Inhibited child (“mattress”). The child does not study well. What to do with the "brake" Diagnostic criteria and methods

Oksana Svetlichnaya

Hello! Please tell me how to solve my problem. The thing is, my son is very slow. He digs all the time and because of this we are always late somewhere. How to teach a child to do everything quickly?

Modern man is forced to maintain an incredibly high pace of life. Speed ​​is becoming more and more important - high-speed technology, high-speed Internet, even relationships have become "high-speed" ...

Not surprisingly, in such conditions, many parents are worried about the slowness of their children. Watching how the child “digs”, the parent experiences reasonable doubts - what if such a “slow” child cannot win a place under the sun in the world of high speeds?

And the "correction" of the child begins - experts offer parents a variety of corrective techniques, as well as an extensive arsenal of medications.

Faster, faster, even faster - we demand from slow children. But instead of the acceleration effect, we get stubbornness, tantrums, problems at school and other "joys" ...

How to help a slow child?

A tall, statuesque woman entered the psychologist's office. A delicate aroma of expensive perfumes, a fashionable suit, a high hairpin - vibes of success emanated from the woman.

The boy followed the woman. A plump, sturdy man, packed in a neat suit, timidly entered the office and stopped at the door, glancing at the psychologist frowningly.

- Hello! I have a problem, - a woman rushed off the bat, sitting in a chair. - My son is very slow. When he was little, I somehow did not pay attention to it. It was easier for me to help him get dressed and put on shoes than to wait for him to get ready. But this year he went to school - and the teachers began to complain that he did not have time for anything. I don't know what to do with it...

The woman clicked the clasp of her purse, took out a handkerchief, and closed her purse. She fiddled with a thin fabric in her hands, then again opened her purse and the handkerchief disappeared into it ...

- I understand that the child needs my attention, he needs additional work. But I have so much work...

This little sketch shows what problems can arise if a skin mom raises a child with an anal vector. These children are by nature the most dependent on their mother - for effective development, they need her to guide them, tell them what to do, and also praise them.

However, the skin mother sometimes does not see positive properties in her anal child - through herself, she feels the child is too slow, lack of initiative and indecisive. Where she "would do everything quickly", the child "digs", trying to delve into all the details and do everything, if not quickly, but with high quality. And that goes for everything from lacing up your sneakers to going to the bathroom.

Not understanding this striving for perfectionism and trying to fashion a child in her own image, the skin mother involuntarily begins to push him, pull him - and thereby drives the anal child into a stupor, aggravating the situation. But it is very important for him to bring every matter to its logical conclusion - otherwise the child begins to experience stress and the properties of his vector go into the negative: instead of obedience - stubbornness, instead of cleanliness and order - dirt, instead of caring for loved ones - sadism.

Guys, hand over your notebooks! The teacher looked around the class. The students were busy, they began to pass notebooks ... And only Vanya from the last desk looks thoughtfully out the window.

- Vanya, did you write everything? the teacher called out to the thoughtful boy. He shuddered, looked around the class with an absent-minded glance, lowered his eyes to the sheet of notebook, the virgin purity of which was violated by only one sentence.

- I haven't finished it yet, - the boy was embarrassed.

- Nu that OK you so slowly write something? - the teacher was indignant. The boy took a deep breath and grabbed the handle...

Children with a sound vector may seem slow and even inhibited. The erogenous (especially sensitive) zone of such children is the eardrum - these children have very sensitive hearing. Loud screams, harsh sounds, insults - all this gives the child physical discomfort. In addition, children with a sound vector exist in two worlds at once, separated by their sensitive eardrum - external and internal, as real to them as the world around them.

Unfortunately, parents do not always take this feature into account, and try to "stir up" the child with a sound vector by all available means, including screaming. But if the sound child is constantly shouted and insulted, if there is constant noise in the house, he involuntarily tries to reduce the sensitivity of the erogenous zone - “withdraws into himself”, becomes non-contact. In especially severe cases, the development of the autism spectrum is possible.

Sound children experience some difficulties with adaptation at school, as there the hubbub and noise falls on their eardrum. The inability to focus on the inner world leads to the fact that these children experience constant stress.

In addition, a teacher with a skin vector evaluates the child through herself and does not understand that his slowness is due to the fact that the child needs time to “emerge” from his inner world, realize the question, “dive” back, instantly solve the task and pop up again to answer.

Together, all this leads to the fact that sound children, who have an incredibly powerful intellectual potential, sometimes find themselves in lagging students, and their parents hear complaints that the child is sleepy, slow and does not keep up with other children.

The situation is aggravated if the anal and sound vectors are combined - such a child grows up as an absolute introvert and seems phlegmatic, even inhibited. Despite this, they have a powerful potential, generated by a combination of analytical thinking, characteristic of the anal vector, and the immense intelligence, characteristic of the sound vector.

Such children are potential geniuses, but only under the condition of the correct development of their properties. Constantly pulling and urging "slow" children, imposing on them a rhythm of life unusual for them, we do not give them the opportunity to develop their properties correctly - as a result, a sadist and moral autist can grow out of a potential genius.

From birth, every child is given properties that allow him to grow up to be a happy person! Asked - but not secured! And the main task of parents is to provide optimal conditions for the development of these properties.

Systemic thinking makes it possible to approach education in a differentiated way - to develop those properties that are given to the child, and not those that we would like to see in him, feeling "through ourselves."

Only by realizing this, we will stop labeling our children: “too slow” or “hyperactive” and begin to educate a full-fledged Personality who enjoys life.

Answered by Tatyana Klishchenko

The article is written based on the materials of the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

I’m preparing for the exam. And here’s an interesting article. There’s also about enuresis, urinary incontinence ... and about early anonism. How to fight. Read interesting. Although a lot ... But it’s especially useful for boys ... and girls too)))) and here children of the age of det.sadovsky are especially close to these problems.

by the way, it is written about kicking on the floor))) what am I afraid of)

Diseases of the nervous system in children, their prevention

With children's nervousness, we are talking about functional disorders of the nervous system that are not associated with its organic changes.

Neuroses is understood as more or less long-term "chronic" functional disorders of higher nervous activity - its "breakdowns". As a rule, they are based on changes that relate to the three main properties of the nervous system: the strength of balance and the mobility of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Causes underlying neuroses:

1) hereditary predisposition (the presence in the family of patients with diseases of the central nervous system, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.);

2) the absence or violation of the correct regimen;

3) acute and chronic diseases;

4) any long-acting irritants, constant or above threshold (prolonged noise, nervous parents, suppression of initiative, ridicule from others, a sense of fear);

5) negative emotions, which can be of a permanent nature (positive emotions, even with their great strength, do not cause stressful conditions), mental trauma.

In principle, neuroses are curable, since most of them have a functional character.

Neuroses often develop in children with a weak or excitable type of higher nervous activity when they encounter strong, complex or long-acting stimuli: long-lasting noise, improper behavior of adults (frequent quarrels, uneven attitude towards children - a quick transition from excessive severity to caresses and praise, endless prohibitions, suppression of initiative, etc.), as well as frequent information overload: visiting movies, theaters, watching television programs that overexcite the child's nervous system. Nervous children of a weak type are inhibited, shy, shy.

With a highly excitable nervous system, the inhibitory process is sharply weakened: children are undisciplined, overly mobile, quick-tempered, and aggressive. In children with a balanced mobile and balanced slow type of higher nervous activity, neurosis is observed much less frequently and manifests itself less noticeably.

When there is not only increased nervousness, but also disorders of the functions of various organs (speech, urination, digestion, etc.). Children suffering from neurosis are characterized by unreasonable fears, sleep disturbance, obsessive movements, anorexia, vomiting, enuresis, etc. Some children may have only one of these symptoms, while others may have several. All disorders of the nervous system occur against the background of a sharp change in the behavior of the child.

Let us dwell on the peculiarities of the behavior of nervous children. Most nervous children are characterized by increased emotionality, instability of attention, and frequent whims. They are touchy, react to noise, bright light, changes in air temperature, touching the body of wool, fur. Their periods of excitement are replaced by periods of oppression, as a result of which their mood and behavior change all the time. Other children cannot control their emotions at all: they have frequent outbursts of anger, aggression; instincts (food, sexual) take complete control over them.

Lethargy, passivity, indecision, excessive shyness - these conditions appear most often in children when adults do not take into account the child’s natural desire for independence, continuously take care of him, depriving him of confidence in his abilities, when the child’s desire for movement, his curiosity are suppressed: he always hears "no", "no".

Constant prohibitions in some children cause violent protest (the child screams, stamps his feet, tries to fight), and contributes to the emergence of stubbornness. In these cases, children tend to act contrary to adults in everything: they refuse food, clothing, walks, throw toys given to them, and refuse all offers from adults. This behavior of the child is called negativism. The imperative tone, the violence of adults when the child shows negativism will not only not help, but will also intensify this painful condition. In cases of stubbornness, it is better to either ignore the child or switch him to another activity.

There are three main types of neurosis in children: hysteria, neurasthenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hysteria is a disease that occurs in connection with a traumatic situation. It can occur in children with a special temperament, prone to hysterical manifestations, and previously healthy under the influence of severe psychotraumatic conditions. Hysteria is seen as a kind of defensive reaction to any psychological harm. This is a kind of conscious attempt to resolve various difficulties and conflicts by withdrawing into illness.

In children of early and preschool age, hysteria manifests itself in the form of seizures. If something is not given to the child, he begins to knock with his feet, throw toys, trying to do this, even unconsciously, to get what he wants from others. If this whim is allowed to "fix" it can turn into one of the forms of hysteria. It should be remembered that a child with hysteria is not a pretender, he himself suffers from his disease. At the first signs of hysteria, one should not indulge the desires of the child, but should switch his attention. With frequent manifestations of hysteria, you should contact a child psychologist and psychotherapist.

Neurasthenia is one of the forms of neurosis, in which increased excitability is combined with irritability, weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, unstable mood. Neurasthenia develops if the child lives in a constant sense of fear, self-doubt, anxiety, tension. Hysteria can be caused by excessive softness in upbringing, and neurasthenia occurs in families with overly strict upbringing.

There are two forms of neurasthenia: hypersthenic and asthenic. The first is characterized by increased excitability, irascibility, stubbornness and other symptoms, the second - tearfulness, timidity, increased fatigue. Quite often both forms are combined. Sleep disturbance is one of the earliest and specific manifestations of neurasthenia. A child with neurasthenia may experience a number of disturbing sensations: headaches, palpitations, tremors, heat in various parts of the body. Children with neurasthenia should not be kept in a constant sense of fear, arouse in them a feeling of pity for obedience (they will begin to despise their parents for weakness), not talk about diseases, since a detailed verbal description can lead to symptoms of the disease.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children of early and preschool age most often manifests itself in the form of obsessive fears or obsessive movements. The latter are formed mainly in children older than 4 years, but some elements of obsessive movements can be noticed even earlier. In young children, any surprise can cause a fright: a dog suddenly jumping out from behind a corner, a loud sound, an unexpected loss of balance, etc. Such a fright is completely natural in healthy children and quickly passes. In a nervous child, the feeling of fear experienced can remain and be transformed into a feeling of fear. Such children are afraid to go out into the yard where they were frightened by a dog, they are afraid of loud sounds (even repeated ones), they are afraid of pets, harmless insects, strangers, wind, thunderstorms, etc. No persuasion, caresses and even punishments can overcome this fear, and sometimes even increase it. Apparently, if any phenomenon containing a threat is combined simultaneously with another, completely harmless, then the latter acquires the character of a conditioned stimulus, the appearance of which causes fear in the child.

Obsessive states in the form of movements can be of the most diverse nature: twitching the head, smacking, frequent blinking, etc. Convulsive manifestations of obsessive states are called tics, which manifest themselves in lightning-fast muscle contraction. These contractions resemble expedient movements. Always with careful observation of the child, you can establish the initial cause of such phenomena. Thus, children with nictitating tic suffered conjunctivitis with a foreign body sensation in the eye, head twitching was preceded by a tight shirt collar. If tics occur, the child should be referred to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The most effective way to get rid of obsessive states should be considered the method of "extinguishing the conditioned connection", i.e. gradually accustoming the child to a frightening situation. So, for example, if there is a fear of a dog, one should decide on the organization of a game, the participant of which is first a toy in the form of a dog, and then the animal itself. If the child is afraid to fall asleep alone, then first you should be with him during this period, and then gradually increase the distance, etc.

Pathological habits: sucking one's fingers, picking one's nose, rocking the body, legs, masturbation, etc. - are especially often observed in children in whose upbringing mistakes were made: intimidation, constant pulling (“Take your fingers out of your mouth!”), etc. Wrong behavior of adults leads to the fact that the child fixes attention on these habits, with every remark an adult experiences a feeling of fear, guilt, which makes his neurotic state more complicated.

Masturbation, or masturbation, is an artificial stimulation of erogenous zones in order to induce orgasm. Onanism in children causes pleasant sensations, which the child subsequently seeks to renew by deliberately irritating his genitals. Children can engage in masturbation not only during puberty, but at any age, even at an early age.

Masturbation as a bad habit can occur as a result of itching in the perineum caused by pinworms, irritation of the genitals with soft bedding, tight clothing. Insufficient physical activity, energy not wasted during the day, just curiosity can be directed by the child to “exploring” his body and fixing this bad habit, rarely such sensations are the first to be delivered to him by his parents, tickling or kissing him in erogenous zones (groin, lower abdomen, buttocks, sexual organs). Onanism is more often resorted to by children who have a lot of free time and unused energy, as well as children without proper supervision, left to themselves.

In some cases, children can learn masturbation from their peers. The first time they are pushed to this curiosity, the desire to experience new sensations, and subsequently a bad habit is fixed

Available data indicate that up to 80% of preschool children engage in masturbation. In girls of the first seven years, due to the higher rates of physical development, this phenomenon occurs more often than in boys. According to the existing opinion, which is supported by most psychologists and psychoneurologists, masturbation is not harmful if it does not become an obsession and does not interfere with the physical and mental development of the child. Some psychologists consider masturbation in children as an age-related feature due to physiological reasons that does not require medical intervention.

It is necessary and possible to prevent and eliminate this bad habit in children. A well-ordered sleep and wakefulness regimen, sleeping on a hard bed, washing your feet before going to bed or at night with cool water, and quickly getting out of bed after waking up have a good effect. It is very important to provide the child with a fairly mobile lifestyle, communication with the team, accustom him to hardening and playing sports.

To prevent onanism, the child should be put to sleep so that his hands are on top of the blanket; clothing should not be tight; underwear should be changed 2-3 times a week, preferably daily. For a month, you should sit next to the child until he falls asleep. Of essential importance in the prevention of onanism in children is the expulsion of worms. Dishes with spicy spices, strong tea, coffee should be excluded from the diet, do not overload the stomach before bedtime.

An infusion of soothing herbs, as well as therapeutic baths, including valerian, motherwort, sage, St.

In most cases, this is enough to rid the child of this bad habit. If all of the above does not help and the child continues to engage in masturbation with persistence, it is necessary to consult a child psychoneurologist.

Speech disorders in children attending a children's institution require special attention. Such children can be teased in the group by other children, which can cause in an unhealthy child a feeling of inferiority, constant oppression; a child with a speech disorder can be imitated by healthy children, especially stuttering. Most often, stuttering occurs during the formation of speech (from 2 to 3 years), when the child begins to pronounce words and phrases. When stuttering, children repeat the first sounds or initial syllables several times or make a sudden stop at the beginning, middle of a word, sometimes a phrase. The child's breathing becomes uneven, intermittent. Speech is often accompanied by a series of involuntary movements: twitching of the muscles of the face, closing the eyes, sticking out the tongue, movements of the arms and legs. Feeling this, the child is afraid to speak, prefers to remain silent or speaks in a whisper. Sometimes instead of words, he tries to communicate with gestures. Stuttering children are shy, shy, shun comrades. Such a child should not be isolated from the children of the whole group (only a child with extremely severe stuttering is transferred to speech therapy groups or kindergartens). Educators should explain to healthy children that their comrade's speech defect will be corrected if they treat him well. It is necessary to talk with such a child calmly, slowly, clearly, without breaking words into syllables, not to talk about his lack in front of him. Regarding stuttering, it is necessary to consult a neuropathologist, show the child to a speech therapist.

Bedwetting (enuresis, from the ancient Greek words "urinate at night") in children of early and preschool age is quite common. These are cases of involuntary urination during night or daytime sleep due to the fact that in the child's cerebral cortex there are not completely inhibited, so-called sentinel points associated with the act of urination. Recent studies have shown that enuresis should be understood as a complex set of symptoms that develop into a holistic syndrome, including involuntary urination during sleep, changes in motor activity, and impaired emotional behavior.

There is a clear hereditary predisposition to the primary, functional form of nocturnal enuresis. If one of the Parents suffered from this disease, then the probability of a child developing is 45%, and if both parents - 75%. The disease occurs more often in children with a burdened history (toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, weakness of labor, low score on Apgar scales, etc.). Enuresis can also be the result of psychological trauma, conflicts in the family, improperly instilling neatness skills, a general delay in physical development.

There is evidence of the presence of two chromosomes, which can cause a genetic predisposition to develop enuresis.

The secondary, or organic, form of enuresis occurs with developmental defects, the presence of pathological changes in the spinal cord.

Night involuntary urination occurs in the form; "explosion" (paroxysm), which undergoes a certain age-related dynamics. Age up to 3 years should be considered the end of the physiological norm of urination during sleep. Cases of involuntary urination at night in children older than 3 - 4, and according to some doctors, older than 5 years should be considered as a manifestation of enuresis. If bedwetting persists after the child reaches 4 years of age, then parents should consult with a pediatrician, and in some cases with a child neuropsychiatrist.

Enuresis should be distinguished from urination during the day: at night it occurs in the form of an "explosion", accompanied by a delay in breathing, erection in boys, twitching of the limbs, which have a paroxysmal character and do not occur during the day.

The first researchers attributed enuresis to too deep sleep. With age, in their opinion, sleep becomes easier and it is easier for children to wake up at night. In the future, they began to look for the cause of enuresis in the anatomical anomalies of the urinary system. But the urological approach to this problem was soon abandoned, as studies did not confirm this. They also tried to link the phenomenon of enuresis with brain dysfunction. A theory has emerged that a “sentinel point” is formed in a child’s cerebral cortex, which responds to bladder stretching. In various diseases, the activity of this "sentinel point" is suppressed, and irritations of the bladder are not perceived, therefore, enuresis occurs. However, this theory does not explain why enuresis occurs only on some nights with the same amount of fluid drunk, and more often in boys. There was also an opinion that enuresis is a consequence of social neglect. It was also attributed to hereditary diseases, and the peculiarity of the innervation of the bladder or an anomaly of the central nervous system is inherited. Later studies have established that enuresis is not a disease, but a complex set of symptoms that form a holistic syndrome: involuntary urination, changes in motor activity, impaired emotional and volitional behavior.

Enuresis has a negative impact on the psyche of the child. Children are ashamed of their condition, seek to hide it, painfully react to the ridicule of comrades, reproaches of adults, they develop shyness, self-doubt.

Low self-esteem can negatively affect a child's development and cause psychological disturbances later in life.

There are two points of view on the need to raise children at night.

According to the first of them, the forced awakening of a child during a night's sleep is unacceptable, as this causes a violation of the sleep structure and makes it difficult to develop and consolidate active awakening in response to the urge to urinate.

According to the second, children should be raised at night so that they do not get up "wet" in the morning and feel the interest of their parents in getting rid of this ailment. Apparently, this point of view can be justified only in relation to children over 5-6 years old, when the child can already consciously relate to the “necessity” of waking up at night to perform the act of urination. However, it should be borne in mind that such a forced awakening is unlikely to help get rid of the disease. nervous children hysteria enuresis

When a child has enuresis, in no case should he be reproached, shamed, intimidated, forced to wash his linen. It is necessary to convince him that this phenomenon is not the result of bad behavior, but a disease from which one can completely recover. The child should be shown to the doctor as soon as possible and treated seriously. Currently, specialists are carrying out complex treatment of enuresis with modern pharmaceuticals with a great therapeutic effect (adiuretin, minirin).

Children with enuresis should not be penalized for bedwetting. It is necessary to take care that this problem does not suppress the child mentally. The emotional state of the family is of great importance. You need to understand how important it is for a child to feel care, tenderness, affection and kindness from both parents. It is not difficult to imagine how a child is going through and be ashamed of it. Parents in such a situation should be patient, pay more attention to the child, help him feel that he, in spite of everything, is loved and will always find support from them.

The functional form of enuresis can disappear even without medical treatment by the age of 16-18 in boys and girls with the appearance of the first menstruation. However, enuresis affects approximately 0.5 to 1% of the adult population.

Depressive disorders in preschoolers are much more common than they are diagnosed. Signs of such disorders are found in every third child, the number of such children is constantly growing.

It is very difficult to identify a depressive disorder in preschool age, because unlike adults, in whom depression comes at all levels (intellectual, emotional, motor), in children the symptoms of this disease are masked: by many unpleasant sensations or behavioral disorders. Most often, these children complain of abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, poor sleep and lack of appetite. They become capricious, whiny, lose interest in games, communication. Their appearance changes: they are distinguished by pallor of the skin, lethargy, shuffling gait, give the impression of a person suffering from a serious illness.

When studying the problem of childhood depressive disorders, it turned out that only 27% of children with depressive disorders come to the attention of child psychologists and psychoneurologists at the initial stage of the disease; in 38% of children, this period ranges from 2 to 7 years from the onset of the disease to the first visit to specialists. This happens for two reasons, first, because parents and educators are often poorly oriented to the possibility of depression in children, and a change in the child's behavior, his "bad mood" is explained by a variety of reasons. If children are closed, capricious, stubborn, often refuse any activity, then adults take disciplinary measures. Secondly, when a child complains of various kinds of ailments, pediatricians usually recommend examination and treatment by specialists of a different profile, which excludes the timely receipt of specialized psychological and medical care. As a result, unrecognized depressive disorders in childhood, especially recurring and protracted ones, lead to severe forms of social maladjustment, which in some cases is protracted and irreversible.

In many children, a depressive state manifests itself in pronounced anxiety, which, as a rule, increases in the evening. Indefinite, pointless anxiety, accompanied by general anxiety, often turns into specific fears (mother will get lost, will not come to kindergarten).

Children with depression are characterized by increased tearfulness. Moreover, the smaller the child, the stronger this is manifested (increased sensitivity, compassion, animation of inanimate objects). Children in a state of depression do not let go of their mother, they ask to take them in their arms; infantile intonations appear in their speech. Younger preschoolers with depression also have speech and thinking disorders. This is expressed in monosyllabic answers, slowness of speech, refusal of games that require even minimal mental stress and attention, unwillingness to listen to reading books, even previously loved ones.

Older children are very quickly turned off from the learning process: they are distracted in the classroom, demonstrate an unwillingness to study, and have difficulty remembering previously learned poems and learned material. They develop or resume bad habits. The more neglected the state, the more skills and abilities regress. As a rule, such children become outcasts: adults do not understand them, their peers reject them.

In a state of depression, children have an increased desire to draw, and they depict their fears (Baba Yaga, fire, monsters); choose dark-colored pencils (black, blue, brown; sometimes black and red). This is characteristic of depressive states of an evil orientation. In depressive states with a predominance of inhibition and lethargy, the drawings are simple, schematic; they are characterized by weak pencil pressure, incomplete hatching; color is usually one: blue or black. Such children are very emotional, impressionable and defenseless. They cannot stand up for themselves, answer for an insult, they are lost (they are silent or cry bitterly).

The feeling of "I" in such children is manifested in the early isolation of oneself among others, in the need for self-affirmation. They have their point of view; it is extremely difficult for them to ask for forgiveness, they do not accept injustice, falsehood. In general, their personal orientation can be called philanthropic, which is why they are so sensitive to various conflicts, threats, the use of physical force and dictate.

Children in a state of depression cannot immediately start or finish any business on time, switch from one business to another. This is due to an increased sense of duty, fear of doing something wrong, confusion from an unexpectedly given task, phlegmatic temperament, overwork, self-doubt and indecision. Trying to prove their case and meeting even greater misunderstanding, such children fall into a state of passion, which manifests itself in despair, and then in refusal of contacts, whims, fears, depression, feelings of isolation, incomprehensibility and loneliness. On this basis, wariness, distrust and egocentrism develop. Depression also develops due to the uncertain nature of the relationship of children with close adults, as well as psychological unpreparedness for a preschool institution.

Even with a correct and timely diagnosis, the prescribed treatment will be ineffective if the living conditions of children are not changed. There are no specialized preschool institutions for children with emotional instability; there are no special groups based on mass kindergartens, since the borderline mental state, which includes depression, is not considered a disease in the traditional sense. Therefore, educators and teachers should take on a special psychotherapeutic role by establishing contacts with parents and creating a comfortable atmosphere in the group.

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Lethargy is a symptom of certain diseases, usually of the central nervous system and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. Such a state of a person is characterized by the fact that he has a decrease in the speed of reaction to actions addressed to him or produced by himself, a deterioration in concentration, more stretched, with long pauses in speech. In more complex cases, there may be a complete lack of reaction to surrounding events.

Such a state of a person should not be confused with or a chronic depressive state, since the latter is more of a psychological factor than a physiological one.

The true causes of lethargy can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is strongly not recommended to carry out treatment at your own discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this can lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


Inhibition of movements and thinking in a person can be observed in such pathological processes:

  • head injury;
  • malignant or benign formations in the brain;
  • diseases that affect the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;

In addition, a temporary state of slow reaction, movements and speech can be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • with and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous strain, chronic;
  • under circumstances that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor retardation in a child may be due to such etiological factors:

  • vascular diseases of the brain;
  • stressful situations;
  • psychological disorders.

Depending on the underlying factor, this condition in a child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if such a symptom appears in children, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause of the pathology can be dangerous for the health of the baby.


There are the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - mental retardation;
  • mental or ideational retardation;
  • motor or motor retardation;
  • emotional retardation.

Establishing the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified doctor.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will depend entirely on the underlying factor.

With damage to the brain and central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be present:

  • (hypersomnia), lethargy;
  • , which will increase as the pathological process worsens. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even with painkillers;
  • memory impairment;
  • decrease in the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the performance of habitual actions. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are preserved;
  • sharp mood swings, traits appear in the patient's behavior that were not previously characteristic of him, attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • speech becomes slow, the patient may find it difficult to choose words;
  • and, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • unstable blood pressure;

In a child, the general clinical picture, with this kind of pathology, can be supplemented by capriciousness, constant crying, or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness and apathy for the usual favorite activities.

It should be noted that the above symptoms are observed after. If there is a suspicion that a person has had a seizure, emergency medical attention should be called and urgently hospitalized. It is on the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke that, to a greater extent, depends on whether a person survives or not.

In the event that a mental disorder has become the cause of a delayed reaction in an adult, the following symptoms may be present:

  • or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • causeless attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases, and actions in this direction;
  • a state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • delirium, illogical judgments;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, slovenly appearance. At the same time, a person can be firmly convinced that everything is in order with him;
  • excessive suspicion, feeling that he is being watched;
  • deterioration or complete loss of memory;
  • incoherent speech, inability to express one's point of view or specifically answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporal and spatial orientation;
  • feeling of constant fatigue.

You need to understand that such a human condition can progress rapidly. Even with a temporary improvement in the patient's condition, it cannot be said that the disease has been completely eliminated. In addition, such a state of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around him. Therefore, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in an appropriate institution is in some cases mandatory.


First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, due to his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, you may need to consult such specialists:

  • If the cause of this condition of a person is either the central nervous system, then an operation is performed to excise it, followed by drug treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the patient will also be required after a stroke.

    Medical therapy may include the following drugs:

    • painkillers;
    • sedatives;
    • antibiotics if a disease of an infectious nature is established;
    • nootropic;
    • antidepressants;
    • tranquilizers;
    • drugs that restore glucose levels;
    • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

    In addition, after completing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a specialized sanatorium.

    Under the condition of the timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, almost complete recovery is possible even after serious illnesses - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


    Unfortunately, there are no specific methods of prevention. You should observe the regime of rest and work, protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, start treatment of all diseases in a timely manner.

Symptoms of lethargy

Diagnosis of bradilalia

Muscle fasciculations








Emotional lability






Types of inhibition, symptoms and treatment

What is retardation

In serious cases, a person completely stops responding to the surrounding atmosphere and stays in apathy or stupor for a long time. There are several types of inhibition:

  • complex;

Confusion in a child

Diagnosis of lethargy

Treatment for lethargy

Prevention of lethargy

Speech disorder

Speech is the ability to interact with other people, society. The success of this interaction depends on how developed speech is. Given that man is by nature a social being, it becomes clear that this is one of the most important aspects of his life. Violation of speech seriously affects, first of all, the psychological health of a person, and subsequently on social and mental health. Of course, it also matters when and for what reason the violation of speech occurred.

Speech disorder is more characteristic of childhood, and despite the fact that this is a rather serious deviation, as a rule, it can be corrected. Speech therapists determine the cause of the speech disorder, and develop an individual program that helps the child cope with the problem. Often, therapy is carried out for a long time, it requires perseverance and patience from both the child and his parents.

The causes of speech disorders in children are usually three groups of factors. The first is the anatomical features of the child that interfere with normal speech (short frenulum of the tongue, malocclusion, etc.). The second is organic disorders of the brain structures that arose in the prenatal period or during complicated births (birth trauma). And the third - functional disorders of the nervous system associated with mental trauma or lack of conditions for normal development. This is the so-called primary speech disorder, or more precisely, a speech formation disorder.

Speech impairment in an adult is almost always associated with an organic lesion of the nervous system. This is a formidable sign, and its appearance may indicate a progressive and malignant course of the disease. Speech impairment in adults accompanies diseases such as brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, stroke, encephalopathy of various origins, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, and some others. These are diseases in which the structures of the nervous system either directly suffer, or vascular disorders occur, and nerve lesions are secondary and associated with a lack of blood circulation.

If a speech disorder occurs when speech has already been normally formed, an immediate visit to a doctor is necessary. In some cases, speech impairment is an early sign of a severe pathology, and timely measures can not only restore speech, but also save a person’s life.

Found a mistake in the text? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter.

I have had a permanent hearing impairment for 5 years, but it doesn’t seem to affect me, I always spoke normally, I use the device.

Of course, there was excitement associated with the instability of earnings .. But I rested for two weeks during this time on vacation, a little better, but still not like that, it's hard to express an idea. Novopassit tried one vial, no effect.

What is it, please advise.

When a long time ago, a few years ago, I did vasodilating medicines with droppers, this was due to hearing loss, it didn’t help, I refused.

All these years, there was no problem with speech.

The article under which you left a comment is just devoted to what problems with speech may be related to. It is impossible to determine exactly what is wrong with you on the Internet, you should consult a doctor (neurologist) in person.

Now the same thing, will the same medicines that I pierced after childbirth help? Why do they, how do they work? This has been happening for a week now.

The thing is, I'm on a business trip.

It is impossible to prescribe these drugs on your own, without a doctor. Medicines are also not prescribed over the Internet. You will have to wait until the end of the business trip and go for a face-to-face consultation with your neurologist, and if the condition progresses, then contact any neurologist as soon as possible.

Hello, consult a doctor urgently, these symptoms are similar to the initial stage of a stroke.

Dentists have appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, pulling out diseased teeth was part of the duties of an ordinary hairdresser.

In order to say even the shortest and simplest words, we use 72 muscles.

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. He worked on a steam engine and was intended to treat female hysteria.

During a sneeze, our body completely stops working. Even the heart stops.

In 5% of patients, the antidepressant clomipramine causes orgasm.

Human blood “runs” through the vessels under enormous pressure and, if their integrity is violated, is capable of firing at a distance of up to 10 meters.

People who eat breakfast regularly are much less likely to be obese.

American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free from cholesterol plaques.

Falling off a donkey is more likely to break your neck than falling off a horse. Just don't try to disprove this claim.

The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Even if a person's heart does not beat, he can still live for a long period of time, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal demonstrated to us. His "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes are practically useless for humans.

74-year-old Australian James Harrison donated blood about 1,000 times. He has a rare blood type whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

More than $500 million a year is spent on allergy medications in the US alone. Do you still believe that a way to finally defeat allergies will be found?

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not to completely exclude fish and meat from your diet.





  • memory impairment;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • delirium, illogical judgments;


  • CT and MRI of the brain;
  • EEG and Echo-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.


  • painkillers;
  • sedatives;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;


Hypertensive crisis is a syndrome in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. At the same time, symptoms of damage to the main organs develop - the heart, lungs, brain, and so on. This condition is very serious and requires emergency care, otherwise serious complications may develop.

Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome is a pathological process, the formation of which is influenced by high levels of glucocorticoid hormones. The main one is cortisol. Therapy of the disease should be comprehensive and aimed at stopping the cause that contributes to the development of the disease.

Page 1 of 2

Questions and suggestions:

Inhibition of thinking is scientifically called " bradypsychia". Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions, having different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that often appears in old age. In any case, for most people, mental retardation is associated precisely with unhurried and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. After all, under each manifestation of ill health, certain reasons are hidden.


The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus, just the same, cannot be deciphered to the proper extent. Therefore, in everyday practice, one can name only conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but not answer the question of why it appears.

Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of the destruction of the substance of the brain. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.

Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom surrounding the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, intrusive, speech is slow, often confused.

Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy takes place, like many other signs of a change in thinking.

Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology in schizophrenia.

Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised as somatic problems, up to toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also sluggishness of thought.

Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the symptom described is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first to appear.

Toxic bradypsychiae. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the causes of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether it be alcohol, metal salts, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatments must also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like.


General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells unused during life safely die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche also decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load the brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to him. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crosswords, scanwords and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information occupies only the cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in a “working” state. With what it is connected, it is difficult to say.

Vascular Therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels into a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial recovery is possible, which is what doctors use when prescribing appropriate drugs.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

Before visiting a doctor, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which are taken into account by the specialist, making a choice in favor of one or another remedy. It is imperative to consult a doctor in case of bradypsychia - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a state of mind.

There are several types of inhibition:

  • complex;

Inhibition can be speech and mental, that is, it has psychological causes. Sluggish and untimely motor reactions are caused by motor retardation. There may be problems with memorization, memory lapses. In most cases, such conditions are caused either by illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.

Motor and emotional retardation is a pathology, the causes of which can only be identified by doctors. They prescribe the right treatment.

Causes and symptoms of mental retardation

Behavior, thinking of a person, his psychological state can be disturbed in pathologies of the nervous system and brain. The following also lead to ideational inhibition:

  • Parkinson's disease. With a complex brain pathology, an additional symptom is also revealed - slowness of thinking. The patient himself does not notice any changes. With the course of the disease, his mental activity not only slows down. The patient becomes importunate, meticulous, sticky. His speech becomes confused and incoherent.

All these diseases, the symptom of which is mental retardation, must be diagnosed and treated. Temporary inhibition of movements and thinking appears after severe stress, fatigue, with prolonged lack of sleep.

The inhibition of motor and thought processes is characteristically manifested after drinking alcohol, even once. The same symptoms are sometimes caused by psychotropic drugs, as well as strong sedatives. When they are canceled, the inhibition disappears.

Causes and symptoms of motor retardation

Motor, as well as mental retardation, manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as all kinds of diseases. In the facial expressions and movements of the patient, sometimes or always lethargy is felt. The posture is usually relaxed, often there is a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, lean on something.

Confusion in a child

This symptom is also typical for children. It may be chronic in some neurovegetative disorders, such as cerebral palsy, or appear spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impressions. In children, inhibition is often caused by:

  • vascular pathologies of the brain;

Diagnosis of lethargy

In case of psychological disorders, as well as physiological pathologies due to inhibition of the mental, motor or speech reaction, a thorough diagnosis is necessary, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

Diagnostics of written and oral speech is also carried out. Perhaps a person suffers from stuttering, defects in sound pronunciation that lead to speech inhibition. The intellectual development of the patient, the state of sensory functions, general motor skills, the condition of the joints and muscles are also studied.

Treatment for lethargy

  • Activation of thought processes. To do this, they read new books, master languages, engage in creativity or solve mathematical problems. Such actions train the brain, activate mental activity.

If the lethargy is temporary, caused by intense heat, then tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature should be taken. The temporary lethargy caused by medications and strong sedatives is stopped by abandoning such drugs. Usually it passes without a trace, the body's reactions are fully restored.

Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

What is inhibition of emotions and movements. How to correctly identify and treat pathology, we learn the doctor's recommendations from the video.

Prevention of lethargy

Pathology usually disappears without a trace if treatment is started in the early stages, when the underlying disease is detected. After competent psychological assistance, correct medical support, a person's reactions improve, both emotional and physical.


Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of an individual, a slowdown in the course of thought processes and the appearance of a drawn out speech with long pauses.

In extreme cases, a person may completely stop responding to others and stay in a stupor for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but only concern thinking or speech. In the first case, it is called ideational, and in the second - motor.

Diseases associated with lethargy

Inhibition occurs when:

Inflammation of the brain (meningitis);

Mental disorders (schizophrenia);

Borderline conditions (depression, neurosis);

The presence of a brain tumor;

Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose levels);

Fatigue, exhaustion of the body;

Intoxication with drugs or alcohol.

Causes of inhibition

As you can see, the causes that cause this condition are usually associated with brain damage and pathology that interferes with its work.

The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs when there is a lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit thought and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reducing the possibilities for its implementation.

According to some versions of psychiatrists, lethargy is nothing more than a kind of reaction to stress, in many ways similar to anxiety, but acting in the opposite way. Evidence of this is the disappearance of the symptom when patients use antidepressants and minor tranquilizers, which are supposedly aimed at reducing anxiety.

Symptoms of lethargy

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what was said - an extremely quiet and calm voice, which occasionally breaks the silence. In movements and facial expressions, lethargy is noticeable, and posture is most often too relaxed.

An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed during inhibition. Just one thing is enough to say that a person needs medical help.

Treatment for lethargy

First, they try to determine the true cause of this condition, and then they prescribe treatment. When lethargy is often attributed to nootropic drugs (for example, Piracetam), which improves metabolic processes in the brain. With hypoglycemia, they try to restore the level of glucose and maintain it with special substances.

With meningitis, they try to destroy the causative agent of the disease and eliminate the inflammatory process, although after that you will have to undergo a rehabilitation course of therapy. If the cause of inhibition is cancer, then all forces are thrown into overcoming it.

The information provided on the website is for informational purposes only. To make the correct diagnosis and choose the right treatment tactics, you need to seek help from a doctor.


The inhibition of the course of mental processes and behavioral reactions of a person can be caused by various reasons: fatigue, illness, exposure to tranquilizers that slow down organic processes, negative emotional states such as stress, depression, sadness, apathy.

Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of an individual, a slowdown in the course of thought processes and the appearance of a drawn out speech with long pauses. In extreme cases, a person may completely stop responding to others and stay in a stupor for a long time. Inhibition may not be complex, but only concern thinking or speech. In the first case, it is called ideational, and in the second - motor.

Inhibition of thinking is scientifically called "bradypsychia". Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different conditions, having different pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom that often appears in old age. In any case, for most people, mental retardation is associated precisely with unhurried and eloquent elders. However, it can also occur at a young age. After all, under each manifestation of ill health, certain reasons are hidden.

Causes of mental retardation

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely complex and not fully understood. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And the limbicus, just the same, cannot be deciphered to the proper extent. Therefore, in everyday practice, one can name only conditions - diseases in which bradypsychia is noted, but not answer the question of why it appears.

  • Vascular pathologies. Acute, and more often chronic disorders of cerebral circulation resulting from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and thrombosis of the vessels of the head, are the cause of the destruction of the substance of the brain. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking also suffer.
  • Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Narrower, but no less common pathologies, one of the manifestations of which is slowness of thinking. In addition to this depressing symptom surrounding the patient (patients themselves in the later stages of development of this type of pathology do not notice any changes in themselves), there are many others, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, a person becomes clingy, intrusive, speech is slow, often confused.
  • Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the disease, lethargy takes place, like many other signs of a change in thinking.
  • Schizophrenia. Just as with epilepsy, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology in schizophrenia.
  • Depressive states and depression. A mental illness characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised as somatic problems, up to toothache or coronary heart disease. Among them there is also sluggishness of thought.
  • Hypothyroidism. Insufficiency of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the symptom described is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first to appear.
  • Toxic bradypsychia. Of course, there is no such group of diseases in the international classification of diseases. But the name still describes as clearly as possible the causes of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether it be alcohol, metal salts, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatments must also be large. Unfortunately, until scientists have finally figured out how the brain works, there are not as many of these species as we would like. The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs when there is a lack of sleep, when the body is already exhausted, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol, which inhibit thought and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reducing the possibilities for its implementation.

Symptoms of lethargy

The image of the patient fits into the classical description of the melancholic: lethargy, slowness, drawn out speech, every word seems to be squeezed out with effort. It seems that thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to respond to what was said, or even sink into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the rate of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of what was said - an extremely quiet and calm voice, which occasionally breaks the silence. In movements and facial expressions, lethargy is noticeable, and posture is most often too relaxed. An individual may have a desire to constantly lean on something or lie down. It is not necessary that all manifestations of inhibition be observed during inhibition. Just one thing is enough to say that a person needs medical help.

Diagnosis of bradilalia

Persons with speech tempo disorders, including those with bradilalia, need a comprehensive medical and psychological and pedagogical examination, which is carried out by a neurologist, speech therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist. When examining a patient with bradilalia, a detailed study of the anamnesis regarding past diseases and brain damage is necessary; the presence of speech tempo disorders in close relatives. In some cases, to clarify the organic basis of bradilalia, instrumental studies are required: EEG, REG, MRI of the brain, PET of the brain, lumbar puncture, etc.

Diagnosis of oral speech in bradilalia includes an assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of speech motor skills, expressive speech (sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of the word, tempo-rhythmic side of speech, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves the performance of tasks for writing off the text and independent writing under dictation, reading syllables, phrases, texts. Along with a diagnostic examination of speech, with bradylalia, the state of general, manual and facial motor skills, sensory functions, and intellectual development are studied.

When making a speech therapy conclusion, it is important to differentiate bradilalia from dysarthria and stuttering.

Treatment for mental retardation

General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nerve cells unused during life safely die off as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche also decreases. Learning new things is possible at any age, but after thirty years it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneuronal connections. You can load the brain with anything, as long as it is not familiar to him. Learning a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and understanding them. But! Solving crosswords, scanwords and the like is like memorizing a large Soviet encyclopedia. Dry information occupies only the cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Physical activity also helps keep the brain in a “working” state. With what it is connected, it is difficult to say.

vascular therapy. It is impossible to bring the vessels into a state corresponding to the age of twenty, however, partial recovery is possible, which is what doctors use when prescribing appropriate drugs.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps nerve cells recover.

Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary adjunct to drug therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of the disorder, form a new model of response to stressful situations, and correct personal assessment.

Before visiting a psychotherapist, the patient can only engage in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications, which are taken into account by the specialist, making a choice in favor of one or another remedy. It is imperative to consult a doctor in case of bradypsychia - there is not a single “easy” reason for such a state of mind.

Forecast and prevention of bradilalia

The prognosis for overcoming bradilalia is most favorable with the early start of corrective work and the psychological causes of speech tempo disturbance. But even after the development of normal speech skills, long-term observation by specialists is necessary, constant self-control over the pace of speech.

For the prevention of bradilalia, it is important to prevent perinatal lesions of the central nervous system, head injuries, neuroinfections, and asthenic syndrome. It is necessary to take care of the normal development of the child's speech, to surround him with the right role models.

Muscle fasciculations








Emotional lability






The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

Inhibition of thinking, movements and the mental sphere: causes, symptoms

From time to time, each person may notice that the activity of the brain is not fully carried out. Such a violation is expressed in the difficulty of performing movements (bradykinesia) and in remembering information, inhibition of reaction and thought disorders (bradypsychia).

It should be said that in most situations these failures are temporary and can be explained by natural factors: fatigue or nervous exhaustion. However, there are cases when the absurdity of movements, inhibition of thinking and the mental sphere is a pathological process, the causes of which must be identified in a timely manner and appropriate therapy selected.

Features of bradypsychia

Pathological inhibition of thinking is called bradypsychia. This phenomenon has no parallels with apathy or inertia of thinking, but suggests mental and pathophysiological disorders.

Bradypsychia is considered as a kind of neurological symptomatology, which in most cases is formed in people in old age. But sometimes people at a young age, as well as children, also experience inhibition in thought processes.

Poverty and insufficiency of mental processes is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathological processes, manifested as a decrease in the speed of reaction, slow speech, slowness of thinking and motor activity. In difficult situations, the individual is not able to respond to what is happening and is in an apathetic state or stupor for a long time. The following types of inhibition are distinguished:

The thought process can be disrupted at any age.

Inhibition can also be speech and mental, having psychological factors. Weak and involuntary movements can cause motor retardation. There are problems with memory, failures. In many cases, such conditions are provoked by a neurological disease, constant fatigue, or psychological pathological processes.

Slowness of movements and emotional retardation is a pathological process, the causes of which can only be detected by specialists. They also recommend appropriate therapy.

Comorbid disorders

Bradypsychia is the result of damage to the central nervous system, which is responsible for brain activity. Depending on the element of the lesion, different types of disorders develop. These include:

  • bradybasia - slow walking;

Parkinsonism is characterized by bradykinesia

When bradypsychia is a consequence of Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to focus on the symptoms of the underlying pathological process. It includes a feeling of fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbance, etc.

Causing factors and diseases

The pathophysiology is very complex and not fully understood. It is only known that thinking, behavior, emotional component and other functions of the human brain are associated with the activity of the limbic system. In everyday practice, only conditions are distinguished - diseases during which bradypsychia and its accompanying deviations are observed:

  1. Vascular diseases of the brain. Acute, often chronic disorders of blood flow in the brain, which occur due to progressive atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and vascular thrombosis, are a factor in the destruction of the substance in the brain. Structures that are responsible for the speed of thinking are also subject to violations.
  2. Parkinson's disease. A common cause, a characteristic manifestation of which is slow thinking. In addition to such depressing symptoms (patients at a late stage in the development of this pathological process are not inclined to notice any changes), there are a large number of other unpleasant manifestations. For example, thoughts will become not only slow, but also viscous, the patient will be characterized by importunity, slow confused speech.
  3. Epilepsy. At a late stage in the formation of the disease, when specialists observe the destruction of the personality as a result of a progressive disease, lethargy can be noted, as well as other symptoms of altered thinking.
  4. Schizophrenia. As with epilepsy in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not considered an initial symptom of pathological processes, but develops gradually over time.
  5. Depression. A mental illness that is characterized by a large number of symptoms, often masquerading as physical difficulties - including toothache or ischemia. They also include sluggish thinking.
  6. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland. With such an ailment, the symptoms are extremely pronounced and occur one of the first.
  7. Toxic lesions. Such a subgroup of diseases does not exist in the international classification. However, the term maximally describes the causes of painful symptoms - intoxication of the body.

The short-term effect of lethargy appears after lack of sleep, due to exhaustion of the body, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol that depress thinking and movement. The reasons can be divided into those that block the activity of the brain and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

Naturally, with such an abundance of provoking diseases, treatment can also be different.

What does it look like?

The image of the "inhibited" patient falls under the typical characteristics of the melancholic: weakness, slowness, protracted speech, each word is pronounced with effort.

You may get the feeling that the thought process takes a large amount of strength and energy from a person who does not have time to react to information or completely sinks into a stupor.

In addition to a decrease in the speed of speech and thought processes, a muffledness of the spoken words is observed - a very quiet and calm voice, sometimes breaking the silence. Weakness is visible in movement and facial expressions, posture is often too relaxed.

A person has a desire to find support all the time or lie down.

Not all symptoms are always observed. Just one thing is enough to recommend a person to seek medical help from specialists.

Diagnostic criteria and methods

People with speech tempo disorders, including bradylalia, need complex medical and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics carried out by a specialized specialist. During the examination, the patient's history should be studied in detail, which concerns previous diseases and brain lesions, as well as the presence of failures in the rate of speech in relatives.

In certain situations, in order to find out the organic basis of the disease, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies, including:

The study of oral speech involves an assessment of the structure of the organs of articulation and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, tempo-rhythmic side, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech involves the execution of tasks for writing off the text and writing from dictation, reading. In addition to a diagnostic examination of speech function, they conduct a study of the general condition, manual motor skills, sensory functions, and intelligence.

At the time of diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate this disease from dysarthria and stuttering.

What does modern medicine offer?

To carry out the proper treatment of the disease, you must first consult with a specialist. He will recommend effective treatment, as well as warn about the presence of contraindications to the use of certain therapies or any drug.

More often than others, the following methods of therapeutic and preventive action are used:

  1. Activation of thinking processes. For these purposes, you need to read new books, learn foreign languages, engage in a creative process, or solve various puzzles. This technique helps to train the brain, activate thinking.
  2. Neuroprotectors and nootropics are prescribed. Drug therapy that aims to restore and strengthen nerve cells and tissues.
  3. Treatment of vascular pathologies. Means are used that make it possible to clean the vascular walls, which is necessary for the full functioning of the brain. As a result, there is an activation of mental and motor activity.
  4. Psychotherapy. It acts as an adjuvant drug therapy. Modern treatment methods contribute to counteracting the effects of stress, adjusting the assessment of the individual, and forming the necessary models of response to specific situations.
  5. Sports and outdoor activities. Moderate physical exertion and walks allow the brain to rest, and nerve cells to recover due to the influx of oxygen.

If emotional and mental retardation is caused by tranquilizers, then the abolition of any drugs is required. In most cases, reactions recover over time.

Summing up

The prognosis is relatively favorable with an early onset of correction and the presence of psychological causes of disorders of motor activity and speech motor skills. However, after the restoration of skills, one should be observed by doctors for a long time, constantly independently control their movements and train of thought.

As preventive measures, damage to the central nervous system should be prevented, head injuries should be avoided, and asthenic syndrome should be detected in time.

Pathological inhibition of thinking involves various mental and pathophysiological disorders. This phenomenon should be qualified as a symptomatology, which in most situations is formed in the elderly. But in certain cases, a similar problem can manifest itself in childhood and in young people.

If you find inhibition of thought processes, you should immediately seek advice from doctors. It is likely that such a condition is the result of dangerous malfunctions in the central nervous system and needs special correction.

This section was created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist, without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own lives.


Lethargy is a symptom of certain diseases, usually of the central nervous system and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. Such a state of a person is characterized by the fact that he has a decrease in the speed of reaction to actions addressed to him or produced by himself, a deterioration in concentration, more stretched, with long pauses in speech. In more complex cases, there may be a complete lack of reaction to surrounding events.

Such a state of a person should not be confused with apathy or a chronic depressive state, since the latter is more of a psychological factor than a physiological one.

The true causes of lethargy can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is strongly not recommended to carry out treatment at your own discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this can lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


Inhibition of movements and thinking in a person can be observed in such pathological processes:

In addition, a temporary state of slow reaction, movements and speech can be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • with chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous strain, stress, chronic depression;
  • under circumstances that cause a person to feel fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor retardation in a child may be due to such etiological factors:

Depending on the underlying factor, this condition in a child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if such a symptom appears in children, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the cause of the pathology can be dangerous for the health of the baby.


There are the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - mental retardation;
  • mental or ideational retardation;
  • motor or motor retardation;
  • emotional retardation.

Establishing the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified doctor.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will depend entirely on the underlying factor.

With damage to the brain and central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be present:

  • drowsiness (hypersomnia), lethargy;
  • headaches, which will intensify as the pathological process worsens. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even with painkillers;
  • memory impairment;
  • decrease in the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the performance of habitual actions. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are preserved;
  • sharp mood swings, traits appear in the patient's behavior that were not previously characteristic of him, attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • speech becomes slow, the patient may find it difficult to choose words;
  • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

In a child, the general clinical picture, with this kind of pathology, can be supplemented by capriciousness, constant crying, or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness and apathy for the usual favorite activities.

It should be noted that the above symptoms are observed after a stroke. If there is a suspicion that a person has had a seizure, emergency medical attention should be called and urgently hospitalized. It is on the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke that, to a greater extent, depends on whether a person survives or not.

In the event that a mental disorder has become the cause of a delayed reaction in an adult, the following symptoms may be present:

  • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • causeless attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases, and actions in this direction;
  • a state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • delirium, illogical judgments;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, slovenly appearance. At the same time, a person can be firmly convinced that everything is in order with him;
  • excessive suspicion, feeling that he is being watched;
  • deterioration or complete loss of memory;
  • incoherent speech, inability to express one's point of view or specifically answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporal and spatial orientation;
  • feeling of constant fatigue.

You need to understand that such a human condition can progress rapidly. Even with a temporary improvement in the patient's condition, it cannot be said that the disease has been completely eliminated. In addition, such a state of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around him. Therefore, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in an appropriate institution is in some cases mandatory.


First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, due to his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, you may need to consult such specialists:

Diagnostic activities include:

  • general clinical laboratory tests (blood and urine tests);
  • study of the level of pituitary hormones;
  • CT and MRI of the brain;
  • EEG and Echo-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.

Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and further treatment tactics will be decided.


In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical methods of treatment.

If the cause of such a person’s condition is a tumor of the brain or central nervous system, then an operation is performed to excise it, followed by drug treatment and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of the patient will also be required after a stroke.

Medical therapy may include the following drugs:

  • painkillers;
  • sedatives;
  • antibiotics if a disease of an infectious nature is established;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • drugs that restore glucose levels;
  • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

In addition, after completing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to undergo a rehabilitation course in a specialized sanatorium.

Under the condition of timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, almost complete recovery is possible even after serious illnesses - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


Unfortunately, there are no specific methods of prevention. You should observe the regime of rest and work, protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, start treatment of all diseases in a timely manner.

"Inhibition" is observed in diseases:

Alalia is a speech disorder in which the child cannot partially (with poor vocabulary and problems in constructing phrases) or fully speak. But the disease is characterized by the fact that mental abilities are not violated, the child understands and hears everything perfectly. The main causes of the disease are complicated childbirth, diseases or brain injuries received at an early age. The disease can be cured with a long visit to a speech therapist and by taking medication.

Apathy is a mental disorder in which a person does not show interest in work, any activities, does not want to do anything and, in general, is indifferent to life. Such a state very often comes into a person's life imperceptibly, since it does not manifest itself as pain symptoms - a person may simply not notice deviations in mood, since absolutely any life process, and most often their combination, can become the causes of apathy.

Asthmatic status is a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, due to the progression of which there is severe respiratory failure. This pathological condition develops as a result of edema of the bronchial mucosa, as well as spasms of their muscles. At the same time, it is not possible to stop an attack by taking an increased dose of bronchodilators, which, as a rule, are already taken by a patient with asthma. Status asthma is a very dangerous condition that can lead to the death of the patient, so it requires urgent medical attention.

Affective disorders (synonymous with mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and external expression of a person's mood. Such changes can lead to maladjustment.

Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner lining of the heart, caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main of which is streptococcus. Often, endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that has developed against the background of other diseases, but it is the bacterial lesion of the membrane that is an independent disorder. It affects people of any age group, which is why endocarditis is often diagnosed in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from this disease several times more often than women.

Around the world, many people suffer from such a disorder as bipolar disorder. The disease is characterized by frequent mood swings, and the mood of a person does not change from bad to good, but from extremely depressive and dull, to a feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In a word, mood swings in patients with bipolar disorder are colossal, which is always noticeable to others, especially if such swings are frequent.

Legionnaires' disease, or legionellosis, is a bacterial infection that most often presents as a severe form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and impaired functioning of the central nervous system and kidneys. Sometimes, during the illness, the respiratory and urinary systems are affected.

Acute intestinal infection, caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by a duration of fever and general intoxication of the body, is called typhoid fever. This disease refers to severe ailments, as a result of which the main environment of the lesion is the gastrointestinal tract, and when aggravated, the spleen, liver and blood vessels are affected.

Hypernatremia is a disease characterized by an increase in the level of sodium in the blood serum to a value of 145 mmol / l or higher. In addition, a low fluid content in the body is detected. Pathology has a fairly high mortality rate.

Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness during the daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. It rarely occurs as an independent disorder - it is often a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, there is no improvement in the general condition, there is constant drowsiness and problems with waking up.

Hypertensive crisis is a syndrome in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. At the same time, symptoms of damage to the main organs develop - the heart, lungs, brain, and so on. This condition is very serious and requires emergency care, otherwise serious complications may develop.

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor retardation and thought failures, are a serious and dangerous disease, which is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and, moreover, does not carry any special danger, in which they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, caused by the passivity and depression of a person.

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous condition that develops against the background of diabetes mellitus. In the case of its progression in the human body, metabolic processes are disturbed. This condition threatens not only health, but also the life of the patient.

Cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when the contractile function of the left ventricle fails, the blood supply to tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends in death.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus, which, without adequate and timely treatment, can lead to diabetic coma or even death. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as an energy source, as it lacks the hormone insulin. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use incoming fats as an energy source.

Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from encephalitis ticks. The virus sneaks into the brain and spinal cord of an adult or a child, causes severe intoxication and affects the central nervous system. Severe encephalitic forms without timely treatment can lead to paralysis, mental disorders and even death. How to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, what to do if a tick-borne infection is suspected, and what is the importance of vaccination in the prevention and treatment of a deadly disease?

False croup is a pathology of an infectious-allergic nature that causes the development of edema of the larynx with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the lumen of the airways, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and poses a threat to the life of the patient, therefore, assistance in this condition should be provided immediately - within minutes after the attack.

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (syn. primary macroglobulinemia, macroglobulinemic reticulosis) is an extremely rare disease in which a tumor is formed in the bone marrow, consisting of lymphocytic and plasmacytic cells.

Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition characterized by an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. The disease develops against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient excretion from the human body.

Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, which is characterized by the development of edema of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. Women are most often affected by this disease during a period of hormonal changes, that is, during menopause.

Cerebral edema is a dangerous condition characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure increases. All this leads to a violation of the circulation of blood in the body and to the death of its cells.

Quincke's edema is usually defined as an allergic condition, expressed in its rather acute manifestations. It is characterized by the occurrence of severe edema of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Somewhat less often, this condition manifests itself in the joints, internal organs and meninges. As a rule, Quincke's edema, the symptoms of which can occur in almost any person, occurs in patients with allergies.

The disease, which is characterized by the formation of pulmonary insufficiency, presented in the form of a massive release of transudate from the capillaries into the lung cavity and, as a result, contributing to the infiltration of the alveoli, is called pulmonary edema. In simple terms, pulmonary edema is a condition where there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs that has seeped through the blood vessels. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas is a dangerous and severe pathology in which the organ itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to the fact that certain parts of the gland become necrotic. This pathological process can provoke the progression of a purulent abscess. Pancreatic necrosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital organs. If timely and complete treatment is not carried out, then often this disease leads to the death of the patient.

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get enough sleep to make it go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a violation with a long sleep. On the contrary, the constant desire to sleep and the inability to restore strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease characterized by a pathological process that occurs in the liver and affects the central nervous system. The result of such a disease are neuropsychiatric disorders. This disease is characterized by personality changes, depression and intellectual impairment. To cope with hepatic encephalopathy on your own will not work, here you can not do without medical intervention.

Multiple organ failure is a severe pathological process that occurs as a result of severe trauma, severe blood loss, or any other condition. In this case, we are talking about a violation or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, a fatal outcome is observed if the necessary medical measures are not taken in a timely manner to normalize the functioning of the organs. Such a high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level that the ability to maintain the life of the organism is lost.

The disease, which is characterized by inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems, is called reactive arthritis. Often, inflammation of the joints occurs as a result of infection with infections of the genital organs, urinary system, or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection of the body with infections, the development of reactive arthritis can be observed in the second or fourth week.

Rh conflict during pregnancy is a pathological process that manifests itself in a situation where the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the father is positive, and the child acquires a positive Rh factor of the father. If both parents are Rh-positive or Rh-negative, Rh-conflict is not detected.

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With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation by the attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

English scientists have proved that the speed of a person's reaction affects not only his life, but also his health - this can be an indicator of serious problems with the body.

  • People with slow reactions are 25% more likely to die in the next 15 years
  • Slow brain response may be a sign of a general decline in health
  • This factor is associated with a greater likelihood of death from a heart attack, stroke, and accident.

Consequences of slow reactions

A slow reaction rate not only slows down your life, scientists say it increases the likelihood of dying at a young age. A new study has shown that men and women with slow reactions have a higher risk of early death than other people. Even 20-30 year old people are at risk.

British researchers have said that lack of vigilance is just as dangerous as smoking. It is believed that slow brain response may be a sign of a general deterioration in health. If further research confirms this link, doctors could use the reaction rate test as a quick and easy way to check a person's health.

Researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and University College London analyzed data from 5,000 Americans who took a reaction time test when they were between the ages of 20 and 59.

Diagnosis of Slow Reaction Rate

The test is not difficult, a person sitting in front of a computer screen must press a button every time the number “0” flashes on the screen. Volunteers were tested for reaction 50 times, the experts measured their speed and consistency. People who have a slow reaction time are 25 percent more likely to die within the next 15 years than their counterparts with an average reaction speed. Also, these people are in some cases at higher risk of early death, according to reports published in the journal PLoS ONE.

Reaction time was not associated with increased mortality from cancer, but was associated with death from heart attack or stroke. Further analysis of the obtained results showed that this fact cannot be explained by other factors, such as the mind and age of the patient.

Lead author of the study, Gareth Hagger-Johnson of UCL, said, "Our study shows that a simple test of reaction time in adulthood can predict an individual's survival regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic status. It's a risk factor that people didn't think about before."

Scientists believe that the speed with which the brain reacts to events can reflect the general state of the body. This means that a slow response may be a sign of other diseases, in which case the person is also at a higher risk of accidents.

Dr. Hagger-Johnson said that if this link is confirmed, doctors will be able to use the patient's reaction time as an indicator of his health. This may lead to closer monitoring given specific therapeutic procedures.

Prevention of Slow Reaction Rate

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The slowing down of the reaction, of course, is enhanced by the introduction of a salt containing the same anion into the reaction medium, for example, lithium chloride.

The reaction slows down due to the fact that hydrogen, which is relatively weakly bound and, obviously, the most suitable for the hydrogenation of hexene-1, becomes less and less with increasing pH. Since the activation energy determined by us does not change in the pH range studied, it is obvious that the decrease in catalyst activity with increasing pH is associated with a decrease in the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius equation. Thus, it can be assumed that with an increase in pH during the hydrogenation of 1-hexene, the number of active sites on the surface of the Pt catalyst decreases.

The slowdown of the reaction over time is associated with an increase in the value of recombination (destruction by mutual collision) of active centers, or with the appearance of a substance that slows down the process as one of the reaction products. The reaction is extremely sensitive to the slightest traces of foreign impurities. The latter can act in an accelerating manner (aldehydes, NO2 85, etc.], organic peroxides [86, 87, etc.]), which is associated with their ability to serve as initial centers (or parts) of the reaction chain or to generate them. In other cases, impurities have an inhibitory effect on the reaction, depending on the fact that these negative catalysts, or so-called inhibitors, destroy active centers, for example, by reacting with them (or absorbing the energy of excited particles) and thus stop the development of the reaction chain, cutting her off.

The slowing down of the reaction and the improvement in the quality of products, caused by the action of an alkali metal and the limiting concentration of manganese, were studied using the example of paraffin oxidation with the participation of pyrolusite and alkaline manganese dioxide with the addition of a certain one. It has been shown that the main inhibitory functions in the oxidation of hydrocarbons belong to alkali metal compounds.

Retarding the reaction of No. 204 with toluene was achieved by filling the tubes with stainless steel chips, diluting the reaction mixture with C14, and reducing the amount of N204 to 1 7 - 1 mol per 1 mol of toluene. The acceleration of the nitration reaction into the nucleus was achieved by adding 0 27 - 0 4 mol of acetic anhydride per 1 mol of toluene to the reaction mixture, and 2 5 - 3% 2 4 6-trinitrotoluene and up to 30% nitrotoluenes were obtained. Having formed-piesya mononitrotoluenes are not further nitrated. When toluene is nitrated into the core, only mono- and trinitroto-iols are obtained without the intermediate formation of dinitrotoluene. Za-dena anhydride on acetic acid does not cause an acceleration of the reaction.

The slowdown of the reaction due to structural changes can be so significant that the process of disproportionation of a four- or pentavalent ion turns out to be more advantageous, rather than the process of direct interaction of these ions with reagents.

The slowing down of the reaction can be explained by the fact that the chloride complex Т1 (III) is less reactive than the Т13 or Т1ОН2 ions; however, the reasons for the increase in the reaction rate in the region of higher concentrations of the С1 - - - ion are not clear.

Lukasevich explains the slowdown of the reaction in primary and secondary alcohols by the fact that in these alcohols there is hydrogen at the a-carbon atom, which is detached in the form of a radical, which prevents the development of the chain. Standing on the positions of the free radical reduction mechanism with formic acid, Lukasevich comes to the conclusion that sodium formate accelerates the reduction of Schiff bases by preventing their decomposition.

The slowdown of the reaction at elevated temperature can be explained by a decrease in the activity of phosphoric acid due to an increase in the solubility of monocalcium phosphate in it, and the slowdown of the reaction at low temperature by the fact that phosphoric acid, the concentration of which in the liquid phase of superphosphate is about 45% PzOsr, becomes more viscous and inactive.

The slowdown of the reaction in the SDS solution is consistent with the distribution coefficient of 2 4-dinitrofluorobenzene, which is predominantly localized in the micellar phase, while the nucleophilic agent glycylglycine is not solubilized by micelles. The effect of SDS can be explained on the basis of a decrease in the reactivity in the micellar phase and a redistribution of the reagents.

The slowing down of the reaction with KOH when the n-hydrogen is replaced by a p-stoxi group probably depends on the fact that the substitution and elimination were studied in the same way.

The slowing down of the reaction by alkyl substituents, therefore, is due to a decrease in the entropy of activation.

The slowdown of the reaction due to the lack of free water can be easily prevented by increasing the diffusion rate of CS2 by intensive mixing or mechanical destruction of the fiber structure, whereby the reaction can be completed 10 times faster.

The reaction of N204 with toluene was slowed down by filling the tubes with stainless steel chips, diluting the reaction mixture with CC14, and reducing the amount of N204 to 17–1 mol per 1 mol of toluene. The acceleration of the nitration reaction into the nucleus was achieved by adding 0 27 - 0 4 mol of acetic anhydride per 1 mol of toluene to the reaction mixture, and 2 5 - 3% 2 4 6-trinitrotoluene and up to 30% nitrotoluenes were obtained. The resulting mononitrotoluenes are no longer nitrated. When toluene is nitrated into the core, only mono- and trinitrotoluenes are obtained without the intermediate formation of dinitrotoluene. Replacing the anhydride with acetic acid does not accelerate the reaction.

If you are lonely
So your time has come
And waiting around the corner
Crossroads of seven roads.

“Your child is mentally retarded. What will grow out of this? - says a strict teacher to a confused parent about the slow reaction of her child. “He thinks about himself in class. I asked a question - does not hear! Half an hour thinking over an elementary question! Where does it fit? All the children have already thought a hundred times and given an answer, but he is still thinking. The teacher is unaware that for the first time in her first class there was a special child. Child with sound vector.

Slow reaction in a sound baby

Sound children, both boys and girls, are strongly distinguished by behavior from other children with slow reactions and calm behavior. They are quiet, silent, they don’t yell with the rest of the children at recess, they don’t push around. They prefer to sit in the classroom at the desk. They do not like change, unlike other children. More like lesson. Because at recess everyone is yelling, but the lesson is quiet.

With academic performance, such children are not always good: they are not "knowers", "nerds" and other excellent students who always pull their hand from the first desk. They may not be too interested in studying, sometimes they “clog” by spending study hours playing games on their mobile phone or isolating themselves from the outside world with headphones. At the first lessons, if you can see them, then they are more likely to be sleeping, since it is not common for a sound engineer to wake up early. But he can play his games with interest long after midnight. These children are typical owls.

The sound engineer thinks over the question posed longer than others, and therefore the reaction of such children seems to be slow. When referring to him, remember that this is a double introvert, he is focused on his thoughts. And in order to answer your question, the sound engineer must get out of himself, hear your question, bring it inside himself, find a solution, get out of himself and give the answer out. By the speed of the response, you should not evaluate the intellectual abilities of the sound engineer. By spending more time on these extra steps, he will eventually solve the problem with one thought in two minutes.

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