The rate of water consumption per person per day. Norms of consumption and consumption of hot and cold water per person per month without a meter, norms of water disposal snip. Daily needs of the body

Since 2017, the water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter for the population has been calculated on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2014 No. 1380, as amended and supplemented on June 29, 2016. The specified normative act establishes consumption standards for the services provided.

Utilities in the Russian Federation are required to take this act into account in their activities.

There are independent standards that are used when using hot and cold water. They are calculated in accordance with accepted standards. In this case, documents developed by organizations for housing and communal services of the regions of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

Thus, we can conclude that there is actually no general indicator that is used in calculating water consumption.

Calculation of water consumption in apartments where meters are not installed

The methodology for calculating water consumption in apartment buildings (MKD) is associated with such additional points as the presence of:

  1. Crane in the apartment.
  2. Bathroom.
  3. Bathroom.
  4. Other factors.

In the case when a person or a family lives in a private house, then an additional item will be the use of water for irrigation purposes.

Consumption table according to SNIP 2.04.01-85

Consumption rates in apartments without appliances

As mentioned above, the norm of water per person without a meter in each region is calculated according to locally approved methods.

So in Moscow, the water rate per person per month living in an MKD in an apartment not equipped with water meters is calculated according to the following standards (in cubic meters):

  • the norm of hot water per person per month - 4.745 cubic meters or 4745 liters;
  • cold water norm per person per month - 6.935 cubic meters or 6935 liters;
  • drainage (sewerage) - 11.68 cubic meters or 11,680 liters (this figure is the sum of the consumption of hot and cold water per person per month without meters installed in the dwelling).

Accrual rules for water supply services

If a water meter is not installed in the dwelling, then the amount payable for water supply services will be charged based on clause 5.1 of Appendix No. 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 306 dated May 23, 2016, taking into account the multiplying coefficient, which from January 1, 2017 is 1.6.

Thus, in order to find out how many cubic meters of water is the consumption rate per person living in the room per month, you need to multiply the base rate by the multiplying factor.

If necessary, the rate of water consumption per person per day is calculated by simply dividing the average monthly rate in cubic meters of water by the number of days in a month.

The final cost of water supply per person per month can be calculated as follows:

  • the average monthly rate of use of hot water supply in cubic meters is multiplied by the price set in a particular region at the established corresponding tariff, and multiplied by a coefficient;
  • a similar procedure is carried out for cold water and drainage;
  • the final price is calculated by adding the available results.

To find out how much you need to pay for a room as a whole, you need to multiply the final price by the number of people living in it. It should be noted here that other tariffs apply for beneficiaries.

If there are temporary residents in the dwelling, then the rationing of their water consumption is carried out based on the actual period of their residence in a day.

What has changed in 2017?

For residents who do not use meters, but at the same time, if it is possible to install them, then, unlike previous periods, this year the applied coefficients have been changed upwards. Each time the resource will rise in price until the price reaches 60%.

Given the innovations, the minimum cubic meters of water used (under the action of two-component tariffs) are calculated by adding the norms available for water consumption and heat that is spent on heating.

How to calculate the standard for the use of heated water?

In the event that hot water is not provided, then the consumption of cold water increases, since additional cubic meters of cold water are heated by means of gas installations.

In this case, water consumption increases to 330 liters per person for every day. To save water, they often use a meter. In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

The rate of consumption of thermal energy is calculated taking into account the installed communication system and depending on the types of risers.

If the apartment does not have a water meter, then the minimum rate is set depending on the existing standard for each type of housing and communal services. Thus, the level of water consumption with a bathroom will be 4.5 cubic meters per month per consumer. The consumption of cold water is higher and reaches up to 7 cubic meters.

Installation of meters in Moscow

In order to reduce the average volume of water consumption and, as a result, spend less for its use, it is recommended to install metering devices.

On the Internet, you can find many ads about installing meters in Moscow, but in order not to fall for the bait of scammers, it is still better to contact the management company. The cost of installing metering devices and services for citizens with benefits is somewhat lower than for those who do not have them.

Often, metering devices are installed and sealed by employees of the water utility. Meters must comply with the requirements of GOST.

In 2017, sanctions for the use of water supply without meters have not yet been introduced, although earlier D. Medvedev said that the imposition of sanctions was postponed until at least January 1, 2017.

It is expected that such sanctions will be introduced to put pressure on apartment owners who have not installed metering devices, but at the same time, if they have such an opportunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of metering devices

In recent years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been giving recommendations to the municipalities of the constituent entities on raising tariffs for housing and communal services during each year of inflation from 1 percent.

Municipalities can set the amount of indexation themselves, taking into account their own budget. In such a situation, installing meters for apartment owners has its advantages:

  1. Reduced payment costs. After installing the appliances, the owner of the dwelling pays for the amount of water used.
  2. Flow control.
  3. No need to take into account the people living in the premises.

At the same time, there are also disadvantages:

  1. The high cost of the device of proper quality.
  2. In case of failure of the device, during repair, replacement, the payment for the consumed water will be carried out according to the general rules (as without the device).

At the same time, it should be taken into account that upon the occurrence of the above events, the accounting of water consumption according to the general rules occurs temporarily and when the adverse consequences are eliminated, the management company is obliged to recalculate the consumed water.


The meter is a tool for saving water consumption, although it will be necessary to spend money on the purchase of meters, installation, sealing and verification (for hot and cold water meters, the verification time varies). In this case, only used cubes are subject to payment.

Water... Without it, our life would be completely impossible. We know almost everything about water. But we don't know more. Here are some known and unknown facts about water. Nowadays, many people say that you need to drink as much water as possible. However, in this matter you need to trust your own body and drink as much as it asks. The generally accepted norms of water consumption are relative and vary depending on the age of a person, his gender, health, physical activity, the presence of various diseases and the state of the environment.

A few tips about this.

It is better to drink spring water. If you use tap water, it would be a good idea to either clean it, or boil it, or at least leave it for a few hours to dispel the smell of bleach

Babies under one year of age who are breastfed, quench their thirst with mother's milk. Only in summer, in the heat, they can be given 20-30 ml of water between feedings.

3-5-year-old children need 300-400 ml, schoolchildren - 400-500 ml of water per day. For an adult - an average of 1.5-2 liters, but starting from 45-50 years old, this rate should be reduced to reduce the likelihood of edema

Men need more fluids because they lose almost a liter more of it every day than women

It is better to drink water between meals, but it is undesirable to drink food

A glass of water on an empty stomach is very beneficial for bowel function. Drink 30-40 minutes before breakfast

At night, you can drink a glass of warm water. This will help you calm down and be a good remedy for insomnia.

Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body, so try to drink a glass of water before a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

Before a walk in the cold, it is very good to drink a glass of water or hot tea, because. cold and dry air contributes to the loss of fluid by the body (remember the puffs of steam in the cold)

There are several formulas for calculating daily water consumption. Here are some of them:

1. Two liters of liquid (or eight glasses) should be consumed by a person weighing 56 kg, and more than one glass should be added for every 20 kg of weight.

2. A person needs to drink 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of weight.

3. For 1000 kilocalories received with food, you need to drink 1 liter of water.

4. According to many diets, you need to drink more water to dull the feeling of hunger. But here you need to be careful - you can earn water intoxication. And unfortunately, the kilograms dropped in this way quickly gain

5. It is desirable to drink more with diarrhea, because. its strong manifestation can cause sharp and rapid dehydration

6. The need for fluid increases with more serious diseases. For example, people who are prone to kidney stones are advised by doctors to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day to avoid recurrences. A lot of fluid is also needed for urinary tract infections. However, in any case, it is better to contact your doctor, who will choose the right drinking regimen, taking into account your illness and the effect of the medications you take.

Timely payment of utility bills is the responsibility of everyone who uses the services of housing and communal services or other services that supply gas, water, electricity and other resources necessary for normal living conditions.

Payment is carried out taking into account the meter readings or according to the standards that are currently in force. More and more houses and apartments are equipped with meters that control the consumption of hot and cold water, but there are also rooms where there are no meters.

It is important for these consumers to know what is the rate of water consumption, to regulate waste and plan the use of the resource for various purposes.

Water consumption per day is taken into account differently in a private house and in a city apartment. In addition, water is used differently in different regions of the country. Water consumption rates may also depend on the climatic conditions of the region, district.

Local governments deal with the issues of rationing, tariffs for housing and communal services, they take into account not only the above factors, but also the targeted use of water resources.

Each type of such a demanded water resource is consumed differently in different seasons, times of the day.

What is the purpose of water?

  • Drinking. Drinking water is subject to the highest requirements for safety and cleanliness.
  • Technical. It is used for both domestic and industrial purposes.
  • Water for heating, for household needs.
  • For watering plantations, vegetable gardens, plots.

Water consumption in a private house

A country house with hot cold water supply requires a large amount of water consumption, especially if the building is spacious with several bathrooms.

Consumption per person per day, in the presence of water supply, sewerage, bath with a column, is calculated 150-180 l.

The cost for the needs of the site must also be taken into account, its average indicator and tariffs are set by the local supplier providing water supply.

IMPORTANT! The standards in apartments and private houses are determined by a special SNIP, on the provisions of which the calculation from local suppliers is based.

Vodokanals serving private property, when compiling water consumption standards take into account the actual consumption of drinking water per person, the coefficient of unevenness, the amount of liquid that is needed for cooking, various household work, caring for the site. Another factor, the coefficient from the medical services is the pollution of nature.

The norms for individual housing are also large, the hourly rate in the presence of sewerage, in the presence of running water is 1.15 m³. In order to save financial costs for the housing and communal services sector, owners of private houses prefer to install water meters.

Consumption calculation

When calculating the standards, the average consumption is taken into account, and the volume provided is slightly higher than the average. It is important to adhere to the norm in order not to go beyond the favorable tariff, in addition, the economical consumption of natural resources indicates a high responsibility in relation to natural resources.

It is difficult to calculate the consumption rate per person per month, since the amount of water spent may depend on the season, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, and climatic features.

ATTENTION! In order to make the calculation process simpler, a special non-uniformity coefficient was invented. In addition, the number of residents of the house is also taken into account in the calculation.

To calculate how many cubes are needed per person living in a house without metering devices, it is necessary to take into account not only drinking water. Liquid is also needed to perform a number of household chores (cleaning, washing, cooking, and more).

There are also special costs that are encountered by a small number of consumers, but they are not taken into account, only the coefficient of unevenness is taken into account.

Generally accepted consumption standards

The current norm is 3 m³ hot and 6 m³ cold water for one person. Such a standard is sufficient so as not to experience a shortage in solving various household and hygiene issues.

  • Daily water consumption by one person is up to 3 liters.
  • The same amount is allocated for cooking, for similar purposes.
  • Up to 8 liters are consumed by consumers per day for hygiene procedures.
  • The average consumption per bath is 150 liters.

Washing dishes per day requires up to 12 liters, and washing involves consumption of up to 100 liters. If the house is private, you also need to take into account such an important expense item as watering the lawn or other territory of the planted area. This work also consumes a large amount of liquid.

The effect of tariffs according to the standards

The normative volumes of expenditures for water and sanitation for the population take into account all possible cost points. And these volumes are even overestimated, since it is difficult to spend such an amount of water per day, even if the house is private and has its own adjacent plot.

ATTENTION! A large indicator of standards is also connected with the fact that not only hot cold water is taken into account - such a factor as a leak is added to the total number.

Modern washing machines and dishwashers, which are equipped with a large number of residential premises, are quite economical and do not allow going beyond the specified standards. Therefore, the consumer often has to pay for those resources that he did not spend.

Costs in homes without hot water

How to calculate the rate of water consumption in an apartment or house without hot water supply? In this case, the volume of water is set higher, since it is cold and must be heated. For heating, gas water heaters, electric water-heating boilers are used.

Plumbing Usage Rates

Specialists of the Ministry of Capital Construction analyzed the research indicators and established the average amount of operation of plumbing and other devices in the house related to water consumption. According to the indicators of the Ministry for a month, a person uses:

  • bathroom - 4 times.
  • sink - 107 times.
  • toilet - 118 times.
  • shower - up to 25 times.

Also, on the basis of the data, the number of use of a sink in the kitchen (on average 95 times), a washing machine (10 times) was calculated. Cleaning in the apartment that requires water is done 30 times.

These indicators relate to those consumers who live in apartments. Residents of hostels use plumbing almost the same number of times. And the indicator for owners of private houses and those living with them is approved by local municipal authorities.

Numbers set by the Ministry of Capital Construction operate throughout the country and are mandatory for consideration when calculating water consumption standards. But they do not apply to those consumers who acted pragmatically, responsibly and installed a high-quality and accurate water meter in their home.

Why is it recommended to install water meters in apartments and private houses?

The consumer does not overpay for utility bills and bears the costs only for the purchase of a control device. It is only important to keep track of what meter tariff is set by water suppliers at the moment. If there are no meters in the apartment, utility companies also bill for such an indicator as pipe capacity.

IMPORTANT! Installing a meter is a practical and prudent solution, a water meter allows you to control the flow, pay for those volumes of water that have actually been spent. On the counter, you can calculate the consumption of hot or cold water.

All factors that are taken into account when drawing up standards for houses without water meters are taken according to average indicators and are almost always overestimated. Even with the economical operation of hot and cold water supply, the consumer will incur unjustified financial losses.

It is worth remembering that utility bills periodically change with an upward trend, and, accordingly, standards and tariffs increase. Only installation of meters allows you to keep the amount of payments at a stable level.

Useful video

This video describes the algorithm for calculating the consumption of hot and cold water.

In apartments in which there is no KPU, water consumption is calculated according to the standard. Standards for one person living in an apartment in Moscow per month in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 28, 1998 No. 566-PP “On measures to stimulate energy and water saving in Moscow” and clause 3.1. Appendices No. 14 Decree of the Government of Moscow dated November 30, 2010 N 1038-PP are:
- hot water 4,745 cubic meters;
- cold water 6,935 cubic meters;
- water disposal (sewerage) 11.68 cu. (the sum of consumed hot and cold water during the month 4.745 + 6.935 = 11.68 cubic meters)

Utility resource prices for consumers in Moscow
from 01 July 2015 to 30 June 2016:

Communal resource Unit Resource price
Cold water supply rub./cu.m. per month with VAT 30 rubles 87 kopecks
Drainage rub./cu.m. per month with VAT 21 ruble 90 kopecks
Hot water supply rub./cu.m. per month with VAT 151 ruble 36 kopecks

Reason: Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 280-PP dated May 19, 2015
On approval of prices, rates and tariffs for housing and communal services for the population.
Application No. 7 - cold water and sanitation,
Application No. 11 - hot water.

WITH January 01, 2015 on the basis of Art. 5.1. Annexes No. 1 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 306 dated May 23, 2006 "On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Determining Standards for the Consumption of Public Services" were introduced multiplying factors for those who, for technical reasons, can install apartment water meters, but have not installed:
- from January 01 to June 30, 2015 - 1,1
- from 01 July to 31 December 2015 - 1,2 ;
- from January 01 to June 30, 2016 - 1,4 ;
- from 01 July to 31 December 2016 - 1,5 ;
- from 01 January 2017 - 1,6 .

The standard for the consumption of hot, cold water supply and sanitation is multiplied by a multiplying factor. The total cost of water consumption by 1 person per month in 2016 from January 01 in Moscow is:
- hot water 4.745 cubic meters x 151.36 rubles / cubic meters per month = RUB 718.20 per month x 1.4 = RUB 1005.48
- cold water 6.935 cubic meters x 30.87 rubles / cubic meters per month = RUB 214.08 per month x 1.4 = RUB 299.71
- water disposal 11.68 cubic meters x 21.90 rubles / cubic meters per month = RUB 255.79 per month x 1.4 = RUB 358.11

The cost for consumed water and sanitation in apartments that do not have charter water metering devices will be per person according to the standard 1188.07 rubles per month x 1.4 = 1663.30 rubles per month.
If 3 people live in the apartment, multiply by 3. 1663.30 rubles. x 3 pers. = 4989.90 rubles per month.

A Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation has been prepared with increasing coefficients, which increase the cost of water consumption without KPU at times. Andrei Chibis, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, declares that in the first half of 2016, if a person does not install a meter, and there is a technical possibility to install, then the standard per person will be added factor three, as if three more live, and after July - factor five.
But these are still plans, no resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on increased coefficients has yet been adopted. Or I missed it.

  • if housing is equipped with a gas stove and a water heater - 20.8;
  • in the absence of centralized water supply and a gas water heater, and the presence of a gas stove - 10.4 m³ / person. per month.

Payment for heating according to the standard is made in the case when a common house heat meter is not equipped in a residential building. Calculation of water consumption in apartments in Moscow in which apartment metering devices are not installed. - hot water 4,745 cubic meters; - water disposal (sewerage) 11.68 cu. (the amount of hot and cold water consumed during the month is 4.745 + 6.935 = 11.68 cubic meters) Standards for the consumption of hot and cold water per person without a meter in 2018 According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account. The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume.

Payment for water without a meter in 2018 in Moscow

Thus, one more component will be added to the calculation formula and it will become the following: P \u003d n * N * T * K,

  • N is the rate of water consumption per month per person,
  • T is the tariff set for the region,
  • K - increasing coefficient (for 2017, 1.5 is set).

By simple calculations, it becomes clear that installing meters is quite profitable. This will make it possible to control not only the monthly consumption of the resource, but also the family's expenses for this item.
How to save water in the apartment? It is quite easy to save water by following a few simple rules: choose appliances with less consumption, do not keep the tap constantly open while washing, monitor the health of plumbing, faucets, pipes, learn more from the infographic below.

Standard consumption of cold and hot water per person per month without a meter

How much are the standards for the consumption of utilities in Moscow in 2018 The government is of the opinion that social norms below the average value encourage consumers to save. This indicator was introduced into the system of payment for housing and communal services in 2013 only in some regions.


At the moment it operates throughout Russia. The amount of the standard is set depending on several factors: From the group of consumers The presence of a social norm Geographical factor Rural area or city Type of stove Gas or electric Summation of several tariffs - Moscow . So, if there is a gas stove in the living room, the electricity consumption should not exceed 50 kW / h.

Standards for the consumption of hot and cold water per person without a meter

Consumption rate of hot water and cold water per person in 2018


And this can be done only if there is an individual counter. The provision of utilities, which also includes cold and hot water supply, is regulated by the Rules approved by Government Decree No. 354.

They contain formulas that are used to calculate fees for the use of water in apartments where meters are installed, and without them. The standards for water consumption and its disposal have remained unchanged for almost 30 years.
They may vary slightly depending on the type of home. The cost of one cubic meter of water is set by the regional authorities in compliance with the norms of Federal Law No. 210-FZ, which regulates the application of tariffs in this area. Norm of consumption of cold water per person without a meter It is calculated by calculation that on average a person can consume 6,935 cubic meters of cold water per month.

Standard for water without a meter 2018

The same rule applies here as with cold water, when utilities can increase the standard by no more than two times. And you need to pay according to the standard for each citizen registered in the living space.

The formula for calculating the payment for hot water is similar to the calculation for cold water using the cost of 1 cubic meter of hot water at the regional tariff. Note that dividing the rate of consumption of hot and cold water by 30 days in a month, we get quite serious numbers.

This more than covers all possible expenses, so the meters will help to significantly save the family's water costs. This is especially true for those who have a fairly large family living and registered in the apartment.

Standard and tariff for water consumption by cities for 2017 The above standards are averaged. More precise figures are set by each region independently.

Water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter since 2018 in Moscow

This includes common house needs for cleaning common areas, costs associated with unauthorized connections, leaks in the house's water supply system, and many other factors. As a result, a decent amount runs up, from which an approximate amount of cold water was isolated.

It was adopted as the consumption standard per person per month, if there is no individual meter in the housing. This is a rather large value, which is difficult to cover without even saving water.

But utilities to cover their costs have the right to overestimate it if necessary. At the same time, the upper bar is strictly limited - it should not be more than two sizes of the standard. The fee for the resource according to the standard is taken from each person registered in the premises, regardless of whether he actually lives there. This also includes temporarily registered citizens.

Water consumption standard for 1 person without a meter

The formula for calculating the cost of cold water for the owner or tenant of an apartment not equipped with individual meters is as follows: P = n*N*T,

  • n - the number of permanently and temporarily registered in the room,
  • N - the rate of consumption of cold water per month per person,
  • T is the tariff set for the region.

Norm of hot water consumption per person without a meter It has been determined that a person spends more cold water than hot water. Therefore, the monthly standard for it is slightly lower and amounts to 4.745 cubic meters.

At the same time, the calculation for the water entering the heating system is made separately. The standard includes only the actual consumption figures for each person and it is considered that no more than 140 liters of hot water are consumed daily for all his needs.

The table shows the water tariffs in force in different cities. They are applicable for multi-apartment and private houses, which are connected to hot and cold water supply networks, sewerage, and are also equipped with plumbing fixtures (toilet, sink, bath or shower).

City Cold water supply Hot water supply cubic meters per person rub. for 1 m3 cubic meters / person rub. per 1 m3 Moscow 5.48 35.4 3.81 173.02 St. Petersburg 5.36 25 3.89 100 Samara 7.9 27.1 3.6 130.2 Perm 5.6 31.6 3.4 152.2 Kazan 6.73 - 3.44 - Novosibirsk 5.193 - 3.687 89.11 Voronezh 5.1 - 3.07 - Krasnodar 4.04 - 2.65 - Chelyabinsk 4.25 - 3.11 - Ekaterminburg 5.62 - 5.04 - Ufa 6.356 12.15 2.582 57.2 Rostov-on-Don 6.5 - - - Please note that prices may differ depending on the resource supplying organization. For each of them, tariffs are approved separately.
Standard for water consumption without a meter per person in 2018 Despite clearly existing regulations in all sectors of the economy, such a general indicator as the standard for water consumption per 1 person without a meter has not been developed. This is due to the fact that throughout the country the population density varies by region. Therefore, each region has its own regulations. Each region and city is different. According to the rule, a certain amount of water is supplied to the city. The amount of water consumed by residents of apartments with installed water meters is taken into account.

The calculated amount is subtracted from the total volume. The resulting number is divided by the number of people registered in this living space. They bear the entire burden of the load of consumed water. This situation is due to unauthorized consumption and water leaks.

Standards for water consumption per person without a meter in 2018 in Moscow

Gcal/sq. Housing and communal services tariffs from July 1, 2018 in Moscow, table walls and the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute, located in zone I Residential buildings with all amenities, regardless of the material of the walls and the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute, located in zone II Prices for the maintenance of residential premises for tenants of residential premises owned by the city of Moscow and provided in use under a social tenancy agreement of a residential premises, a specialized lease agreement.

Standards for water consumption per person without a meter in 2018 Moscow

Where does the indicator of water consumption per person come from The average statistical rate of water consumption per 1 person is derived: The water standard for those who have not installed meters in 2018 will increase 3 times In the first half of the year, a coefficient of 3 is added to the standard for consumption, from July 2018 - 5. Persons who have installed metering devices, but interfering in their work to underestimate readings, are expected to increase the coefficient of 10.

Also, from January 1, a law will come into force that establishes the amount of penalties for individuals and legal entities for non-payment of services for the provision of electricity and heat Water standards of 2018 in Moscow social support measures for paying for housing and utilities Zone II - the territory of the city of Moscow outside Third transport ring.

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