Medical nutrition: recipes for milk soups. Diet milk rice soup

Milk soup with noodles is a dish that for many remains only a memory of early childhood and is perceived exclusively as children's food. After all, the combination of pasta with milk and sugar seems to be a rather unusual undertaking, suitable only for an inexperienced children's taste. Of course, such a milk soup cannot be perceived as a traditional first course for lunch, but it may well serve as an excellent substitute for our usual cereals. The taste, composition and technology of cooking this dish practically do not differ from viscous milk porridges, not to mention the fact that pasta is the same grain product as rice, oats, buckwheat and other cereals.

Milk soup is so quick and easy to prepare that it will give odds to most popular cereals and can be an excellent breakfast both on hectic everyday life and on a leisurely day off. In terms of its nutritional properties, it is in no way inferior to traditional cereal dishes, since wheat contains a lot of valuable fiber, vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for our health. Like other milk porridges, this dish can satisfy hunger for a long time and supply the body with energy for active mental and physical activities for several hours.

This sweet vermicelli soup is perfect for feeding kids big and small, as they almost always eat it with great appetite, combining both pleasure and benefit in one simple dish. Most adults are also able to appreciate the delicate milky taste and thick rich texture of this soup, so there is nothing wrong with including it in your diet from time to time as a delicious and healthy breakfast for the whole family. Try to cook milk soup with noodles for children and adults, and you will certainly appreciate this time-tested and sometimes undeservedly forgotten recipe!

Useful information How to cook vermicelli milk soup - a recipe for children and adults with step by step photos


  • 800 ml milk
  • 200 ml water
  • 100 g vermicelli (8 tablespoons)
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 10 g butter
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife


1. In order to prepare milk soup with noodles, pour water into a saucepan and put it on medium heat.

Advice! For the preparation of dairy dishes, it is necessary to use metal, ceramic or cast-iron dishes with a thick bottom, which will help prevent the milk from burning. An enamel pan is not very suitable for this.

2. When the water is hot, add a piece of butter and wait until it has completely melted.

Comment! Oil can also be added to an already prepared dish or even to each individual serving to taste. But if you put it at the beginning of cooking, it will help reduce the formation of foam on the surface of the milk.

3. Pour cold milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

Comment! Milk soup is always boiled with a mixture of milk and water, which can be taken in different proportions. Dilution of milk, firstly, helps to prevent the dish from burning, secondly, reduces the fat content of this soup and, thirdly, speeds up the cooking of vermicelli, since pasta is cooked rather poorly in pure milk.

4. After boiling, add salt, sugar and a small pinch of vanillin to the milk, if desired.

5. Gradually pour the vermicelli into the boiling milk, vigorously stirring the soup with a spoon while adding it. In the first minutes after adding the vermicelli, the soup also needs to be stirred frequently, since raw vermicelli sticks together into lumps very easily, which makes it not very attractive and greatly slows down the boiling inside.

6. Boil the milk soup over low heat with a slight boil for 5 - 7 minutes until the vermicelli is ready. Cover the finished soup with a lid and let it brew for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Advice! Traditionally, small vermicelli is put as a filling in sweet milk soup, but if you didn’t have it in the house or you prefer more solid pasta, then you can put any pasta to your taste - noodles, horns, spaghetti broken into several pieces, etc. e. It is advisable to give preference to pasta made from durum wheat, as they make the dish less nutritious and more healthy than products made from premium baking flour.

Delicious and very tender milk soup with noodles should be served hot or warm, adding a piece of butter to each plate if desired. It is better to eat it all at once and not leave it for the next day, as vermicelli tends to swell in milk and lose its taste properties. Bon appetit!

How to cook diet milk soup with vermicelli

Milk soup with noodles has a fairly low calorie content, which is 103 kcal per 100 g of the finished dish. This makes it a good food for maintaining harmony and dietary nutrition. To further reduce the calorie content of milk soup, it is recommended:

1. Use skimmed milk diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 for its preparation.

2. Reduce the amount of sugar in the dish or replace it with jam or honey.

3. Completely refuse to add butter.

4. Choose vermicelli or other pasta only grade A from durum wheat.

A dairy diet can be very effective for many people if their goal is to lose weight and improve the body. It never hurts to return to the body some of the natural functions that it has lost along with the years it has lived. Especially with the help of such a long-familiar and beloved product.

As a rule, dairy products are suitable for everyone, regardless of age, gender, weight, etc. The exception is only a few percent of the general population. There are people in whom individual intolerance to milk has passed into the category of allergic diseases. For them, of course, a dairy diet is contraindicated.

The milk diet for weight loss is not new, it is time-tested and has many adherents.

Who benefits from milk

Milk is a popular product that is known to every person from early childhood. As we grow older, we stop drinking milk and consuming fermented milk products in such large quantities as we did in infancy. However, for the harmonious development of dairy products every person needs in his "adult" life. It is no coincidence that a newborn baby eats only milk for the first few months. After all, milk contains many useful substances necessary for growth.

How milk affects the body and what is in milk

Few people consider milk as a product rich in a variety of substances. We used to hear from childhood that milk is good for health. And how useful, why - we do not delve into the meaning. However, the composition of ordinary cow's milk includes at least one hundred different components. These are minerals, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, milk sugar, etc.

Thanks to milk proteins, the human body is enriched with essential amino acids, which are not synthesized on their own, but can only come from food. These acids include methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid that normalizes the cholesterol process and is very important for liver function. A sufficient amount of methionine guarantees the prevention of a disease such as atherosclerosis. The immune bodies and hormones contained in milk increase the body's resistance to various diseases and protect against bacteria.

The higher the fat content in foods, the more vitamins are dissolved in them. Milk contains fat-soluble vitamins E, A, K and D. Dairy products are also rich in vitamins that dissolve in water. These are B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12, pantothenic and folic acids, biotin, etc. In addition, it is from milk that the human body receives the calcium it needs. Age-related changes in bone tissues occur largely because calcium is washed out of the bones and they become brittle. Good calcium absorption is provided by lactose contained in fermented milk and dairy products.

For people who suffer from gastritis, frequent consumption of milk, especially goat milk, is very beneficial. It acts on the gastric mucosa, restoring the natural environment and improving digestion. And who does not know the popular recipe for insomnia - a glass of warm milk with one spoon of honey? Milk is recommended to drink in the evening with violations of night sleep.

Milk for weight loss

Constantly harassing our own body with frequent diets, fasting days, physical activity and infringing on ourselves in many ways, along with losing weight, we exhaust the body, bringing ourselves to exhaustion. The milk diet for weight loss is fundamentally different from other diets precisely in that milk replenishes the missing substances in the body. The effect of the milk diet is based on improving the functioning of the digestive organs, and therefore, on accelerating the metabolism. The stomach begins to work better and better.

To lose weight on milk, you need to introduce as many dairy and sour-milk products into the diet as possible. This is best done gradually by combining yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk, etc., with other low-calorie foods. For a week or 10 days of such nutrition, you can easily lose up to 6 kg of excess weight in weight. Depending on your desire, you can choose the most comfortable diet for yourself. Dairy diets differ in the degree to which milk is combined with other foods.

Rigid milk diet for weight loss

Such a diet is designed for persistent and purposeful people who are determined to go all the way. A rigid milk diet is a mono-diet, which includes only milk. There is a mono-diet for 7 days. For the correct use of the diet, a special scheme is designed, adhering to which you can achieve the maximum effect. Depending on the needs of the body, the recommended time for drinking milk is from 8 am to 8 pm.

Daily rate for each day:

  • on the first day, you should drink one glass of milk every two hours;
  • on the second day - one glass every one and a half hours;
  • the third day involves drinking milk, one glass every hour;
  • in the remaining four days you need to drink one glass of milk every half hour.

You need to get out of a rigid milk diet gradually. On the first and second days after the end of the diet (respectively, these are the 8th and 9th days after the start), in the morning we drink one glass of milk every two hours, and after dinner you can eat light vegetable salads. Then you can switch to a normal diet.

This way to get rid of extra pounds effectively removes fat deposits on the abdomen. And, as you know, this is one of the most problematic areas. Combine a mono-diet with simple physical exercises and in a week you will not recognize your body.

If you doubt your abilities, you can try a shortened version of the mono-diet. It is designed for only three days, but is limited to a certain amount of milk. For each of the three days of the milk diet, there is one liter of milk. Four glasses should be drunk in four doses. You can choose the time of consumption yourself. Preferably three hours apart. In one day of such a diet, one kilogram of excess weight is lost.

light milk diet

Not all people will be able to withstand seven days of drinking only milk. For such people, a more sparing diet is offered, in which fresh milk is practically absent. In this milk diet, fresh milk is replaced with fermented milk products.

An approximate daily diet might look like this:

  • for breakfast we drink one glass of kefir, yogurt or weak tea with milk;
  • two hours later - the second breakfast, consisting of low-fat cottage cheese (200 grams);
  • for lunch, you can cook a light salad seasoned with kefir or yogurt, curd or curd-fruit casserole and other low-calorie dairy dishes;
  • dinner consists of one glass of tea with milk, fermented baked milk or kefir.

This diet is perceived much easier due to the ability to alternate some dairy products. Calculated lightweight milk diet for weight loss for a week. During this time, you can lose weight by 5-6 kg.

Dairy-vegetarian diet for weight loss

Such a diet is intended for those who find it very difficult to do without the usual set of products.

This is a mixed diet, which, in addition to milk, may include the following products: cereal cereals, eggs, vegetable or milk soup, cheese, fresh vegetables and fruits, bran bread. From drinks, it is allowed to use mineral water, fruit or vegetable juices, compotes, jelly and tea (preferably with milk).

Dishes from these products can be cooked to your liking, combined with kefir, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, etc. Of course, you need to carefully monitor the amount of food consumed. At one time, the weight of the dish should not exceed 200 gr. The interval between meals is 2-3 hours.

Dairy diet with fruits

This diet is most easily perceived by the body and allows you to lose weight in a week by 4-5 kg. In addition to the fact that the fruit and milk diet is healthy, it is also delicious.

You need to start with a neutral breakfast - unsweetened tea with the addition of milk. The second breakfast, after 2-3 hours, consists of 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese. After the next 2-3 hours, you need to eat 200 grams of any non-acidic fruit. It can be sweet apples, pears, peaches, bananas, prunes, etc. At the next meal, we drink one glass of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt. The day of the fruit and milk diet ends with the intake of 200 grams of fruit.

Choice of foods for the dairy diet

To improve the body and get rid of excess weight, it is advisable to carefully choose milk and dairy products. It is best if it is natural, not powdered milk.

Pay attention to the fat content indicated on the package. The most preferred fat content of milk for a dairy diet is 5%.

Milk should not be boiled. All the most necessary and useful substances are found in fresh milk. You can heat milk to 60-70 degrees without boiling and without destroying its structure.

Since drinking water is allowed between meals, choose non-carbonated mineral water.

Milk for your beauty

In addition to the opportunity to bring your figure into excellent condition, you need to know that milk is also successfully used in cosmetology. In parallel with the milk diet for weight loss, you can tidy up your hair, skin, nails, etc.

For example, overdried or split ends are restored in this way: half an hour before shampooing, kefir is applied to the hair, heated to room temperature. Wrap your head with a kefir mask with a warm scarf or towel, and immediately before washing, rinse your hair with clean water.

Cottage cheese, wrapped in gauze, if you hold it for 20 minutes on tired eyelids, relieves puffiness and relieves bags under the eyes. And by mixing ground coffee, sour cream and honey, we get a wonderful body scrub. After applying such a scrub to the skin and leaving it for a few minutes, after washing off, you will see that the skin has become elastic, clean and velvety. It is no coincidence that many SPA-salons today practice such a procedure as Cleopatra's Bath.

Humanity has known about the possibilities of milk since ancient times. To give their figure graceful forms and to maintain beauty, women have been using milk for many millennia.

The milk diet for weight loss gives a result that has been tested for centuries.

Milk is useful not only for children, but also for adults. This is the first product that appears in the human diet from birth and is present in it all life. A lot of different dishes, drinks are prepared from it, and even used for weight loss. On such a diet, weight goes away easily and quickly with little or no harm to health. But all this is subject to the rules and the exact implementation of all requirements.


All the pros and cons of dairy weight loss

Dairy products are a source of minerals, a number of vitamins and amino acids. They are necessary for maintaining muscles, healthy hair, teeth and skin, and the functioning of the body. Milk also contains lactoalbumins. These substances have a positive effect on the hormonal background, reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol and increase serotonin.

Advantages of the dairy diet:

  • Fast weight loss. It can take from 300 to 900 g per day. The maximum losses occur in the first days, then the results are more modest, but fat tissue is burned directly.
  • Availability and cheapness. The main foods of the diet can be bought at any store.
  • Diuretic action. Milk removes water from the body. Together with weight, volumes go well, and in 5-6 days you can lose a whole size.
  • Reducing the volume of the stomach. It occurs due to the fragmentation of the diet, small portions.
  • High percentage of digestibility. The body accepts milk and its derivatives well, processes it quickly and easily.
  • The dairy diet has its drawbacks. The disadvantages include the monotony of the diet. Even in the mixed version, it is difficult to consume only dairy products and vegetables with fruits all day long. After a few days, you will want hot dishes, meat, bread. It is for this reason that the diet is difficult to follow in the winter. But on the other hand, it is ideal for spring, when the sun begins to shine, the body requires lightness.

    Video: Dairy diet: minus 6 kg per week

    General principles

    The main product of the diet are dairy products of low fat content. With their help, you can lose up to 6 kg of excess weight in a week, but only with the right approach. Despite the apparent simplicity of the milk diet, it is quite difficult to follow it.

    Basic principles:

  • Fractionality. Milk is food. You do not need to drink it all day without interruption. Intervals must be at least one hour.
  • Fat content. All milk drinks must not exceed 1.5%. In mixed versions, cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 5% is used.
  • Soy milk or coconut milk should not be consumed.
  • Product compatibility. Often, a dairy diet is diluted with unsweetened fruits. It is important not to eat them at the same time with a fresh drink, so as not to provoke intestinal upset.
  • 30 minutes before eating dairy products, it is advisable to drink a glass of non-carbonated clean water.
  • After eating, it is undesirable to drink water for at least 30 minutes, so as not to complicate digestion.
  • You can not eat after 20.00, including just milk. You can drink tea and water.
  • Important! You can not follow a milk diet for more than 7 days. A monotonous diet will lead to a deficiency of some important substances, which will entail weakness, indigestion, and a decrease in vitality.

    Food preparation

    If milk is bought on the market, then it must be boiled before drinking. Packaged pasteurized products do not need this. It is important to pay attention to the expiration dates, the integrity of the packaging. If there are doubts about the quality of the drink, then it can also be boiled.

    Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products for a mixed diet do not need preliminary preparation, but it is also important to follow the expiration dates and follow the storage rules.

    Rigid milk diet

    A strict option that is suitable for purposeful people. The main product is whole cow or goat milk of low fat content. Nothing else can be used. The duration is from 3 to 5 days, then it is not recommended to follow a diet.

    How to drink milk:

  • First day: a glass every 2 hours. Any liquid is allowed between doses. During the day, there may be a strong feeling of hunger. The stomach can be deceived with warm drinks without sugar: coffee, herbal decoction, tea.
  • Second day: a glass every 1.5 hours. The stomach has already begun to shrink in size, the feeling of hunger occurs less frequently, the second day is easier to bear.
  • Third day: one glass every hour.
  • If you need to follow a milk diet for longer, then in the following days the drink is consumed every hour. It is permissible to sometimes replace the main product with whey, but without any additives in the form of juices, sugar.

    mixed option

    A lighter version of the milk diet, in the diet of which there are vegetables and fruits with a minimum content of sugar and starch. It is advisable to use them raw or baked, boiled. Frying is prohibited unless it is a grill. Salt, herbs, pepper, ginger and sugar-free soy sauce can be used to season dishes, but all this is added in small portions only to improve the taste.

    Allowed and prohibited products

    What vegetables you can eat: all kinds of cabbage, cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini. Forbidden foods: legumes, potatoes, carrots.

    Allowed fruits: apples, citrus fruits, pineapple, apricots, plums. You can not - bananas, grapes, any dried fruits, pears and sweet berries.

    You can drink tea, coffee and cocoa with milk, but without sugar. Dairy diet allows any herbal decoctions, infusions. Fruit, berry juices and compotes are prohibited, as they contain sugar and can stimulate appetite.

    Sample menu for the day

    Breakfast: a glass of milk
    Snack: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese
    Dinner: vegetable soup from allowed products, a glass of milk, a piece of cheese
    Afternoon snack: fruit salad with yogurt and cinnamon
    Dinner: vegetable casserole 200 g, a glass of kefir

    Advice! Simple dishes made from dairy products will be much tastier and turn into desserts if you add cinnamon, vanilla, ginger to them. These spices have almost no calories, but they improve the taste.


    The main contraindication to the milk diet is lactase deficiency and intolerance to the main product. Also, you should not resort to such a strict system during pregnancy, during breastfeeding or in childhood. During these periods of life, nutrition should be as varied and balanced as possible.

    Dangerous symptoms:

    • nausea, dizziness;
    • bloating, indigestion;
    • stomach ache;
    • swelling of the hands, feet;
    • skin problems: rashes, increased fat content.

    If at least one of these phenomena appears, weight loss should be suspended. If there are chronic diseases of the digestive or endocrine system, it is advisable to consult a doctor before following a mono-diet on whole milk.

    Video: Elena Malysheva about milk

    Soups for pancreatitis are quite a healthy dish.

    After all, with an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the load on the pancreas and not eat heavy food, and the first dish is well digested.

    There are many diet recipes for soups, so you can eat deliciously with pancreatitis. Consider what soups to eat with pancreatitis and their recipes.

    The diet for inflammation of the pancreas is quite strict. You can not eat not only fatty, spicy and fried, but also some cereals and vegetables, such as cabbage, legumes and millet.

    Be sure to stick to diet number 5 p.

    Diet soups can be divided into four categories:

    • vegetable;
    • puree soups, including cheese ones;
    • on the broth;
    • dairy first courses.

    Not only the ingredients are important, but also the process of preparing the dish. It is necessary to forget about the passivation of onions and carrots, as well as the addition of spices. All components should be easily digested so that the patient does not experience pain.

    The easiest to prepare is vegetable soup. It is enough to peel and cut vegetables and boil them. You can cook in light chicken broth.

    It is necessary to eat the first dishes in a warm form: eating cold food can provoke an attack of pancreatitis.

    Quite useful are cereal soups on the broth. By adding oatmeal to the first dish, we get sliminess, so it is seasoned with grated cheese. Quite often, buckwheat is used as cereal or rice.

    To prepare puree soups, it is worth buying a blender.

    Recipes for diet soups are quite simple, let's look at them in more detail.

    Vegetable first courses

    Vegetable soups are useful in all forms of pancreatitis.

    Quite simple is the first course with potatoes, carrots and onions, which are boiled in a light vegetable broth. The cooking process takes no more than 30 minutes. This recipe is suitable for the strictest diet in the first days of an attack.

    We offer the following recipes for dietary soups for pancreatitis:

  • Potato. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients - 1.5 liters. vegetable broth, carrots, onions, 4 potatoes, 10 gr. butter and salt. Sour cream and greens are suitable for dressing. First, stew onions and carrots with water and butter. Then pour the vegetable broth, add the chopped remaining vegetables and cook for 30 minutes. Before eating, season with sour cream.
  • Potato soup with meatballs. The cooking process is similar to the previous one, only chicken meatballs are added together with vegetables.
  • Vegetable soup with rice grains. To stewed onions and carrots, add potatoes and about 50 gr. rice cereal. Cook in vegetable broth for about 30 minutes after boiling.
  • Vitamin Soup. For cooking, you will need carrots, onions, 4 potatoes, a tomato, a cucumber, 2 bell peppers, butter, herbs and salt. Stew onions and carrots with butter. Add water and finely chopped vegetables. Boil 15 minutes.
  • There are a small number of recipes for vegetable first courses, which cannot be said about puree soups.

    Puree Soup Recipes

    We offer a soup recipe for pancreatitis, which is suitable for the most strict diet.


  • Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a saucepan.
  • We put the chopped onion and grated carrots, and simmer over low heat.
  • Add potatoes and water.
  • We cook 30 minutes.
  • Grind in a blender.
  • While eating, crackers are added directly to the bowl with the dish, so it will be more satisfying.

    Puree soups are suitable for those who are tired of the usual dietary dishes, this is an opportunity to diversify their diet.

    You can even grind vegetable soups with a blender and get a completely new dish.

    You can make the first dish one-component, for example, take any vegetable as the main ingredient: pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, potatoes or zucchini.

    We offer a recipe for an unusual dish with oatmeal and prunes. It comes out a little slimy.


    • 200 gr. water;
    • 30 gr. oatmeal;
    • 10 gr. butter;
    • carrot;
    • 30 gr. prunes;
    • salt.

    Before cooking, prunes must be soaked in hot water for two hours. Grated carrots and chopped onion stew in butter. We wash the oatmeal from the husk, fill it with water and cook for 20 minutes. Then add the stewed vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes. We filter the mass through a sieve and grind with a blender. Again, fill it with broth and add the prunes cut into pieces (without water). Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

    The dish is ready to eat.

    fish soup recipe

    Among all mashed soups, fish can be distinguished. After all, vegetable first courses quickly get bored, you want something tasty and more satisfying. Fish first course has a lot of useful substances.

    For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

    • 0.5 kg of fish (better to take pike or hake);
    • 75 gr. milk;
    • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
    • 3 art. l. butter;
    • greens (parsley, dill);
    • small bulb;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • salt.

    For a dish, you can take a ready-made fillet or separate the flesh from the bones yourself, be sure to rinse well to remove bitterness.

    Fill the fish with water and cook, after boiling, remove the resulting foam and fat. Add chopped potatoes. Separately, stew the onion, put it in the fish broth, and also add herbs and salt. Grind the finished mass with a blender. Season with milk and cook for another two minutes. It makes a creamy soup.

    Puree soups are an ideal option for dietary nutrition. They contribute to proper digestion, because they do not burden the pancreas.

    It is worth noting that they can be cooked not only salty, but also sweet, for example, sweet rice or pumpkin soup. Consider the recipes for dairy first courses, which, in terms of their beneficial properties for pancreatitis, are in second place after cream soups.

    Dairy first courses

    Recipes for milk soups for pancreatitis are quite diverse. As ingredients here can be cereals, vegetables and fruits.

    It is worth remembering that the use of whole milk for pancreatitis is highly undesirable, but dishes prepared with milk are allowed only during remission.

    Milk soup recipes:

  • With rice.
  • With buckwheat.
  • Vegetable.
  • With carrots and semolina.
  • With oatmeal.
  • With apples.
  • With pumpkin and semolina.
  • Consider recipes for sweet first courses.

    Very tasty is semolina soup with carrots.


    • 0.5 l. milk with a fat content of up to 2.5%;
    • 50 gr. water;
    • 250 gr. carrots;
    • 3 art. l. semolina;
    • 1 tsp sugar and butter;
    • salt.

    Carrots must be cut into rings and stewed with water until tender, then chopped in a blender. Gradually introduce semolina into boiling milk, be sure to stir, otherwise lumps will form. Cook for about 10 minutes. Then pour out the carrots, add salt and sugar, and boil for another 5 minutes. Season the finished dish with oil.

    Buckwheat milk sweet soup is also easy to prepare, the recipe is as follows:

  • 3 art. l. Sort buckwheat groats, wash and boil in salted water until tender.
  • Pour porridge with hot 0.5 l. low fat milk.
  • Add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. butter, cook until done.
  • Apple milk soup is also quite tasty.

    You will need the following ingredients:

    • 0.5 l. milk;
    • 200 gr. apples
    • 1 st. l. Sahara;
    • 1/3 tsp starch;
    • chicken yolk;
    • salt.

    This dish is more suitable as a dessert.

    For cooking, peel apples, cut into cubes, stew with water and sugar. At this time, grind the yolk with sugar, starch and add about 100 gr. milk. Pour boiling milk into this mass. After cooling, add apples.

    The finished dish can be rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender.

    Diet chicken soup

    People who have had acute pancreatitis need to stick to a strict diet for some time. Patients with a chronic form of the disease need to follow the diet constantly.

    Although chicken meat with pancreatitis is on the list of prohibited ones, during remission, chicken first courses can be prepared.

    In doing so, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • First courses cannot be prepared from young chicken meat.
  • It is advisable to use chicken fillet, it does not contain skin, tendons and fats.
  • Boil the meat for at least 20 minutes, after which the broth is drained, and the meat is poured with clean water. Continue to cook for about half an hour. Cooking first courses with such a disease is possible only on the second broth.
  • The finished broth is salted and greens are added to it, sometimes seasoned with sour cream. For soup, vegetables or cereals are added to it.
  • For patients with inflammation of the pancreas, there are many recipes for first courses. But not everyone can be suitable for a particular patient, because you need to take into account the course of the disease and the presence of exacerbations. It is advisable to consult a doctor who monitors nutrition, without his permission it is impossible to deviate from the diet. This is especially true for cream and milk, which are allowed only to a few.

    Recommended for diets: 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 15, as well as for anemia.
    Peel the apples from the skin and core, cut into small cubes or finely chop, put in a saucepan, add 2-3 tablespoons of water, sugar (1/2 norm), bring to readiness with the lid closed, then cool. Grind the yolks with the remaining sugar, starch and a spoonful of milk. Pour the resulting mass with boiling milk, strain, cool and combine with stewed apples. Serve soup cold with cookies.
    Product norms: apples 150 g, sugar 20 g, egg (yolk), milk 400 g, potato flour 5 g.

    Recommended for diets: 3, 8, 9, 11, 15; 2 - no bow.
    Cut beets, carrots and white roots into strips, put in a saucepan, add tomato, fat, half a glass of vegetable broth and bring to readiness with the lid closed. Chop the onion, lightly fry and combine with vegetables. Put chopped potatoes into boiling meat broth or vegetable broth, bring to a boil, then add stewed vegetables, flour dressing, chopped sorrel, spinach and cook for 10-15 minutes. When serving in borsch, put a hard-boiled egg, sour cream and chopped greens.
    Food norms: sorrel 40 g, spinach 40 g, onion 10 g, green onion 5 g, tomato 10 g, carrot 20 g, white roots 20 g, beetroot 70 g, half an egg, potatoes 50 g, flour 5 g, melted butter 10 g, sour cream 30 g, parsley 5 g, meat or vegetable broth 300 g.

    Recommended for diets: 5, 6, 11, 13, 15; 7, 10 - without salt, as well as with anemia.
    Sort the rice, rinse, put in boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes, and then pour into boiling milk and cook for another 25-35 minutes. Season the finished soup with sugar and serve with a piece of butter.
    Product norms: milk 400 g, water 100 g, rice 40 g, sugar 5 g, butter 10 g.

    Recommended for diets: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15; 7, 10 - without salt, as well as with anemia.
    Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces, put in a saucepan, add half a glass of water and simmer until tender, then rub it together with the liquid. Boil milk, pour semolina into it and cook for 10-15 minutes, then add pureed pumpkin and boil. Season the soup with salt, sugar and serve with a piece of butter.
    Product norms: milk 300 g, water 100 g, pumpkin 150 g, semolina 20 g, sugar 10 g, butter 10 g.

    Recommended for diets: 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 15; 7, 10 - without salt, as well as with anemia.
    Pour washed rice with hot water, cook until completely boiled, combine with boiled peas, rub hot through a sieve along with liquid or pass through a meat grinder and bring to a boil.
    For diet 2, 11, rice can be boiled in meat broth, and instead of fresh peas, take canned. Season the soup with sugar, milk and egg mixture and serve with a piece of butter.
    Product norms: green peas 100 g, rice 25 g, butter 10 g, milk 150 g, egg (yolk), sugar 3 g, water 250 g.

    Recommended for diets: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15; 7, 10 - without salt, as well as with anemia.
    Boil the peeled potatoes in water, add dried flour, mix everything well, rub it with the liquid through a sieve and boil (for diet 2, 11 soup should be cooked in meat broth). Pour the soup with milk-egg mixture and serve with a piece of butter. To the soup, you can serve croutons of white bread. Soup is prepared from earthen pear and sweet potato.
    Product norms: potatoes 150 g, flour 10 g, milk 150 g, egg (yolk), butter 15 g, water 300 g.

    Recommended for diets: 3, 8, 9, 11, 15; 2 - in a pureed form, without onions, olives and mushrooms (mushroom broth), as well as with anemia.
    Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cover with cold water and boil. Cut beets, carrots and white roots into strips, put in a saucepan, add tomato, vinegar, half a glass of water or vegetable broth and simmer with the lid closed until tender. Fry the onion in butter, combine with boiled, finely chopped mushrooms and saute for another 5-10 minutes, then add the dried flour and mix. Sauteed onions and mushrooms combine with vegetables.
    Put shredded cabbage and chopped potatoes into boiling mushroom broth, boil, add stewed vegetables and cook for 20-25 minutes. When serving, put olives, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
    Food norms: vegetable oil 10 g, onion 15 g, dried mushrooms 10 g, carrots 15 g, white roots 10 g, potatoes 60 g, tomato 10 g, beets 70 g, cabbage 70 g, olives 20 g, wheat flour 5 g, sour cream 30 g, parsley 5 g, vegetable broth or water 300 g.

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