Fry the catfish in a crispy pan. How to fry catfish in a pan - the right recipes with photos

Catfish fish is readily used by culinary specialists to prepare real fish delicacies. Its meat is tender, soft, practically boneless and moderately fatty. Its only drawback is the strong smell of mud, but even this does not prevent gourmets around the world from enjoying the delicate flesh of the fish. And in our article you will find out what kind of fish catfish is and what recipes for its preparation exist.

Catfish is the largest river predator. Its length can reach five meters, and weight - more than 200 kg. In 2006, Thai anglers caught a catfish weighing 395 kg! Many believe that the catfish is a nasty carrion fish, but in reality, this freshwater predator prefers hunting live fish, shellfish and other river inhabitants. Sometimes cases of catfish attacks on birds and domestic animals were recorded.

The catfish has a long body with a large head, small eyes, a wide flat mouth and two large whiskers. There is not a single scale on the predator's body, it is smooth and everything is covered with mucus. The catfish lives in the silted places of the reservoir and does not leave its inhabited place until the end of its life.

Catfish meat is 70% water, the rest is proteins and fats. Nutritionists were able to appreciate the beneficial properties of fish, as it has a high protein content. Catfish fats are also used for cosmetic and medical purposes.

Catfish is widely used in cooking.

Its meat is soft and suitable for steamed or oven-cooked dishes, it can be boiled, pickled and smoked.

Catfish fish baked in the oven with potatoes

Any housewife can handle such a dish. The cooking process is simple, and the result is a very tasty and appetizing dish.


  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • half an orange;
  • a spoonful of butter, fat mayonnaise and spicy mustard;
  • salt, spices.

The first step is to eliminate the smell of mud, which is characteristic of all river dwellers. To this end, prepare a solution of salt and citric acid and hold the fish in it for 20 to 30 minutes.

Cooking method:

  1. Next, you need to remove the mucus from the carcass by simply rubbing the body with coarse salt, and then cleaning it with the blunt side of the knife. After that, it remains only to remove all the insides, cut off the head, tail and fins. The prepared carcass should be cut into pieces and washed well.
  2. Pour the fish preparations with orange juice, salt, pepper and leave to marinate.
  3. Mix potato cubes with mayonnaise, butter and mustard sauce.
  4. We spread the potatoes in the marinade on the foil, distribute the fish steaks on top, wrap the products and cook in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Foil can be removed 15 minutes before cooking.

How to cook delicious in a pan

If the hostess knows how to fry fish deliciously, then it will not be difficult for her to feed her family with a delicious dinner. Today we will fry large fish, because a catfish has been caught in our nets.

Cooking method:

  1. For the dish, we need a catfish fillet, which we simply cut into portions and sprinkle with salt and other spicy spices for fish. We leave the workpiece to marinate for half an hour.
  2. Then we coat each piece in flour and fry in oil until a delicious crispy crust.

Recipe for cooking in batter

The recipe for a simple flour-in-oil fry is suitable for a modest family dinner, but if guests are scheduled to arrive, then it is worth making something special for them. For example, cook fish catfish in batter.


  • 500 g catfish fillet;
  • bulb;
  • egg;
  • three tablespoons of flour;
  • salt, spices, oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. To make catfish meat tender and even more tasty, it can be marinated using dry white wine or just the juice of one lemon. If such delights in our case are useless, then we simply sprinkle the fish portions with salt, any spices and remove them for half an hour to soak.
  2. We make batter from eggs, flour, salt and onions, which must be grated until gruel is obtained.
  3. We take pieces of fish, dip in batter and immediately put in hot oil. Fry until a nice crust forms.

Tender fish cutlets from catfish

Catfish meat is very juicy, tender and has practically no bones, so you can cook appetizing and moderately fatty meatballs from it. You can serve them with any side dish and sour cream (mayonnaise) sauce.


  • 600 g catfish fillet;
  • two white onions;
  • three pieces of a loaf;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • two tubers of potatoes;
  • two eggs;
  • flour, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a meat grinder, we twist the fish fillet.
  2. In minced fish we put bread soaked in milk, finely chopped garlic and onions. We also send grated potatoes here, and also drive in two eggs, add salt and aromatic seasonings.
  3. From the resulting mass we form cutlets, bread them in flour and fry in warm oil until tender.

Fish fried with mushrooms

Juicy catfish meat can be simply fried in a pan - it will be very tasty. But if you also cook mushroom sauce, you get a truly festive and fragrant treat.


  • 450 g fish fillet;
  • 45 g dried mushrooms;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable and ghee;
  • half a glass of fish broth;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the fish fillet into steaks, salt, pepper and fry in oil until tender.
  2. Boil dried mushrooms, then cut into pieces and put in a frying pan with ghee. Fry for 10 minutes, then add spices, pour in the fish stock and simmer the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  3. Lay the fried pieces of catfish on a dish and pour over the mushroom sauce.

Catfish baked in the sleeve

Delicious and sweet river catfish is suitable for cooking a variety of dishes. So, it can be baked in the oven with any vegetables and herbs. To make fish meat more juicy, it is better to bake catfish in a culinary sleeve.


  • two onion heads;
  • Bell pepper;
  • lemon;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. We make cuts on the cleaned fish carcass, rub with salt, pepper and pour over lemon juice. Close the incisions with citrus slices.
  2. Soma will be baked on a vegetable pillow. To do this, mix the onion rings and sweet pepper slices.
  3. We put vegetables in the sleeve, put the fish on top and put the workpiece in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

With cheese and cream in the oven

Cooking a hearty and healthy fish dish is not as laborious as it sometimes seems. You just need to buy soft fish meat, such as catfish, and bake it in the oven with a delicate creamy sauce.


  • three bulbs;
  • 280 ml of heavy cream;
  • salt, seasonings;
  • 180 g of cheese.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the carcass of catfish with lemon juice so that the smell of mud does not spoil the finished dish. Then we cut it into steaks and put it on a baking sheet with foil. Sprinkle the workpiece with salt, pepper and other spicy seasonings.
  2. We put onion rings on the fish pieces, pour them with cream and sprinkle everything with cheese chips.
  3. We cover the products with foil and put in the oven for 40 minutes, the temperature is 200 degrees. Remove foil 15 minutes before cooking.

Barbecue is obtained from catfish no less tasty. To do this, marinate the fish pieces overnight in a brine of white wine, lemon juice and spices. Put fish pieces on a skewer along with bell peppers and pickled onions. You will definitely like this barbecue! And in general, any recipes for cooking catfish are surprisingly successful.

The meat of this small fish is quite tasty, however, in larger catfish, the meat becomes tough after heat treatment. Fish can be baked, stewed, stuffed, boiled, fried and cooked from it into a cutlet mass, and an excellent broth for fish soup can be prepared from the head and fins. Catfish baked in the oven turns out to be incredibly tasty, because in this case the meat becomes very tender and soft, saturated with the aroma of spices, herbs and onions. This fish cooked with fruits and spicy sauce is very tasty.

In the oven

Having tried almost all catfish dishes, many come to the conclusion that the tender, slightly sweet meat of this fish is good in itself. It does not require any additional flavorings and works great in the oven. For this cooking method, portioned pieces of fish and fillets are also suitable. But, if possible, it is best to bake it whole. Catfish baked in the oven without being cut is very spectacular and especially juicy.


Let's start with gutting and cleaning the fish. With a sharp knife, make a neat, shallow incision in the abdomen from the anus at the tail to the head. Taking care not to crush the bile, take out the insides. Remove gills. Cut off the head of the fish only when it does not fit on a baking sheet whole - this way the finished catfish looks better.

The skin does not need to be removed so that the fish does not lose its juiciness. There are no scales on it, but there is mucus. You can remove it by wiping the carcass on both sides with coarse rock salt, and then thoroughly washing it.

Cut the catfish prepared in this way to the thickness of portioned pieces from the back to the ridge. Do not cut it, the fish should remain intact, with some kind of pockets on the back.

Rub the carcass with salt and your favorite spices, paying attention to the cuts. Then pour lemon juice over it and set aside to marinate for 10 minutes. Thanks to this, the meat will not have the slightest smell of silt.

During this time, cut the peeled onion into thin half rings and finely chop the greens. Cut half a lemon into slices and remove the seeds from them.

Stuff the belly of the catfish with onions and herbs, insert lemon slices into the cuts on the back of the fish.

Lubricate it with vegetable oil and place on an oiled baking sheet.

And put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 40-45 minutes. During this time, the catfish should be covered with a golden crust, and the meat should become dull white. If all goes well, the dish is ready. You can transfer it to a plate, garnish with vegetables, boiled potatoes or crumbly rice and serve.

in a frying pan


Catfish - 1 kg

Onion - 1 head

Carrots - 2 pieces

Flour for breading

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Spices and salt to taste

Cauliflower - 400 - 500g

Green onions and tomatoes for garnish

Cooking process:

One of our family's favorite fish dishes is stewed catfish with vegetables. As a side dish, you can take potatoes or rice, so it turns out more satisfying and more familiar. But when grandchildren come to visit us, we use different types of cabbage. And since they love broccoli and cauliflower the most, we often cook them with fish.

While portioned pieces are marinated in lemon juice and spices, it is necessary to wash and disassemble the cauliflower into small heads. We stew part of it in a separate bowl with sour cream, and add the rest directly to the pan to the fish during stewing.

Cut the onion into large rings and lightly fry in a pan in oil, then add the carrots grated on a coarse grater and continue to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then put everything on a plate.

Sprinkle the prepared pieces of fish on all sides with flour and lightly brown in vegetable oil.

Then add water and put the cauliflower in the pan. Then cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes.

At the end, add pre-stewed carrots and onions on top of the fish and bring the dish to full readiness for about 10 more minutes. It turns out juicy and tasty fish, which was cooked covered with vegetables that secrete juice. As you can see for yourself, these are simple secrets that I shared so that you also know how to cook catfish deliciously in an ordinary kitchen without resorting to expensive products.


Salted catfish caviar

To prepare a snack, you will need: approximately 500 grams of catfish caviar, vegetable oil to taste, 1 small bunch of green onions, water and salt (based on approximately 60 grams per 1 liter).

Separate catfish caviar from films with a fork, transfer to a bowl or pan. Prepare the brine, bring it to a boil, remove from heat and cool to about 70°C. Pour hot salted water over caviar, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Remove water with a colander lined with cheesecloth.

Finely chop the green onion, mix with caviar. Add vegetable oil to taste and transfer the caviar to a glass jar. You will get a great cold appetizer. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours.

Catfish caviar fritters

To prepare this dish, take about 750-800 grams of catfish caviar, 1 incomplete (without top) tablespoon of starch, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 small bunch of herbs to taste (dill, parsley, cilantro), salt, ground black pepper taste. You will also need vegetable oil for frying.

Rinse the catfish eggs, let the water drain. Then mix caviar with starch, finely chopped greens, egg, sour cream, salt and pepper. Beat the resulting mixture until smooth with a mixer or in a blender. You should have something like a dough, the consistency of which is for pancakes.

Heat vegetable oil strongly in a frying pan. Spread future pancakes with a tablespoon and fry on each side until golden brown. Then lower the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

These catfish caviar fritters will be especially delicious with sweet and sour sauce. For example, if you mix equal amounts of sour cream and tomato paste.



Water - 3 liters.

Catfish fillet - 1000g. (If you bought the whole catfish, then the head and 500g fillet).

Lemon - 1 pc.

Onion - 1 medium onion.

Carrots - 1 piece of medium size.

Millet - 1/3 cup.

Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Black pepper - to taste.

Salt - to taste.


Sometimes catfish can smell like mud. Therefore, it is necessary to squeeze the juice of one lemon onto the cut pieces of meat and marinate for 30 minutes.

Bring the water to a boil and salt, throw in the bay leaf.

Add cooked meat, finely chopped onions and carrots, millet.

Be sure to cook with the lid open and over low heat for 20 minutes.

Five minutes before readiness, add pepper and pull out the bay leaf.

And a small feature for those who are healthy and not in position. 5 minutes before readiness, add 2 tablespoons of vodka. The ear will turn out just magical.


In the season of enhanced catfish fishing, a recipe for catfish kebab

Somyatina - 2 kg

Juice from two lemons

Greens to taste: dill, parsley - a bunch, a little cilantro

Salt and pepper again to taste (it is better to use red allspice)

Onion: three heads

Garlic: a couple of cloves

Wash and pat dry with a towel, cut into small pieces (the size of two matchboxes). Note: never remove the skin! This is the most delicious according to many.

Marinade: in a glass (enamelled on the edge) container, squeeze out the lemon juice, chop the herbs, sprinkle with spices, salt and pepper. Cut the onion into rings, finely chop the garlic or through a crusher. Marinate somyatina for about an hour.

It is better to cook on a wire rack, since the catfish does not hold well on a skewer, the cooking time is about 4-5 minutes, if on good coals, on the one hand, then the same amount on the other.

in foil


1 kg of potatoes.
1 som
2 carrots.
3 bulbs.
0.5 lemon.
A bunch of parsley.
250 g hard cheese.
40 ml vegetable oil.
4 tbsp mayonnaise.

How to cook:

Clean the catfish - scrape the skin, cut off the fins, head, tail, gut. Rinse and cut the fillet so that it is skinless. The ridge, head, fins can not be thrown away, but used later to make fish broth.

Cut the resulting fillet crosswise into pieces 4-5 cm wide. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle with juice from half a lemon. Stir, cover with something and leave for half an hour. During this time, pieces of catfish will have time to marinate well.

Meanwhile, prepare the potatoes. Cut about a third into circles. The rest - in large slices.

Salt and pepper the potato slices a little. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and mix.

Cut carrots into slices.

Onion also cut into slices.

Finely chop the parsley.

Line a baking sheet with foil. Lay out the potato slices, onions, carrots. A few fields of oil.

Lay the marinated fish pieces on top.

Sprinkle with parsley.

Cover it with potato slices. Lubricate with the remaining mayonnaise.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, wrapping the edges tightly so that the fish is closed on all sides.

Set the oven to 180 degrees. Bake 1 hour 20 minutes.

Open the pan. Increase heat to 200 degrees. So keep the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes. After that, you can cut your catfish into pieces and serve. Best of all, a side dish of fresh vegetables and a slice of lemon are best suited for a fish in foil.

In a slow cooker

For the recipe for making catfish in a slow cooker, you will need:

Catfish, in portions,
Onions, in this case, 3 pcs.,
black pepper to taste
Vegetable oil

Catfish stewed with onions in a slow cooker how to cook

Pieces of fish (I have fresh catfish) salt and pepper on both sides.

Pour a little oil into the MV bowl and select the “Frying” or “Baking” mode for 15 minutes, I have a Redmond RMC-4503 multicooker (for Panasonic this is the “baking” mode, time 20 minutes).

Pour the onion into the multicooker bowl and stir occasionally, fry with the lid open.

At the end of the mode, we load the pieces of catfish on top of the onion and put the slow cooker in the “Stew” mode for an hour or an hour and ten minutes.

We carefully remove the stewed fish with onions onto plates and are surprised at how quickly it disappears.

On the grill


Catfish 1.5 - 2 kg
Lemon -1pc
white and black ground pepper
turnip onion 1 piece
mayonnaise 200 gr

How to cook

1 We cut the catfish carcass into steaks (portioned pieces), put it in a marinating dish, add 1.2 teaspoons of white and black pepper, mayonnaise and chopped onion. Mix and marinate for 15-20 minutes! We spread the pieces of fish on the grill and fry on the coals until cooked! Potatoes will go well as a side dish (young ones cut into halves, smeared with vegetable oil and fried on a wire rack). Serve greens, lemon slices with fish.

in sour cream


Catfish (you can also any other fish) - 0.5 kg,
Sour cream - 125 gr.,
Flour - 50 gr.,
Onion - 2 pcs.,
Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon,
Vegetable oil,
Salt, pepper, spices for fish.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in butter. Cut the fish into portions. Well salt, pepper, season with spices to the fish.

Roll the fish on all sides in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Put the fish on a baking sheet, pour sour cream (salt it a little), and sprinkle with fried onions on top. If sour cream is oily, dilute it with water.

Put the mold in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees C. The sour cream should thicken a lot, and the fish will brown. Catfish baked in sour cream can be served with rice or mashed potatoes.


This fish recipe will take you less time to cook, but the taste will be just as delicious.

Cut the catfish so that one fillet remains. Cut it into pieces, 5-6 cm thick and rinse. Place the fillet cut-side down in a marinating dish so that the pieces fit snugly together and sprinkle coarse salt on top. If necessary, lay a second layer of fish on top and sprinkle it with salt as well.

Place the container in the refrigerator for 2 days, then remove the fish, rinse and hang the pieces in a cool place for several days. After this time, your balyk will be ready.


Products for cutlets

Of course, fish, about 1 kg, a couple of onions, a couple of eggs, a few slices of white bread, milk. Salt, pepper, breadcrumbs are also needed. For frying - vegetable oil.


We clean the catfish, remove large bones, if possible, small ones too. Finely chop the resulting fish fillet, if there are bones, then remove it.

Of course, you can use a meat grinder, but when we chop into pieces, the cutlets will be more juicy. Finely chop the onion, lightly fry it in vegetable oil and when it cools down, add to the minced meat. Pour the slices of white bread with warm milk, wait a bit for the bread to soak. Then we add this bread to the minced meat.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and add these yolks to the minced meat. Of course, you need to add salt and pepper. The resulting mass must be mixed well. Form cutlets, dip them in protein, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil.

Ready-made cutlets from catfish can be served at the table with any side dish, with vegetables.

Fish dishes are regularly found on the table of every family. Usually those types of fish that can be found in the nearest store are prepared: pelengas, pike perch, cod. But sometimes, by chance, something unusual can fall into the hands of the hostess. For example, catfish. And then there are difficulties with its preparation. Most cooks prefer to bake this fish. However, in our opinion, fried catfish is tastier. Recipes for cooking in a pan are quite diverse, so you can easily pick up something to your liking.

Catfish is a kind of fish. Its meat is dense. And if you cook illiterately, at the table it will seem that a washcloth is in your mouth, and not fried catfish. The recipe (any of the ones suggested below) and its observance guarantee that such trouble will not happen to you. And all the eaters will be satisfied with your cooking.

Fried catfish: the simplest recipe

This fish often has a muddy smell. And the larger the carcass, the more pronounced it is. To prevent this shortcoming from being preserved, fried advises marinating it. To do this, the fish is gutted, washed, dried, rubbed with salt and spices and left covered for half an hour. Then each piece is rolled in flour and placed on a well-heated frying pan. Catfish is fried until golden brown, about ten minutes on each side. Before serving, the fish should be held on a paper towel to remove excess drops of fat.

Catfish in batter

If the fish is provided with an additional “coat”, you will get a very tender and fragrant catfish fried in a pan. The recipe assumes the same initial steps as in the first recipe: the carcass is washed, dried, cut and seasoned. While the oil is heating in a frying pan, an egg is beaten in a bowl - it is enough for half a kilogram of fish. Flour is poured into a flat plate. Each slice of catfish fillet is dipped in an egg, and then rolled in flour. This procedure must be repeated three times. Then the fish goes to the pan. Due to the formed “shell”, you need to fry it less, for five minutes on each side.

Catfish with tomatoes

If you add tomatoes to the list of ingredients, you will get just delicious fried catfish. The recipe suggests acting according to such an algorithm.

  1. The fish is treated accordingly. If you have it frozen, take it out ahead of time: with intensive defrosting (in the microwave or under running water), catfish meat becomes loose and lethargic.
  2. Portion pieces are sprinkled with spices and salt and left for at least five minutes - to saturate with aromas.
  3. A piece of butter is melted in a frying pan. In it, the fillet rolled in flour is fried until cooked.
  4. Five medium tomatoes (the number is indicated per pound of fish) are peeled. They must be cut into neat circles.
  5. Two onions are chopped into rings. They are poached in olive oil until transparent, after which tomatoes are laid in the pan.
  6. After five minutes of joint frying, fillet is added to the vegetables and water is poured - no more than a quarter of a glass. The dish will be stewed under the lid, until the liquid is almost completely evaporated.

Fish cooked according to this recipe is eaten hot and sprinkled with herbs. If desired, you can cook a side dish for it - rice or mashed potatoes.

holiday recipe

If your catfish is intended for a festive table, it makes sense to tinker a little longer, but bring its taste to the ideal. And for this you need to marinate the chopped carcass in a special composition. For him, the onion and three to four garlic cloves are peeled and passed through a blender. Two tablespoons of soy sauce and one of good vodka are poured into the gruel. Salt and red pepper are added according to your tastes. Each piece of fish is carefully smeared with this mixture; the slices are folded into some kind of container, which closes and hides in the refrigerator for an hour.

The last step will be frying. In front of him, the slices are very carefully sprinkled with flour so that the mixture in which they were marinated does not fall off. It is also necessary to fry carefully: breading is almost the most delicious thing that will be in the dish. When serving, the catfish is garnished with parsley sprigs, thin lemon slices, pink peppercorns and red onion rings.

The best sauce for catfish

Even simple fried fish will be unimaginably tasty if you put a gravy boat with a special gravy next to the plate. Fresh ginger is rubbed for her; his shavings will need a teaspoon. Garlic clove and fresh hot pepper pound in a mortar. How much pepper to take, decide for yourself: the degree of spiciness is a personal matter. Two tablespoons of chopped greens are added to the mixture of spices (dill and parsley are required, the rest you can fantasize yourself), a spoonful of liquid honey, half of lemon juice and four tablespoons of sour cream. Sour cream can be replaced with low-fat natural yogurt. The sauce is salted and removed to insist on the cold.

If you come across a giant from the pool, do not puzzle over how to cook it: let your table be decorated with fried catfish. Recipes with photos will certainly convince you to taste this mouth-watering fish.

Catfish is one of the largest freshwater fish, its meat is rich in amino acids useful for humans. Each housewife has her own recipes for making catfish, fried catfish is very tasty. First, the fish needs to be prepared, if the catfish is whole, you need to cut off its tail and head, cut off the fins, then rinse well both inside and out. The catfish does not have scales, therefore it is not necessary to clean it, the catfish is a very large fish, therefore, for frying, you need to cut the fillet, for this, an incision is made along the backbone of the fish, then the meat is cut into strips. Before you fry the catfish in a pan, you need to rub it with salt and spices, leave it for twenty minutes so that the fish is well salted.

You can also marinate catfish for half an hour before frying. For the marinade, you need to take dry white wine, chop the onion in a blender, add lemon juice, mix everything well. Remove the fish from the marinade and pat dry with a kitchen towel. Mix eggs with milk, prepare flour and breadcrumbs for breading. Put the pan on the fire, pour refined sunflower oil, dip the catfish fillets first in the egg and milk, then in the breading, put in the pan, fry on both sides until cooked. Serve fried catfish with white bechamel sauce. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add flour, mix everything very quickly, pour in fish or vegetable broth, add spices, cook the sauce while stirring constantly, when it starts to boil, remove from heat, be sure to strain.

Very tasty fried catfish in batter. The fish fillet should be cut into strips about two centimeters thick and five centimeters long. Salt and pepper the pieces of catfish, leave to soak in salt for twenty minutes. While the fish is salting, you can prepare the batter. Beat two eggs into a bowl, add flour, vodka (a tablespoon), pour in a little refined sunflower oil, mix well, the batter should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. You need to deep-fry catfish in batter; for this purpose, it is best to use a cauldron or a cast-iron skillet with high edges. For deep-frying, refined sunflower oil is usually used, it needs to be poured a lot, so that the fried fish floats and does not touch the bottom.

The oil needs to be very hot, only then reduce the heat, dip the fish in batter, then lower it into deep fat, the catfish in batter is fried very quickly. Pieces of fish are caught with a slotted spoon, laid out on a dish lined with paper towels to remove excess fat. Catfish fried in batter turns out to be very tender and juicy, this dish should be served hot, while the crust is crispy, when cold, the batter becomes damp and is no longer so tasty. Such a dish will decorate any holiday table.

Catfish is a river fish with a large head and long whiskers. Sometimes it reaches huge sizes. But it is recommended to eat small and medium-sized fish. The meat of large individuals is heavy and fatty in taste.

Butchering a catfish, compared to other types of fish, is a pleasure. It has no bones between the muscles, and there are no scales. Therefore, in order to clean it, it is enough just to scrape off a layer of mucus and mud with a sharp knife. You can remove the skin if you like. She's thick and easy to do. You need to cut the skin around the head, and then pull it up to the tail, like a stocking. To keep your hands from slipping, you can use a napkin or dip your fingers in salt.

Then you should separate the head in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pectoral fins with a sharp knife. Next, you need to carefully open the stomach and remove the insides. If you are going to cook the liver, it is important not to damage the gallbladder so that it does not taste bitter. Also remove the films from the inner walls of the abdomen. Then rinse the fish well. Remove the fins by cutting them lengthwise on both sides.

To separate the fillet, cut through both sides of the meat from head to tail along the ridge. The fins and head can not be thrown away, they will fit perfectly in the ear.

How to cook

If catfish is cooked correctly, its meat will turn out juicy, tender and deliciously tasty. The problem lies in the smell of mud, which is the richer, the larger the fish.

There are secrets thanks to which you can cook catfish so that it does not stink.

  • Carefully clean off the mucus, it is in it that the smell of the swamp lies.
  • Marinate the fish in dry white wine for 15-20 minutes, then rinse. You can also use lemon juice instead of wine.
  • Milk will help get rid of the smell. It will only take 3-4 hours.
  • Use bay leaf and other suitable herbs. Fragrant spices will not leave room for the smell of mud.
  • Serve meat with sauce. This will kill foreign odors.

The most popular cooking method is simply frying in a skillet. If you fry the fish in pieces, it will take 10 minutes. Fry the fillet in batter for 15 minutes. The fire needs medium. It is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid.

What is useful catfish

Catfish is the largest river fish. The tail is the fattest, high-calorie part of it. One hundred grams of fresh meat contains 143 kcal: 16.8 g of protein and 8.5 g of fat. Catfish meat combines high nutritional value with excellent taste. And it has little connective tissue and the meat is well digested.

Soma contains many important vitamins:,,. Trace elements: iodine, iron, zinc, copper, chromium, nickel, fluorine, cobalt, molybdenum, manganese. Macronutrients: sodium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium.

Catfish is very useful for pregnant women and people with reduced immunity. Its meat also has a beneficial effect on overall health, skin and hair. It is recommended for vision problems, cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol.

How to fry catfish in a pan in batter

Catfish in batter is a simple and tasty dish. Cook quickly due to the ease of cutting this fish. You can fry both steaks and fillet pieces.

For this dish you will need:

  • fish - 600 g;
  • egg;
  • flour - a couple of spoons;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • some salt.

The fish should be thoroughly washed and cut into pieces no thicker than 2 cm. While preparing the batter, you can marinate the meat or rub it with salt.

For batter, break an egg, add salt, sour cream and mayonnaise. Beat everything with a fork or mixer. Add flour and beat again.

Dip the pieces of fish in the resulting batter, spread on a frying pan heated with oil. Fry until a delicious crust appears on each side for five minutes over medium heat.

There is another interesting recipe - after the batter, dip the catfish in sesame seeds. It turns out delicious and unusual. Batter can be cooked in the classic version - with milk. So it's more useful.

How to fry catfish in a pan in flour

Frying fish in flour is even easier than in batter. Washed chopped fish leave to marinate. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Since the fish is quite oily, little oil is needed.

Pour the flour into a large bowl. Roll the pieces of fish in flour, spread in a pan. Fry for 10 minutes, then turn over and fry for the same amount on the other side. To remove fat, lay the finished fish on a paper towel.

With this method of cooking, the meat will not be so juicy and tender. But this will not make it less tasty, it will acquire a crispy crust. You can also deep-fry catfish.

How to cook catfish in a pan with vegetables

I offer a step by step recipe with vegetables. You will need a catfish fillet, a couple of onions, a few tomatoes, flour, spices, herbs.

Wash the fish, cut and pat dry with a paper towel. Salt, pepper and leave to soak for a while. Heat up a frying pan and lay out the pieces of fish rolled in flour.

Cut the onion into rings and fry it in a pan. Cut the tomatoes into slices, add them to the onion. Fry the vegetables for a couple of minutes.

Put the finished fish in a pan with vegetables. Add a little water and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer until the water has evaporated, over low heat. Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and serve hot.

What to serve catfish with - sauces

Boiled potatoes, vegetables, rice are well suited as a side dish. You can serve fish with garlic, cheese, cream sauce. I will share with you the fastest recipes. But no less tasty 🙂

Garlic-lemon. Peel the garlic, pass it through a press. Add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of olive oil, parsley. The sauce is ready. Pour it over each piece of fish and garnish with a sprig of basil.

Walnut sauce. It turns out very original with such a gravy. For cooking, you need walnuts (a glass), 4-5 cloves of garlic, a slice of bread. And also 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar, a glass of water, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Nuts need to be crushed, squeeze pre-soaked bread to them. Squeeze garlic into the mixture, add vinegar and vegetable oil. Add water and mix well until the mixture is moderately thick. Whisk the sauce and put it on a dish along with the fish.

Tartar sauce. Finely rub the pickled cucumber, and squeeze out the excess juice. Add half a tablespoon of freshly minced dill and 1 clove of finely chopped garlic. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise. Mix everything with a fork. Try to make such an unusually delicious sauce.

The following spices will help to complement the taste of catfish meat:

  • nutmeg;
  • basil;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • Bay leaf.
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