The most massive psychosis in history. Induced psychosis and mass psychoses - lleo. Common Phenomena of Mass Psychosis in the 21st Century

Psychosis is a disturbance of the state of mind with a characteristic disorder of mental activity that grossly contradicts the real situation. These disorders of the mental state are referred to as pronounced forms of mental disorders, while the mental activity of the sick person is distinguished by a discrepancy with the surrounding reality.

Psychosis refers to the collective name of a group of various mental disorders that are accompanied by productive psychopathological symptoms: delusions, pseudohallucinations, hallucinations, derealization, depersonalization. The patient has a distorted reflection of the real world, which is expressed in behavioral disorders, as well as the manifestation of pathological disorders of memory, perception, thinking, affectivity. Psychosis does not give rise to new phenomena, it represents the loss of the activity of higher levels.

Causes of psychosis

Allocate the causes of psychosis of a diverse nature, and divide them into internal and external. External causes include: stress, psychotrauma, infections (tuberculosis, influenza, syphilis, typhoid); the use of alcohol, narcotic substances, poisoning with industrial poisons. If the cause of the disturbance of the state of mind is inside a person, then endogenous psychosis occurs. It is provoked by disorders of the nervous system or endocrine balance. Endogenous disorders of the state of mind occur due to age-related changes in the body or as a result of hypertension, schizophrenia, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The course of endogenous disorders is marked by duration, as well as a tendency to relapse.

Psychosis is a complex condition and it is often impossible to identify what exactly provoked its appearance. The first push can be caused by an external influence, to which an internal problem is attached. The first place among external causes is given to alcohol, which can provoke. The cause of psychosis is also advanced age and endomorphic disorders,. According to the characteristics of the course, reactive as well as acute psychoses are noted. is a temporary as well as reversible disorder arising from trauma (mental).

Acute psychosis has a sudden development. It can be provoked by unexpected news of the loss of property, as well as the loss of a loved one.

Signs of psychosis

This state is manifested in a distorted perception of the real world, as well as disorganization of behavior. The first signs of psychosis are a sharp decline in activity at work, increased stress, impaired attention. The patient experiences various fears, mood swings, he is characterized by isolation, distrust, withdrawal into himself, cessation of all contacts, problems when communicating with people. The sufferer develops interests in unusual things, for example, in religion, magic. A person often worries, his perception of sounds, colors changes, it seems to him that he is being watched.

Often the disease has a paroxysmal course. This means that the course of this mental state is characterized by outbreaks of acute attacks, which are replaced by periods of remission. Seizures are characterized by seasonality and spontaneity. Spontaneous outbreaks appear under the influence of traumatic factors. There are also so-called single-attack currents that are observed at a young age. Such an attack is characterized by a significant duration and a gradual exit. At the same time, the ability to work is completely restored. Severe cases of psychosis pass into a chronic incessant stage. Such cases are characterized by symptoms that manifest themselves throughout life, even despite treatment.

Psychosis symptoms

A person suffering from mental disorders feels a number of changes in behavior, emotions, and thinking. The basis of this metamorphosis is the loss of an adequate perception of the real world. It becomes impossible for a person to realize what is happening, as well as to assess the severity of changes in the psyche. The patient experiences a depressed state, he is haunted by hallucinations and delusional statements.

Hallucinations are understood as talking to oneself, laughing for no reason, listening and silence, a preoccupied look. The feeling that a relative of the patient hears that he is not able to perceive.

Delusions are understood as changed behavior, the appearance of secrecy and hostility, direct statements of a dubious nature (persecution, own greatness or inexcusable guilt.)

Psychosis classification

All disorders of the mental state are classified by etiology (origin), as well as causes, and endogenous, organic, reactive, situational, somatogenic, intoxication, post-abstinence and withdrawal are distinguished.

In addition, the classification of mental disorders necessarily takes into account the clinical picture and the predominant symptoms. Depending on the symptoms, hypochondriacal, paranoid, depressive, manic disorders of the state of mind and their combinations are distinguished.

postpartum psychosis

This condition occasionally occurs in women after childbirth, it appears in the second - fourth week. Postpartum psychosis is often not felt by the woman herself. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and start treatment. Late diagnosis may delay recovery.

The cause of this condition is complications during childbirth, pain shock.

The more a woman has received injuries (physical, psychological) during childbirth, the more difficult the violation of the state of mind is. First births are more likely to cause a mental disorder than second births. A woman in her second birth already knows what to expect psychologically and does not experience such fear as in the first. Qualified medical care often does not reach the woman in labor, because no one pays attention to her psychological state. Relatives, doctors are more concerned about the physical health of the woman and the newborn, so the woman in labor is left alone with her psychological state.

Postpartum psychosis is often confused with. Postpartum psychosis is characterized by anxiety, insomnia or disturbed sleep, confusion, impaired appetite, delusions, lack of adequate self-esteem, hallucinations.

Psychosis after childbirth is treated in a hospital. One-on-one is strictly forbidden for a mother with a baby. Nursing mothers are shown psychotherapy, drug therapy is prescribed very carefully and under the obligatory supervision of medical staff.

mass psychosis

This state is typical for a collective, a group of people, a people, where suggestibility and imitation are the basis. Mass psychosis has a second name - a mental epidemic. As a result of a mass disturbance of the state of mind, people lose their adequate ability to judge and become obsessed.

Cases of mass psychosis have a common mechanism of formation. An inadequate state is characterized by extra-collective behavior called the crowd. The crowd includes the public (a large group of people) who are united by common interests and act very unanimously, as well as emotionally. Often in the crowd there is a collection of amorphous individuals who do not have direct contacts with each other, but are connected by a constant common interest.

Cases of mass psychosis are mass self-immolation, mass religious worship, mass migrations, mass hysteria, mass hobbies for computer games and social networks, mass patriotic and false patriotic frenzy.

In mass violations of the mental state of non-collective behavior, a huge role is assigned to unconscious processes. Emotional excitement is based on spontaneous actions that arose with impressive events and necessarily affect significant values. For example, the struggle for their rights and interests. Sigmund Freud considered this crowd as a human mass under hypnosis. Very dangerous and essential in the psychology of the crowd is its acute susceptibility to suggestion. Any belief, opinion, idea, the crowd either accepts or completely rejects and treats them hence either as absolute truths or as absolute delusions.

At the basis of all cases of suggestion is an illusion, which is born in one of the individuals who has more or less oratory. The evoked representation, namely the illusion, becomes the core of crystallization, which fills the entire area of ​​​​the mind, and also paralyzes people's ability to criticize. Particularly susceptible to mass disturbance of mental state are people with a weak psyche, who have a history of deviations, depression and mental illness.

paranoid psychosis

This condition is referred to as a more severe manifestation than paranoia, but it is easier than paraphrenia. Paranoid mental disorders are characterized by the ideas of persecution, as well as exposure to affective disorders. Often this condition is noted in organic and somatogenic disorders, as well as toxic disorders of the state of mind (alcoholic psychosis). Paranoid psychosis in schizophrenia is combined with mental automatisms and pseudohallucinosis.

Paranoid psychosis is characterized by vindictiveness, constant dissatisfaction with others. A person painfully perceives all failures, as well as failures. The individual turns into an arrogant, jealous, watching his soul mate - a spouse (wife).

Paranoid psychosis mostly occurs at a young age, predominantly in men. All these suspicions, which are characteristic of the patient, significantly worsen his life and introduce social restrictions. Such individuals do not tolerate criticism, have a reputation for being scandalous, as well as arrogant people. This condition inevitably drives a person into self-isolation and, if left untreated, the patient's life turns into torment. To get rid of a paranoid disturbance of the state of mind, timely psychotherapy is necessary. The psychotherapeutic approach aims to improve general life skills, improve the quality of social interaction, and strengthen self-esteem.

Paranoid psychosis is treated with limited medication. Used in the treatment of antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics.

senile psychosis

The disease has a second name - senile psychosis. This disorder is typical for people after 60 years of age and is characterized by a state of clouding of consciousness. Senile mental disorder often resembles.

Senile psychosis differs from senile dementia in the absence of total dementia. An acute form of senile mental disorder is noted very often. The cause of the occurrence are somatic diseases.

The cause of senile mental disorder is often chronic or acute respiratory diseases, as well as heart failure, diseases of the genitourinary system, hypovitaminosis, and surgical interventions. Sometimes the cause is hypodynamia, malnutrition, sleep disturbances, hearing loss and vision loss. Chronic forms of senile disorders are characterized by depressive states, which are often observed in women. In mild cases, subdepressive states occur, which are characterized by lethargy, adynamia, a feeling of emptiness, and aversion to life.

Psychosis in children

Psychosis in children is severe. The disease is characterized by a violation of the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy, as well as the ability to adequately assess what is happening. Any type of mental disorder significantly harms the life of the baby. The disease creates problems in thinking, in controlling impulses, expressing emotions, and also spoils relationships with other people.

Psychosis in children takes different forms. Hallucinations are common when a child hears, sees, touches, smells and tastes something that does not exist. The kid comes up with words, laughs for no reason, gets very annoyed for any reason, and also for no reason.

An example of psychosis in children: after reading the fairy tale "Cinderella", the child perceives himself as the main character and believes that the evil stepmother is nearby in the room. Such perception by the baby is referred to as hallucinations.

Mental disorders in children occur due to short-term as well as long-term physical conditions, prolonged use of drugs, disturbed hormonal balance, high fever, meningitis.

Psychosis in a child of 2-3 years old in many cases ends when his problems are resolved or become a little dull. In rare cases, a full recovery occurs after the cure of the underlying disease.

The disease in a child of 2-3 years is diagnosed after repeated examination for several weeks. A child psychiatrist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist take part in the diagnosis.

Diagnostic procedures consist of a thorough physical and psychological examination, longitudinal observation of the baby's behavior, testing of mental abilities, as well as hearing and speech tests. The disease in children is treated by specialists only after a thorough examination.

Psychosis after anesthesia

Psychosis after surgery occurs immediately immediately or after two weeks. Such disorders are noted after neurosurgical operations on the brain. For postoperative disturbance of the state of mind is characterized by confusion or stupor of consciousness, affective-delusional disorder, psychomotor agitation. The reason is the influence of anesthesia. Recovery from anesthesia is accompanied by oneiric episodes with autoscopic hallucinations or fantastic combined hallucinations, and is also marked by an emotional state that is close to ecstatic.

Psychosis after anesthesia is close in the patient's memories to flying in the direction of an alluring source of dazzling light, which seems to be a paradise in bright colors. Older people are much more likely to experience post-surgery mental health problems.

Psychosis after stroke

Mental disorders often appear immediately in the first week after a stroke. The cause of psychosis after a stroke is swelling of the brain tissue. Timely correct correction of the condition improves the patient's well-being. Such disorders in the treatment pass in a few days.

Diagnosis of psychosis

Diagnostic examination includes the study of the features of the clinical picture, as well as the characteristic dynamics of the mental disorder. Most of the symptoms of the disease occur in a mild form, even before the onset of the disease and act as its harbingers.

The first signs are very difficult to recognize. The very first symptoms to pay attention to are changes in character (anxiety, irritability, anger, nervousness, sleep disturbance, hypersensitivity, loss of interest, lack of appetite, unusual and strange appearance, lack of initiative).

Psychosis treatment

Patients with psychosis need hospitalization, because they often do not control their actions and can unknowingly harm themselves and those around them. Therapeutic treatment is prescribed after establishing an accurate diagnosis, as well as determining the severity of the condition and symptoms.

How is psychosis treated? Drug treatment includes psychotropic drugs, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and restorative drugs.

Can psychosis be cured? It depends on the type of disease and its severity.

The remedy for psychosis during arousal is the tranquilizers Seduxen, the antipsychotic Triftazin or Aminazin. Crazy ideas are eliminated with neuroleptics Stelazin, Etaperazin, Haloperidol. Reactive psychosis is treated after the cause of the disease has been eliminated, and if depression has joined the disease, then antidepressants Pyrazidol, Gerfonal, Amitriptyline are prescribed.

Recovery from psychosis must include dynamic drug therapy. Psychological rehabilitation after psychosis increases the effectiveness of drug therapy. The main task of the psychiatrist is to establish a trusting contact with the patient, and complex treatment: drug therapy with psychotherapeutic sessions accelerates recovery.

Rehabilitation after psychosis includes educational sessions. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are widely used: electrosleep, acupuncture, physiotherapy, occupational therapy. Physiotherapy can relieve fatigue, emotional overstrain, improve metabolism, increase efficiency.

Recovery from psychosis can take months, as the body is hard on the disease, exhausted emotionally, mentally, physically. Rest and gradual entry into life are important for a recovering person. It is necessary to slowly check the memory, exercise the brain, perform the simplest logical operations.

Immediately return to the previous emotional state and become the same will not work. Be patient. Passion for art therapy or some kind of creativity will help you, otherwise depression after psychosis will inevitably overtake. This happens because a person begins to realize and analyze what happened to him. Therefore, it is important not to become isolated in yourself, on your past states. This is already in the past, it is necessary to do everything possible so that this does not happen in the future, and learn to control yourself.

Recovery from psychosis for some is quick and easy enough, for others it is difficult and long. Here it is important to take into account that the psyche is a flexible structure that responds to influences that are elusive by sight, hearing, and touch. She does not immediately return to the position in which she was originally. Everything happens individually, gradually getting used to the new conditions. It is similar to the mechanism of developing immunity.

AT modern world a far worse epidemic is raging than Ebola—mass induced paranoia. It was this disease that caused the terrible massacres in Rwanda (1994) and Kosovo (1998). After the action of September 11, 2001, suspicion, justifying any violation of human rights, became the norm in "prosperous" Europe and America. Mass psychosis in Russia led to the restoration of the "evil empire" and the incredible Russian-Ukrainian war in the Donbass.

As you can see, mental infection is ubiquitous, and its victims number in the millions. Ways of transmission: household contact-information and mass transmission. Causative agents: gossip, rumors and artificially created "memes" ("punishers", "Ukrofascists", "junta", etc.). The source can be both the patient, who is a prisoner of his own illusions, and the carrier, broadcasting "misinformation" for some of his bestial reasons.

Voluptuousness, cruelty and the Russian world through the eyes of a psychologist.

It seems that from time to time, as Oksana Zabuzhko aptly put it, someone presses the “button” of the basest human feelings. Lenin, for example, put pressure on ordinary envy, and it began to be called "class hatred." Hitler was able to develop German conceit into the idea of ​​racial superiority. And Putin, inducing a mass psychosis in Russia, uses the ancient slavish inferiority complex with the eternal Great Russian complacency and delusional fantasies of grandeur. This is the breadth of the mysterious Russian soul about which Dostoevsky wrote. But psychologists and psychiatrists call this phenomenon much more prosaic - sadomasochism:

  1. Masochism . At the present stage, he has cultivated and degenerated into the habit of seeing in his own country and himself one negative, and in the West, albeit “rotten” due to protective rationalization, but still the blessings of civilization. What is the thrill here? Yes, in the fact that even poverty and spiritual poverty can be credited to oneself. They say, thanks to us, you fatten and owe us. Yes, you scoundrels don't want to pay! And from here it is already one step to another pole of mass psychosis in Russia;
  2. Sadism . It comes from the secret desires of autocratic permissiveness, which the Kremlin of the 21st century demonstrates and inspires much more subtle and cultured than Ivan IV or Peter I. As always, distorting tales about the “great past” in the spirit of pan-Slavism, and the defensive denial of “such a country Ukraine” help. And the present, with all its dirt and blood, will sooner or later enter the heroic history with faith in the bright future of the “beautiful Russian world”.

Surprisingly, as it turned out, mass psychosis in Russia can be done not only from evil, but also from good. Many Russian militias who go to fight in Ukraine are sure that they are helping “their” people and defending “their” culture. And the blame for everything, according to the mechanism of projection, is the damned State Department, Geyropa and the ukrofascists, and not the beloved tsar with the boyars-oligarchs. Not their own stupidity and obscurantism, but the notorious "world behind the scenes";

Information confrontation in modern warfare as a shamanic practice.

There is something mystical in the fact that today the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation not only speak, but also think in propaganda clichés. Any most idiotic fake or staged plot, like a stone thrown from a mountain, immediately causes an avalanche of hatred and insanity in comments and reposts. In the fantasy of the infected, that is, the zombified, the bandits turn into freedom fighters, and the invaders into liberators. At the same time, they lament that the inhabitants of Ukraine do not have “normal TV”, but only false “ukroSMI” with “Pindos” propaganda.

Thus, any conversation with a pro-Russian fanatic quickly turns into a “hohlosrach”. If the one who reveals the signs of a zombified person is your friend, brother, good acquaintance or just a cultured person, then before anathematizing you, he will first “very politely and correctly” retell all the stories of Kiselev-TV known to him. Interestingly, the news and talk show viewers of Russia, stricken with mass psychosis, tend to deny it.

But the mass zombification of people is not only propaganda. Pay attention to the rest of the "media product". These are either “yellow” rumors, or predictions of the end of the world with advertising of sorcerers, fortune tellers, healers, psychics and magicians who are ready to remove damage, the evil eye, patch up information holes and make a complete “polarity reversal” (I didn’t invent anything) of the body. You can safely diagnose schizophrenia!

Or maybe that's the whole point? In fact, there are people who are willing to pay 1000 euros to a medium living in the UK to clear the karma of their lame cat, who in a past life was Bucephalus of Alexander the Great and is now tormented by guilt for losing the battle in India! It seems that we have not gone far from the contemporaries of Genghis Khan and are still listening to the ringing of a tambourine made of human skin. Is it not this penchant for zombification, along with the national BDSM, that caused mass psychosis in Russia- mental, not geographic space?

Psychopathological analysis of Russia's mass military psychosis.

In psychiatry, there is the concept of induced delusion, which means the transfer of the delusions of a mentally ill person to persons previously considered healthy. The inducer of delusion (the person who first developed a delusional disorder) often suffers from real delusions in the form of paranoia or schizophrenia, sometimes psychogenic (reactive) or depressive delusions. According to its content, the induced delusion can be a delusion of damage, betrayal, persecution, poisoning, reforming, invention. The delusions of induced individuals are less systematized and poorer in content compared to the delusions of an inductor; they are presented in the most general terms, using words and expressions borrowed from the inductor. Induced delirium develops chronically (gradually). Acute forms are rare. In the inductor, in addition to delusional ideas, marked affective disorders (emotional) in the form of fear, panic and ecstasy. In some cases, they have visual hallucinations. Induced delirium can capture both the immediate environment and a significant number of people - the so-called "crowd insanity".

Conditions necessary for the occurrence of induced delirium.

1. Long-term communication of the inducer of psychosis with induced persons (more often cohabitation).

2. The delirium of the inducer must develop gradually, and the content is accompanied by credibility, that is, it does not clearly contradict what occurs in everyday life, and also correspond to the settings of the induced.

3. The arguments of the inductor must have significant emotional (affective) “charge” and passion, while his words become much more convincing.

4. Additional factors for the occurrence of induced psychosis are:

- prolonged anxiety

certain social conditions.

With regard to the situation in Russia, we will soon see that the development of mass military psychosis is a truly planned and controlled act of mass mental destruction of the population, where the main force is television as the leading mass media. But first, let's go back many years ago, to the so-called "mass TV treatment sessions" of Dr. Kashpirovsky. In 1988, for the first time on the Central Television of the USSR, Kashpirovsky's television treatment sessions began, the declared goal of which was the mass treatment of the entire population of the country. The so-called "simplicity", "efficiency", "accessibility of the method" and coverage of a multi-million audience at once were the main arguments in favor of such treatment. Yes, for the first time in world history such a "medical" experiment was carried out on such a gigantic scale. What made the leadership of the Central Television to start such a broadcast with a performance by a previously unknown hypnotist? After all, earlier the specialty "psychotherapy" was not advertised especially by the media and was used very limitedly, mainly in the field of spa treatment, and all non-traditional and alternative methods of treatment were most often recognized as "quackery". What happened that suddenly pushed into the extreme corner of medicine, a specialty with such a wide scope and advertising was put on public display? In order to answer this question, we must remember those years, and it was then that the USSR faced great economic problems caused by a decrease in oil prices, which led to a reduction in the country's foreign exchange reserves, which were used to ensure the saturation of the domestic market with goods and food. Against this background, the CPSU began to pursue a policy of "perestroika and glasnost", which led to a decrease in the level of well-being and a sense of uncertainty and anxiety about the future. The current situation required extraordinary measures to influence the mass consciousness. For this, Dr. Kashpirovsky's "television psychotherapy" began to be used. It has proven to be a very effective way of controlling mass consciousness. Suffice it to recall how the streets of cities “died out” at the time of teletherapy sessions, everyone sat at the TV screens as if “hypnotized” and there was a lot of truth in this. People temporarily forgot about their economic problems and turned their attention more to health, and if not a significant part of the time, then quite a lot of time was devoted to discussing these sessions, rather than being distracted from

What was the strength of the "hypnotic" influence of these programs? It is worth starting with the TV screen factor itself. The television screen is a field on which light signals with a high flickering frequency are focused, while this frequency is not fixed and not realized by consciousness, but subconsciously our nerve centers responsible for the perception of visual information constantly respond to these signals even when watching television programs for a long time in the central nervous system begin the formation of hypnotic phase states. This is not yet a hypnotic state, but very close to it. During hypnosis, most of the cerebral cortex is in an inhibited state (hypnotic) and a small part is in an active state (the so-called “rapport”, through which information is perceived that has a powerful inspiring effect on the psyche. When watching television for a long time, foci of inhibition are formed in the cerebral cortex , but there are more of them the longer you watch television programs, and this state can be called "hypnoid" i.e. a state close to hypnotic. As a result of the foregoing, any inspiring influence carried out from a television screen can have a powerful effect on the psyche of viewers. I think that the organizers of these TV shows were pleased with the results achieved and when the experiment came to an end, the persecution of Dr. Kashpirovsky began.Suddenly, the previously silent professors and academicians spoke in one voice about the dangers of these sessions and "remote consequences". As a result, a shadow fell on real psychotherapists, which are real, and not from the TV screen effect clearly treated their patients. At one time, I also had to deal with the negative attitude of some patients towards one of the most effective methods treatment of diseases. I think that the special services have adopted such a method of mass inspiring influence on millions of people and are now using it very effectively to psychologically zombify the population of Russia, and if we assume that the so-called “25 frame” or other more modern “finds” can also be used, then we can imagine the power with which the “correctly dosed” information falls on the audience. Having considered the main weapon of influence on the psyche of the population of Russia, let's move on to how the planting of mass psychosis is carried out.

The first important condition the formation of an environment of induced mass psychosis is prolonged communication with the inductor, in this case, we are talking about the almost permanent leader of Russia. To do this, it is important to create a positive image of a decisive, intelligent and caring "father of the nation", ready to do anything for the benefit of the people of his country. In this regard, television has done a lot and the "image" was a success (flights on military fighters, diving into the depths of the sea in submarines and scuba gear, harsh statements to deal with "enemies of the people").

The second important condition is that the proposed nonsense must be plausible. With regard to the situation that developed in Russia, it is worth remembering how the image of Ukraine was formed as an enemy of Russia. To do this, for a long time the population of Russia was told that Ukraine was supplying Russia with low-quality vegetables, dairy products, meat, sweets, etc. And when the events took place on the Maidan, the popular unrest and dissatisfaction with the rule of Yanukovych was presented as a "fascist coup." Instead of beating and shooting the protesters, they showed how “peaceful Berkut and special forces” were beaten. Then even more - they began to say that it was time to go and save the unfortunate population of Donbass from the "fascists". And for this, all means are good, including the massacres of "dill", and here television has played an important inspiring role, showing colorfully the "atrocities of the Ukrainians."

The third important condition is that the arguments of the inducer of psychosis must be emotionally charged. The leader of Russia copes with these conditions perfectly well at the conferences he holds. To enhance the effect, it is often shown close-up, especially the eyes, which is the suggestible element that was also used during Kashpirovsky's teletherapy.

Additional factors. In this case, there are more than enough of them - first of all, this is a general deterioration in the standard of living, a decrease in income, alcoholism, drug addiction, a decrease in the cultural level, the emergence of anxious expectations, a lack of

a positive perspective (in this case, the creation of an image of an enemy that extends to almost all civilized countries of the world that do not support the Kremlin's policy).

Additional factors that worsen the mass military psychosis in Russia may be the fight against dissidents, the closure of independent TV channels and other sources of information, in particular the Internet, which leads to information isolation and an even greater influence of the source of mass induced psychosis (inductor) on the population of the country .

The consequences for mental and moral health for the population of Russia will be catastrophic, because the moral decay of the population will also lead to the territorial disintegration of the state with further impoverishment and reduction of the Russian-speaking population and further growth of other peoples, more adapted to difficult living conditions.

It can be assumed that further developments will enhance the existing factors contributing to the further development of induced psychosis and skillful manipulation

they will lead to the strengthening and deepening of psychosis in Russia, with a gradual transfer of the country's development along the path of North Korea.

A request to those who are not indifferent to help in raising funds for the creation of the "Center of Folk Medicine"

Charity account (UAH)

Account: 29244825509100 MFO: 305299, EDRPOU: 14360570.

mass psychosis

mass psychosis is a mental epidemic based on imitation and suggestibility. Mass psychosis affects a collective or group of people, causing the person to lose their normal ability to judge and the normal way of judging, which makes the person obsessed.

Mass hysterical psychosis

An extreme form of manifestation of mass psychosis is mass hysteria.
Term "mass hysteria" used, as a rule, to determine that the victims feel actually non-existent physical symptoms.
History knows such massive mental epidemics of hysteria as:

  • dance of St. Witt, tarantism, epidemics of frantic dancing;
  • epidemics of convulsions, epidemics of convulsions, hiccups and tics;
  • epidemics of hysterics, demonic possession, animal-possession;
  • self-flagellation;
  • epidemics of mass self-immolation and mass suicide.
  • Most of the events are described in the works of the Soviet biophysicist A. L. Chizhevsky, who substantiates the influence of the Sun on the physical world of the Earth.
    Psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev in his work “Suggestion and its role in public life” pointed out that: “authors who have studied the manifestations of hysterics, not without reason, compare or even identify this state with the demonomania of the Middle Ages or demonic possession” .
    The mechanism of transmission of hysteria from person to person remains unclear. Also, no logical explanation has been found as to why it strikes some and not others.

    Common Phenomena of Mass Psychosis in the 21st Century

    If the mass psychoses of the Middle Ages are explained from the point of view of heliopsychology, then since the twentieth century, especially since its second half, the creation of psidemic waves has increasingly become a matter of business and politics, a field of well-thought-out social strategies of certain narrowly interested groups.
    Mass psychoses acquired the greatest prevalence in the following states of people's consciousness:

    Derived from universal gambling addiction, in all its inexhaustible diversity.

    Mania for technical improvement, mixed with many human feelings and passions: vanity, envy, anxiety, possessiveness, passion for creativity, etc.

    The whole complex conglomerate of a massively unsatisfied need for communication and self-realization through communication.

    Infantile-dependent instinct, partly hunting and all the same possessiveness.

    “Social networks are not so harmless and, in addition to the “wasted years” that they provide to each more or less active user, they are able to reward him with certain psychological problems, which then eventually result in bodily health problems.

    On January 9, 2012, a plane arrived in Moscow from Barcelona, ​​whose flight on Monday was delayed by 9 hours. This happened due to the fact that before the scheduled takeoff on the liner of the Bashkortostan airline, owned by the VIM-Avia holding, technical problems began. The crew said that everything was in order, but the passengers were not reassured. Doubting the health of the aircraft, they demanded to replace both the board and the pilots. The airline returned all passengers to the airport building and allegedly thoroughly inspected the aircraft. After that, he took to the air, however, not everyone agreed to fly on it.

    12/29/2011. The current situation after the earthquake, which has developed at the moment in Krasnoyarsk, was called "mass psychosis" in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the department, the townspeople are actively spreading false information about the earthquake in the city. For example, that "allegedly on behalf of the rescuers, the evacuation of schools and kindergartens, as well as office buildings, began." “No one gave an order to evacuate. In addition, we do not expect aftershocks, ”said the Main Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    “You are not in the field of miracles, you are rather in the “land of fools”. Is there really no reason to gather a family, to tell all relatives, friends, neighbors wishes from the heart during the year. Services 03 and 02 are already subconsciously tuned in these days for active work.

    The mechanism of formation of mass psychosis

    Mass psychosis affects such a subject of mass forms of non-collective behavior, which is called the "crowd". The crowd is called:
    - the public, which is understood as a large group of people arising on the basis of common interests, often without any organization, but always in a situation that affects common interests and allows for rational discussion;
    - a contact, outwardly unorganized community, acting extremely emotionally and unanimously;
    - a set of individuals that make up a large amorphous group and for the most part do not have direct contacts with each other, but are connected by some common more or less permanent interest. These are mass hobbies, mass hysteria, mass migrations, mass patriotic or pseudo-patriotic frenzy.

    In mass forms of non-collective behavior, unconscious processes play an important role. On the basis of emotional excitement, spontaneous actions arise in connection with some impressive events that affect the main values ​​​​of people in the course, for example, of their struggle for their interests and rights.

    Z. Freud put forward a very productive idea for describing the phenomenon of the crowd. He viewed the crowd as a human mass under hypnosis. The most dangerous and most essential thing in crowd psychology is its susceptibility to suggestion. Any opinion, idea or belief inspired by the crowd, it accepts or rejects in its entirety and treats them either as absolute truths, or as absolute delusions. In all cases, the source of suggestion in the crowd is an illusion born in one individual due to more or less vague memories. The evoked representation becomes the nucleus for further crystallization that fills the entire area of ​​the mind and paralyzes all critical abilities.

    British neuroscientist Chris Frith argues that the brain can create false models of the material world and the inner world of other people. False models of the inner world of other people are not so easy to check. And sometimes a person can successfully share these false models with others. In cases of dual psychosis, two people share the same delusions, and sometimes a similar psychosis unites more people (for example, family members until they discuss the falsity of the models with strangers). But when larger groups of people share false beliefs, getting to the truth becomes much more difficult. Something similar happened in a tragic story mass suicide in Jones Town on November 18, 1978, when 911 members of the congregation committed suicide by drinking cyanide.

    Lavrov diagnosed American politicians with "mass psychosis" and "paranoid Russophobia"

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in an interview with the Kurdish television channel Rudaw on Monday, July 24, said that a "paranoid fascination with Russophobia" has blossomed in the United States. The transcript is published on the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    “We understand how hard it is now in Washington for those who are still trying to show common sense in the face of an endemic, paranoid passion for Russophobia,” the head of Russian diplomacy said.

    According to Lavrov, “it’s not easy for normal people there.” The minister also said that he "did not even suspect that American politicians could be subject to such a mass psychosis."

    “I talked to many of them when I was still working in New York. For me, everything that is happening now is very surprising, ”he added.

    As the head of the Russian diplomatic department noted, American politicians "drive themselves onto a very high fence, from which it is difficult to jump later."

    “Everything that procrastinates on the pages of newspapers, on TV screens in the United States, is, as we say, pardon the non-parliamentary expression, “sucked from the finger,” the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Stories of mass psychosis are as old as the world itself. How many different stories go around, chilling stories that are hard to believe in, it is even more difficult to separate sincerity from conscious lies, where it is sometimes difficult to find the material, natural basis of what you see.

In 1885, a cholera epidemic broke out in Italy. During these difficult days, the inhabitants of the small village of Korano near Naples began to see the Madonna in a black robe, praying for the salvation of people on the nearest hill where the chapel stood. Word of this incident quickly spread throughout the neighborhood, and people began to flock to Carano.

Everyone or almost everyone clearly saw the praying Mother of God. The mass hallucination, like an epidemic, threatened many with madness. Then the government took drastic measures. The chapel was moved to another place, the Carabinieri occupied the hill - and the visions stopped.

In the same 19th century, during the Franco-Prussian war, hundreds of peasants of the Rhine province in battlefields saw images of the Madonna and the crucifixion of Christ on the clouds. Similar mass hallucinations were observed during the First World War. In the Middle Ages, outbreaks of painful hallucinations occurred repeatedly in convents.

In 1631, the monastery of the Luzhna Ursulilok was distinguished by this. The nuns claimed that demons began to visit them at night. They saw their "beast-like muzzles", felt "vile, clawed paws" touching them. Women convulsed, fell into a lethargic sleep, rolled on the floor with wild screams. They spewed abuse and curses to God.

The holy fathers-inquisitors were engaged in the investigation of this "case". The culprit was found: the priest Urban Grandier, who had long been suspected of having links with the devil. After inhuman torture, the unfortunate Grandier was burned.

I would like to quote an excerpt from an article by a famous Russian psychiatrist V.M. ankylosing spondylitis, who studied the phenomenon of mass psychoses:

“Undoubtedly,” he writes, “that in some cases the transmission of a mental“ infection ”from one to another seems to be extremely facilitated even among perfectly healthy individuals. Particularly favorable conditions for such a transmission are the thoughts of the same kind and moods of the same nature that prevail among many people. Thanks to these conditions, among other things, illusions and hallucinations of an identical nature are distinguished in many persons at the same time. These collective or mass hallucinations, occurring under certain conditions, are one of the most interesting phenomena. In almost every family chronicle, one can hear stories about the vision of dead relatives by a whole group of people.

He himself gives a very interesting example of a mass illusion and hallucination that happened to military sailors. This was in 1846. Two French ships, the frigate Belle Poule and the corvette Berso, were caught in the Indian Ocean by a terrible hurricane. The first ship made it through the storm safely. Having lost the second ship during the hurricane, the frigate headed to a prearranged meeting point - off the eastern coast of Madagascar. But the corvette was not there.

As the days passed, the ship with 300 people on board did not appear. A whole month passed in agonizing expectation for the fate of his comrades. And suddenly the observer, sitting on the mast, noticed in the west near the coast a ship without masts. The whole crew rushed upstairs. Yes, the observer was not mistaken! Everyone saw the unfortunate ship.

The event excited everyone, and the excitement became even greater when the sailors saw that in front of them they saw not a broken ship, but a raft with people towed by sea boats, from which signals of death were transmitted. This vision lasted for several hours, and every minute more and more new details of the visible picture became clear.

The cruiser "Archimedes" standing on the roadstead went to the rescue. The day was drawing to a close when he approached the "shipwrecked". Instead of a "raft with people," he found many huge trees brought here by the current. In the origin of this mass hallucination, the influence of suggestion is clearly noticeable. There is no doubt that everything experienced greatly excited the nerves of the sailors.

Worried about the participation of their comrades, they only talked about them. At this time, the signalman noticed a strange object with unclear outlines on the horizon. The thought of the crash of a corvette immediately creates in his mind a picture of a dying ship. His words about the ship alone were enough to instill an illusion in everyone right there.

And here is another story - about a lame coke. His unexpected death disturbed many who were on the ship. On the same day, the cook was buried according to the marine custom - they were lowered into the sea. And in the evening, many saw a dead man walking on the water behind the ship and limping on one leg! The frightened people could not sleep all night. And in the morning everything was cleared up: instead of a ghost, everyone saw a stump of a board tied to the stern.

“Among the collective hallucinations,” writes V.M. Bekhterev, “include, among other things, the vision of the heavenly army by one detachment of Russian troops before the Battle of Kulikovo, the vision of the crusaders clad in armor and descending from the sky under the leadership of St. George, Demetrius and Theodola and much more.

And these days, mass hallucinations are not uncommon at sectarian prayers. A hallucination that appears in one of the worshipers is then transmitted to others. The same mood for everyone, mutual suggestion associated with constant conversations about the same subject, leads to the fact that the hallucination becomes common to the masses.

A simpler example of mutual suggestion is the following fact. Everyone knows how the mood changes when a cheerful person appears among the bored. Very quickly, even without particularly striving for this, others are infected with his fun. It also happens that a bored person becomes in a good mood when he finds himself in a cheerful and lively society.

Nikolai OZEROV

For example, imagine a family of two elderly spouses. They lived happily ever after, but one fine day one of the spouses falls ill with schizophrenia. The disease proceeds according to classical textbooks: he begins to have small problems, all sorts of attention disorders there, and against the background of these small symptoms, a voice begins to be heard more and more clearly inside the head. The patient does not know whose voice it is

But the voice is alien, and it is heard not in the ears, but, as it were, inside the skull. That is, the classic Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. The voice says strange things. At first, the patient is at a loss, even realizes that he is ill, asks for help and does not know what to do. But the voice grows stronger and becomes much more real than common sense and the world around. And then confusion is replaced by what in psychiatry is called "crystallization of delirium." In an attempt to explain what is happening, the patient invents a plot. It may feature CIA radioactive rays or FSB invisible poisonous gases, aliens, reptilians, a syndicate of criminal hypnotists or ancient Mayan spirits. The delirium grows stronger, acquires details, and now the patient speaks with conviction about the spirits of the ancient Indians who have risen from the ashes. Who chose him as a guide in order to inform humanity through him about their firm decision to incinerate the earth if humanity does not immediately stop wars, pedophilia and poaching of the Baikal omul.

After some time, the cops bring a person taken in a public place for being inadequate to the emergency room of the city mental hospital. The man rushed at his interlocutors, argued, demanded attention and carried complete nonsense about the Mayan spirits who had resurrected and were trying to talk to humanity for the last time.

The nuance of the situation is that this inadequate person is not a patient, but his spouse. It's just that he has induced psychosis, and he expresses ideas that were born in someone else's sick mind. The job of a psychiatrist is not easy. He must determine this and figure out what kind of nonsense he is dealing with - classical or induced. To treat the induced delusions of the spouses, it will be enough to separate and completely stop their interaction. Soon a healthy spouse will recover, and the patient will begin a long and difficult course of treatment for schizophrenia.

Induced delusions in psychiatry are not so rare. The mechanism of its occurrence is simple: if people are close enough or even relatives, if the patient is respected and respected by a healthy person, then his energy of persuasion is sometimes quite enough to overshadow reality and common sense with his voice - just like the voice of the disease did before, resounding inside his head.

Is it really so easy to make a person believe in obvious nonsense? Alas, it's easier than ever. Moreover, it is possible to induce delirium not of one person, but of several. History knows cases when the ruler of a state, suffering from paranoia or mania, induced entire nations with his delirium: the Germans fled to enslave the world, believing Hitler in the superiority of their nation, the Russians rushed to shoot neighbors and employees, believing Stalin in the widespread dominance of foreign spies. The induced delirium that has spread to a large crowd has a special name - mass psychosis.

There is no need to console oneself with the hope that a critical perception of reality is inherent in a person by nature. It is not characteristic of man. A person in his mass is always a product of faith. Most citizens of any country are able to believe in anything. In the superiority of his race over the rest. In the justice of the October Revolution. The need to burn young women suspected of witchcraft at the stake. The fact that the DPRK is the happiest country in the world, and all the people of the globe envy us. In the healing properties of the magnet. In the healing water, charged with positive vibrations of the psychic. On a pilgrimage to the icon of Matryonushka of Moscow, healing from infertility and prostatitis. The fact that the neighbor locksmith Vitya turns out to be a spy for British intelligence. And in the great proletarian justice, expressed in the execution of the spy Vitya, along with his wife Verochka and children. That Stalin is the most humane. And that Hitler is the most humane. Against logic. No evidence. Despite the opposite. And if there is a need for logic, a person will find one suitable “fact” for himself, which will irrefutably prove that Hitler gave sweets to children, the icon really cured an employee, water can remember music (the scientist checked it!), And a UFO was once shot down by military pilots, showed in TV show, infa 100%.

Approximately 45% of the world's population believe in God, although this number seems to me to be underestimated by half. They believe in the creation of a woman from a man's rib. And the Flood. Although the evidence for this is like for those Mayan spirits who threatened to destroy humanity in the name of the omul. The rest of humanity believes in the String Theory and the Big Bang. Even here, however, there is no more evidence. 100% of all people in the world believe that they believe in the Real Truth, and the rest are fools, zombies and infidels.

The whole history of mankind is the history of sincere belief in yet another nonsense. Mankind suffers from induced psychoses like the flu - in droves, in crowds of millions and for long decades without remission. Is it any wonder that some schizophrenic infected his healthy wife with a schizophrenic idea? This is completely normal for most people.

Each of us lives among patients with a variety of induced delusions (more dangerous if the same), and he himself is also sick. This is absolutely normal. Only distant descendants will figure out which of our today's beliefs and everyday habits were nonsense. And they will be surprised how we believed in these ideas, contrary to logic, common sense and all available statistics.

However, logic and common sense exist, and some ideas are adequate. How to figure out which ones? If we assume that in a world filled with delirium, there is still an adequate perception of reality (or at least some part of it), then how and by what signs can this be distinguished from delirium and mass psychosis?

It is clear that the main criterion is the internal logic of the theory and its consistency. If there are suspicions of the presence of mass psychosis, it makes sense to abandon TV and other means of mass induction, and instead use fundamentally different sources, constantly comparing and evaluating the reliability of information. A separate useful skill is the constant comparison of theory with data from a wide variety of statistics. And not with a single case that happened to an employee. A person for whom the image of two dead children looks more convincing than all the data of world statistics is a potential victim of induced delirium and a ready adherent of mass hysteria about the ban on cyclists, balcony loggias and home canning of mushrooms.

But there is also an auxiliary criterion that allows us to assume with a good degree of probability that we are dealing with induced delirium in the form of mass psychosis: these are the statistics of its participants. Because if we are dealing with induced delirium, then it will first of all affect those categories of people who are more prone to this than others. Even Wikipedia, with captivating frankness, lists the categories of people most susceptible to mass psychosis: hysteria, suggestibility, low intelligence. If the theory is supported in its mass by such characters, this is a good reason to suspect mass psychosis. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Hysteria

Hysteria and aggression are valuable diagnostic criteria. Everyone knows that aggression is resorted to when physical suppression of dissent is the last way to prove a point. If supporters of a certain idea begin to want punishment for their opponents in a mass (not single) order, most likely they are sick. If supporters of the idea approve of notorious atrocities (torture, executions, repressions, deportations, concentration camps, long prison terms), justifying them with holy goals, they are definitely sick. The nonsense will someday end, and the descendants will be ashamed of the era.

2. Suggestibility

Suggestibility, superstition, and religiosity are terms that are similar, but not the same. In any case, the last thing I want to do here is to oppose religion and atheism - it's so difficult questions that I myself do not share either side, confessing my own hybrid theory of God. I believe that there is no God in our Universe, but there will be. Because to create it is the ultimate task of the technical and moral progress of mankind (perhaps, originally invented and set by God himself, for example, by using a paradox in the cosmic laws of time). It follows from this theory, in particular, that God does not help, but sees everything (all the events of the Universe that have happened are available to God, but he does not affect them retroactively). That miracles and justice at this stage should not be expected, but this is not a reason to sit back and be a beast. That prayer will eventually reach the addressee, and good deeds will be credited. And even the continuation of life after death, this theory promises - however, in half with the risk that humanity will not cope with the task, left without the Almighty and all the blessings with which he could reward those who helped him arise, and even those who interfered (mercy and forgiveness is a property of God). Therefore, each of the people by their own actions slightly changes the probability of the success of the mission, and this is the main meaning, risk, work and moral choice: it will not be easy, and success is not guaranteed. In any case, this theory perfectly explains the world order, sets the noble goal of life and brings the idea of ​​serving God to the modern level, without conflicting with traditional religions, science, or atheism.

But superstitiousness in the broadest sense is a valuable diagnostic criterion, indicating a willingness to accept a wide variety of delusional theories without requiring fact-checking. Superstitions include a variety of beliefs, whose essence is not supported by facts and experiment: fortune-telling, omens, dream books, horoscopes, magic, non-professional theories of self-treatment, as well as, in fact, everyday superstitions, such as the danger of black cats crossing the road. If in the crowd of supporters of a certain idea there are many such characters, this is a clear signal that we are dealing with induced delirium. But, of course, just as clear diagnostic criterion a crowd of believers can serve, whose behavior contradicts their own religious teachings (not even speaking of Christianity, any religion denies rudeness, violence, aggression, torture, executions, pogroms and persecution).

3. Low intelligence

Intelligence, level of education and occupation are not synonymous, but are strongly related to each other, if only just statistically. Therefore, if a significant part of the supporters of the idea are students and academics, this is hardly a mass psychosis. And vice versa: if the idea is picked up mainly by workers and peasants, declaring that their enemies are the competent officer class, entrepreneurs and intelligentsia, then this is a clear sign of nonsense (which, however, can drag on for 70 years, as the history of the USSR has shown). And in the same way, it can be assumed that society was struck by a mass psychosis, when the demonstrations are mainly employees, the unemployed, workers and state employees who oppose themselves to an indefinite circle of "enemies" with obviously more high level education and intelligence: creative class, entrepreneurs, musicians, artists, writers, computer scientists.

It is impossible to describe in words what happened in the Netherlands during the commemoration of the Second World War.
While there was a minute of silence, a scream was heard in the crowd, and everyone began to scream in panic and run.
The police covered the Queen.
For no reason, for no reason.
Without even thinking to look around and change your mind ...


  • May 07, 2010, 20:41

In 1885, a cholera epidemic broke out in Italy. During these difficult days, the inhabitants of the small village of Korano near Naples began to see the Madonna in a black robe, praying for the salvation of people on the nearest hill where the chapel stood. Word of this incident quickly spread throughout the neighborhood, and people began to flock to Carano. Everyone or almost everyone clearly saw the praying Mother of God. The mass hallucination, like an epidemic, threatened many with madness. Then the government took drastic measures. The chapel was moved to another place, the Carabinieri occupied the hill - and the visions stopped.

In the same 19th century, during the Franco-Prussian war, hundreds of peasants of the Rhine province in battlefields saw images of the Madonna and the crucifixion of Christ on the clouds. Similar mass hallucinations were observed during the First World War. In the Middle Ages, outbreaks of painful hallucinations occurred repeatedly in convents. In 1631, the monastery of the Luzhna Ursulilok was distinguished by this. The nuns claimed that demons began to visit them at night. They saw their "beast-like muzzles", felt "vile, clawed paws" touching them. Women convulsed, fell into a lethargic sleep, rolled on the floor with wild screams. They spewed abuse and curses to God.

The holy fathers-inquisitors were engaged in the investigation of this "case". The culprit was found: the priest Urban Grandier, who had long been suspected of having links with the devil. After inhuman torture, the unfortunate Grandier was burned.

I would like to quote an excerpt from an article by the famous Russian psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev, who studied the phenomenon of mass psychoses: “Undoubtedly,” he writes, “that in some cases the transmission of a mental“ infection ”from one to another seems to be extremely facilitated even among perfectly healthy individuals. Particularly favorable conditions for such a transmission are the thoughts of the same kind and moods of the same nature that prevail among many people. Thanks to these conditions, among other things, illusions and hallucinations of an identical nature are distinguished in many persons at the same time. These collective or mass hallucinations, occurring under certain conditions, are one of the most interesting phenomena. In almost every family chronicle, one can hear stories about the vision of dead relatives by a whole group of people.

“Among the collective hallucinations,” writes V.M. Bekhterev, “include, among other things, the vision of the heavenly army by one detachment of Russian troops before the Battle of Kulikovo, the vision of the crusaders clad in armor descending from the sky under the leadership of St. George, Demetrius and Theodola and much more.

And these days, mass hallucinations are not uncommon at sectarian prayers. A hallucination that appears in one of the worshipers is then transmitted to others. The same mood for everyone, mutual suggestion associated with constant conversations about the same subject, leads to the fact that the hallucination becomes common to the masses.
To illustrate, here are a few clear examples mass psychoses. In 1998, in Jordan, after vaccination, a "mystical disease" struck 800 teenagers. The results of the investigation showed that the cause of the disease was not immunization, but mass hysteria ( hysteria - a condition in which a person unconsciously copies the symptoms of the disease of others, biasedly looking for flaws in their own well-being) . The media played a fatal role in this, convincing the population that the vaccine was spoiled, and the hype that arose after the onset of the disease exacerbated the situation and increased the number of adolescents who sought help in hospitals.
One of the phenomenal cases of mass hysteria happened in France in 1789 against the backdrop of revolutionary events. The “great fear” (fr. la Grande Peur) spread throughout the country, terrifying the inhabitants of villages and cities, telling terrible stories about the invasion of either the Austrians or the British, whose invincible hordes wiped out all life from the earth. Interestingly, the "Great Fear" had absolutely no basis, because there was no invasion.

Thousands of examples of mass psychosis and hysteria can be cited, while the conclusion suggests itself about the influence of the media, which have every opportunity to control the crowd. Even a normal person who enters the crowd is imbued with the general mood and loses the ability to be critical.


Collective hysteria often spreads when there is a fear of real or imagined illness combined with a stressful environment.

Here are the strangest cases of mass hysteria that demonstrate how quickly a society can be swallowed up.
Mass hysteria (examples)

Meowing Nuns

In France in the Middle Ages, nuns began to inexplicably meow like cats. Other nuns soon joined in, until the entire convent began to make meowing noises for several hours.

The situation got out of control and the villagers had to call in the soldiers, who threatened to flog the nuns if they didn't stop. In those days, it was believed that some animals, especially cats, could take over people.

An epidemic of trembling while writing

The first mass manifestation of this hysteria occurred in Gross-Tinz in 1892, when the hand of a 10-year-old girl began to shake in the classroom. The trembling spread throughout the body and was transmitted to other students in her class, namely 15 of them.

That same year, 20 children in Basel, Switzerland developed the same symptoms of trembling. Twenty years later, 27 more children in Basel developed the same trembling, possibly after hearing the story of the first case of mass trembling.

Halifax Tearbreaker

In 1938, two women from Halifax, England, claimed to have been attacked by a strange man with a hammer and brightly colored shoe buckles. Soon more people began to claim that they were attacked by a similar man, only with a knife. Soon the Scotland Yard police decided to take on this case. In the end, it turned out that many of the "victims" actually made up the story, and some of them were even sent to prison for harming society.

Mad Gasman in Matoone

In 1944, in the city of Matoone, USA, Aline Kearney, a woman, claimed to have felt something terrible outside the window, which made her throat burn and her legs go numb. She also saw a vague figure. Soon the entire city was terrified by an unknown biochemical intruder, but no evidence of its existence was ever found.
Epidemic cases

Laughter epidemic in Tanganyika

This incident happened in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) at a boarding school when three students started laughing and their laughter was too infectious. Soon 95 out of 150 students joined them. Some laughed for hours, others for up to 16 days. The school was closed, but this did not stop the laughter, which spread to the neighboring village. A month later, another epidemic of laughter struck, affecting 217 people.

June insect epidemic

In 1962, 62 workers at an American textile factory were stricken with a mysterious illness. It caused symptoms such as numbness, nausea, headaches and vomiting. Many believed that the disease appeared due to June insect bites, but in fact the symptoms were caused by mass hysteria due to stress.

Blackburn swoons

In 1965, several girls from a school in Blackburn, England began to complain of dizziness and many fainted. Within an hour, 85 girls were taken to the hospital after fainting. A year later, they found out that the mass hysteria was caused by the recent outbreak of polio in Blackburn.

Evil spells Mount Pleasant

In 1976, 15 students at a school in Mount Pleasant, Mississippi fell to the ground and began writhing in pain. The school and the police suspected that drugs were the cause of the phenomenon, but there was no evidence for this. The students believed that some kind of curse was to blame, and one third of all the students stayed at home for the day so that they would not be overtaken by "corruption".

Fainting epidemic in the West Bank

About 943 Palestinian girls and women fainted on the West Bank in 1983. Israel and Palestine accused each other of using chemical weapons. In fact, only 20 percent inhaled something toxic, and the other 80 percent were hysterical.

Poisoning students in Kosovo

In 1990, thousands of students in Kosovo became ill from what many thought were poisoning from toxic gases. Many fainted, they had vomiting and convulsions, inflamed eyes and redness of the face. Doctors have never been able to find out what exactly caused the poisoning, and suggest that it was a case of mass hysteria.

Pokemon Shock

The first season of the Pokémon anime series featured an episode that was never shown outside of Japan due to causing nausea symptoms and epileptic seizures in approximately 12,000 Japanese children after watching it in 1997. The episode "Dennō Senshi Porygon" was accompanied by bright flashes, which are believed to have caused the seizures. Others believe it was a case of mass hysteria.

Virus "Strawberry with sugar"

In 2006, they showed an episode of the Portuguese soap opera "Strawberries with Sugar", where the characters suffered from a terrible disease. After viewing, 300 children developed symptoms of this disease. Several schools were closed in an attempt to stop the mass hysteria.
Spirit of Charlie

Although the version of this game was popular in South America many years, it has recently become very popular. During a session, a person asks a question to a certain spirit named Charlie, who presumably answers by guiding the movement of pencils stacked on top of each other.

A simpler example of mutual suggestion is the following fact. Everyone knows how the mood changes when a cheerful person appears among the bored. Very quickly, even without particularly striving for this, others are infected with his fun. It also happens that a bored person becomes in a good mood when he finds himself in a cheerful and lively society.

white class

Copying someone else's behavior.

  • Prolonged behavior of large groups that does not fit into the framework of the current system of beliefs and morality.
  • In their pure form, they practically do not occur, but can manifest themselves in various combinations under the influence of additional factors and external influences.


    Despite the efforts of researchers, the human psyche continues to be one of the most mysterious areas of knowledge. Many mental illnesses and even epidemics still do not have a clear, unambiguous explanation. They seem to go beyond the usual ideas about human ailments and seem completely incomprehensible to many.


    One of the most famous mass mental illnesses occurred in 1374 in several villages located near the Rhine River at once. Hundreds of their inhabitants took to the streets and danced for many days in a row, while people hardly slept and did not eat.

    After a few months, the disease stopped, but cases of "dance plague" occurred several more times. In 1518, an outbreak of this incomprehensible disease occurred in the city of Strasbourg (now the territory of France, also near the Rhine). One of the women suddenly began to dance in the street. It was gradually joined by several dozens, and then hundreds of townspeople.

    The authorities of the city did not know what to do, because the dancers did not violate any laws. Local doctors recommended continuing dancing, because they thought that only this activity would cure patients of an incomprehensible ailment. Two large halls were specially opened in the city, where musicians played for the dancers.

    The epidemic also lasted several months and led to the death of dozens of people - from heart attacks and exhaustion. Then she passed as suddenly as she appeared.

    In total, at least seven cases of mass dance psychosis were noted in medieval documents, which struck tens of thousands of Europeans. Scientists called such a disease choreomania (from the Greek words choreia - “dance” and mania - “passion”). In 1952, researcher Eugene Backman put forward a version that the hallucinogenic mold spores that form in stacks of wet rye and sweat could be the cause of mania. gets into the bread.

    But in modern times, University of Michigan professor John Waller has challenged this view. He pointed out that the dancers were not just convulsing, but purposefully performing dance moves. The hallucinatory mold was unlikely to have such an effect. At the same time, the testimonies of witnesses noted that the dancers did not seem to want to dance - and in fact the actions of a person in a state of trance usually bring him satisfaction.

    Waller suggests that mass hysteria is primarily related to stress. In the Middle Ages, the Rhine region near Strasbourg experienced bad times. Crop failures gave way to epidemics of smallpox and leprosy, people died of disease and hunger. Residents of the city and nearby villages experienced constant fear for themselves and their loved ones.

    At the same time, the legend about St. Vitus, a Christian martyr, was popular in the region, in front of whose statue you need to dance in order to gain health. But at the same time, if a person causes displeasure of the saint, he makes him dance again and again. That is, according to John Waller, people subconsciously sought salvation from death in such dances.


    In the winter of 1962, another mass mental illness occurred in a school in Tanganyika. It started when a few female students in Kashasha Village started laughing for no reason. This phenomenon was so contagious that by the end of the day at school more than half of the students aged 12 to 18 were laughing incessantly. Classes had to be canceled and the school closed for several days.

    But such a measure did not stop the epidemic - a few days later mass psychosis spread among teenagers in neighboring settlements. Doctors suggested that due to the closure of the school in the village of Kashasha, parents took some teenagers to other educational institutions - and they infected healthy children.

    The assumption about the infectious nature of the disease did not find any confirmation: most of the continuously laughing teenagers were examined, but no anomalies, as well as traces of the presence of any psychotropic drugs in the body, were found in them. The cause of the disease remains unknown.

    Attacks of hysterical laughter in children lasted from two weeks to several months. Sometimes they were accompanied by sobs and even outbursts of aggression. Later, the mass psychosis became weaker and after some time completely stopped.

    In total, the epidemic of laughter struck more than 1,000 teenagers, it lasted 18 months - and no scientific explanation for what happened has yet been found.


    Another mental illness characteristic of adolescents, scientists call dromomania (from the Greek dromos - "running"). This wanderlust, which overcomes many minors, is widely described in fiction. It is common for teenagers to dream of adventures that can happen far from their home, so children often leave it in search of mysterious treasures, new friends, and so on.

    But sometimes such an irresistible desire covers adults. A similar epidemic was observed in France during 1881-1909. The first case examined was that of Jean-Albert Dada, a locksmith from Bordeaux. In 1881, being called up for army service, he was sent to Belgium as part of his unit - and there he suddenly felt an irresistible desire to travel. Jean-Albert left Belgium for Prague, then for Berlin, then for East Prussia from where he moved to Moscow.

    In the same 1881, the assassination of the Russian Emperor Alexander II took place, so Dada was arrested in Russia and sent to Turkey as a suspicious person. In Constantinople, he was sent to Vienna through the French consulate and helped to get a job in his specialty.

    But Jean-Albert also left Vienna. In 1886, in France, he was admitted to a hospital, after which the story of an unusual tramp became widely known. In a collection of articles published a few years later, The Mad Traveler, doctors tried to assess his mental state. It was noted that Jean-Albert Dada made all his movements without remembering where he was and what he was doing.

    Scientific work has drawn attention to this problem. It turned out that in France at that time there were at least a dozen similar travelers. Signs of the disease were identified and described. First of all, the person made the decision to change the place of residence suddenly. He forgot about all plans and obligations, in some cases even got up from the table and left during the meal.

    The second characteristic detail of the "adult" dromomania was the complete lack of preparation. People left without money, forgot documents, did not worry about their luggage.

    Scientists have come to the conclusion that such a mental illness is caused by emotional stress, under the influence of which a person seeks to change the living space. Dada himself and some of his followers spoke of their feelings as an insurmountable feeling of anxiety, disappearing only during the movement. For such a person, the goal and final destination of the journey are not important; for him, the main thing is the continuous opportunity to change the place of stay.

    Sometimes such vagabonds, after several years of wandering, return home - and may even later realize and condemn their act. But there are times when wanderings take the rest of your life and end with the death of the wanderer.

    Scientists note that the pathological desire to change places is often associated with nervous disorders or brain injuries, but even more often it manifests itself in people who like to fantasize.

    It is believed that the famous writer Maxim Gorky suffered from dromomania, and his mother and grandmother also had a passion for escaping. Gorky could not live in one place for a long time and, even being a respectable Soviet writer, he constantly tried to leave his home and go somewhere.


    Beginning in 1400, various documents recorded cases of unexpected mass insanity among women living in monasteries. It is known that in one of them, the novices suddenly imagined themselves as cats. They meowed and tried to climb trees.

    This unusual behavior continued for several days, after which the priests were forced to perform the rite of exorcism. Another similar case occurred in 1749 in the German city of Würzburg, where the nuns en masse experienced unexpected fainting spells with foam from the mouth, one of them was then accused of witchcraft and executed.

    Professor John Waller, already familiar to us, studying possible reasons collective insanity of the nuns, came to the conclusion that they were caused by massive stress combined with a religious trance. Just from 1400, the strictest living conditions began to operate in European monasteries, and women were most often sent there by force.

    The Catholic religion of that time was actively engaged in the extermination of dark forces, and it was believed that it was the woman who was their carrier. Therefore, the nuns and novices subconsciously felt themselves to be tools of the devil, and during religious ecstasy they could feel this obsession, which was expressed in completely inadequate movements.

    Mass psychoses

    Stories of mass psychosis are as old as the world itself. How many different stories go around about them, chilling stories that are hard to believe in, it is even more difficult to separate sincerity from conscious lies, where it is sometimes difficult to find the material, natural basis of what you see.

    In 1885, a cholera epidemic broke out in Italy. During these difficult days, the inhabitants of the small village of Korano near Naples began to see the Madonna in a black robe, praying for the salvation of people on the nearest hill where the chapel stood. Word of this incident quickly spread throughout the neighborhood, and people began to flock to Carano. Everyone or almost everyone clearly saw the praying Mother of God. The mass hallucination, like an epidemic, threatened many with madness. Then the government took drastic measures. The chapel was moved to another place, the Carabinieri occupied the hill - and the visions stopped.

    In the same 19th century, during the Franco-Prussian war, hundreds of peasants of the Rhine province in battlefields saw images of the Madonna and the crucifixion of Christ on the clouds. Similar mass hallucinations were observed during the First World War. In the Middle Ages, outbreaks of painful hallucinations occurred repeatedly in convents. In 1631, the monastery of the Luzhna Ursulilok was distinguished by this. The nuns claimed that demons began to visit them at night. They saw their "beast-like muzzles", felt "vile, clawed paws" touching them. Women convulsed, fell into a lethargic sleep, rolled on the floor with wild screams. They spewed abuse and curses to God.

    The holy fathers-inquisitors were engaged in the investigation of this "case". The culprit was found: the priest Urban Grandier, who had long been suspected of having links with the devil. After inhuman torture, the unfortunate Grandier was burned.

    I would like to quote an excerpt from an article by the famous Russian psychiatrist V.M. Bekhterev, who studied the phenomenon of mass psychoses: “Undoubtedly,” he writes, “that in some cases the transmission of a mental“ infection ”from one to another seems to be extremely facilitated even among perfectly healthy individuals. Particularly favorable conditions for such a transmission are the thoughts of the same kind and moods of the same nature that prevail among many people. Thanks to these conditions, among other things, illusions and hallucinations of an identical nature are distinguished in many persons at the same time. These collective or mass hallucinations, occurring under certain conditions, are one of the most interesting phenomena. In almost every family chronicle, one can hear stories about the vision of dead relatives by a whole group of people.

    He himself gives a very interesting example of a mass illusion and hallucination that happened to military sailors. This was in 1846. Two French ships, the frigate Belle Poule and the corvette Berso, were caught in the Indian Ocean by a terrible hurricane. The first ship made it through the storm safely. Having lost the second ship during the hurricane, the frigate headed for a prearranged meeting point - off the eastern coast of Madagascar. But the corvette was not there. Days passed, but the ship, on board of which there were 300 people, did not appear. A whole month passed in agonizing expectation for the fate of his comrades. And suddenly the observer, sitting on the mast, noticed in the west near the coast a ship without masts. The whole crew rushed upstairs. Yes, the observer was not mistaken! Everyone saw the unfortunate ship.

    The event excited everyone, and the excitement became even greater when the sailors saw that in front of them they saw not a broken ship, but a raft with people towed by sea boats, from which signals of death were transmitted. This vision lasted for several hours, and every minute more and more new details of the visible picture became clear.

    The cruiser "Archimedes" standing on the roadstead went to the rescue. The day was drawing to a close when he approached the "shipwrecked". Instead of a "raft with people," he found many huge trees brought here by the current. In the origin of this mass hallucination, the influence of suggestion is clearly noticeable. There is no doubt that everything experienced greatly excited the nerves of the sailors. Worried about the participation of their comrades, they only talked about them. At this time, the signalman noticed a strange object with unclear outlines on the horizon. The thought of the crash of a corvette immediately creates in his mind a picture of a dying ship. His words about the ship alone were enough to instill an illusion in everyone right there.

    And here is another story - about a lame coke. His unexpected death disturbed many who were on the ship. On the same day, the cook was buried according to the marine custom - they were lowered into the sea. And in the evening, many saw a dead man walking on the water behind the ship and limping on one leg! The frightened people could not sleep all night. And in the morning everything was cleared up: instead of a ghost, everyone saw a stump of a board tied to the stern.

    “Among the collective hallucinations,” writes V.M. Bekhterev, “include, among other things, the vision of the heavenly army by one detachment of Russian troops before the Battle of Kulikovo, the vision of the crusaders clad in armor descending from the sky under the leadership of St. George, Demetrius and Theodola and much more.

    And these days, mass hallucinations are not uncommon at sectarian prayers. A hallucination that appears in one of the worshipers is then transmitted to others. The same mood for everyone, mutual suggestion associated with constant conversations about the same subject, leads to the fact that the hallucination becomes common to the masses.

    A simpler example of mutual suggestion is the following fact. Everyone knows how the mood changes when a cheerful person appears among the bored. Very quickly, even without particularly striving for this, others are infected with his fun. It also happens that a bored person becomes in a good mood when he finds himself in a cheerful and lively society.

    Mass psychosis in Russia

    In the modern world, a much more terrible epidemic is raging than Ebola - mass induced paranoia. It was this disease that caused the terrible massacres in Rwanda (1994) and Kosovo (1998). After the action of September 11, 2001, suspicion, justifying any violation of human rights, became the norm in "prosperous" Europe and America. Mass psychosis in Russia led to the restoration of the "evil empire" and the incredible Russian-Ukrainian war in the Donbass.

    As you can see, mental infection is ubiquitous, and its victims number in the millions. Ways of transmission: household contact-information and mass transmission. Causative agents: gossip, rumors and artificially created "memes" ("punishers", "Ukrofascists", "junta", etc.). The source can be both the patient, who is a prisoner of his own illusions, and the carrier, broadcasting "misinformation" for some of his bestial reasons.

    Voluptuousness, cruelty and the Russian world through the eyes of a psychologist.

    It seems that from time to time, as Oksana Zabuzhko aptly put it, someone presses the “button” of the basest human feelings. Lenin, for example, put pressure on ordinary envy, and it began to be called "class hatred." Hitler was able to develop German conceit into the idea of ​​racial superiority. And Putin, inducing a mass psychosis in Russia, uses the ancient slavish inferiority complex with the eternal Great Russian complacency and delusional fantasies of grandeur. This is the breadth of the mysterious Russian soul about which Dostoevsky wrote. But psychologists and psychiatrists call this phenomenon much more prosaic - sadomasochism:

    1. Masochism . At the present stage, he has cultivated and degenerated into the habit of seeing in his own country and himself one negative, and in the West, albeit “rotten” due to protective rationalization, but still the blessings of civilization. What is the thrill here? Yes, in the fact that even poverty and spiritual poverty can be credited to oneself. They say, thanks to us, you fatten and owe us. Yes, you scoundrels don't want to pay! And from here it is already one step to another pole of mass psychosis in Russia;
    2. Sadism . It comes from the secret desires of autocratic permissiveness, which the Kremlin of the 21st century demonstrates and inspires much more subtle and cultured than Ivan IV or Peter I. As always, distorting tales about the “great past” in the spirit of pan-Slavism, and the defensive denial of “such a country Ukraine” help. And the present, with all its dirt and blood, will sooner or later enter the heroic history with faith in the bright future of the “beautiful Russian world”.

    Surprisingly, as it turned out, mass psychosis in Russia can be done not only from evil, but also from good. Many Russian militias who go to fight in Ukraine are sure that they are helping “their” people and defending “their” culture. And the blame for everything, according to the mechanism of projection, is the damned State Department, Geyropa and the ukrofascists, and not the beloved tsar with the boyars-oligarchs. Not their own stupidity and obscurantism, but the notorious "world behind the scenes";

    Information confrontation in modern warfare as a shamanic practice.

    There is something mystical in the fact that today the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation not only speak, but also think in propaganda clichés. Any most idiotic fake or staged plot, like a stone thrown from a mountain, immediately causes an avalanche of hatred and insanity in comments and reposts. In the fantasy of the infected, that is, the zombified, the bandits turn into freedom fighters, and the invaders into liberators. At the same time, they lament that the inhabitants of Ukraine do not have “normal TV”, but only false “ukroSMI” with “Pindos” propaganda.

    Thus, any conversation with a pro-Russian fanatic quickly turns into a “hohlosrach”. If the one who reveals the signs of a zombified person is your friend, brother, good acquaintance or just a cultured person, then before anathematizing you, he will first “very politely and correctly” retell all the stories of Kiselev-TV known to him. Interestingly, the news and talk show viewers of Russia, stricken with mass psychosis, tend to deny it.

    But the mass zombification of people is not only propaganda. Pay attention to the rest of the "media product". These are either “yellow” rumors, or predictions of the end of the world with advertising of sorcerers, fortune tellers, healers, psychics and magicians who are ready to remove damage, the evil eye, patch up information holes and make a complete “polarity reversal” (I didn’t invent anything) of the body. You can safely diagnose schizophrenia!

    Or maybe that's the whole point? In fact, there are people who are willing to pay 1000 euros to a medium living in the UK to clear the karma of their lame cat, who in a past life was Bucephalus of Alexander the Great and is now tormented by guilt for losing the battle in India! It seems that we have not gone far from the contemporaries of Genghis Khan and are still listening to the ringing of a tambourine made of human skin. Is it not this penchant for zombification, along with the national BDSM, that caused mass psychosis in Russia- mental, not geographical space?

    mass psychosis

    mass psychosis is a mental epidemic based on imitation and suggestibility. Mass psychosis affects a collective or group of people, causing the person to lose their normal ability to judge and the normal way of judging, which makes the person obsessed.

    Mass hysterical psychosis

    An extreme form of manifestation of mass psychosis is mass hysteria. The term "mass hysteria" is generally used to refer to victims experiencing physical symptoms that do not actually exist.

    History knows such massive mental epidemics of hysteria as:

    • dance of St. Witt, tarantism, epidemics of frantic dancing;
    • epidemics of convulsions, epidemics of convulsions, hiccups and tics;
    • epidemics of hysterics, demonic possession, animal-possession;
    • self-flagellation;
    • epidemics of mass self-immolation and mass suicide;
    • an epidemic of political worship of state leaders and a sense of the presence of an external enemy.

    Psychiatrist V. M. Bekhterev in his work “Suggestion and its role in public life” pointed out that: “authors who have studied the manifestations of hysterics, not without reason, compare or even identify this state with the demonomania of the Middle Ages or demonic possession” . The mechanism of transmission of hysteria from person to person remains unclear. Also, no logical explanation has been found as to why it strikes some and not others.

    The mechanism of formation of mass psychosis

    Mass psychosis affects such a subject of mass forms of non-collective behavior, which is called the "crowd". The crowd is called:

    • the public, which is understood as a large group of people arising on the basis of common interests, often without any organization, but necessarily in a situation that affects common interests and allows for rational discussion;
    • contact, outwardly unorganized community, acting extremely emotionally and unanimously;
    • a set of individuals who make up a large amorphous group and for the most part do not have direct contacts with each other, but are connected by some common more or less permanent interest. These are mass hobbies, mass hysteria, mass migrations, mass patriotic psychosis.

    In mass forms of non-collective behavior, unconscious processes play an important role. On the basis of emotional excitement, spontaneous actions arise in connection with some impressive events that affect the main values ​​​​of people in the course, for example, of their struggle for their interests and rights.

    Z. Freud put forward a very productive idea for describing the phenomenon of the crowd. He viewed the crowd as a human mass under hypnosis. The most dangerous and most essential thing in the psychology of the crowd is its susceptibility to suggestion. Any opinion, idea or belief inspired by the crowd, it accepts or rejects entirely and refers to them either as absolute truths or as absolute errors. In all cases, the source of suggestion in the crowd is an illusion born in one individual due to more or less vague memories. The evoked representation becomes the nucleus for further crystallization that fills the entire area of ​​the mind and paralyzes all critical abilities.

    British neuroscientist Chris Frith argues that the brain can create false models of the material world and the inner world of other people. False models of the inner world of other people are not so easy to check. And sometimes a person can successfully share these false models with others. In cases of dual psychosis, two people share the same delusions, and sometimes a similar psychosis unites more people (for example, family members until they discuss the falsity of the models with strangers). But when larger groups of people share false beliefs, getting to the truth becomes much more difficult. Something similar happened in the tragic story of the Jonestown mass suicide on November 18, 1978, when 911 members of the Peoples Temple committed suicide by drinking a cyanide drug.

    white class

    Mass psychoses - how are illusions created?

    “The masses have never known the thirst for truth. They demand illusions, without which they cannot live.” (Sigmund Freud)

    • Spontaneous behavior of the crowd (influence of the moment).

    Prolonged behavior of large groups, within the framework of the prevailing beliefs and value systems at that time.

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