Numerology by date of birth. Divination for love compatibility by name and surname Compatibility of surnames in love online

Divination on paper is distinguished by its simplicity and minimal preparation requirements. In order to, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. The accuracy of the prediction depends on how much you believe in this way to find out fate.

Fortune telling on paper with a pen is most often used to also tell about the feelings of the person of interest. In order to check your love compatibility with a partner, take a piece of paper and draw a chamomile on it. There should be exactly as many petals as there are letters in the name of a loved one. On each petal, clockwise, you need to write the letters of the name of your chosen one. After that, write on the petals in order the letters of your name. If your name is longer than your partner's name by the number of letters, then simply do not enter the remaining letters anywhere.

If 1 petal - your union has a future. Even if the feelings fade away, then you will have a warm and kind attitude towards each other.

If 2 petals - the union is unsuccessful. Feelings can quickly fade away, after which disappointment will come.

If 3 petals - you have very good love compatibility with each other. You not only have feelings, but also common interests that bring you even closer.

If 4 petals or more - the union is strong and successful. You are two halves who, by some miracle, found each other. Appreciate each other and take care of your feelings.

You can check your compatibility with a partner in another way, more accurate. To do this, you need to write on a piece of paper the full last name, first name and patronymic of your chosen one. Under his name you need to write your full name. After that, cross out the repeated letters in your name and his. Count the number of letters left and adjust it to a single digit if required. For example, if you have 12 letters left, then you need to add 1 and 2 to get the fortune-telling result. The number 3 in this case will be the result of fortune telling. Having learned the number, you need to decipher it.

Number 1 - you are a good couple, a happy future awaits you, warmth and love.

Number 2 - you are not suitable for each other, disappointments await you ahead.

Number 3 - you are in love, but soon the veil will fall from your eyes, and you will realize that this chosen one is not what you need.

Number 4 - You don't love your partner enough. If he makes all the necessary efforts in order to be with you together, then your future with him is possible.

Number 5 - you are united only by mutual benefit. Most likely, such relations will soon “fade to naught”.

Number 6 - you are a great couple. In your union there is love, and respect, and care. If you manage to keep these feelings, then your future with this person will be long and happy.

Number 7 - you are more likely to be united by friendship and interest in each other, but not love. You could be great friends for each other.

Number 8 - everything is harmonious in your pair, you complement each other. You feel comfortable and comfortable with a partner.

Number 9 - you have good compatibility. However, in order to maintain a relationship, you will have to constantly work on yourself and try to surprise each other. There will be no emotions - love will also disappear.

These, at first glance, simple and quick checks for love compatibility with a partner give accurate and specific results of the future with a particular person. These divinations are based on numerology, the ancient science of numbers and their meanings, which makes them accurate and truthful. Useful article? Then be sure to put

14.10.2013 11:24

Birth date numerology can answer many important questions and shed light on what...

Name compatibility is the key to harmonious and long term relationship. Since ancient times, thinkers and philosophers have tried to understand the hidden meaning of the combination of sounds in their digital expression. In our time, modern psychologists have also approved this.

Compatibility calculation by name online

To test for compatibility, enter two names and click the "Find out" button. Be sure to specify full names - the result will depend on this.

first name

second name

Enter names

The sound of a person's name causes a different emotional response in people. Some people like the name, while others have unpleasant associations. What is it connected with? The name of a person creates certain vibrations in space that make a change in the surrounding reality. If these vibrations coincide with ours, the person seems pleasant to us. If they do not match, we cannot perceive it adequately.

Choosing a name is a responsible step, because its meaning determines the future life of a little person. Our Orthodox ancestors were not wiser with the choice of a name, but named the baby in honor of the saint honored on the birthday of the newborn. This determined the further fate of the new man.

AT modern world not many are named according to the holy calendar, they are mainly guided by the euphony of the name and other criteria. People who want to get married should independently study the meaning of the name of the chosen one in order to make an approximate forecast of the success of their choice.

The numerical code of the name contains all the information about the person:

  • his character;
  • attachments;
  • hobbies;
  • attitude towards people of the opposite sex.

This numerical code is read by the subconscious and determines our attitude towards a person. In this case, it is not necessary to hear the name - you can just read it. The coincidence of the numerical code is important not only for the selection of staff, it is also important for the relationship between a man and a woman. You can make a horoscope of relationships, but numerical vibration makes decisive adjustments to the sphere of people's communication.

The calculation of the numerical code of the name will give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the development of relations, the compatibility of a married couple, and the necessary adjustment of relations. Also, this information will help to understand the mystery of the partner and find out the motives of behavior.

Numerical code of a man and a woman by last name and first name

First, let's start calculating the numerical code of names. It is based on the search for a number that combines names. This calculation is suitable both for determining the compatibility of marriage partners, and for determining the prospects for a business alliance.

To calculate, you need to write the name and surname of a person in a column, and next to each letter put its serial number in the alphabet. For example, the serial number of the letter A is 1, the letter B is 2, and so on. Calculate the numeric code for the name:

14+1+18+10+33 = 76.
76 = 7+6 = 13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

Now let's calculate the numerical code of the surname - Ivanov.

10+3+1+15+16+3+1 = 49.
49 = 4+9 =13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

We ended up with two fours. Now you need to add them up to get the final number. It will be equal to eight. Now the same actions are carried out with the name and surname of the chosen one or business partner.

After that, you need to add the final numbers - yours and the chosen one. The harmony of relationships is determined by all even numbers, disharmony is expressed by all odd numbers. The exception to the rule is the number 18 - it symbolizes complete indifference and lack of interest.

Does an odd final number predict an unhappy marriage and a lack of understanding? This is not always the case, and mutual understanding can be. But all circumstances will develop in the most unfavorable way, and the married couple will have to overcome various obstacles on the path to happiness.

An exception to the odd series of final numbers are the numbers 19 and 21 - they predict a harmonious and happy union.

Name change question

How will the change of surname affect marriage? In the most direct way. Therefore, before entering into marriage, it is necessary to make a calculation with the name of the future husband and see the result. If it turns out to be unfavorable, there is no point in changing the surname.

The sound of a name

This technique allows you to determine compatibility in a relationship through the perception of a name by ear. How do we perceive the sound of a name, how do we react to sound waves? Sound defines a set of letters - a combination of vowels and consonants.

The more similar sounds in the names of partners, the more harmonious the relationship will be.

The ideal relationship in this case would be matching names - Valentine and, and etc.

Consider what characteristics each letter of the alphabet has.

  • A - carries vibrations of activity, power, inner strength.
  • B - gives the possibility of extrasensory perception.
  • B - allows you to feel unity with the world, and is also characterized by some eccentricity.
  • G - brings secrets and mystery.
  • D - determines the propensity for esotericism, and also gives a person a capricious character.
  • E - gives the gift to see the essence of things, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles on the way.
  • Yo is an emotional perception of the world, a desire to express one's opinion.
  • F - gives a rich imagination and versatile development.
  • Z - endows with an intuitive perception of the world, and also gives dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.
  • And - bestows a subtle perception of the world, responsiveness and extravagance.
  • K - gives insight and gives a sense of support.
  • L - a rich imagination, acting skills, a creative approach to the world.
  • M - conscientiousness, diligence, shyness, attentiveness to others.
  • N - gives a person ambition and claims to success, gives a liveliness of imagination and a desire for the right way of thinking.
  • About - unrestrained in emotions people.
  • P - endows with complexes and superstitions, a person puts on a mask on his face to hide his insecurity.
  • R - unshakable self-confidence, following the established rules.
  • C - gives a person a critical mind, a desire for power and control over everyone.
  • T - bestows sensitivity and the desire for self-improvement.
  • U - endows with developed intuition and the ability to empathize.
  • F - gives tenderness, original thinking and the desire to exaggerate everything.
  • X - defines variability in interests, decency and sexual modesty.
  • C - the desire to dominate, ambition and excessive pride.
  • H is devotion and ambition.
  • Ш - desire for power, lack of tolerance.
  • Щ is a person of an open soul, a developed mind, a sense of purpose.
  • B - the ability to negotiate, loyalty.
  • S - materialism, earthiness.
  • b - the ability to see to the root.
  • E - curiosity, the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts.
  • Yu - sacrifice, willpower.
  • I am a developed mind, creative thinking, pride.

The presence of growling consonants in the name determines the rigidity of the character. Also, the rigidity and complexity of the character is determined by the length of the person's name.

What role does patronymic play in the fate of a person? The sound series of the patronymic makes its own adjustments to the general numerical code - it strengthens or weakens the bright sides of the character. For example, a hard name with a soft middle name significantly softens the overall final version. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the qualities of a person by name and patronymic.

What to do if the name of a partner forms his unsightly qualities of character? In this case, numerologists advise to come up with affectionate nickname, having thought over in advance the combination of all sounds. If people do not match each other by name, you can always find a way out by applying ingenuity.

You probably know that the name is a combination of various personality characteristics, which in turn affect the whole life of a person. There is also such a thing as "love compatibility by name."

If you, like me, are interested in this topic, then I offer you an interesting fortune-telling for compatibility by name and surname, several variations of which you will find in this article.

Today it is difficult to surprise someone with a divorce or separation. Many people break up before they even really know each other's identity due to minor conflicts and misunderstandings.

Perhaps this happens because the names of people do not fit one another? Has this thought ever crossed your mind? It may seem strange, but, nevertheless, in a very large number of situations, the reason for the breakup of a couple, in particular, is precisely the incompatibility of names.

How to understand how you and your chosen one / chosen one fit each other? To do this, first of all, you can contact a specialist who will make all the necessary calculations. And another option that is available for execution on your own at home is fortune-telling for compatibility by name. I suggest that you familiarize yourself further in the article with two variants of this fortune-telling (in the second case, we will use numerological compatibility according to the numbers of the life path of both partners).

The first method of calculation

In numerology, compatibility by names and surnames offers several options for calculating methods. Now let's consider the first option, showing the couple's chances for a joint future.

For its execution, on a piece of paper you need to write the data of your name and the name of your loved one.

For example: Podpalaya Leonidovna and Podpaly Alexandrovich.

According to the theory, the greater the number of identical letters in the name and surname of each of the partners, the higher their love compatibility.

Then the analysis by this technique assumes the following algorithm:

  1. Necessary see how many of the same letters your names contain. For example, in the variant under consideration, we observe the coincidence of the letters “a”, “and” in the names and surnames of the partners.
  2. Should be counted the total number of letters in each representative's data. In this example, a woman gets only twenty-three letters, and a man gets twenty-eight letters. This is generally a variant of medium compatibility. The ideal option is when both partners have the same number of letters in their data, which indicates absolute compatibility. There is one more nuance here - the higher the difference between the two numbers, the less the lovers have in common.
  3. look, whether the initial letters of the names and surnames of partners are vowels or consonants. In our example, we see that the letters are combined - there are both vowels and consonants. And this is a very good option, because ideally, alternation should be observed.
  4. Browse, which letters in the names will be repeated more often than others. For example, here we see a fairly frequent alternation of the letter "and". repeat the same manipulation with the surnames and patronymics of the partners. The more matches of the same letters in the data, the better the compatibility and the prospect of a joint future can be.

But if you made a calculation and found few matches in letters in the names and surnames - do not rush to get upset. Such a couple may well be successful. Everything will be in the hands of the partners themselves, in particular from their relationship to each other.

The situation will change when there are no coincidences in principle. Then there is already a reason to think: it is highly likely that there is no future in relationships due to frequent skirmishes, conflicts, different outlooks on life and different life priorities. It can be said about such unions that they do not have a long joint future and, most likely, people will have to leave afterwards.

Numerology also tells us that the names and surnames of lovers also make it possible to understand who will be the main (or main) in a couple. By tradition, this role belongs, of course, to a man, but in practice, modern reality very often demonstrates a completely opposite version.

So, if you want to know the leader in a pair, then you just need to count how many vowels there are in these partners. The partner who has more vowels gets the role of leader. In the sample under consideration, we find that the girl has only twelve vowels, while her missus has only ten. So, it is clear that it is the lady who will be the main one in such a pair.

The second method of calculation

I suggest you familiarize yourself with another way that allows you to talk about compatibility in a relationship. It refers more to numerology, as it uses the dates of the birth of lovers, but this does not make it any less informative.

How can you get information about your partner if you have not yet encountered him in everyday life or difficult life situations? In this case, compatibility according to the numbers of the life path will come to the rescue. It will be an excellent hint for the future development of relations.

What needs to be done in order to use this technique? Nothing complicated - just add the numbers of the day, month, and year of birth of yourself and your partner one by one, and then get a single digit.

Let's look at a specific example:

Partner 1: 25.05.1994 = 2+5+5+1+9+9+4= 35 =3+5 =8

Partner 2: 11.05.1995 = 31 =3+1 = 4

Now let's start deciphering.

Life Number Compatibility 1

People who have identical life numbers suit each other well both as friends and as lovers. Thanks to similar vibrations, it is easier for them to get closer, but personal growth can be slowed down.

The power-hungry unit and the weak two are controlled by the Solar and Lunar energies. This combination of incongruous, very far from ideal.

In love, as well as business relationships, Troikas use Units in order to obtain personal gain, therefore, for 1, such an alliance is undesirable.

Such an alliance will only benefit and please 4, which will not be able to reciprocate for 1.

The partners have a lot of common hobbies, but both are distinguished by excessive independence. It is best when ones and fives interact in politics and social activities.

Relationships are possible thanks to the practicality and generosity of the 6, which will provide support for the 1, but it is imperative that the 1 be the leader in the pair.

7 will be able to give 1 a lot of romance and joy. Union is good.

People related to these vibrations are complete opposites of each other. For the weak half of 1, marriage to men 8 will be fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

The ideal scenario is when a woman-one and a man-nine enter into an alliance.

Life Number Compatibility 2

Similar to the bulk of the same vibrations in a pair of two Twos, there will be instability and unproductiveness. Such relationships are short-lived.

Threes are excellent friends and mentors for the volatile Twos. They will be able to instill discipline in the latter and help them achieve what they want.

The couple is very favorable for marriage and business partnership. In other situations, Twos will suffer from the obstacles created by Fours.

These figures are antagonists, because between the planet Mercury (5) and the Moon (2) there is a long-standing war. Therefore, we can talk about very low compatibility in such an alliance.

Neutral Venus (6) in relation to the Moon (2) can become a good friend for her, but by no means an ideal lover.

7 will be able to teach 2 a lot, since the astrological mission of the first motivates them to provide selfless help to others.

Here there is an average compatibility. Well, if the partner with the number 2 is a man, and 8 is a woman.

Excellent compatibility option. 9 to 2 make perfect friends, spouses and business partners.

Life Number Compatibility 3

Although, as a rule, identical vibrations are unacceptable for each other, two triplets will quite succeed in creating a very harmonious pair.

3 and 4 it is worth abandoning business ties, because the first will always be the loser. A good option compatibility, if in a pair the guy will be 3, and the girl 4.

The restlessness of the planet Mercury (5) will create many problems for the 3 in business and marriage.

An example of harmony in the combination of the incongruous. The union will be more successful if the guy in it is 3, and the girl is 6.

Both numbers have enough general characteristics, for this reason, the partners are perfectly compatible with each other.

A bad combination due to the excessive independence and self-sufficiency of the Eight people.

Numerology advises 3 without any hesitation to make 9 your friend, lover and business partner.

Life Number Compatibility 4

Although the same numbers traditionally do not fit together, but in the case of two 4s, the situation changes. Therefore, the couple has a good chance for a joint future.

It is difficult for unreliable 5s to play the role of faithful spouses and friends for 4.

4 are very hardworking, while 6 are, on the contrary, lazy. An exception, perhaps, will be the union of guy 4 and girl 6.

Since both numbers are astrologically close to each other, 7 helps 4 without expecting anything in return.

While the 8 stands for the protection of the interests of the 4, the second partner can be engaged in the improvement of their spiritual virtues.

This number combination is very favorable for friendly and partner relationships. It is important that matrimonial ties do not arise in such a union.

Life Number Compatibility 5

In the union of two Fives, there is a fairly high compatibility. Partners can develop their personal potential in a relationship.

In such a pair, the Fives will greatly benefit, because the Six partners will be the perfect complement to their character.

In this case, we are faced with not very high love compatibility, due to the negative energy of the sevens for the five partners. Because of this, you will have to abandon the creation of trusting relationships.

Numerology does not advise Fives to choose Eights for themselves as spouses or business partners.

A pair that combines cold Mercury (5) and hot Mars (9) will have a mutually positive vibrational field.

Life Number Compatibility 6

Two Sixes may well have a good time with each other, but in such a relationship there will be no mutual inspiration.

The down-to-earth Sixes are not given to understand the full inner depth of the Sevens prone to dreams and fantasies, however, they should not even try to delve into all the utopian ideas of their partner.

The ideal area of ​​\u200b\u200blife for the contact of the numbers 6 and 8 is the field of art and the political field. But at the same time, Sixes should not make financial investments in a business founded by Eights.

A very good combination, but in this case, the Nine risks overloading itself with work if it organizes a joint venture with the Six.

Life Number Compatibility 7

Two irresponsible and arrogant Sevens who love to quarrel will not be able to achieve harmony while they are next to each other.

These are completely emotionally incompatible personalities. Successful Eights will constantly misunderstand and judge overly selfish Sevens.

Nines will be able to play a good role for people-Sevens: for example, they will be able to instill in them a healthy practicality. But with all this, in terms of long-term love relationships, the union will not be successful.

Life Number Compatibility 8

The combination between the two Eights will give rise to a very powerful energy field, which can be directed by them both to something positive and to destruction.

People with a life number of 9 will be able to temper the character of the Eight people, which will ensure their self-improvement. But with all this, we can talk about the sufficient problematic and fragility of the love relationship between them in an official marriage.

Life Number Compatibility 9

An exceptionally serious conflict can destroy that true love or friendship that has been established between the two Nines. Otherwise, we can talk about perfect love compatibility in a couple.

I really hope that thanks to these two methods of determining compatibility in a couple, you will be able to analyze your relationship with your loved one and establish that you are a good match for each other.

We wish you to definitely meet your soul mate, and for a snack, watch a fascinating video clip:

Our ancestors in everyday life called themselves one name, and were baptized by another - a secret, church name, which was carefully guarded from strangers. Why such difficulties? Knowing a person’s name is enough, both for prayer for health and for a conspiracy to die. If the name is known to the enemy, then you are in danger - our ancestors thought so.

Names are a set of sounds that has its own special energy. Our name affects our destiny, and people who change their name change the very course of life. This rule also applies to love. You have probably noticed that in love affairs you often come across partners of the same name. This could give you the idea of ​​looking for compatibility and surnames for marriage. It must be assumed that something in the energy of your names attracts you. But what - this can be determined using the compatibility of names and surnames in.

Compatibility calculation

Numerology is the science of numbers, and each letter in it has its own numerical value.

Let's take a look at the table that will help us calculate the compatibility of the last name and first name of partners:

  • 1 - A, I, Y, Y, L;
  • 2 - B, F, K, L, R, W, Z;
  • 3 - G, S, C;
  • 4 - D, M, T;
  • 5 - E, H, X;
  • 6 - V, U, E;
  • 7 - Z, O, Ch, Yu;
  • 8 - P, F;
  • 9 - Shch.

We take the names Anna and Igor, and count.



Now let's see how the names and surnames of partners are combined according to the results of numerological calculations.

1 - compatible with everyone, but needs the understanding of a partner and love for new ideas and undertakings.

2 - 1, 8, 6 and 3 are suitable for them. Twos appreciate comfort and warmth, and partners should provide them with stability, without sudden changes.

3 - 1, 3, 9 and 6 will do. They are dynamic and at the same time naive. It will not be easy for them with a conservative partner, since the life credo of triples is to go against stereotypes.

4 - 1, 6, 2, 8 will do. Fours are pessimists, but they are looking for a partner who will be able to cheer them up. At the same time, the partner of the four must be very patient, as she needs time to disperse in spirit.

5 - fit 7, 9 and 3. They are wise and freedom-loving, looking (and long and hard) for a partner who can understand their needs and at the same time provide diversity.

6 - 1, 3, 9, 4 are suitable. For sixes, the most important thing is the beauty of life. They are aesthetes and love it when a partner admires them, but they want a person whom the six themselves can admire as their partner.

7 - 3, 1 and 9 will do. Seven has excellent intuition, she always feels what is right and how it should be. They are diverse and multifaceted, but always adhere to their principles.

8 - 1, 2 and 8 will do. Eights are picky and secretive. They distribute the whole world according to priorities and degree of importance, and make excessive demands on partners.

9 - 3, 7 and 8 will do. Nines are hyperactive people who do not tolerate passive and whiny people in their society. They are great advisers, but at the same time, very active. A person with no less active life position will suit them.

People have a tendency to pay great attention to symbols and signs. Attributing mystical meaning to them, people try to explain facts and events with their help, try to predict fate or find out about the compatibility of two partners. Some prefer horoscopes, others prefer divination. But lovers of accuracy use numerology.

Numerology by date of birth is an interesting and proven way to learn more about a person and his fate, to determine what is favorable for him and what is better to avoid.

Throughout life, we find ourselves in different situations, encounter different things, meet different people. For some people we feel inexplicable sympathy, while others are unpleasant to us. Why this happens, numerology can answer, compatibility by date of birth is a simple and proven way to calculate and find out with whom it is worth communicating, and who is better to bypass the hundredth way.

But, numerology by date of birth has gained particular popularity among people who are going to take an important step in their lives - to get married. They want to be sure that they are completely suitable for each other. That their love will live on even after the passion subsides. You can calculate compatibility by date of birth for free and pretty quickly. All you need to do is visit our website.

On our site you can find many ways to find out more about yourself and your life that numerology offers: compatibility by date of birth, happy and lucky days of the year, a penchant for a particular profession, a good day for conception, and much more.

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