Why did the man call sweet. Affectionate words: meaning and hidden subtext. The most affectionate nicknames

Girls, be attentive to the affectionate nicknames that your partners reward you with! Sometimes behind a harmless name, something not very pleasant can be hidden, or vice versa. So it's better to spend a little time and find out what the word means.

Baby- Your partner actively invites you to contact, but your real feelings are of little interest to him.
Babe– Your partner is specific and not inclined to complicate things. Perhaps he lacks a sense of humor.
Expensive Your partner in a relationship values ​​confidence and certainty. Feelings for him are in second place.
Durynda- Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. He is energetic and ready to take control of the situation.
Hedgehog, hedgehog– Your partner attaches special importance to your relationship. Sometimes he is unrestrained, but deep down he is afraid of losing you.

My life- Paphos betrays your partner's tendency to bust. Just in case, check if he has another "life" somewhere on the side.
Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny- Your partner is prone to excitement and is not averse to playing with you. Don't be fooled by his appearance - deep down he is jealous and watches you closely.
Gold, gold, gold- Your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, although his mind prevails over feelings.
Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty- Your partner is set up for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.
Goat, goat- Your partner feels completely close to you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is not averse to teasing you.

sweetie- Be careful: your partner is very sensitive to your behavior and seems to consider you his property.
Kitten, kitty, kitty, kitty a - The partner feels closeness and inextricable connection with you. He wants you to believe him, or tries to convince you of his loyalty.
Paw, paw, paw– Your partner is very active and ready to work and live for you.
Martin– Your partner is very attentive and absolutely confident in you.
Fox, fox, fox- All the attention of your partner is absorbed by you and he expects the same from you.

Beloved, love– Your partner is prone to sensual overkill and is ready to act decisively and assertively .
Lyalya, Lyalik- Your partner is not at all inclined to restrain his feelings.
Little, masik, masya- The feelings of your partner are very deep, he is ready to be caring and attentive.
Baby, baby- The feelings that you evoke in a partner are immeasurable. You absorb all his attention, and he expects the same from you.
bear cub- Your partner is a very sensual person, but is not in a hurry. He is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Cute Your partner promises you a strong relationship. His feelings are in balance with reason.
Mulya, musya, musipusechka The feelings you evoke in your partner are very strong. He tends to get carried away and often does not know when to stop.
Mouse, mouse- Your partner's feelings go beyond, even if it is not visible from his behavior. Sometimes he is unrestrained, but he is very attached to you.
Pampushka Your partner expects complete intimacy and interaction.
Donut Your partner wants to get your attention with all his might. Subconsciously, he seeks to protect himself from possible rivals.

Pups, pupsik, pusechka, pusya- Your partner is looking for full contact with you, but most likely, this is not so much feelings as practical interest.
Rybka- Your partner looks at your relationship rather in a businesslike way. In the first place, he puts not romance, but practical interest.
Sweet- Your partner consciously emphasizes his emotionality. At the same time, in his soul he is balanced and calm.
sun, sun, sun- Your partner feels genuine tenderness and keen interest in you.
Tiger, tiger cub Your partner respects your independence. He is not averse to making fun of you, but in fact he offers you an equal union.

Hamster- Your partner is prone to impulsive actions and can easily succumb to momentary impulses.
chick, chick- Your partner offers you active contact, but perhaps deep down he is afraid of something.
Miracle– Your partner literally demands your attention, emphasizing the importance of your relationship.
chocolate bar- Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in fact you absorb all his attention and he deep down expects the same from you.
berry– Your partner is energetic, self-confident and appreciates his independence. Feelings for him are in second place.

Why do lovers come up with their own language, intimate nicknames, affectionate names for each other and what do they mean? Psychologists say that their very sound can tell a lot about his true feelings for you. Where do affectionate nicknames come from?

There are two reasons for love word creation - an appeal to the "inner child" of a loved one and the creation of the uniqueness of one's relationship, one's world. We come up with love nicknames unconsciously, but almost every one of them has a hidden meaning. The more unusual affectionate words appear in the lexicon of lovers, the deeper and more sincere their relationship becomes.

If love leaves the relationship, then the former intimate nicknames are “forgotten”. When the relationship becomes formal, one formal nickname may remain in the lexicon of lovers, for example, a fish - and no more creativity! If creativity continues, then your relationship is developing!

A little about sounds:

The sound "F" in an affectionate nickname expresses a violent and sharp reaction. Usually, words with this sound express acute dissatisfaction (for example, “fu!”). The sound “F” in affectionate nicknames is about three times less common than in ordinary speech.

The sound "X" in an affectionate nickname is also extremely rare and speaks of sudden excitement (for example, "ah", "oh", etc.).

The sound "Sh" in an affectionate nickname is much more common, as it especially attracts attention. In psychology, this effect of hissing sounds on the psyche is called the “white noise” effect. This sound absorbs the attention of the listener, forcing distraction from everything else. For example, when we demand silence, we say “shhh!”.

The sound "K" in an affectionate nickname is one of the most common (it can often be found as diminutive suffixes: fish-ka, paw-ka, hare .... It expresses the idea of ​​closeness, lightness, simplicity

The sound "L" in an affectionate nickname is also one of the most common. Expresses heightened emotionality. So, in high spirits, we sing "La-la-la, or" Bl-lin "our emotions are rushing out. Whether this emotion is good or bad depends on intonation.

But here's what is valuable: choosing any word, especially a nickname, we do it unconsciously. Our subconscious helps us choose exactly those words, the sound of which most fully reflects our deepest feelings and desires.

"Kindergarten" . It includes such nicknames as baby, baby, baby .... Children are charming and touching creatures. So we show our loved one that we want to strangle him in our arms and take care of him. But at the same time, we make it clear who will "rule the show" and thus support infantilism in him.

"Zoo". Nicknames from the animal world are very common. Remember at least the word "dove", which is called lovers! And we often compete in zoology, remembering all the animals - from fish and bunnies to piglets and hippos. Here, of course, there is also a touching factor (after all, birds and animals are mostly cute and fluffy), but a little different than in the case of children's vocabulary. Because the animal world can still be dangerous and unpredictable: what if a tiger cub shows its teeth, and a bird flutters out of its cage? Affectionate nicknames are not uncommon, mentioning funny and exotic animals - hamsters and platypuses: they demonstrate not only romantic, but also friendly feelings for their beloved creature. But just do not get carried away with them too much - such words dampen passion.

"Toy Department" The most characteristic representatives of this order are Pupae and Pupsiki. They are beautiful, they can even be real works of art, but... Are they quite alive for their owners? If you think about it, what can you do with toys? Dress in beautiful clothes, put on a shelf - and admire. Therefore, if a gentleman calls you a doll, do not be surprised that you are required to perform an exclusively decorative function: after all, you need to show others what a beautiful “lyalka” he has! But by the way, this suits many - after all, they buy such beautiful dresses and houses for dolls ...

"movable property". Is there a difference between the expressions "beauty" and "you are my beauty"? Even some. The second option sounds more penetrating. But - and hints at the "right of ownership." Therefore, it is possible that a person who often calls you “his own” will one day ask in a very stern voice where you were from 16.15 to 16.45.

"Heavenly Luminaries". There is not enough variety here: only the “sun” and the “asterisk”. What are they associated with? With warmth and light. If a person rewards you with such a nickname, he is comfortable and good with you, however, the luminaries are far from our sinful earth, therefore adoration will be rather distant and contemplative. You are unlikely to wait for decisive action from him.

What does your nickname say?

Baby - he is hardly interested in your real feelings, despite the fact that the partner is caring for you.

Hippo - the relationship goes into the stage of love-friendship. The partner respects your independence, has warm feelings.

Balda, scarecrow, goat- you are ready to forgive shortcomings and treat them with humor, they consider you “their own” and want to lead in relationships.

Bun, pie and other "edible" nicknames- your partner treats you like his property, appreciates your spontaneity and sexuality.

Baby - your partner is quite specific, and does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling, dear- the partner appreciates constancy and certainty and stability in relationships. But he is not very emotional and therefore feelings for him are in second place.

Durynda, fool- Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake and fully control the situation.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - Your partner gives your relationship a special significance. Sometimes he shows restraint, but, deep down, he is afraid of losing you.

Toad - Your partner is energetic, playful and assertive, but deep down he values ​​\u200b\u200ba love relationship with you very much.

My life - Paphos betrays your partner's tendency to bust. Carefully find out if he has another "life" on the side.

Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny- your loved one is very jealous, has a penchant for excitement and loves to play with you, watching your reaction.

Gold, gold, gold- Your partner emphasizes the importance of your relationship, but his mind still prevails over feelings.

Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty- Your partner sees you primarily as a sex partner. Set up for very close contact, not wanting to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, goat- Your partner feels completely close to you. You are really a very dear person for him, although sometimes he allows himself to play a little joke on you.

Sweetie - Your partner already considers you his property! Be careful.

Kitten, kitty, kitty, kitty– The partner feels complete closeness and inextricable connection with you. He wants you to believe him, or tries to convince you of his loyalty.

cat, kitty, kitty- they see sexuality in you and at the same time cunning and inconstancy.

Crocodile - Your partner is very emotional. Takes a leadership position in relationships.

Krokozyabra - Your partner is ready to forgive you for any mistake. Often he is unrestrained and picky, but resentment does not last long with him.

Doll, doll - Your partner is slightly passionate about you, but does not take your relationship seriously.

Paw, paw, paw– Your partner is very energetic. Appreciates your relationship and is ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - Your partner completely trusts you and is confident in your feelings for each other.

Fox, fox, fox- All the attention of your partner is focused only on you. And he expects the same feelings from you.

Beloved, beloved, love- Your partner is ready to act assertively and decisively, but at the same time he is too emotional and unrestrained.

Lyalya, lyalik - Your partner is so emotional that he often does not control the surge of his own feelings - both bad and good.

Little, little, masik, masya- Your partner has a deep feeling for you and wants to take care and patronize you.

Macaque, monkey, monkey- The feelings that you evoke in a partner are immeasurable. You have a very trusting relationship with each other with a touch of friendly irony. You are considered "their" and want to lead in relationships, Especially if they add the word "My" For example: My macaque.

Baby, baby - your partner has quivering feelings for you and at the same time passion. But he expects the same from you.

Teddy bear - Your partner is a very cautious person, prefers to weigh the pros and cons before taking any step. Appreciates your relationship and is afraid of losing them.

Honey, honey - Your partner will love you with both heart and mind. And very attached to you.

Mulya, musya, musipusechka- your partner has a stormy feeling of both love and passion for you.

Mouse, mouse - Your partner's feelings go beyond, even if it is not visible from his behavior. Sometimes your partner can be too short-tempered, but he appreciates you and cherishes your relationship.

Pampushka - Your partner, deep down, fears that his feelings are not mutual and longs for you to show your love for him.

Half, dear, dear- speaks of deep feelings, strong affection.

Donut - Your partner is afraid that you will pay attention to someone else, and is trying in every possible way to attract your attention to himself.

belly, belly, telepuzz- Your partner is clearly set on creating and arranging a family hearth, and this thought captivates him.

Pups, pupsik, pusechka, pusya- Your partner is trying in every possible way to get closer to you, attracts your attention, but behind this there are not so much feelings as practical interest.

Fish, fish - In your relationship with a partner, it is not romance that comes first, but practical interest, a practical calculation is possible.

Pig, piggy, mumps– Your partner energetically invites you to contact and is ready to take matters into their own hands.

Sweet, sweet– Your partner is a self-confident and calm balanced person. However, he tries to look more emotional than he really is.

Elephant, elephant- Your partner is completely focused only on you. He is very attached to you and expects complete reciprocity from you.

sun, sun, sun- Your partner has very warm and tender feelings for you.

Tiger, tiger cub - Your partner appreciates equality in relationships. And despite the fact that he likes to play a trick on you, he treats you with great respect.

Tiger, tigress, lioness, lion– Your partner respects you, appreciates your relationship and has passionate feelings for you.

Hamster - Your partner is very emotional, and easily makes and changes his decisions.

Chicken, chicken - Your partner is trying to get closer to you, but he is not completely sure about your relationship.

Miracle, monster - Your partner insistently demands that you show your feelings and pay more attention to him.

Shmusik, lalabrik, chvyrchik- a loved one emphasizes the uniqueness of your relationship, is open and gentle in love.

Chocolate - Your partner offers you a simple, easy relationship, but in fact you absorb all his attention and deep down he expects the same from you.

Berry - Your partner is energetic, self-confident and appreciates his independence. Feelings for him are in second place.

Mom, mother, daddy, folder- they see a parent in you, they expect care and patronage from you.

Derivatives from surname, name, patronymic- Mikhalych, Maksimych, Petrovna - the attitude towards you is friendly and ironic, there is little tenderness and sexuality in such relationships.

My, mine - you are clearly considered property, ready for care and bestowal.

affectionate names

Many couples do not like to use animal and doll names and prefer to use passport names, but in a diminutive way. It turns out that there are options here too!

Suffixes "-ochka", "-echka"(Svetochka, Kolechka) are often attached to the names of not only the closest, but also, in fact, strangers: acquaintances, colleagues. They express the very fact of having positive feelings for this person or even just your good mood.

Soft "-enka" or "-inka"(Masha, Serezhenka) appears when we want to take care, warm and comfort.

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Of all the possible options, he decided to call you the sun, and not the baby, for example. Why? The bottom line is that he himself is pleased with the sound of this word.

Sometimes a man can name differently. It depends on what mood he is in today and what he wants to convey.

In addition to the semantic load, each sound carries a certain effect on a person’s feelings:

  • For example, "F" sound can clearly express wild and burning reactions. It is often used when they are acutely dissatisfied with something - "Fu"
  • The sound "X" means a sharp excitement (exclamations "ah", "oh").
  • BUT sound "sh" On the contrary, it fascinates and attracts attention. In it can much more often than in others. This sound absorbs attention, and forces you to break away from other things. When silence is needed, say "sh!".
  • The second place in distribution in nicknames is occupied by - sound "K". It is often used in affectionate nicknames: bunny, baby, honey. This sound focuses on sensuality, tenderness, care.
  • The third one is sound "L", it can be found in affectionate nicknames 50% more often than in others. It means that emotions overwhelm us, but we are not afraid of this, but on the contrary we are open to them. When we are in a good mood we sing "La la la", and when we are not satisfied with something, we say "Crap!".

Listen to what and how your partner tells you. After all, even one sound of a word will tell a lot about the feelings of your chosen one for you.

What is the name of the guy and what does it mean

Does your man often call you a bunny or a cat? Or maybe just cute or dear? Have you thought about what this means?

Psychologists advise you to listen to the nickname that your loved one gives you, so he unconsciously expresses his attitude towards you. Indeed, in each nickname lies very interesting and useful information.

Affectionate nicknames

Sunny, berry, doll, sweet, candy, honey. Such nicknames are mainly found in the initial stages of a relationship. They show that a man is attracted to you and boundless tenderness. Love and passion dominates now in your relationship. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period.

Animal nicknames

Kitten, tiger cub, baby elephant, squirrel. These appeals show that your chosen one has a playful and gentle attitude towards you. He is ready to take care of you and give you his warmth and affection.

Standard Nicknames

Beloved, dear, dear, dear. So men usually call those in whom they are sure, and whom they want to call their wife. They take responsibility for you and are ready to be with you under any circumstances.

Official nicknames

Does a man call you by your first name or last name? This means that your man is striving for an equal relationship. Thus, he emphasizes that he values ​​\u200b\u200byour opinion, and you are a close person for him. Calls by patronymic - the man respects you, but there is also a share of sarcasm in the relationship.

Baby nicknames

Baby, baby, baby, baby, pussy, little. When a man calls you that, you can be sure that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall. Such a man is ready to do everything himself, and you are his little miracle for him, which he adores. But do not get used to the role of a baby too much, because it is much more profitable to become a charming seductress.

abstract nicknames

Sun, miracle, happiness, gold, my joy. These nicknames mean that a man feels very good next to you. He experiences the most joyful and positive emotions when you are around. Only sometimes you should add more passionate emotions.

funny nicknames

Donut, crocodile, crocodile, musya, telepuz, goat. Your partner feels completely close to you, he is inextricably linked with you. He is energetic, does not walk in circles, and does not hold back emotions. The same is required of you.

These nicknames tell a lot about the man who uttered them, and also reveal the true intentions for you. Listen to them and draw the right conclusions.

What does your nickname mean?

In order to finally understand the feelings of your partner, consider in more detail the following examples of nicknames:

  • Calls by name- he appreciates you as a person, respects and trusts. But try, nevertheless, to bring zest and passion to your relationship.
  • Cute- your lover wants to build a happy and long relationship with you. The influence of his mind is directly proportional to his feelings. He avoids quarrels with you, and simply despises scandals and intrigues.
  • A princess- idolizes you. He can fulfill any of your requests. Ready to protect you and take care of you tenderly. Just don't abuse his good attitude.
  • My precious- considers you the best girl. He has confidence in you and is grateful to you for everything.
  • Darling- really loves you. He has the most reverent and sincere feelings for you. But he also wants to receive care, tenderness, affection from you. If you give it to him, then your relationship can very soon develop into a strong and happy union.
  • The sun- he has the brightest and most tender feelings for you. You are attractive to him like a magnet, so he is very drawn to you.
  • kitty- he loses his head from you, and therefore wants to move on to close contact as soon as possible. Prefers playfulness, carelessness, affection. Seriousness is avoided.
  • My girl- Protects you, and already considers it completely his own. He has confidence in you and wants you to become confident in him. Fully ready to envelop you with care and attention.
  • Zaya- wants to play with you, because he loves excitement. But in his heart he is quite jealous, and you are always in his close attention.
  • Sun- you are a gentle and bright creature for him. He protects you and is always interested in you. Give him the brightest and most joyful emotions.
  • Baby- completely directs all its attention to you. He is fascinated by you. But he also wants to receive the main share of attention from you.
  • native- He values ​​you madly. You are already part of his family. He trusts you and believes that you can build a happy future together. Appreciate this attitude.
  • Expensive- cherishes the relationship with you. He feels that both of you are investing a lot in the relationship and appreciates it very much.
  • My little- he loves you. His feelings towards you are very deep. He is always ready to take care of you.
  • Baby- his attention is focused entirely on you. He is madly in love with you. And he expects the same return from you.
  • My joy- really appreciates you. You bring him positive emotions, which he needs so much. You are the most important person in his life right now.
  • Sweeties- focused on finding a full contact with you. But be careful, his feelings can be superficial. In the first place he has a practical interest.
  • Beauty, beauty- admires your appearance. But the danger is that he sees only the outer beauty in you, and not the inner one. Therefore, you may not be considered for further serious relationships.
  • Girlfriend Thanks for the support and communication. But you are more of a friend to him than a girlfriend. Think about it. Perhaps it makes sense to show your femininity, and arrange a couple of gentle romantics.
  • Kitty- feels a close inseparable connection with you. He does not want to part with you, and intends to show his loyalty and care.
  • Sweet- Finds you incredibly attractive. But he is a calm and balanced person. Therefore, crazy actions are not for him.
  • Child- Take care of you. Considers you small and defenseless. The main thing is that at the same time, he should feel you not only as a child, but also as a mysterious coquette.
  • sweetie- very emotional towards you. He thinks he's already conquered you.
  • Lapulia He is ready to do anything for you. He is quite active and can take bold actions. Use them for good.
  • doll, chrysalis- you are very interested. But perhaps only outwardly you attract the chosen one. Think about it, and try to become his and friend.
  • Rybka- Treat you like a business. Romance is far from the first place in your relationship. Perhaps a couple of sensual romantic evenings will help you.
  • tiger cub Your partner highlights your independence. He respects you and is ready for equality. But sometimes, try to show your femininity, so as not to become just a partner for him. Harmful, harmful - loves to play with you. Ready to forgive your pranks. He himself is mischievous and cheerful, so he likes your whims and games, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Pay attention to what your lover calls you. Interpret correctly his words and message. Thus, you will better understand what your partner is feeling at the moment, you can significantly improve relationships and direct them in the direction you need.

When your half calls you "beloved" - this may indicate that he needs care, warmth and attention. Most likely, your chosen one spends too much of his energy at work and is exhausted, and when he comes home, he wants to feel the affection and care coming from his beloved wife. Having received from you the warmth that he needs, your man will become the happiest person and decent family man.

If a man calls a woman "darling"

When you are addressed with all sorts of diminutive-endearing words that come from the word "kitten" - your chosen one is a malleable person, having a soft character, who can be easily manipulated.

When they call you a "fish", this indicates that your man is not constant in tastes. To be always near him, you need to make great efforts. It is worth noting that in the process of a relationship, such a man pays the most attention to silence.

When they call you "gold", etc. - says that you should beware. From the point of view of specialists, with this type of treatment, the representative of the stronger sex on a subconscious level is trying to find out how and to what extent he can get a certain benefit from your relationship.

When referring to you, for example, "the sun" - it is understood that your half believes that you should always meet the ideal, always be in good shape. After all, according to his beliefs, according to your appearance, he is also evaluated in the first place.

If your man addresses you through diminutive products, such as "candy", it means that for him you are associated with the everyday side of your relationship. The ideal woman, for this type, is an impeccable housewife, which includes taking care of the house, the ability to cook excellently, and all issues related to the household should be solved by herself.

If you are called such affectionate words as "baby" - it speaks of your man's thoughts, which are only about relationships in bed. Such a man is a connoisseur of sex, who loves fun and noisy companies. Therefore, it is worth considering whether he is capable of a serious relationship.

If they turn to you, calling you "dear" - your man is a direct person who does not support gossip, does not enter into all sorts of scandals, trying to avoid any quarrels with you.

The very appeal of "baby" sounds somehow frivolous. And if they still call you that, it means that your chosen one shows interest in you, takes care of you, but your true feelings are not interesting to him.

If a man calls a girl: baby

The appeal "dear" indicates that your half is an adherent of certainty and clarity in relationships. And any manifestations of feelings fade into the background.

"My life"! Such an appeal suggests that your chosen one is a rather passionate person, but there is already too much here. Think maybe he has a relationship with more than just you.

Any words that come from the word "bunny" - says the oazarte of your man, who in a similar way applies to you. He is quite suspicious, as evidenced by his constant observations.

"Goat" - your half feels your closeness.

The appeal "chrysalis" indicates that you are carried away, just.

Any words derived from the word "paw" - your chosen one is full of vitality, therefore he is able to work and live only for you.

"Swallow" - your man is confident in you and your relationship.

Any words derived from the word "fox" tell us that by giving you all the attention, the man is waiting for a response.

The appeal "masya" in any of its manifestations testifies to the true feelings that they experience for you.

“Mouse” - your half is very attached to you, sometimes different emotions find it, but love is true and deep.

"Donut" - afraid to lose you, so he tries in any way to draw your attention to his person.

Any words derived from the word "pusya" indicate that the chosen one is trying to establish contact with you, and, it is worth noting, he is more concerned about only the physical side of the relationship.

“Tiger cub” - such an appeal indicates that your man perceives your independence, respecting your choice. He is also prone to small disputes, but it is worth noting that he is fully prepared to build an equal union.

Olga Prokhorchenko | 01/26/2015 | 31825

Olga Prokhorchenko 01/26/2015 31825

By the way a man calls his beloved, one can judge his character and attitude towards his wife.

"Bun", "Stump", "Bee", "Kitten" ... Men are often not interested in calling their beloved by her first name, so they show miracles of ingenuity and come up with cute nicknames for their spouses.

Food often falls into the field of view of men. True, they still do not go on about their own stomach and choose not meaty and satisfying, but more or less romantic and light nicknames, like “Berry”, “Peach”, “Marshmallow”. Agree, it would not be very pleasant if the spouse turned to you: "Cutlet, please give me the remote control from the TV." However, the idea is original, don't you think?

No less popular are representatives of the fauna. Men prefer to give their loved ones the nicknames of the cubs of our smaller brothers: “Kitten”, “Bear cub”, “Hare”, “Fox”. In general, a whole zoo for a walk. Women, as a rule, are flattered by such appeals, because they sound sweet and gentle.

The nicknames that a husband comes up with for his wife can tell a lot about a man, his character traits and attitude towards the object of attention. Let's figure this out together!

How to affectionately call a loved one?

The greatest tenderness in many women is caused by representatives of the cat family. Affectionate variations on this theme break all records for men.

If a man calls you "Kitty" or "Kitty", this means that he loves you and treats you with special trepidation and tenderness. He is ready to be faithful to you, protect you from problems and constantly "comb out the fur." Such a man can be very romantic in the manifestations of his love. However, he prefers to pamper his wife not with fish and milk, but fruit pie, prepared with his own hands, and a new dress.

Many men call their wives "Darling". Such an appeal, of course, indicates that you are very loved. But perhaps this is a signal that the spouse himself lacks care and tenderness. He plows up to a seventh sweat, and at home he receives neither attention nor rich borscht. A woman should pay attention to a likely mistake in a relationship. It is enough to always surround your beloved with care - and he will remain the most faithful and devoted man and a good family man.

A man can call his wife "Fish". Sometimes this can only be explained by his passion for fishing. But still, if you dig deeper, you can look into the inner world. Such a man does not tolerate storms and scandals in family relationships. Sitting with his wife near the fireplace, watching a comedy or reading a book before going to bed is an ideal family vacation for him.

We advise you to beware if your husband calls you "Gold", "My Precious". Such nicknames may mean that he wants to get something from you. It doesn't have to be something material. Any benefit from your marriage may unconsciously push him to call you in this way.

The man who calls you by nicknames like "Pie","Waffle","Donut", takes care of the domestic aspect of the relationship. It is very important for him that you be a true ace of household affairs: you wash perfectly, cook like a chef. We advise you not to become a housekeeper for him, not to slip into everyday life. And if he wants to see you in this capacity more often, buy a maid costume in an intimate goods store. The husband will be pleasantly surprised when he is served chops with puree for dinner by his favorite "Pie" in the costume of a sexy housekeeper.

If a man calls you "Chit" or "Babe", then he is very concerned about sex. Your spouse is a kind of restless experimenter, ready for crazy exploits in bed. Someone may start to feel sorry for you. Like, with such an insatiable husband, it is probably very difficult. However, we note that intimate life with this partner is very bright and saturated. It is only important for a wife to be a faithful companion and support the ideas of her man.

By the way, if you don’t like what your loved one calls you, don’t stand it, but tell him about it directly. Oh yes, and ask him to call you by your first name at least once. Maybe he just forgot the name of his beloved wife?

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From the experience of a teacher of the Russian language Vinogradova Svetlana Evgenievna, teacher of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type. Description...

"I am the Registan, I am the heart of Samarkand." The Registan is an adornment of Central Asia, one of the most magnificent squares in the world, which is located...

Slide 2 The modern look of an Orthodox church is a combination of a long development and a stable tradition. The main parts of the church were already formed in ...

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Equipment Lesson progress. I. Organizational moment. 1) What process is referred to in the quote? “.Once upon a time, a ray of the Sun fell on the Earth, but ...
Description of the presentation by individual slides: 1 slide Description of the slide: 2 slide Description of the slide: 3 slide Description...
Their only enemy in World War II was Japan, which also had to surrender soon. It was at this point that the US...
Olga Oledibe Presentation for children of senior preschool age: “For children about sports” For children about sports What is sport: Sport is ...
, Correctional Pedagogy Class: 7 Class: 7 Program: training programs edited by V.V. Funnel Program...