Why did the water turn red. Why is water around the world turning blood red? Reasons for the formation of red water

Red water in the pool- a phenomenon from a number of unacceptable. The reason for this trouble is due to the high content of iron in the water, which filled the pool. Elevated iron content is usually found in water from artesian wells and wells. So why does the water turn red in a pool filled with such water? Iron is found in artesian water in several forms in divalent soluble, trivalent and colloidal states. When interacting with atmospheric oxygen, ferrous ions are oxidized and turn into a trivalent insoluble form, the smallest particles of which give the water a red or brown tint. Therefore, before filling the pool, it is best to analyze the water and choose the water treatment equipment for the pool accordingly, so that it is crystal clear, transparent, has the appropriate color, so that every swimmer will be pleased to swim in it.

What to do in a situation where there is red water in the pool, but you don’t want to drain it

In a situation where water is poured into the pool, and it turns red before our eyes, drain it or buy optional equipment for cleaning is quite expensive and no costs were foreseen, it is possible to get rid of the excess iron content in the water directly in the pool. To do this, in a certain sequence, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities. First, the pH is equalized and the water is shock treated with a disinfectant (chlorine or its derivatives) using an increased double dose. As a result, the red water in the pool will begin to oxidize, and the excess iron will turn into tiny rust particles. However, the particles formed are too small to purify the water in the pool using a water treatment filter, so it is necessary to use a special coagulant that dissolves in water in accordance with the instructions. After that, the iron particles will coarsen and precipitate in the form of flakes, which can be collected from the bottom of the pool with a special vacuum cleaner.

Why does the water in the pool still turn red?

Question Why does the pool water turn red? another answer can be given - algal blooms. The cytoplasm of such microorganisms is filled with specific fatty inclusions, which, when mechanically or chemically irritated, have the ability to bioluminesce. The presence of such photosynthetic organisms can give pool water a red or green color. These algae are not toxic, yet they are capable of releasing excess amounts of ammonia, which causes skin irritation. The growth and reproduction of such microorganisms is facilitated by favorable warm weather conditions, a large amount of sunlight, an abundance nutrients. Most effective remedy from green, red and yellow algae - algicide, which, moreover, creates an environment that prevents their further development.

How to use an algaecide when the water in the pool turns red

In normal situations, a 10% solution is applied to the previously cleaned pool walls, seams, corners, sides and floor to completely destroy these microorganisms, and only after that the pool is filled with water, the pH of which is brought to 7.4. Be sure to carry out shock chlorination and add a certain amount of algaecide as a starting treatment with filtration turned on. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.

In a situation of urgent need (the water is already red), for an emergency fight against algae and other microflora, shock treatment with an increased dosage should be carried out, which is specified in the instructions.

To not appear red water in the pool, and there was no question why the water in it turns red, it is necessary to carefully monitor its quality and use effective pool care products. The main components of water treatment can be considered:

  • water filtration and circulation;
  • -
  • treatment with special chemicals.

Filtration and circulation of water in the pool alone is absolutely not enough for water purification. In order to prevent the reproduction of microorganisms, algae, viruses, fungi and bacteria, disinfection with algicides and coagulants is necessary, which help to effectively eliminate the turbidity and color of the water, as well as filter out the smallest particles, which are a good breeding ground for microorganisms. That is, it is impossible to refuse the use of effective chemicals in pools.

Ponds all over the globe are reported to take on the color of blood, causing concern among the general public. People think that the end times are near.

From the sea to the river, numerous reservoirs, all during the night become the color of blood. Astonishing images of the incidents are popping up on social media. A number of different groups point to the biblical prophecy of Revelation 16:4. Yet, is there any other explanation for unusual phenomena other than the impending apocalypse?

AT recent times many reports indicate that all over the globe the seas are turning red. For example, The Washington Post reported on one such incident in China. It happened on a river in the city of Wenzhou. Residents say they woke up and saw a strange sight of red water. The phenomenon had no explanation.

"Several people who were on the river at about 5 o'clock in the morning said that everything was fine, but then suddenly within a few minutes the water began to darken and eventually turned completely red."

Wenzhou is the center of the Christian faith and many call it the Chinese Jerusalem. Some residents after the event pointed to a prophecy from christian bible to explain the strange bloody waters.
While many thought the red river was a sign from heaven, the Chinese government says there is a simple explanation for the red waters. local department of protection environment says tests have shown the water has turned a frightening shade of red from illegal dumping. Probably artificial dyes from the clothing industry.

The Telegraph reported on another bizarre incident that led to the closure of Sydney's beaches in Australia. Tourists in the area initially feared that the blood was the result of a shark attack, but no such attack occurred. In fact, local officials noted that the blood red color was the result of an algae bloom in the area. The beaches were closed and several photos of the strange waters began to circulate on the Internet.

The Pacific islanders of Tonga were also surprised by the blood-red color of the seas, according to the BBC. As in China, many in the region immediately feared that the red tides were a sign of the end times. However, as on the beaches of Australia, red tides have been attributed to red algae blooms. In fact, the same red tides occur once a year on the Gulf Coast of Florida.

While the strange phenomena have been attributed to illegal dumping and excessive red algae blooms in seas around the world, rumors continue to circulate on the Internet. And the believers say that the end times are drawing near.

Messages like this can be found all over the web:
"The WATER has turned blood red - Wake up!!! Folks, we are seeing omens from the Book of Revelation before us. The highest judgment on Earth is approaching!!! Waters around the world are turning blood red!!!"

What do you think? Doesn't it bother you that bodies of water around the globe are turning blood red?

A beautiful and neat appearance attracts people, brings good luck and helps maintain good mood. Therefore, each person takes care of the condition of hair, nails and looks after his skin.

Daily washing, normal hygiene procedures that help maintain cleanliness of the body, can sometimes cause redness of the face.

Causes of facial redness

The question of skin color change arises in the mind of a person who is worried about his appearance and health.

There can be several reasons for facial redness after washing:

  1. First, allergic reactions:
    • on the components contained in the water. To purify water supplied through centralized sources, chlorine is also used, which can irritate sensitive skin.
    • for cleansers. Tonics, lotions, soaps, gels have a composition that may not be suitable for your skin type.
    • for laundry detergents. After washing, try not to dry your face and pay attention to the presence or absence of redness. It is possible that washing powders or gels are not thoroughly rinsed out of towels, and the skin of the face turns red after using them.
  2. Secondly, skin diseases. To identify such serious problems, you can observe the time during which the face is red and the size of the spots covering the skin.
  3. Thirdly, diseases internal organs. The skin of the face from the water may turn red, then begin to peel off and itch, causing additional discomfort. Such signs may indicate improper functioning of the liver or gallbladder.
  4. Problems with nervous system may manifest as redness of the skin of the face after washing.
  5. Finally, the face may turn red from being too hot or cold water, strong mechanical impact when washing. In this case, the redness quickly disappears, does not leave a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, is not accompanied by itching and burning.

If you notice that your face turns red from water, seek the advice of a dermatologist or therapist. Competent specialists will be able to identify the exact cause of the appearance of spots, prescribe a treatment, or simply explain that redness does not pose any danger.

city ​​dwellers Luoyang (Luoyang) in China were shocked when one day they discovered that the water in the local Jian River (Jian) became red as blood.

As it turned out later, the river changed its color after an illegal dye was dumped into its waters by a nearby pyrotechnic factory. An official investigation was launched into this incident by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. At the same time, the water in the river retained its bloody color for several days, while the police tracked the source of water pollution.

As it turned out, in preparation for the Chinese New Year, a local pyrotechnic factory dumped excess red dye for fireworks into the sewer. And from there, the paint got into the Jian River. Laboratory analysis chemical composition water showed that, despite its rather disturbing color, bloody water does not contain heavy metals or toxic substances.


In addition to the river with bloody water in China, there is the famous Red Beach, covered with red algae. It is located in the Liaohe River Delta near the town of Panjin.

In the Liaohe River Delta there is a unique area called red beach (red beach). This scenic area is located near the town of Panjin in China. In summer, Red Beach does not live up to its name and looks quite ordinary - sand, stones, water and some green seaweed. But in autumn, everything changes, the beach turns red as fire, as the algae change from green to red. That's why it was called - Red Beach.

Most of the beach is reserved for the reserve, but there is a small area that is open to tourists. This place is also unique in that about 236 different types birds, 30 of which are under state protection, among them - the Japanese Crane. Therefore, in autumn these places are full of tourists.


In the Sierra de la Macarena of Central Colombia, the crystal-clear river Caño Cristales, also called the River of the Five Flowers or the Liquid Rainbow, flows. This is probably the most incomprehensible and beautiful river in the world. The unique algae Macarenia clavigera fills it with such amazing multicolors that the water seems magical, and, in fact, it is. Because this water is completely safe to drink!


Taylor's Blood Falls in Antarctica is an incomprehensible natural phenomenon. Living water in the midst of tightly frozen ice. The unique waterfall feels great in sub-zero temperatures. As if from the frozen earth hot blood beats ...

Back in 1911, Australian geologist Griffith Taylor landed in Antarctica and on the very first day he reached the glacier with a “bleeding” wound. The geologist immediately suggested calling the waterfall Bloody. Since then, it has been called Taylor's Bloody Falls.

At first, the geologist decided that the red color of the water was due to the presence of algae, but later it was proved that the incomprehensible color of the waterfall was due to the presence of a huge amount of rust, which instantly oxidizes when interacting with oxygen.

The source of the waterfall is salt Lake, formed about 2 million years ago, when the ice age began and the level of the ocean fell. Gradually, the water in the formed reservoir evaporated and became saltier. At the moment, the amount of salt in the lake is four times higher than in the ocean. That is why water does not freeze down to -10 °C.

When icing set in, the lake was under a massive ice cap. So, supposedly, you can see the Bloody Falls only when this cap presses on the lake, squeezing out some of the water from the cracks in the glacier.

Having lived in Antarctica for six long field seasons, geomicrobiologist Jill Mikutsky from Dartmouth College (New Hampshire, USA) managed to prove that the cause of Blood Falls is the microorganisms that inhabit the lake.

In 2004, Jill saw an incomprehensible red liquid flowing over the glacier. It was transparent, had a temperature of -7 ºС and smelled of the ocean, despite the fact that it was more than 30 miles from the coast.

Since then, she set out to establish at all costs what the mysterious lake lives under the almost 400-meter ice sheet.

A few years later, Jill summed up the following: after the lake was covered by a glacier, most of its inhabitants died out, but 17 types of microbes managed to adapt to low temperatures, as well as the lack of air and sunlight. And for more than a million years, these microorganisms have been living in such incredible conditions and processing the organic remains of creatures buried with him under the ice slab.

Jill concluded that instead of oxygen, these microbes were breathing iron from the surrounding rocks. In this case, sulfate acts as a catalyst. In the process of “breathing”, microbes convert ferric iron, which is insoluble in water, into ferrous iron. Hence the rusty color. This ecological system is not closed, as it depends on organic matter reserves. That is, when the organic remains run out, the microbe, most likely, it will disappear. But this will happen, in any case, very soon ...

Referring to the data of the city authorities, Rabochaya Gazeta has already reported that this year the builders will make Kiev residents happy for another 22 pump-rooms, and there will be 227 in total. case.

- THESE“environmentally clean drinking water,” as Mikhail Shparik calls it, is not cheap for the city. If we take into account that the average cost of a pump-room complex is 400,000 hryvnias, then the previous government hammered 82 million hryvnias into the land in ten years. But this money could well have been directed to the development of centralized water supply, as is done throughout the civilized world.

Yes, for that kind of money, it would be possible to equip treatment plants near each house, - Ivan Saliy, deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, noted.

Isn’t it a paradox: there are no funds for the modernization of city water pipes, but they are for pump rooms, which, with all their architectural merits, nevertheless completely threw the people of Kiev back into the dense farm life, when people, straining themselves, dragged water in buckets and pots to their eleventh floors.

How much water per day does a person need? The doctor will say that about two liters - like distant ancestors. But the deputy director of "Kyivvodokanal" Volodymyr Brazhnik named a different figure - 374 liters.

With the increase in the comfort of life, the total water consumption for each of us is growing rapidly. Over the past century, it has increased tenfold in the city. A quarter of a century ago, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Igor Zektser warned: if you do not take care of new sources, then at the turn of the 21st century there will be a shortage of fresh water will be the biggest problem. This is the firm opinion of scientists all over the world. Already, water is increasingly becoming an export item.

And our valiant business executives have hollowed out a couple of hundred artesian wells in Kyiv, from which underground water is gushing day and night. And runs straight down the drain. For example, on Nikolai Ushakov Street, residents of adjacent houses often wash their cars with pump-room water...

Fortunately, if in all wells the water was not only icy, but also good quality. Where is it: often from some columns it flows with a smell, from others it is unclear-blue, from the third - with some strange aftertaste. For example, in the pump-room on Uborevich Street, the water contains an excess of manganese. And it happens that the filters deteriorate, as, say, in the pump room at the corner of Piterskaya and Petrovsky streets. Or, during severe frosts, pipes burst - as in a pump room on the Wind Mountains.

And few people know that 19 wells built in previous years still cannot be put into operation. Is it because the water quality is bad there?

Rabochaya Gazeta once already told how “merry” water flowed from the pump-room on Anna Akhmatova Street, once pompously opened by the ex-mayor. Employees of the district sanitary and epidemiological station then explained to us: the water, they say, turns red there not from shame, but because it contains a lot of ammonia and iron. And they added: “Not there, apparently, where it is necessary, they drilled. Yes, and they did it quickly.

That's it, it is from competent drilling that the quality of artesian water often depends, according to experts from Ukrsevgeologia. Organizations that determine the location of drilling often make gross technical miscalculations. Because of this, for example, they could not, having squandered big budget money, put the pump-rooms on Putivlskaya and Chaadaev streets into operation on time. And for many months in a row, a gray-brown-raspberry liquid gushed out of them.

The architectural and construction danger emanating from these wells is alarming. The architect Viktor Sudorogin, who designs the pump-room complexes, in a conversation with journalists literally made everyone fearful, arguing that artesian wells could destroy Kyiv. Moreover, the horror story said: “Pump rooms - secret killers?”

By the way, we recall that pump rooms pump water from a depth of more than 150 meters, which is why pressure changes in the chalk layers and large voids and caves form over time. So, all of Kyiv will allegedly fall into these voids over time. And the more pump rooms are built, the more intensively the water is taken, the faster the “time X” approaches. An unhappy prospect.

Although many Kievans, according to the architect, are outraged why, they say, pump-rooms are not built near each house. It is even scary for Viktor Sudorgin to imagine what will happen in half a century with the houses near which pump-rooms are built. After all, underground rivers wash out the rock, forming caves, the soil sags over time, which means that Kyiv will be under the threat of destruction.

At the dawn of the metropolitan pump room, a well-known Ukrainian scientist, director of the Institute of Colloidal Chemistry and Water Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Vladislav Goncharuk, argued that it was untreated artesian water from great depths that was most beneficial for our body. But in order for people to drink water that is not contaminated with chemical impurities and other nasty things, after a thorough check, each well must have a quality certificate.

Moreover, according to the academician, it was the specialists of his institute who could perform such important work. Of course, this requires solid budget injections from the city treasury. By the way, Rabochaya Gazeta published a scientist’s commentary on the quality of the water we drink on May 17, 2006 in the article “What kind of water do we drink?”

Deep waters are rich in minerals, their use without control "one heals, and the other cripples."

According to my observations, - says the pump-room architect Viktor Sudorogin, - people do not even understand what they are drinking, despite the signs about the composition of the water posted at the pump-rooms. In my opinion, pump room water cannot be called drinking water in any way, since it passes only through mechanical cleaning filters, but there are no biological filters. In addition, our people break pump rooms at an enviable rate. This is understandable: water was given for free.

Finally, the city fathers heard the sensible advice of Academician Goncharuk. After nine years of pumping, it was decided to make an inventory of all operating and mothballed artesian wells. And at the same time, to solve for each of them separately the issues of sanitary safety and expediency of operation. Wells that have become unusable must be plugged. And, it seems, there will also be a single city pump-room service at the "Kyivvodokanal".

The conclusion is as clear as daylight: it is high time to put things in order in burying taxpayers' money. And stop the mockery of the ancient land of the capital city.

If you have already dared to drink artesian water, then let's create all the conditions for it to be beneficial to health in all respects.

Afterword. In many cities of Ukraine there are indeed big problems with tap water quality. But the capital does not belong to these cities. Moreover, experts say that water flows from Kyiv taps, the quality of which is one of the best in the country. However, it is the people of Kiev who are most outraged by their water supply. Paradox? No. These are just destructive moral and psychological consequences of the nine-year pump-room of the capital.

It is a pity that the pumping-room system, as it were, called into question the quality of our tap water, - complained the doctor of the Kyiv city sanitary and epidemiological station Nina Telenkova. - Such as in Kyiv, there is no beautiful water in Ukraine. But we evaluate pump-room water according to the same parameters as regular tap water. And we do it in accordance with the old Soviet GOST-2874-82.

In general, according to experts, it is not so simple with pump rooms. For example, in the pipes of deep wells, a high column of water stagnates for a long time. Such organoleptic indicators as turbidity, glandular taste appear in it, flakes begin to fall out. And this despite the fact that the pump rooms are fed with water from the underground horizons of the Cenomanian stage and the Jurassic period, which are quite well studied, included in our menu since the end of the 19th century.

Here, do as you wish. And you always want the best. Do not make a mistake when choosing.

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