Electronic application to Rospotrebnadzor. How to contact Rospotrebnadzor: competently writing a complaint and submitting it to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. Application via the Internet: features

Below you will find detailed instructions on how to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor via the Internet, download a sample of its preparation for free. In addition, in January 2017, the legislator complicated the procedure for checks on applications: how easy it is to overcome them and achieve an unscheduled check in an organization where your rights were grossly violated, read on.

How to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor: sample drafting

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare has a long history and is in fact the legal successor of the “medical police” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire as early as the beginning of the 19th century. To date, her area of ​​responsibility has been significantly expanded. It includes a number of functions of the Ministries of Health, economic development and trade and antitrust policy Russian Federation. The Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection has broad competences and exercises control in the following areas:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological supervision
  • State Licensing
  • Licensing
  • Consumer rights Protection
  • Socio-hygienic control

We are primarily interested in activities related to our personal protection, that is, the protection of our rights as purchasers of goods or consumers of services.

Any purchase may be accompanied by a situation in which your rights may be violated. In any case, the fact that you consider them violated will suffice. Already on this basis, you can apply to Rospotrebnadzor with a request for a trial.

The text of the application is drawn up in free written form on a sheet of A4 paper. In this case, the heading of the application must indicate:

  • At the choice of the applicant: the name of the state body to which the appeal is submitted, either the full name of the official, or his position;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • the postal address to which the response should be sent;
  • the essence of the request;
  • personal signature;

The letter is submitted to the office of the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor. It is safer to submit it in two copies: one will be registered and accepted for work by the department, the second with acceptance notes should remain with you for a possible appeal to higher authorities or litigation.

Statement text

Be careful when writing a complaint immediately after a situation in which you believe your rights or interests have been infringed. The content of the letter may abound in emotions, impartial statements and incorrect expressions. This should be avoided, as an employee of a government agency studying your complaint may perceive such information negatively and a priori take the side of your opponent. If the application contains profanity or threats, then it may be left without consideration.

Try to calm down, focus on the facts and succinctly state on paper what happened. To do this, try to try on the role of an outside observer who unemotionally recorded what was happening in the "video camera" mode. In a statement, specific numbers, dates, times, costs, fragments of dialogues that you can definitely remember are important.

Do not invent anything, do not embellish, do not think out thoughts or words for the rest of the participants in the conflict. Describe only those facts that are directly relevant to the case. Concluding the appeal, indicate what steps you would like to see from the side of the “respondent”.

What's next?

Obviously, when submitting an appeal, we are counting on the restoration of our rights, such as the return of damaged goods, a refund of money, reimbursement of repair costs, bringing the violator to administrative responsibility, etc. An important motive for the claim is to receive a simple apology in writing or at least verbally. However, under what circumstances is this possible?

Most often, such statements are subject to a formal check on the facts stated in the letter. As a result, the inspector may not reveal the crime in the actions of the "respondent" and you will receive a formal reply. In order to increase the chances of a positive consideration of your appeal, more thoughtful actions are required: it is necessary to initiate a real unscheduled inspection at the entrepreneur's facility. It is currently impossible to do this with a simple call.

Protecting Entrepreneurs from Consumers: Changes in 2017

Since January 2017, changes have come into force that protect businessmen from the direct demands of buyers to conduct unscheduled inspections. Namely: Rospotrebnadzor is not entitled to carry out an unscheduled check of the entrepreneur on the application, if before that you did not apply directly to the legal entity itself and your requirements were not satisfied.

In other words, for the restoration of their rights, first of all, it is necessary to apply to the commercial organization itself. Moreover, this must be done in writing, otherwise you will not be able to provide any confirmation of this fact to Rospotrebnadzor. In reality, these legislative changes will not prevent the buyer from getting the truth. It is enough to prepare a written claim to the commercial organization and also submit it in two copies. Or send by mail with a notification and a description of the attachment. Then immediately contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint about the inaction of the entrepreneur. The requirements of the law will be met, and your appeal will be immediately accepted into work.

After that, an unscheduled inspection of the legal entity and bringing it to responsibility for the actually violated rights of the buyer becomes more likely.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor online

Some time ago, this supervisory structure provided us with the opportunity to submit applications online. You can do this on the official website of the service at this link complaint to Rospotrebnadzor online. Sending is carried out by filling out a special form.

The rules for submitting an application online are similar to the requirements for a written application. Additionally, in the case of an e-mail, you must specify the sender's e-mail address if you want to receive a response to your e-mail. The complaint form has the option to attach additional supporting materials in in electronic format: scanned copies of receipts, waybills, warranty cards, etc.

Unfortunately, the special application form on the department's website has significant limitations - the text of the appeal cannot exceed 2000 characters. And sometimes there is a desire to write much more ... :)

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor for consumer protection: with or without verification

When submitting an application via the Internet, you will have to face important nuance: submit an application with or without authorization in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA). The fact is that you are not forbidden to send a complaint to a legal entity without authorization in the ESIA system, but in this case your application cannot serve as a basis for an unscheduled inspection. Perhaps your situation allows it and this option will be enough.

If you are determined and ready to use this opportunity to the maximum, then you will need to log in. To do this, log into your personal account on the State Services website https://www.gosuslugi.ru/.

If you do not yet have personal account then you can register.

Complaint to Rospotrebnadzor: sample

The procedure for filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor is described in detail above, but if you need a real live example of such a complaint, you can use this sample:

An example of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

No response from Rospotrebnadzor

In accordance with federal law No. 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 02.05.2006. Your complaint must be answered within 30 days, no matter how you file it. In some exceptional cases, this period may be extended for another 30 days, of which you must be notified.

If no response was received to your appeal within the specified time frame, you can complain about the inaction of the territorial administration to the central office of Rospotrebnadzor by filling out.

At the same time, you can draw the attention of the local prosecutor's office to the fact that the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection did not fulfill its direct official duties: .

Correspondence with federal services and supervisory authorities may require some time and patience. I am sure that you already know how to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor according to the model given here. Do not pay attention to temporary difficulties and continue to fight for your rights!

Most often, a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor is drawn up when the rights of the consumer or sanitary protection are violated. epidemiological standards.

Most people know that it is Rosrotrebnadzor that oversees compliance with consumer protection legislation, and a complaint can be filed with this body at the same time as, etc. A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor can be sent before, at the same time, and even after filing.

However, this is not the only reason for filing a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor. In addition to protecting consumer rights (and this is not only the sale of goods, but also the provision of insurance, banking, educational and other services), this government agency supervises the observance of sanitary and epidemiological standards, carries out inspections of organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

An example of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

Head of TU Rospotrebnadzor

in the Rostov region

chief state sanitary doctor

344025, Rostov-on-Don, st. Izmailova, 19,

Head of the Department of TU Rospotrebnadzor

in the Rostov region in the city of Azov

346780, Azov, st. Foundry, 108

from Prokopenko Alexandra Dmitrievna,

address: 346786, Azov, st. Vereshchagin, 42-57

tel. 795824586521

Complaint to Ropotrebnadzor

On August 15, 2016, at the Hummingbird store, I intended to purchase school uniform for a child. Turning to the department where Nikolas LLC carries out trading activities, I chose the models I liked for further fitting. However, after examining the product, I did not find any markings on it, namely: legal address seller, manufacturer, country of origin. Turning to the sellers and demanding to present a certificate of quality, I was refused.

Such actions of the seller violate Art. 10 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, namely the right of the consumer to provide reliable information. In addition, in accordance with paragraphs 11-12 of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 No. 55), the seller is obliged to provide the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, upon request, familiarize themselves with the shipping documentation, including .h. about the certificate of conformity, its number, validity period, the body that issued it, or information about the declaration of conformity. Such documents must be certified by the signature and seal of the supplier or seller, indicating its location (address) and telephone number.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 322, which approved the Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, federal state supervision over compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of protection of consumer rights, is entrusted to Rospotrebnadzor. In accordance with Federal Law No. 294-FZ, clause 5.9. of the Law, upon receipt of a consumer complaint, Rospotrebnadzor conducts an unscheduled inspection of the organization.

Based on the foregoing, I ask you to conduct an audit of the activities of Nikolas LLC for the sale of goods at retail for compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection, to bring the organization to administrative responsibility for the violations committed. Please inform the applicant about the measures taken.

08/18/2016 Prokopenko A.D.

What should a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor contain?

A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor can serve several purposes:

  • hold the seller (manufacturer, contractor or service provider) liable. In this case, the complaint must contain information about the violator, the circumstances of the violation, the applicant (full name, contact address). If available, attach evidence or report the presence of witnesses (full names and addresses). In the absence of them - demand to arrange an inspection. Upon a consumer complaint, Rospotrebnadzor conducts an inspection without notifying the entrepreneur (organization).
  • stop illegal actions and oblige the seller to take actions to restore violated rights. Then be sure to send the seller: a pre-trial claim is required. But remember: Rospotrebnadzor will not be able to oblige the seller to pay a penalty or a fine. To restore rights in these cases, it is required. A copy of the consumer's claim, complaints to Rospotrebnadzor and the answer to it will become an annex to the claim and.

A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor on compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards will require a search for the relevant SanPiN. This is ideal. If there are any difficulties, it is enough to ask to check compliance with sanitary standards, indicating information about possible violators and the circumstances that caused the complaint.

The document must be signed, dated, contain the address to which the answer must be given.

Filing and consideration of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

The easiest way to contact Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint is through the Internet reception. To do this, you need to find the official site territorial authority and fill out the appropriate forms. A complaint to Rospotrebnadzor can also be filed personally - at the reception of the head, through the office (take your passport with you). You can send the document by registered mail.

You can send at the same time. This approach allows us to hope for a closer examination of the document on the merits. The response to the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor must be sent to the applicant within 30 days from the date of registration (up to 3 days from the date of filing).

Rospotrebnadzor - state organization designed to protect the rights of consumers. If you think that the service provider or seller has treated you illegally, you can complain about it to the official authority. Applications submitted in writing or electronically are accepted. In addition, you can make an appointment in person. Before contacting Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint, it is important to make sure that the document is drawn up correctly. Any violation of the application form may result in automatic denial of consideration.

What complaints are addressed to Rospotrebnadzor

Before writing an application, you need to make sure that your case is within the competence of this organization. A complete list of duties is specified in the relevant government decree. The list includes:

  • verification of compliance with customer service standards;
  • sanitary and epidemiological supervision;
  • certification of specialists;
  • control of correct accounting and statistics.

What kind of complaints can be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor? The consumer has the right to express dissatisfaction with the quality, level of safety or lack of information. If any damage was received as a result of the actions of the supplier of the goods/services, it can be claimed for compensation. Claims to the level of safety can be associated with both a threat to your health or life, and non-compliance with environmental standards. An information complaint is filed if the seller refuses to provide reliable data about the service or product.

Before submitting an application for an unscheduled inspection, you should make a complaint to the seller / service provider. If he ignores the request or rejects it, you can start to act. When an incident is associated with a threat to health / life, the authority must be contacted immediately.

If Rospotrebnadzor considers that your application is not without grounds, the employees of the organization can carry out the following procedures:

  • check the documentation and certificates of the object of claims;
  • take measures to confirm and eliminate violations;
  • to fine;
  • suspend the activities of the company for three months;
  • go to court;
  • file a demand for the arrest of the accused with law enforcement agencies.

You can file a complaint here.

In order for the claim to be accepted, it must necessarily indicate the name of the addressee organization (central or territorial branch). Alternatively, you can write in the name of a specific official (full name or just position). The application also displays:

  • Full name of the applicant (for foreigners, patronymic is optional);
  • postal address to receive a response;
  • the essence of the claim or proposal;
  • date of;
  • applicant's signature.

Documents or some materials are often attached to the complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Originals and copies are allowed. The appeal must be registered within three working days from the date of filing. Consideration of the application lasts no longer than 30 days, provided that it was immediately submitted to the correct address and was not recognized as non-standard. To avoid unnecessary movement through the instances, it is recommended to contact the territorial office of Rospotrebnadzor, located at the place of residence or location of the object of proceedings. Most of the applications received by the central authority are redirected there.

It also happens that the issues raised in the claim fall within the competence of several institutions at once. The applicant is informed about the need for additional shipments at the specified address. Those wishing to report their claims “live” can make an appointment for a personal appointment, the days and hours of which are determined by the work schedule of a particular department. You must have a passport or other identification of the person with you, as well as documents and materials on the case (if any).

How to apply to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint via the Internet

The easiest and most convenient way to convey your claim to the employees of consumer supervision is to fill out an application on the website. If the appeal involves an unscheduled check of the problematic object, you will need to register on the public services portal (ESIA). If revision is optional, just fill out the following form. Registration in such cases is not required. In connection with the proliferation of Internet resources that actively encourage suicide, a special website was created where you can file a complaint.

Electronic messages are submitted for processing to the territorial and central offices. Persons applying to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint via the Internet must indicate their full name and address (E-mail is enough, but if you want to receive a response in writing, indicate the usual one). The materials attached to the case are also submitted electronically. You should adhere to the technical restrictions established by the site administration:

  • maximum size messages - 2000 characters;
  • the size of the attached file (all major formats are supported, but it is better to double-check) - no more than 5 MB;
  • You can only add one file, so if there are several materials, they should be archived (rar and zip formats).

If the volume of the application together with the attached documents does not make it possible to fulfill these requirements, the service will not be available. You will have to send a complaint to the department of Rospotrebnadzor traditional way. You can find the postal addresses of institutions on the official website.

You can file a complaint here.

Questions and answers

- I filed a complaint with the department of Rospotrebnadzor at the place of residence. I received a notification that the application was denied due to the inability to understand the essence of the matter. What to do?

- Even if you figured out where to file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor, and correctly indicated your details, it’s not a fact that the paper will be accepted. It is important that the gist of the claim is clearly stated. If the organization's employees find the wording confusing, the application will be refused. This must be reported within seven business days. Repeat the appeal and try to make it as clear as possible. The presence of any threats or obscene language is also grounds for refusal. If the appeal on the same issue is repeated without providing new facts, a notification will be sent to terminate the correspondence. Also, the applicant may be refused without explanation. When it comes to some kind of state secret, the sender is informed that it is impossible to provide information.

- Can I complain to Rospotrebnadzor about the unfair decision of the judge?

- Formally, no one bothers to send an application to appeal such a legal decision, but this does not make practical sense. According to the current constitution, only the court itself can decide questions of justice in the Russian Federation. It is considered independent of the executive and legislative branches. Court decisions that seem unfair are appealed in the procedural order established by law. Any outside interference is unacceptable and Rospotrebnadzor is no exception.

-What complaints are considered by the central office?

- The vast majority of claims are considered locally, but some issues can only be resolved by top management:

  • Complaints about actions/inaction of officials working in territorial and central bodies.
  • Repeated appeals regarding decisions made by the heads of local self-government bodies or their deputies.
  • Requests for clarification of specific provisions of normative and legislative acts on issues within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Proposals for improving the activities and regulations of the organization.

- I have a bank loan. Recently, I found out that I was paying for services I didn't need, which were literally imposed on me by an employee of the institution, and without any mention of payment. Can I appeal to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint or should I look for other authorities?

- It is widely believed that the organization deals exclusively with the trade and sanitary and epidemiological sectors. In fact, financial questions are also within its jurisdiction. However, before applying, talk to the management of your bank. If they categorically refuse a peaceful settlement, you can safely contact Rospotrebnadzor. Your case will definitely be considered.

Dear readers!

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Every person in Russia is a consumer, which means that he must know how to protect his rights and how to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. Consumer relations include not only the purchase of goods. This includes the provision of services, including banking, and management companies, and banks, and medical institutions, etc. Also, this includes sanitary and epidemiological control in educational institutions, catering establishments, etc. The list is endless, but that's not the point. Our main goal for today is to tell you how you can write a complaint to the state consumer rights protection agency that works for the benefit of every citizen of your country. Looking ahead, we can say that you can file a complaint not only against hard copy but also online, via the Internet.

The most important thing is to follow all the rules for filling out a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor. The application form is not approved by a separate article of the legislation, but there are certain standards on how to write a complaint correctly. There can be many reasons for contacting Rospotrebnadzor, but the rules for filling out the application form are standard.

If you have any difficulties with filing a complaint, our consumer lawyers are always happy to help, you just need to ask your question in the form in the pop-up window on the right or at the beginning and end of the article.

The productivity of the response of Rospotrebnadzor depends on the correctness and accuracy of the data in the application, as well as the substantiation of your requirements. And accordingly, the percentage of fulfillment of your requirements increases, up to compensation for moral damage.

You can write to Rospotrebnadzor via the Internet for the same reasons as when writing on paper. That is, you can file a complaint in the following ways:

  • personally;
  • online;
  • mail;
  • fax;
  • with courier.

You can write to Rospotrebnadzor if you find the following violations:

  • violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards during the organization educational process or recreation of minors;
  • provision of services for the removal of waste in violation;
  • supply of low-quality water;
  • violation of the rules for the sale and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • food safety;
  • safety of food production;
  • violations in affixing prof. vaccinations and Mantoux;
  • violation of the rules during epidemics and the spread of infections;
  • spread of rats, mice and other rodents;
  • refusal of admission to a kindergarten or school;
  • sale of products and expired;
  • attack on humans by animals;
  • sale of low-quality goods (not products);
  • provision of low-quality services in everyday life;
  • provision of low-quality services;
  • provision of low-quality construction services;
  • violation of the law by banks;
  • incorrect work of collection agencies;
  • violation of the law by insurance companies;
  • detection of facts of corruption;
  • violation of the norms of legislation related to the procedure for considering citizens' appeals;
  • other violations provided for by law.

The full list can be viewed on the website of Rospotrebnadzor http://rospotrebnadzor(dot)ru/ in the "Subjects of appeals" section. If you have any questions about how to correctly write an electronic appeal by filling out an online form, you can contact the consultants of our website at any time. Competent specialists will tell you everything, show you and help you do it right, without demanding material reward in return.

What is an electronic form

When submitting an application to Rospotrebnadzor via the Internet, you must follow all the standard rules for filling it out. Under no circumstances should you give in emotional state and write threats, insults, unreasonable demands. Your complaint will be 100% denied.

The online application form is simplified by the fact that you do not need to indicate the name and address of the authority you are applying to. The letter will automatically go to Rospotrebnadzor.

But at the same time, the region of residence, region, district must be indicated. After all, if you live in Novosibirsk, the Moscow branch of Rospotrebnadzor will not be able to help you in any way. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. If they do not contain the necessary data, you simply cannot send an application via the Internet. Also, you can choose how you want to receive the answer. It is possible to receive email(which you must write in the application, this column is marked with an asterisk). And it is possible on paper by mail. In this case, do not forget to indicate the exact postal address. In general, submitting an application to Rospotrebnadzor via the Internet is easier and faster.

If you have any doubts about whether your case falls within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor, please contact our specialists through the feedback form. Experienced lawyers will help you determine which government agency you have the right to apply for the protection of your rights, what preliminary steps you need to take, and how to write a statement correctly. All consulting services for site users are free.

    Good afternoon I want to complain about the store "Farm products" opened a year ago at the address: Moscow, st. Chelyabinskaya, 21. The smell in the store is rotten. The commodity neighborhood is broken, because the room is small and there is a lot of goods. Farm dairy products without expiration dates. Those that are labeled are often sour. Biscuits are piled open on the counters and people rub their clothes against them. I repeatedly saw cockroaches in the store and rats that run into the basement of the store, the entrance to which is from the street. Complete unsanitary conditions. Sellers from Uzbekistan work, they do not always understand Russian. The scales are hidden behind the counter, they are not visible. When asked to show the scales, the seller replies offendedly: “Do you think I’m deceiving you?” Please take action.

    • Hello Valeria!
      Thanks for the signal. We will send a representative to conduct an inspection in the near future.

    I paid for Internet services through the 36th post office on October 24, receipt number Prod004797 10/24/2016 and since then I have been going to find out where my money is in the 36th office, they say find out at the main post office and they say go where they handed over the money, well, how much will I walk?

    Good afternoon.
    In the Victoria store at the address Moscow, st. Otradnaya, house 16, expired products are sold. Fish lying on ice with mucus. Cooking goods on the shelves are missing. Milk is often expired.
    Where do I write to have it checked?

    • Hello, Elena!
      Thank you for your feedback. You can write to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities and initiate an inspection.

    Hello. tell me where to turn to fight the rudeness of taxi drivers?

    • Hello Maria!
      Rudeness cannot be left unpunished. You can fix the state. numbers and contact the police with a statement and it is desirable that there were witnesses.

    Hello. Tell me how to be in the following situation.
    I made a purchase in an online store, in fact it is located abroad, but the site also indicates the address of the store administration in Russia. In both cases, we are talking about citizens of Russia.
    The essence of the problem. An order was made in the online store, the parcel was sent, a track code was issued, but after 3 weeks there was no information on it except for the parcel was accepted. The store is inclined to believe that the parcel was stolen, but refuses to return the money in full. The maximum they agree to return is 50% of the amount paid. I remember payment was made in the amount of 100% including shipping costs.
    We are talking about the amount of 15 thousand rubles.
    What can be done in my case and what are the chances?
    There is an invoice downloaded from the store in pdf format where the goods ordered by me are indicated, the total amount, the delivery method, my full name and a note that the goods have been sent.
    There is also an extract from the bank through which the payment was made in the name of a private person.
    This is not the first time I buy in this store, but in a difficult situation that I cannot influence, the seller behaved like a pig.
    Sincerely, Igor.

    • Hello Igot!
      It is not possible to answer your question unambiguously. It is necessary to study scans of documents, the site itself, sales technology, hosting, site owners, etc.
      Call the toll-free numbers listed on the site or leave your message with contacts in the form above or at the bottom of the "Online Consultant" page and our lawyers will contact you and help you sort out the situation.

    I bought trousers in a store, don’t look at their condition inside, and when I came home I saw that they were torn. I brought it to the store, they didn’t take it and said that I wore them and brought them to change for new ones, I wrote a complaint, they didn’t take it and what should I do next

    • Hello Hope!
      It is necessary that the store accept the claim and sign on your copy about this fact. If it does not accept, then you can send a claim by mail with a notification of receipt. In the future, this can be used as evidence in court if the case goes to court. If you have any questions during the proceedings, please contact our lawyers through the feedback form at the top, middle, end of the article or the Consultant's pop-up form at the bottom of the page.

    For two months now, at Krasnoe Selo st. May 1, building 3, entrance No. 1, 5th floor on the public corridor construction material, bags of cement and glass wool, as well as sawing in the absence of residents. Several times verbally contacted management company, also wrote an appeal to the State Fire Supervision Service dated 02.08.16. No action has been taken so far. Please take action and give me a written reply, Thank you

    • Hello Alexandra!
      To find out the details, enter your question in the "Ask a lawyer a question" form, leave your coordinates and we will help you deal with your problem

    In Lyambir, gazelles dominate at the terminal. The stop was always right on the roundabout and opposite if out of town. There is a shop built at the bus stop and the hostess apparently does not like that there is a stop in front of the entrance. Cleared out apparently. Now gazelists imprison people not on the road, but if after rain, then in the quagmire. It is the same from the city, they bypass the stop and transport people again to an inconvenient place. They are already chic in lambire, the fare is 17 rubles, despite the fact that the travel time is 15 minutes and compare the yalga with the light engineering construction, there is a clear time. Residents are not happy with the transfer of stops. We ask you respectfully not to leave this case without consideration.
    Residents of Lyambir, with respect.

    • Hello Svetlana!
      The question is not so simple. It will have to be dealt with by the local authorities. First of all, it is necessary to study the permit documentation (if any) for the transfer of the stop, by whom and when it was approved, the transfer plan and many other nuances that will arise in the course of studying this issue.
      Enter your question in the "Lawyer's Consultation" form, which is located at the beginning, middle and end of the article or in the pop-up window at the bottom of the site, leave your coordinates and our lawyers will contact you.

    In house 13 on Generala Merkulov Street, sewerage has been flowing into the basement for 3 weeks, an emergency gang arrives every day, but the leak has not been eliminated. today there was also an emergency gang in the call log, they noted that the housing office locksmith was working, but they followed the emergency gang workers.

    • Nina Ivanovna, you can enter your question in a special form at the bottom of the site and our lawyer will contact you and offer an effective solution to the issue.

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