr Evdokimova;
  • March 6 - martyr Koshelev;
  • March 14 - Martyr Zhiltsova;
  • July 17 - Grand Duchess Romanova;
  • November 23 - Martyr Maslennikova.

The connection between name and destiny

Even in ancient times, the Greek philosopher Plutarch developed a theory about the influence of the name on the fate of a person. Knowing his name, you can get certain information about him.

Let's take a closer look at Olga's character. To please her with an angel's day greeting, it does not hurt to study her preferences.

From childhood, the girl shows features:

  • self-sufficiency;
  • waywardness;
  • prudence.

Olya is characterized by excessive sensitivity and vulnerability.

Those who decide to congratulate Olga on Angel Day should pay attention to the verses. Her subtle nature will appreciate the congratulations.

The negative trait is stubbornness.

The letter O at the beginning of the name leaves its mark on the character. A woman adheres to moral and spiritual rules. She can correctly form a family budget, manage money wisely, or make profitable investments.

Work, business

Perseverance, diligence, a sense of responsibility allow her to achieve success in her career. She can be a good doctor, leader, public or political figure, sportswoman. There are a lot of artistes. Areas of application of her talent:

  • culture;
  • trade;
  • business.

home, family

In the family, she gives leadership to her husband. He does not like it if he interferes in women's affairs. Olya cooks delicious food.

Very feminine. Appearance pays attention even during the workload.

Happy in marriage with Victor, Anatoly, Stepan, Ruslan, Vladislav, Zakhar, Semyon. Remains faithful to her husband.

They will not bring her family well-being,.

Stories about saints

The lives of the saints are an example for many women to follow.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

Thanks to the contribution of Princess Olga to the development of Christianity in Rus', the church made her a saint.

She is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. Monk Nestor calls her a wise ruler.

Born into a princely family. Despite the pagan environment, already in her youth she was characterized by:

  • deep mind;
  • chastity;
  • moral purity.

The princess was widowed early. She had to take care of the political and economic development of a large state.

I remember my good deeds:

  • contributed to the formation of the Orthodox Church;
  • engaged in the construction and strengthening of cities;
  • it changed the system of taxation.

She is revered as the patroness of widows.

Grand Duchess Romanova

The princess was distinguished by virtue, modesty, cordiality, kindness and affection. She did not boast of her high position. I preferred a solitary life. She spent her free time reading books.

During the First World War, she became a sister of mercy. The wounded were treated simply and delicately.

Holy Martyrs Olga

Holy Martyr Evdokimova suffered for the Orthodox faith during the times of political repression. She was arrested along with the priests of the Church of John the Baptist in 1937. After refusing to testify about the anti-Soviet actions of church ministers, Olga was sent to a forced labor camp. There she died soon after.

Other martyrs have similar fates. They suffered for their religious beliefs:

  • Koshelev died in Taganskaya prison.
  • Zhiltsov shot.
  • Maslennikova died in a concentration camp.

Don't forget about your patron saints. Remember them on the day of the angel. And they will help protect your life from adversity and sorrow.

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