Valid OKVED codes with decryption. How many OKVED codes can be specified when registering an IP and which ones. What OKVED codes to choose when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC

In 2018, the entire business and economic organization will be reclassified. Now each category of activity will receive its own six-digit number in the new OKVED system.

Useful information about changes in the OKVED classification dating back to 2018

  1. The all-Russian classifier must regroup all economic activity according to special codes;
  2. Taxes are calculated using a six-digit code;
  3. In 2018, businessmen will register in a new way;
  4. The legal entity will receive a special code;
  5. Control over the work of businessmen will be carried out, taking into account the new classification.

2018 will bring changes in the OKVED system. The Russian Federation guarantees that the classification will appeal to all businessmen. The economic organization will now be grouped by type. This includes business and economic activities. Its purpose is to distribute everything by codes.

How OKVED stands for

The abbreviation OKVED means the All-Russian Classification of the Type of Economic Activity. That is, it is simply a set of codes or statistics that a businessman must provide to the state to explain his activities.

There are more than a hundred types that designate the entire economy of businessmen. In addition to these numbers, there are still subparagraphs that allow you to characterize each type of activity as accurately as possible.

Below is a convenient module "OKVED codes for 2019 with decryption" for your attention. The classifier contains a search for codes for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Just type in your activity keyword in the field below and you'll get a selection of the codes you need.

OKVED codes

    Section A

    Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming

    Section B


    Section C.

    Manufacturing industries

    Section D

    Provision of electricity, gas and steam; air conditioning

    Section E

    Water supply; wastewater disposal, organization of collection and disposal of waste, activities for the elimination of pollution

    Section F.


    Section G

    Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

    Section H.

    Transport and storage

    Section I

    Activities of hotels and catering establishments

    Section J

    Activities in the field of information and communication

    Section K.

    Financial and insurance activities

    Section L

    Real estate activities

    Section M.

    Professional, scientific and technical activities

    Section N.

    Activities administrative and related additional services

    Section O.

    State administration and ensuring military security; social Security

    Section P.


    Section Q.

    Activities in the field of health and social services

    Section R.

    Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment

    Section S.

    Provision of other types of services

    Section T.

    Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of private households in the production of goods?

    U section.

    Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Collections of OKVED codes for popular types of business

All codes indicated on the site correspond to the new edition of OKVED 2

What is OKVED

Before sending a package of documents to the specialists of the territorial tax service for registration, future individual entrepreneurs and founders of an LLC must have a clear idea of ​​what types of commercial activities they are going to engage in. This is important, because when entering information about a newly created enterprise into state registers, OKVED codes are of decisive importance for tax authorities.

If you decipher this abbreviation, it will sound like this:

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

Already from the name it is quite clear what the essence of this document is: each type of commercial work or service in Russia has its own digital code. To enter classifying codes into the title package, you do not need to create any special documents, it is enough to list them in or Limited Liability Company, which is filled out in a strictly prescribed form.

Download OKVED codes

(DOCX, 655 kb)

The structure of OKVED

The code consists of 6 characters - numbers separated by dots and has the following form XX.XX.XX. Visually, what number means what is shown in the figure below:

Who is obliged to work on OKVED

OKVED is equally applicable to all enterprises and organizations, regardless of their legal form.

That is, CJSC, IP, LLC reflect the same digital codes in title documents.

The procedure for choosing classifying ciphers is mandatory for all commercial companies and has no exceptions.

What you need to know and how to accurately choose OKVED codes

When studying and entering OKVED digital ciphers into an application for registration, many aspiring entrepreneurs unknowingly make a number of mistakes. In order to help avoid them, we will talk in detail about what to rely on and in what order to act when choosing codes from the all-Russian classifier.

  1. Not all codes are equivalent when they are included in the constituent documents of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur. The first selected code is considered the main one, since it must correspond to the type of activity that is put at the forefront in the enterprise. All other codes play an additional role and are of secondary importance. Each organization must have at least one code from OKVED; without it, state registration is simply impossible;
  2. All actually and formally possible types of economic activity carried out on the territory of Russia have their own special digital designation, which is listed in OKVED. In turn, OKVED consists of sections and subsections, groups and subgroups. When choosing digital ciphers, you should go from large to small. That is, you need to start by defining the scope of activity, and gradually, through sections and groups, reach any specific type of activity. At the same time, one should try to select codes in such a way that they correspond as much as possible and reflect the essence of the actual work performed and the services provided;
  3. A digital code from OKVED allowed for registration must consist of at least 3 characters. 3 numbers mean a subclass of the section and, as a rule, they are chosen by those entrepreneurs who do not want to somehow limit their actions within this section. However, it is still preferable to indicate four-digit ciphers that are narrower in terms of practical application;
  4. If suddenly a newly created organization plans to engage in those works or services that, under Russian law, are subject to compulsory licensing or require special permission, it is best not to act at random, but to consult with specialists. They will help to more accurately designate the name of a particular type of activity and choose the correct digital code, which in the future will protect against all sorts of troubles.

Attention! If there are problems in the selection of OKVED codes, it is enough to study Appendix "A" to the classifier. It is an excellent assistant and contains a fairly detailed explanation of all activities.

The subtleties of choosing ciphers from OKVED

We talked about the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing codes from OKVED. Now about some of the nuances of choosing activities for digital ciphers from the classifier.

  • When choosing OKVED codes, future businessmen, in particular the founders of an LLC, should remember that there must be a 100% match between the types of activities prescribed in the application and those indicated in the charter, otherwise tax employees can easily refuse registration. But even if the initial stage of registration with the tax service is completed successfully, problems may well arise when opening a bank account, since bank employees check documents no less carefully;
  • The law does not in any way limit the number of OKVED codes entered into an application for registration of an enterprise. Therefore, businessmen often enter not only those specific types of activities that they actually plan to engage in, but also those that they assume only in theory. The heap of codes from the classifier included in the title documents entails a number of dangers. Let us give just one fairly common example: some types of activities may be subject to a special UTII tax regime, and in such cases, the tax authorities may require the entrepreneur or organization to submit separate reports on them. Thus, experts advise to restrain themselves and not to include more than two dozen OKVED codes in the constituent documents and, when choosing them, carefully study the features of each type of activity, including from the point of view of tax legislation;
  • It is extremely important to correctly understand and interpret the name of the types of activities listed in OKVED. Otherwise, an incident may occur in which the most necessary and relevant type of activity will not be entered in the state register for this organization or individual entrepreneur. The consequences of such an incident are unpleasant. Firstly, if necessary, it will be impossible to obtain a license, and secondly, it will be impossible to switch to UTII, which operates according to strictly defined types of activity at the local and municipal level.

Important! Entering the correct codes from OKVED into registration documents at the stage of state registration of an enterprise is of great importance. If tax specialists find an error, they will certainly issue an automatic refusal to register. At the same time, the inaccuracy can be corrected, but this will entail new financial and time costs.

Name: All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities Abbreviation: OKVED 2 Designation: OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) In English: Russian Classification of Economic Activities Responsible: Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Reason: Order of Rosstandart No. 14-st dated 01/31/2014 Date of introduction : 02/01/2014 End date: not set (there is no order to cancel the classifier or replace it with a new one) Last change: No. 14, effective from December 1, 2017 Reason for change: Rosstandart Order No. 1045-st dated September 8, 2017

Development and introduction

OK 029-2014 was developed and presented by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Built on the basis of harmonization with the official Russian version of NACE Rev.2 (Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community Rev2 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Economic Community (version 2)).

Structure and objects

OKVED contains records of all groupings of types of economic activity, presented hierarchically. To identify groupings, each classifier entry has a code designation consisting of numbers (from two to six) with a sequential coding method. Between the second and third, and between the fourth and fifth digits, dots indicate nesting levels and were added to match the NACE Rev.2 code entries.

The structure of OKVED 2 is as follows:
XX - class
XX.X - subclass
XX.XX - group
XX.XX.X - subgroup
XX.XX.XX - view

Sections have alphabetic codes of the Latin alphabet, which are not used in the construction of code designations (introduced for continuity with NACE Rev.2). Classifier entries may include explanations of what the section/grouping/activity includes and does not include.

Where to find OKVED 2 codes with a breakdown by type of activity in 2019, what it is and why it is needed in public procurement, we will tell in the article.

All OKVED 2019 codes with a breakdown by type of activity

The abbreviation OKVED is deciphered as "the all-Russian classifier of codes of economic activity." It was approved by the Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-st. In 2019, the version OK 029-2014 is valid. The classifier was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development. Codes from it are used, including in procurement.

Why else do you need OKVED:

  • definition of the main and additional activities;
  • their classification;
  • state statistical observation, etc.

Classification objects are types of economic activity. The classifier includes sections from A to U. Each of them corresponds to a grouping of types of economic activity and consists of classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups and types:

  • X section;
  • XX class;
  • XX.X subclass;
  • XX.XX group;
  • XX.XX.X subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX view.

An organization may indicate several codes in documents, but one must be selected as the main one. In particular, this information is needed when registering legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as when changing the type of activity of the company. In addition, the code must be included in the charter and other constituent documents.

Where to find OKVED 2 2019 codes with a breakdown by type of activity

OKVED 2 reference books with decoding by type of activity are presented on many sites. At the same time, we recommend that you keep the data up to date. A more reliable option is to look for codes on a public purchasing portal. 100% up-to-date data is posted in the regulatory legal act of the Ministry of Economic Development.

OKVED 2 codes are used when creating public procurement plans. This is stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 28, 2016 No. D28i-1766. When specifying the EIS procurement identification code, it is possible to use OKVED2 and OKPD2. The customer can use several codes if he purchases more than one product. Codes are also used in schedules and notices of purchases.

But to describe the subject of the purchase, information from other directories is used. This is information from the catalog of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.

Which OKVED2 code to choose when purchasing complex services for maintaining the premises - cleaning, washing, receiving mail?

Select OKVED code 2 81.10 “Comprehensive maintenance of premises”. Code OKDP2 - 81.10.10 "Services for complex maintenance of premises." There are also services for the management of non-residential property: OKVED2 code - 68.32, OKPD2 code - 68.32.13. Such clarifications were given by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in a letter dated June 5, 2015 No. 14809-EE/D18i.

To register and make changes to the types of activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, OKVED is used - the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities. See and download the current OKVED 2018 with decryption (official site) - a detailed description of each code.

OKVED 2018

OKVED is the official all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity.

In 2018, a new edition of the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity - OKVED 2018, or, as it is called on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) is in force. The classifier was approved by the order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-ST.

In everyday life, the classifier of OKVED codes with decoding since 2018 has received a simple short and convenient name OKVED 2. And the first reference book of OKVED codes OK 029-2001 has become invalid at the end of the transition period to the new classifier.

Initially, in order to make it easier to navigate in two directories and adapt in the search for OKVED 2018, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia developed transitional keys (reverse and direct). They can also be downloaded on the official website of the department and in this article.

OKVED codes since 2018 classifier with breakdown by type of activity

All codes are from the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development. This is a complete list of activities. You can download the classifier from the link below.

On our site it is possible to find any code online for free, as well as download all the codes at once. All codes correspond to the official transitional keys of the relevant ministries and departments for 2018.

Fragment of OKVED 2018 with decoding

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