Divination for love compatibility by name and surname. Compatibility by date of birth on tarot cards Compatibility men women by last name

Name compatibility is the key to harmonious and long term relationship. Since ancient times, thinkers and philosophers have tried to understand the hidden meaning of the combination of sounds in their digital expression. In our time, modern psychologists have also approved this.

Compatibility calculation by name online

To test for compatibility, enter two names and click the "Find out" button. Be sure to specify full names - the result will depend on this.

first name

second name

Enter names

The sound of a person's name causes a different emotional response in people. Some people like the name, while others have unpleasant associations. What is it connected with? The name of a person creates certain vibrations in space that make a change in the surrounding reality. If these vibrations coincide with ours, the person seems pleasant to us. If they do not match, we cannot perceive it adequately.

Choosing a name is a responsible step, because its meaning determines the future life of a little person. Our Orthodox ancestors were not wiser with the choice of a name, but named the baby in honor of the saint honored on the birthday of the newborn. This determined the further fate of the new man.

AT modern world not many are named according to the holy calendar, they are mainly guided by the euphony of the name and other criteria. People who want to get married should independently study the meaning of the name of the chosen one in order to make an approximate forecast of the success of their choice.

The numerical code of the name contains all the information about the person:

  • his character;
  • attachments;
  • hobbies;
  • attitude towards people of the opposite sex.

This numerical code is read by the subconscious and determines our attitude towards a person. In this case, it is not necessary to hear the name - you can just read it. The coincidence of the numerical code is important not only for the selection of staff, it is also important for the relationship between a man and a woman. You can make a horoscope of relationships, but numerical vibration makes decisive adjustments to the sphere of people's communication.

The calculation of the numerical code of the name will give an idea of ​​the dynamics of the development of relations, the compatibility of a married couple, and the necessary adjustment of relations. Also, this information will help to understand the mystery of the partner and find out the motives of behavior.

Numerical code of a man and a woman by last name and first name

First, let's start calculating the numerical code of names. It is based on the search for a number that combines names. This calculation is suitable both for determining the compatibility of marriage partners, and for determining the prospects for a business alliance.

To calculate, you need to write the name and surname of a person in a column, and next to each letter put its serial number in the alphabet. For example, the serial number of the letter A is 1, the letter B is 2, and so on. Calculate the numeric code for the name:

14+1+18+10+33 = 76.
76 = 7+6 = 13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

Now let's calculate the numerical code of the surname - Ivanov.

10+3+1+15+16+3+1 = 49.
49 = 4+9 =13.
13 = 1+3 = 4.

We ended up with two fours. Now you need to add them up to get the final number. It will be equal to eight. Now the same actions are carried out with the name and surname of the chosen one or business partner.

After that, you need to add the final numbers - yours and the chosen one. The harmony of relationships is determined by all even numbers, disharmony is expressed by all odd numbers. The exception to the rule is the number 18 - it symbolizes complete indifference and lack of interest.

Does an odd final number predict an unhappy marriage and a lack of understanding? This is not always the case, and mutual understanding can be. But all circumstances will develop in the most unfavorable way, and the married couple will have to overcome various obstacles on the path to happiness.

An exception to the odd series of final numbers are the numbers 19 and 21 - they predict a harmonious and happy union.

Name change question

How will the change of surname affect marriage? In the most direct way. Therefore, before entering into marriage, it is necessary to make a calculation with the name of the future husband and see the result. If it turns out to be unfavorable, there is no point in changing the surname.

The sound of a name

This technique allows you to determine compatibility in a relationship through the perception of a name by ear. How do we perceive the sound of a name, how do we react to sound waves? Sound defines a set of letters - a combination of vowels and consonants.

The more similar sounds in the names of partners, the more harmonious the relationship will be.

The ideal relationship in this case would be matching names - Valentine and, and etc.

Consider what characteristics each letter of the alphabet has.

  • A - carries vibrations of activity, power, inner strength.
  • B - gives the possibility of extrasensory perception.
  • B - allows you to feel unity with the world, and is also characterized by some eccentricity.
  • G - brings secrets and mystery.
  • D - determines the propensity for esotericism, and also gives a person a capricious character.
  • E - gives the gift to see the essence of things, as well as the ability to overcome obstacles on the way.
  • Yo is an emotional perception of the world, a desire to express one's opinion.
  • F - gives a rich imagination and versatile development.
  • Z - endows with an intuitive perception of the world, and also gives dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.
  • And - bestows a subtle perception of the world, responsiveness and extravagance.
  • K - gives insight and gives a sense of support.
  • L - a rich imagination, acting skills, a creative approach to the world.
  • M - conscientiousness, diligence, shyness, attentiveness to others.
  • N - gives a person ambition and claims to success, gives a liveliness of imagination and a desire for the right way of thinking.
  • About - unrestrained in emotions people.
  • P - endows with complexes and superstitions, a person puts on a mask on his face to hide his insecurity.
  • R - unshakable self-confidence, following the established rules.
  • C - gives a person a critical mind, a desire for power and control over everyone.
  • T - bestows sensitivity and the desire for self-improvement.
  • U - endows with developed intuition and the ability to empathize.
  • F - gives tenderness, original thinking and the desire to exaggerate everything.
  • X - defines variability in interests, decency and sexual modesty.
  • C - the desire to dominate, ambition and excessive pride.
  • H is devotion and ambition.
  • Ш - desire for power, lack of tolerance.
  • Щ is a person of an open soul, a developed mind, a sense of purpose.
  • B - the ability to negotiate, loyalty.
  • S - materialism, earthiness.
  • b - the ability to see to the root.
  • E - curiosity, the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts.
  • Yu - sacrifice, willpower.
  • I am a developed mind, creative thinking, pride.

The presence of growling consonants in the name determines the rigidity of the character. Also, the rigidity and complexity of the character is determined by the length of the person's name.

What role does patronymic play in the fate of a person? The sound series of the patronymic makes its own adjustments to the general numerical code - it strengthens or weakens the bright sides of the character. For example, a hard name with a soft middle name significantly softens the overall final version. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the qualities of a person by name and patronymic.

What to do if the name of a partner forms his unsightly qualities of character? In this case, numerologists advise to come up with affectionate nickname, having thought over in advance the combination of all sounds. If people do not match each other by name, you can always find a way out by applying ingenuity.

Information about compatibility by name between a man and a woman is of interest to many. Of course, a coincidence does not guarantee family happiness, but it inspires optimism and gives hope that just starting a romance can develop into something more. You can calculate the compatibility possibilities both on your own and with the help of special satvas that offer to do it online. Whatever the result of the test, it must be taken calmly.

Surname and date of birth

The combination of last name, first name and patronymic can give a complete description of a person's fate. Each letter in the name has its own number. It affects him throughout his life: it determines the main turning points. Sometimes a person has a chance to choose an alternative path, and sometimes it remains only to reconcile and live as destined. Of course, almost any event can be changed by your actions, deeds. But there are moments that you just need to live. But you also need to live them right. Knowing in advance what both have to go through, you can prepare in advance.

The date of birth determines the psychomatrix of a person. These numbers affect the character, talents, attitude to life and people, self-esteem, performance and energy. Knowing what is more developed and what needs to be tightened up, you can drastically change yourself for the better.

A lot of information gives compatibility by full name and date of birth. If it matches 100%, then there is a good chance to solve all issues and overcome all obstacles hand in hand. But if it's low, no big deal. In this case, it is necessary to accept the partner as he is. In addition, knowing his character, temperament and talents, you can competently build relationships, then there will be a minimum of conflicts and misunderstandings. This alignment gives a very accurate description of a person.

Compatibility in love

The combination of surname, name and patronymic gives one more characteristic: the number of the soul. This is important aspect, which shows compatibility on the spiritual plane. Without it, romantic and marital relationships will quickly come to naught. Adding the numbers of letters makes it clear how culturally developed the partner is. This alignment does not speak about what is at the moment, but about the makings, innate qualities.

So, you can calculate whether lovers are suitable for each other as follows using numerology. Sounds are added up to a monosyllabic number. For example, if the addition turned out to be 23, then you need to add 2 and 3. You get the number 5. This will be the number of the soul. Here letters assigned numbers:

Deviation of 1-2 points - the partnership will be long, 3-4 - long, but for a certain period, more than 4 - it will be extremely difficult to build relationships. It is possible to reduce differences in indicators. In this case, another name (home, pseudonym) or a diminutive variant is used.

Names and numbers

The surname is very important for a person. The combination of letters characterizes it business qualities, character, will. These qualities determine:

  • how successful is the partner in business
  • can you work with him?
  • How long will the partnership last?
  • can he be trusted with complex projects

If in business there is zero compatibility in the surnames of a guy and a girl, but there is an erotic and romantic affection, then this is not bad. Of course, you cannot open a family business with such a person. On the other hand, mixing love and work is not recommended. It is very difficult to change from horizontal to vertical relationships. Therefore, a negative result should not be taken to heart.

Starting a family business is the dream of many. But there is no guarantee that you can do business together with your spouse. To clarify this issue, a calculation is made for compatibility by fio online or the forecast is calculated independently.

The similarity and difference in commercial cases is calculated as follows.

It is necessary to consistently find out the number of the soul, individuality, name, fate. The first item is calculated by adding vowels in F. I. O: 1 - A, I; 2 - S; 3 - U; 4 - E; 5 - Yu; 6 - I, E; 7 - Oh, Y. Add the resulting numbers to a single-digit form. For example: 24 - 2+4=6.

The personality number is calculated in a similar way. Only this time consonants are added: 1 - C, I, b; 2 - T, Y, B; 3 - U, K, V; 4 - F, L, G; 5 - X, M, D; 6 - C, N; 7 - H; 8 - W, P, F; 9 - U, R, Z. Further, the calculation follows the same principle as described in the compilation of the number of the soul.

The number of the name is the sum of all the letters of the name. The number of fate is found out by adding the digits of the date of birth and bringing the result to a single-digit form.

Psychological characteristics

The number of the soul gives a psychological characteristic of a person, how resistant he is to problems, how to take responsibility, whether he finishes what he started. Here how the numbers of the soul are deciphered:

Personality Features

The number of individuality makes it possible to understand the characteristics of a person's personality. This will help determine how reliable he is, as a partner, whether he is suitable for temperament. It is worth paying attention to this information:

1. Powerful energy is combined with impulsiveness and aggression. The man loves to take risks and invent.

2. Harmony inside and outside of a person. A diplomat who knows how to resolve any conflicts. Able to work in a leadership position.

3. High charm and fullness of life. Luck never leaves such a person. Financially secure throughout life.

4. Personality reliable and constant. Businesses are based on such people. A person can work both as a subordinate and as a boss.

5. People with this number are unreliable in business: boastful, irresponsible. They are able to work with a large amount of information. They have a well-developed intuition, you can listen to their advice.

6. Sensitive and responsible nature, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of business prosperity. Hard worker. Such a person can be trusted a lot. But if a person is not distracted from work, there will be burnout. An important principle in business with this person is that rest should be planned and mandatory.

7. Hardworking, independent, firmly standing on their feet. Such people become independent early. In business, every project is brought to completion, the work is done efficiently and on time.

8. Strong, powerful personality. In society, he occupies a high position, absolute authority, leader. Able to respond to situations quickly, analytical mind.

9. They say about such people "not of this world." Dreamer. Not all of the plans come true, but most of the ideas are quite realistic.

Name number

The name helps to identify the makings of a person. They can be developed or, conversely, neutralized. These are the qualities that you can work with throughout your life. By strengthening the desired characteristics, you can advance the matter several steps in a short time. Here What does the number of a person's name mean?

1. A person with such a number is brave, ambitious. He has a lot of energy that drives him forward.

2. Insecure nature, fickle in actions and emotions. She is dependent on stronger people.

3. Talented in many areas. Success will definitely come if you work on it.

4. Responsible, pedantic. A fast career is expected in the exact sciences.

5. The main features are riskiness, love of freedom, a philosophical view of the world. In business, these qualities can be turned into dignity, bringing the company a significant profit.

6. Leader by nature. Money and fame will come in areas related to politics. Able to achieve authority and recognition in society.

7. Religious people who subtly feel the energies of this world. They will be able to climb the career ladder in art, religion, psychology.

8. Such people are lucky everywhere. Whatever business they undertake, everything will bring profit.

9. Just like the eights, all the roads are open to the nines. If you moderate arrogance and selfishness, you can stand at the very top of the career ladder.

Fate and activity

Fate is not something static. It changes with the choice of the individual. But there are certain points, situations through which it is worth passing. And the development of business at critical moments depends on this: the partner will save or steadfastly withstand the blows of life and win. This number also means in what activity can he best implement:

1. good partner who is a pleasure to work with. Such a person himself will do the work with high quality, and inspire others to exploits. Support and help in difficult times, capable of self-sacrifice.

2. Diplomat, artist, politician. A person who has a connection with people from "high society". Success is guaranteed in public professions.

3. Diligence, responsibility, spontaneity. Fortune will smile at the Troikas in creative professions: actor, TV presenter, musician, writer.

4. Excellent organizers. The best place for a career is management.

5. Talents are revealed in many areas. You just need to make a choice and move in the right direction.

6. Responsible, fair and conscientious person. Works for the benefit of the company. The main feature is that the public is above the individual. A person who cares more about others than himself.

7. Intellectually developed person. Success will be achieved in professions where “brain activity” is required.

8. Man of business. Competition, wrestling, rivalry, competition - all this brings pleasure. The case will be successful if a person can measure his strength with his peers.

9. A dreamer who wants to build an ideal world. Suitable social activities, journalism.

These characteristics are summed up and a personality characteristic is obtained. It should be calculated not only from a partner, but also from yourself. With equal or close values, a joint business can be started safely. And if there are no coincidences in terms of qualities, it is better to work separately. Perhaps everyone will succeed in their activities, and together they will get wealth.

The information received is not static. A person changes throughout life. Here are described only the makings that can be developed in the right direction. To make a final decision, it is still necessary to assess the situation that has developed at the moment.

Many people think about why they are attracted to this and not another partner, although there are more interesting options around. In addition to charisma and psychological unity, there is also the numerology of name compatibility. The attraction between two people is possible for one of the reasons - the harmony in the numbers of the name of each of the partners.

How to calculate your compatibility

To make a calculation, you only need to know the sum of the numerical value of the letters in the name. Numerology usually offers its own meanings, but the most popular option for this calculation is to reduce the letter to its order in the alphabet.

The letter A corresponds to one, B to two, etc. When calculating compatibility, you must use one of the options: calculate each name separately, getting 2 digits, or reduce the calculation result to a single number (from 1 to 9). It might look like this: Anna + Anton = 1+15+15+1 (for Anna) and 1+15+20+16+15 (for Anton). If reduced to two separate numbers, then Anna gets 32=3+2=5, and Anton gets 67=6+7=13=1+3=4.

Further calculations may look like one or two digits. In the first case, you need to check the compatibility of the numbers 5 and 4, and in the second, a single number 9 is obtained, which demonstrates how well the partners fit together.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that some calculations are based not only on names, but also on surnames. In this case, the principle is the same - the letters are replaced by numbers, and the result is reduced to one or two natural numbers.

Compatibility by total number

By reducing the result to a single number, you can find out how compatible the pair is:

  1. A woman will miss affection from her partner.
  2. Relationships will take on a practical nature: financial gain instead of love.
  3. In such an alliance, material stability will play an important role.
  4. There will be responsibility and a sense of duty in marriage.
  5. Such a couple knows how to express feelings in words, so there is no misunderstanding in the union.
  6. Partners have a desire to develop, drawing inspiration from each other.
  7. In a relationship, many things will be built intuitively, and not according to the rules.
  8. The novel promises success and infinity.
  9. The couple will have minor conflicts.

Combination of two identical numbers

If two identical numbers are received, you can check their compatibility. The data below shows how harmoniously the couple will build their relationship and what to expect from such an alliance:

  • 1:1 - people are distinguished by their independent character and fortitude: in such a pair, one will certainly want to dominate, and the second will have to adapt;
  • 2:2 - very often such an alliance is born as a result of joint activities, but an alliance built on the basis of business relations may turn out to be devoid of zest;
  • 3:3 is an option that is ideal for friendship, but hardly suitable for love;
  • 4:4 - the relationship will be stable, but the partners may turn out to be stubborn: so that the union does not cease to exist, you will have to work on yourself;
  • 5:5 - with such a combination of numbers, people often flare up love at first sight, but it can quickly disappear;
  • 6:6 - two sixes show that the couple has common values, but material problems can lead to discontent;
  • 7:7 - this combination indicates introverts who can coexist harmoniously;
  • 8:8 - despite the enthusiasm, the couple may often quarrel, presenting unreasonable claims to each other;
  • 9:9 - this union predicts not only strong love, but also an opportunity for self-development.

Combination of different numbers

Numerology also explains that if 2 different numbers arose during the calculation, this may indicate certain features of such a union.

Unit compatibility

  • 1:2 - there will be harmony in the relationship, but you need to seriously try;
  • 1:3 - one of the partners will try to extinguish the other, creating conflicts;
  • 1:4 - it is necessary to learn to listen to each other so that there is no disharmony;
  • 1:5 - in marriage there will be passion and sensuality, but it is important not to extinguish bright feelings with everyday problems;
  • 1:6 - a successful union in which each will take care of the other;
  • 1:7 - due to the difference in characters, you will have to accept and respect;
  • 1:8 - in such a union love, understanding and affection reign;
  • 1:9 - harmony is possible in a couple, but haste can ruin any relationship.

Compatibility of two

  • 2:3 - harmonious union;
  • 2:4 - relationships are full of feelings and passion;
  • 2:5 - in a pair, each will defend their freedom;
  • 2:6 - the union is built on respect;
  • 2:7 - harmonious coexistence, but there may be discontent;
  • 2:8 - the union promises to be strong if only family concerns are divided in half;
  • 2:9 - a homebody and a lover of outings may be in a pair, which will negatively affect their life together.

Troika compatibility

  • 3:4 - different temperaments can positively affect the union, but they can also negatively.
  • 3:5 - the couple is united by an active life position, as well as a love for the new.
  • 3:6 - kindness and generosity reign in marriage.
  • 3:7 - closeness in spirit and intelligence will help strengthen this union.
  • 3:8 - selfishness can interfere with relationships.
  • 3:9 - relationships are built on harmony, conflicts are rare.

Compatibility of the four

  • 4:5 - boredom can set in in a relationship.
  • 4:6 - the union is filled with warmth and respect.
  • 4:7 - a couple can get lost without affection and care.
  • 4:8 - the material side may be more important than love.
  • 4:9 - passion can cause dissension.

Compatibility with five and six

  • 5:6 - it will be difficult to reconcile, because partners are too different.
  • 5:7 - an extrovert and an introvert in a pair may not be too happy.
  • 5:8 - too many irreconcilable contradictions.
  • 5:9 - dreaminess will add romance to the union.
  • 6:7 - intemperance will lead to conflicts.
  • 6:8 - the desire for enrichment can break the union.
  • 6:9 - common goals will give harmony in a couple.

Compatibility with the eight and nine

  • 7:8 - a business partnership will be more successful than a romantic relationship.
  • 7:9 - the couple will be happy if they manage to support each other in difficult times.
  • 8:9 - the difference in temperaments can interfere with relationships.


Having received the data, you can decipher them and understand what awaits the couple in a relationship, do not be upset if the results are not very pleasant. It has long been known that the fate is decided by the person himself, and harmony in the union is possible if the partners are ready to give love, warmth and care.

To determine the compatibility of two people, almost every predictive system has its own methods and methods. In the system of interpretation of names -, in numerology -, in astrology -, in the predictive system of Love Cards -.

Check compatibility by date of birth the predictive system of Tarot cards also allows, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about possible problems in alliance with a partner, about the prospects for relationships. The online compatibility calculation presented on this page is a preliminary analysis of relationships using the Major Arcana of the Tarot, which reveals the main character traits of each partner; shows general nuances relationships; explains what each partner will receive in this union, what will be the outcome of the relationship.

Calculation of compatibility by date of birth and Tarot cards is carried out according to the following scheme: first, for each partner, the number of fate is calculated ( Attention! Do not confuse with, which is calculated by the first name, patronymic, last name, using a different formula and a different method).

To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth ( numerological folding is not done ). If the final number is greater than 22, then 22 is subtracted from it and the resulting figure is equated to the corresponding card of the Major Arcana. This card describes the character of a person.

At the second stage of calculations, the fate numbers of both partners are summed up and, using the method described above, they correlate the result with the Tarot card, which will give general characteristics relationships, describe the general compatibility of partners. Then the resulting number is added to the number of the fate of the first person and the corresponding lasso is determined, which will show how the first partner perceives the other, what he will receive from these relationships. Further, a similar calculation is carried out for the second partner.

At the final stage of calculations, three numbers obtained at the second stage of calculation are added together. The result also leads to the corresponding Major Arcana Tarot. This card will show the outcome of the relationship, where it can lead.

If you want to know how the relationship will develop in a given year, use .

To analyze relationships, find out compatibility by date of birth, get a description of a person’s character using Tarot cards online, select the date of birth in the form below and click the “Calculate” button.

Relationship analysis, determination of compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth

Who doesn’t want to surround themselves with people who feel good and comfortable next to them? When it comes to romantic feelings, this desire becomes especially acute. Information about the compatibility of names - yours and the chosen one or the chosen one - will help you find out the prospects for relationships. And if there are no applicants for a place in the heart yet, it will facilitate the search for love. However, the name compatibility test is useful not only in the romantic sphere.

For whom and how is the online name compatibility test useful?

  • Knowing name compatibility is useful for those who are building relationships or looking for love.
  • It is useful for new parents choosing a name for a newborn to check the options for compatibility with their names.
  • Knowing how compatible you are by name with colleagues or boss will not interfere with building working relationships.

Online Name Compatibility Tests:

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Your date of birth: Partner's date of birth:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900