MGSN 4.06 96 educational institutions. Requirements for space planning solutions


MGSN 4.06-03


1. DEVELOPED by the Institute of Public Buildings of the Gosstroy of Russia (doctor arch. Stepanov V.I. - scientific adviser, candidate of arch. Stepanov A.V., candidate of arch. Naumkin G.I., arch. Bezsonova G.A., arch. Kiryushina L.A., architect Shurygin D.M., architect Budekina S.A., architect Zlobina Yu.V.), with the participation of MNIITEP (architect Kapterev K.V.), Department of Education of Moscow (ped. Korovina S.N.), Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Nazarova T.S.), Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases of Children, Adolescents and Youth of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation (Ph.D. Voronova B .Z., Candidate of Medicine Belyavskaya V.I.), Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the city of Moscow (san. doctor Sinyakova N.V., san. doctor Pronina L.I.).

2. INTRODUCED by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

3. PREPARED for approval and publication by the Department of Advanced Design, standards and coordination of design and survey work of the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

4. AGREED with the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the City of Moscow, the Department of the State Fire Service of the City of Moscow of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Moscow State Expertise, the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow, the Main Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

5. ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 01.06.04 No. 352-PP.

6. Registered by the Gosstroy of Russia with a letter dated 16.04.04. No. 9-29/470. (TSN 31-306-2004 of Moscow).

1 area of ​​use. 3

3. Basic provisions. 4

4. Requirements for organizing a network, types and types of educational institutions. 5

5. Requirements for the location and functional composition of the territory.6

6. Requirements for functional groups, composition and areas of premises.8

7. Requirements for space-planning solutions .. 9

8. Fire safety requirements for buildings of educational institutions. eleven

9. Requirements for the internal environment of buildings.13

Ergonomic parameters for the placement of furniture and equipment.13

Natural and artificial lighting. fourteen

Insolation, sun protection and orientation of rooms to the cardinal points. fourteen

Water supply and sewerage. fifteen

Heating and ventilation. fifteen

Electrical and low current devices. sixteen

Interior decoration of premises. eighteen

Energy saving. eighteen

Appendix A Abbreviations, terms and definitions. eighteen

Appendix B Types and purpose of educational institutions. 20

Appendix B Organization of a network of educational institutions. 21

Appendix D Approximate nomenclature of types and types of buildings of educational institutions. 21

Annex D Areas of the functional composition of the areas of the territories of educational institutions. 22

Annex E Functional groups and approximate composition of the premises. 23

Appendix G Composition and estimated area of ​​premises of educational institutions. 26

Table g1 Composition and calculated indicators of the area of ​​​​the premises of the elementary school .. 26

Table g2 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the premises of the basic school .. 26

Table g3 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the premises of the high school .. 27

Table g4 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of specialized premises of the main and high schools.. 27

Table g5 The composition and calculated indicators of the area of ​​the premises for the study of technologies and labor training. 28

Table g6 The composition and calculated indicators of the area of ​​​​the premises of the information center - library. 28

Table g7 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the vestibule-cloakroom, administrative and utility rooms, medical rooms. 29

Table g8 Composition and calculated indicators of the area of ​​​​the premises of a recreational center (leisure center)30

Table g9 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the premises of the auditorium group. thirty

Table g10 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of training and sports halls and the pool.31

Table g11 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of auxiliary premises at sports halls and a swimming pool. 32

Table g12 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of premises for artistic (aesthetic) education. 32

Table g13 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the premises of the block of technical creativity. 33

Table g14 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of premises for biological and experimental activities. 34

Table g15 Composition and calculated indicators of the areas of the dining room. 34

Annex I Estimated indicators of the areas of sanitary facilities and the number of sanitary appliances. 35

Annex K Illumination levels for artificial lighting of premises. 36

Appendix L Orientation of the windows of classrooms to the cardinal points. 36

Annex M Estimated air temperature and air exchange rate in the room. 37

Appendix H Arrangement of space, placement of furniture and classroom equipment for frontal and group forms of conducting a lesson.38

Appendix P Approximate composition and areas of the main groups of premises of a senior specialized school .. 38

Annex R Composition and area of ​​premises of schools designed by the city order until 2010. 41




1.1. These norms establish requirements on the territory of Moscow for the placement and organization of a network of buildings for dividing a plot of territory, for functional groups, composition and area of ​​premises, space-planning solutions, lighting, engineering equipment and the internal environment of educational institutions.

1.2. These norms apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed existing buildings and complexes of educational institutions of any organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

1.3. These rules contain mandatory, recommendatory and reference provisions.

The paragraphs of these regulations marked with * are mandatory.


2.1. References are made in these standards to the following documents:

SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements”;

SNiP 2.08.02-89* "Public buildings and structures";

SNiP 35-01-2001 "Accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility";

SNiP 21-01-97* "Fire safety of buildings and structures";

SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting";

SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings";

SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heat networks";

SanPiN “Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for the device and water quality. Quality control";

SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings";

SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects";

SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of residential and public buildings and territories";

SanPiN "Standards for electric and magnetic fields for computer equipment";

SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education of schoolchildren in various educational institutions";

NPB 88-2001 "Fire extinguishing and signaling installations";

MGSN 1.01-99 "Norms and rules for the design, planning and development of Moscow" (TSN-3-304-2000);

MGSN 2.01-99 “Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and water supply” (TSN-23-304-99);

MGSN 4.05-95 "Boarding schools for children with disabilities" (TSN-31-305-96);

SN 441-72* "Guidelines for the design of fences for sites and sections of enterprises, buildings and structures."

2.2. In these standards, abbreviations, terms and definitions are used in accordance with Appendix A.


3.1. General education institutions include general education schools of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of education, a senior specialized school, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. The nomenclature of types of educational institutions is given in Appendix B.

*3.2. General educational institutions ensure the implementation of the general educational process in accordance with the programs of 3 levels of education:

Stage I - primary general education (grades 1 - 4);

Stage II - basic general education (grades 5 - 9);

Stage III - secondary (complete) general education (10 - 11 or 8, 9 - 11 grades)

3.3. The capacity of educational institutions (the total number of students) is determined by the design task, based on their organizational and pedagogical structure, class size, urban planning and demographic conditions.

*3.4. The occupancy of classes and after-school groups for general educational institutions is set to no more than 25 students.

In the upper grades of general education schools, the senior specialized school, gymnasiums and lyceums, the class size may be reduced to 20 students. When reconstructing and overhauling existing school buildings, it is allowed to determine the occupancy of classes based on the area of ​​educational premises and the specific area per student of at least 2.5 m 2.

*3.5. When conducting classes in a foreign language in grades 1 - 11 and labor training in grades 5 - 11, physical education in grades 10 - 11, in computer science and computer technology, physics, chemistry and biology (during practical classes), the class group is divided into 2 subgroups. In schools with specialized education, lyceums and gymnasiums, for practical work, the class can be divided into several subgroups, based on differentiated or integrated training programs, as well as for organizing group work and self-study of students of interest. The number of places in the premises of studios and circles is accepted from 8 to 12. In accordance with this provision, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is established in accordance with appendices 7 - 11 and 18 - 20 of these standards.

3.6. The structure and capacity of buildings of educational institutions are accepted taking into account Annexes C and D.

*3.7. The capacity of a separate general education institution should not exceed 1,000 students. With a larger number of students, the institution is designed as a complex of buildings with a single school-wide center and several autonomous educational buildings with a capacity of no more than two parallels of students each.


4.1. The network of general educational institutions should be regarded as the main link in the general system of educational institutions, which includes, in addition to general educational institutions, out-of-school institutions and institutions for labor training.

The types and types of educational institutions differ in organizational and pedagogical structures (the ratio of the age parallels of students), the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process and the focus of profiling.

4.2. The principles of organizing a network of buildings of educational institutions are given in Appendix B.

4.3. The nomenclature of types and types of buildings of educational institutions is given in Appendix D.

Schools of various levels of education can be placed separately or formed into complexes in various combinations.

4.4. General educational institutions in the unified system of educational institutions may cooperate with pre-school and out-of-school institutions, training and production combines and educational institutions providing a profession with a secondary education.

4.5. When calculating the complex network of buildings, the number of places in general educational institutions for 100% of students of primary and secondary school age and up to 75% of students of senior school age in one shift should be taken into account.

4.6. When calculating the complex network of buildings and the number of places in educational institutions, it must be borne in mind that:

one). Educational and productive work for older students can be organized in interscholastic training and production combines (IATC), school training and production workshops (UPM), school factories, etc. based on their coverage of up to 8% of the total number of students.

2). Interest classes in accordance with the individual inclinations of children can be carried out in out-of-school institutions (VU), based on their coverage of up to 10% of the total number of students.

3). Separate types of classes can be organized at the place of residence - a school, circles, studios and clubs of interest in groups of residential buildings.

4.7. At the place of residence, it is recommended to plan clubs for children of the microdistrict who are not involved in active forms of work at school or in extracurricular institutions on the basis of: sports and tourism 35%, artistic education 35%, circles of young naturalists and technicians 12%, other types of club work 18 %.

*4.8. The number of places in the building of a general education institution is determined by local demographic conditions and the prospects for the development of a residential area.

In this case, one should be guided by the approximate demographic structure of the population based on the characteristics of the structure of the city (MGSN 1.01, Table 5.3. for the population of age groups 6, 7 - 15, 16, 17 years old).

*4.9. To modernize the existing network of school buildings, one should be guided by MGSN 1.01 (clause 5.15.), Applying buildings of network secondary schools of II and III levels of education in the building system.

4.10. For city districts with an undeveloped infrastructure of public buildings that do not correspond to the aggregated estimated indicators of the provision of residents with service institutions (according to MGSN 1.01 - tables 5.1. and 5.2.), it is recommended to design secondary schools with a dedicated block of a school-wide center to serve students, as well as the population for extracurricular time.

4.11. The amount of student places in the network of educational institutions in the conditions of new and existing development is determined in accordance with clause 4.5. real norms.

*4.12. The service radius from the house to the educational institution is provided for no more than 0.5 km, walking distance or determined by the maximum time of transport accessibility: primary classes - 10 - 15 minutes, middle classes - 30 minutes, senior classes - 45 minutes.


*5.1. Buildings of general educational institutions should be located in separate areas of the territory, taking into account the prospective development of a residential area and sanitary protection zones of existing and planned facilities. Land areas should be taken in accordance with MGSN 1.01.

The distance from the school buildings to the red line and from the border of the school site to the walls of residential buildings should be taken according to SanPiN 2.2.1 / and SanPiN 2.2.1 / in accordance with the requirements of sanitary norms and rules for ensuring regulatory levels of physical factors, insolation, illumination.

At all stages of designing buildings of educational institutions, it is necessary to calculate the expected noise levels from vehicles and other noise sources. If necessary, measures should be developed to protect against increased noise levels with mandatory efficiency calculations.

*5.2. In areas of the territory of general educational institutions, division into the following functional parts should be provided: physical culture and sports, educational and experimental, recreation and economic.

5.3. The areas of parts of the plots of the territory of educational institutions are recommended to be taken according to the calculated indicators for grade 1 given in Appendix D of these standards.

In cases where the building is located in a crowded development, the composition of the parts of the site is specified by the design task in agreement with the state sanitary supervision authorities.

5.4. In the physical culture and sports part of the site, it is recommended to provide: an athletics sports center with a circular running track 250 m long, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, gymnastic grounds for junior and senior classes, a combined playground for sports games, ball throwing and jumping.

It is allowed to accept an athletics core with a circular treadmill 200 m long - for basic schools and with a circular treadmill 333 m long - for educational institutions that carry out a network function with the number of high school parallels at least 3.

It is allowed to reduce the physical culture and sports part of the site by the area of ​​​​the track and field sports center, while maintaining the remaining elements of the sports zone, provided that the sports center of the microdistrict or district located within 1.0 - 1.2 km is used or within walking distance for conducting sports activities for schoolchildren. In senior specialized schools, it is allowed to increase the specific number of gyms based on serving students from surrounding schools.

*5.5. The physical culture and sports part of the site is not allowed to be placed from the side of the windows of the classrooms. It should be located behind a strip of green spaces (including trees and shrubs). Playgrounds for ball games and throwing sports equipment should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from the windows of the building, and if there is a fence 3 m high - at least 15 m. Playgrounds for other types of physical culture and sports activities - at a distance of at least 15 m The equipment of the sports zone should ensure the implementation of training programs in physical education, as well as the holding of sectional sports and recreational activities.

5.6. The educational and experimental part of the site should not exceed 25% of the total area of ​​the site. It is recommended to include in it: a department of primary classes, a department of field and vegetable crops, a department of an orchard and a nursery, a department of flower and ornamental plants, a department of collection and selection work, a greenhouse with a zoo corner, hotbeds, a geographical site, a site for outdoor biology (with canopy).

In conditions of a shortage of territory, it is allowed to reduce the educational and experimental part of the site to the minimum necessary to ensure the educational process, subject to the obligatory arrangement of a special pavilion for collection and selection work.

For schools with a biological bias, it is allowed to expand the range of closed structures (hotbeds, greenhouses, greenhouses, facilities for storing small agricultural equipment, etc.)

one). Playgrounds for outdoor games for elementary school students (grades 2 - 4) are taken at the rate of 100 m 2 for each class, and for children of the 6th age (grades 1) at least 180 m 2 (7.2 m per student) with shade canopies and small game forms; for the main school (grades 5 - 9) -25 m 2 for each grade;

2). Areas for quiet rest of the main school are accepted for 75% of students at the rate of 25 m 2 for each class.

For high school students, the playgrounds of the sports zone serve as a recreation area.

5.8. When reducing the total area of ​​the site, the dimensions of the track and field core, sports grounds and playgrounds for outdoor games should remain unchanged.

5.9. The economic zone should have a separate entrance (entrance) and be located from the side of the industrial premises of the canteen and near the training and experimental zone. In the economic zone, depending on local conditions, it is allowed to place a barn, a training garage, sheds for inventory and equipment. It is also allowed to place utility pantries in the basement or basement of the school building with a separate exit to the outside. The composition and area of ​​outbuildings are determined by the design task.

*5.10. The landscaping area must be at least 50% of the total area of ​​the site of the educational institution.

The landscaping area should also include areas of green plantings of the educational and experimental zone, physical culture and sports and recreation areas, lawns, protective strips and hedges made of shrubs.

It is not allowed to use poisonous and stabbing plants for landscaping.

*5.11. The sites should provide access for fire trucks to the buildings, as well as the possibility of a detour around the buildings. A hard surface should have entrances to buildings and detours around it, an economic yard and approaches to the building. On the periphery of the site or near it, parking should be provided for teachers and employees in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / for the number of parking spaces and the distance to the boundaries of the site of educational institutions.

*5.12. Sections of the territory of educational institutions must have a fence around the entire perimeter, at least 1.5 m high in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN and have safety devices that prevent students from running out onto the roadway from the entrance to the building. Along the fence on the site, a strip of green spaces with planting of trees and shrubs should be provided.

*5.13. The site should be equipped with small architectural forms, illuminated; have hard (paved) pavements of driveways, paths, platforms.

The illumination of the site should be taken according to SNiP 23-05 tab. thirteen.

5.14. When placing buildings in cramped (less than the standard size) areas, it is allowed to design exploitable roofs, “raise” individual parts of the building to the level of the second floor, for the construction of indoor recreation areas, etc.

From the operated roof, at least two emergency exits should be provided, the roof covering and insulation should be fireproof.

Platforms located on the operated roof must have a fence with a height of at least 1.6 m without horizontal divisions. The clear distance between the vertical elements of the fence should be no more than 0.1 m.


6.1. The set of functional groups, the composition and area of ​​the premises of educational institutions must correspond to their types and types, functional and pedagogical structure and purpose.

6.2. The premises of educational institutions should consist of educational and general school premises and be divided into functional groups (Appendix E). The classrooms of a senior profile school should consist of a developed group of specialized classrooms corresponding to specific profile disciplines.

*6.3. The number of main classrooms and classrooms for all types of educational institutions is taken equal to the number of study groups, in accordance with the organizational and pedagogical structure.

It is allowed to take additional classrooms for each parallel of classes (from 1 to 11) and take into account an additional part of student places in the total capacity of the school.

*6.4. Areas in classrooms and classrooms are accepted for frontal forms of study at least 2.5 m 2 per student, for mixed forms of education (front and group), as well as in specialized classrooms and laboratories in the natural sciences - 3 m 2 / uch. With group forms of work and individual lessons - 3.5 m 2 / account. The area of ​​workshops for the study of technology and labor is 7.5 m 2 / account, specialized workshops for differentiated training in areas - 9 m 2 / account.

6.5. The composition and areas of functional groups of premises of a general educational institution should be taken in accordance with Appendix G (tables 1 - 15) of these standards.

The composition and area of ​​the premises of schools designed according to the city order is adopted in accordance with Appendix P to these standards.

6.6. The composition and space of a senior specialized school (unlike a traditional school) is formed not from separate classrooms, but from blocks of specialized classrooms, which include rooms for various purposes (theory, practice and utility rooms).

Each training block is designed for an in-depth study of a separate subject (discipline) related to profiling in the humanities, natural sciences or technical fields.

The training block should include a laboratory - a specialized classroom for frontal work, workshops (at least two) for experimental work with a part of the study group (1/2, 1/3 or 1/4), depending on the teaching methods for a particular discipline, as well as laboratory and a number of utility rooms (resource center, storage room, etc.).

The area of ​​laboratories - specialized rooms should be taken at least 3.5 m 2 per place based on group forms of work on its area; workshop areas - from 4.5 to 9 m2, depending on the discipline and specific technological equipment associated with the development of the profession; laboratory area - not less than 21 m 2 per room.

The number of laboratories - specialized classrooms and workshops is determined by study hours for each discipline with differentiation into theoretical and practical classes.

6.7. Dressing rooms for students should be provided in accordance with SanPiN (clause 2.3.5), dressing rooms for teachers - at the rate of at least two places per class.

6.8. The number and size of gyms are determined based on the purpose and type of building. In a senior specialized school, the types, number and area of ​​gyms are taken on the basis of the simultaneous service of the school itself and the surrounding secondary schools that have a shortage of space in relation to the norms, incl. provide a pool for a group of schools.

At educational and sports halls, there should be provided: at least one pair of locker rooms per class (for boys and girls) and two pairs of dressing rooms, showers and latrines in the gaming halls.

6.9. The area of ​​the dining hall of the dining room should be taken at the rate of at least 0.8 m 2 per seat. The number of seats is determined based on 1/3 of the number of students, teachers and administration of a general education institution.

6.10. The areas of latrines, washrooms and showers in educational institutions and the number of sanitary appliances should be taken according to Appendix I to these standards.

*6.11. Recreations should be designed at the rate of 2 m 2 per 1 student, as a rule, in the form of halls.


7.1. Buildings of educational institutions are recommended to be designed as universal in order to operate them both as a school with various organizational and pedagogical structures, and as a lyceum or gymnasium.

*7.2. The building of a general educational institution is designed, as a rule, with a height of 3 floors. For crowded building plots, it is allowed to design educational institutions on the 4th floor. It is not allowed to place primary school premises on the 4th floor. In previously built schools, the 5th floor must be allocated for rarely visited classrooms. For the reconstruction of existing five-story school buildings, special technical conditions should be developed in agreement with the supervisory authorities of the city of Moscow.

*7.3. The height of the above-ground floors of the building must be at least 3 m from floor to ceiling in cleanliness.

7.4. The space-planning structure of the building must correspond to the purpose of the institution, its specifics and comfortable operating conditions, including connection with the school site.

7.5. The architectural and typological structure of the building, in accordance with the functional model, should have the following spatial organization:

The premises of educational institutions should be divided into two main separate groups - educational and general school, in accordance with Appendix 6; a recreational center, if available, should be a link between them;

The educational group of premises should be differentiated into schools of I, II and III levels of education with technological groups of premises serving these age groups.

*7.6. Training rooms should be grouped into training sections:

For the 1st grade of schools in the educational sections, no more than three classrooms with bedrooms, playrooms (rest rooms) and sanitary facilities should be provided;

For grades 2 - 4 in educational sections, no more than six classrooms with recreation and sanitary facilities, as well as a labor room and a universal room for after-school groups should be provided.

For grades 5 - 11, the study sections should include classrooms, laboratories, and appropriate recreational facilities and sanitary facilities; the latter are allowed to be placed outside the educational section, but in a group of premises for students of these classes;

Educational sections-blocks 1, 2 - 4 grades, as well as 5 - 8 (9) grades, should be separate and impassable for students of other age groups.

It is allowed to design educational sections of grades 5-11 in general educational institutions with specialized training, gymnasiums and lyceums to design non-separated.

Specialized classrooms and workshops should be grouped into study sections based on related disciplines and technologies. In a senior specialized school, an educational group of premises should be formed separately for general-purpose classrooms and for specialized education blocks.

It is allowed to place sanitary units for grades 5-11 outside the educational sections, and in two-story buildings to place them on one of the floors in a concentrated manner. In the senior profile school, bathrooms are allowed to be concentrated outside the educational sections across the floor.

Entrances to bathrooms should not be located opposite the entrance to the classroom or in close proximity to them.

7.7. It is recommended to place a group of premises of the school-wide center isolated from studies

The government of Moscow





MGSN 4.06 -96

TSN 31-306-96 of Moscow

date of registration: 18.09.1996


1. DEVELOPED by the Institute of Public Buildings of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation (Doctor of Architecture Stepanov V.I. ¾ Supervisor, Candidate of Architecture Stepanov A.V., Candidate of Architecture Naumkin G.I., architect Bezsonova G.A.) , MNIITEP (architect Kapterev K.V.), Institute of Educational Aids of the Russian Academy of Education (D. Ped. Sciences Nazarova T.O.), Department of Education of Moscow (ped. Korovina S.N.), Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Children's Diseases , adolescents and youth of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation (candidate of medicine Voronova B. 3., candidate of medicine Belyavskaya V.I.), MHC Gossanepidnadzor (san. doctor Sinyakova N.V., san. doctor Pronina L.I.) .

2. INTRODUCED by the Moscow Committee for Architecture, the Department of Education of Moscow.

3. PREPARED for approval and publication by the Architectural and Technical Department of the Moscow Architecture Committee (architect L. A. Shalov, engineer Yu. B. Shchipanov).

4. AGREED with the Department of Education of Moscow, MHC Gossanepidnadzor, UGPS GUVD of Moscow.

5. ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED BY Order No. 571-RZP of May 8, 1996, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow.



1.1. These standards are developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 10-01-94 for the city of Moscow and the Forest Park Protective Belt (LPZP) as an addition to the regulatory documents in construction in force on the territory of Moscow and the LPPZ, and apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed existing buildings and complexes of educational institutions of any form of ownership.

1.2. These norms establish the basic provisions and requirements for the placement and organization of the building system, land plot, territory, functional groups, composition and area of ​​​​premises, space-planning solutions, lighting, engineering equipment and the internal environment of educational institutions.

1.3. These rules contain mandatory, recommendatory and reference provisions.

The paragraphs of these regulations marked with * are mandatory.


SNiP 10-01-94 "The system of regulatory documents in construction. Basic provisions."

SNiP 2.07.01-89* "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements."

SNiP 2.08.02-89* "Public buildings and structures."

SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting."

SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of the building."

SNiP 2.04.05-91* "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

SNiP 2.04.07-86* "Heat networks".

SNiP 2.04.09-84 "Fire automation of buildings and structures".

MGSN 1.01-94 "Temporary norms and rules for the design, planning and development of Moscow."

MGSN 4.05-95 "Boarding schools for disabled children".

MGSN 2.01-94 "Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and heat and water supply" (changes No. 1, 2, 3)

VSN 59-88 "Electrical equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards."

SN 441-72* "Guidelines for the design of fences for sites and sections of enterprises, buildings and structures."

Reference manual to SNiP 2.08.02-89 * "Design of sports halls, premises for physical culture and recreation activities and indoor ice rinks with artificial ice" 1991

Reference manual to SNiP 2.08.02-89 * "Design of pools" 1991


3.1. General education institutions include general education schools I , II and III levels of education, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.

The nomenclature of types of educational institutions is adopted in accordance with their classification (see Appendix 2).

*3.2. General educational institutions ensure the implementation of the general educational process in accordance with the programs of the three levels of education:

- I level ¾ primary general education (grades 1 ¾ 4);

- II level ¾ basic general education (grades 5 ¾ 9);

- III stage ¾ secondary (complete) general education (grades 10 ¾ 11 or 9 ¾ 11).

3.3. The capacity of educational institutions (the total number of students) is determined by the design task, based on their organizational and pedagogical structure, class size, urban planning and demographic conditions.

*3.4. The occupancy of classes and after-school groups for general educational institutions is set to no more than 25 students. In the context of the reconstruction of the building and the existing fund of school buildings, it is allowed to increase the class group to 30 students.

In the upper grades of general education schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, the number of class members may be reduced to 20 students.

*3.5. When conducting classes in a foreign language in grades 1 ¾ 11 and labor training in grades 5 ¾ 11, physical education in grades 10 ¾ 11, in computer science and computer technology, physics, chemistry and biology (during practical classes), the class group is divided into two subgroups. In schools with specialized education, lyceums and gymnasiums, for practical work, the class can be divided into several subgroups, based on differentiated or integrated training programs, as well as for organizing group work and self-study of students of interest. The number of places in the premises of studios and circles is accepted from 8 to 12. In accordance with this provision, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is established in accordance with applications 7 ¾ 11 and 18 ¾ 20.

3.6. The structure and capacity of buildings of educational institutions should be taken into account in Annexes 3 and 4.

*3.7. The capacity of a separate general education institution should not exceed 1,000 students. With a larger number of students, the institution is designed as a complex of buildings with a single school-wide center and several autonomous educational buildings with a capacity of no more than two parallels of students each.


4.1. The network of general educational institutions should be regarded as the main link in the general system of educational institutions, which includes, in addition to general educational institutions, out-of-school institutions and institutions for labor training.

The types and types of educational institutions differ in organizational and pedagogical structures (the ratio of the age parallels of students), the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process and the focus of profiling.

4.2. See Annex 3 for the principles of organizing a network of buildings of educational institutions.

4.3. For the nomenclature of types and types of buildings of educational institutions, see Appendix 4.

Schools of various levels of education can be placed separately or formed into complexes in various combinations.

4.4. General educational institutions in a single system of educational buildings can cooperate with pre-school and out-of-school institutions, training and production combines and educational institutions that provide a profession with a secondary education.

*4.5. When calculating the complex network of buildings, the number of places in general educational institutions for 100% of students of primary and secondary school age and up to 75% of students of senior school age in one shift should be taken into account.

4.6. When calculating the complex network of buildings and the number of places in educational institutions, it must be borne in mind that: factories, etc., based on their coverage of up to 8% of the total number of students; 2) hobby classes in accordance with the individual inclinations of children can be carried out in out-of-school institutions (VU), based on their coverage of up to 10% of the total number of students; 3) certain types of classes can be organized at the place of residence ¾ schools, circles, studios and clubs of interest in groups of residential buildings.

4.7. At the place of residence, it is recommended to plan clubs for children of the microdistrict who are not involved in active forms of work at school or in extracurricular institutions on the basis of: sports and tourism 35%, artistic education 35%, circles of young naturalists and technicians 12%, other types of club work 18 %.

*4.8. The number of places in the building of a general education institution is determined by local demographic conditions and the prospects for the development of a residential area (on average in Moscow, 110 students per 1,000 inhabitants).

In this case, one should be guided by the approximate demographic structure of the population based on the characteristics of the structure of the city (MGSN-1.01-94 Table 5.3 to paragraph 5.7 for the population of age groups 6, 7 ¾ 15, 16 ¾ 17 years).

*4.9. To modernize the existing network of school buildings, paragraph 5.15 of MGSN-1.01-94 should be followed, using network (see Appendix 1, paragraph 5) school buildings in the building system I II and III levels of education (see Appendix 3, paragraph "e" and Appendix 4, paragraph 4).

4.10. For municipal districts with an undeveloped infrastructure of public buildings that does not correspond to the aggregated calculated indicators of the provision of residents with service institutions in accordance with MGSN-1.01-94, Table. 5.1 and 5.2 to paragraph 5.3, it is recommended to design secondary schools with a dedicated block of the school-wide center to serve students, as well as the public during non-school hours.

*4.11. The amount of student places in the network of educational institutions in the conditions of new and existing development must comply with clause 4.5. real norms.

*4.12. The service radius from home to a general education institution is determined by the maximum availability time: primary classes ¾ 10 - 15 minutes. on foot, middle classes ¾ 30 min., senior classes ¾ 45 min. on foot or by transport.


*5.1. Buildings of educational institutions should be placed on separate land plots, taking into account a promising developed residential area.

The distance from the school buildings to the red line and from the border of the school land to the walls of residential buildings should be taken according to MGSN-1.01-94 p. 5. 19.

*5.2. On the land plots of general educational institutions, the following zones should be provided: physical culture and sports, educational and experimental, recreation and economic.

5.3. The areas of the main zones of land plots of educational institutions are recommended to be taken according to the calculated indicators for class 1 in accordance with Appendix 5.

In cases where a building is located in a crowded area, the composition of the zones of the land plot is determined by the design assignment.

5.4. In the physical culture and sports zone, it is recommended to provide: an athletics sports core with a circular running track 250 m long, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, gymnastic grounds for junior and senior classes, a combined playground for sports games, ball throwing and jumping.

It is allowed to accept an athletics core with a circular treadmill 200 m long. ¾ for basic schools and with a circular treadmill 333 m long ¾ for educational institutions with the number of high school parallels at least three.

It is allowed to reduce the training and sports area by the size of an athletics sports center while maintaining the remaining elements of the sports zone, provided that the sports center of a microdistrict or municipal district is used, located within 15 minutes of walking distance for sports activities for schoolchildren.

*5.5. The physical culture and sports zone is not allowed to be placed from the side of the windows of the classrooms. Playgrounds for ball games and throwing sports equipment should be located at a distance of at least 15 m from the windows of the building, and if there is a fence 3 m high, at least 15 m. Playgrounds for other types of physical culture and sports activities ¾ at a distance of at least 10 m .

5.6. It is recommended to include in the training and experimental zone: the department of primary classes, the department of field and vegetable crops, the department of the orchard and nursery, the department of flower and ornamental plants, the department of collection and selection work, a greenhouse with a zoo corner, hotbeds, a geographical area, a site for biology classes on air (with a canopy).

In conditions of scarcity of territory, it is allowed to reduce the educational and experimental zone, subject to the obligatory construction of greenhouses, greenhouses and the construction of a special pavilion for collection and selection work to a size that meets the needs of the educational process.

For schools with a biological bias, it is allowed to expand the range of closed structures (hotbeds, greenhouses, greenhouses, facilities for storing small agricultural equipment, etc.).

5.7. It is recommended to include in the recreation area: 1) playgrounds for outdoor games of elementary school students (grades 2 ¾ 4) ¾ are taken at the rate of 100 m 2 for each class, and for children of six years of age (grades 1) at least 180 m 2 (7.2 per student) with shady canopies and small game forms; for the main school (5 ¾ 9 classes) ¾ 25 m 2 for each class; 2) areas for quiet rest of the main school are accepted for 75% of students at the rate of 25 m 2 for each class.

For high school students, the playgrounds of the sports zone serve as a recreation area.

5.8. With a decrease in the total area of ​​land plots, the dimensions of the track and field core, sports grounds and playgrounds for outdoor games should remain unchanged.

5.9. The economic zone should have a separate entrance (entrance) and be located from the side of the industrial premises of the canteen and near the training and experimental zone. In the economic zone, depending on local conditions, it is allowed to place a barn, a vegetable store, a training garage, sheds for inventory and equipment. It is also allowed to place utility pantries in the basement or basement of the school building with a separate exit to the outside. The composition and area of ​​outbuildings are determined by the design task.

*5.10. The landscaping area must be at least 40% of the total area of ​​the site of the educational institution.

The landscaping area should include areas of green spaces, an educational and experimental zone, a sports and recreation area, as well as lawns, protective strips and hedges of shrubs around the sites.

It is not allowed to use poisonous and stabbing plants for landscaping.

When adjoining a land plot of a general educational institution directly to public green spaces (parks, forest parks, gardens, squares, boulevards), the area of ​​​​landscaping of the site may be reduced to 30%.

*5.11. Land plots should provide access for fire trucks to buildings, as well as the possibility of a detour around buildings. A hard surface should have entrances to buildings and detours around it, an economic yard and approaches to the building. On the periphery of the site or near it, parking for teachers and employees should be provided (MGSN-1.01-94, paragraph 12.16 of Table 43 ¢¢ Higher and secondary educational institutions ¢¢), mainly from the side of the economic zone.

*5.12. Land plots of educational institutions must have a fence around the entire perimeter, at least 1.2 m high in accordance with the requirements of SN 441-72 * and have safety devices that prevent students from running out onto the roadway from the entrance to the building.

It is allowed to provide a green hedge.

*5.13. The site should be equipped with small architectural forms, lit: have paved surfaces and a grassy lawn.

The average horizontal illumination should be taken according to SNiP 123-05-95 tab. thirteen.

5.14. When placing buildings in cramped areas, it is allowed to design operated roofs, "hang out" individual parts of the building at the level of the 1st floor for the construction of recreation areas, etc.

From the operated roof, at least two emergency exits should be provided, the roof covering and insulation should be fireproof.

Platforms located on the operated roof must have a fence with a height of at least 1.6 m without horizontal divisions. The clear distance between the vertical elements of the fence should be no more than 0.1 m.


6.1. The set of functional groups, the composition and area of ​​the premises of educational institutions must correspond to their types and types, functional and pedagogical structure and purpose.

6.2. The composition of the premises of educational institutions should contain educational and school-wide groups of premises (see Appendix 6) and be differentiated into functional groups in accordance with Appendixes 6-21.

*6.3. The number of main classrooms, classrooms for all types of educational institutions is taken equal to the number of study groups, in accordance with the organizational and pedagogical structure.

*6.4. The calculated indicators of the area of ​​​​the main educational premises of a general education institution, on average, are taken at least: for a class ¾ of an educational room and a laboratory in natural sciences ¾ 3 m 2 / account, workshops for the study of technology and labor ¾ 7.5 m 2 / account, specialized workshops for differentiated learning in areas ¾ 9 m 2 / account.

6.5. The composition and areas of individual functional groups of premises of a general educational institution should be taken in accordance with those recommended in annexes 7 to 21 inclusive.

6.6. Dressing rooms for teachers should be provided at the rate of at least two places per class.

*6.7. The floor area of ​​gyms is taken at the rate of at least 1.4 m 2 per student of the school. The number and size of halls is determined based on the purpose and type of building.

At educational and sports halls, there should be provided: at least one pair of locker rooms per class (for boys and girls) and two pairs of dressing rooms, showers and latrines in the gaming halls.

*6.8. The area of ​​the dining hall of the dining room should be taken at the rate of at least 1.0 m 2 per seat. The number of seats is determined on the basis of half the number of students, teachers and administration of a general education institution.

6.9. The areas of latrines, washrooms and showers in educational institutions and the number of sanitary appliances should be taken according to Appendix 22.

*6.10. Recreations should be designed at the rate of 2 m 2 per 1 student, as a rule, in the form of halls.


7.1. Buildings of educational institutions are recommended to be designed as universal, based on their operation ¾ as a school, with various organizational and pedagogical structures, a lyceum or a gymnasium.

*7.2. Buildings of educational institutions are designed, as a rule, with a height of 2 ¾ 3 floors. For crowded building sites, it is allowed to design educational institutions with 4 floors. It is not allowed to place primary school premises on the fourth floor, and the remaining educational premises should be no more than 25%.

*7.3. The height of the above-ground floors of the building must be at least 3.3 m (from floor to floor of the overlying floor). The height of the auditorium and sports halls is taken in accordance with the recommendations of applications 15 and 16, classrooms for computer science and computer technology, lecture audience ¾ according to technological requirements.

7.4. The space-planning structure of the building must correspond to the purpose of the institution, its specifics and comfortable operating conditions, including connection with the school site.

7.5. The architectural and typological structure of the building, in accordance with the functional model, should have the following spatial organization:

the premises of general educational institutions should be divided into two main separate groups - educational and general school, in accordance with Appendix 6; a recreational center, if available, should be a link between them;

the study group of premises should be differentiated into schools I , II and III levels of education and technological groups of premises serving these age schools.

*7.6. Training rooms should be grouped into training sections:

for grade 1 schools in educational sections, no more than three classrooms with bedrooms ¾ games (rest rooms) and sanitary facilities should be provided;

for grades 2 ¾ 4 in educational sections, no more than six classrooms with recreation and sanitary facilities, as well as a work room and a universal room for extended day groups should be provided, the latter can be placed outside the educational section but in a group of premises for students of these classes;

for grades 5 ¾ 11, the training sections should include classrooms, laboratories, and appropriate recreational facilities and sanitary facilities;

educational sections of grades 1, 2 ¾ 4, as well as 5 ¾ 8 (9) grades, should be separate and impassable for students of other age groups. It is allowed to design educational sections of grades 5 ¾ 11 in general educational institutions with specialized training, gymnasiums and lyceums as non-separated.

Specialized classrooms and workshops should be grouped into study sections based on related disciplines and technologies.

It is allowed to place sanitary facilities for grades 5 ¾ 11 outside the educational sections, and in two-story buildings to place them on one of the floors in a concentrated manner.

7.7. Chemistry and physics classrooms should be located on the lower floors.

7.8. It is recommended to place a group of premises of the school-wide center in isolation from the educational sections. Passages to the premises of the center through the training sections are not allowed.

7.9. Educational institutions should be designed, as a rule, in one interlocked building.

*7.10. When determining the type of kitchen block (working on raw materials or semi-finished products), the connection with the school-base canteen of the municipal district should be taken into account (MGSN-1.01-94 table 5.1 to paragraph 5.3, item P).

A separate entrance and a landing stage should be provided for the production premises of the canteen.

Industrial premises of canteens are designed taking into account the placement of a set of commercial and technological equipment on electric heating.

*7.11. At the dining room, wash basins should be provided at the rate of 1 tap for 30 seats.

7.12. It is allowed, in agreement with the Department of Education and the MHC of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, to use canteens during non-school hours for residents of the microdistrict as cafes or disco clubs, provided that additional bathrooms are organized with them.

*7.13. Training and sports halls should be placed no higher than the second floor. It is not allowed to provide passages to the training and sports facilities through the training sections. The entrance to the sports hall from the locker rooms is provided directly or through a separate corridor. The exercise room must be connected to the sports hall through a door or an open opening at least 2 m wide and at least 2.2 m high. The length of the exercise room for storing the gymnastic beam must be at least 5 m. threshold).

7.14. Corridors and recreational facilities located near the auditorium ¾ of the lecture hall should be designed taking into account their use as lobbies (foyers).

7.15. The width of recreational premises with one-sided arrangement of classrooms and laboratories should be taken at least 4 m.

7.16. Dressing rooms should be located in isolation with zoning for primary, secondary and high schools.

*7.17. At the entrances to the buildings of general educational institutions, vestibules should be provided.

*7.18. Toilets in student latrines should be in enclosed cubicles. Cabins should be separated by screen partitions with a height of at least 1.8 m (from the floor), not reaching the floor by 0.2 m. The dimensions of the cabins should be taken in terms of 0.8 ´ 1 m. hygiene) should be full 1.8 ´ 1.2 m.

The passage between the cabins of the latrines and the opposite wall should be taken, in m, not less than:

in the absence of urinals ¾ 1.5 m;

with urinals ¾ 2.0 m.

The distance between the taps of individual washbasins must be at least 0.65 m.

The height of the upper surface of wash basins above the floor should be taken as 0.5 m for students in grades 1: 0.6 m ¾ for students in grades 2 ¾ 4 and 0.7 m ¾ for students in grades 5 ¾ 11.

The passage between the washbasins and the wall must be at least 1.1 m. between two rows of washbasins ¾ not less than 1.6 m.

*7.19. Shower cabins should be provided with a plan size of at least 0.9 ´ 0.9 m. The passage between the rows of shower cabins should be at least 1.2 m, and between a row of cabins or a cabin and a wall (partition) ¾ of at least 0.8 m .

7.20. The calculation of technical and economic indicators must be carried out in accordance with the rules established by SNiP 2.08.02-89 * "Public buildings and structures", Appendix 3."


*8.1. The space-planning solution of the building must comply with the fire safety requirements of SNiP 02.01.02-85*, SNiP 2.08.02-89* and other regulatory documents in force in Moscow.

*8.2. The largest number of people simultaneously staying on a floor in school buildings, when calculating the width of evacuation routes, should be determined based on the capacity of educational premises, premises for labor training and sleeping quarters, as well as a sports hall and an assembly hall ¾ of the lecture hall located on this floor.

*8.3. The width of the exit doors from the premises, in which more than 15 students can be at the same time, must be at least 0.9 m.

*8.4. Of the groups of premises located in the basement or basement floors of school buildings, it is necessary to provide at least two evacuation exits directly to the outside. For these groups of premises, it is allowed to arrange exits to the first floor through separate staircases that are not connected with open staircases and common staircases.

8.5. In the buildings of educational institutions, devices for waste disposal should be provided. In 3 ¾ 4-storey buildings, vertical garbage chutes with garbage collection chambers are allowed. Enclosing structures of the waste chute shaft must have a fire resistance rating of at least 0.5 hours.

The garbage collection chamber should be placed under the trunk of the garbage chute and allocated with type 1 fireproof partitions. It is necessary to install automatic sprinklers on the water supply network in the garbage chamber.

The exit from the garbage chamber should be provided directly to the outside and separated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall (screen), a visor made of non-combustible materials should be provided above the exit from it.

*8.6. The wooden structures of the gym floor must be deeply impregnated with anti-foams. Seating places are allowed to be made of combustible materials that do not emit toxic substances during combustion.

*8.7. The premises of the auditorium and circle rooms should be allocated with type 1 fire partitions and type 3 ceilings.

*8.8. Dressing rooms with an area of ​​200 m 2 or more must be equipped with a smoke exhaust system. Smoke exhaust fans must be switched on from fire detectors that react to smoke, remotely, from buttons. Similarly, blocking of supply and exhaust ventilation systems in case of fire should be provided.

*8.9. Placing a sauna (dry heat bath) in the buildings of educational institutions is not allowed.

*8.10. Channels in buildings for laying cables that feed the premises of electronic computers, computer science and others should be provided with a fire resistance of at least 0.75 hours.

*8.11. In the case of placement of educational institutions together with preschool institutions, the premises of preschool institutions should be separated by type 1 fire partitions and type 3 floors. Evacuation exits from preschool institutions should be independent.

*8.12. From the wood processing workshops and the combined metal and wood processing workshop, it is necessary to provide an additional exit directly to the outside (through an insulated vestibule) or through a corridor adjacent to the workshops, in which there are no exits from classrooms, classrooms and laboratories.

*8.13. Thermal automatic fire alarms should be provided in the following rooms: drawing and fine arts classrooms, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biology laboratories, laboratory physics, chemistry, biology laboratories, laboratory assistants at classrooms, training workshops for students of grades 5 ¾ 9 in metal and wood processing , a combined workshop for processing metal and wood, a tool room for a master, a universal workshop for technical types of labor, workshops for service types of labor for processing fabrics, for cooking, a teacher's and teaching and methodological room, locker rooms at training and sports halls, shell rooms, an instructor's office physical education, a stage, circle rooms, a technical center (a radio center, an announcer's room, a room for repairing equipment, a photo lab), an inventory room at the assembly hall ¾ of the lecture audience, a dining room, a pantry of dry products, a loading ¾ container, linen in the kitchen, a utility pantry in the kitchen, office, technical staff room and utility pantry, in the bedrooms ¾ playrooms, rooms for household equipment, medical rooms.

An automatic fire alarm that reacts to smoke must be provided in computer science and computer science rooms, storerooms for storing raw materials and finished products, an auditorium, a lecture audience, cinema rooms, library rooms, lobbies and dressing rooms with a dryer, dressing rooms, storerooms for individual sports equipment.

The signal about the operation of the APS is displayed in the room with round-the-clock stay of the personnel on duty or in the nearest fire station



9.1. The main premises of the school ¾ class - study room ¾ must meet the requirements of the active conduct of the lesson with the organization of both frontal, group and individual forms of education with the wide involvement of technical means.

The room should include a work area for students, a work area for a teacher, additional space for placing teaching aids, TCO, personal belongings of students, an area for group work and for individual studies of students (especially successful and unsuccessful ones) and opportunities for vigorous activity. These zones as a sum of spaces should provide optimal learning conditions.


On the approval of the Moscow city building codes (MGSN) 4.06-03
"General Educational Institutions"

On the basis of Articles 22 and 53 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the City of Moscow dated 03.10.2001 No. 64 "On Urban Planning Norms and Rules of the City of Moscow", in accordance with the city target program "Modernization of Moscow Education (Metropolitan Education-3)", approved by the Decree Government of Moscow dated November 20, 2001 No. 1047-PP, the Government of Moscow decides:
1. Approve and put into effect from 07/01/2004 Moscow City Building Regulations (MGSN) 4.06-03 "General Educational Institutions", in accordance with the annex to this resolution.
2. Recognize invalid the order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Moscow dated 08.05.96 No. 571-RZP "On the approval of the Moscow City Building Regulations" General Educational Institutions "(MGSN 4.06-96) and the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 29.07.2003 No. 639-PP "On approval of Supplement No. 1 to the Moscow City Building Regulations (MGSN) 4.06-96 "General Educational Institutions".
3. Resin V.I., First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow, shall be entrusted with the control over the implementation of this Resolution.

Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov



TSN 31-306-2004 (MGSN 4.06-03)

Effective date from 01.07.2004


1. DEVELOPED by the Institute of Public Buildings of the Gosstroy of Russia (doctor arch. Stepanov V.I. - scientific adviser, candidate of arch. Stepanov A.V., candidate of arch. Naumkin G.I., arch. Bezsonova G.A., arch. Kiryushina L.A., architect Shurygin D.M., architect Budekina S.A., architect Zlobina Yu.V.), with the participation of MNIITEP (architect Kapterev K.V.), Department of Education of Moscow (Ped. Korovina S. N.), Institute of General Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Nazarova T.S.), Research Institute of Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases in Children, Adolescents and Youth of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation (Ph.D. Voronova B. Z., Candidate of Medicine Belyavskaya V.I.), Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the city of Moscow (san. doctor Sinyakova N.V., san. doctor Pronina L.I.).

2. INTRODUCED by the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

3. PREPARED for approval and publication by the Department of Advanced Design, standards and coordination of design and survey work of the Moscow Committee for Architecture.

4. AGREED with the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the city of Moscow, the UGPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the city of Moscow, the Moscow Architectural Committee, the Moscow State Expertise, the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow, the Main Directorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

5. ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 01.06.2004 No. 352-PP

MGSN 4.06-03 instead of MGSN 4.06-96


1.1 These norms establish in the territory of the city of Moscow requirements for the placement and organization of a network of buildings, a land plot, territory, functional groups, composition and areas of premises, space-planning solutions, lighting, engineering equipment and the internal environment of educational institutions.
1.2. These norms apply to the design of newly built and reconstructed existing buildings and complexes of educational institutions of any organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.
1.3 These rules contain mandatory, recommendatory and reference provisions.
The paragraphs of these regulations marked with * are mandatory.

2.1 These standards provide references to the following documents:
SNiP 2.07.01-89* "Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements."
SNiP 2.08.02-89* "Public buildings and structures".
SNiP 35-01-2001 "Accessibility of buildings for people with limited mobility".
SNiP 21-01-97* "Fire safety of buildings and structures".
SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting."
SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings."
SNiP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".
SNiP 41-02-2003 "Heat networks". MGSN 1.01-99 "Norms and rules for the design, planning and development of Moscow."
SanPiN 2.1. 2. 1188-03 "Swimming pools. Hygienic requirements for the device and water quality. Quality control."
SanPiN 2.2.1/2. 1.1.1278-03 "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings"
SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects".
SanPiN 2.2.1/2. 1.1.1076-01 "Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of premises of residential and public buildings and territories".
SanPiN "Standards for electric and magnetic fields for computer equipment".
SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the conditions of education of schoolchildren in various educational institutions."
NPB 88-2001 "Fire extinguishing and signaling installations".
MGSN 1.01-99 "Norms and rules for the design, planning and development of Moscow" (TSN-30-304-2000).
MGSN 2.01-99 "Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and water supply" (TSN-23-304-99).
MGSN 4.05-95 "Boarding schools for children with disabilities" (TSN-31-305-96).
SN 441-72* "Guidelines for the design of fences for sites and sections of enterprises, buildings and structures."
2.2. Terms and abbreviations are used in these standards in accordance with Appendix A.


3.1. General education institutions include general education schools of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of education, a senior specialized school, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. The nomenclature of types of educational institutions is given in Appendix B.
*3.2. General educational institutions ensure the implementation of the general educational process in accordance with the programs of 3 levels of education: Stage I - primary general education (grades 1-4); Stage II - basic general education (grades 5-9); Stage III - secondary (complete) general education (grades 10-11 or 8.9-11)
3.3. The capacity of educational institutions (total number of students) is determined by the design task, based on their organizational and pedagogical structure, class occupancy, urban planning and demographic conditions
*3.4. The occupancy of classes and after-school groups for general educational institutions is set to no more than 25 students.
In the upper grades of general education schools, the senior specialized school, gymnasiums and lyceums, the class size may be reduced to 20 students. When reconstructing and overhauling existing school buildings, it is allowed to determine the occupancy of classes based on the area of ​​educational premises and the specific area per student of at least 2.5 m2.
*3.5. When conducting classes in a foreign language in grades 1-11 and labor training in grades 5-11, physical education in grades 10-11, in computer science and computer technology, physics, chemistry and biology (during practical classes), the class group is divided into 2 subgroups. In schools with specialized education, lyceums and gymnasiums, for practical work, the class can be divided into several subgroups, based on differentiated or integrated training programs, as well as for organizing group work and self-study of students of interest. The number of places in the premises of studios and circles is accepted from 8 to 12. In accordance with this provision, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is established in accordance with appendices 7-11 and 18-20 of these standards.
3.6. The structure and capacity of buildings of educational institutions are accepted taking into account Annexes C and D.
*3.7. The capacity of a separate general education institution should not exceed 1,000 students. With a larger number of students, the institution is designed as a complex of buildings with a single school-wide center and several autonomous educational buildings with a capacity of no more than two parallels of students each.


4.1. The network of general educational institutions should be regarded as the main link in the general system of educational institutions, which includes, in addition to general educational institutions, out-of-school institutions and institutions for labor training.
The types and types of educational institutions differ in organizational and pedagogical structures (the ratio of the age parallels of students), the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process and the focus of profiling.
4.2. The principles of organizing a network of buildings of educational institutions are given in Appendix B.
4.3. The nomenclature of types and types of buildings of educational institutions is given in Appendix D.
Schools of various levels of education can be placed separately or formed into complexes in various combinations.
4.4. General educational institutions in the unified system of educational institutions may cooperate with pre-school and out-of-school institutions, training and production combines and educational institutions providing a profession with a secondary education.
4.5. When calculating the complex network of buildings, the number of places in general education institutions for 100% of primary and secondary school age students and up to 75% of senior school age students in one shift should be taken into account.
4.6. When calculating the complex network of buildings and the number of places in educational institutions, it must be borne in mind that:
one). Educational and productive work for older students can be organized in interscholastic training and production combines (IATC), school training and production workshops (UPM), school factories, etc. based on their coverage of up to 8% of the total number of students;
2). Interest classes in accordance with the individual inclinations of children can be carried out in out-of-school institutions (VU), based on their coverage of up to 10% of the total number of students;
3). Separate types of classes can be organized at the place of residence - a school, circles, studios and clubs of interest in groups of residential buildings.
4.7. At the place of residence, it is recommended to plan clubs for children of the microdistrict who are not involved in active forms of work at school or in extracurricular institutions on the basis of: sports and tourism 35%, artistic education 35%, circles of young naturalists and technicians 12%, other types of club work 18 %.
*4.8. The number of places in the building of a general education institution is determined by local demographic conditions and the prospects for the development of a residential area.
In this case, one should be guided by the approximate demographic structure of the population based on

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50 years ago, Alexei Leonov was the first in history to go into the airless space. Half a century ago, on March 18, 1965, a Soviet cosmonaut...
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