How to make a reconciliation report in 1C Enterprise. Accounting info. How to make a reconciliation report with a facsimile signature and seal and send it by email to the counterparty

An act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is a document that allows you to compare settlements between two enterprises for a certain period. The legislation does not provide for a specific form of the act, so you can draw it up in any order. In today’s article we will try to most fully cover the topic of how to make a reconciliation report in 1C8, and we will analyze the stages of creating a document in 1C: Accounting 8, namely:

1. Where to find the reconciliation report in 1C

To create a reconciliation report in 1C8, go to the “Purchases and sales menu - Reconciliation reports for settlements with counterparties” and create a new element.

2. How to fill out the form

Let's move on to filling out a new document.
Line “from” - indicate the date the act was created.
Line “Counterparties” - select the company from the “Counterparties” directory.
The “Agreement” line is filled in with the details of the agreement with the counterparty.
Line “Period” - enter the dates of the period for which the reconciliation is performed.
Line “Currency” - fill in with the relevant data about the currency.

3. Settlement accounts

Go to the “Settlement Accounts” tab. In it you will see a list of all accounting accounts. Leave a check mark only on those that you want to make a reconciliation against.

4. Autofill other tabs

Next step: go to the “According to organization data” tab and to the “According to counterparty data” tab.

Use the “Fill” button if you want each tab in the table section to be filled in automatically. After that, save the document by clicking the “Burn” button

5. How to print a reconciliation report

6. How to perform a reconciliation report

To carry out a reconciliation act, click on the “Post and close” button

To print a reconciliation report, you need to create a printed form using the “Reconciliation report” button

We tried to fully answer the question of how to draw up a reconciliation report in 1C.
We hope our article was useful to you.

The definition of “Reconciliation Act” means specially designed document, which displays the status of mutual settlements between direct counterparties for a specified period of time.

If the search is carried out from the main menu, then you can find:

  1. For SPP and Integrated Automation, the search is as follows: select the “Documents” category, then select “Sales Management” or “Purchasing Management”, and then “Act of Reconciliation of Mutual Settlements”.
  2. For “Trade Management”, the reconciliation report is open only in the “Sales” main menu. The search is carried out according to the principle: you need to go to “Documents”, then select “Sales” from the proposed list, and then “Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements”. Moreover, it is worth noting that in the so-called specialized interfaces “Sales Management” and “Purchasing Management”, in the subcategory of the “Settlements” menu.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the fact that you can also find it through the built-in universal search: you need to click “Operations”, select “Documents” from the proposed list, and then click on “Reconciliation Report”.


To be able to generate a reconciliation report in the “Purchases and Sales” category, a special hyperlink called “Calculation Reconciliation Report”. It can be found in the subcategory “Settlements with counterparties.”

When you click it, you can see in the log all necessary documentation regarding these goals. To be able to generate a new reconciliation, click on the “Create” button, which is located on the panel slightly above the journal itself. At the top of the documentation you should fill out all the available details.

It is worth noting that all required fields without exception are underlined with a red line:

  1. "Counterparty". This means indicating the company or individual entrepreneur with whom the need for reconciliation arose. IN in this case we're talking about about suppliers or buyers.
  2. "Treaty". Details are to be specified as necessary. If the column is left blank, movements regarding all existing agreements with the specified counterparty will be transferred to the printed version of the form. In other words, all information will be entered without any filters.
  3. "Period". From the name it is easy to guess that it is necessary to indicate the time period for which the reconciliation is carried out.
  4. Graphs "Company" And "Currency" are subject to automatic filling, which directly depends on the existing directory settings. If necessary, these directories can be modified without any difficulties.

If the 1C user checks the “Reconciliation approved” box, it will be impossible to make any further adjustments. The mark must be placed only after the final results have been agreed upon with direct suppliers or buyers.

In addition to the “cap” itself, for the reliable formation of the act in question, there is a need for specifying some information in subsections of the form, namely:

In essence, this provides standard capabilities of the act in question in 1C Accounting are completed. If you need to develop something additional, it is recommended to contact the appropriate specialists who, for a fee, will do everything as needed.

It is worth noting that, by and large, these subsections can be left as they are. This is largely due to the fact that the printed version allows for the possibility of forming without division according to agreements, but exclusively according to the specified accounts with the presence of empty lines in those places where the initials of the legal representatives of both companies should have been displayed.

However, in this case, it will be necessary to indicate this information with a ballpoint pen, which entails additional time costs.


In the “According to company information” category, click on the “Fill in” button, and then select “Fill in based on accounting information.” Thus, the system will automatically generate and indicate the necessary information in the table by rows with display primary documentation and corresponding amounts.

It is worth noting that the printed version of the form necessarily includes information regarding mutual settlements, amounts, turnover and ending balances. It is divided into several parts:

  • according to the company itself(this part must be filled out exclusively by an authorized representative of the organization that is involved in the formation of the act in question);
  • according to information provided by the counterparty(it is worth remembering that this part must be completed by the direct supplier or buyer).

It is possible to generate a printed version of the form of the act in question by clicking on the appropriate button, or you can simply save the document (just click on the button displaying the floppy disk).

The following are available to users: formats, How:

  • Microsoft Word and Excel;
  • text version of the document;
  • web page and so on.

It is necessary to first agree on the issue with the direct supplier or buyer (the opposite party) regarding the format in which the document should be saved. For today Excel format is popular, since it is the most comfortable place to work for both representatives of the organization and suppliers or customers.

In the end, all that remains is to sign the document and forward it to the supplier or buyer for further verification.

It is possible to send a file in Excel format so that he can fill out his part of the documentation with the available information. This is done so that if there are any discrepancies, there is no need to print the document and sign it again.

If all the specified information matches (both the company itself and the supplier or buyer), and the document is signed without any inaccuracies, in the upper part of it it is necessary to put a mark “Reconciliation agreed”, then it must be saved and packaged.

In a situation where there are any inaccuracies (discrepancies) in the act in question, it is imperative to initially you should find the existing error in the accounting of the company itself or the direct supplier or buyer and make appropriate changes.

Based on the changes made, you should re-open the document in 1C Accounting, go to the “According to the counterparty information” section, indicate everything in strict accordance with the columns, and at the completion stage, print out the act and send it to the supplier or buyer.

After the signed documentation is received, the act should be saved in 1C from possible formatting by checking the appropriate box next to “Reconciliation approved.”


The required act has already been fully completed and signed. To print the generated act and look at it in printed form, just click on the “Print” button in the upper corner of the form.

In addition to information regarding functions in the menu, it is allowed Possibility of withdrawal with appropriate signature and seal. To do this, it will be enough to also press the “Print” button, but only select the item of the same name from the proposed list.

In practice, the formation of the act in question does not take much free time. Moreover, the clear interface of 1C Accounting allows you to easily indicate all the necessary information and make any adjustments to it.

Detailed instructions from School 1C are presented below.

For department employees accounting There is a tradition: every year, as of December 31, they draw up statements of reconciliation of accounts. This tradition is due to the obligation to conduct an annual inventory of assets and liabilities, including an inventory of settlements.* The reconciliation act is an integral part of the inventory of settlements, because it is this document that confirms the state of mutual settlements between the parties, and also, in accordance with Art. 203 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, its signing interrupts the limitation period for the debt.

*P. 27 Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 N 34n (as amended on March 29, 2017) “On approval of the Regulations on accounting and financial statements V Russian Federation"; Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1995 N 49 (as amended on November 8, 2010) “On approval Guidelines on inventory of property and financial obligations."

The organization has the right, on its own initiative or in accordance with the terms of the contract, to draw up a Reconciliation Report as of any date.

In order not to waste time manually filling out the Reconciliation Act forms (by the way, the Reconciliation Act form is not approved by current legislation and can be developed by the organization independently, which confirms Letter of the Ministry of Finance dated February 18, 2005 N 07-05-04/2), the developers of 1C:Accounting 3.0 have provided the ability to automatically generate the document in question.

How to make a reconciliation report in 1C?

To create a Reconciliation Report, you need to go to the section Sales or Purchases follow the link Links from both sections refer to the same directory.

In the open directory, click the “Create” button:

Filling out the document

In the header of the document you must fill in the following fields:

  • Organization;
  • Counterparty;
  • Reconciliation currency (even if the agreement is in a currency, but enter the value “rubles” in this field, the reconciliation report will be drawn up in rubles, and in each line, as a reference, the amount in the currency of the agreement will be indicated);
  • Agreement (if you leave this field empty, a reconciliation report will be generated for all agreements with the counterparty);
  • Period.

Fields Number And date filled in automatically when recording a document, if necessary Date can be entered manually.

Next, you need to fill out the information in the tab Settlement accounts. By default, the tab contains the main settlement accounts. If necessary, use the checkbox Participates in calculations or By adding/removing lines, you can create your own list of settlement accounts.

Next step: Bookmark Additionally. Choose Representatives of the parties from the relevant directories (Representative of the organization - Directory Individuals A; Contractor representative – Directory Contact faces).

Editing the view Printed form, by checking the required boxes:

  • Break down by agreement(the checkbox is active only if there is an empty Contract field) – in printed form, the data of the Reconciliation Report will be broken down for each agreement with the counterparty. If this box is not checked, information will be displayed in printed form for all contracts in chronological order;
  • Display full document names– if the checkbox is not checked, the names of transactions (payment, sale, etc.), document number and date will be printed. If the checkbox is checked, the form will display the full names of documents (Receipt to the current account, Sales (acts, invoices), etc.), number and date of the document;
  • Issue invoices– checking the box will display in printed form, in the Document column, information about the number and date of the invoice.

Important! Checking or unchecking any of the three checkboxes will result in mandatory clearing of the tabular parts of the document.

After filling out the sections listed above, you need to go to the section According to the organization and fill out the table.

Fill selection According to our organization and counterparty will fill in both parts of the Reconciliation Report in a mirror manner. Filling Only according to our organization will leave the counterparty side blank.

If necessary, as in section According to the organization, and in the section According to the counterparty, you can make changes to the tabular part manually (add/delete rows, change the debit/credit amount). After checking the box Reconciliation approved in the document header, the ability to edit the document is blocked. Balances at the beginning or end of the period cannot be edited.

At the bottom of the document there is a field for adding a comment - filling is optional.

There is a button in the document header Clip, with which you can attach a file to a document, for example, a scan of a signed Reconciliation Report.

Where can I find the reconciliation report in 1C 8.3? Reconciliation of calculations is completed document In chapter Purchases – Settlements with counterparties – Settlements reconciliation statements – Create button.

The organization entered into an agreement for the supply of kitchen furniture with CLERMONT LLC.

On February 22, the organization paid for the delivery of furniture dated February 15 and transferred an advance payment for the next delivery in the amount of 295,000 rubles.

Let's look at how to generate a reconciliation report in 1C using this example.

Reconciliation period

The period and counterparty with which the reconciliation is carried out are filled in the header of the document Act of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties . Let's take a closer look:

  • From- date of generation of the reconciliation report with the counterparty;
  • Counterparty- buyer, supplier or other counterparty with whom settlements are reconciled;
  • Agreement- a document according to which settlements with the counterparty are carried out.

Agreement is indicated only if it is necessary to reconcile settlements with the counterparty under a specific agreement. If the field is not filled in, then reconciliation is carried out for all contracts of the counterparty.

  • Period- period of reconciliation of mutual settlements. It is for this period that the data will be displayed in the tabular section.

You can also reconcile settlements with the counterparty and his separate units in one act, this requires:

  • select parent organization in the field Counterparty ;
  • check the box With separate divisions .

Settlement accounts for which reconciliation is carried out

After filling in the counterparty, you must also indicate the accounting accounts for which settlements with the counterparty will be analyzed. This must be done on the tab Settlement accounts by checking the required boxes.

If you need to add another account that is not reflected in the default tabular part, then you need to use the button Add. In this case, one of the subcontos in the added account must be Counterparties And Treaties, if the reconciliation also takes place under a specific agreement. Otherwise, the data for this account will not be filled in automatically.

Conducting reconciliation of settlements with the counterparty

After setting the necessary settings, fill out settlements with the counterparty on the tabs According to the organization , According to the counterparty .

This can be done in several ways:

  • manually by button Add ;
  • automatically fill in the data in the database using the button Fill .

In this case, you can fill out immediately:

  • by our organization and counterparty;
  • or only according to our organization.

If you select According to our organization and counterparty , then both tabs will be filled ( According to the organization And According to the counterparty ).

If you select Only according to our organization , then tab According to the counterparty must be filled in manually or using the button Fill, but already on the tab According to the counterparty .

Let's take a closer look at filling out the columns on the tabs According to the organization And According to the counterparty :

  • date- date of the business transaction (receipt, sale, payment, etc.). Filled in with the date of the source document.
  • Document- link to the primary document in the database.
  • Performance - short description business transaction, in brackets - date, number of the primary document (incoming or outgoing data of the primary document). It is this data that ends up in the printed form of the document. Reconciliation report. Read more.
  • Debit- amount reflected in debit;
  • Credit- the amount reflected on the loan.

In the footer of the document the following is displayed:

  • Balance at start - final mutual settlements with the counterparty on the starting date specified in the field Period. In our example Receipt dated January 10, 2018 in the amount of RUB 1,416,000. did not fall within the reconciliation period, so the unpaid amount is reflected in this field.
  • Remaining at the end - final mutual settlements as of the end date specified in the field Period. In our example, an advance payment is made against future supplies in the amount of 295,000 rubles; because it is not closed as of 02/28/2018, then it is displayed in this field.
  • Discrepancy with the counterparty (Divergence with the organization) - must be equal to “0”. If there is an amount in this field, it means that some data is missing in the database. Perhaps the payment was not posted or they forgot to enter the receipt (sale) document.

After filling and checking the data Act of reconciliation necessary or transferred to the counterparty for approval:

  • in paper form, for this you need to print it. More details
  • V in electronic format, for this you can:
    • send directly from 1C using the button More - Send by e-mail . Read more ;
    • save the printed form to your computer and send it via external email.

How to print a reconciliation report in 1C

Click the button Seal – Reconciliation report document Act of reconciliation of settlements with counterparties . The printed form is divided into two parts (with data on our organization and the counterparty) and will include transaction amounts, turnover and final balances.

How to display the full name of a document in printed form Reconciliation report

The names of documents in printed form can be displayed in two forms:

  • short name - “Payment (258 from 02/01/2018)”;

  • full name - “Write-off from current account (258 dated 02/01/2018)”.

To display the full name, you must check the box Display full document names on the tab Additionally .

How to display invoices in a reconciliation report

To display invoices in a form Reconciliation report Issue invoices on the tab Additionally .

How to indicate contracts in a reconciliation report

To display contracts in a form Reconciliation report checkbox must be checked Break down by agreement on the tab Additionally .

If reconciliation is carried out with the main counterparty (HO) and its separate divisions (SU), then the checkbox Break down by agreement You need to install it carefully: there may be a doubling of turnover if there was an adjustment in mutual settlements (Payment from GO, delivery from OP or vice versa).

How to indicate in the reconciliation report the responsible persons signing it

Let's look at how to fill out a printed form for the reconciliation report so that it automatically indicates the responsible persons of our organization and the counterparty who sign the reconciliation report.

In the 1C program, a reconciliation report was drawn up between our Organization and CLERMONT LLC. It is necessary to indicate in its printed form the full names of the managers signing the reconciliation report:

  • Druzhnikov G.P. - from the Organization;
  • Vasiliev S.S. - on the part of CLERMONT LLC.

In printed form Reconciliation report The name and position of the representatives of the parties are filled in according to the data in the tab Additionally In chapter Representatives of the parties .

This data is automatically filled in when creating a document; if necessary, you can change it manually.

If you are a commercial subscriber of the BukhExpert8 - Rubricator 1C Accounting system, you can learn more about filling out responsible persons in documents:

In printed form Reconciliation report We will see data on the representative of the counterparty LLC "CLERMONT" in two places: in the text of the act and at the bottom of the act - where the counterparty's seal is affixed.

If Representative of the counterparty on the tab Additionally is not specified, then the data for it will not appear in the printed form.

In order not to redo the document, you can enter the full name of the counterparty’s representative in the empty field by hand.

How to display a facsimile signature and seal of an organization in a reconciliation report

To display the facsimile signature of the manager and the seal of the organization, you must specify the checkbox Signature and seal V command line printed form Reconciliation report .

If you are a commercial subscriber of the BukhExpert8 system - Rubricator 1C Accounting, then read the additional material

The domestically developed software product “1C: Accounting 8” works on a variety of Russian enterprises. Users choose it for its user-friendly interface and thoughtful automation of all areas of accounting, including the organization’s mutual settlements with suppliers and customers. To quickly check debts and mutual settlements between counterparties, the “Reconciliation Report” document is used. 1C makes it possible to generate it automatically. Let's look at how to make a reconciliation report in 1C using an example latest version program - "1C:Enterprise 8.3".

How to create?

To generate a reconciliation report, a separate hyperlink is provided in the “Purchases and Sales” section - “Settlement Reconciliation Acts”, located in the “Settlements with Counterparties” subsection.

We click and in the journal we see all the documents created before. To make a new reconciliation, click the “Create” button located on the panel just above the journal, and at the top of the document fill in the details, the required ones are underlined with a red line:

  • "Counterparty". Is this an organization or individual entrepreneur, with whom we check;
  • "Agreement". We fill in the details only if necessary. If the field is left empty, the printed form will contain movements on all contracts with the counterparty;
  • "Period". We determine the time period we are interested in;
  • The “Organization” and “Currency” fields are filled in automatically depending on the directory settings.

If you check the “Reconciliation approved” box, it will be impossible to edit the document. We place bets only after agreeing on the result with the supplier or buyer.

In addition to the “header”, to correctly generate a reconciliation report, you need to fill in some data in the tabs of the form.

  • "Settlement Accounts". The accounts that most often take into account mutual settlements with counterparties are automatically adjusted here: 60, 62, 66, 67, 76. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the list;

  • "Additionally". Here you need to enter the names of representatives of both organizations in the appropriate fields and, if necessary, check the “Split by agreement” box.

In principle, you don’t need to touch these tabs at all. 1C can generate a printed form without a breakdown by agreement and only by specified accounts, with empty lines where the names of representatives should be. You will have to spend a little time writing them in with a ballpoint pen.

How to fill in data?

In the “According to organization data” tab, click the “Fill in” button, then “Fill in according to accounting data.”

The system will automatically fill the table with rows indicating primary documents and amounts. We carry out (the corresponding button is above the details) and print (the button with the printer is there).

The printed form contains data on mutual settlements, amounts, turnover and final balance. It is divided into two halves:

  • According to our organization;
  • According to the counterparty. This part must be completed by the supplier or buyer.

You can make a printed form of the reconciliation report by clicking on the appropriate button, or you can save it to a file (button with floppy disk). Available formats are Microsoft Word and Excel, text document, web page and others.

We sign and send to the person we are checking with.

You can send a file in Excel format to your counterparty so that he can fill it in with his data. Then, in case of discrepancies, we will not need to print and sign the reconciliation report again.

If the accounting data of the counterparty and our organization coincide, and the reconciliation report is signed without discrepancies, at the top of the form we check the “Reconciliation agreed” checkbox, save and relax.

If the reconciliation report contains discrepancies, then first of all we need to find an error in the accounting of our organization or the counterparty (incorrect amount, document, date, etc.) and make corrections. After this, open the document again in 1C, go to the “According to the counterparty data” tab, fill in the corresponding button, print out the final act and send it to the counterparty. After receiving the signed document, we save the form in 1C from accidental editing using the “Reconciliation approved” checkbox.

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