Arcana tarot and signs of the zodiac. General characteristics of Virgo Libra - Lovers

Virgos reach great heights through hard work and constancy. They are very executive, try not to climb on the rampage and not conflict with their surroundings. Harmony for them consists of many small details, separate components. Therefore, among Virgos we find many extras, accountants and librarians. Virgo is a sign of service, work. Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to work tirelessly for their goal. Virgos are considered the most intelligent sign of the Zodiac, as they are able to memorize a huge amount of material, analytically process and systematize it. However, with the synthesis of the representatives of this sign is rather weak. Virgo is associated with systematization and classification. Almost all compilers encyclopedic dictionaries were born under this sign. Among the representatives of this sign are many outstanding scientists, especially experimental scientists. Due to the strong position in the sign of Proserpine and Mercury, Virgos study very well, perceive any information. Therefore, many of them are distinguished by information saturation, erudition. However, Virgos lack intuition and creative initiative. They need to check everything, see it with their own eyes and touch it, since it is difficult for them to perceive information in an abstract way. Virgos are the strongest critics, but, having great pride, they do not tolerate criticism against them. Pedantry, prudence and prudence, combined with diligence, make Dev practically invulnerable to any nit-picking. At the same time, they themselves like to find fault with trifles, they try to adhere to cleanliness and order. At a low level, they can go to extremes: either neat or slutty. "Low" Virgos are distinguished by suspicion, suspiciousness, pettiness, tediousness, envy, servility, servility and strong self-interest, as well as coldness and insensitivity. One of the most serious distortions in Virgo is a usefulness complex, when representatives of this sign consider themselves the smartest. They believe that they know everything, understand everything and can do everything, therefore they try to be a “plug in every barrel”, they try to embrace the immensity. Virgos are not alien to coquettishness and flirting, but they look at love soberly - they quickly determine all the shortcomings and advantages of a partner. AT family life most often in the first place they have a sense of duty. Love is given to them with great difficulty, because they perceive it mentally, through the mind and intellect, and love is an irrational feeling that cannot be explained only by intellectual constructions. Therefore, among Virgos there are cold, clamped, notorious people, especially in the field of feelings. They can restore a complete picture from any particle. Sherlock Holmes is a typical Virgo.


Characteristic appearance: a tendency to be overweight, a slight waist. The face is almost square, small ears, small mouth, deep-set eyes, straight eyebrows, often wheat-colored hair.
Marks of defilement: ears with cut lobes.
Part of the body: top part belly (up to the navel). Number: 14.
Stones: onyx, tourmaline, rock crystal, jasper and others.
Metal: bismuth.
Place in the house: kitchen.
Sports: cycling, chess.
States: France, Japan, Czech Republic, Latvia. Traditions, cultures: Phoenician, Carthaginian, South Indian.
Food: bakery products
Health: Virgo's weakness is in increased attention to their own health and hygiene. The vulnerable organ is the intestines. Psychological imbalance can derail the entire digestive system. Therefore, it is especially important to adhere to the diet.

The tarot horoscope treats each zodiac sign and its corresponding planet as a separate tarot card. The characteristic of this card contains a certain formula for the fate, character and inner world of people, and for one it creates additional features understanding the meanings of tarot cards.

The fusion of Astrology and the teachings of TAROT is essentially the application of the same ancient hypothesis. However, the psychological models of TAROT have been used more than once by psychologists to analyze the human personality, for example, in the works of Jung. Many interesting differentiated methods of personality analysis and tests have been published for studying the mental state of people based on the major arcana of TARO.


The Jester card symbolizes openness, curiosity, spontaneity and impulsiveness. It is these qualities that are inherent in the Sign of Aries. The jester is not always the Madman or the Fool, it's just that the card shows a person in the attire of a jester. Mountains surround it, and the sun shines overhead. He strives into the distance to start all over again, from a “clean slate”, he is accompanied by a faithful friend - a white dog. White color dominates this map, personifying emptiness and fullness at the same time.

And indeed, many opportunities are open before Aries, the main thing is that he be reasonable and attentive enough on his way. Aries is also a symbol of rather light karma, since on the “earthly” plane the Jester is associated with inner freedom and getting rid of old patterns of behavior and thoughts.

Another name for the Jester is “Mast” or “Support”, and the support in this case is a sense of inner freedom.

Problems on life path Aries arise when his inner freedom turns into uncontrolled aggression. Therefore, with, the inverted Arcana "Jester" means the inability to make commitments, mental illness, neurosis and psychosis. Another card of Aries is the "Chariot", where the ruling planet Mars symbolizes self-affirmation.


The Empress card is associated with Taurus and its Venus, as a symbol of fertility, growth and the elements of the Earth. In the Egyptian Tarot, the Empress is the Goddess Isis.

The Empress is depicted sitting in an armchair, in the middle of a garden where flowers and cereals grow. At the foot of the chair is a heart-shaped shield with the sign of Venus. The lasso personifies the combination of male and female principles, but the female prevails.

The pose of the Empress is free and full of inner dignity. So Taurus - calm by nature, allows events to take their course.

Despite the fact that Taurus is partly a symbol of fertility, love and art, it is also interconnected with the monetary sphere. Money is associated with Taurus with a source of comfort and pleasure.

And although the Sign of Taurus patronizes material wealth, however, it requires, first of all, to think about harmonious relationships with a partner and about creating a strong family.


The Magician card symbolizes the power of knowledge and magnetism. Corresponds to the Zodiacal planet Mercury, the symbol of the will and the word. In general, Mercury is a constant creation, since its fluid basis participates in all processes of transition from one action to another. The astrological meaning of Mercury is an intermediary that carries information.

The magician is dressed in a spacious robe, clutching in his hand magic wand- a symbol of creativity. Above the head is the "eight", the traditional sign of infinity. Two snakes form the Magician's belt, reminding of the connection of times and the fact that everything in the world repeats itself. In front of the Magician are a goblet, a sword, a denarius and a wand. This is the 4 suits of the entire Tarot deck and the symbols of the 4 elements: water, earth, fire and air.

Accordingly, it controls information, intellect, creative talents, and is responsible for the upcoming choice. The main karmic task of Gemini is the ability to make decisions. In the earthly incarnation, the Gemini will have several new periods of life, when nothing has been decided yet, everything is in their hands, the main thing is to accept the right decision, and then everything will go by itself. On an everyday level, Gemini needs constant initiative and change of events.

Therefore, in an inverted form, the Arcana Mage can mean the omission of the moment of choice, the loss of power over events, energy stagnation and a creative dead end.


The lasso "Moon" symbolizes the inner, emotional world of a person and the unconscious direction of instinctive aspirations outward. The card depicts the Moon illuminating the earth and the river, near which a dog and a wolf howl. Cancer is depicted in the water.

The life path of representatives of this Sign often leads to the threshold of the unknown, the "foggy zone"; no further path is visible, what will happen next is unclear. In many cases, Cancers are hindered by doubts, longing and fear. It is no coincidence that the Egyptian version of the name of the card is “Dusk”, images and thoughts emerge from the very depths of the subconscious. It seems that a person is already approaching the truth, but fear prevents him from crossing the threshold. Too often, Cancer is tempted to turn back or hide from the prickliness of the world around them.

The karmic task of Cancer is not to cultivate the lower hypostasis of the Moon in itself, and emotions and feelings should not prevail over the mind.

The aura of the "Moon" also has signs of motherhood, the perceiving principle of "Yin" prevails.

The negative nature of the Moon symbolizes dependencies and illusions that destroy any plans and lead far from the goal.

a lion

The lasso "Sun" is a symbol of the long-awaited light and joy, which every person usually strives for, but first you need to learn to comprehend the main thing, cutting off everything superfluous. The sun is one of the luckiest cards in the tarot deck. So the Zodiac Sign of Leo bestows powerful patronage in all areas.

But the lowest manifestation of the Sign of Leo is the card "Strength", symbolizing vitality, passion and pride. This Arcana shows the taming of the Lion by a woman. The lion is calm, his tail is slightly tucked up. The main idea of ​​the card is the taming of one's passions, after which there is an opportunity to achieve great success.

It is sometimes too difficult for those born to act wisely and gently, to find ways of harmonious coexistence with other people, because of their pride and selfishness. Therefore, an inverted card of Strength means selfishness, treachery and rudeness.


The sign of Virgo represents the lower but sensitive shell of the earth, the earth's crust, which hides the realm of Hades. Here Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is in exaltation.

Arcana "The Hermit" - the image of a monk holding a lantern and a golden staff. This tarot card is a symbol of renunciation of aspirations for the material and an appeal to the soul and mind. It would seem a hackneyed truth, but in order to understand it, sometimes it is necessary to live a whole life. The hermit has already set foot on the path of knowledge, the so-called "path of Tao" or Buddha.

The meaning of the Arcana: it's time to leave the petty worries to which the Virgo gives so much energy, and think about the soul.

In general, Virgo, who loves solitude, can use the allotted periods of her loneliness for the benefit of any business. And at the same time, she should rely only on herself, then the success of her plans is guaranteed.

The second card of Virgo is "Temperance", the meaning of which hardly needs to be explained.


Arcana "Justice" - a symbol of Venus of the Sign Libra, a symbol of balance, equality, justice and social interaction. On the map there is an image of Themis holding a sword and scales in her hands. The meaning of the Arcana: be honest with yourself and do not disturb the balance.

Another Arcana Libra - "Lovers". He helps Libra understand the desires of other people, describes how alliances, partnerships and marriages arise. In the Egyptian Tarot, this Arcana is called "Two Ways". Meanwhile, there are three lovers on the map, a kind of love triangle. Therefore, in an inverted form, the card can mean a deterioration in relations due to betrayal and betrayal.


Arcana "Death" in Astrology correlate with the sign of Scorpio. Death on this tarot card is depicted as a skeleton, on foot or on horseback. On the horizon is the Sun. The sign of Scorpio rules death, but it also rules the genitals, so concepts such as life and death are combined here. Death and life are inseparable, the end of something means the beginning of another, or indicates a constant renewal of the personality.

The meaning of the Arcana: the completion of some stages of life and the beginning of others. This is an invariable personality trait of Scorpio, which has large reserves of energy, is often torn apart by internal contradictions, and sometimes seems to "eat" itself. The main age limits and critical points when Scorpio goes through personality transformation are 14, 21, 24, 36, 42, 48, and 63 years. These changes do not need to be feared and restrained. They are essential for continued growth.

Accordingly, in an inverted form, Arkan indicates that the transformation has already occurred, and new changes should not be rushed. Everything has its time.


"Wheel of Fortune" - Arcana Tarot, close to the energy of the Sign of Sagittarius, since the ruling planet of the Sign - Jupiter symbolizes the unpredictability of fate and the wise acceptance of this fact. The analogue of the Wheel of Fortune in the Egyptian Tarot is the Sphinx.

Not everything depends on the desires of Sagittarius, there is an invisible chain of accidents and uncertainties that should be taken into account when making plans for the future.

The main meaning of the Wheel of Fortune: beware, do not make unnecessary movements, otherwise it will blow you away! Pay attention to the center of the wheel, focus on the only fixed point - your own "I".


The planet of Capricorn is considered to be Saturn, the planet of limit, limitation, and metamorphosis in the cycle of "dying and becoming".

Arcana "Devil" - the heir of Saturn, his dark, masculine manifestation. In the Tarot, the Devil is depicted classically: sitting on a stone, with wings and a goat's face. Between the horns is an inverted pentagram. The card symbolizes desires and temptations that are not customary to talk about, many simply do not want to admit them, but in the end they will suddenly make themselves felt. This card is a sign of trials, after passing which, a person will rise to new level self awareness. Sometimes this requires the destruction of the old, outdated structure and the revision of old values.

The lasso "Tower" has a similar meaning. The map depicts a high tower, the top of which is surrounded by clouds and lightning. The tower is cracking, leaning and ready to fall. The meaning of the card: what seems to be an unshakable foundation is an illusion. Don't give in to despair and start building a "new house".


The two hypostases of the Aquarius Tarot are the Hanged Man and the Star.

"The Hanged Man" is a restriction of freedom, albeit a temporary one. On the other hand, this is the opposite of the usual view of things, when temporary difficulties can confuse a person’s soul. The planet of Aquarius - Uranus, is indeed a symbol of destruction, complete change and perfect readiness for change, but this requires a sacrifice. In the Egyptian Tarot, Arkan is called the “Sacrifice”. The main meaning of the card: a new thing comes into your life that seems strange, inexplicable, but don’t let it scare you, be open to the new, look at the world differently, keep your spirit clear.

Arcana Tarot "Star" - the highest hypostasis of Aquarius, symbolizing the desire for the inexpressible, the divine. In particular, Crowley relates this card with "giving water". - the guardian of the waters of life that pour out from the Cups of the Goddess of the Stars.


The ruler of Pisces is Neptune - the planet of cosmic unity, spiritual science, the world of images, the eternal process and transformations. Therefore, Pisces corresponds to the Arcana "Peace", the opposite of which is chaos - the original unformed state of the world.

Arcana "World" - one of the most positive in the Tarot deck, gives favorable answers to almost any question, even upside down. It symbolizes a person who has found his half, who has reached harmony with the Universe, or, at least, who has moved to a new level of knowledge. The card calls to get rid of the illusions that are very characteristic of the Sign of Pisces.

Virgo's motto is "I ANALYZE"

Fixed sign, ruler— Mercury. The element is earth.
lucky days- Wednesday.
bad days- Thursday Friday.
Season- autumn.
good places- markets, exchanges, schools, meadows, fields, copses.
Numbers- 3, 5 (all divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples of 12), 20, 27.
Color spectrum- white, light blue, purple, green.
stones- yellow sapphire (cat's eye), agate, jasper, malachite, topaz.
Metal- copper, tin.
Flowers- coltsfoot, red poppies, asters.
Symbols- Virgo, cube, vat.
Mascot- aster.
Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 2, 7, 12 and their combinations 2712, 712 ...

Virgo Temperament: Reserved, melancholic.

Virgo personality: Modest, simple, calm, sociable, but rather dry, methodical to the point of pedantry. Intellectual interests prevail. In case of defeat, excessive passivity, coldness, criticality, cynicism, deceit and ruthlessness are possible. Positive features - diligence, the fulfillment of duty, which sometimes leads to narrow-mindedness.

Virgo Professions: Scientist, writer, critic, educator, teacher, doctor, inventor, craftsman. The ability to distinguish, order, practicality, mind. Virgo is always seeking knowledge to bring matter under the control of the mind, constantly working. He does his job with meticulous accuracy, noticing all the details. Virgo is thorough, accurate, loves to bring order into chaos. Virgo subjects her world to microscopic analysis, often gets stuck in the unimportant, cannot grasp the problem in its entirety. Highly organized Virgos over time are able to distinguish the main from the unimportant. Then they make great scientists, constructive critics, excellent publishers, for whom perfection is the first commandment. You should evaluate your own and other people's achievements objectively and impartially. Virgo's abilities are suitable for service-related professions.
Science and higher education: Medicine, philology, journalism, languages, pedagogy, psychology.
Production activity: Librarianship, clerical work, editorial and proofreading activities, reception centers of the service sector, canteens, workshops, dry cleaning, laundries, etc. Bureaucracy, executive apparatus, commerce, shop, teaching and secretarial activities, inspectors, registrars.
The medicine: Therapy, pharmacology, dietology, hygiene, physiotherapy, shock therapy, parapsychology.
Sport: Intellectual sports and physical education.
Art: Literature, graphics, ceramics.

Virgo Work: For Virgo, this is God, and success is associated with logic, order, consistency and discipline. Lots of work related travel. For Virgo, there are no small and unimportant details. A subordinate position is always more profitable for her than a free profession or an independent business. For Virgo, the real aristocracy is the aristocracy of labor. When too much demands are placed on her, unreasonable and high, she convincingly says no.

Virgo Career: By nature, Virgo is not a leader, at least not too big, but can be a good administrator, organizer, manager or director, especially in an established enterprise. Excessive criticality and the inability to hold your tongue can significantly interfere with the career of the Virgo.

Virgo Business: Virgo's fortune can only be acquired through hard work. Usually follows the laws of fair play. Success will come to Virgo by virtue of a commitment to rigor and system - in medicine, training, production, agriculture.

Virgo Health: People of this sign are characterized by intestinal disorders, purulent appendicitis, peritonitis, diseases abdominal cavity. Virgo is characterized by constantly hidden anxiety and nervousness. She is prone to all sorts of infections. Virgo often has a preoccupied look: she often becomes a doctor, in general she likes to take care of her own health and that of others. Usually he takes a bunch of medicines unnecessarily, diligently diets, etc. (raw food, vegetarianism). Virgo first of all needs a measure in everything. Worthless fears can lead to diseases, but in general she has an enviable physical resistance to disease if the mind is disciplined. The body of the Virgo rejects artificial nutrition and medicines, if she is nervous, angry - food can become harmful to her. Virgos respond especially well to herbs and decoctions. An hour or two of rest in solitude is shown every day. Holiday Virgo is better spent in the mountains, you can in the village. Of the elements shown calcium. From herbs - mint, chamomile.

Each of the Major Arcana of the Tarot and each sign of the Zodiac symbolizes one or another fundamental aspect of human nature. A correctly read Tarot alignment allows you to penetrate the secrets of the past, present and future, while the zodiacs represent the 12 main types of human personality.

By combining both of these sign systems, we can look deeper into the innermost depths of our actions and thoughts, understand the underlying and unconscious motives and motives for our actions.

The Tarot shows us our problems and current circumstances, offering one or another solution, and the sign of the zodiac explains the reasons and factors for which we acted this way and not otherwise. Find the Arcana that matches your zodiac and continue to take this nuance into account when interpreting and interpreting Tarot layouts. Meditate on the complex symbolism of the Arcana corresponding to your zodiac sign in order to penetrate into the most hidden corners of your personality and subconscious. You can be sure that such a method will reveal to you new, previously unknown facets of the wisdom of 22 Arcana.

1. Aries - Fool

Zero Arkan, the Fool, is a young inexperienced young man who is just taking his first steps along the path of life. Courageous and inquisitive, he is open to new sensations and impressions. Like Aries, the first sign of the zodiac circle, the Fool takes on new things with ease and is always ready to take a step towards the unknown. This Arcana reminds Aries that one should follow the path of life easily and naturally, with open mind and a pure heart.

2. Taurus - Empress

In Tarot, the Empress is the embodiment of the divine feminine. She is a combination of dignity and nobility, strength and fertile energy of the earth. She is full of sympathy and compassion. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, like the Empress, is patient and always ready to help. Those born under this sign are always ready to take care of others, with considerable empathy and subtle sensitivity.

3. Gemini - Mage

Those born under the sign of Gemini, the third in the zodiac, are charming, intelligent and sociable. Like the Magician, they can achieve success in all their plans, thanks to their own abilities and a lively mind. The magician warns Gemini against two extremes - superficiality and stubborn inertness.

4. Cancer - Moon

Mysterious and incomprehensible, the Moon can be loving and warm at the same time. The character of many Crayfish is fully consistent with the qualities of the Arcana Tarot patronizing them. Jealous and easily vulnerable, Cancer is ready for anything for someone he trusts. Although the representatives of this sign are not inclined to change, the radiant Moon with its regularly changing phases will light their way even in the darkest hour.

5. Leo - Sun

Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac, prefers to shine like the sun. Such people are vain and selfish, they love to be in the center of general attention, endowing everyone and everyone with their favor. The lasso of the Sun is both a characteristic of Leo and a warning for him: do not be blinded by your own radiance and egocentrism, pay attention to those who are close to you.

6. Virgo - Hermit

The Arcana of the Hermit symbolically shows all the typical properties and traits of Virgos. These people are thinkers and contemplators, they are able to reach unthinkable mystical depths, but at the same time become unbearable due to constant pedantry, doubts and introspection. The Hermit makes it clear that everyone born under the sign of Virgo has their own strengths and weak sides. Reflect on the symbolism of this Arcana in order to better understand the features of your own personality.

7. Libra - Lovers

The seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra, always strives for balance and loves to be in strong relationships. But, like any sign, Libra also has a dark side: they can make excessive demands on their other half and literally pester her with their affection. It is this trait that is illustrated by the Arcanum of the Lovers. Meditate on the symbolism of this card to find the perfect balance and equilibrium for you in your relationship.

8. Scorpio - Death

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is a secretive, self-contained and vulnerable person, driven by his desires and sensual passion. Just as the Death Arcanum means change, Scorpios do not tolerate stagnation and stagnation. And, like the inexorable tread of Death, the actions and aspirations of Scorpio cannot be stopped by almost anything. The symbol of the Arcanum indicates to all Scorpios the need to be flexible and be able to take into account the desires and interests of others.

9. Sagittarius - World

Before Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac circle, paths and roads are open in all directions. The temptation is too great. Many Sagittarians are ready to squander their strength and talents on trifles, instead of focusing on a few main goals. The Arcana World also hints to those born under the sign of Sagittarius that all the variety of paths is not limited to the outside world: there is also a deep path to the inner world of one's own personality.

10. Capricorn - Emperor

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, was in ancient cultures the epitome of unbridled and sometimes brutal male power. However, the Emperor, the symbol of the Arcana, rules his realm with dignity, wisdom and self-control. This symbolism of the Tarot is an indication of what qualities Capricorn should develop: his energy and strength should be directed and controlled by the mind.

11. Aquarius - Star

Inspiration, love, love of freedom and rebellious spirit - these qualities prevail in Aquarius, the eleventh zodiac sign. They can't stand it when they try to lower them to the ground and subdue someone else's will. The symbolism of the Arcana of the Star will help all those born under this sign to find the perfect balance: not twisted in the clouds and not building castles in the air, they will nevertheless be able to maintain their freedom, not being bound hand and foot by obligations and responsibilities.

12. Pisces - Hanged Man

Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, is traditionally considered the most spiritual and even mystical. Swimming in the abyss of their visions and fantasies, those born under the sign of Pisces can easily turn into empty idealists or romantics divorced from reality. The lasso of the Hanged Man and its symbolism points Pisces to their weakness: excessive sensitivity, gullibility and self-absorption can lead to a false, distorted and inverted worldview.

Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27. Success time. Days of the week: Wednesday, Saturday. Months: end of December - beginning of January, end of April - beginning of May, summer. Years: 2019, 2026, 2033, 2040, 2047.

Unlucky times. Days of the week: Thursday, Friday. Months: end of November - beginning of December, end of February - beginning of March, a month before the birthday. Years: 2015, 2018, 2022, 2025, 2029, 2032, 2036, 2039, 2043, 2046, 2050.

Power Items: copper goblet (placed on the desktop or in the house in a conspicuous place), grasshopper, aster. Talisman stones: jade, carnelian, yellow sapphire, marble.

Astropsychological portrait. Virgo is a sign associated with work, service, duty; sign of overcoming difficulties. That is why Virgos are always concerned about their health and do not forget to turn to medicine for help. They are ready to work tirelessly for the sake of a great goal, clear and real. Virgos hate idleness and never help those who do not want to work. These are rationalists with a perfectly developed logic. Their mind is sober, they have few illusions about life and other people. Even being in love, they clearly see the shortcomings of their beloved and try to correct them with the most different ways. But do not think that Virgos are devoid of feelings and emotions and are guided only by logic. Virgos have feelings, but they rarely spill out. Even love for Devs is primarily a duty. If someone really needs help, Virgo will readily go forward and do everything in her power.

Virgos perfectly perceive information, have an unsurpassed ability to memorize factual material and systematize it. That is why many Virgos are honored with the nickname "a walking encyclopedia." They always know everything and will give reasonable and practical advice on any issue. Virgos are looking for knowledge in order to subdue matter through the mind - this is their cosmic task.

People of this sign are the most thorough critics, but at the same time they themselves react painfully to any comments addressed to them. Virgos may lack intuition and creativity, they certainly need to touch everything, see with their own eyes, it is difficult for them to perceive abstract information. They analyze the whole world, however, being excellent analysts, they are not strong in synthesis. As a result, Virgo can get bogged down in trifles and "does not see the forest for the trees." In her everyday life, complete order usually reigns.

Fate line. In childhood and adolescence, Virgos experience great difficulties. Subsequently, they have a stable and secure position. Virgo creates her happiness herself - over decades, hard work, many years of trials. AT personal life most Virgos go through a crisis between the ages of 18 and 29. Marriage and divorce are possible, or difficulties in finding a suitable life partner. The age of harmony and happiness in her personal life begins quite late for her - from 36 years old, and for some Virgos - from 42 years old.

Health. Virgo is the sign that rules health. If Virgo manages to discipline his mind, then health will be excellent. First of all, the intestines are vulnerable in representatives of this sign. Virgo often has intestinal disorders, abdominal diseases, peritonitis, constipation, diabetes. Psychological imbalance can disable the entire digestive system. Therefore, Virgos, more than all other signs, it is important to adhere to a diet. Disruptions in nutrition cause them problems with the intestines. Important good mood during meals, otherwise the food does not bring sufficient benefit. The mineral salt of the Virgin - potassium sulfate - is found in chicory, oats, cheese, almonds, beef, bread, buckwheat, pearl barley.

Love, sex, marriage. Virgos are cold and reserved in love manifestations. The reason is a critical attitude towards love, a case where the expression "woe from wit" is appropriate. The developed, super-analytical mind of the Virgo, accustomed to evaluate and put everything on the shelves, does not allow her to be liberated. Virgos analyze their feelings, trying to minimize them with the help of reason, doubts, ridicule, while being attached to a partner more than they think. They approach the choice of a life partner like a peasant approaches the choice of a horse. She will never fall below the bar she has set for herself. And at the same time, these are the most faithful and devoted spouses. A Virgo will never sacrifice a year of her life for a moment of pleasure. Momentary romantic impressions are not worth 10 years of a quiet life. Virgo understands this like no other. Her love is based on a solid and stable foundation. First, she creates a base - economic, housing, social, and then she is looking for a superstructure - a chosen one or a chosen one.

Virgos have the greatest difficulties on initial stage relations. Virgos do not know how to behave, how to express their feelings. They prove more with deeds than with words, but not everyone can understand and appreciate this. Sometimes a lack of emotionality leads to the fact that Virgo hits the other extreme and sets records for the number of love affairs. She becomes a cold experimenter, begins to choose her partner according to the sign of the zodiac, the sum of the numbers of the first and last names, the length of the nose, the volume of the hips, and then collects a collection of impressions.

The best partners for a Virgo man- women from the signs of Scorpio and Virgo. With Taurus, Libra, Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius and Cancer, compatibility is average. With Pisces, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Gemini, Sagittarius and Leo.

The best partners for a Virgo woman- men from the sign of Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. With Cancer, Capricorn, Leo and Libra, compatibility is average. With Pisces and Aquarius, the union is based on sex. There is no compatibility with Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini.

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