Pets: List of different types of pets. Pets: types, origin, interesting facts What pet eats

Pets bring a special atmosphere to the family. They, becoming reliable and good friends of their owner, brighten up leisure time and relieve stress. Pet care teaches children responsibility. Some of the pets are kept in aquariums, terrariums or cages. Others are allowed to walk freely around the apartment.

With the appearance of a pet, the owners take on the responsibility of caring for it. To ensure that living with pets in a family does not lead to incompatibility of temperaments and gives both parties only joyful emotions, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a pet.

Before making a choice, you should understand what a person expects from the animal that will live with him.

If you need company for jogging and walking, then energetic dogs will do. The temperament and inclinations of dogs are formed by the breed. Not everyone likes active and cheerful pets. Some prefer calm and tame pets.

Before you buy a puppy, you need to read a description of the characteristics of the breed and information about the nuances of its maintenance. Not everyone is ready to walk the dog twice a day, participate in games on the street and pay a lot of attention to him within the walls of the house.

Then it's better to get a cat. She will accompany you to work in the morning and meet you at the door in the evening. Cats do not require much attention. Most of the time they spend in a peaceful sleep on the couch.

Rodents and birds are unpretentious creatures for the home. They are self-sufficient. But if you get one parrot, you will have to talk to it a lot, because in the wild these birds live in flocks.

The most silent and calm pets are aquarium fish. When purchasing them, take into account their size and compatibility.

What kind of pet is better to have in an apartment?

A pet for a home must meet the expectations and lifestyle of its owner. Before you get a pet, you need to prepare your apartment for its arrival. Many people are interested in which pet is best to have in an apartment.

You can place an aquarium with marine life in the apartment. It is suitable when:

  • someone in the family is allergic to wool;
  • the owners have a small living space;
  • you need to save money on maintenance.

Some people prefer to have parrots as an alternative to calm and indifferent fish. Small, active, colorful pets delight children and adults. Birds' cages need to be cleaned daily. This will help protect parrots from diseases.

Hamster lovers can have a rodent in their apartment, but only by placing it in a cage. If the animal gets out of it, it will start gnawing everything. In other respects, it is a cute and harmless animal.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about an animal for home is to adopt a cat. A cat is an animal that walks on its own. She will not put the owner first. It’s better to take in another kitten and train him to use the litter box yourself. It will be necessary to choose the type of food that will be optimal for the cat.

To find not only a pet, but also a faithful friend, it is recommended to adopt a dog. You need to be prepared for the fact that a four-legged animal requires a lot of attention. Dogs must be walked at least 2 times a day.

Representatives of large breeds are difficult to keep in an apartment. There is a possibility that the neighbors will not like it and conflicts may arise.

Many people choose to keep exotic pets at home. They can be: bats, arachnids, snakes and crocodiles. Such species should be provided with a suitable habitat. Sometimes it is not possible to do this in an apartment.

What kind of animal can you have in a private home?

Some animals find it difficult to adapt to apartment conditions. They can be kept in their own house with a plot:

  1. Exotic rodents - capybaras - grow as big as a large dog. Pigs spend a lot of time in water. Before you get a rodent, you need to prepare a pool for it. Animals feed on plants, fish and dry dog ​​food.
  2. Miniature donkeys resemble dogs in character. They get along with children, respond to names and follow simple commands. In summer, donkeys are fed fresh grass, and in winter they are given straw.
  3. Dwarf goats are unpretentious to keep. The small pet has a good-natured disposition. They can be trained. You will have to get several pets of this species, because they do not like loneliness.
  4. The striped raccoon is a curious and freedom-loving animal. You can't keep him in a cage. He hunts at night and sleeps during the day. You need to feed the animal 3-4 times: in the evening, at night and early in the morning.

What exotic animal can you get?

The following types require the least effort to maintain:

  1. African Achatina snails are unpretentious pets and harmless. Adults reach sizes of 20-27 cm in length. They feed on apples, bananas, mangoes, greens, and corn.
  2. Madagascar cockroaches are suitable for lovers of eccentricity. To keep it at home you will need a terrarium or an aquarium. Insects eat everything: vegetables, fruits, plants, cereals, dairy products.
  3. Striped skunk. Not everyone will decide to have such a pet. Sensing danger, the animal spreads a pungent odor. Before you take him into your apartment, you should have your skunk undergo surgery to remove his anal glands.
  4. Owners who have a lot of free time can take a lemur into their home. This animal looks closely at others for a long time, then gets used to it and remains devoted throughout its life.

What kind of pet should I get for my child?

A pet influences the development of discipline and organization in a child. It can be started for children 3-4 years of age. Aquarium fish, hamsters, parrots, rabbits or guinea pigs are suitable.

A 7-8 year old child is able to care for a pet independently. You can take a cat or dog into your child’s apartment. The care of a four-legged animal should not be completely transferred to it.

It must be remembered that small children, showing interest, can take a fish out of an aquarium, bathe a hamster, or pick up a bird. The child must be explained that such actions can negatively affect the health of the pet.

Which animals are not suitable for busy people?

For busy people, there are unpretentious representatives of animals for the apartment. These include:

  1. A land turtle that occupies a small space and does not require special attention and care. They live in a terrarium equipped with attributes such as a lamp, soil and stones. All care consists of cleaning the paws and shell with a brush once a week.
  2. Guppy fish are the least demanding of all the inhabitants of the aquarium. The main thing is to maintain the correct water temperature and sufficient lighting. Feed the fish should be 1-2 times a week to avoid obesity.
  3. The canary is a bird that adapts well to the rhythm of its owner's life. You need to feed your pet every day, and change the litter once every 2-3 days.

How to choose a pet?

When the desire to have an animal at home has matured, it’s time to think about which one is suitable for keeping in the house. Sometimes it happens that, having bought a pet, people abandon it for various reasons.

1: the decision should not be impulsive

An animal should not be taken as a gift to friends, or at the child’s first request. It's better to think and weigh the pros and cons.

2: choose a pet to suit your lifestyle

The first thing you should pay attention to is employment at work. When purchasing an animal at an early age, you need to know its size in the future. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the monetary costs of its maintenance.

3: choose a pet according to your living conditions

When choosing an animal for the home, you need to consider the place that he will need. If the area of ​​​​the apartment is small, then the presence of a large dog in it will cause discomfort. Large representatives of the animal world need more space to live.

In our article, we want to talk about how to choose a pet and whether it is worth getting one at all. Of course, every child dreams of him. But for parents, this is certainly a problem, because they understand that all responsibility will fall on them. It is hardly worth believing children's promises that the baby himself will follow and care for the cat or dog, at least at first.

Pet: to take or not to take?

Before you take an animal home, you need to understand that it will require your attention and warmth. You need to decide who you or your child would like.

Some people love dogs, others love cats, and still others love rodents or birds. In addition to sympathies, when choosing a living creature, it is important to study the nuances of caring for him and his habits.

Think about whether your pet will be a burden to you, whether you can provide him with decent care. It is very bad if you take an animal for yourself, and then, disappointed, want to get rid of it.

You can't do that. Any creature gets used to its owners. Believe me, for your attention and love it will also respond to you with affection and affection.

The best pet is a dog

First, decide why you need a four-legged friend. What kind of dog are you looking for? After all, different breeds have different personalities. If you want to show her your love and care, then you need a pet with a fun, mischievous personality. If you need a security guard, then that's a completely different matter. Then you'd better get a large dog of some working breed. You will not be able to collect all the traits in one animal, so choose a breed carefully. First of all, you need to be guided by whether you can provide decent care and education to your ward. For example, a service dog needs to be trained. And for this you will need to spend a lot of time or hire a dog handler. Are you ready for this? If yes, then feel free

Points to remember

Remember that a large dog will occupy some part of your apartment. And if you already have little space, this can be a problem. And in feeding there is a big difference between keeping a small lapdog or a large shepherd dog. You understand that a dog of considerable size needs to be prepared separately. He won't be able to eat leftovers from your table.

It's a little easier with small dogs. They eat less, and they don’t need much space. And it’s easier with upbringing. For example, the Pekingese's antics can be treated with indulgence. But you definitely can’t allow a shepherd dog too much. However, small dogs require a lot of attention to their person, moreover, they are very jealous.

When choosing a dog as a pet, remember that you will have to radically reconsider your life, maybe even change something in your apartment. Remember that you will have to take your child for a walk outside at least twice a day in any weather. But you will get a real, faithful friend who will always be waiting for you at home and rejoice at your arrival.

There is one more important point. The life of pets will bring you a lot of joy, but it will also bring some inconvenience. This is especially true for your possible departures. For example, you want to go on vacation, or your work involves frequent business trips, and you have a four-legged friend. Here you need to foresee in advance who can look after him during your absence. It is unlikely that you will be able to take your pet with you. Not to mention the fact that I miss you, because there is no more devoted friend than her.


If your dream pet is a cat, then you most likely expect to receive warmth and affection from her after a hard day at work. Don't be so naive. Many breeds have, frankly speaking, a completely unangelic and unkind character, but rather, on the contrary, an aggressive one. Therefore, do not chase purebred specimens. Do not think that external beauty is an indicator of the inner world of an animal. Not at all.

Before making your choice, carefully study the behavioral characteristics of different breeds. And then decide for yourself what you want.

Pros and cons of keeping domestic cats

Remember that, whatever the breed, you will have to face the problem of an abundance of wool in the apartment. And this means that you either have to clean up more often, or simply ignore it.

There is another unpleasant moment in the behavior of cats. They can intensively mark the territory of your house or apartment, thus expressing their dissatisfaction. Sometimes this becomes a serious problem. But this also depends on the character of the particular animal. Everything is like people. One person is good, and the other is harmful or evil.

Cats have one wonderful trait. They are able to relieve stress well and quickly calm the owners, normalizing blood pressure.

The cat is a good pet in terms of walking. Unlike dogs, she doesn't really need them. Very often, the owners do not let their pets go outside at all, turning them into purely domestic creatures.

When choosing an animal, keep in mind that purebred cats are quite capricious in food and are more prone to various kinds of diseases, which means that you will have to spend money on veterinarian services.


A pet is not necessarily a cat or a dog. The choice is wider. You can, for example, get a bird: a parrot or a canary.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time on your pet and listen to their wonderful singing, then you need a bird. The good thing about winged animals is that they don’t need to be walked, and their food is inexpensive.

However, be prepared for such an inconvenience as feathers flying around the room. Cleaning will need to be done much more often, especially during the molting period of the bird. But you will always enjoy wonderful singing.

As a rule, the cages for them are not very large, and therefore the feathered friend will need to be given the opportunity to fly around the apartment so that he can stretch his wings. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that the bird may slightly damage the wallpaper or furniture. Despite their small size, such pets have a strong beak that can tear even carpeting.

Domestic rodents

Nowadays, pet stores offer a huge selection of domestic rodents - rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas. As a rule, they are unpretentious in care and often multiply. Children like them because of their small size.

In general, rodents have a lot of advantages. But the disadvantages include a specific smell that appears when care is not very careful. However, if you use special fillers for cells, of which there is now a huge selection in stores, you will be able to cope with this problem.

And the biggest disadvantage is the short lifespan of such a pet. Hamsters, as a rule, rarely live past two years. And the loss of a little friend is fraught with a negative impact on your child’s psyche. This point must be taken into account.

Rodents cannot be treated. They are small and diseases affect them very quickly.

Habits of rodents

There is a lot of information about pets. It is better for future owners to study their habits so that there are no unexpected surprises later. For example, most rodents are nocturnal. This is the norm for them. So don't be surprised if you hear the wheel rattling in his cage in the middle of the night. This indicates that your hamster is out for a walk. During the day they are usually inactive and dormant, but at night they become active.

Rodents will not resist at all if a child starts playing with them, and sometimes even squeezing them. As a rule, they are peaceful. And you can easily travel with the cage or give it to relatives while you’re away.

It is easier to adopt such a pet for a while than a dog or cat, since they are easier to care for. In general, hamsters are very funny, it will be interesting for a child to watch and play with them. Such an animal will never harm a baby.

Exotic pets

Pets that are familiar to us from childhood. However, recently it has become fashionable to have exotic animals: spiders, snakes, crocodiles, insects, snails, etc. Let's start with the fact that this is extremely dangerous. It is not clear what people are generally guided by, making a choice in favor of exotics.

Certainly not with the desire to receive love and attention, but rather to somehow show off in front of friends.

Remember the possible risks to which you expose not only yourself, but also your family members, by purchasing exotic. Learn as much as you can about this topic. Such representatives of the animal world can become carriers of all kinds of infections.

Instead of an afterword

A good pet is first of all safe. This must be remembered if you decide to have it for a child. After all, communication with him should bring only joy and positive emotions to the younger family member, and at the same time gradually teach him that an animal needs to be looked after.

This will develop in the baby a sense of responsibility for the ward creature. Such skills will be very useful to him in later life.


Allan Foster/

The main thing for a dog is to be close to its owner. Unfortunately, most of us are forced to leave our pets for at least eight hours a day, or even 12.

Some dogs tolerate loneliness relatively calmly, others begin to howl, bark and destroy the apartment. They do this not out of spite or revenge, but out of hopelessness and fear. If the animal thinks every time that you are leaving forever, there is no limit to its despair.

The behavior of the dog can be adjusted. For this, the pet is taught that the owner will definitely return. The training occurs gradually: first, the owner leaves nearby and for a short time, teaching the dog not to follow him on his heels, then leaves it alone for a longer time. So the dog gradually gets used to the idea that no matter how long the owner is absent, he will definitely return.

This method helps get rid of panic attacks during the owner’s absence, but does not eliminate the cause itself. After all, if the dog does not howl during your absence and does not damage the furniture, this does not mean that it is comfortable for it to be alone. She just believes that you will return and waits.

The dog suffers every day, left alone in an empty room.

She spends five days a week, eight hours at a time, without her most precious being, his love and attention. What’s even worse is that many owners, even when present at home, do not satisfy the dog’s need for communication. For example, they constantly kick her out into the next room because she gets in the way, whines or tries to play.

Almost all dogs require exercise - some more, others less. If you want, that's great. The dog will receive both a share of communication with you and the necessary load. If not, you will have to think about how you will train it. Some owners only walk their dogs for a short time: half an hour in the morning, an hour in the evening. The dog spends the rest of the time in a closed room, where he cannot properly warm up and get food for the mind.

If you are enthusiastic about getting a dog and plan to spend a lot of time with him, just imagine that this will continue for another 10-13 years. Maybe in the first few months you will communicate with your pet, take long walks with him, give him a good stretch and play. But then the usual routine will drag you down - the dog will be at the very end of the to-do list. So is it worth torturing an animal?



Parrots are very lively and sociable pets. Left alone, without the attention of the owner and interesting toys, they begin to get bored. A stressful state leads to hysterics, which often result in self-plucking.

A similar reaction occurs in cases where a parrot shares a cage with an unsuitable partner. So, if you decide to add a neighbor to him, it is not a fact that the pets will get along in character and will live a happy life.

It is often advised to buy interesting toys for your parrot, so that in your absence he will have something to occupy himself with. But, if you do not play, do not communicate with your pet, or do this for a very short time, no toys will save your bird from boredom.


Sasha the Okay Photographer/

You can't really play with a rat, but it still needs your attention. However, here the problem of loneliness is solved more simply: buy two same-sex rodents and a large cage, equip it with toys, tunnels, houses and calmly go to work.

Rats are very social creatures and need company.

This confirms the experiment with rats and drugs, which Johan Harry spoke about in his TED talk. When a rat lived alone, without toys or communication, it easily became addicted to drugs and soon died from an overdose. And in a rat park where several individuals lived, they could interact, play and mate without hindrance. As a result, not a single rat became addicted to drugs, although the cage always contained a container with a narcotic substance dissolved in water.

Johan Harry told this story to show that loneliness and boredom lead to drugs and people. But this experiment also shows how rats feel bad without company.

If you are determined to have one rodent, he will need a lot of your attention and the opportunity to be outside the cage. Rats are very active and inquisitive; they constantly need to crawl, climb onto high places, rummage through things, and find something new.


Will Scullin/

Raccoons are very mischievous and active creatures that require constant attention. If you leave a raccoon alone, it will simply destroy the apartment, climb into any cabinet, scatter, break and tear your things.

If you lock your pet in a confined space for a long time, for example on a balcony or in a cage, without playing or communicating with it, it will go completely wild and instead of an inquisitive domestic animal, you will get a wild striped creature.

Have you decided to get a raccoon? Remember that you will have to spend most of your free time entertaining the animal and making sure it doesn't break anything.

Suitable for busy people



Do cats miss their owner or are they simply using him to satisfy their needs? There are different opinions on this matter.

A study by Daniel Mills, published in 2015, proved that cats are not that strongly attached to their owners. During the experiment, he compared the reaction of an infant to the departure and appearance of his mother and the behavior of dogs and cats in a similar situation with their owners.

The child crawled towards his mother with obvious relief after her appearance. The dog jumped around the owner, wagging its tail. And only the cat did not stop playing with the stranger and, it seems, did not even notice that her owner was going out somewhere.

However, some cat owners disagree with the results of the experiment. They claim that these animals are simply inquisitive and easily distracted, but they miss their owner just as much when alone as dogs do.

Here is a video filmed in the absence of people, when a cat walks around the room with a toy in its teeth and calls its owner.

This problem can be solved by getting a companion for your pet. For example, in Switzerland, according to animal standards, it is not allowed to have one cat unless it goes outside. Two pets will clearly find something to do in your absence.


Richard Elzey/

Ferrets get along well with dogs (not hunting breeds) and cats, as well as other ferrets. This animal sleeps 18–20 hours a day, and neutered ones can sleep longer. Therefore, your pet will not be bored for most of your working day. And when you return home, you will be able to devote enough time to him.

Dan Derrett/

These animals don't seem to need company at all. Moreover, it is not recommended to keep same-sex hamsters in the same cage to prevent fights. If you buy heterosexual individuals, be prepared for the fact that you have to sell offspring.

Playing with a hamster is quite difficult, since it does not understand that it is being played with. In general, he does not need your company, so you can safely go to work. The main thing is to take care of it.

Don't your pets get bored alone? How do they entertain themselves in your absence?

Man is a sociable creature. Living in big cities, people increasingly began to have pets. This allows you to relieve stress, have fun and get the joy of communicating with the animal world. Whoever the pets are, the person expresses love, care and expects a loyal response.

The childhood dream of many is to have a kitten or puppy. However, sometimes the pet turns out to be not so cute animals. Some people lovingly care for the tarantula spider, or cockroach. The variety of animals that have begun to live at home is great.

The difference between wild and domesticated animals is that animals do not need care and attention. For domestic animals, a person provides shelter, food and even takes care of health, periodically using the services of a veterinarian.

Pets are divided into two large groups:

  • those who live in a house with a person;
  • those kept in the yard.

Consider the most common pets in the home and consider their description.

Animals living in the house

Consider the following animals:

  • cat;
  • dog;
  • parrot;
  • fish;
  • rabbits.

The cat is a common pet that lives close to humans. The family quickly gets used to a new pet, especially if he appeared in the house at a very early age. Most cats do not require much attention and are unpretentious in food and care.

A dog is man's friend. This animal instinctively knows how to show outstanding devotion. She needs care, affection and attention from her owner. Most breeds are trainable. This animal can become not only a true friend, but also a reliable guard.

Parrots are different. The bird can be quite tiny, but some breeds are large in size. Sometimes, a parrot can be taught to speak - it will be able to repeat familiar words and even answer certain questions. Feeding a parrot is not difficult.

Fish are another type of pet that is kept near humans. An aquarium is being prepared for them. The size of the container depends on the number of individuals and the species. For some fish, an aquarium with a volume of 3-5 liters will be enough, but for others you will have to prepare an aquarium of 100 or more liters.

Rabbits are furry animals that quickly become family favorites. These animals are profitable to keep, caring for them is simple and they do not require special attention. By observing the life of rabbits, you can learn a lot of new things and get unforgettable emotions.

Animals living in the yard

A barnyard is more common in private homes. Some animals are kept in the garden. Most often you can see:

  • horse;
  • pig;
  • cow;
  • sheep.

Horses can be kept for riding and participating in competitions. In agricultural areas, this is a powerful labor force that can help with land work and for transporting goods. They are rarely kept for horse meat.

Pigs are kept for meat. It is distinguished by its fat content and nutritional value. After slaughter, it is preserved and from one animal you can get so much product that it will last a small family for the whole winter.

Sheep give milk and their wool is sheared. After slaughter you can get tasty meat. It's not easy to keep them. It is important to know the intricacies of care.

Care and maintenance

Regardless of which animal becomes a pet, the owner has the responsibility to provide it with everything it needs. A person is responsible for the one he has tamed. In order for the presence of an animal near a person to create a pleasant picture, it is worth considering several features when caring for it.


The diet of pets should be balanced. There should be enough food. Before buying a pet, it is worth clarifying how much food it needs daily and what kind of food it should be.

If your pet is small, you need to take into account that it will require vitamins. Being in the wild, animals know how to get everything they need themselves, but in captivity this responsibility falls on humans. More often this can be done by buying special supplements, or introducing fruits and vegetables into the diet.


It is important that your pet is clean. This will help avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The health of both family members and animals will depend on the degree of cleanliness.

If annoying insects appear in your pet's bedding, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them. It's easier to prevent infection. Regardless of the type of pet, cleaning is carried out every day.

Monitor the health

A pet will not tell a person if something hurts. Reasonable love will encourage the owner to observe the condition and behavior of the pet. If he becomes lethargic or begins to refuse usual foods, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

To prevent the development of diseases, it is better to prevent them. There are various vaccines for this. Vaccinations are given according to schedule.

How do they benefit people?

It all depends on what kind of animal settled in the house. Some are kept for food, dairy products and wool, that is, for economic reasons.

Other pets bring moral satisfaction. Communication with an animal helps relieve emotional stress, reduce stress and even prevent depression. The animal in the house is a source of joy for every member of the family.

Having chosen a beloved pet, a person will experience the joy of his own generosity and care, and expect gratitude and devotion from the pet.

In today's world, it's hard to surprise anyone with anything. However, there are people who keep wild animals at home, trying to adhere to fashion. There are absolutely strange pets.

Fashion for unusual pets

In recent years, people are increasingly adopting as a pet not a budgerigar, puppy, hamster or kitten, but an exotic unusual animal. The fashion for rare breeds of dogs is a thing of the past; no one will be surprised by an extremely expensive purebred cat or a huge talking parrot. Now completely different pets are in fashion, which are difficult to imagine in the same home with a person.

In many ways, the fashion for having non-standard pets has been influenced by celebrities. We know about Leonardo DiCaprio's seventeen-kilogram turtle, George Clooney's big pig, Parris Hilton's Kinkajou raccoon, and Ruppert Greene's mini-pig.

Mini pig

Breeding mini-pigs began in Germany half a century ago, but they became pets living in apartments only recently. The weight of an adult mini-pig does not exceed thirty kilograms, and the length is one meter.

With timely training, a mini-pig can become a completely well-mannered piglet. These are neat creatures, especially if they are taught to be clean from childhood.


Ferrets are extremely popular among those who want to have an unusual pet. Surprisingly, in popularity they are quite a bit inferior to cats and dogs. The domestic type of ferret is the ferret. The animal is distinguished by its friendliness and love of games while awake. It should be noted that they are awake a little - no more than four hours a day.

Since the ferret is a burrowing creature, many small belongings of the owners disappear and end up somewhere under the bathroom or behind the sofa. This quality, as well as the inquisitive nature of ferrets, causes some trouble for owners.


Keeping a monkey at home is not easy. It is difficult for this animal to recognize its owner as a leader. She will have to be reminded quite often about who is in charge in the family. From time to time, this animal may attack members of the household, wanting to take the place of leader.

A monkey that is kept as a pet spends most of its time in a cage. She walks freely around the house only under supervision.

Achatina snail

Huge snails can also be pets. They are unpretentious, never get bored, do not need walking, and only need to be fed twice a week. The animal is omnivorous and is ready to eat fruits, fish, porridge, meat and mushrooms.

Wanting to go on vacation, the owner of a huge snail does not have to worry about it, since, left without food, Achatina simply falls asleep and can sleep for about two months. The Achatina snail gets used to its owner and recognizes him. The lifespan of this creature is from seven to ten years.

Tarantula spider

Extreme sports enthusiasts keep tarantula spiders in their homes. In the wild, they can easily cope with chicks, but when kept at home they are content with cockroaches and mice. Tarantulas are kept in terrariums. They love to sit in the palm of their owner. The length of these spiders is about ten centimeters.


Buying an iguana today is not difficult. This is an affordable reptile species that has recently become quite popular as a pet.

Keeping an iguana is not easy and is not at all cheap. In addition, she has sharp claws that can easily injure humans. An iguana at home rarely survives to become an adult, as it dies if not kept properly.


A popular pet in the United States is the anteater. Owners describe them as calm, unpretentious in food, clean and funny animals. Their popularity continues to grow. It is possible that this unusual animal became popular as a pet after Salvador Dali walked with his anteater on a leash through the city streets.

The strangest pet

It seems quite strange that a person would want to live next to an anteater, a kangaroo or a llama. No less strange is the fact that a person gets a tarantula spider, crocodile or skunk at home. But it is quite unusual for a person to have a hippopotamus as their pet.

A couple living in South Africa got themselves such a pet. More than ten years ago, they rescued a baby hippopotamus during a flood. Since then, the grateful animal named Jessica does not want to leave her saviors. She has her own sleeping place - this is a mattress on the terrace of the house. However, it is not very often that wild animals are kept in the house. On the site there is a site about the most dangerous animals on Earth.
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