Products for cheerfulness and good mood. Good mood food Good mood food

Stress is quite familiar to the component of everyday work, but this does not mean that the body can easily cope with them. Stressful situations affect both the physical and emotional state of a person, so it is necessary to study methods that allow you to improve your mood and not take worries so close to your heart.
Almost everyone knows that such a hormone as serotonin contributes to our good mood and increased efficiency - this happiness hormone.

However, not everyone is aware that it is not contained directly in the products - you cannot just take it and eat it. But, in we can use the substance that is necessary for its formation. It's about tryptophan. Foods high in tryptophan (the amino acid from which serotonin is made) promote serotonin biosynthesis and often improve mood. It turns out that food in this case is the most accessible source of happiness, but it is important to know what and in what proportions to use, in which products, albeit indirectly, contains serotonin. Do you know what else good food is good for? It helps to get rid of anger in a variety of situations!

What foods lift your spirits?

One of the main nutrients that improve mood is yogurt but exclusively natural. Yogurt with artificial colors or fillers only creates an extra load on the stomach and liver, which can make you feel worse. Especially often you need to use yogurt in the summer, as it is believed that the longer the daylight hours, the more benefits this fermented milk product will bring. No less popular is dark chocolate. Although milk chocolate is more preferred by ladies, it has no benefit other than a pleasant taste, but its dark counterpart is a powerful source of flavonoids that help fight stress and calm the nervous system. The more cocoa content, the better. If chocolate is not at hand, you can use any cocoa-containing dessert.

  • Citrus and any bright vegetables and fruits help the nervous system cope with stress by their appearance and smell, but they also contain a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins.
  • herbal teas depending on the specific plant they contain, they can have both a tonic and a relaxing effect.
  • Fish has long been considered a master of stress management, but it's best to choose species that are rich in saturated and omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to abuse fish, it can be eaten at most a couple of times a week.

Some nutritionists believe that the most positive food is broccoli, so it must be added to absolutely all dishes. No less useful are nuts and seeds, and they need to be eaten per day at least 40 grams. Nuts help not only in the fight against stress, but also improve the course of hypertension, help restore brain function and even lose weight.

Even though it smells garlic not too attractive, it is impossible to dispute the effectiveness of his fight against stress and depression. therefore, if you are not afraid to scare people away with a too “expressive” smell, you can safely use it at least at every meal, especially since it stimulates the defenses of the body's immune system.

Always have a smile on your lips

For most of our lives, there should be a sincere smile on our lips, we must enjoy the world around us.

At the same time, it is impossible not to remember the little joys and tricks that will help us in this matter. Food is something without which a person cannot live. Some of them will make you smile! Eat them and you will always have a good mood!

The human brain and endocrine system are responsible for the mood of a person. It is the endocrine system that has a direct effect on mood, the functions of which are precisely regulated by the nervous system.

For example, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for improving emotional well-being. These neurotransmitters are also actively produced when a person falls in love or experiences happiness - they act as a catalyst.

Is it possible to somehow stimulate the production of these neurotransmitters with the help of diet? In other words, can you improve your mood by including certain foods in your diet menu? According to research, it is indeed possible.

Scientists have even compiled a list of foods that help eliminate depression and increase mental performance and physical activity. We will share this list with you in this article.

Recall that we discussed earlier.

Top 12 Antidepressant Products

It’s worth clarifying right away that the functionality of the brain and the endocrine system depends not only on the diet, but also on how a person consumes foods. What is meant? In fact, you need to eat often, but in small portions.

Chocolate also contains theobormin and flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect (preventing the oxidation of nerve cells and their destruction) and also level the feeling of stress.

Dark chocolate is considered more useful and effective for improving mood - it has a higher content of cocoa powder and averages from 50 to 75%. In dairy, for comparison, it is about 25 - 40%.

2. Bananas

Bananas contain harman - this component enhances the feeling of euphoria.

More in this fruit high content of vitamin B 6, which is used by the pituitary gland in the production of hormones.

It is worth noting that B-group vitamins have a stronger effect on mood in women than in men.

6. Nuts

Walnuts and pistachios are considered the most. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B-group vitamins, tryptophan and selenium. True, their content is several times lower than in fatty fish.

To improve mood, it is useful to regularly consume nuts in a small amount (optimally - from 50 grams per day). And the same tryptophan, for example, can accumulate in the body and be used only if necessary. So, including nuts in your diet is one of the easiest ways to prevent depression.

7. Cheese

Cheese, and many other lactic acid foods high in lactobacilli, contain tyramine, trictanin, and phenethylamine. Doctors often call them "anti-stress" amino acids., as they improve the absorption of nutrients by brain cells.

And to get the maximum effect, cheese is recommended to be combined with chocolate in the diet - the sensitivity of nerve cells to endorphins from this increases exponentially, which will help overcome even the most stable depression.

8. Greens

Almost every green contains folate, which acts on the body in a similar way to omega-3 fatty acids.

But folate is found only in plant foods. Its highest content is found in dill and parsley. To one degree or another, folates are found in all greens.

9. Coffee

Caffeine helps to improve mood - this is a substance on the brain. acts as a neurostimulator. This effect lasts about 3 - 5 hours.

Caffeine not only increases the sensitivity of nerve cells to the same endorphins, but also accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates - this helps the brain quickly get energy. No wonder coffee is considered the best and the tone of the body.

11. Buckwheat and oatmeal

They contain a lot of complex carbohydrates that are not absorbed by the human body immediately, throughout the daylight hours, thereby providing the body and brain with energy. The nervous system, according to doctors, uses about 30% of all the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

And these cereals also have a large amount of indigestible fiber - it comprehensively improves the functionality of the digestive system and allows you to get more nutrients from food.

12. Eggs

They contain vitamin A, magnesium, tryptophan and carotenes which, although indirectly, affect the mood of a person.

It’s just worth clarifying that only fresh eggs “work”, since after heat treatment the lion’s share of carotenes and tryptophan decompose into derivative elements.

For the mood of a person, quail eggs are more useful. In addition, it is impossible to get salmonellosis using them fresh - this infection is simply unable to penetrate through the pores of the quail egg shell. But through the chicken shell, these bacteria easily penetrate.

What food should be avoided?

It is worth considering that there are those that can worsen mood. They just prevent the production of endorphins, and also take a high proportion of energy for their digestion and subsequent assimilation.

Doctors identify the following foods, which, if possible, should be discarded in order to avoid depression:

  1. Sweet soda. Cola, lemonade and other similar drinks contain a large amount of phenylalanine - the manufacturer even warns against this on the label. And this substance is known to suppress the production of serotonin. Soda will not worsen mood, but it will prevent feelings of euphoria.
  2. Fast food. Theoretically, this includes all foods that are high in calories and high in fat. All of them create a huge load on the gastrointestinal tract. Enormous amounts of energy are used for their assimilation. That is why, after a heavy snack, a person feels tired and it is difficult for him to concentrate - this is a lack of energy for the brain.
  3. Margarine. This includes all foods high in trans fats, which simply destroy the structure of serotonin, entering the bloodstream. Another fun fact is that trans fats are generally not absorbed by the body in any way and come out almost unchanged. But at the same time, they still go through the digestive process, that is, taking away energy.
  4. Flavor enhancers. This includes various kinds of chips, salty sticks, crackers and other snacks. Flavor enhancers suppress the production of serotonin, and also slow down the metabolic intercellular processes of the brain. That is, they inhibit the process of division and restoration of nerve cells.
  5. Sweet breakfasts. This is a kind of cereal, muesli and other dishes based on corn grits and a whole list of sweeteners. They suppress the production of endorphins.

Another nuance that doctors often pay attention to. Avoid eating too many sweets. A sharp jump in blood sugar levels is a kind of “stress” for the brain, which at this moment is trying to normalize the concentration of carbohydrates due to the production of insulin.

But after that, the sugar level drops quickly (since desserts contain mostly simple carbohydrates - they are digested instantly), reaching a level of 3 mmol / l - this is below the nominal, which is also perceived by the body as stress. What is the right way to eat sweets? Small portions, no more than 10 - 15 grams. But you can eat often - even 5 times a day.

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As a result, the diet directly affects the mood of a person. This is due to the fact that some foods affect the functioning of the hormonal system - it is she who is responsible for the production of endorphins (a group of hormones that affect mood and emotional well-being).

And there is food that acts the other way around - it worsens mood, as it suppresses the production of serotonin, and at the same time takes away the lion's share of energy. The presence of the latter in the diet should be limited and a healthy diet should be preferred, which will provide you with a great mood!

So that your mood does not depend on the weather outside the window, or on relationships with others, just remember this short list of products ─ they will help you return to a wonderful mood in the shortest possible time.


Nutmeg, green cardamom, star anise are the main warming and pleasing spices. Spices cannot be used separately, and we suggest making mulled wine or grog with your own hands. Such drinks will not only warm you up in bad weather, but also create a pleasant cozy atmosphere: you can relax after a hard day's work and forget about endless stress for at least one evening. The thing is that the smells of sweet spices have a beneficial effect on our nervous system ─ this is a kind of aromatherapy that will not let you wallow in melancholy. True, you should not get carried away: spices in large quantities can cause allergies. Well, if you want to brew a cocktail, just throw a pinch of fragrant antidepressants in herbal tea or warm milk.

Sweets, which we strive for in moments of despondency and despair, do not at all contribute to a good mood. The only exception is chocolate - a source of the "hormone of joy" (but only dark). All other confectionery products contain a large amount of sugar, which provokes fatigue and bad mood. Therefore, bee honey will be a better substitute for sweet consolation for you. A natural delicacy causes an emotional upsurge in an upset person - it's all about the chemical elements that make up the composition. Eat a spoon or two - you won't regret it.

sea ​​kale

It turns out that vitamin B is also responsible for a good mood, and here the focus is on seaweed, rich in B vitamins that regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the adrenaline hormone, the lack of which causes chronic fatigue, which worsens our mood. Experts advise to abandon the canned product - after all, the cabbage that is sold in sealed cans is more rich in food additives than vitamins. Buy freshly prepared salads, and lovers of culinary delights will be especially pleased to season seaweed with spices, oils and aromatic seasonings.


Bananas are another alternative to pastries and cakes. Like seaweed, they are fortified with vitamin B and serotonin, both of which can cause a feeling similar to euphoria. It is also recommended to remember bananas for chronic fatigue - they will provide a charge of vivacity and energy for a long time. But be careful: bananas are high-calorie fruits, so along with a good mood, you can get a couple of extra pounds.


The main thing is that at the most crucial moment the mouse does not run and wag its tail, otherwise your hopes for pep will be shattered. Fortunately, modern chickens do not lay golden eggs, so fabulous misfortune does not threaten you at all. On the contrary, apparently, provided that the most common eggs are included in the menu, fabulous happiness awaits you. The magical effect of chicken eggs lies in the fact that they contain essential fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D, as well as a large amount of tryptophan and B vitamins. In general, it's time to make yourself an omelet, especially since milk, which is necessary component of this dish, also helps to get out of depression.


Oatmeal has a property that has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the nervous system, and with minor nervous stress, it is an excellent remedy for depression. In addition, researchers claim that oatmeal contains the amino acid tryptophan, which, when processed in the body, forms the “happiness hormone” serotonin. Oats also contain carbohydrates, which, gradually absorbed, normalize blood sugar levels and prevent it from going beyond normal limits for the body.


The main mood-fighting substance found in fish is Omega-3. True, for those who eat fish to cheer up, it is better to eat only a salty product: dishes with a high content of salt and hot spices not only return the joy of life, but also help the blood vessels (which is why people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia experience irresistible cravings for spicy and salty foods). But you also need to know that fatty fish is rich in vitamin B (as we remember, it improves mood and strengthens the immune system).

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Here are two lists of products. In the first one you will find something that will help you become energetic and positive, color your life with new colors, cope with anxiety and panic attacks. The second lists products that may not play the most important role in your life, but which you should refrain from excessive consumption of.

Eat regularly and enjoy

1. Flax, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds stimulate the production of the "hormone of happiness" serotonin. The same can be said about almonds, peanuts, cashews and walnuts.

2. Eggs contain a huge amount of amino acids and fatty acids necessary for the production of serotonin.

3. Mushrooms, corn, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach and soy products stabilize the level of the “hormone of happiness”.

4. Useful foods with tryptophan - an amino acid that promotes the natural production of serotonin in the brain. Tryptophan can be found in all types of poultry, especially turkey and duck, as well as bananas, milk, oatmeal, cheese, and peanut butter.

5. B vitamins help fight depression and panic attacks. Focus on beef, pork, chicken, green salad, vegetables, citrus fruits, especially oranges, rice, nuts, and eggs.

6. Carbohydrates are also known for their ability to increase levels of the "happiness hormone". Try whole grain bread and brown rice - the slow release of sugar into the blood from these foods provides a steady stream of energy.

7. The intake of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids along with antidepressants increased the effectiveness of therapy. Include salmon, tuna, char, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines in your diet.

8. For a good mood, the level of another hormone, dopamine, is also important: its production is stimulated by food rich in proteins. Meat, fish, Greek yogurt, beans, eggs, nuts, soy and cheese can improve your mood without compromising your health.

9. You can cheer up with the help of an "energy" cocktail prepared with your own hands. Try a smoothie with one banana, two tablespoons of cocoa, 100 ml of almond milk and a teaspoon of chia seeds.

Restrict or refuse altogether

1. Do you drink coffee and caffeinated drinks (black tea, cola and hot chocolate) to wake up and recharge your batteries? The problem is that caffeine lowers the level of serotonin in the brain, which leads to irritability and depression.

2. After sweets, chocolate bars and ice cream, we feel cheerful, energetic and able to move mountains. But the effect wears off as quickly as it appears. Sugar is very quickly absorbed into the blood, which entails a large burst of energy. But our body immediately begins to produce insulin to lower the unnatural level of sugar in the blood (an ordinary candy bar contains half a glass of sugar!). As a result, fatigue and drowsiness within a couple of hours after eating a treat.

3. Drink to relax? Be aware of headaches in the morning and that alcohol is a diuretic, which means that there is a danger of dehydration, which always lowers your mood. Allow yourself a glass of wine at dinner, but no more.

4. It has been proven that sausages, fried foods, heavy cream, fast food and convenience foods increase the risk of depression by one and a half times.

Watch not only what you eat, but also how you do it. A person prone to depression, apathy, bad mood, eats little and not varied, because a depressed state discourages appetite. A variety of useful products on your table will allow you to forget about anxiety and irritability forever.

Not only a kind word and friendly support can create a good mood and improve well-being, but also antidepressant products.

What determines our mood?
The mood directly depends on the substances produced by the body, which in a special way affect the brain and central nervous system. Improve mood, the so-called neurotransmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, endorphin and tryptophan. Thanks to them, we feel light and confident, experience a surge of vitality and positive emotions, perceive the world in bright colors. If the number of neurotransmitters in the body decreases, the mood decreases accordingly. Most often this happens due to stress, lack of sleep and rest, malnutrition or its imbalance. Active rest and sports, as well as some foods, contribute to improving mood.

Products that improve mood:

1. Meat Certain types of meat (chicken, beef, pork) contain the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which improve mood, concentration and human memory. In addition, meat is a source of vitamin B12, which helps to cope with insomnia and depression. Iron, which is part of the meat, maintains the saturation of the cells of the body with oxygen and thus energizes it.

2. Fish
Fatty fish (tuna, trout, herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary to maintain a good mood in the body. The same function is performed by vitamin B6 contained in fish, which also strengthens the immune system.

3. Sea cabbage This algae contains a large amount of B vitamins that regulate the work of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the hormone adrenaline, the deficiency of which can cause chronic fatigue and mood deterioration.

4. Bananas
One of the most famous antidepressant products. In addition to serotonin, they contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for raising the mood. Moreover, bananas contain the alkaloid harman, which can even cause a feeling of euphoria. These fruits are also useful for chronic fatigue and blues.

5. Hot pepper
It turns out that the more pepper you eat, the calmer you feel. And all thanks to the natural ingredient capsaicin, which gives the dishes spiciness, stimulates the nerve endings in the mouth and causes a burning sensation. In response to such an influence, the brain carefully releases endorphins that relieve pain and improve mood.

6. Nuts
Nuts, like oily fish, contain omega-3 fatty acids that can keep brain cells working properly and help relieve symptoms of depression. Nuts also contain tryptophan, vitamin B6 and the mineral selenium, which improves mood.

7. Chocolate
The remarkable ability to improve the mood of this product is known primarily to women and children. Cocoa beans, from which chocolate is obtained, contain the substance phenylethylamine, due to which the well-known hormones of happiness, endorphins, are produced in the body. But that's not all: cocoa beans are rich in stress-relieving magnesium. Please note that only dark chocolate has the listed useful qualities, milk chocolate is less useful.

8. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge
Oatmeal and buckwheat contain tryptophan, which, when processed in the body, contributes to the formation of one of the hormones of happiness - serotonin.
A very important property of these cereals is the normalization of blood sugar levels. Aligning its performance is possible thanks to the slow carbohydrates contained in buckwheat and oatmeal. Why is it important? The level of sugar affects the mood, because the level of insulin in the blood depends on it, which delivers tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.

9. Eggs
Eggs contain important fatty acids, vitamins A, E, D, tryptophan, carotenes and B vitamins, which we have already mentioned. So even a simple scrambled egg can improve your mood. However, in everything you need to know the measure: the yolk contains a large amount of cholesterol.

10. Cheese
Any kind of cheese is able to cheer up, thanks to the anti-stress amino acids contained in them - tyramine, trictamine and phenylethylamine. Also, cheese has a huge amount of protein (in various varieties it reaches 22%), which improves metabolism and helps restore strength.

Enemies of Good Mood:

Alcohol and energy. Alcoholic and energy drinks energize for a short time, in fact, only making it harder for the adrenal glands and raising blood sugar levels.
Coffee and tea. Excessive consumption of coffee and tea usually leads to insomnia and mood swings.
Sweet. Sweets of various kinds, including sugary drinks, lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, which ultimately contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome.
Diets. Many diets (especially express diets) tend to be unbalanced, which leads to a breakdown and a bad mood.
Cigarettes. Smoking leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the body, which again immediately affects the mood.

Illustrations for the material: shutterstock

When a person is in a good mood, positivity is added to everything around, the level of energy and self-confidence become higher than ever. On the contrary, a bad mood most often gives a person a feeling of irritability, captiousness, and fatigue. Hence the conclusion: a good mood is simply necessary for health - in a good mood, a person maintains the normal functioning of the body, prevents the appearance of chronic fatigue. Headaches, digestive problems, back pain, sleep disturbances go away, appetite improves. Research scientists have proven that a good mood and the speed of the brain are directly related.

When a person is in a good mood, he is provided with creative thinking and emotional flexibility, he is able to quickly find solutions to problems. A person in a good mood is more efficient, more perseverance and motivation is shown than if the mood is bad or neutral.

Mood enhancing foods are naturally able to increase serotonin levels in the brain, they reduce irritability and calm the nerves. If the reason for the decline in mood is a deficiency in the body of those substances that are responsible for good health, then some foods will play an important role in replenishing the emotional background. Mood-enhancing products that keep people in a good mood occur for the following reasons:

  • Genetics is of great importance: often bouts of bad mood are caused by the fault of genes that determine the traits of a person's character and his mood.
  • If stress continues for a long time, chemicals are used up very quickly, which leads to their deficiency.
  • A person takes drugs that slow down the production of natural chemical compounds in the brain that improve mood.
  • Protein Deficiency: It is essential for the production of chemicals that are needed for a good mood.
  • Abuse of stimulants, as well as problems with blood sugar levels, sometimes lead to a decrease in mood.
  • Some medications (including sleeping pills, antihistamines, tranquilizers) can disrupt the natural process of neurotransmitters and lead to depression.

There are several effective ways to increase the levels of chemicals that are responsible for good mood. They are not accompanied by side effects. These methods can improve mood by stimulating the production of serotonin and other chemical compounds similar to it, such as norepinephrine, in the human brain. They also provide an energy boost.

In real life, there are many ways to improve your mood: for some people, this method includes socializing with friends, hobbies, shopping, favorite books or music, favorite films or dances, sports training - the list can be extended indefinitely.

The most negative effect on mood is the lack of nutrients, and vice versa, if the diet is balanced, this has a positive effect on people's mood. Mood-enhancing products should contain substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body: amino acids and vitamins, fatty acids and proteins. No one doubts that mood swings can be relieved by nutritional supplements and individual products.

Chocolate: This delicacy is the richest source of substances that can improve mood. the unique taste and consistency of the cream when eating chocolate enhance the production of "happiness hormones" - endorphins. Caffeine, anandamide, theobromine, and N-oleolethanolamine are chemical compounds found in chocolate that act as neurotransmitters designed to boost mood.

In addition, neurotransmitters that reduce irritability - serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid - are produced by stimulation with tryptophan and other similar amino acids from chocolate. Chocolate can boost your mood, no matter how much you eat. It stimulates the production of opioids in the brain. These are substances that reduce the sensation of pain and improve well-being. Compared to milk chocolate, dark chocolate can improve mood much more effectively: dark chocolate contains a significant amount of flavanol, an antioxidant that stimulates blood flow to the brain.

Bananas: Kiwis and bananas are considered fruits that are especially effective in improving mood. Bananas not only stimulate the digestive process and, due to the high content of carbohydrates, provide energy to the body. They also stimulate the production of serotonin. The kiwi fruit is rich in antioxidants and is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Strawberries: A natural mood stabilizer. Strawberries contain soluble fiber, which helps slow down the digestive process and thus stabilize blood sugar levels. Surges in blood sugar tend to affect mood. In addition, berries contain antioxidants that are essential for brain health.

Potatoes: Baked potatoes and mashed potatoes: These two most popular foods stimulate the production of serotonin in the brain. You need to know, however, that potato chips, due to their high fat content, do not differ in such a useful property.

Whole grains: Cereal cereals are high in folic acid, which is essential to prevent depression. Whole grains also help boost your metabolism. They are rich in vitamin B6, which we need for normal brain function. Brown rice and oatmeal promote a small but steady release of insulin, leading to a gradual increase in serotonin levels. This hormone not only improves mood, but also helps normal sleep. With a deficiency of serotonin, depression can occur, aggressive behavior can appear, and sleep is disturbed.

Seafood: A variety of seafood - fish, oysters, crab, shellfish - contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12 and protein. All of them are essential components of serotonin production. Dishes made from varieties of cold-water fish - salmon, trout, catfish, cod, flounder - give a special mood-enhancing effect.

Seeds and Nuts: Flaxseeds, cashews, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, soybeans, and pistachios are high in omega-3 fatty acids that can improve your mood.

Lean meat: certain types of meat - chicken meat, beef, pork - contain the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the level of neurotransmitters that increase the concentration of attention and human memory properties - these are dopamine and norepinephrine. In addition, lean meats are an excellent source of vitamin B12. It helps to cope with depression and insomnia.

Green vegetables: Eating spinach, lettuce, and other green vegetables regularly can help prevent folate deficiency, which has also been linked to depression. You should also eat vegetables - the richest sources of folic acid - cabbage, broccoli, peas, asparagus.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These supplements are an effective alternative to seafood, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They will replace the meat of fish, oysters, shellfish and crabs.

5 HTP: in other words, 5-hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid that helps the synthesis of serotonin in the central nervous system. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves mood. 5-hydroxytryptophan is not found in foods consumed by humans, and is a chemical compound produced from tryptophan in the body. Unfortunately, the consumption of foods that contain tryptophan does not lead to an increase in the level of 5-HTP in the human body - these are sunflower seeds, turkey or chicken meat, milk, pumpkin.

Vitamins: Especially noteworthy are the B vitamins, which play an important role in ensuring brain performance. Vitamins B6 and B12, as well as folic acid, are considered the most important substances that improve mood. Due to the fact that they can cause side effects, the abuse of taking B vitamins is prohibited.

SAMe: ​​Full name S-adenosylmethionine is a substance that is produced in the human body and increases the production of serotonin in the brain. SAMe can be found in every cell in the body, but levels decrease with age. By taking supplements that contain S-adenosyl methionine, you can prevent deficiency.

Others: We have not listed all substances that can affect the stabilization of mood. These include other elements such as calcium, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium and iron.

If you decide to take nutritional supplements designed to improve your mood, we advise you to consult with your doctor. The fact is that such drugs can cause some side effects, allergic reactions, or interfere with the work of your medications.

Comments on the article

Mood Boosting Products

Mood enhancing foods should be in everyone's diet. This allows you to keep your emotional state under control and prevents the occurrence of depressive disorders. Anxiety, bad mood, apathy are mental problems that arise due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Neurotransmitters consisting of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for overall well-being and regulate mood. There are certain foods that stimulate the production of these substances, thereby elevating mood.

See also: How to increase serotonin levels?

Consider the most effective mood-boosting products:

  1. Bread – Cereal bread containing amino acids, including tryptophan (an amino acid responsible for the emotional state), which is similar in principle to serotonin, is suitable for improving mood. A couple of slices of grain bread in the morning is the key to a good mood.
  2. Greens are rich in folic acid and are very important for the body. So, according to studies, 30% of patients suffering from depression have a deficiency of folic acid. The substance is found in spinach, lettuce and cereals.
  3. Water is vital for any living organism. To maintain good health and mood, you need to drink up to three liters of water a day. Very often, nervousness, lethargy and bad mood are symptoms of dehydration.
  4. Dried fruits are rich in magnesium, which helps reduce headaches and control stress. Dried apricots contain about 80% sugar and have a good effect on the nervous system. Figs restore strength and reduce irritation, raisins increase efficiency and strengthen the nervous system, and dates perfectly cheer up.
  5. Citrus fruits - oranges and tangerines are rich in vitamin C, which is a strong energy booster, stimulates the immune system, protects the cardiovascular and respiratory systems from various diseases. Orange contains folic acid, which is necessary for the body to maintain a normal emotional state.
  6. Dairy products contain tryptophan, which regulates the emotional state by increasing serotonin levels. To maintain a good mood, you need to drink a glass of milk or kefir a day.
  7. Nuts are a source of selenium, a trace element responsible for energy and reducing anxiety. Nuts act as an excellent muscle relaxant and support an optimistic mood.
  8. Strawberries - the berry contains vitamin C, fiber and potassium, has nutritional and energy properties. Strawberries improve mood, relieve pain during the menstrual period, enhance the body's defenses.
  9. Bulgarian and red peppers increase the production of the hormone of pleasure - endorphin. Favorably affect the functioning of the body.
  10. Peanuts, bananas and beans are a source of tryptophan, which helps fight irritability and improve emotional well-being. Buckwheat, grain products, tomatoes and potatoes have similar properties.

Brain neurons can independently produce endorphins, which reduce pain and affect the emotional state. The amino acid tryptophan is one of the components of good mood found in poultry meat and oatmeal. Folic acid synthesizes serotonin through the metabolism of methionine. The substance enters the body with food, is found in beets, yeast, parsley, lettuce. If there is a lack of selenium in the body, then this leads to a deterioration in mood and irritability. The source of selenium is vitamins B12 and D, the lack of which causes sadness and despondency. Another component responsible for a good mood and being a panacea for many diseases is Omega-3, a substance found in olive oil, almonds, and salmon.

Since foods affect mood, some of them can negatively affect the emotional state. Consider the main enemies of a good mood:

  • Alcohol and cigarettes - such drinks for a short time charge with vivacity and energy, cheer up. But in fact, they increase blood sugar levels and worsen the functioning of the adrenal glands. Smoking causes a deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body, which negatively affects mood and well-being.
  • Sweets - uncontrolled consumption leads to an increase in blood sugar and contributes to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Coffee, tea - excessive consumption of these drinks leads to constant mood swings and insomnia.
  • Diets and unbalanced nutrition - lead to a deficiency of nutrients in the body, provoke a breakdown, bad mood and well-being.

Chocolate is considered to be the most effective product for improving mood. And this is not surprising, since it acts on the human body like a drug. The treat not only improves mood, but also helps fight depression, and thanks to magnesium, it increases the protective properties of the immune system and improves memory. But, despite the mass of useful properties, chocolate should not be abused, as this will only increase stress and irritation. The sweetness contains tryptophan, which promotes the production of happy hormones - endorphins that lift your mood.

Most scientists agree that a chocolate bar is an excellent antidepressant. In some cases, doctors may advise you to include this product in the diet, as an analogue of medical drugs. After eating chocolate, the human brain produces an increased level of neurotransmitters that have a beneficial effect on vitality and mood. Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which contain tryptophan and phenethylamine. These substances improve the production of serotonin and endorphins, the so-called happy hormones.

  • Serotonin protects the nervous system from the negative effects of external stimuli. Endorphins enhance the pleasure of eating sweets and elevate mood. The product contains theobromine (a mild psychostimulant), which has a tonic effect and increases stress resistance.
  • Chocolate contains a lot of magnesium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. The substance is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, neutralizes stress and has analgesic properties. This is one of the reasons why chocolate is so in demand among women during the critical days. Magnesium reduces pain and discomfort.

But chocolate, like any other product, has its limitations. Abuse can cause insomnia and severe headaches. According to medical statistics, 40 grams of chocolate is the daily norm, which helps to improve mood and overall well-being. Dark chocolate is considered the most useful, unlike milk chocolate, it not only improves mood, efficiency and tone of the body, but also contains many micronutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Sweet to improve mood perfectly copes with its task and improves not only emotional, but also physical well-being. The happiness hormone or serotonin is produced in the human brain, so if the body is limited in carbohydrate intake, this leads to mood swings.

According to studies, sweet cakes, cakes and other confectionery products increase the level of serotonin in the blood. Ice cream has antidepressant properties, which instantly cheers you up. There are zones in the brain that are responsible for the appearance of a feeling of joy. Ice cream affects such areas and improves mood. To raise the emotional state, it is recommended to use chocolate, cottage cheese, sweet fruits, dried fruits and other treats that are good for the body.

In order to improve the mood with sweets, it is not necessary to overeat. A piece of dark chocolate improves the emotional state, reduces the risk of heart disease and prevents the occurrence of a heart attack. Great drinks are made from cocoa beans that tone up the nervous system, increase vitality and eliminate sadness and sadness.

Mood-enhancing drinks perfectly tone the body, increase efficiency and improve the general condition of the body. To raise the emotional state, it is not recommended to use alcoholic and energy drinks, as they only temporarily improve mood, but leave a lot of negative consequences for the body. You need to improve your mood with healthy drinks that have a beneficial effect not only on the nervous system, but also on the body as a whole. Consider a few recipes to cheer up:

  • A wonderful drink can be made from dried mint, lemon balm, basil, nutmeg and honey. A delicious spicy drink will give peace and tranquility, restore normal breathing and relieve stress. Field sage will help overcome bad mood and sadness, a spoonful of grass in a glass of boiling water will help with nervous exhaustion, hypertension and chronic fatigue.
  • Honey drink has calming and tonic properties. Honey stimulates the nervous system, sets you in a positive mood, is the safest sleeping pill and has a pleasant sweet taste. But most importantly, honey is a natural product, and this is a guarantee that the body will be saturated with only useful minerals, vitamins and trace elements. A spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water is a drink that improves mood, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
  • A ginger drink will help get rid of sadness and despondency. The spice accelerates and thins the blood, warms up the body from the inside, improves mood, improves immunity and promotes weight loss. Both dried and fresh ginger root are suitable for making a drink. Ginger must be peeled, cut into thin slices or grated. Pour 500 ml of water, add a spoonful of honey, a little lemon juice and cinnamon, boil, cool and drink.
  • Carrot juice has tonic and restorative properties. Carrots contain daukosterol, which is related to endorphins. To prepare a carrot drink, you need a kilogram of fresh carrots. The vegetable must be washed, peeled, grated and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After the drink has been infused for 1-2 hours, the carrots must be squeezed well, add honey or sugar, lemon or cranberry juice. Such a healthy drink will not harm the figure and improve mood.
  • Pumpkin juice is useful for the functioning of the nervous system, improves mood and well-being. The drink helps fight insomnia and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare a drink, you can make pumpkin juice. Boil the slices of peeled pumpkin for 5-10 minutes, chop in a blender, add lemon juice, honey, raisins and chop again. Add boiled water to the resulting mass until the desired consistency is obtained. The resulting drink can be drunk warm and chilled.
  • Rosehip tea is a storehouse of vitamins that give a good mood and tone the body. To prepare the drink, take three tablespoons of rose hips, a spoonful of black tea, a couple of tablespoons of honey and a liter of boiling water. Put the berries in a thermos, add a couple of spoons of sugar, tea and honey, pour boiling water and let it brew overnight. Strain the drink and drink at the first sign of a bad mood or weakness.
  • Lemon juice is the most beneficial drink for the nervous and immune systems. Lemon is rich in vitamins C and P, citrus supplies the body with antioxidants and electrolytes. Pure water with a couple of spoons of lemon juice - improve the emotional state and mental activity, increase blood flow to the brain.
  • Cranberry juice is a natural drink and a natural antioxidant. To prepare a fragrant drink, you need to take 500 g of cranberries and grind it with sugar. The resulting slurry should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. The drink will improve mood and will be an excellent prophylactic for seasonal viral diseases.
  • Coffee is the most popular drink that excites the nervous system. The composition of the drink includes caffeine, which in moderate doses acts as an antidepressant and increases the production of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. But it should not be abused, it is recommended to drink no more than two cups a day and only in the morning.

Mood-boosting fruits should be in everyone's daily diet. Red, orange and yellow fruits contain carotenoids, pigments that have a beneficial effect on the body, nervous and muscular systems. Bright fruits cheer up not only with their taste, but also with their appearance. If you do not know how to improve your mood, eat apricots, bananas, cherries, strawberries, red apples. The secret of the fruit is in bioflavonoids, which improve blood circulation in the brain and normalize the work of the heart, which leads to a natural improvement in mood.

Many scientists argue that the ideal fruit for a good mood is the apricot. It is rich in beneficial vitamins, minerals and trace elements that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and heart. The mood is also lifted by cocoa beans, which are used to make chocolate. They are rich in phenylethylamine, which activates the production of joy hormones and improves the emotional state.

Mood-enhancing drugs are used when other methods are powerless. Medicines prevent sudden mood swings that occur with any disorder. To date, there are two types of stabilizers that improve the emotional state. The most commonly used is lithium, which reduces the severity of mood swings in both bipolar and manic disorder. Improve mood and have stabilizing properties, some anticonvulsants - sodium valytroat, Lamotrigine and others.

Mood stabilizers affect the production of regulatory substances in brain cells that prevent mood swings and changes. The drugs help with many diseases of the central nervous system that cause pathologies in the emotional state. Most drugs are made from natural ingredients, and they belong to dietary supplements.

A natural preparation that contains substances similar to serotonin produced by the human body. One of the features of this remedy is that it does not disturb the natural balance of neurotransmitters and does not cause side effects, as when taking antidepressants.

  • The main indications for the use of the drug: asthenia and chronic fatigue, depression, loss of interest in work, leisure, life, increased hostility and aggressiveness. Fine-100 helps reduce pain in premenstrual syndrome and reduces the harmful effects of nicotine, eliminates anxiety.
  • Use the drug according to the doctor's recommendations. Adult patients are prescribed 1 tablet with meals for 3-5 days. If there is no therapeutic effect, then the dosage is increased to 2-3 tablets per day. The optimal therapeutic effect is observed after three months of regular use. At the same time, the improvement of the condition occurs in 2-3 weeks. If the tablets are used to improve mood, then it is recommended to take ½ times a day.
  • The drug is contraindicated for use when taken simultaneously with chemical antidepressants and intolerance to 5-hydroxytryptophan. Tablets are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, patients with glaucoma, prostatitis, high blood pressure and under the age of 12 years.

The composition of the product includes vitamins, amino acids, minerals and a number of plant components that are indispensable for the human body. Balansin is a multivitamin preparation of the combined type. The medicine compensates for the lack of useful substances in the body, has a general strengthening effect, and helps to endure psycho-emotional stress more easily.

  • The drug is used for physical, emotional and mental stress. The medicine is used to improve memory, intellectual ability and resistance to stress. Balansin is part of programs for the treatment of mood swings and the relief of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 1-2 times a day with meals. To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect, the dosage can be increased to 3-4 tablets per day. The only contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components.

The active substance of the drug is phenylalanine, one of the essential amino acids for the human body. The medicine takes part in the formation of proteins in the body, improves the production of endorphins. Unlike painkillers, the drug is not addictive, non-toxic, has an antidepressant effect and can be combined with other medicines.

  • Endorfain is prescribed to patients suffering from mood swings, with a decrease in vitality, chronic fatigue and stress, memory impairment, severe headaches, and increased appetite.
  • For patients over 12 years of age, it is recommended to take one tablet for the first three days and gradually increase the dosage to three tablets per day. The optimal therapeutic effect occurs with continuous use of the drug for three or more months. If tablets are used to prevent an unstable emotional state, then one tablet is used during the entire treatment period.
  • The drug is contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to the components of the drug, high blood pressure. Endorfain is prohibited for use in psychotic arousal and severe anxiety disorders.

A medicine used to improve mood, vitality, immunity and potency. The drug increases resistance to stressful situations, regulates metabolism, helps with sexual dysfunction. Biologically active substances and trace elements that make up the drug help with chronic fatigue and increased psycho-emotional stress and negative effects on the nervous system.

Antidepressants that improve mood are used to normalize the emotional state. They refer to psychotropic drugs used to treat depressive disorders. Medications improve mood, help overcome emotional stress, apathy, lethargy, melancholy. Drugs improve the quality and duration of sleep, normalize appetite. Medicines are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

But antidepressants are not suitable for absolutely all people with emotional disorders. Psychiatrists claim that taking the right drugs for severe depression can save a life. The therapeutic effect is due to a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Of course, without a medical prescription, it will not be possible to purchase strong antidepressants, since they have a lot of side effects. Consider drugs of various groups that are freely available and available to everyone.

  • Maprotiline

Antidepressant tetracyclic type, improves mood, eliminates anxiety and apathy. The drug is contraindicated for use in pregnancy, impaired puncture of the kidneys and liver.

  • Prozac

Selective serotonin inhibitor, effectively eliminates panic conditions and increased anxiety. The drug helps with premenstrual disorders and relieves obsessive thoughts. After treatment with this drug, a person becomes adequate and emotionally stable.

  • Paxil

Anti-anxiety and antidepressant. The main indications for use: correction of the cardiovascular system, elimination of stress, phobias, depression and bad mood.

  • Novo-Passit

It has a pronounced sedative effect, consists of natural ingredients: lemon balm, hops, elderberry, St. John's wort. The drug relieves stress and anxiety, helps with premenstrual and menopausal syndrome, improves the emotional state.

  • Persen

Herbal antidepressant with pronounced sedative properties. Can be used in long-term therapy and prevention of emotional distress.

In addition to the above drugs, there are real herbal antidepressants that can be used without a doctor's prescription. These antidepressants include: peony tincture, motherwort tincture, ginseng tincture, chamomile, dill, valerian, calendula, oregano, clover. Before taking any antidepressants, you need to understand that without medical advice and proper use, even herbal remedies can cause negative consequences for the body.

Mood enhancing vitamins are used to strengthen the nervous system and improve the psycho-emotional state. Vitamins B, A and E have antidepressant properties and improve mood.

  • Vitamins of group B - act as an excellent prevention of fatigue, are effective when used in combination. Vitamin B1 affects the functioning of the nervous system, is responsible for the process of thinking, the development of creative abilities and stops cell aging. Vitamin B deficiency disrupts general well-being, causes irritability, increased drowsiness and reduces body tone.
  • Thiamine - a vitamin of good spirits, is used for psycho-emotional disorders, stimulates the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. To prevent a deficiency of this substance, it is recommended to use legumes, chicken eggs, liver, cabbage, green buckwheat, bran.
  • Vitamin H - helps proteins to be better absorbed, due to which energy is produced, which is responsible for good health and a normal emotional state.
  • Biotin - is involved in the synthesis of glucokinase and stimulates the metabolism of glucose, normalizing its level in the blood. Glucose is the main nutrient of brain cells and nerve cells. With a deficiency of glucose, a person experiences increased fatigue, loss of strength and bad mood. To maintain normal glucose levels, it is recommended to consume dairy products, beef liver, soy products and nuts.
  • Ascorbic acid is a vitamin of energy and youth. Penetrates into nerve cells and stimulates the production of norepinephrine, a hormone that improves mood, increases tone and vigor. For normal assimilation of ascorbic acid, the body must be saturated with magnesium and potassium.

There are a number of fortified preparations that must be taken to strengthen the body, the immune system, increase tone and maintain a good mood throughout the day. Mood boosting and energy recovery vitamins improve stamina and overall health.

  • Duovit Energy

A complex of vitamins and minerals to restore strength, increase efficiency. Vitamins are indispensable for daily stress, mental and physical stress. The drug protects the body from beriberi and maintains energy levels at a high level.

  • Vitrum Energy

Vitamin preparation of immunomodulatory action. Increases the protective properties of the body, helps fight stress and prevents nervous exhaustion. The components that make up the drug improve the supply of cells with oxygen, which significantly increases their energy. Vitamins help fight fatigue and strengthen the nervous system.

  • Vitus Energy

Vitamin complex of energy, tonic and balanced elements. This composition helps to deal with increased stress on the nervous system and the body as a whole. The drug improves the protective properties of the immune system, and is recommended for use by people with increased emotional, physical and mental stress.

  • Vitamins Alphabet Energy

These vitamins are perfect for protecting the body from high loads, which negatively affect mood and overall well-being. The drug stimulates mental activity, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue and maintains a good mood.

Mood-enhancing music is an ideal and affordable remedy for calming an excited nervous system. Scientists have long been concerned with the influence of music on the mental and emotional state of a person. For example, melodic and quiet music soothes and relaxes, while loud and rhythmic excites. In the morning, to cheer up, you need to listen to rhythmic music. This will help you wake up quickly and happily enter a new day. Energetic and cheerful music makes you change despondency and sadness for joy and optimism. Slow and relaxing music acts like a real sleeping pill, so you can listen to it before going to bed with tormenting insomnia.

Music that improves mood depends on musical tastes, but in any case, you need to choose those melodies that caress the ear and please you. The healing properties of music is that it affects the psycho-emotional state and can make a person happier. If we talk about musical styles and directions to increase the emotional state, then everything is simple at first glance. A person should listen to his favorite music and that's it. But scientists have conducted studies, the results of which indicate that different musical styles have different effects on the emotional and even physical state.

  • Classical music

Such music has the best effect on the body and psycho-emotional state. At the same time, Mozart's compositions are considered to be healing. One thing is for sure, classical music has a calming effect, helps to focus on work and eliminates irritability.

  • Pop music

Surely each of us has a couple of songs from this direction that have settled in our heads. But the most interesting thing is that such a musical style does not affect the emotional balance of a person. As a rule, such music is loved by people who treat life with ease and even recklessness. It's better to re-read a good book to boost your mood than to listen to nonsensical pop lyrics.

  • Rap, hip-hop music

According to scientific studies, these musical styles are most liked by juvenile delinquents (70% of respondents confirmed that such music touches their feelings). Most often, teenagers listen to this music; at their age, aggressive music is a kind of symbol of rebellion. But if you exclude aggressive and depressing compositions from listening, then positive rap can improve your mood, get rid of apathy and push you to action.

  • Metal, rock music

Opinions about heavy music are radically different. Some scientists believe that it adversely affects mental health and emotional state. Such music increases irritability, causes a tendency to violence and impairs memory. But other experts say that heavy music has a particularly beneficial effect on people in their teens, as it helps fight pressure and tension. To improve the mood, these styles are most often chosen by ambitious people with a rich inner world.

  • Reggae, jazz, blues music

Musical compositions in such styles help to get rid of depression and allow the brain to relax. Most often, such music is chosen by sociable, creative people who love social activities.

Despite the disagreement of scientists regarding the influence of musical styles on the psycho-emotional state of a person, they are all confident that music should be liked. This is one of the conditions that will help improve mood and have a positive effect on the body.

Mood-enhancing pills are antidepressants or psychotropic drugs that act on the central nervous system. Powerful tablets can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription, after a visit and examination by a neurologist. But there are a number of drugs with a less pronounced therapeutic effect, which are available without a prescription.

  • Ludiomil is an antidepressant that improves mood. The drug eliminates apathy, helps fight inhibition caused by psychomotor dysfunction.
  • Fluoxetine is an antidepressant for the treatment of emotional overload and anxiety.
  • Adepress - antidepressant, improves mood, effective in the treatment of depressive disorders.
  • Deprim is a drug made on the basis of St. John's wort. Improves emotional state, increases efficiency, protects against stress and nervous tension.

In addition to tablets, in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription you can buy herbs and tinctures that improve mood and strengthen the body as a whole.

  • Leuzea extract - effective for overwork and frequent stress. Stimulates, increases efficiency, improves mood.
  • Zamaniha - increases efficiency, an effective stimulant for depressive disorders.
  • Ginseng tincture - increases the body's defenses in the fight against stress, treats diseases of the nervous system.

If a bad mood occurs for no apparent reason and is accompanied by anxiety, sadness and irritability, it is recommended to take antidepressants with a sedative effect.

  • Schisandra chinensis tincture - used to treat hysterical conditions and chronic bad mood.
  • Novo-Passit - vegetable tablets, relieve anxiety, headaches and emotional stress.
  • Persen is a herbal preparation that acts as a sedative.

Do not forget about medicinal plants, which, better than any pills, calm the nervous system and improve mood. Such natural antidepressants are sold without a prescription and are available to everyone. Infusion of dill, lemon balm, motherwort, thyme, valerian has healing properties. Herbs are absolutely harmless and are natural tranquilizers.

  • Herbal collection of motherwort, honeysuckle, oregano and clover - has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, improves sleep, helps with frequent stress and anxiety.
  • Soothing properties have a herbal collection of mint, valerian and hops. Herbs can be drunk as tea. Such a natural medicine will save you from seasonal depression.
  • Tincture of hawthorn, calendula and medicinal angelica - have a sedative effect, are considered natural relaxants. The drugs help with chronic fatigue and frequent stress, which are the cause of a bad mood.

Please note that an adequate therapeutic effect when taking pills to improve mood occurs after several weeks of continuous use. In addition to the use of medicines, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle, include physical activity and occupational therapy in your schedule.

Mood-enhancing pictures act like music. The color scheme of the image affects the psycho-emotional state and mood. Dark pictures of a rainy autumn or images of thunderclouds cause apathy and act depressingly. But images with bright juicy colors - improve mood, give fun and positive. Pictures to cheer up is a safe and effective tool that will help protect the body from nervous exhaustion and stress.

The life of a modern person is a cycle of work, life and responsibility. And most of the time is spent at the computer. A beautiful cheerful picture on the desktop not only improves mood, but also helps to relax, relieve stress and relax. Scientists have proven that color affects not only mood, but also overall well-being. When choosing pictures that enhance mood, you need to have elementary ideas about the effect of a particular color.

  • For example, images in which red colors predominate do not allow you to relax, but rather cause excitement and even aggression. So a black and red or juicy red picture will not improve the mood and will not contribute to good work.
  • Green, blue, yellow, orange and pink are the perfect colors to enhance your emotional state. Drawings in which such colors predominate are pleasing to the eye and stimulate the nervous system.

Many experts advise regularly changing pictures on your desktop. This will always keep your mood at a high level, even on the most hectic and stressful days.

Mood-enhancing films act like real relaxers. A good kind or funny movie allows you to escape from the cause of a bad mood and plunge into the life of the main characters. For viewing, it is recommended to choose time-tested, that is, classic comedies, films without aggression and anger, films with good endings and favorite actors. Most of today's low-budget comedies are not recommended as a mood booster. Since stupid jokes and bad acting can only worsen the mood.

For viewing, it is not recommended to choose thrillers, horrors, action films and other works of cinema that are filled with fights and blood. It is also worth refusing from whining melodramas, films-tragedies and disasters, such films have a negative impact on a shattered psycho-emotional state. But adventure films, comedies and cartoons are the perfect choice to improve your mood. Documentaries, various shows and programs do not give you the opportunity to relax, so it is also better to refuse such a video.

Mood-enhancing colors should be present in clothes, interiors and even food. A certain color scheme can both calm down, and vice versa, cause aggression and an excited state. Consider the primary colors and their ability to improve mood.

  • Red is an energetic and rather restless color. May briefly elevate mood, but causes irritation of the nervous system. Red reduces the ability to work, causes rapid breathing, increases blood pressure.
  • Orange - increases energy, improves mood, eliminates a depressive state. Color is favorable for visual perception, for many it is associated with a charge of energy and positive emotions.
  • Yellow - stimulates the nervous and visual systems, gives a slight feeling of freshness.
  • Blue - maintains the emotional state at a normal level. If a person is surrounded by such tones, then this contributes to an increase in working capacity and perfectly relaxes the body. Blue color is perfect for rooms where hyperactive or hyper-irritable people work or live.
  • Blue - perfectly relaxes, improves mood. The color symbolizes honesty, kindness and loyalty.
  • Green - soothes the body, great for everyday life and relaxation, lowers blood pressure. All shades of green can be used as a mood enhancer.
  • Purple - helps to relax and makes you think. Color does not help to calm the nervous system, but rather causes rapid fatigue and slight apathy.

We looked at the influence of primary colors on mood. But there are combinations of different shades that evoke more complex reactions and a deep range of feelings. Leading designers and many doctors advise to use intelligently selected color combinations in the interior. Part of the living quarters must be in warm and soft colors. This will contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole.

Mood-enhancing songs are special music that is a wonderful soothing for the nervous system. Every music lover knows that a good song can control both emotions and thoughts. According to scientific research, not only cheerful and joyful songs, but also sad songs improve mood. Music has a cathartic effect and perfectly manages the mood. Songs create a peculiar combination of positive and negative emotions. Perceiving sadness and negative emotions through songs, we do not feel them more strongly.

Different songs evoke different emotions. Happy, kind music gives a smile, increases self-esteem, improves the general condition of the body and nervous system. Some songs cause slight chills and goosebumps, which indicates that music affects the body on a psycho-emotional level. In order for a song to really cheer you up, it must be not only with pleasant music, but also with words that please the ear and even make you think.

Mood-enhancing books are a real source of joy and optimism. Any book, regardless of genre or author, can be used to improve the emotional state. The main thing is to find in it the answer to a question of interest, a character to whom sympathy arises or a thought consonant with one's own. Like music or a movie, a mood book is selected individually.

Mood-enhancing books are works that, after reading, make the soul feel light and cheerful, the mood improves, worries and anxieties fade into the background. Everyone should have their own list of books for mood. Preferences in the choice of literature practically do not depend on the genre of the work or the idea laid down by the author. Many people prefer to read classics, other modern science fiction or adventure novels to improve their emotional state, and for others, simple humorous prose is enough.

Mood-enhancing poems depend on individual preferences in literature and even on the character of a person. There are many authors who write poems about everything and everyone. A special place in the world of rhyme is occupied by humorous verses and quatrains. Since they help to improve mood, relieve sadness and sadness. As a rule, such works make fun of everyday situations in which the reader can recognize himself or tell about various events in a cheerful, cheerful way.

Poems give a boost of energy, set in a positive mood and even help to relax. For example, a short poem by A.S. Pushkin, after reading, which the soul becomes calmer, and the mood improves:

If life deceives you, Do not be sad, do not be angry! Humble yourself on the day of despondency: The day of fun, believe me, will come.

The heart lives in the future; The present is sad: Everything is instantaneous, everything will pass; Whatever passes will be nice.

How to improve the mood of a girl is a question that arises both among males and among the girls themselves. Bad mood in girls may be due to hormonal imbalance in the body. As a rule, the emotional level decreases before and during menstruation. But there are days when everything falls out of hand and it spoils the mood. Many scientists believe that a bad mood is the primary source of future troubles. A pessimistic person like a magnet attracts troubles and problems.

One of the features of a bad mood is that it spoils relationships with other people and negatively affects health. It is necessary to get rid of a bad mood, as it can develop into depression or apathy. We offer a few tips that will help improve the mood not only for a girl, but for any person:

  • Do what you love - it will distract from the cause of a bad mood, help you relax and calm down. Draw, play computer games, go for a run or just take a nap.
  • Watch your favorite movie, listen to music, or read a book. By the way, according to scientific research, reading and music are the best cheer up.
  • Go in for sports - when doing physical exercises, the body releases hormones of happiness - endorphins, which helps to improve mood.
  • Organize a meeting with friends - very often loneliness is the cause of a bad mood. Invite loved ones to your place, go to the cinema or cafe.
  • Take time to relax - take a relaxing bath, listen to your favorite music or buy yourself some little thing. If possible, get out into fresh air, which will saturate the body with oxygen, improve blood circulation and help improve mood.

Bad mood, like other disorders, can be prevented by following a few simple rules. Regular exercise, good sound sleep and healthy food are the key not only to a good mood, but also to well-being. Avoid stress and conflict, read more and walk in the fresh air. Very often, compliance with the daily routine helps to get rid of bad mood and chronic fatigue.

The question of how to improve the mood of a girl often arises among guys. We offer you small tips that will help cheer up your beloved and distract her from bad thoughts.

  • If you do not want to quarrel and worsen her condition even more, do not complain about her bad mood. This will only exacerbate an already negative mood. Do not forget that she is also a person and has every right to be capricious or not in the mood.
  • Do not ask her about the reasons for her bad mood, learn to listen and hear. Sometimes girls do not talk about the reasons for emotional upset, as this can upset you, or vice versa, make her even more withdrawn or burst into tears.
  • Do not talk about your troubles or problems. Such tactics will not improve her mood, but will even more puzzle her. Just support and explain that everyone has sorrows.
  • Never say that the reason for her bad mood is PMS. Knowing the peculiarities of the female character, men attribute all nervous disorders, whims and bad mood to PMS.
  • Pay more attention to her, kiss her - this will make you feel your care and love. This kind of emotional support will quickly improve your mood and strengthen your relationship.

How to improve mood at work and how to make the work process more fruitful? This question is asked by both office workers and freelancers. At work, a person spends a lot of time, and the same type of work and an unchanging atmosphere negatively affect the emotional state. A vase of flowers, bright stationery, a cheerful desktop screensaver, or a plant will help improve your mood. In addition, there should always be something tasty on the table, for example, chocolate or dried fruits. A light snack will eliminate the irritability that can occur due to feelings of hunger.

A bad mood leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff, increases the number of dismissals from work and the general discontent of the workers. A good mood is one of the essential components of prosperity and success. We offer some tips for improving the psycho-emotional state in the work team.

  • Create a small corner of laughter. This can be done on the bulletin board or on the corporate website of the company, where all employees go. A couple of good jokes in the morning, funny stories, funny photos and anecdotes will not only cheer you up, but also increase your efficiency, as they will give a person a boost of positive energy in the morning.
  • A flexible work schedule is another condition for a good mood. Design a schedule that won't be at the expense of the company or the work process, but will help reduce employee stress levels.
  • Meetings outside the office allow you to diversify the working environment. A cozy cafe in the park will greatly improve productivity, unlike a gray conference room. People become more receptive to unusual working conditions and pleasant environments.
  • Organize competitions and encourage your employees - this is a great incentive to maintain a good mood throughout the working day, or even a month. Remember, boosting your mood at work doesn't have to be difficult or expensive.

How to improve the mood of a pregnant woman and alleviate an already difficult period for a woman? First of all, you need to understand what caused the emotional disorder. If a bad mood persists for a long period of time, then it can develop into prenatal depression. Of course, extra pounds on the scales or clothes that are not the right size due to a belly that has appeared will not cause depression, but they can ruin your mood.

  • Most of all, a positive attitude spoils bad sleep. In addition to the physical inconvenience that arises from a large belly, numbness of the limbs or the baby moving, a pregnant woman is very sensitive to even the smallest details. Eliminate everything that prevents you from having a normal rest: bed linen, light, noise and more. Good sleep is the key to a good mood in the morning.
  • Another important point that can spoil the mood is food. During pregnancy, a woman should adhere to a special diet that contributes to the full development of the baby. But it is food restrictions that can cause nervous breakdowns. Occasionally please yourself with small portions of the forbidden, but do not abuse it. In your diet should be healthy, nutritious foods that will help the body cope with increased stress.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air raise not only the mood, but also support the body. The lack of fresh air can cause oxygen starvation, which will have an extremely negative impact on the health of the woman and the development of the fetus.
  • Good cheer up hobby or favorite thing. So, some women during pregnancy discover the talent of sewing, embroidery or drawing, getting a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from this.

There are many ways to help overcome bad mood during pregnancy and they should be used. If a bad emotional state occurs day after day, it will lead to depression. Severe cases of prenatal depression require medical attention and medication. Antidepressants have many side effects and can adversely affect the full development of the fetus. In order to protect yourself from a bad mood during pregnancy, you need to communicate more with your loved ones and dear people, spend more time in the fresh air, ignore minor troubles and problems, eat right, do what you love and relax.

How to boost your mood and protect yourself from emotional upsets? First of all, you need to do everything so that it does not deteriorate. Do not take everything to heart, avoid stress and conflict situations. Try to smile more often, even a strained smile gives the body strength and vigor. Pay special attention to your health, as it is difficult to be cheerful and cheerful if something hurts. And finally, we offer you a few rules of good mood, following which, sadness and sadness will not disturb you.

  • Communicate more and walk in the fresh air. Communication with other people helps to distract from some problems and troubles, gives more positive and vital energy. Rest or a walk in the fresh air saturates the body with oxygen, which accelerates the production of serotonin, which is responsible for mood.
  • Surround yourself with bright things. Do not forget that colors affect the emotional state. Buy a bright mug, put a vase of flowers on your desktop, or change the screensaver on your phone. The more bright, warm colors in your life, the better for your mood and well-being in general.
  • A mandatory component of a good mood and excellent health is a healthy diet. Add more fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet for longer. Don't forget to pamper yourself sometimes. A piece of dark chocolate or a small cake will quickly improve your mood.
  • Listen to your favorite music, read books, watch movies. Your life should be varied, do not get hung up on problems, work and life.
  • Find a hobby for yourself, an activity that can captivate you and improve your mood. Try painting, sewing, embroidering, writing poetry, singing, or doing some crafts. Find yourself an outlet that can give you a smile at any moment.

Now you know how to improve your mood in any situation and what to do so that it does not worsen. Take care of your health and nervous system, enjoy every little thing, and do not pay attention to minor problems, because they make life more interesting.

In order to live, energy or life force is needed. A person is able to extract energy from various sources, such as atom, coal, water, and so on. But there is still no such way that would help to accumulate the energy necessary for human life. It cannot be artificially synthesized, poured into a bottle and used if necessary. No goals and dreams will ever come true if a person does not have the energy to do something. So let's find out how to recharge your batteries and increase your efficiency.

The harmonious development of a person is possible only with the combination of muscle strength and nervous strength. This combination can be called life force. Muscles are given to us for the implementation of various movements, which are coordinated by the nervous system.

The coordinated work of the nervous and muscular systems provides a balance between physical, mental and emotional processes. It turns out that if the vital force decreases, then the work of the whole organism is disrupted.

For example, when a person's sleep is disturbed, this is an example of the disordered work of the muscular and nervous systems. The muscles are relaxed, and the brain cannot shut down. The lack of vitality weakens the human body, which is the cause of the development of various pathologies.

When there is no strength, then all interest in life disappears, all plans go aside, you don’t want anything, emotional exhaustion sets in.

To restore vitality, various types of energy must enter the body, for example, the air that fills our lungs during breathing. It is essential for the functioning of all organ systems.

A certain supply of vitality can be accumulated in the human body, in order to accumulate it, you can use all kinds of practices:

Good sleep. Meditations. Breathing practices. Relaxation.

As soon as you have a question about how to recharge your batteries, then try to do some breathing exercises first, and then you can move on to other methods.

Our modern life is such that we are constantly surrounded by stressful situations and often experience overload. This applies to both muscular work and mental work. Often, monotonous and monotonous activity leads to a decrease in efficiency, how to increase it is of concern to many. Before talking about its increase, let's look at the reasons for the decrease in performance:

Great physical exertion, especially when it is required to perform such work for a long time. Physical ailments and various diseases in which the functioning of systems is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in efficiency. Long-term performance of monotonous work also leads to fatigue. able to remain at a high level. The abuse of artificial stimulants leads to a short-term effect, for example, when drinking strong coffee, tea, a person initially feels cheerful and energized, but this does not happen for long. Bad habits can also be attributed to the enemies of working capacity. Lack of interest in life, personal growth leads to the fading of previously acquired skills and abilities, and this cannot but negatively affect performance. Stressful situations in the family, at work, personal problems can plunge a person into a deep depression, which completely deprives any performance.

If performance has decreased, how to increase it - that's the problem. Let's deal with this.

There are many ways in which you can restore your mental and physical strength. They can be divided into several groups:

Medicines. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Traditional medicine.

Let's take a closer look at each group.

If you visit a doctor, then, most likely, he will recommend increasing your activity and working capacity with the help of medications. These include:

Means-energy. They are able to quickly make up for the lack of energy, they include: "Asparkam", "Papashin", "Methionine" and others. Plastic action drugs accelerate the processes of protein synthesis. Cellular structures are restored faster, metabolic processes are activated, which means that working capacity is restored. This group of funds includes: "Riboxin", "Carnitine". Vitamins. Everyone is advised to take vitamin preparations, they just help to avoid loss of efficiency. Well proven: Aerovit, Undevit, Dekamevit. Adaptogens improve well-being, tone up, improve both mental and physical performance. This category of drugs includes "Ginseng tincture", "Eleutherococcus", preparations based on aralia, Chinese magnolia vine.

For those who do not wish to use drugs to cope with their increased fatigue and low performance, there are other means.

All procedures associated with water tone the body, relieve fatigue, increase the body's efficiency. We can recommend with severe fatigue and when it seems that there is no strength at all, the following baths:

Take a bath with the addition of pine extract. It perfectly restores after increased physical exertion. The familiar sea salt can also work wonders. A bath with its addition relaxes, promotes rest of the body and restores vitality.

Working capacity suffers, how to improve - do not know? Start by taking a relaxing and revitalizing bath. Strength will certainly increase, overall well-being will improve significantly.

Currently, many scientists and researchers who study a person have proven that there are ways to improve performance that are available to absolutely everyone, you only need a desire.

The first step is to get your daily routine in order. Regularly, the required amount of time should be allocated to sleep, preferably going to bed at the same time. Lack of sleep immediately affects performance. You need to pay attention to your diet. An excess of fatty and starchy foods leads to the development of fatigue, and mental performance also decreases. You can turn to the help of vitamin preparations if the diet does not allow you to make up for the lack of certain substances. You need to plan your day in advance, then you won’t have to rush from one thing to another when in the end nothing is finished. To get started, you can simply start a notebook or a diary where you write down important things that need to be done that day. If you feel normal at home, and fatigue overtakes you only at the workplace, then review it. It should be well lit, all the necessary things and objects should be in direct reach and in their place. Then you won’t have to waste a lot of time, wasting your energy, searching for what you need. Don’t be a homebody: visit public institutions, theaters and exhibitions, lead an active life, find a hobby for yourself, then you will never even have a question about how to improve human performance.

You can feel not only physical fatigue, but also the loss of mental performance is not at all uncommon. The brain is not given to a person in vain, it not only controls the work of the whole organism, but also must constantly solve any problems in order to be in good shape. Scientists have found that we use the capabilities of our brain by only 15 percent, almost everyone can make this percentage increase significantly. This will provide great opportunities. How many important problems a man could solve!

Scientists are sure that just as muscles need constant training in order to be in good shape and maintain a beautiful body shape, so the brain needs to be trained. It used to be thought that he was not amenable to training, but now all this has already been refuted by numerous studies. If we train the brain, then the loss of mental performance is out of the question. Daily routine work is quite tiring for the brain, it does not receive food for development.

Let's find out how we can increase the capacity of our brain.

The undeniable truth is that a person should sleep at night and stay awake during the day. Even at the workplace, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, but not with a cigarette in hand or a cup of coffee, but we take a short walk in the fresh air, just relax or do gymnastics. After work, many rush to their favorite sofa or computer monitor to view the feed in social networks, but is this really a vacation? For our brain, this is a real punishment, it needs active rest - walking in the fresh air, cycling, outdoor games, talking with friends and children. Smoking and alcohol are the main enemies of our brain, give them up and you will see how much more efficient it has become .We train the brain, for this, try to count not on a calculator, but in your mind, we remember the information, and do not write it down on a piece of paper. The route to work should be changed periodically so that new connections are formed between neurons. Feed your memory with vitamin preparations, and even better, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Mastering breathing exercises will help you saturate your brain with the necessary oxygen. Massage of the neck and head will also help significantly improve blood circulation in the brain. Constant stress and anxious thoughts tire the brain, learn to relax, you can learn yoga techniques or learn to meditate. Learn to think positively, everyone has failures, but a pessimist gets hung up on them, and an optimist goes further and believes that everything will be fine well. We solve all cases gradually and one by one, you should not scatter your attention. Train your brain by solving puzzles, logic puzzles, rebuses.

The methods are quite simple and quite doable, but effective enough, you just have to try.

How to increase a person's working capacity, the recipes of folk healers will prompt. Here are some of them:

Take the beets and grate them, put in a jar about three-quarters and pour vodka. Infuse in a dark place for about 2 weeks, and then take a tablespoon before each meal. Buy Icelandic moss at the pharmacy, take 2 teaspoons and pour 400 ml of cool water, put on fire and remove immediately after boiling. After cooling, strain and drink the entire amount during the day.

If you look at herbalists, you can find a lot of recipes that will help increase efficiency.

From all that has been said, it becomes obvious that the person himself, rather than environmental factors, is most often to blame for the loss of mental and physical performance. If you properly organize your working day and rest after it, you will not have to suffer due to the fact that working capacity has decreased. How to increase it in various ways, you do not need to find out.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, enjoy life, be glad that you live on this beautiful earth, and then no fatigue will defeat you.

Beauty and Health Health

Almost every person in life has periods when they do not want almost anything. I don’t want to go not only to work, but also to a party with friends, to the cinema or to visit - in a word, nowhere. I want to lie in bed and not leave the house.

Why does it happen? After all, it seems that life goes on as usual: no special loads. Maybe that's what it's all about...

The mood is lowered, depression is felt, the future is seen as vague. Falling self-esteem; activities that you liked before seem boring and meaningless; sleep and appetite are disturbed, attention is scattered, bouts of irritability become more frequent.

And of course, there is no talk of any activity, energy and efficiency. And what to do with it? After all, to remain in such a state is simply dangerous, and not only for oneself, but also for the people around.

First of all, you need to find out the reason. If this is seasonal depression associated with a lack of vitamins, physical activity, hormonal causes, then you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle: eat vegetables and fruits, drink juices, take natural vitamins; do gymnastics, sign up for a fitness club or swimming pool. Time will have to be found for this, otherwise problems may begin in different areas of life and activity.

Perhaps you are oppressed by unresolved problems that threaten to become chronic. These may be problems in personal relationships or at work. You should not pretend that there is no problem, or “ignore”, as friends and acquaintances often advise. Problems must either be solved or figured out: do you need it?

If an unresolved problem becomes chronic, it “hangs” on our psyche as a heavy burden, not allowing us to change anything for the better, and taking away vital energy. The load must be dropped, even if it seems impossible, and move on freely - then things will immediately go smoothly.

Sometimes it is vitally necessary for a person to reconsider his goals, his place in society. It is not worth tormenting yourself with questions about the meaning of life: as many examples, real and literary, show, this does not lead to anything good.

Take a sheet of paper and write down what life values ​​and goals are important to you, what you follow in life, why and why you do it.

Then select from them those that are really dear to you. It can be anything: family, love, freedom, health, a favorite thing, the opportunity to realize oneself in something - everyone has different ways. Perhaps you should reconsider your life before it's too late ...

After all, in our time you can learn a lot, and achieve a lot in life - if there is a desire.

The weather often has a depressing effect, especially in autumn and winter. When the dull autumn rain is pouring, we become slow and sleepy, and it is useless to drink coffee - it does not work.

In winter, there is a desire to sleep as long as possible, get up slowly, take a warm bath or shower, and eat something delicious. So that's what needs to be done. After all, there is nothing complicated about this, and water washes away negative energy, fatigue and bad mood. A gentle bath foam or gel with your favorite scent will help you feel that everything is not so boring and uninteresting.

These recommendations help improve well-being and performance, but they may not be enough, especially if you are unable to create the most comfortable conditions for yourself during work, as well as normalize your diet.

First, let's talk about how to feel better at work- after all, your productivity depends on it, which means your career and financial well-being.

How to make yourself feel good and cheerful while working? Drinking coffee every hour is not the best solution. Put a jug of clean water on your table and drink it every hour, even if you don't think you need it. Believe me - dehydration of the body, including brain cells, most often causes overwork at work.

A state close to depression can also cause blockages on the desktop. Perhaps you are used to working this way and do not notice the disorder, but it has a negative effect on the subconscious. Try to clean the table, eliminate the accumulated dust, and wipe the table to a shine. Then sit down at the table, drink clean water, and just sit for a while. Do you feel how things have changed?

Not every office has air conditioning, and in such cases, the amount of oxygen in the room quickly decreases. Employees become lethargic and drowsy, quickly get tired and think only of one thing: the working day would soon end! Get up and ventilate the room as often as you can, and go outside if you can.

Quiet, muffled music helps many people work. Previously, people worked with the song at the harvest and at construction sites, but today the song helps to work in the office.

You can also stimulate brain activity with the help of color combinations and shades. It is known that yellow color has a tonic and invigorating effect. Choose yellow accessories for your desktop, hang a small picture above the table: let it have yellow and greenish shades - this way you can avoid overexcitation.

Smells also help the brain to work more actively, especially citrus or wood scents, such as pine. Do not buy an air freshener, but buy a small aroma lamp and sets of natural essential oils, especially since their smell does not irritate those around you.

Do not drink coffee in between, but brew yourself a tonic herbal tea, preferably with honey or dark, unrefined sugar. Use herbs such as lemongrass (root), ginseng, rosea rhodiola, eleutherococcus, aralia.

Plan your time so that you have time to do warm-ups. It only takes a few minutes to do this: stretch your hands, muscles of the head and neck, and feet. There are many biologically active points and receptors in these parts of the body, so this warm-up will also help the brain work.

Now about nutrition. How to eat to increase efficiency, improve memory and mental activity? In order to maintain clarity of thought, the brain needs protein, so it is necessary to include protein foods of plant and animal origin in the diet.

It is known that the brain needs sugar to work, and many people eat sweets. With sedentary work, this is a sure way to overweight: after all, sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat those foods that contain natural sugars and starches: black bread, potatoes, rice, legumes, nuts, etc. Such foods will be absorbed more slowly, and the brain will have enough food for several hours.

If the brain lacks biologically active substances, it is useless to train memory and perform various exercises. Cells do not have enough food - where should they get it from? Of course, only from food. Vitamins of group B and vitamin PP are very important, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Include oily fish, cereals, eggs, dairy products, yeast in your diet. Avocados, raisins, dried apricots and seeds also help relieve fatigue and cope with prolonged mental stress. Take nuts with you to work: pistachios, almonds or walnuts.

Substances contained in squid, shrimp, crabs, fresh onions will help improve concentration. A piece of chocolate will help you calm down and stop being nervous, but you should not get carried away with it.

Strawberries or bananas also help relieve stress and improve mood. Of course, it is quite difficult to get normal strawberries from us in winter, but there are no problems with bananas.

A simple product - carrots, combined with ginger, cumin and sour cream will help improve memory and vision: after all, it is it that suffers most when working at a computer. Add fresh or dried blueberries to your carrot salad and your eyes will thank you.

And the most important secret: always be cheerful, believe in yourself, treat others more positively, and allow yourself to live interestingly.

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