Water norm per day for 1 person. Monthly water consumption rates per person. Indicators of water consumption and cost for different cities

There are no cold water meters in the apartment - you will have to pay for heavenly benefits according to existing tariffs calculated for one person. Housing and communal services prices vary depending on the region and are associated with many factors, while the standards for one person per person are the same. Let’s try to figure out how to correctly calculate water consumption and whether it’s worth using a meter.

Standards for the use of cold water per person without a meter: calculation and statistics

The tariff for the use of water communications, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation and included in the resolution, per month per person/person provides for:

  • cold / water – 6,000 l;
  • hot – 3,000 l.

If we divide these indicators by 30, the consumption of water, hot or cold, the coefficient calculated per month relative to 1 person will be:

  • 100 l per day - hot;
  • 200 liters per day – cold.

The hourly rate is 4.17/8.33, respectively.

For comparison, we can give an example: the volume of a bathtub filled to the top is 250 liters. Taking into account the fact that few people take it every day, we can conclude that the existing tariff for ordinary people is too high, even if they use washing equipment every day. That is why most apartment owners install a meter to save money. You can find out more here how this happens in various ways.

Approximate tariff for cold (warm) water supply for general house needs per 1 square meter per cubic meter, approximate calculation.

Number of floors of a residential building Tariff (common house) Number of floors of a residential building Tariff (common house)
Water is cold Warm water Water is cold Warm water
1 0,0264 0,0198 9 0,0220 0,0124
2 0,0293 0,0202 10 0,0198 0,0110
3 0,0274 0,01178 11 0,0186 0,0102
4 0,0268 0,0170 12 0,0173 0,0095
5 0,0262 0,0161 13 0,0161 0,0087
6 0,0250 0,0150 14 0,0148 0,0080
7 0,0242 0,0141 15 0,0133 0,0072
8 0,0234 0,0134 16 0,0119 0,0063

How can you reduce costs for water supply and general house needs when installing meters?

Most ordinary people express the opinion that without water metering devices per person, monthly obligatory payments for an apartment exceeded all expectations. Installation of equipment is carried out at the expense of the apartment owner, but in the end he receives an undeniable benefit.

In residential buildings equipped with one central riser, several meters can be installed: hot and cold water supply. In multi-apartment buildings with two risers, you will have to install 4 devices: respectively, two for hot water supply, two for cold, while the volume of work is greater, the tariff will be slightly higher.

Counters for cold and hot water

Is there a need for meters?

Is it worth installing a machine? Of course, at least you will have to tinker with it: call an employee of the management organization or the housing and communal services department to your home to make an accounting (this requirement is contained in the ministry’s decree). Which will require some material costs. But, as practice has shown, all costs associated with its installation are fully recouped through savings on utilities in a couple of months, which include general house needs.

Installing metering devices will not cause any inconvenience, you won’t have to save on the consumption of natural resources, you just don’t need to waste them. Even if you use the washing machine, do wet cleaning and bathe every day, you will not be able to spend a large amount of natural benefits.

Water meter installation diagram

It will be possible to reduce costs several times for the services that the water utility provides to you. You will be able to save the most in the summer - most people go on vacation or out of town, here you will only have to pay for general house needs, since the entrance is polluted without you.

If your apartment does not have a machine for cold and warm water supply, you will have to write an application to the management company and document your absence. There are no problems with control devices - the consumer pays the bills as much as he actually spends. The Ministry's resolution regarding the housing and communal services sector also contains this information.

If you do install this equipment, there are very simple systems, for example, or, which will significantly reduce consumption.

Tariff per day per person without meter

The question regarding water utility services is of interest to all residents of megacities and small towns. The lack of meters forces the population to pay for natural benefits supplied by the water utility, according to established standards per person, which vary depending on the subject.

Vodokanal sets a fairly high rate for the general needs of one person. In each region, the tariff for cold/warm water supply can vary significantly. And this has nothing to do with the resolution concerning the housing and communal services sector. There is only one reason for this – the different coefficient of consumption of natural goods in a particular populated area.

It is possible to calculate the hourly amount of spending per person per person taking into account a special algorithm created on the basis of decisions of government authorities regarding the housing and communal services sector of various regions of the country. There is no single coefficient for determining the hourly and daily norms of individual consumption, as well as for general household needs.

Analysis of water supply consumption per person

For those who have not installed an automatic machine, the hourly rate will increase many times over. It is simply impossible to exhaust such a volume, even if you use the washing machine several times a day. The coefficient is calculated based on the availability of certain plumbing fixtures:

  • toilet;
  • washing machine;
  • tap;
  • bathroom

For owners of private houses with a garden plot, the list was supplemented with the line “for watering.”

Average water consumption per person per day

Established consumption standards per person per hour: reality

The tariff established by Russian legislation is significantly inflated; for example, the norm per day per resident of an apartment building in St. Petersburg is:

  • cold/water – 220 liters;
  • hot – 150 liters.

The hourly rate is significant. After all, how much does it take to consume a person/hour in order to spend the amount for which he pays every month? Statistics say that this is impossible, even if you use washing equipment systematically. In addition, to this value the management company adds expenses for general house needs - maintenance of the local area and wet cleaning of common areas, this also includes environmental pollution.

In addition to the consumption standards per person and general household needs, there is also a leak, which often occurs due to poor-quality pipes. Hall consumption water resources per resident of capital real estate per day has some differences due to many existing factors. The average value is 233 and 166 cold / warm water supply, that is, the hourly rate is 9.71 and 6.92 liters, respectively. And this takes into account the unevenness data.

Heating coefficient inside the apartment: taking into account unevenness

If there is no hot water supply in a residential building, then the value of the cold resource consumption coefficient will increase significantly, since it will be heated using a gas or electric water heater. In these residential buildings, the consumption of natural goods is set at 330 liters per person/day, per month this is approximately 10,230, then the hourly limit is 13.75 liters.

A water machine can significantly reduce the costs associated with paying bills. Its presence allows you to pay for the amount of cold resource that was actually used.

Monthly indicators calculated relative to one consumer: resolution and analysis

The Ministry of Capital Construction has approved the frequency of use of the sink, toilet, washing machine, bathtub and other appliances that consume resources. According to their analysis, citizens of the Russian Federation use plumbing fixtures the following number of times per month:

  • bath – 4;
  • toilet – 118;
  • sink – 107;
  • kitchen sink – 95;
  • shower – 25;
  • apartment cleaning – 31;
  • for a washing machine – 10.

For the population of the country living in dormitories for the needs of one person, visiting the toilet is provided - 123 times / month, taking a shower - 17.

For residents of private households, standards for the use of showers, baths, toilets, cleaning, including the use of a washing machine are approved by municipal and regional authorities. The basis for this is statistics and expert analysis. All this and much more is contained in the Ministry's resolution.

In addition, there is a diagram and the most specific coefficient of utility consumption. The legislative document also provides for a certain number of liters and temperature conditions for washing dishes and other needs of citizens - taking a shower or bath, as well as polluting the environment, in accordance with sanitary standards.

For example, one bath consumes about 300 liters of resource at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, one shower uses about 100 liters, and flushing a toilet tank takes 6 liters.

These indicators are calculated relative to one person registered in a private household or apartment, and are not related to the size of the area it occupies.

The data established by the ministry must be used without fail when calculating the quantitative indicator of the consumption of natural goods. But in fact, they apply to 50% of Russian citizens - namely, those who have not installed an automatic machine.

Accounting and analysis of consumption of private households: we take into account the coefficient of unevenness and environmental pollution

Daily statistics on the use of the bowels of the earth is a fickle indicator, which constantly changes not only from seasonal fluctuations, time of year, but also other circumstances in which environmental pollution is also taken into account. Vodokanal keeps records using the unevenness coefficient. It is used together with the indicator of the number of residents living in the house and SNiP standards (which include environmental pollution), included in the relevant resolution.

The calculation of housing and communal services includes an analysis of not only the actual drinking liquid consumed every day, but also the coefficient established by medical services (pollution), as well as the volume of subsoil used for cooking. Determining expenses for household needs also includes taking into account the costs of cleaning, personal needs and watering a personal plot.

The Ministry's resolution regarding the housing and communal services sector contains the calculation of an indicator taken as a basis in many regions of Russia, if a citizen does not have a meter, and therefore cannot make an hourly accounting of the cold service provided to him by the water utility:

  • accounting for subsoil consumption per unit every day 2-3 liters;
  • coefficient determined when preparing food per person – 3,000 ml;
  • daily unit taking into account personal needs 6,000 – 8,000 ml;
  • 15,000 ml is intended for flushing the toilet;
  • for washing, taking into account the washing machine, the hourly coefficient will be 4.16 liters.

Regarding these indicators of the norm, which are contained in the resolution regarding the housing and communal services sector, an hourly unevenness coefficient is applied, which includes taking into account the presence of heating equipment, as well as pollution of natural subsoil. If there is an internal sewerage and water supply system, as well as hot liquid, the hourly rate will be 1.15 cubic meters. That is why most owners of private households install a meter, which significantly saves money.

How, thanks to the pipe cross-section, the flow volume can be reduced

Is it possible to calculate the consumption of a natural resource as simply as possible, taking into account the diameter of the pipe? Or the only right decision is to seek help from a specialist, having previously sketched out a detailed diagram of the water supply system in the area. After all, making the calculation is really quite difficult. The most important thing is to decide how much liquid the pipes can let through. Why is this necessary for the owner of a private house:

When independently determining the size of the water pipe. The scheme is simple - if the consumer plans to build a large private household with several bathrooms, a small guest house, or plan a fire extinguishing system - he should have information about how much liquid pipes of a certain diameter can pass at a certain pressure force.

A strong drop in water is unlikely to please the inhabitants. And a small, barely flowing stream from a hose will be completely useless when extinguishing a fire. It is thanks to the cross-section of the pipe that the cold/water supply force and its contamination are regulated.

Fittings for metal-plastic pipes have a narrowed cross-section, which reduces water permeability

But here is the most important nuance that interests us in this article. If an automatic device is not installed that controls resource consumption, utility companies bill companies “based on the pipe capacity.” And who wants to pay for nothing? Of course, no one, which is why special attention is paid to the cross-section of the pipe when arranging the water supply system!

The best solution is to install an automatic machine! This will significantly simplify relations with utility companies and reduce costs. For consumers who do not have devices that monitor the volume of services provided by the water utility, increased coefficients will be applied, taking into account unevenness. Utility fees will gradually rise by 60%, which will significantly hit the pockets of the common person, and not only that.

This measure, as the ministry explains, is aimed at encouraging citizens to equip their residential premises with meters. In addition, Deputy Minister, explained that the document also spells out sanctions that will be taken against the population who interferes with the operation of metering devices, thereby distorting the reliability of the readings. In this case, there is only one scheme - if a person’s fraud is revealed, then the owners of the premises will pay for the service not on the basis of equipment data, but after the calculation of the established coefficients has been carried out.

Water... Without it, our life would be completely impossible. It seems that we know almost everything about water. But we don’t know even more. Here are some known and unknown facts about water. Nowadays, many people say that you need to drink as much water as possible. However, in this matter you need to trust your own body and drink as much as it asks. Generally accepted standards for water consumption are relative and vary depending on a person’s age, gender, well-being, physical activity, the presence of various diseases and the state of the environment.

Some tips on this matter.

It is better to drink spring water. If you use tap water, it would be a good idea to either purify it, or boil it, or at least leave it for a few hours to remove the smell of bleach.

Babies under one year old who are breastfed quench their thirst with mother's milk. Only in hot summers can they be given 20-30 ml of water between feedings

For 3-5 year old children, 300-400 ml is enough, for schoolchildren - 400-500 ml of water per day. An adult - on average 1.5-2 liters, but starting from 45-50 years old, this norm should be reduced to reduce the likelihood of edema

Men need more fluids because... they lose almost a liter more of it every day than women

It is better to drink water between meals, but it is not advisable to wash it down with food

A glass of water on an empty stomach is very beneficial for bowel function. You should drink 30-40 minutes before breakfast

You can drink a glass of warm water at night. This will help you calm down and will be a good remedy for insomnia.

Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body, so try to drink a glass of water before drinking a cup of coffee or glass of wine.

Before a walk in the cold, it’s very good to drink a glass of water or hot tea, because... cold and dry air contributes to the loss of fluid by the body (remember the clouds of steam in the cold)

There are several formulas for calculating daily water consumption. Here are some of them:

1. Two liters of liquid (or eight glasses) should be consumed by a person weighing 56 kg, and above that one glass should be added for every 20 kg of weight.

2. A person needs to drink 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of weight.

3. For 1000 kilocalories received from food, you need to drink 1 liter of water.

4. According to many diets, you need to drink more water to dull the feeling of hunger. But here you need to be careful - you can get water intoxication. And unfortunately, the kilograms lost in this way are quickly gained

5. It is advisable to drink more during diarrhea, because its strong manifestation can cause sudden and rapid dehydration

6. The need for fluid also increases with more serious diseases. For example, doctors advise people prone to developing kidney stones to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day to avoid relapses. A lot of fluids are also needed for urinary tract infections. However, in any case, it is better to consult your doctor, who will select the correct drinking regimen, taking into account your illness and the effect of the medications you are taking.

The human body consists of water, approximately 60-80 percent. Water is an absolutely necessary element for the existence of all organisms on the planet. Without it, it is impossible to deliver nutrients to the cells; with its help, the body is cleansed of harmful accumulations, toxins, and toxic substances. Figuratively speaking, it is a fuel and a purifier in one bottle.

In order for a person to feel normal and to live a full life, he needs to drink a certain amount of clean water per day. Our health and longevity directly depend on proper drinking regime.

So how much liquid do we need, what is the water consumption per person per day, how much water per month do we need?

Why does the body need water??

Among other things, it performs several important functions in the body:

Transports the nutrients they need to cells and maintains their structure;

Removes toxins;

Provides shock absorption for joints and prevents their destruction;

Helps complete digestion of food;

Improves metabolic processes.

According to doctors, one of the causes of most diseases of the joints, kidneys (in particular, kidney stones), as well as increased dry skin, is a violation of the drinking regime, that is, the norm of water consumption per person throughout the day is not achieved. We simply don't drink as much as we should.

For any nutritional disorders, food and alcohol intake, the daily water intake increases. You may have heard that experts advise drinking more water to quickly get rid of poisonous substances, toxins and waste.

Our drinking norm per day

Norm per month
WHO specialists have developed a general formula that is used to calculate individual daily fluid intake:

The basis is 30 ml for each kg of body weight. Then the calculation is made individually: for example, using a simple calculation for a person weighing 60 kg, we get 1.8 liters per day. This is the drinking norm. The water norm per person per month is calculated by multiplying this amount by 30 days. So we get the required water consumption per person per month. For our example, only 54 liters for 30 days (36 one and a half liter bottles) or 55.8 liters for 31 days (37.2 1.5 liter bottles). What is the number of 1.5 liter bottles for? A measuring container is convenient for monitoring the water you drink during the day!

By the way, remember that the given volume includes not only drinking water, but also other liquids that come with food. It is recommended to drink only clean, bottled or filtered water. Thus, out of the 36-37 bottles counted, it will be enough to purchase only 30-31. Or you can even get by with just a few. You can boil and cool your own water... Who then stops you from adding a drop of lemon juice to it? Who’s stopping you from cutting an apple and boiling it in 1 liter of water, and then pouring it into a bottle already filled with 2 cups of boiled cold water and adding a little sugar?! In general, if you wish, you can greatly reduce the financial costs, but drink your fluid allowance.

When should you increase your water intake??

You need to know that the regimen should be increased with increased daily food consumption, frequent inclusion of salty, sweet, spicy, and fatty foods in the diet. But with a vegetarian diet, the water requirement per person decreases.

It is imperative to increase the drinking regime for people taking diuretics, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

To avoid dehydration and cool the body, doctors recommend drinking more in hot weather. The same should be done in frosty winter, since at sub-zero temperatures the body loses fluid along with the steam that is released when breathing through the mouth.

You need to drink more if you have some acute and chronic diseases, such as colds, to speed up the elimination of toxins. High temperature, vomiting, diarrhea - these conditions require increased water consumption per day.

The body needs to increase the drinking regime during intense sports activities, heavy physical labor, and also after visiting a steam room or sauna. It is recommended to drink more if you spent several hours in an airplane cabin, or if you work in an air-conditioned room. All these factors contribute to severe dehydration of the body.

It is also recommended to do this if there is a strong odor of sweat. As experts say, with sufficient fluid intake, the smell of sweat is practically unnoticeable. After all, it is not the sweat itself that smells, but the toxic microorganisms that are excreted with it and end up on the skin, where they begin to multiply intensively. A large number of them increases the risk of developing various diseases.

For the same reason, increase your drinking regime if, when you go to the toilet in the morning, your urine emits a strong unpleasant odor, it is too yellow.


The above formula for calculating water consumption per person per day, per month will help you normalize your water regime and, as a result, improve your own well-being. However, do not rush to drink large amounts of liquid right away. Transition to the optimal regime gradually, every day, for a week.

Remember that experts recommend drinking water no later than 30 minutes before meals and an hour and a half after. Compliance with this rule improves digestion, as it promotes the production of gastric juice in the optimal concentration necessary for complete digestion of food. Be healthy!

At the same time, municipal authorities can change the indexation percentage based on the well-being of their own budgets. In Moscow, the rate of tariff growth remains traditionally one of the highest. Utility consumption standards 2019 are a quantitative indicator of the volume of consumption of such resources:

  • liquefied (or natural) gas;
  • electricity;
  • cold or hot water;
  • heating;
  • discharged domestic wastewater.

This indicator is used to calculate the amount of payment for utilities when there are no meters.

Forecasts for the next 3 years are disappointing: tariffs will continue to rise, and Moscow will lead in the high level of their indexation.

Heating and hot water supply

Based on the Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 11, 1994 No. 41 “On the transition to a new system of payment for housing and utilities and the procedure for providing housing subsidies to citizens,” the heat supply indicator applies:

  • heat energy consumption for heating the apartment – ​​0.016 Gcal/sq. m;
  • water heating – 0.294 Gcal/person.

Drainage and water supply

Residential buildings equipped with sewerage, running water, baths with hot central water supply:

  • water disposal - 11.68 m³ per person per month;
  • cold water – 6.935;
  • hot water – 4.745.

Housing equipped with sewerage, running water, baths with gas heaters:

  • water disposal – 9.86;
  • cold water – 9.86.

Houses with running water with gas heaters near the bathtubs and sewerage:

  • 9,49;
  • 9.49 m³ per 1 person per month.

Residential buildings of hotel type, equipped with running water, hot water supply, gas:

  • water disposal – 7.31;
  • cold water – 4.386;
  • hot – 2,924.

Houses with gas, sewer, and running water without baths:

  • water disposal – 4, 57;
  • cold water – 4.57 m³ per person per month.

For watering household plots from May to September, the permissible water consumption is 0.16 m³.


  • for a single person living in an apartment with a gas stove - 50 kWh per person per month, electric - 80;
  • for families living in an apartment with a gas stove installed – 45, and with an electric one – 70.

Gas supply:

  • when installing a gas stove in an apartment and having a centralized hot water supply - 8.3 m³/person. per month;
  • if the home is equipped with a gas stove and water heater – 20.8;
  • in the absence of a centralized water supply and a gas water heater, and in the presence of a gas stove - 10.4 m³/person. per month.

Payment for heating according to the standard is made in the case when a residential building is not equipped with a communal heat meter.

Electricity, sewerage, gas and water supply are paid according to established standards, if there is no individual meter. At the same time, you should know that in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 No. 344, if consumers do not have metering devices (individual or collective) and, if possible, their technical installation, then the standards for the use of utilities in residential buildings will be applied increased odds. For comparison:

  • January 1 – June 30, 2015 – 1.1;
  • July 1 – December 31, 2015 – 1.2;
  • January 1 – June 30, 2016 – 1.4;
  • July 1 – December 31, 2016 – 1.5;
  • since the beginning of 2017 – 1.6.

What's in other cities

Currently, for standard calculations of consumption, the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306, the current Rules on the provision of utility services and adopted regulations at the regional level are used.

In September 2012, the Government signed a decree introducing into force a social norm for the use of public services. But at that moment it affected only certain types of services (electricity), but only certain areas. You need to find out whether there is a social norm in a particular area, as well as when it was approved, from regional sources.

Thus, in the Rostov region, the new standard for the use of electricity has been in effect since September 1, 2013. In 2019, no changes occurred in its relation. As in previous years, the rate of electricity consumption depends on how many people live in the apartment. The more people there are, the smaller the share each of them gets.

Timely payment of utility bills is the responsibility of everyone who uses housing and communal services or other services that supply gas, water, electricity and other resources necessary for normal living conditions.

Payment is made taking into account meter readings or according to the standards that are currently in force. More and more houses and apartments are equipped with meters that control the consumption of hot and cold water, but there are also rooms where there are no meters.

It is important for such consumers to know what is the norm of water consumption, to regulate waste and plan the use of resources for various purposes.

Water consumption per day is taken into account differently in a private house and in a city apartment. In addition, water is used differently in different regions of the country. Water consumption rates may also depend on the climatic conditions of the region or region.

Local government bodies deal with issues of regulation and tariffs for housing and communal services; they take into account not only the above factors, but also the targeted use of water resources.

Each type of such a popular water resource is consumed differently in different seasons and time of day.

What is the purpose of water?

  • Drinking. The highest requirements for safety and cleanliness are imposed on drinking water.
  • Technical. It is used for both domestic and industrial purposes.
  • Water for heating, for domestic needs.
  • For watering plantings, vegetable gardens, plots.

Water consumption in a private house

A country house with hot and cold water supply requires large water consumption, especially if the building is spacious with several baths.

Consumption per person per day, in the presence of water supply, sewerage, bathtub with a water heater, is calculated 150-180 l.

The consumption for the needs of the site must also be taken into account; its average and tariffs are set by the local supplier providing water supply.

IMPORTANT! Standards in apartments and private houses are determined by a special SNIP, on the provisions of which calculations from local suppliers are based.

Water utilities serving private properties when drawing up water consumption standards take into account the actual consumption of drinking water per person, unevenness coefficient, the volume of liquid that is needed for cooking, various housework, and caring for the area. Another factor, a coefficient from medical services, is environmental pollution.

The standards for individual housing are also high, the hourly rate in the presence of sewerage, in the presence of water supply is 1.15 m³. To save financial costs in the housing and communal services sector, owners of private houses prefer to install water meters.

Consumption calculation

When calculating standards, average consumption is taken into account, and the volume provided is slightly higher than the statistical average. It is important to adhere to the norm so as not to go beyond the favorable tariff; in addition, economical consumption of natural resources indicates high responsibility towards natural resources.

It is difficult to calculate the consumption rate per person per month, since the volume of water spent may depend on the season, the area of ​​the house, and climatic conditions.

ATTENTION! To make the calculation process simpler, a special unevenness coefficient was invented. Additionally, the number of residents of the house is taken into account when calculating.

To calculate how many cubic meters are needed per person living in a house without meters, you need to take into account not only drinking water. Liquid is also needed to perform a number of household tasks (cleaning, washing, cooking, etc.).

There are also special expenses that occur among a small number of consumers, but they are not taken into account, only the unevenness coefficient is taken into account.

Generally accepted consumption standards

The current standard is 3 m³ of hot and 6 m³ of cold water for one person. This standard is sufficient to ensure that there is no shortage in solving various household and hygienic issues.

  • The daily water consumption of one person is up to 3 liters.
  • The same amount is allocated for cooking and similar purposes.
  • Up to 8 liters are consumed by consumers per day to perform hygiene procedures.
  • The average consumption per bath is 150 liters.

Washing dishes requires up to 12 liters per day, and washing requires consumption of up to 100 liters. If the house is private, you also need to take into account such an important expense item as watering the lawn or other area of ​​the site with plantings. This work also requires a large volume of liquid.

Effect of tariffs according to standards

Standard volumes of expenses for water and sanitation for the population take into account all possible cost items. And these volumes are even overestimated, since it is difficult to use such an amount of water per day, even if the house is private and has its own local area.

ATTENTION! The high standard indicator is also due to the fact that not only hot cold water is taken into account - a factor such as leakage is also added to the total number.

Modern washing machines and dishwashers, which are equipped in a large number of residential premises, are quite economical and do not allow you to go beyond the specified standards. Therefore, the consumer often has to pay for resources that he did not consume.

Costs in houses without hot water supply

How to calculate the rate of water consumption in an apartment or house without hot water supply? In this case, the volume of water is set higher, since it is cold and must be heated. Gas water heaters and electric water heating boilers are used for heating.

Plumbing fixture usage rates

Specialists from the Ministry of Capital Construction analyzed research indicators and established the average amount of use of plumbing and other devices in the house related to water consumption. According to the Ministry’s indicators, for a month a person uses:

  • bathroom – 4 times.
  • sink - 107 times.
  • toilet - 118 times.
  • shower - up to 25 times.

Based on the data, the number of uses of the kitchen sink (on average 95 times) and the washing machine (10 times) was also calculated. Cleaning an apartment that requires water is done 30 times.

These indicators apply to those consumers who live in apartments. Dormitory residents use plumbing almost the same number of times. And the indicator for owners of private houses and those living with them is approved by local municipal authorities.

Numbers established by the Ministry of Capital Construction are valid throughout the country and are required to be considered when calculating water consumption standards. But they do not apply to those consumers who acted practically, responsibly and installed a high-quality and accurate water meter in their home.

Why is it recommended to install water meters in apartments and private houses?

The consumer does not overpay for utility bills and only bears the cost of purchasing a control device. It is only important to monitor what meter tariff is currently set by water suppliers. If there are no meters in the apartment, utility companies also issue bills based on such an indicator as pipe throughput.

IMPORTANT! Installing a meter is a practical and prudent solution; a water meter allows you to control consumption and pay for the volumes of water that were actually spent. Using the meter, you can calculate the consumption of hot or cold water.

All factors that are taken into account when drawing up standards for houses without water meters are taken based on average indicators and are almost always overestimated. Even with economical operation of hot and cold water supply, the consumer will incur unjustified financial losses.

It is also worth remembering that utility bills change periodically with an upward trend; accordingly, standards and tariffs increase. Only installation of meters allows you to keep the amount of payments at a stable level.

Useful video

This video describes the algorithm for calculating hot and cold water consumption.

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