Who is the founder of Microsoft. Microsoft - from its founding to the present day. For medium and large government organizations

The history of the American corporation Microsoft is the history of the most successful IT company in the world in the 20th century.

Internet audience

2018: In top-20 Internet giants by the size of Internet audience


General directors of the company:

  • 1975-2000 - Bill Gates
  • 2000-2013 - Steve Ballmer
  • February 2014 - to date - Satya Nadella


As of the end of June 2019, Microsoft's business is built around the following main divisions:

  • Productivity and Business Processes;
  • Intelligent Cloud;
  • More Personal Computing;

Other Microsoft divisions:

  • Windows + Devices

Performance indicators

Main article: .

The company's financial year ends at the end of June.


Growth of revenue for 14% to $125.8 billion

In 2019 financial year Microsoft gained $125.8 billion, having increased by 14% concerning the 2018th. The cloud business remains the main catalyst for the company's financial growth.

The division of Intelligent Cloud responsible for it for the 12-month reporting period which came to the end on June 30, 2019 calendar year registered a turnover in the amount of $39 billion against $32.2 billion the previous year.

The Productivity and Business Processes division (Office and Office 365 office applications, as well as Dynamics CRM customer relationship management systems) received $41.2 billion in revenue in FY2019. A year earlier, revenues here were measured at $35.9 billion. By the end of June 2019, the number of Office 365 users in the consumer sector reached 34.8 million.

In the More Personal Computing division (among other things, it is responsible for selling Windows licenses and brings Microsoft most of the income), annual revenue increased from $42.3 billion to $45.7 billion. Mike Spencer, head of investor relations at Microsoft, explained this rise with the replacement of Windows 7 on Windows 10 by consumers and businesses, and that some PC makers have begun to increase hardware stocks in anticipation of possible tariff increases. Spencer noted that Microsoft did not feel any impact from US sanctions against Huawei.

Net profit of Microsoft in 2019 financial year was equal to $39.2 billion that is 137% more than an indicator of year prescription.

On the day of publication of Microsoft's annual report, the company's quotes rose by 2.66% and exceeded $140 (a record result) in electronic trading after the close of the exchange. The market capitalization of the software giant has reached $1.05 trillion.

Business in the countries of the world

Business in Russia

Business in China

In 1995, the representative office of Microsoft China began work.

Company takeovers

business culture

Own IT infrastructure

The IT budget of Microsoft in 2011 will remain at the level of 2010 and will amount to a little over $1 billion, IT director of corporation Scott Tony (Tony Scott) told CNews.

Microsoft divides all its IT expenses into two parts. 60% of the funds go to the organization of communication channels, data storage, information security and other general infrastructure work, for which it is difficult to identify specific internal customers. The remaining 40% is spent on the development and maintenance of internal business software used in specific business processes. That ratio, according to Scott, will change: "The target for me is 50% to 50%."

The core of Microsoft's IT infrastructure is the SAP ERP system, satellites for various tasks are products based on its own Microsoft Dynamics system, he says. In particular, the company is testing new versions of SQL Server at SAP. According to the CIO, Microsoft does not plan to change the main ERP system.

Microsoft's corporate infrastructure has 1.2 million user devices (PCs, laptops, smartphones, etc.) and 7.5 thousand servers located in 8 data centers (3 main ones are located in). According to the CIO, the company has no preferences regarding this or that supplier.

"Microsoft's multi-vendor hardware support policy is different from the companies I've worked for before," says Tony Scott. "Usually consumers try to limit the number of vendors, but Microsoft has to run its own products on hardware from a wide variety of vendors, so we use devices from almost every major player."

Microsoft offices around the world have 106,000 copies of the Windows 7 operating system and 105,000 Office 2010 packages installed, and the company uses more than 1,000 different business applications. For internal needs, Microsoft has 746,000 SharePoint 2010 sites. Wireless Internet is provided by 15,500 access points. Microsoft has about 89 thousand employees.

The official website of the company on the Internet - Microsoft.com - is 1.7 billion hits per day, and the number of sessions running simultaneously reaches 750,000, says Scott. In the near future, the site, according to him, is waiting for a complete reorganization.

About 2.5 years ago, Microsoft set out to move its infrastructure to the cloud. In the next four years, 80% of the software used in the company should be provided as a service, says Scott. The use of the remaining 20% ​​of applications will be phased out as unnecessary.


The Redmond company with its 10 thousand patents (2010) is one of the five largest patent owners. Most intellectual property titles fall into the very broad field of software. But there are those that matter to the broad masses of consumers. For example, the 5,000th patent was obtained for a technology for remotely monitoring the process of games on the popular Xbox console.

Separate articles are devoted to some areas in the work of Microsoft:

  • Microsoft policy regarding the use of open source software

Microsoft platform

Basic principles of the Microsoft licensing policy

The software is protected from unauthorized copying by copyright laws. Copyright laws provide for the retention of several exclusive rights by the author (publisher) of software, one of which is the right to make copies of the software.

The acquisition of a software product is the acquisition of a license (right) to use it. Each program you use requires a license. The terms of the license are fixed in the end user license agreement (EULA - End User License Agreement).

Licensing rights tend to differ for different product categories:

  • Personal operating systems, desktop applications, games, multimedia programs are licensed on the basis of one license per computer. It doesn't matter how many individuals use the computer.
  • Development tools are licensed according to the principle - one license for one individual.
  • Server products generally offer two licensing schemes: server/client licensing (server license for installation on a server plus client licenses for devices or users accessing server services) or processor core licensing (server computing power is licensed by cores used by in servers).

Ways to purchase licenses

If you purchase boxed and OEM versions of products, Microsoft recommends that you keep all components of the purchased software package (license agreement, media, documentation, registration card coupon, certificate of authenticity), as well as a receipt/invoice confirming the purchase of the product.

What gives compliance with this rule:

  • The presence of these components serves as a confirmation of the legality of the client's use of the software for law enforcement agencies.
  • Under the terms of the license agreement, when transferring the rights to use the product to another person, the client is obliged to transfer all components of the product.

Some products are shipped with an electronic end user license agreement format - the text of the agreement is displayed on the screen when the product is installed. In this case, it is recommended to print the license agreement and keep it together with the rest of the package components.

Programs for government organizations

Microsoft offers special pricing and volume licensing terms for eligible government organizations of all sizes.

For medium and small government organizations

  • Open License for Government. The purchase is simplified as much as possible, the payment is made once. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • Open Value for Government. Simplified license management, predictable software costs and installment payments. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Open Value Subscription for Government. All the benefits of an Open Value for Government agreement with a lower upfront cost. The organization gets access to Microsoft software licenses for the duration of the agreement under a subscription-based licensing model. Eligible government organizations may also receive an Open Value Subscription for one year.

Software Assurance

Software Assurance is a comprehensive maintenance offering that maximizes the value of your software investment. It combines access to the latest software releases with 24/7 phone support, partner consultations, training, and IT tools to help customers deploy, manage, and migrate software.

For medium and large government organizations

  • Enterprise Agreement for Government. Simplified license management under a single agreement, predictable software costs and installment payments. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Enterprise Subscription Agreement for Government. Benefit from an Enterprise Agreement with lower upfront costs thanks to subscription-based licensing. An organization has access to Microsoft software licenses for the term of the agreement only, under a subscription-based licensing model. This option includes Software Assurance.
  • Microsoft Products and Services Agreement. The Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) allows you to combine all purchases under a simplified agreement that allows you to purchase both online services and on-premises software. Purchasing accounts give you flexible software purchasing options and more control. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • Select Plus for Government. If your organization is not eligible for the MPSA, you can purchase licenses for on-premise Microsoft software and services at any level, from department to affiliate, while retaining all the benefits of a single organization - using the Select Plus agreement. With it, you can buy licenses as needed under a single agreement with no specific expiration date. Customers are assigned a single ID to simplify account management. Software Assurance can be purchased separately.
  • Cloud services for government organizations. The Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, Microsoft Products and Services Agreement, and Open offer government organizations the option to purchase additional online services. This allows you to migrate to the cloud during the term of your existing agreement at your own pace.

Programs for educational institutions

When choosing the most appropriate Volume Licensing program for educational institutions, consider the size of the institution, type of institution, and preferred method of purchasing licenses for Microsoft software and online services. There are two types of programs: subscription-based and permanent licenses.

Subscription licenses

A subscription entitles you to use the licensed products (plus updates and previous versions included in the program) for the duration of the license. The subscription is perfect for educational institutions that need:

  • Access to the latest technology with minimal start-up costs.
  • Convenient accounting of users and computers: only once a year.
  • Regulatory compliance by providing all users (or computers) with licensed software for a year.
  • Automatic access to Software Assurance.

Permanent licenses

By purchasing perpetual software licenses, an organization is entitled to use the software indefinitely. A permanent license is perfect for educational institutions that need:

  • Software licenses owned.
  • Acquisition of a certain number of licenses with a one-time payment.
  • Software Assurance as an optional add-on.


The following types of educational institutions are generally eligible to acquire licenses under specialized Microsoft Volume Licensing programs:

  • Educational establishments.
  • Offices and educational authorities.
  • Public libraries and museums.

To compare available options and find the right licensing program for your institution, visit

Microsoft is a leading manufacturer of software for personal computers, mobile phones and other equipment. Microsoft's most significant development was the Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of office programs.

Microsoft is known all over the world today as a leading software manufacturer.

And the founders of the monopoly giant started in a company with only three employees. It all started with a little deception. In 1975, two friends, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, proposed to MITS, which created the new Altair 8800 personal computer, their improved version of the Basik language, which they did not have.

The management of the company was interested in the proposal. The meeting was scheduled for three weeks later. During this time, young programmers managed to prepare a full-fledged interpreter for Basik. The contract has been signed. In the same year, Gates puts forward a proposal to create his own software company, and he also names it Microsoft.

At the beginning of its business activity, the enterprise experienced a lack of sales due to the lack of a good manager, and Gates' mother undertook this function. Programmers continue to improve Basic, and very soon they buy a license to use the language from Apple and Radio Shak. In 1979, the release of Basik for the 8086 microprocessor allowed the company to enter the 16-bit PC market. It was through the use of Basik that the 8086 type microprocessor became widespread.

After such a massive success, serious players pay attention to Microsoft. Among them was IBM, which offered the young company the development of a new operating system. Gates was forced to refuse, as his company at that time did not have the necessary developments. This task was entrusted, on the advice of Bill himself, to his direct competitor, Digital Research.

Microsoft itself at that time bought a "raw" version of the operating system from Seattle Computer, and invited its creator, Tim Patterson, to cooperate. The new MS-DOS operating system is coming out soon. In addition to getting ahead of his competitors, Gates also convinced IBM to sell their machines with MS-DOS pre-installed and give his company a percentage of the sale.

In 1981, Microsoft became a corporation under Gates and Allen. In the same year, IBM presents its personal computer with a preinstalled MS-DOS 1.0 operating system, which includes other Microsoft products - Cobol, Pascal and Basic. Next, the company begins to seriously think about the operating system based on the graphics module, which at that time was already in Apple. To begin with, the capabilities of the graphic module were successfully tested on Word and Excel products.

In 1983, Microsoft created its "mouse" to make it easier to work with the graphical interface of the operating system. In addition, the company announces the imminent release of Windows as a graphical extension for MS-DOS. In 1986, the company's shares go on sale, and almost instantly rise in price from 22 to 28 dollars apiece. At the beginning of March 1990, the company conducts the first accrual of dividends on shares, and shareholders receive one share of the company as a gift.

In 1993, the number of registered Windows users alone exceeded 25 million. Since then, Windows has become the most popular operating system in the world. In 1995, the legendary Windows95 came out, the appearance of which caused a huge stir - even people who did not have a computer stood in line for the coveted disk! In January 1996 alone, 25 million OS disks were sold.

Microsoft devoted 1996-97 to the development and release of new generations of Windows NT, they were significantly improved and refined compared to previous versions. And in 1998, Windows98 was released, which outwardly differed little from the 95th version, with the exception of significant improvements in functionality and protection. Then comes the best corporate version of Windows - 2000.

In 2000, Bill Gates stepped down as the company's CEO, leaving the powers to Steve Ballmer. 2001 was the year of the release of the most popular operating system to date, Windows XP. And only six years later, a new generation of Windows Vista OS appeared, and a new version of Microsoft Word 2007.

In June 2008, Bill Gates finally leaves the corporation and hands over the reins to Steve Ballmer. The company continues to work, and in 2009 Windows 7 appeared, which is still in beta, but has already earned a lot of positive feedback from users around the world. Regardless of the global crisis, Microsoft is still the first among software producers, and is clearly not going to give up its positions. On the contrary, the company is gradually developing new directions for itself, which include not only the development of software, but also the production of electronics.

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In the nineties, Bill Gates was the most famous person in the world of computer technology and software. Over time, his popularity waned, as did that of Microsoft, which he co-founded with his friend Paul Allen. Despite this, Microsoft is still the most famous and successful company, not only in its industry, but throughout the business world. And it's hard to believe that a little over forty years ago it was a small enterprise of two students who were passionate about programming.

What is "Microsoft"?

Every time most users start their computer, a picture with a four-color flag appears on the screen. This is the Microsoft logo and is also a symbol that the Microsoft operating system is installed on this device. More sophisticated users know that Microsoft Corporation is a world leader in the production of programs and applications. And not only for computers, but also for set-top boxes, tablets and various mobile phones.

History in the 70s

As you know, Jobs and Wozniak stood at the origins of Apple. In the same way, two friends who are fond of programming, Gates and Allen, are the founders of the Microsoft Corporation.

It is worth saying that the mid-seventies is the time of the beginning of the active development of computer technology. The most amazing thing is that ordinary students-enthusiasts actually created and then developed this area. These were Bill Gates and his fellow student Allen. Together, the guys tried to spend all their time at computers, writing various programs.

In 1975, Altair released a new device, the Altair-8800. The guys became so interested in him that they created for him an interpreter of the then popular "Basic". The program, written by a couple of students, impressed the owners of the company, and they signed a contract with talented guys to use their software.

However, in the US, in order to provide any services for the sale of goods or services, and even more so software, you need to have a registered company. So Paul Allen and his friend Bill quickly completed the paperwork and named their business "Microsoft Corporation."

Soon the company began to gain momentum. Although in the first year of operation the profit amounted to just over sixteen thousand dollars, after a couple of years the company became so famous that it even opened its representative office in Japan.

Microsoft in the 80s

The eighties brought tremendous changes to the company. In addition to experiments with the logo, another important event took place. The creator of Microsoft, Allen, due to personal problems, decided to leave the company.

In the meantime, a serious client was outlined in the company itself - IBM. It was for them that the MS DOS disk operating system was created on the basis of the existing one and purchased by Microsoft from another company. This OS was used by IBM and other companies until 1993.

Not stopping there, the company was developing a qualitatively new operating system, which was introduced to the world already in 1985 and was called Windows. Thanks to this Microsoft product, its creators gained incredible popularity and wealth.

The decade ended with another breakthrough in the field of computer programs. In 1989, a user introduced Microsoft Office, an analogue of a typewriter. However, unlike the latter, it was convenient to adjust the text in the new editor, change the font, its color and indents. Since then, programmers have created many similar programs, but they all originate from here.

Microsoft in the 90s

In the nineties, the company entered inspired by a series of successes of the eighties. At this time, Bill Gates, the only founder of Microsoft who remained in the company, began to pursue a rather tough, but at the same time successful policy. Thanks to this, by 1993 Windows became the most popular and used in the world.

To meet the growing needs of users, Microsoft has developed improved versions of the OS over the years: Windows 95 and Windows 98. It is noteworthy that in the version of the ninety-fifth year, a browser for working with the Internet, Internet Explorer, already appeared.

Microsoft in the 2000s

The company marked the new millennium with the release of new versions of its legendary OS - Windows 2000 and Windows Millenium. Unfortunately, they were not very successful. To rehabilitate itself, in 2001, Windows XP, beloved by many users, was released, which helped Microsoft remain the leader in the software market.

With the increasing popularity of tablets, Windows 7 was released in 2009. It was not so demanding on device resources and could be used freely on tablets and laptops. She was able to help the company turn things around after the disastrous Windows Vista.

Microsoft Today

Despite numerous litigations and fines, the company confidently remains one of the most profitable in the world. And although in 2015 Microsoft earned significantly less than in the previous year, its leadership does not give up.

In 2012, a new version of Windows 8 was released and quickly gained popularity. And in 2015, Windows 10 launched.

Microsoft logo and history

In the early days of Microsoft, when its young founders were just thinking about registering the company, they planned to take on a completely different name. "Allen and Gates" - that's what Paul and Bill wanted to call their company. But the guys soon found such a pompous name more suitable for a legal services organization than for a company engaged in the development and sale of computer programs. Then Paul Allen proposed to call their company an abbreviation of two words microprocessors (microprocessors) and (software) software. This is how the name Micro-Soft was born.

However, in this form, it did not last very long, and in the fall of 1976, Gates and Allen's company was renamed Microsoft Corporation.

Around the same time, the logo appeared. True, then it was a little like a multi-colored flag known to the whole world. At first, the Microsoft logo was the name of the company, written in two lines in a disco style.

In 1980, it was decided to change the logo. The inscription began to be written in one line and in style was very reminiscent of the logo of the cult band Metallica.

Just a year later, after signing a lucrative contract with IBM, it was decided to make a more solid logo. As a result, the name of the company began to be written in milky color on a green background.

In 1987, the company changed its logo once more. Now they have become a recognizable black inscription with a waving flag. In this form, it lasted twenty-five years, after which it was changed to a modern one. Now the inscription "Microsoft" for the first time in history is made in gray, and the developing flag has been replaced with a multi-colored square.

The fate of Microsoft founder Bill Gates

The legendary creator of Microsoft and its longtime leader, Gates was born in 1955 into a fairly wealthy family of a corporate lawyer.

While studying at one of the schools in Seattle, the boy almost immediately showed an ability in mathematics, and a little later - in programming. There is a well-known fact in Gates's biography: when a guy and his friends were forbidden to use the school computer, they simply hacked into the system and provided themselves with access to it. Gates was later punished for this. But soon Bill got a job at a company whose computer had been hacked.

After school, he was able to enter the prestigious Harvard. However, after studying there for only two years, he flew out of there. But the guy did not lose heart, because in the same year he and his friend Paul founded their own company, Micro-Soft.

In total, Gates gave thirty years of his life to work in this company, until in 2008 he was forced to resign as head of the company, but retained his position as chairman of the board of directors, as well as a stake in Microsoft.

In 2010, he finally left his job in his company and, together with his wife Melinda, focused on charity. So, over the years, the Gates have donated almost thirty billion dollars. At the same time, Gates' fortune is estimated at seventy-six billion.

Life of Paul Allen

A little less rich is another creator of Microsoft - Allen. He has about thirteen billion in his account. And this man was born in 1953 in a less wealthy family than Gates.

The guy's father was a librarian, and his mother was a teacher. Despite their modest income, the Allens tried to give their son a good education.

However, when the money ran out, Paul left his studies and got a job as a programmer. In their free time, he and his friend Bill tried to write their own programs. Until you decide to start your own company.

Thanks to the irrepressible imagination of its creators, Microsoft's business went uphill. Over time, Paul focused more on writing programs, and Bill dealt with organizational issues.

In 1983, Paul Allen was diagnosed with cancer. In order to undergo a full-fledged treatment, he left the company, leaving with him a seat on the board of directors and a stake. And when the disease receded, he decided not to return there, since dividends from Microsoft shares allowed him to lead a comfortable life.

Instead, he turned to charity work. First of all, help to patients with cancer and AIDS.

In 2011, Paul Allen wrote a memoir about Microsoft.

They continue to be friends with Bill Gates to this day.

Over the years, Microsoft and its operating systems have become the faithful companions of every owner of a personal computer. And although two people stood at the origins of the company, most remember only one of them. Therefore, to the question: "What is the name of the creator of Microsoft?" - everyone will answer: "Gates". And rarely will anyone add: "Allen." But despite this historical injustice, the fathers of Windows are now both well-to-do people who are successfully involved in philanthropy. And most importantly, over all these years they were able to maintain friendship.

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