Makeup artist job description. Job responsibilities of a makeup artist: in which direction to develop? The main functional duties of a make-up artist

A beautician is a specialist who takes care of the face and body of the client in order to eliminate the defects of his skin and give it a younger and well-groomed appearance. The profession of a cosmetologist is especially in demand in large cities - there are many more people for whom an impeccable appearance is not just a desire, but one of the conditions for a successful or happy life.

It must be remembered that when choosing a beauty salon, a client always studies what procedures the beautician does and at the same time looks at how the specialist himself looks. If the appearance of a beautician does not match the results that he promises to provide after doing his job, people will not contact him.

Profession make-up artist

Make-up artist is a creative and “glamorous” profession. The make-up artist creates an image, makes people stylish, charming and attractive. A make-up artist can work in beauty salons, hairdressers, modeling agencies, cosmetology institutes, beauty parlors, film studios, theaters, fashion houses, and on television.

To become a make-up artist, you need to be trained in vocational education centers: complete professional courses, make-up school, make-up studio, image, style. There are no strict age and physical restrictions when hiring makeup artists. A make-up artist needs to know the psychology of color, the rules of composition and drawing. A make-up artist must have an artistic taste, a developed imagination, a good figurative memory, a sense of symmetry, the ability to win over oneself, navigate fashion trends, possess such qualities as sociability, tact, goodwill, stress resistance, accuracy.

Job Responsibilities of a Makeup Artist

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty "General Medicine" or "Pediatrics", who has completed residency in the specialty "Cosmetology" or who has undergone professional retraining in the specialty "Cosmetology" with a postgraduate professional education in the specialty "Dermatovenereology" is accepted for the position of a cosmetologist, and at least [value] years of work experience in the specialty.

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation, The procedure for providing medical care to the population in the field of "cosmetology", approved. order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of April 18, 2012 N 381n, order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of July 7, 2009 N 415n "On Approval of Qualification Requirements for Specialists with Higher and Postgraduate Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in the Healthcare Sphere" and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations.

makeup artist job description, makeup artist job description, makeup artist job description sample

Visagiste- an artist, but he does not draw on canvas, but on the face. He must master the basics of makeup, dermatology and cosmetology. A make-up artist can work in beauty salons, hairdressers, modeling agencies, cosmetology institutes, film studios, theaters and fashion houses, on television. We present you a sample makeup artist job description.

1.1. The make-up artist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The make-up artist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.
1.3. The make-up artist reports directly to the head of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of a make-up artist, his rights and obligations are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person who has a special education (makeup artist, cosmetologist), as well as medical education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year is appointed to the position of a make-up artist.
1.6. Makeup artist must know:
- color psychology;
- rules of composition and drawing;
- the means used, the effect they have on a person's appearance;
- the specifics of the means used, their indications and contraindications for various types of human skin, the effect on the body as a whole;
- Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology;
- basics of psychology;
- domestic and foreign experience in the field of make-up;
- rules of hygiene, sanitation;
- internal labor regulations.
1.7. The make-up artist is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulatory acts of the organization;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

Makeup artist profession, duties, requirements, salary

A make-up artist is a fairly demanded profession, as he can work in salons, hairdressers, cosmetologists, modeling agencies, cosmetology institutes, as well as in theaters, film studios and wherever it is required to create the appearance of public people.

In order to become a sought-after makeup artist, you need to study at the centers for this profile: graduate from school or make-up courses for professionals, an image, make-up and stylistics studio. It is worth noting that make-up artist qualifications do not have a strict age and physical framework during employment. The make-up artist must know the psychology of perception and various combinations of colors, and the rules for combining patterns. A person must have a creative, artistic perception, good imagination and figurative memory, understanding and vision of symmetry. Also, the makeup artist must be able to win over the person with whom he works. He should always be aware of fashion trends, be sociable, friendly, neat, have a sense of tact and greater resistance to stress.

Responsibilities of a beautician

Since the duties of a cosmetologist involve great responsibility, such a specialist must know the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic methods and methods of treating skin diseases and cosmetic defects, methods for studying pathologies in dermatology and cosmetology, a variety of special and instrumental diagnostic methods, must know the indications and contraindications to application of these methods. A cosmetologist must know pharmacotherapy, be able to choose the optimal combination and names of medicines.

In other words, the list of duties that a cosmetologist must perform during work will depend on the specifics and place of work. But first things first. It’s worth starting with the fact that if you list the duties of a cosmetologist, then you need to immediately distinguish between the areas of responsibility of different specialists. Depending on the specialization, the duties of a cosmetologist will be different.

How to become a beautician? Cosmetologist education

Anti-aging procedures associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, various injections, deep peels are also included in the duties of a cosmetologist. To provide services of this level, it is necessary to have a medical education. Cosmetologists work in medical clinics, beauty centers, salons.

How to become a cosmetologist without honey. education? For those who do not have a medical education, but have a great desire to realize themselves in the profession of a cosmetologist, there are special courses that include the basics of anatomy, physiology, dermatology, trichology and other sciences, knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the profession.

beauty salon manager

The salary is formed from a fixed salary, a percentage of the salon's total revenue, as well as a percentage of personal sales. The mode of operation usually lasts 12 hours, the most common are the "5/2" and "2/2" schedules. Average salary is 20-35 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

  1. salon management, coordinating the work of employees;
  2. answering calls and registering clients;
  3. providing advice on services provided in the salon (cost, products, indications and contraindications for the use of procedures, etc.);
  4. creating a cozy comfortable environment for the client during the acquaintance, appointment, completion of the visit;
  5. sales support of services and related products in the salon;
  6. maintenance of internal documentation of the beauty salon, including time sheets;
  7. planning and design of the premises of a beauty salon, laying out goods on showcases;
  8. sale of cosmetics and home care products;
  9. advertising a beauty salon in various available ways and attracting customers;
  10. control over the availability of the means necessary for the work and the serviceability of the devices;
  11. making settlements with customers using a cash register;
  12. consideration of claims and resolution of conflict situations, work with the guest book;
  13. creating a favorable psychological climate in the team, maintaining corporate culture;
  14. control over the safety of material assets (in fact, the performance of the duties of a storekeeper), as well as the integrity of clients' belongings;
  15. control over compliance with the work schedule, law and order, rules and norms of labor protection, safety, labor regulations;
  16. quality control of the work performed by the employees of the salon, as well as informing the head of cases of violation of labor discipline, the provision of poor-quality services;
  17. execution of individual official assignments of the head.

Employment contract with an employee

  • encourage the Employee in the manner and in the amount provided for by this employment contract, the collective agreement, as well as the terms of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • bring the Employee to disciplinary and material liability in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • exercise other rights granted to him by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • the right to provide him with the work specified in clause 1.1. this employment contract;
  • the right to timely and full payment of wages;
  • the right to rest in accordance with the terms of this employment contract and the requirements of the law;
  • other rights granted to employees by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Hyaluronic acid

The concept of cosmetology includes not just anti-aging procedures. First of all, it is a science aimed at the area of ​​aesthetic beauty of the human body, i.e. examination and treatment of skin diseases.
Specialists of this profile must constantly improve their skills, go to seminars, trainings, follow the latest, it is precisely such specialists that are valued by both employers and patients.
But most importantly, of course, education is the basis of any profession. Below, we will look at step by step what education is required to become a cosmetologist, and how much you need to study for this.

Makeup artist job description

1. General Provisions

1.1. The make-up artist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The make-up artist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.
1.3. The make-up artist reports directly to the head of the organization.
1.4. During the absence of a make-up artist, his rights and obligations are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person who has a special education (makeup artist, cosmetologist), as well as medical education and work experience in the specialty for at least one year is appointed to the position of a make-up artist.

Makeup artist must know:

  • color psychology;
  • rules of composition and drawing;
  • the means used, the effect they have on a person's appearance;
  • the specifics of the means used, their indications and contraindications for various types of human skin, the effect on the body as a whole;
  • fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology;
  • basics of psychology;
  • domestic and foreign experience in the field of make-up;
  • rules of hygiene, sanitation;
  • internal labor regulations.

The make-up artist is guided in his work by:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • the charter of the organization, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the organization;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.

2. Duties of a make-up artist

The make-up artist performs the following duties:

2.1. Creates or changes the appearance of a person (mainly the face) through the use of cosmetics.
2.2. Corrects and visually improves the contour of the face with makeup.
2.3. Covers major imperfections.
2.4. Emphasizes individual facial features.
2.5. Apply makeup according to the requirements, wishes and preferences of the client.
2.6. Engaged in the individual selection of cosmetics, decorative cosmetics.

3. Rights of the make-up artist

The make-up artist has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
3.2. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.
3.3. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the this manual responsibilities.
3.4. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of his duties and rights.

4. Responsibility of the make-up artist

The makeup artist is responsible for:

4.1. Improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the performance of their duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the head of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.6. Offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Details Updated: 01/23/2020 19:13

Profession make-up artist has now become very popular. Everyone, from housewives to screen stars, needs specialists who create a “new” face with makeup.

There are several types of make-up: evening, day, wedding, art, express, business, lifting, catwalk, men.

People have long tried to decorate their face using natural paints. The art of make-up reached its greatest development in ancient Egypt. Nefertiti emphasized her eyes and lips, and Cleopatra carefully monitored not only her face, but also her skin, the recipes she uses are still popular. Actively used cosmetics and the ancient Romans.

In the Middle Ages, make-up was banned. Now almost no girl can imagine her life without makeup.

Features of the profession

Who is a makeup artist?

Makeup artist is a specialist who should understand the latest makeup trends, new cosmetics, notice and take into account physical features client. In his work, he not only emphasizes the advantages, but also hides the flaws, masks skin defects.

Work as a make-up artist suitable for those who do not want to work according to a clear schedule, creative natures. But you need to be prepared for capricious clients, early rises and long standing.

Significant financial investments will also be required:

  • education;
  • buying expensive professional cosmetics, brushes and a special bag.

In addition, at first you will have to work for free or for very little money in order to create a portfolio for yourself and find regular customers.


Before proceeding to applying makeup, the makeup artist must determine the client's skin type, choose the right cosmetics. Based on their wishes of the client and his individual characteristics, the specialist creates an image.

The make-up procedure itself consists of several stages: face preparation, contouring, work with defects, creating the desired image.

If necessary, the makeup artist can give advice on the selection of cosmetics, their independent use.

Important qualities

Work as a make-up artist suggests the presence of imagination and artistic taste. It is suitable for those who have a sense of style and symmetry, creativity, figurative and spatial thinking.

Important for the makeup artist - make-up:

  • goodwill;
  • the ability to find an approach to people;
  • sociability;
  • tact;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • accuracy.

You have to work standing up, often in an uncomfortable position, bending over, so the makeup artist needs to be hardy and in good physical shape.

Skills and knowledge

Good makeup artist is one who understands not only the types of makeup, but also the color types of appearance, age and racial characteristics. He must also distinguish between shades of colors.

The make-up artist knows the most popular brands of professional cosmetics, types of cosmetics and follows the latest in this area. The specialist thoroughly understands the technique of applying tonal foundation, shadows, blush and other things. The makeup artist must be able to work with makeup.

Prospects and career

There are many places where makeup artists are needed:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • beauty parlors;
  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • modeling agencies;
  • branded stores of major cosmetic brands.

Many masters prefer to work for themselves.

Visagiste- a specialist who creates a certain image of a person's face with the help of makeup. A makeup artist is often referred to as a "face artist", from the French word « visage"-" face, image, appearance " or "make-up artist" , which means"beauty artist" The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing, world artistic culture and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

A true professional perceives a person as a whole - from head to toe, taking into account not only the shape of the face, but also the structure of the figure, the general appearance and even the inner world. The best makeup is the one in which the external appearance of a person is in harmony with his inner world. Modern make-up products and the art of a makeup artist allow you to radically change the look. The profession of a makeup artist exists to help people look stylish and sophisticated at the most important moments of their lives, giving the impression of a successful and healthy person.

There are many types of makeup designed for different occasions:

  • day;
  • evening;
  • business;
  • wedding;
  • podium;
  • anti-aging (lifting);
  • male;
  • hastily.

Features of the profession

The make-up artist, following the fashion and world trends of cosmetic brands, at the same time must take into account the wishes of the client and his physical features: the structure of the face, the shape of the eyes, eyebrows and lips, skin color, his style and lifestyle. The make-up artist during the consultation can offer the client his vision of the image, but not impose it.

The duties of a make-up artist include not only stylistic makeup, but also the selection of suitable cosmetic products to eliminate visible skin defects.

Main responsibilities of a make-up artist:

  1. determination of the skin type of the client's face and the selection of suitable cosmetic products that can be used to remove skin defects;
  2. choice of make-up type;
  3. preparation of the client for procedures;
  4. correction of the contour of the face;
  5. masking imperfections;
  6. emphasizing the elements of the face: eyebrows, eyelashes, lips;
  7. applying makeup;
  8. individual selection of cosmetics and decorative cosmetics with tips for their use at home.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • high salaries for popular makeup artists;
  • interesting creative work;
  • the opportunity to work for yourself;
  • free work schedule;
  • the profession obliges the make-up artist to have a stylish and well-groomed appearance on a daily basis.


  • whims and dissatisfaction of customers;
  • the risk of deceiving the client's expectations, who may not like the new image;
  • discrepancy between the opinion of the makeup artist and the opinion of the client;
  • work on the feet, like barbers.

Place of work

Beauty salons, modeling agencies, beauty parlors, film studios, theaters, television, specialized stores of famous cosmetic brands Rive Gauche, L’Oreal, etc.

Important qualities

For a make-up artist as an artist, the following are important:

  • creative imagination;
  • artistic refined taste;
  • color discrimination;
  • spatial and figurative thinking;
  • sense of style, harmony and symmetry;
  • creativity.

For a make-up artist as a service worker, you need:

  • sociability;
  • tact;
  • goodwill;
  • punctuality;
  • patience;
  • the ability to win over clients;
  • the ability to find original solutions;
  • stress tolerance;
  • accuracy;
  • physical endurance.

Make-up artist training (make-up artist)


To obtain the profession of a make-up artist, it is enough to complete special courses for make-up artists and stylists or a make-up school (studio). There are special colleges of the Beauty Industry, Colleges of Business, Management and Technology of Beauty, which teach in the specialty "Stylistics and the art of makeup."

You will learn how to perform day and evening make-up, smokey eyes, Hollywood make-up, wedding looks and age make-up, make-up for shows and photo shoots. Training is 80% practical. The school provides cosmetics for classes. Groups of 7-9 people. , the missed lesson can be visited with another group. Upon completion of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


Salary as of 03/12/2020

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 35000—150000 ₽

Makeup artist is a highly paid profession. Remuneration depends on the place of work, the level of qualification of the specialist and experience. Various certificates and diplomas for participation in professional competitions of make-up artists contribute to the increase in wages.

Makeup artists are commonly referred to as specialists in applying makeup and creating visual images. They are necessary, as a rule, in show business and various staged events.

Makeup artist: description of the profession

The basis of the make-up artist's work is the creation of a unique and individual style. A talented master is able to assess the individual characteristics of the client and, on their basis, create a memorable image, while hiding the flaws in appearance and emphasizing the merits.

In modern times, the art of make-up has reached such heights that it allows literally in a few strokes to change the appearance of a person beyond recognition. Previously, such services were in demand only in the cinema or theater, where make-up artists work - specialists in stage make-up.

Now the skills of a makeup artist are in demand everywhere: among actors and artists of show business, on television, at various social events, weddings and celebrations. Finally, ordinary people also resort to the help of professional makeup artists, since not everyone knows how to apply makeup.

In general, makeup is really an art that takes a long time to learn. Real specialists do not just use cosmetics and skillfully apply makeup, they develop the client's image from scratch. In this case, they are usually referred to as make-up stylists.

For obvious reasons, the majority of makeup artists' clients are women, although in fact men also need their services in some cases.

There are quite a few directions in the art of makeup, and makeup itself can vary in purpose. There is day makeup, there is night makeup. There are business or wedding. There is even male makeup that hides certain skin defects.

In addition, there is also an artistic make-up, which is inherently closer to the work of a make-up artist. Here, the make-up artist is required to turn the actor into a fictional character, often a fantastic one. Finally, there is a third direction - body art.

One way or another, the make-up artist profession is a demanding job, usually involving clients in the private sector.

A good specialist needs to first determine the characteristics of the client's skin, and then choose the right combination of colors and tones. Otherwise Makeup artist's responsibilities include:

    Advising the client, taking into account her wishes and requirements;

    Selection of the necessary cosmetics;

    Preparation of the skin for procedures;

    Emphasizing the most expressive elements of the face and hiding imperfections;

    In some cases - hair styling.

In addition, a good makeup artist can give some advice on skin care, how to choose cosmetics for applying at home, etc.

The main mistakes of all novice specialists are the wrong selection of cosmetics and the desire to show the client all his skills. As a result, make-up can get inappropriate and repulsive, because the art of make-up is always a very delicate and delicate matter - shadows, blush, foundation and lipstick should be in moderation. A little overdone and makeup can turn out too bright or vulgar.

That is why the best specialists are constantly improving their skills, constantly following fashion and new cosmetics.

Makeup artist - profession or specialty?

In the list of professional standards, make-up artists are singled out in a separate category: “ Professional standard 33.001:Makeup services specialist". In other words, the legislation perceives these specialists precisely as representatives of a separate profession. At the same time, in a beauty salon, such a specialist can be called differently:

    Makeup master;

    Salon make-up artist;

    Bridal Makeup Specialist.

There is also a standard for training the profession of a makeup artist - “ Stylistics and the art of makeup».

Where do makeup artists work

The makeup artist profession is in high demand today. The services of these professionals are required:

    In TV and film studios;

    in theaters;

    In beauty parlors;

    in modeling agencies.

Very often, good professionals are recruited by show business artists, businessmen and politicians. In this case, most often it means work under a contract for a certain period. In general, make-up artists tend to be self-employed, but in this case, the specialists already have an established client base and a good reputation.

Many popular professionals also have contracts with certain brands of cosmetics, which they are required to promote.

Features of a career as a makeup artist

Prospects to take place in the makeup artist profession directly depend on his talent, skill and artistic taste. Mastering this work, the specialist must invariably show relevance and at the same time creativity, be able to negotiate with the client.

Almost completely the career of a make-up artist depends on his ability to self-learn and master new techniques, interest in the fashion world.

Given an excellent reputation, experience and impeccable work, a specialist can quickly grow into a full-fledged stylist who will be responsible for thinking through the entire image of clients, choosing clothes, shoes, etc.

There are two options: to learn the profession of a makeup artist after grade 9 or undergo professional retraining at a private school or beauty salon.

The Internet is also full of short-term courses for beginners, where certificates are issued at the end of training. Frankly speaking, it is impossible to call this a full-fledged document on education, but the real skills of the employee, and not the “crust”, are more important for the employer. Even how much a makeup artist earns does not depend much on education. Much more important in this matter is who the specialist studied with and what he can do. Therefore, obtaining a certificate in the specialty of a makeup artist is quite common in the beauty industry.

Are makeup artists in demand in the labor market?

Those who work in the beauty industry will never be out of work. True, in order to be in demand in their profession, a makeup artist will need skill, experience and what is called customer focus. The last skill is perhaps even more important than the ability to apply makeup and create images.

The level of demand for these specialists depends on other factors:

    Population coverage and level of competition. Obviously, in a small town with 45-50 thousand inhabitants, more than ten make-up artists are not needed. It will be extremely difficult to compete with already well-known masters who have developed a client base;

    Cosmetics used by the master. If he has some unique tools that no one uses, there is always a chance to withstand the competition.

In fact, the average person does not often need the skills of a makeup artist. If this is a small city or district, then most likely you will be ordered either for a wedding makeup or for a graduation. There is another option to earn extra money at photo shoots, but this is more related to working in modeling agencies, where it is not so easy to get through.

If you follow the vacancies on job search sites, then there are enough offers for makeup artists. Basically, various beauty salons and wedding studios offer work. Especially in demand now is the profession of an eyebrow specialist, which gives a more or less constant income. But in the case of weddings, photo shoots and graduations, how much a makeup artist earns per month will greatly depend on seasonal demand.

Basic requirements for the duties of makeup artists:

    Work experience in the specialty;

    Completed makeup artist courses with a certificate;

    Knowledge of makeup and styling procedures;

    Performing all types of makeup from everyday to wedding;

    Knowledge of brands and types of cosmetics;

    Willingness to develop and learn new skills.

There are also vacancies for makeup consultants in large cosmetics chain stores, but there you will additionally need the skills of a sales manager.

How much does a makeup artist earn

Remuneration, as a rule, is piecework, and the amount of money earned directly depends on the season, the number of clients, and the success of the master himself. Beginning specialists are unlikely to earn much, but as they gain experience and a client base, a makeup artist can earn good money.

The salary of good specialists can reach up to 50-80 thousand rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - up to 300 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of being a makeup artist

On the one hand, there are enough positive aspects in this specialty. On the other hand, the beauty industry is highly competitive and not always stable income. Therefore, when choosing this profession, first of all, you need to rely on your personal preferences.

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