What you need to make a medical book. How to draw up a medical book: tips and tricks. How to get a medical book for work through private medical centers

Detailed instructions will tell you how to issue a medical book with minimal waste of time and money.

Medical book: how to distinguish a fake?

Finding out where to issue a medical book, many are faced with a proposal to straighten the document without any hassle: without going through doctors, without visiting a medical examination, without passing an exam. Such a “Cheese in a Mousetrap” should be treated with caution - it is quite possible that you are facing scammers. Having received a "symbolic amount" from you, they will either evaporate or give a fake document.

Signs of this medical book - an official document on a strict accountability booklet:

    dark blue cover;

    dimensions: width 9.7 cm, height 13.5 cm;

    a hologram in the form of a square, confirming the results of certification;

    paper with watermarks - on all pages and inside cover pale blue mesh semirings;

    the round seal of the FGUZ “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (regional)” that enters a personal photo;

    a hologram in the form of a circle, entering the upper right corner of a personal photo;

    flashing the book with special thread;

    a unique number of 7 digits (entered in the LMK register).

On a note! To understand whether the fake is in front of you or the original, find the seven-digit number in the register of personal medical books (PMK).


Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to issue a medical book for work.

    Buy a medical book form.

    Prepare the necessary documents.

    Pass the required tests and get their results.

    Go through experts and get an opinion from each.

    Attend an educational medical course and successfully pass the exam.

    Pick up the finished medical book.

On a note! A medical book is required for employment in a specialty related to food products (food seller, catering worker, etc.), medical services, work in the pedagogical sphere, etc. - full list placed in chapter 34 of the Labor Code, order 302-n of the Ministry of Health and the law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population."

If you are figuring out how to get a medical book at a polyclinic for free, then keep in mind that this procedure will take longer than going to a private clinic. In this case, it will not work to not spend money at all. The minimum expenses are the purchase of a medical book form and a lecture on the medical minimum with certification confirmation.

More about each step

In order not to take unnecessary actions and save money, it is important to learn a little more about each step and understand where to formalize a medical book.

Where to apply?

Registration of a medical book is possible both in a municipal polyclinic and in a private one. In the first case, you do not have to spend extra money, but the procedure can stretch for several weeks (from 3 to 6). In a commercial clinic, everything will take at most a few days, but you will have to pay on average:

    for analyzes - from 2500 to 5000 rubles (one analysis costs 200-300 rubles);

    for a course of medical lectures for admission to the exam - from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Important! According to Article 214 of the Labor Code, the costs of correcting the medical book must be borne by the employer, but in practice, unfortunately, the expenses usually fall on the shoulders of employees.

With this in mind, everyone independently decides where to get a medical book: quickly, but for money from private traders, or free of charge, but in a city clinic. On average, a medical book costs 3.5 thousand rubles:

    the cost of crusts (120 rubles);

    a course of lectures (500 rubles) + passing an examination-attestation (200 rubles);

    photographs (150 rubles);

    analyzes (2500 rubles).

In addition to polyclinics, you can contact the branch of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of your city. For example, to issue a medical book for those who live in Moscow, for free and officially offers the Moscow FBUZ TsGiE. On the official website of the institution http://www.mossanexpert.ru can:

    check the finished medical book;

    arrange it on paper or in electronic format;

    undergo hygiene training.

On a note! Primary registration and issuance of personal medical books in the FBUZ TsGiE in Moscow will cost 186 rubles at the end of 2017. ( paper version), 104 rubles. (electronic).

Buying a Blank

You can buy an empty medical book in special departments of bookstores or stationery. The average price is 100-120 rubles.

Collection of documents

To pass the medical examination, you must prepare the following documents:

  • medical insurance policy;

  • personal statement;

    a completed medical book (we will talk about obtaining it below);

    2 photos 3x4;

    direction from the employer (if any).

A little more detail is worth dwelling on the statement. It is filled out on a ready-made form in the clinic (private clinic, TsGiE). Its purpose is not only to declare the desire to receive a medical book, but also to give consent to the so-called medical intervention.


To be admitted to work and receive a medical book, you need to undergo a series of examinations and pass tests:

    blood (general);

    urine (general);

    smear (STD) for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;

    separate tests for hepatitis, syphilis and AIDS;

    one of the tests for the presence of helminths in the body: the delivery of feces, a smear, a blood test for antibodies;

    fluorography (done once a year, so if you have the results of an unexpired previous examination on hand, they will do);


    smear from the mucosa for staphylococcus aureus.

On a note! This list of standard analyzes and examinations may be extended at the request of the employer.

The results should demonstrate that the applicant does not have contagious diseases, and is healthy enough to be able to perform professional tasks at work. Already after the employment of some specialists, they will have to go through regularly, and each appeal is entered into the LMC.

If the tests showed some problems, then the commission will not work, and therefore, you will have to forget about the medical book. What to do in this case? You need to make sure that you have prepared correctly for the tests and examinations. The delivery of most of them has features, for example, blood is donated on an empty stomach. If suspicions of a particular pathology are justified, then treatment should be performed.

Important! All diseases that prevent employment are published in the order of the Ministry of Health No. 302-n dated April 12, 2011.

Pass a medical examination

After receiving the results of all analyzes and examinations and preparing a complete package of documents, we go to the commission. It includes examinations by the following doctors:




    orthopedic surgeon;




    dermatologist and venereologist (often the same specialist);

    expert in narcology;


Each doctor makes notes in the book, thereby confirming that the person who applied is healthy or has certain pathologies.

On a note! For the conclusion of a psychiatrist and narcologist, they are often sent to specialized medical institutions - dispensaries.

Usually, women after 40 years of age have to make an additional appointment with a mammologist. And in many organizations today they ask for the conclusion of a cardiologist. That is why the exact list of required doctors should be clarified at the time of employment.

Pass the exam

Before passing the exam in the general medical course, it is necessary to sign up for lectures at the city's Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. They talk about the current sanitary standards and hygiene rules in the workplace. The exam ends with a test. Based on its results, a finished document is issued.

On a note! If the certification exam is failed, then the next attempt is provided no earlier than in a month.

Now you know how to quickly issue a medical book. Choose a method that is convenient for you and do not believe false promises to make a medical book “officially and quickly” without your participation.

Medical book (abbr. medical book or medical book) is an employee's document subject to strict accountability.

It is issued on special forms, protected from forgery, and sealed with a seal and a hologram of the organization that issued it, authorized by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor (in accordance with by order of Rospotrebnadzor No. 402 dated 05.20.05).

All issued dignity books are registered in Register of Rospotrebnadzor.

Medical examinations are carried out in medical organizations, licensed for preventive examinations.

Pasted on the second page photo owner, which is certified round.

This is where it should be signature worker, and round seal authority issuing the medical certificate.

Entered on the third page owner information, his full name, year of birth, home address and job title.

On the left side of the sheet is affixed a unique 7 digit code medical book.

The results of analyzes and professional examinations must be confirmed doctors' seals.

What additional documents are needed?

There are not many. We need photographs of the appropriate size and a passport. If there are certificates of vaccinations, they can also be included in this list.

Read more about the requirements for the document and the features of the new sample in.

Form from the Internet

The health book is a document state standard, which is subject to mandatory registration, and is issued only in specialized organizations and only they can issue a document that has an official form.

A form from the Internet, downloaded and designed independently, is invalid, is regarded as a forgery of documents and entails criminal liability.

Who pays and the price of the question

For employees of organizations included in the list of professions subject to mandatory preventive medical examination, registration of personal medical books is free of charge.

All processing costs must be borne by .

However, in reality, many employers hire people who already have available decorated san. book.

Either the employee, upon registration in the organization, assumes all expenses, and the employer reimburses him for the cost of the medical document during the first month.

Collection of analyzes

Quick way to get

How to get a medical book without spending too much time on it?

Passing a medical examination in private clinics can reduce its time for a few days.

In addition, medical examination in paid institutions is the most comfortable, as there is no need to stand in long queues.

Apply for a medical certificate and undergo a medical examination within one day possible in specialized centers interacting with SES.

Registration of a medical book, training, medical examination and certification - all these stages can be passed one place in one day.

Ready medical book issued in a week after receiving the test results.

The total cost of issuing a Sanitary Book is, about 3500 rubles- the same as with the standard procedure, however, the terms for obtaining a medical book are reduced twice.

Thus, the procedure for issuing a medical book takes one to several weeks.

You can order and issue through the center of epidemiology or specialized centers, which reduces the time almost twice.

All expenses are paid employer.

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More and more often, citizens are thinking about how to draw up a medical book. A similar question begins to interest even teenagers. After all, every working person should have the mentioned document. What are the features of the process to pay attention to? What should every employee know about issuing medical books?

The medical record is...

For example, what document are we talking about. Most employees are faced with a medical book. Every employee in a particular field should have this document.

Honey. The book serves as a kind of confirmation of the state of health. The information entered in it is valid for about a year. Next, you need to re-pass the examination and confirm the fact that the citizen is ready for work.

Registration process

But how to draw up a medical book? Even a student can do it. It is enough to know exactly how to carry out the action.

Decoration of honey the book is reduced to passing a medical commission, as well as listening to lectures on sanitary norms and rules (sanitary minimum). There is nothing difficult or special about it.

Sometimes there may be some problems with obtaining the document. The matter is that for different professions it is necessary to pass different medical commissions. This fact must be taken into account.

Where to go

How to draw up a medical book? This can be done in several ways. More precisely, in several places. As already mentioned, the process comes down to a commission of the established form, as well as listening to lectures on sanitary standards. The latter are usually carried out in the centers of hygiene and epidemiology in a particular region.

But a direct medical commission is allowed to take place in different organizations. More specifically, you can go to the following places:

  • state polyclinic;
  • private medical center.

There is no fundamental difference in where to visit. Therefore, a person himself chooses where to undergo an examination by doctors.

Cost of the procedure

How much does a medical book cost? This question interests many people who are just planning official employment. It's no secret that you have to pay for most papers.

In the case of the studied document, the situation is ambiguous. Completely free to get paper will not work. Often, clinics require payment of about 2,000 rubles + 700 rubles for lectures at Rospotrebnadzor. All expenses must be covered by the employer.

If you draw up a book in private clinics, then it is problematic to predict expenses. On average, testing costs 2,000 rubles, a commission with doctors - about 3-5 thousand. Accordingly, in some medical centers the cost of a medical book is about 5-10 thousand. But you can save a lot of time on translating ideas into reality.

Process description

How to get a medical book for free? To do this, you will have to get a referral for a commission from the employer. As already mentioned, a citizen does not have to pay for the process of issuing a document on his own. The exception is cases of self-treatment in a medical institution.

To issue a document, you will need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Decide where exactly to pass the commission. Report this to your employer. He will have to issue a referral for a medical examination.
  2. Gather some list of documents. We are talking about an identity card, a policy, SNILS, a referral from the boss (if any). Additionally, you need to bring 2 photos 3x4 in size with you.
  3. Purchase a medical book and give it along with all the papers listed above to the selected medical organization.
  4. Fill out the application form for the execution of the document and the passage of the commission.
  5. Pass all the tests and go through all the doctors to one degree or another.
  6. Come with an identity card, policy and SNILS at the appointed time and pick up the finished document.
  7. Contact the hygiene center and listen to a course of lectures there. At the end, you have to pass an exam. Give the medical book to the institution in advance. After successfully passing the exam, you can pick up the finished paper.

This completes the whole procedure. From now on, it is clear how to make a medical book. Free of charge in a clinic or for money in a private organization - it's not so important. The main thing is that, in general, the registration procedure is no longer a mystery.

Main doctors and tests

A lot of questions are raised by the topic of inspections necessary for a particular job. How to make a medical book for working with food? The commission for this area is considered the most common.

So, in order to successfully obtain a document under study, each citizen must pass:

  • neurologist;
  • surgeon
  • gynecologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • therapist;
  • psychiatrist.

In addition, it is necessary to pass tests:

  • for STIs;
  • for latent sexual infections (including HIV);
  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography.

How to make a medical book for free at the clinic, if not 18? Exactly the same as in all other cases. Just contact your employer. He must cover all commission costs. You can also clarify with the boss which doctors you need to go through in a particular case. The approximate list of specialists is already known.


From now on, it is clear how to draw up a medical book. With proper preparation, the process will not take much time. The main problem is the choice of the institution where narrow specialists are to be visited. And no more.

In fact, you can arrange honey yourself. book, without an employer. Only then will you have to cover all the costs yourself. This option is used very often in practice.

The extension of the medical book is carried out by presenting it to the clinic/polyclinic and passing through certain doctors. Photos and applications, as well as the acquisition of a new document will not be needed.

How to get a medical book on your own? The need for a personal medical book for the listed decreed population groups is regulated by a number of documents. First of all, this is Federal Law No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, the federal law No. 29 "On the quality and safety of food products". These issues are also spelled out in detail in the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 229 of 06/29/00 "On professional hygiene training and certification of officials and employees of organizations", the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 122 of 04/14/00 "On a personal medical book and a sanitary passport for vehicles for the transportation of foodstuffs”, Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1228 dated December 28, 1999 “On mandatory preventive medical examinations and hygienic certification”.

A personal medical book is issued only by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor at the place of residence or work of an employee with mandatory registration in the register.

To apply for a medical book, you must have:
- passport
- photo 3x4 cm (color or black and white)
- an application from the employer for hygiene training
- for non-resident citizens, a certificate of registration in Moscow and the Moscow region is required
- receipt of payment for the form of a personal medical book and for hygienic training.

Citizens of other states (except Belarus) receive a personal medical book at the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in Moscow (Grafsky per., 4/9).

In order to get a personal medical book, you must go through a complex medical examinations,hygiene education(listen to lecture) and attestation acquired knowledge.

Duration of medical examination and hygiene training – no more than 1 month from the date of filing an application for a personal medical book. In organizations accredited for this type of activity that have their own outpatient and laboratory facilities, personal medical books can be issued and for a shorter period. However, this is at least 5-7 days for those working in public catering and food trade enterprises, and at least 3-4 days for workers selling industrial goods and for employees of public utility facilities. The terms are objectively determined by the method of analysis. If any organization or individual offers to issue a personal medical book in 1-2 days, this means that this book will contain falsified data and is considered invalid. Such a medical book will not be registered in the relevant register of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers.

Persons whose activities are related to production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water you must undergo a preliminary medical examination, which includes:

- research on the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections
- serological examination for typhoid fever

- scraping for enterobiasis.
Then the medical examination is carried out periodically 2 times per year:
- examination by a dermatovenereologist
- blood test for syphilis
- bacteriological examination for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.
1 time per year:
- examination by a therapist
- fluorographic examination of the chest
- test for helminth eggs
- scraping for enterobiasis.

List of medical examinations for persons whose activities are related to trade in industrial goods; for employees of passenger transport; for managers, teachers, technical staff of general education schools upon admission to work and in the future annually next:
- examination by a therapist and dermatovenereologist
- blood test for syphilis
- bacteriological examination for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis
- fluorographic examination of the chest organs.

All workers from among the decreed groups of the population must be vaccinated against diphtheria.

All foreign citizens are required to undergo an HIV test prior to employment.

The results of the examinations must be entered on the appropriate page of the personal medical book. It also indicates the name of the examination, the date of its conduct and the result, which is certified by the seal of the doctor and the stamp of the medical institution.

The completeness and reliability of the medical examination is checked by the employees of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance before conducting hygienic training and certification. Without the results of all necessary examinations in the medical book, the employee is not allowed to study.

At the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in SEAD hygiene education takes the form of lectures. For workers associated with food, training is carried out Tuesday from 14:00 and in Friday from 10 o'clock.

with the upbringing and education of children lectures are held Tuesday from 10 am (for kindergartens) and in Thursday from 10 am (for schools).

For employees whose nature of activity is related with communal and domestic services to the population, and also for merchants of industrial goods, training is taking place Wednesday from 14:00 and Thursday from 14:00.

For employees medical institutions and pharmacies training takes place in Monday from 10 am and Friday from 2 pm.

After the lecture is over attestation(in the form of testing or interview). An attestation stamp is entered into the personal medical book (LMK), after which the LMK is holographed. A personal medical book is assigned a registration number (together with passport data, it is entered in the register of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance). Only a fully completed medical book gives permission to work for decreed groups.

For staff state (budgetary) institutions are provided with benefits when paying for hygienic training and certification. In order to receive benefits, it is necessary to submit to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision a referral for hygienic training, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the institution. Also, benefits in the issuance of a personal medical book are provided to students of state educational institutions when undergoing educational or industrial practice; unemployed citizens in the direction of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Moscow Population.

According to Appendix 3 to the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1228 preliminary and periodic medical examinations employees of budgetary organizations of the Department of Education, the Department of Health, the Department social protection population insured under compulsory health insurance on the territory of the capital, are carried out at the expense of the city budget.

For those who already have a personal medical book, It is necessary to pay attention to the timing of the medical examination. The results of medical examinations entered in a personal medical book should not be overdue. Otherwise, the applicant will not be admitted to the next hygiene training.

Responsibility for the admission to work of persons who have not passed a medical examination, hygienic training and certification, who do not have a personal medical book of the established form, is borne by the administration of the enterprise.

They do not draw up a personal medical book and do not undergo hygienic training and certification the following categories of workers:
- heads of enterprises trading in industrial goods,
- employees of the accounting department, personnel department, legal and planning and economic departments of all enterprises, with the exception of food,
- medical workers (doctors and nurses) of medical institutions.

Medical workers undergo preventive medical examinations in accordance with the current orders, while the results of the examinations are entered into the outpatient card.

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